Winter Storm Activity

At school, principals fret over cancellations and postponements, coaches over practices and games. Teachers give snow plans to their students in case school is cancelled; inevitably, students, so caught up in the snow spirit, don't bother to complete them. After all, a day off is a day OFF.
Watching the weather forecasts, you'll hear familiar language like the cold air is in place, rain/snow line, probability of precipitation, snow event, nor'easter, weather advisory, storm watch, storm warning, wind chill, black ice, etc. You'll witness metereologists performing elementary school science experiments like sticking rulers into the ground to measure snow depths or sliding in the street to show you the icy road conditions. Etc. You'll watch fascinating scenes at the local supermarket of people buying eggs, bread, milk, and toilet paper (these items are called storm staples, by the way). You'll learn about the jobs of the intrepid State D.O.T. Plow Kings--their use of brine, calcium chloride, their plowing methods, their long hours on the roads, their pride in their jobs, saying they'll do whatever it takes, their pleas for drivers to stay off the roads until they've cleared them, etc.
Etc. Does anyone find these storm reports remotely interesting? If you do, then you really NEED a vacation. Take a week.
If you don't . . . then . . . during the next major storm when the rest of the immediate world shuts down watching their TVs and finds ingenious ways to use up all of that milk, eggs, and bread (the toilet paper doesn't have an expiration date) . . . treat yourself to a long, aimless walk to nowhere. Only begin to return home when you sense you're enjoying yourself too much or getting just a tad too cold, whatever comes first. That will make the walk home easier, too, knowing that there awaits hot chocolate, a cozy living room, a good book, or some friendly conversation. If these items are in short supply, then treat yourself to a maximum of five minutes of Special Storm Coverage. Watching the wackos will provide proof that your walk in a winter wonderland, really, wasn't worthless at all.
No one puts baby in a snowstorm.
Hey guy's, Hurricane here. Just letting all of our area viewers know that we will continue to cover the storm throughout morning programming so you don't miss a snow total. Just in case you don't have windows, we'll spend the next 4 hours letting you know that it snowed last night, with comprehensive coverage all over the tri-state area. Bowties Rock! You stay classy St. Mark's.
Thanks for the Spartan Shout Out. But we still think your coverage of the weather is just "a little bit" excessive. And I hate to say it, but the bow ties, man, they are sooooo barbershop quartet. Give me a nice silky cravatte and a Windsor knot anyday. But keep visiting Schoolsville, will you, Hurricane? How about bringing Katie Couric along from the network some day, too?
i was doing a little readin on aim and look what i found!! i'll add the rest in case anyone is interested haha
Five (Holiday) Drinks to Avoid
1. Egg Nog: Six fluid ounces of eggnog without alcohol, has 257 calories and 14 grams of fat (more than a Snickers bar). Add some distilled spirits and your drink of choice is more than 300 calories.
******2. Hot Toddies: A hot toddy with 2 ounces of liquor is about 200 calories, and that’s without the whipped cream. Creamy liquors like Baileys, Kahlua, Amaretto and Schnapps are particularly dangerous averaging about 100 calories an ounce.*****
3. Martinis: Anything that has a sweet taste and a sugar rim is probably bad news (think lemon drops, appletinis, cosmopolitans). “Most martinis have 2 to 5 ounces of liquor, and the sugary syrups they’re made with can add up to more than 800 calories in one drink,” says Gidus.
4. Margaritas: A regular margarita has about 400 calories. Couple it will a heavy Mexican meal and you have a recipe for diet disaster.
5. Mixers: One and a half ounces of 80-proof spirits is 65 calories. Add 6 ounces of calorie-laden soda or a variety of syrups and you’re well over the calorie count for a “light” drink
Granny Weatherall's dad lived to 102 with a toddy every now and then. Guess he found out a way to work off the extra 200 calories.
So, I'm surprised that nobody, (especially the "news/weather" idiots), caught that little vulgar shout out at the bottom of the picture that you have up for this entry. You may want to consider editing this blog for content.
In any case, I love snow days. They're like getting an extra scoop of ice cream that you did not pay for. But, I do agree that those weather (wo)men can get a tad over zealous. That's why I stick to the rule of Halves. You simply divide the inches of snow predicted by two and suddenly you have a more accurate analysis of the weather. Also, don't ever expect to have a snow day. Snow days are highly jynxable. The snow could already be on the ground in a 6 to 10 inch blanket, but if you expect a snow day the next morning and don't do any homework because of it, over the course of the night the snow plows decide to get an earlier start and a two hour delay ensues. So, you wake up in the morning and frantically check the various websites or radio stations only to find that you have merely two hours to do all of your homework. Now, two hours is enough time to complete the home work, but it's the most sloppy and hurriedly written junk you've ever done. And, your teachers know it, in fact they love it. Darn you two hour delays.
Behold, The Power of Microsoft Picture It and the cropping tool. The circumcision has been completed.
Much better Fio.
I never knew you were a licensed Rabii.
The moile the merrier, or something like that.
The wonderful pointless weather forecast may be terrible unbearable to you, but to the people doing the job, it's the only way to get out of their usual blue screen setting. Putting a ruler into snow is elementry, but how would you like it if they came out with some high tech scientific device. That would just be foolish. Besides, they use the high tech scientific devices to predict the weather and I feel that listening to their report for the day is pointless. They are only sometimes right. A ruler is probably more accurate. Without these "hard-working" weather reporters we would not have any report at all and then people would complain about that so between the two extreems, I will take the terribly exciting scenes of elderly people buying eggs in a grocery store somewhere in Pennsylvania. As for homework, even if there is no snow, I probably would end up not doing it.
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