Here are the sites that you should check out to help you with writing your short story. I'll provide some guidelines and deadlines soon, but for now, check out these sites that will get you started. Remember, do some thinking and planning BEFORE you begin to write. Whatever research or writing that you do to plan for your short story can be used for your second quarter journal assignments.
Click on these links.
Ten Tips for Novice Writers (Seton Hill University)Write 101. com Writing a Short Story
Hi Mr. Fio-
I missed the last few days of class becuase I was getting my wisdom teeth out. Could you please let me know what I missed- especially about the dates for journals and about our short stories. Thanks and hope your having a nice break.
Hi Mr. Fio-
I was wondering when our journals and story are due. I seemed to have misplaced the sheets with all the information. Thanks and happy new year
nick and amanda,
Journals are due Friday, January 6. Nine entries. Minimum of two of each type. Hopefully you're using some to prepare for writing your own short story. Short story due date is January 11, but I'm debating as to whether to push back the date until after exams. Don't count on this until we talk about this in class on Tuesday. Continue to work as if they're due the 11th. See you both on Tuesday.
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