Monday, March 12, 2012

Seniors Journal Assignment for 2nd Quarter

This is your ONE and only journal assignment for the quarter. It is due Wednesday, March 21. YOU DO NOT NEED TO POST THIS. JUST PRINT OUT YOUR RESPONSES AND HAND IN WEDNESDAY.

To show that you understand the five types of drama (stage plays), select a specific play or movie to exemplify any FOUR of the five types.

Write a minimum of 200 words for each of your four choices.

Your tragedy may be Greek, Shakespearean, or modern (as long at it involves a person of greatness or "imagined" greatness who has fallen).

Your drama should be a serious play or film that comments on a serious societal theme, not a personal one, though it may involve a single person.

Your melodrama should be a play or film that is plot driven or suspenseful. It may carry a message, but the message is secondary to the action.

Your comedy must "begin in doubt but end in wisdom," and of course, it should not be TOO serious or TOO silly, either. Think of the classic genre of the "romantic comedy," or think Shakespeare.

Your farce should evoke laughter at any cost. It there is a theme to the story, it's buried under the comedy.

Soph #2 journal assignment

No need to post this. Just hand in with your journal next week.

If you don't trust Holden as a reliable narrator, how about if you tell your version of the story?

YOU, of course, are NOT you.

You will now retell some part of the Holden chronicles from the point of view of any one of the OTHER characters in the book, like Mr. Spencer, Phoebe, Stradlater, Ackley, Jane Gallagher, Sally Hayes, Mr. Antolini, etc. If you don't want to retell any one incident, then just tell me what you think of this Holden character and explain why you feel the way you do.

In completing this assignment, try to imagine how your character would "talk" to the reader. In other words, don't make your character sound like Holden.

Any worthwhile and creative assignment of this type is going to be at least a FULL page long, double-spaced and typed.