Follow this link to my St. Mark's teacher page to my short story,
A Summer Song, 1966. The story is based on lots of vivid memories of growing up in the working class, row-home community of Canby Park during that time period. I really did have a 'big' friend named Tommy, more like a big brother. We did listen to his 45s. We did have block parties a few times each summer, where we would lip synch and only dance to the "fast" songs. I do have memories of Tommy getting interested in girls before I did, but the incident that occurs in the story with Maggie McCormick is all made up (though it seems so real, like it might've happened). Anyway, it's my first episode of my new idea for a TV show called
The Wonder Years. On my show, I'll tell tender tales from the simpler days of my youth. Now that sounds familiar, too?
Geez, I guessed I changed Sarah to Maggie to be alliterative with the McCormick. Sarah was never a popular name back then. Plenty of Irish girls named Margaret (which became Maggie) or Mary Margaret,though. I don't keep in "touch" with Tommy, but he says hello through my mom once in a while. I'm not a good "keep in touch" guy, an acknowledged character flaw. Maybe I'll hold a Canby Park reunion block party.
All the mothers back then had sharp tongues. Our front step was Gossip Central for the ladies of the neighborhood, all pretty much stay-at-home moms.The lingo is real, too, though I wish I could remember (or repeat) more. Did you ever see the movie Stand By Me? My group of friends kind of sounded like those boys. Thanks for the kind words.
great story, it reminds me of when i was little and my best friend nick. its sad that times change and kids grow older but it makes the memories that much better.
p.s. i love that hes dancing to the song you used to make fun of.. irony
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I realized the mature beauty of the song, but alas, I lost my childhood and my young friend. "We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind."
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