Giving Thanks
I'll keep my comments short and to the point, because you'd probably NOT want to hear about the many red cardinals that visited my feeder on Thanksgiving Day, about the (How bout them . . . !) Dallas Cowboys making mincemeat of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or about the excellent quality of my roasted turkey, which I soaked in a brine solution for ten hours to make it extra juicy. The Thanksgiving Holiday has always been my favorite, because it's Christmas without the hassles--the endless carols, the mad shopping rush, and whatever it is that has transformed the religious feast into a commercial beast. I celebrated my Thanksgiving with lots of food and family, nothing unique here, I'm sure, but certainly keeping in the spirit of the holiday. What I'd really like to know is how you spent your Thanksgiving vacation, especially if it turned out to be a pretty special one. For those of you who don't care to share such personal stories, or if your vacation wasn't so good, feel "free" to write about "anything" that especially excited or interested you over the six-day break. Did you read a good book, watch a good movie, or draw or Thanksgiving turkey with a younger sibling or relative (see above photo)? Were you one of the crazies who stood in line for days to buy the new Nintendo? Let me hear it. "Thanks" for sharing.