Yellow Class Vocabulary Sentences

Using the vocabulary word that you have been assigned, write a single, GOOD sentence using the word in context. Give a context clue to the meaning of word within the sentence. Your test will be comprised of the GOOD sentences that appear in your class's blog comments. Here is an example of a GOOD sentence:
e.g. We were surprised to see our friend John, who is normally down-to-earth, act in such a pretentious manner when he attended the formal dinner (don't worry about italicizing your word).
The callow boy chooses to fight with his parents, rather than sitting down and talking to them like a mature person would do.
Adolf Hitler was extremely interested in the occult and the supernatural world, to the point, in which, he would go visit psychics to have his, and some of his closest colleagues’, fortunes told.
MR Yellow
Some days I feel very lassitude after wrestling practice and studying for tests I have the next day.
People celebrated the new millennium with an explosion of fireworks, partying, and music.
John and Lisa must try to access the water to ameliorate living conditions within their house.
Even though the ring was rusting and worn, it still had a lot of intrinsic value to me because it belonged to my grandmother.
In the 1700's, Ben Franklin was the epitome of what an American should be in terms of success and knowledge.
The great general [i]exhorted[/i] his troops to hold the line until re-enforcements came.
As we drove up to the mall, we saw police, and realized that a couple of rowdy, unwanted interlopers were being taken away for stealing.
After the Phillies lost i was in such a mood of lassitude that i never thought i would work again.
Although she said her heart was racing and she was sweating nervoulsy, it seemed to me that she delivered the speech with great aplomb.
Fire and Brimstone passages truly permeate one's mind with religious thoughts.
Usually, mature people get much more respect from their authorities than callow people do.
The teacher felt it was necessary to infringe on the troubled students privacy for her own safety.
When running for class president, it is crucial that you ingratiate yourself with you peers.
The long chain of bank robberies precipitated a long line of news articles about the robbers' actions.
To me, Paris Hilton is the eptimoe of a selfish brat.
The Crisis Number 1, written by Thomas Paine, exhorted the colonists to support the revolution.
It is completely uncalled for to inveigh against his opinion with such vicious remarks when you hardly even know his reasoning.
Most people think that cheerleading is an easy sport but, in fact, every practice is a stringent workout.
The low rumble of the audience was overwhelmed by the bombastic speaker.
The inventor tried constantly to ameliorate the original design of his prototype jet pack.
The Vice President of the United States is the ex officio of the Senate.
The man broke out in BOMBASTIC laughter after hearing the stand-up comedian's performance.
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