Breaking Away
After I ended the test review the other day with some comments on Life is Beautiful, one of your classmates remarked, "I love that movie. I love Italians. They're so happy." Trying to be a more "serious" English teacher (you know, like the ones who make it their mission to cure the incurable romantics of the world), I replied, "Have you ever seen the movie Breaking Away?" After her answer in the negative, I gave a capsule summary, focusing on the Hoosier teenager who idolizes the Cinzano Italian bicycle team and who assumes the personality of an Italian himself. He's emotional and romantic and speaks American with a cheesy Italian accente and eats linguini and serenades some Indiana University co-ed who is way out of his league, except she falls for his fake Italian exchange student line. Maybe that will get you incurable romantics to watch the film, even though it's much more than that.
Made and set in 1979 rural Indiana, it's about four newly graduated high school seniors who have to make some serious decisions in their lives. College? Work? Marriage? Professional cyclist? Just the kinds of decisions you are making now (any aspiring cyclists out there?). It's provides realistic and intesting dialogue, fine acting, and a climactic scene that's both predictable and surprising.
And, for all of you "serious" people out there, the Italians in the movie are unlike the lovable Benignis and Fiorellis of the world, the ones who really don't exist anywhere except in the movies, or in their own imaginary worlds. Despite its realism, I predict you'll still get caught up in the lives of four ordinary boys and carried away by the romantic music, which includes some some classical opera cuts from Flotaw, Mozart, Mendelsohn, and Rossini. Here's a line you're bound to like when you hear it, from the amusing character named Cyril, played by a young Daniel Stern (who'd go on to be the "other" Wet Bendit in Home Alone): "I was sure I was going to get that scholarship. My dad of course was sure I wasn't. When I didn't, he was real understanding, you know. He loves to do that. He loves to be understanding when I fail. " That's good old teenage cynicism spoken like an adult, not some fool.- Rent this film and watch it with the family or friends over the holidays. This is a solid PG rated throwback flick. There may be a stray curse thrown in somewhere, but for the most part, the movie is as pure and simple as an old fashioned Indiana jumpshot. Swish.
maybe not a cyclist but definately a powerlifter...we'll see how far lifting heavy weights can get me.
I wonder who the anonymous weight lifter is.
What is it about Indiana and sports movies. It's like, ever since Larry Bird kicked some basketball booty Indiana has been entitled to sports movie royalty. I guess nothing else really goes on there. Anyway, I do thoroughly enjoy that movie. Such an original idea, making those Italians the villians. Well, original if you forget about the "Aryan Italianos". Speaking of, how many more works about or during WWII are we going to watch/read. I'm getting a tad depressed and bothered by them.
Hopefully your break is going better than your students', whom you graciously gave over break homework to. Haben Sie ein gluckliches neues Jahr.
Nothing else to do in Indiana but shoot basketballs into peach baskets, swim in rock quarries, and ride bicycles, I guess. In regard to Breaking Away, gotta love those Cutters, huh?
How many more WW II stories? LOL. Actually, there are two more war stories that I think we'll skip that are usually in the rotation. In regards to HW over the holidays, I don't think I assigned any except to um . . . ahem . . . finish up those journals that you were writing (cough) all along. I better go take some Robitusson. See you Tuesday.
oh jeez fio u crack me up! i havent had a chance to watch breaking away yet but dont worry.. i will! maybe i wont like those dang italians afterall!!
I alwasy seem to find myself watching this movie during winter break. They are always playing it on amc or a&e or one of those old movie channels. I really do enjoy watching it, because you get to see dennis quaid and daniel stern when they were about our age or in their twenties...young actors, who would eventually break out into stars (well maybe not so much daniel stern, i mean come on "bushwhacked?"). But the scenes i like in the movie are when the fake italian is riding his bike to keep up with the tractor trailer, swimming in the rock quarry, and then when they tape the kids feet to the bike for the last like 5 to 10 laps of the race. shows he wanted to win that gold....and thats what they did. The good guys win and the bad guys lose. another classic movie.
You know a good sports movie when you know the ending and you're cheering anyway, as in Hoosiers, Remembering the Titans, and Breaking Away. Competitors know that you sometimes have to suck it up and tape your feet to the bicycle like in Breaking Away. Or admit that you're not always right, as Denzel Washington did in RTT. Real courage? Looking your coach in the eye, without any spite or cynicism in your voice, and telling him, "Give me the ball, I'll make the shot," as Jimmy Chitwood did in Hoosiers. Wow. Love the scene where Dennis Quaid challenges the college boys to a swimming race in the quarry and busts his head open in the process. Wonder if I can buy a Cutter tee shirt somewhere?
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