Good Writing

Simple language. Imaginative details. Variety of sentence structure. Parallel grammatical structures. Pleasant repetitive sounds. Understated. And I can imagine what a hobbit hole might be from what it is most definitely not.
Needless to say, I am the mayor.
"the hobbit" scares me to death.
supposedly only those with a vast amount of intelligence and high IQ's can fully understand the story of Frodo and his buds. when the movies for lord of the rings came out, i found the hobbit in my house and threw it on my dresser to read when i found the time to give it my undivided attention.
it stills sits there
i am too intimidated to read it
what's worse is that my lil sister has read all of hte books in a one month period.
is that pressure or what, to have to live up to the same standards as a girl who still watched sesame street while i bought my first RHCP cd?
please fio, dont give me another reason to feel guilty that i have not read a book considered intelligible only to geniuses.
I was never one to look too far beyond the fun and imagination in the Tolkien books. If I "don't get" Tolkien, then so be it. I am using his writing to exemplify style. Unfortunately, some people have kidnapped the Tolkien books and translated them into wacky ideologies,always hiding the key to understanding them in dark, deep, philosophy that only "real" fans can comprehend. Read the books and have fun if you want.
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