Contemporary Thoreaus--3rd quarter (Journal #1)
I'm sure you have read pp. 264-265 in your literature text, the section entitled Contemporary Thoreaus. Annie Dillard and Edward Abbey are great examples of modern Thoreau disciples. Your journal assignment is to provide another example. I'd enjoy reading about someone who is NOT famous, maybe a favorite aunt or uncle, a friend's father or mother, or perhaps a friend of your own. Tell me what makes that person like Thoreau, either in his or her lifestyle or life philosophy. If you can't provide a personal example, then do some research and write about a historical figure. If you'd like, tell me about a character in a book or movie that is "So-Thoreau."
One of my favorites is Jeremiah Johnson, a character portrayed by Robert Redford in a 1972 film. If you're a lover of the Western wilderness and don't mind movies that move at a slower pace, then give this movie a try.