The first grade quarter is over. For you seniors, that means 25% of your last year at St. Mark's is history, too (I cudda been a maff teacher). Enjoy your three day weekend; it's supposed to be a nice one. Get outside and enjoy the weather, the colors, the autumn air, or the birds, of course. Wash your car, rake leaves, go for a walk, take a hayride, cut the grass, go cheer on the cross country team or football teams. If you're in a more artistic mood, take some photos or sketch or paint or write outside. I've left you one that I took Thursday morning while admiring the sun rising, framed by good ol' St. Mark's. The photo is a modern homage to the Hudson River School artists like Thomas Cole, who saw and painted the spirit of God in natural settings.
Oh, and get cracking on your dialogue assignment so that you're not cramming on Tuesday night.
Oh,how I wish I could rake leaves or go on hayrides, but alas i have SAT's and work on saturday, visiting a college on sunday, and monday is a fun filled day of an interview for a college. and somewhere in there I have to do that dialouge assignment. my weekend is crammed. it stinks too. I remember times of old(like...last year...)where I had tons of time on my hands. So much time, I didn't know what to do with it all. and i feel as if I wasted it all on things such as T.V. and the computer. I should've been outside doing something more productive. Whoever said senior year was a piece of cake needs to be shot(ok, that's a bit drastic..but they should have SOMETHING done to them...) senior year is the hardest yet. It's too stressful.
Well, i better get crackin on that dialouge...
Sorry that the weekend is crammed and that you're feeling stressed. I think that for the many seniors "who still care," this time of the year is very stressful, with SATs, college applications, and yes, concern about grades, GPAs and class rank. Some scholarship athletes have to make college decisions real soon, too. Oh well, maybe you can write an interesting, emotional dialogue about a stressed-out senior.
Thanks for the wicked awesome comment. Our school was pretty photogenic on Thursday. Glad you got a kick out of me hopping up on the wall to get the picture. And I'll take Deacon PJ's word on the percentage. The Man is pret-ty thorough. Good luck with KS and the dialogue.
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