Dick Clark Returns

I never thought Clark offered much talent other than a smooth voice and a good smile. And even though he was there when rock and roll began and hosted many great acts, I never much considered him a rock and roller. After all, he was the guy who would call up couples on his American Bandstand show to rate records like they were grading tests. He was foremost, a savvy and shrewd promoter, who developed products that appealed to the ratings demographics before there was such a term, who processed everything silky smooth until everything was homogenized and ultra pasteurized to be successful for a real long shelf life like his American Bandstand, $10,000 Pyramid, America's Music Awards, TV's Practical Jokes and Bloopers, New York Rockin Eve, and his trademark hair-style. Bandstand lasted 34 years. Clark became permanent host 6 days before John Fiorelli belted out his first "waaaaa" to the world in 1956.
It's a shameful sign of the no-talented times in the media when we're not praising Clark's bravery but rather questioning his motives, his vanity, and making fun of his stroke-ravaged voice. No, I wouldn't ever make it point of turning on Dick Clark for my entertainment, but unlike his modern counterparts, I'd never be so angry and offended at anything that he'd said that I'd want to punch out the daylights of my dashboard radio, either.
You did good, Clarkie. Lame morning zoo morons, stay off my radio (there, I think I "like" it even more).
Why doesnt anyone like Ryan Seacrest? I think he is a nice guy, like an old fashioned kind of guy much like Dick Clark. Why does everybody have to hate on everybody just because they are a little different, you know? I hope Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest don't hear any of the bad news stuff that people say about them. No one should get discouraged from a little bit of bad news but rather keep on keepining on..
Yeah, the sensitive guys on the morning show think Clark should have issued a warning. In that case, many of them should warn people NOT to listen to them all the time. In retrospect, I'm sure a few people were saddened upon seeing and hearing Dick Clark in his altered state. But hey, life goes on. Here's some Wordsworth to get my back: "Though nothing can bring back the hour /
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower / We will grieve not, but rather find /
Strength in what remains behind."
I don't know Seacrest, but if he's replacing Clark, he's replacing a dinosaur. And we know what happened to those big fellas. I don't think nice guys last too long these days when shock and awe isn't limited to Pentagon bombing strategies. I'm restraining myself so I can correct some tests. Don't get me started, espang!
Ever since I can remember...I have watched Dick Clark's Rocking New Years. The people that he brings on are amazing and it is really a great show. I was disappointed the past few years that he wasnt on, and had to settle for people like the flamboyant Ryan Seacrest. No one could ever take his spot in my mind. I unfortuantly was unable to witness his return, and again had to settle for the American Idol host, and a very crappy and stupid new years eve show in my opinion. A great football game is on tonight with coaches well into their 70's and almost 80's. They both said that retiring from coaching football would be dumb on their part, because they are having some of the best times of their lives. Those two gentlemen are Joe Paterno and Bobby Bowden, icons of the sport, just like Clark is an icon of the music and entertainment world. In closing i applaude you Dick Clark and hope to see you once again next New Years.
I believe that by making fun of Dick Clark Howard Stern and many others are confirming my beliefs that today's society is focused on youth and beauty. this idea of mine is further more supported by the fact that Ryan Seacrest was chosen to replace him. I feel that Dick Clark should be applauded for his efforts on regaining his bodily functioning. I see stroke patients that come into where I work daily struggling to make it even a few feet, so the fact that Dick Clark was even able to make an appearence let alone walk out upon the stage is a miracle. Furthermore I believe that Dick Clark should continue hosting the "Rocking New Years Eve" party because it has been tradition. Although we all need to move on and change at some point in our lives now is not the time. I possible solution to this problem would be to have Ryan Seacrest co-host with Dick Clark, but still have Dick as the centerpiece of the show because he has been there for so long. Through time, the American audience will be able to adjust more easily toward Ryan Seacrest.
Personally, I think it was prety brave of Dick Clark to get on national television and show the world his imperfections. My grandmother suffered a pretty bad stroke and I know how hard the recovery process can be. If he had to totally relearn how to speak and move, he is doing pretty well. Granted the botox and cheap grin do make people think he is crazy, I think he did a good job under the circumstances. And Fio, I did not appreciate the little bad language at the end, even if you do feel so stongly about your Mr. Clark.
I saw some of the footage of Dick Clark's New Years show and was at first stunned that he would still do that after a serious stroke. I too am not particualrly entertained by Clark but he's better than Carson Daly...a lot better than Carson Daly (why is he still on TV?But i digress...) Anyways, I think Clark did a pretty honorable thing in insisting on going on with his job and putting himself out there like he did. I don't get why some members of the media would criticize him for going public with his stroke repercussions. I also had a family memeber who had a stroke, and it is an incredibly hard thing to recover from. Dick Clark is actually lucky he can still talk somewhat coherently. That's all I have to say.
I agree, so I'm editing myself ASAP.
Yeah, I'd have to agree with my esteemed colleague, a Mr. MWRed. I was, to say the least, a little flabbergasted to see the old man on the TV screen. Honestly, I didn't really catch that it was his voice---I thought that they still had someone else. And of course I'm going to be the enemy here by saying that maybe it would have been better for him to sit this one out. Of course, it's motivational, and of course, he's overcome so much...but at what point should you give it up? He should have ended his reign while he was on top. And I don't really see what's so bad about the Seacrest guy. Who actually sits down, listens, and focuses on the commentary? It's the same thing every year..."Oh we had such a great year...". Maybe one year they should leave it silent and let the audience here the crowd noise.
Growing up, watching Dick Clark Rock on New Years was one of the things ive looked forward to. Dick Clark is an emotional, outgoing human being who brings life to people on New Years. Going through something as severe as a stroke and still returning to television really shows the heart and determination he shows in everyday life. Over the many years he has been alive, he has put hope into people's lives. And it is just sad that radio shows, including the immature Howard Stern, can talk about Dick Clark and critisize why he returned to the spotlight after a year of absence. It seems to be that in Howard Stern's case, if you dont have your clothes off in front of him, you mean absolutely nothing. Although liked by many, he reticules too many people for various reasons that make no sense. Enough with Howard and back to Dick.
Appearing on television to once again perform his legendary Dick Clark's Rockin New Years just shows the will power inside. Mr. Clark should be rewarded for his efforts of speaking to his best ability after a tradegy he suffered a year ago. Althought a decent host, Ryan Seacrest doesn't bring the same joy and excitement Dick Clark brings. Overall, I applaude Mr. Dick Clark for his bold efforts and strength to be put in front of millions of people. Dick Clark is the man!
As many others, I have always watched Dick Clark on Rockin' New Years and I always enjoyed the show. I was very upset when he wasn't on there because it was like a tradition and you just don't mess with tradition. I recently heard radio DJ's talking about how they thought it brought down the moral of the American viewers because his speech was slurring and he wasn't walking very well, but I disagree. I think that if anything it gave us more spirit because we were all happy to see him back. My grandfather has recently had three strokes and I know how hard it is to recover from them. I congratulate his efforts and thought he did a fine job at it. So to everyone else out there, get over it and accept that everyone has problems in their lives, but the winner are those who overcome them, and thats exactly what he did.
Like everyone else on here, i have been watching Dick Clark since i was little and i've always been excited to turn on the tv at midnight on new years and hear him and watch the ball drop. Although i never really watched the entire show and just turned it on for the couple minutes before and after midnight, i've had plenty of exposure to Dick Clark over the years. As you pointed out, he did a lot of shows so there's no way that one can't be exposed to him at some point. I, like Ashley, also had a grandfather that suffered two strokes, however he did not recover from them. It was extremely difficult for my family and for him to go through that for the two months that he did before he passed away. I understand how difficult and damaging a stroke can be, and i applaud him for going on tv to continue his tradition of that show although he wasn't able to last year. Although his voice was a little slurred, i thought he sounded pretty good compared to some who have suffered strokes. I thought he looked fairly good and i'm sure he'll keep doing the show as long as he can, which i think is great and i respect him for being able to do that.
To tell you the truth I don't know too much about Dick Clark. I can vaguely remember him from his New Years shows, but I know he is a legend from back in his prime. It's embarrassing that people still listen to Howard Stern and talk about his point of view. He contributes nothing meaningful to our society and shouldn't be considered a celebrity. I will say I am not a big fan of Ryan Seacrest, he is a little bit too excited and flashy. I respect Dick Clark for being strong enough to re-appear on television after his health problems. It takes more of a man to do that then sit on a radio show and criticize and ridicule people.
Sheriff is on duty. Careful, double entendre guy.
Like many others, I have spent the majority of my New Years, tuning into Dick Clark. While i will admit it was somewhat shocking to first hear Dick Clark upon his return, I find it incredible that anyone could have the nerve to mock him for his speech. Having known someone recovering from a stroke, and seeing the amount of determination, hard work, and will power it takes to recover, I am proud of Dick Clark for putting himself out there and making as much progress as he has. I heard on the radio, one talkshow saying they thought he brought down the moral. In my opinion, he is the ultimate inspiration for the new year--he has overcome so much and still had the bravery to go on with tradition. (It almost makes me feel guilty knowing I can barely keep my new year' resolutions) --PS: While I don't particularly enjoy Ryan Seacrest either, maybe we should give him some credit--it must be hard to follow in the footsteps of Dick Clark--who's become our beloved icon for New Years.
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