Life in the Fast Lane

Then comes the inevitable question from the backseat driver, who actually occupies the other seat in the front.
"Are you using cruise control?"
"No," I answer curtly.
"Why not? Doesn't your foot get tired?" the passenger harps.
I then begin my rant on the dangers of cruise control.
Clicking on the cruise control does prevent tired, cramping feet. However, it has its problems. For one, it lulls you into a false sense of security, and the feet usually get further and further away for both the gas AND the brake pedals. At that point, how much control do I really have?
Like my car, my life isn't often in cruise control. I hope I'm the one in charge as much as I can be (and without being a "control freak"). I realize I'm driving on a path that's been traveled on before, but as long as I'm the one making the decisions, I'll take that route, common as it might be.
How are you navigating through life? Do you have the "petal to the metal" or "both hands on the wheel at 10 before 2?" Are you darting in and out of traffic, or do you stay in the right lane, only getting in the left lane to occasionally pass? Do you prefer I-95 or would you rather take the more scenic route? Do you stop completely at stop signs and look in all four directions, or are you a Hollywood Stop guy or gal (you know, a quick pump on the brake and you're gone--NOT recommended by your St. Mark's driving teacher, of course)? Are you easily distracted by the billboards and other advertising signs outside of commercial business, or can you get from point A to point B without making a single stop?
Tell me, in some elaborate, extended metaphor (conceit), what your life is like. I'd prefer that you share your ideas and creativity here in Schoolsville. But if you want remain anonymous, that's OK, too. You can reveal your secret identity later. Hey, maybe your life is like some Superhero's?
Of course, sophs, you don't have to write about your life. Make any far-fetched, comparison (conceit) like the ones I read in class: going to a family reunion is like channel surfing cable television; love is like white water rafting; my father is a toaster.
I've included a couple good examples from last year's sophs as the first two comments. However, you can read 40 more by going to the September 2006 archives and reading the comments for "The Dangers of Cruise Control."
I have decided that my personality and actions are most like an air conditioning unit. At the start of the year, it is January and I am notused very often. I do not get much activity and I stay in reserve. I can be found charging my juices (lifting weights) to become ready for this hot summer which will be upon us. My main purpose for this getting ready is to be ready for the upcoming season so I am better and wont break down. I am drooopy and am not an avid cold-weather enthusiathist. When the weather starts to warm-up, however, I get excited and jumpy and cannot wait to be put to use almost everyday. I stay cool during the spring and summer and mostly I am the one to keep my friends and family cool, too. Whenever I breakdown and get into a bad mood, I might have to talk to someone or have somebody come over and fix me up. Once I am fixed I am better than ever and cannot wait to get back in business. Once the summer ends, I am usually happy until the end of Fall with a little use here or there. Once fall is over, I go back into my sluggish and useless state waiting for the first sign of Spring to be turned on and be happy.
After thinking about it for a while, I've realised that my life is like a Steam Engine. No, not those things that used to provide power before electricity. I mean the Steam Engines that pull cars along the track over at the Wimington and Western Railroad. Anyway, the engine itself represents me. Because of my personality, I am a rarity just as Steam Engines are becoming. When the engine breaks down and needs to be serviced, it's like any time when I become ill and have to stay home and rest. Starting the engine up in the morning is like when I get out of bed; I take a long time to actually wake up just as a Steam Engine's fire takes a couple of hours to warm up enough to boil the amount of water needed to keep it well supplied with steam. The Steam Engine's whistle is like my singing voice because it is pretty and different than all the other wistles on other engines. The coal and water that supply an engine with steam are like the food and drink I need to stay alive. The Steam Engine's tender is like my bookbag: heavy, but essential. The cars that the engine pulls represent the trials and hardships in my life. No matter how bad things seem, I always manage to pull through, just as a Steam Engine manages to pull a heavy train. The tracks stand for the path my life takes. The crossings represent my triumphs in life, things I can just cruse through without a problem. However odd you think it is, that is how my life is like a steam engine.
I finally found the metaphor for my life when I ran with the St. Marks Cross Country team at Brandywine State Park the other day. I concluded that my life was very similar to the exciting and rewarding XC race. My lifestyle starts with the dreaful monday morning of school, which is when my warm-up run around the course begins. It's early and nobody feels like doing anything after waking up at 5:00 a.m to be at St. Marks to start my "race." My leg muscles are tight, every part of my body aches, and I can't wait until Monday is over and Tuesday begins with stretching.Stretching is like note taking because if you miss something, it will affect you in the long run, and both are very important because the captains or teachers give us innuendos to assuage the tension of the "ultimate test" (the last chunk of the race.) Wednsday is the day when the pop quiz begins and I'm pretty nervous at the starting line were all the other participants seem especially confident. Then when you hear the word "go", you can't wait until you finish because the sudden spurt of energy almost puts your mind and body into total shock. After that there's Thursday which is the day of the "ultimate test" that really tests your endurance to the extent of were your legs feel like they're not there anymore. Finally, Friday is that thrilling day when it's the last home-stretch and when it is finished, then it's time to celebrate your accomplishment. Everyone is admiring your medal and asking how you came in 6th out of the 150 runners, just like your parents would be jubilant for a good test grade. Lastly, Saturday is a day of small amounts of homework because you got to do your cool-down run or else it will be difficult to "stretch" your mind on Tuesday. Last but not least, Sunday is a day of relaxation before the "race" starts again. Running was a great metaphor for my life because you get what you put into it, and I give 100% effort into whatever I do.
Jeez, I remember writing this! Took me forever to come up with it, too. ^^ Hope you're doing good, Mr. Fiorelli.
P.S. Good luck to all of you Sophomores! Do these things as soon as you get them! Don't wait! ^^
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After many hours of thought I have finally thought of a metaphor that I can relate myself to. I realized the days in my life are alot like a coffee maker. When I wake up in the morning i often feel as if I am in 100 peices, like the coffee grounds, before they are put in the machine. I then get in the shower and begin waking up, much like the process of the coffee grounds being put in the machine. After my shower I'm off to eat breakfast, filling up my body with sustenance. This process reminds me of filling up the coffee jar with water to begin boiling. In the morning I am never very entergetic, which represents the water before it is heated. At school, I begin using my energy for hard work, which is alot like the coffee grounds becoming coffee. Finally, after a long day at school, I come home and have time to cool down, like the cup of hot coffee that has been made.
Ive thought long and hard about this, and decided my life is like a guitar. It is saimilar to a guitar because there is all different tones and music that can come from a guitar. The six strings each represent something different. The first string represents when im happy and when things are going my way, and life seems to just about in the right spot for me. The second string represents when life is kind of just there, could be better could be worse what more can you do about it. The third string represents when i have problems with my parents, and when we get into fights and yell. The fourth string represents my life when im with my friends and i feel free and i feel like there is nothing else better in the world. The fifth string is the work and things you dont really want to do in life like school work, work out, sports, those types of things. And finally the sixth string represents the lessons you learn in life to better yourself and helps you get through the other the problems and drama the other five strings cause. My life is also like the whammy bar in a way, because that is what makes the crazy and strnge noises. My life is like that sometimes when i go to parties and when i do crazy things with my friends, or when im just doing what i love in general. The guitar pick represents your brain and the choices you make with which string you want to hit and which string fits your situtation at that time the best.
One way that I like to look at my life is, as if it was running on a treadmill. It requires exerting energy, using determination to achieve a certain goal, and the use of stamina. Sometimes my life moves at a quicker pace, much like a treadmill moving at faster speeds. There are also times, which are much slower, and they are easier for me. For example, at the end of last year, with all my final exams, I was “running” at fifty miles per hour. Now I run at an easy ten miles per hour, but I am sure it will speed up again. My life also requires determination, in times when I am out of energy, but still need to keep going, is a good example of this. When I need stamina, I usually want something badly enough to keep going even though I am tired and mostly finished. This is most like running on a treadmill after enough time has elapsed that one’s muscles begin to get tired. When I get tired, and I fall off the treadmill, and get thrown from the treadmill, it symbolizes when my life is upside down, sometimes literally. But overall, if I keep running, it will keep me in shape, both physically and mentally.
My topic for this conceit is raising and training horses is like the ever-changing weather. The good days are considered sunny, bad days are considered cloudy, and painful days are considered thunderous. A painful day can be considered as small as a horse stepping on your foot, to the other extreme of being crushed against a wall. Having knowledge and understanding of horses may prevent any harmful situation which may occur. Then there are rainy days. This may happen when a horse is being led into a wash stall for a bath and the horse refuses to enter the area. These are the days when the trainer can become frustrated about the horse not moving an inch into the wash stall to receive a bath. Not even a treat could persuade the horse to take a step into the wash stall. This creates the rain storm of tears and anger that the trainer cannot avoid. Then there may be a day when a horse decides the wash stall is not bad, walks in without a problem, and does not even flinch at the water running down his or her body. When a horse behaves, the day would be sunny. There are days when a horse has lost enthusiasm for any instruction from the trainer or owner and the cloud coverage will not disappear. In the end, the sunny days win, and the horse becomes well-behaved, and possibly, a champion.
After thinking about it I realized that my life is like the internet. There are some many different sites just like there are so many parts in your life. Some examples would be like the fact that Google and Yahoo are the best places to search and to ask for advice, while in your life its like reading a book or asking someone for advice or answers you need or just want to know. Another example is MySpace because it's mostly used for people to interact, greet, and meet new people. You could compare this to hanging out with people at parties or going out somewhere to meet new people or meeting up with your current friends. Also eBay is a very popular website on the internet because it is a place where you can do ay type of shopping over the computer while trying to get great deals or do just the oppisite and sell. I think this would be equal to goin to any place you can go shopping such as malls, shopping centers, etc. Selling on eBay could be just the same as yard sales, newpaper advertisments, or just signs. There is also another site that interestes me and it is YouTube. YouTube is a great place because you can watch almost aything you can think of in short video clips. I mean anything you can thing of movie clips, trailers, home videos, tv show clips, and basically anything else you can think of. I compare YouTube to any type of event, news, movie and tv clip, memborable moment, or music videos in life.
My life is like surfing. Surfing is a very difficult sport. You must be patient, coordinated, and fearless. My dad always comes to make sure I’m ok, you should always have someone with you when you go surfing. He represents God watching over me and keeping me safe. When you get to the water you want to make sure not to swim out near the jetty. The jetty represents boundaries in my life. If I swim to close something bad could happen. Paddling out represents the hardships in my life. After awhile of paddling you arms get tired. Once you get out there you can sit and relax. This would be in my life taking a break or going on vacation. When the perfect wave comes you turn around and paddle to catch the wave. You can feel like water pushing as you anticipate jumping up just at the right moment because if you wait too long the wave will flip you and if you go too quickly you will not catch the way. Once you catch the wave you need to stand up quickly going right to your feet. If you go to your knees first it will slow you down. When you stand up and get your balance you then turn with the wave. Turning represents changes in my life. I hold onto the side of the board for support when I turn. I always ask for help when I need it and whom ever I ask usually helps me out. The tube is a wave where you can ride through a tube of water. That would be like winning a championship game to me. After the ride is over you have to get up and paddle back out again showing that my life is a continuous circle.
After thinking about this for a while, I decided that my life is a lot like a track meet. Almost the whole time you are lounging around just having fun. And then all the sudden you are standing at the starting line, quickly trying to stretch. All the sudden now you are running as fast as you can trying to keep up. After the race, you walk back over to your friends and catch your breath before your next race. This relates to life in a lot of ways. Whenever we can, all we want to do is relax and have fun with our friends. We all also have commitments, that may sneak up on us and we have to complete them but we are not prepared. We choose how much you want to prepare, but we often procrastinate and end up being in trouble. Winning an event would be like getting an A on your test, and coming in last is like failing. All the different events can symbolize all the different commitments that we have, we only do three or four of these because we prioritize and only do what we are good at or needed to do. This is why my life is like a track meet.
I gave this assignment a lot of thought and I finally decided what to write it on: I know that this comparison may, at first, seem absurd, but going back to school after the summer is like going on a boat ride. I do no like going on boats at all. To me, it is boring and pointless. At first, you might be a little bit nervous and reluctant to go. When you first get the boat, you might get tossed and turned while you are getting accustomed to the feeling of being on the water. In this way, taking a boat ride is akin to going back to school over a long summer break because you might be so unwilling to go that you might almost feel sick. As time goes on, you adjust to the annual adjustments or in a sense, get your “sea-legs”. Like school, boat rides may seem like they are long and, sometimes, feel like they may never end. Although, when you look back at both a boat ride and school, they seem to go shortly. One thing is for sure though, after both school and a boat ride, I am glad to be done.
After much deliberation i have realized my mind is like an air port. First of all its open twenty four seven. There are some busy times and some not so busy times, but its always in use. When i sleep, its like the constant motion of planes going in and out, like dreams. There are matincence crews and security crews to help my mind and or air port run. AKA white and red blood cells. And, there is also a high tech security system, or nerves. There are always people shuffling around in airports, just like thoughts in my head. An airport has cameras to record the people as i have memories. In airports, there are rest stops, and resturants, as i have emotions. In airports people wait around alot, which translates to patience, or lack thereof. An airport has new planes coming and goeing everyday, just like i learn new things daily. But, the main reason my mind is like an airport is because i'm always thinking about one thing or another, just like an airport is always busy.
I decided that my life is most like a piece of clay, and many other people may be able to relate to this as well. The clay can represent various different things about life. All the events in my life shape me into the person that I am, and I will take many different shapes and changes as I get older. Some events can mold me more than others. Negative experiences can literally break me into pieces and tear me apart. While positive experiences in my life can smooth me out, keeping me whole and happy with no bumps. I will also lose tiny pieces of clay along the way as I am being molded into the person I am becoming. This represents that I will change, and some of the changes that occur will also bring with them new qualities, so I may drop some of the parts of the person I used to be. Other pieces of clay, or people, can combine or mold with me. These people can affect my life as well as events, and can change me. They can choose to either smooth me out or tear me apart. There are many different colors and ingredients in the different types of clay. This shows that I am unique and different, and so is everybody else. Some people will not always like me or want me, and will choose different works of art, or people, instead. I cannot live forever, and I will keep molding and changing shape until I eventually dry out and die. With my life I can either create something beautiful, or just remain an ordinary piece of clay.
After spending quite a bit of time thinking about this assignment, I have finally decided that I compare my life with learning how to play a the guitar. This can be a very difficult thing to do. First, you must know what the guitar looks like and what everything on it does and means. I would compare this to getting to really know yourself and knowing what your capabilities, your talents, and your traits are. After you know what the guitar does, you must learn basic knowledge about how to play music such as learning notes in which will later help you to play. I compare this to going to school. You must go to school to learn things that will help you later on in life. You cannot live a successful life without being knowledgeable, just like you cannot successfully play the guitar without knowing how. After you know the notes on a guitar you are ready to write music. I would compare this to getting good grades in school, or accomplishing something important. While playing the guitar, it is not uncommon to hit a sour not. I compare this to making a mistake in life such as a failing grade or a fight with someone. However, in the end, the outcome is a good melody, I would compare this to a good life.
There are many conceits that could explain how it is to live life. I chose a conceit was very unique, “Life is like a concert.” Life can be like a concert in many ways, for example, when you hear a song at a concert that you have never heard before it could be like meeting a new friend. There are many other examples however. Whenever I wake up on the day of the concert, I just feel so excited. The excitement I feel is like when I was a little kid when it was the first time I was going on my first ride in an amusement park. Also, when I get into the car and drive to the concert (usually with my brother), I just feel so pumped like the first step I take outside of school on the first day of summer. I just get so excited to get out of school and have a couple months to have fun and not worry about school and also when I get into the car on the way to a concert. When I walk into the concert venue, I just feel so anxious to watch the bands play. It’s almost exactly like the first time I went on a roller coaster, I was just so nervous, but excited at the same time. When watching the headlining band plug in their instruments and tune them, I could just feel my heart pump and can feel my body shaking from being so excited. And when they start playing and I jump into “mosh pits” and “crowd rushes” it just feels like opening gifts on Christmas getting exactly what I wanted, in another words, it’s extremely satisfying.
My life is like a soccer game. When the whistle blows the begin the game, my life begins as well. My team are my friends, while the other team are people who are not my friends. As the game goes we pass the ball around to each other and try to score. I give a person an assist in the game, that person would be my best friend. We continue to play the game and I take the ball away from a person on the other team. Which is like me getting into a disagreement with a person in my life. I take the ball down the field and score goal, I am accomplishing one of my goals in real life. The main referee is my parent while the sideline referee is teachers and other adults. I am called for foul by the main referee but i am not disciplined for it and continue to play. Then I am called offside by the sideline referee, which is equivalent to me getting caught cheating on a test by one of my teachers. I continue to play and make a few more assists and score few more goals, when i get a yellow card in the game. I must be taken out of the game for a short time, which is like being grounded for a short amount of time.My coach puts me back in after half time and i play well until i receive a red card, which ejects me from the game Now i am in a lot of trouble and won’t be returning to this or the next game
MR Yellow
Going to school is like a motocross race. The starting gate is the beginning of the race and can represent the bus ride to school. Next, is the holeshot which is the person who is the quickest and gets to the first turn first. The holeshot represents you if you were the first person to understand a new concept taught at school. The next representation is the turn. A turn makes you go one direction one second and the next second your going the complete opposite direction, which is like understanding something when the teacher teaches it but forgetting it when you are at home doing your homework. The next part of a motocross race is the jump and when your at the highpoint of the jump it's like your maxing out at school and you were exempt from all your final exams. Another part are the whoops (bumps) which represent all the hard parts of school like finals and SAT's. Finally, the last part of a race is the finish line which represents maintaing an "A" average and getting exempt from your exams and not having to attend summer school. Those are many examples of how a motocross race is like going to school.
As I sit here, thinking back upon what my life has been, I realize that it could be described as many things. It could be represented as driving, like you put in the instructions, it could even be described as an air conditioning vent. But none of these were what I was looking for. After a lot of contemplation, I've decided that my life is most like a piece of paper.
When i was born, "my paper" was merely a piece of blank, meaningless parchment. Perfectly smooth, not one thing written upon its surface, yet. Neither it, nor I, nor anyone around me had any idea what kind of things would become of it. But as a picture this paper in my mind, I see so many things. First of all, there are countless names of people that I could not live without, etched forever on the page, with permanent marker. Never to leave, at least in my memory, not that I would want them to anyways. They include family and friends. They’ve been with me through everything, and for that I am forever grateful. Then, there's the music notes, covering the outer edge of the paper, this represents the influence of music in my life. Without it, my life would be boring. After this, there are the tiny hearts, with tiny names scratched inside of them, there must be at least fifty of them, "crushes" from the past, dating as far back as second grade. A big cross covers the very center of the page, MY FAITH, God, the single most important thing in my life, how perfectly amazing he is, and how greatly he has inspired me, this page couldn't even begin to explain. Finally, the eraser smudges. They cover several parts of the page, and although they seem like they’re not really there they are. The things I try to forget, but will always be there, in my memory. No matter how hard I try, they will never go away. And, although I hate to admit it, these things have made me the person that I am today. Any one of these things that didn’t occur or impact my life in some way, insignificant or significant, would’ve altered my life incredibly. This paper has yet to be filled, even halfway, but what has become of it uncovers the very meaning of my life itself.
jkblue said:
Going to school is like going horseback riding on a trail ride. The beginning is dull, meeting your fellow riders and getting ready, but you forgot to pack a waterbottle. Before I get ready for school I check that I have everything, but then I forget an assignment. You get your small frustrations along the way, like forgetting homework or your horse refusing to go through a puddle in the middle of the road. Your teacher gives you an F for the forgotten assignment, and your horse protests by backing up into the other horses behind you and starting a fight. Then there are the scary parts of school. Your teacher gives out a pop quiz just like a dear running out from nowhere scaring your horse and making it fidget and prance around just like you would drum your fingers on a desk as the teacher passes out the quizzes. Then there are the good times, like sitting and waiting for the last bell to ring on a Friday and then once it rings, running out of the school and to your car. That is just like sitting and waiting for the group leader to give the signal that you can start galloping in an open field and trying to be faster than your fellow riders until you reach the trees. I would have to say that I talk to my friends about as much in school as on a trail ride. Both common events in my life have ups and downs, but if it is a good day and your horse is well behaved and there are no pop quizzes, the last "freedom" bell on Friday is like the freedom you feel when you are flying through a meadow.
After much thought, I've decided that my life is very similar to my job at Rita's Water Ice. When I arrive at work, it is expected that I be in a good mood. This can be compared to those times when you have to fake your feelings when you are unhappy in order to figure out the bigger picture. During of the day I have tasks such as washing dishes, pumping water ice to make sure it's smooth, filling the custard machine, and makeing pretzels. While tedious and sometimes annoying, these can be compared to things you have to do, but really don't want to. Some of these actions could be doing homework, taking out the trash, or studying for that quiz that you so don't want to take the next day. Then there's the actual serving the customer. On occasion you get the good customer who knows exactly what they want and how they want it. This is like having a good weekend, or acing a test you studied all week for. Then, you have the slow customer who can't make up their mind. This is similar to those times when people are just getting on your nerves left and right. Next, you have to scoop the ice. This can also be quite a feat when you are like me, and have yet to master the art of scooping. I compare this mostly to myself. It's something that I need to improve and something that is very essential. Mostly, Rita's is like my life in that it is unpredictable. There are some good days, and some bad but, I am ultimately happy.
After thinking about this assignment for a while, I have come to a conclusion on what my life can be related to. My life is like a day spent fishing. I start the day with good expectations and high hopes for what's to come. As the morning progresses, I become closer to going to school (fishing pond). When I get there, I find a place to sit down or get comfortable at. This is where the first cast is thrown and i spend about fifteen minutes talking with friends or so. Throughout the course of the day, I wander, sometimes aimlessly, to the next fishing spot. Now, some of these spots (classes) turn out well in my favor and land me a good amount of large fish (good grades). Others are just a polluted, waste area in which my time is spent in fruitless efforts of trying to reel in anything. Midway through the day, I take a break for lunch and socializing, then its back to the bait and tackle for another go at some fish. By the end of the day, whether I caught any fish or not, I am extremely tired and go straight to bed. Every day does not produce fish, but it is the thrill of the game that keeps me going back to try that spot, to hopefully catch that big old bass (A) everyone's always after.
After much deliberation, I have decided that my life is the tuner for my electric guitar. It interprets the sound that each string makes and you have to adjust to the proper setting. This relates to my life because if I see something out of place or something isn't right, I try to fix it, or help as best as I can. The microphone on the tuner picks up the sound that the guitar makes. This represents my ability to pick up on new tasks or things easily. Each string I adjust creates a different and unique sound. This represents the many aspects of my personality, some that may need adjusting and some that "sound" fine. When a string makes a bad sound, this represents that sometimes I am in a bad mood. I try to adjust my feelings until I feel okay. The input jack on the tuner represents the situations that are presented to me in my life. I then interpret which ones are good and which ones are bad. When the guitar finally sounds great, this shows how good I feel after I have worked out all the problems or faults life presents to me.
I feel like going to school is like playing tennis. When you first start playing tennis, you have few skills, like your first few years of going to school. After going to tennis practice several times you start learning more about the sport. You learn forehand and backhand, which is similar to learning how to read, learning the alphabet, or learning the basic skills in math. As you are becoming a better tennis player, you start practicing more and start playing matches. As you become an older student you need to do more homework, and you need to take more tests. Sometimes loosing a match can be upsetting, just like doing bad on a test. If you start to become an advanced tennis player, you will be challenging more difficult opponents. In school, if you start doing better you can be moved to a higher class level. The future of all tennis players is unknown; it depends on how much talent they have and how much they dedicate themselves to the sport. After graduating school, our futures are unknown. Depending on our intelligence and dedication to school, we could have many various careers to choose from.
After much thought I have decided school is like a car. When you first buy it, you can't wait to drive it. I get anxious touching all the buttons and using the new moon roof. A new car starts up fast, like the mourning at my house on the first day. That new car smell gets my juices flowing. But after a while the smell fades. The car starts up slower and driving it is just a thing that has to be done. Then the car needs to go into to maintenance. This is similar to when I stop caring about the car and its upkeep. The car need minor yet important repairs. After eight months has gone by the car doesn't get much use. Symbolizing my lack of caring for the car. But after nine months the car starts to shine a little more and look more appealing, since all the maintenance has been done. I just sit back in cruise control and ride it out the rest of the way to my destination; the beach, the parties, the soccer camps, and the vacations. But slowly, its appeal fades again when I have to drive to work.
I have decided my life is like a computer. At the very beginning of the day I wake up and take a little while to get ready just like when the computer is turned on. Then, I get into the shower and I start waking up and recharging. That is just like when my computer is loading and charging up. After that, I go to school and I am very alert just like a computer is after it is done loading up. Sometimes I get sick and that is just like when a computer has a virus and it is real slow to react. Lastly, when I go to bed, I calm down and that is just like when a computer cools down and goes to “sleep”
Over the past few years, I have come to learn that my group of friends is just like a hearty, well-cooked meal. To begin the meal, you must first decide what you are going to prepare as your main dish. There are hundreds of recipes to choose from all with unique tastes and various appearances. Next, you must follow the selected recipe by adding the right amount of ingredients. After that, you have to do the actions that the directions say from the cooking time, temperature, and method. No meal can be complete however, without some side dishes. A standard meal in my home includes a vegetable, cranberry sauce, some rolls, and butter to smooth on top. My group of friends follows the same type of pattern. First, you have to choose a best friend from hundreds of different people all with various appearances and unique personalities. After you select your main dish, or in other words, your best friend, you have to add the right ingredients which include honesty, trust, kindness, and loyalty. Once you add the ingredients you must follow the proper actions of the recipe from sleepovers, to hanging out, to mall visits, and more. If you do not follow the directions properly by adding the right amount of ingredients and the right actions your recipe will come out burnt, tasteless, and be nothing but trash, and the same is true with a friendship, if you don not add the right things and activities it can be ruined and worthless. The rest of my friends, fall under a category of side dish. First, you have your smart friends who are good for you and keep you from doing bad things. These friends would be your vegetables which are good for you and keep your body in great shape. Next, are your friends who constantly keep your jelly bellies shaking from laughter. These comedians are your jelly like cranberries which shake and jiggle and the slightest touch. After that, you have your soft, sensitive friends, who carry around an open heart. Yes you guessed it, this group is the rolls, which are always soft and are best when cut open. The last category in my group of friends is the smoother over. This friend is always there to get things back in control when there has been a fight or a conflict. I would defiantly say this person earns the name of the butter which is always used to smooth on top of foods and make it all taste better. I never thought a group of friends could be compared to a meal, but when it comes down to it, I think that is the best comparison of all!
When we were assigned to write a conceit about our life, I didn't have any idea as to what to write about. Thoughts came to mind, but none of these really defined what my life has been like thus far. So when i finally analyzed all possiblities as to what my life is like, I came up with only one possibility, and that was a softball game. In the game of softball, you have your wins and losses, just like my life. Some days I feel as though everyone is routing for me ; and other days I feel like it's only me playing. The innings in a softball game remind me of the years of my life. As every inning gets tougher and more competitive to play, I can always rely on my teammates to help me and support me. As I step up to the plate and hit the softball, I am also achieving a goal in my life that I have set. Its a part of me that has felt like im on top of the world. Sometimes I don't achieve a goal i set, and strike out, but that doesn't stop me from walking back up to the plate once more and trying again. My fellow teamates and fans cheer me on, as I try to accel. My coaches help me keep my chin up. They make me a better player and person inside. They teach me and direct me throughout this game I call life.
After pondering it for a long while i realized my life is most like a long drive. At times its very difficult and is also stressful. Some days I can be not in a good mood and it could feel like I'm on cruise control just trying to make it through the day. Also as like driving if you're having fun and enjoying it the time flys. Just like life there are many difficult obstacles during a drive, detours, forks in the road, accidents, and scary situations. In life you come to numerous forks in the road. If you ever have a decision that can alter your future, that is a "fork in the road". Life is like a road and you have to take it mile by mile. In this long drive, i am the driver, i make all the decisions about where to go and who to take with me. At times it can feel like I'm "driving in snow" cause it feel like i don't have complete control over my life and the things happening around me. And as a long drive and the tedious hours you put in or in the case of life, years, it is very rewarding to get where you wanted to go and see the places you've been during the journey.
Life is like geometry.
In geometry book you have different chapters. The chapters in the book are like chapters in you life: Your first day of kindergarten, first communion, and graduation from middle school. In every chapter there are many lessons. In life you learn lessons from you parents, teachers, siblings and friends. In geometry to understand the lesson you have to understand the previous lesson. That’s like learning from previous mistakes. Also when you come across a hard problem you might need help from a teacher or a parent and when you are figuring out an easy problem you fly right through it. In my life I come across hard and easy decisions everyday and sometimes I need help from my parents to make the right decision. After each chapter you have a test. Life tests me with challenges. It challenges my faith. When someone is sick or dies. I have to keep my trust in God. It also challenges me to think. When a natural disaster happens, or when you hear something bad has happened on the news you think about how lucky you are that you are safe and have a family that loves you. My Life is like geometry, it is enjoyable and difficult.
There is not just one way to describe my family, but they can be described as different dances. To start, my mom is a waltz. She always moves and turns when she cleans the house on the weekends. However, my dad is an interpretive dance, since he acts out and quotes scenes from TV shows and movies. This may sound strange, but my brother is a jazz routine. He and the friends in his band are constantly improvising and making up the song they're writing at the time. Now to move onto more of my extended family. My aunt Jill and uncle Danny are a salsa dance. They make really good homemade salsa, and Aunt Jill's an extraordinary cook (we always ask her for the recipies). My cousin Jaime is a quickstep because she's always running aroung to get places, no matter where they are. On a totally different note, her brother Sean is a breakdance. He's a total gangster and this dance suits him perfectly, I think. Sean's girlfrined Amanda is not technically family, but we count her as such, and she's a contemporary routine. She lives in the now and has so much to do that that's pretty much all she has tome for. There are other relatives on this list, but too many to list on a blog. But no matter what person is like, even if they're somewhat of a question mark, you can always discover a dance in them.
After thinking about this assignment for a long time I thought this was going to be very hard. But after much thought I'm comparing my life to a printer. I am like a printer im many ways, one being at the beginning of the day the ink cartrage is full and ready to go just like I am, full of energy, ready to start a new day. But as the days maybe weeks go on and the printer is being used more and more and the ink in the ink cartrage is decreasing so is my energy. I will not be of much help when all my energy is gone just as a printer is so help when all of its ink is gone., My eyes are also comparable to the on, off button on the printer. The comparison being when the button is off, my eyes will be sad and tired telling you that I will be of no help today. But if the button is on and my eyes are bright and hopeful I will be able to help you acomplish a lot.
Once I have had a good rest, I will be ready to go, just as printer thats had its ink cartrage has been replaced is ready to keep printing for a couple more weeks. Until it is time for another break.
After thinking of the infinite possibilities of things I could compare my life and personality to, I finally came up with what I think is a fine comparison. I am comparing my life to the weather. The weather is ever changing and slightly different every day, as are my moods, states of mind, and actions. Days consisting of sunshine and blue skies represent my happy, energetic, and cheerful moods. Cloudy, overcast, cool days represent my more calm, quiet and reserved moods. Rainy, dreary days represent my upset or disappointed moods. Days with thunderstorms definitely represent my angry and irritated moods. Aside from the weather just going along with my moods, I also think a typical day’s weather sequence goes along with my actions and feelings throughout the day. In the morning when it is calm and quiet, it is just when I am waking up for school. At this time I am rather silent and think about what the day ahead has in store for me. As the day progresses, the sun becomes brighter and more vibrant, as does my mood. When I get to school and see my friends, it makes me feel more energetic and happy. At dusk, when it is just beginning to get dark and more hushed outside, this is when I am tired and like to settle down and rest from a day of school work and sports practice. The sun setting represents me getting my nightly duties done such as homework and getting ready for bed. I think the weather is an exceptional representation to my life because it has many different aspects and significant events, as does my life and personality.
I thought of what my conceit should be about and then it finally came to me. I spend most of my time at school so that’s what I decided to write it on. School is like my cupboard full of board games. Each class is different you have to use different skills for every class. The same thing with board games each has different rules. The games that are like school are Pacman, Twister, Guess Who, Operation, Janga, Hungry Hungry Hippo, and Candyland. Getting to homeroom on time is like pacman you try to race to homeroom before the bell goes off and you try not to get caught late by the hall monitors. In pacman though instead of running from hall monitors it runs from ghosts. Once you finally win that game we go on to twister, which is like geometry. There are so many formulas and rules for different equations that if you don’t memorize them or no how to do them you get all mixed up and you become disoriented. Just like in twister your hands and feet are in so many different positions that you get all mixed up and twisted. In geometry you have to be alert but not in history everyone seems to fall asleep. That’s why history is like guess who. In guess who you try to guess what the other players person looks like but in history we try to guess who will fall asleep first. There is no guessing in biology there is just a lot of concentration. A game that takes a lot on concentration is operation it takes patience and time for you to get the pieces out without the buzzer going off. Lunch is everyone favorite part of the day because you get to eat food. In the game hungry hungry hippo your try to get your hippos to eat as many marbles as possible so it’s the same as lunch but its food instead of marbles. They say faith is the building block of life, which is what theology class, is all about. Janga is a game that is all about blocks you stack them all up and try to take a block out without having the whole stack fall. So its like theology because without the building block of faith your life is incomplete. In literature there’s a lot of thinking but its mostly creative thinking just like in candyland. Candyland is full of imagination you go through all sorts of candy kingdoms like lollipop woods and Gumdrop Mountain. Once that is done I wait for a whole new set of games that will come tomorrow.
After thinking about it, I decided that my life and the people in it can be compared to a water filter. A filter has to separate the good chemicals from the bad in order to serve pure water. In life, I like most other people, have to separate good things from bad and find a way to fix our problems in order to live healthy lives. Sometimes the filter has to be emptied after a while so that it doesn’t let anything bad through the system. Sometimes we get worn out and get so overwhelmed that we have to take a step back and change our outlook just like a water filter has to be replaced when it has been worn out. Some filters work better then others, and these can be compared to the people in my life who can or can’t work through everyday obstacles without breaking down. Different brands also work better then others. The better brands could represent my friends who I can count on and trust to be honest. The cheaper water filters would represent the people in my life who I can’t trust, or the people that would let me down. Drinking filtered water can be compared to life by living a healthy lifestyle and surrounding yourself with good friends. It also keeps the bad things out just like I would want to keep the things that make me unhappy out of my life. Life throws a lot of things at you, and you have to know which ones to let in and which ones to keep out.
I think I am going to compare my life to a St. Mark’s homecoming dance. When you first find out about the dance, everyone is excited and apprehensive of what will happen. In life, many exciting events will occur, such as entering a new school, such as high school. You talk about homecoming with your friends and make decisions about who’s going where before and after the dance. In life, many important decisions must be made. You make little decisions every day that have no impact whatsoever on your life, but others must be made seriously and with careful thoughts and can impact your future. Next, is the big deal of searching for just the right dress. No other girl can have your dress, of course, so careful decisions must be made about where you buy your dress and what it looks like. Again, many significant decisions must be made throughout your life. Sometimes you get help with them, such as your mom or friends guiding you to make the right decision. Just like your mom or friends help you search for the perfect dress. Next is finding a date. Throughout your life, you will meet many people that you are compatible with and some people that you just clash with. Hopefully, your date is someone who you are compatible with. If you happen to not have a date, it is always fun to go with a group of friends. In life, your friends are your support and will help you through the tough times. Finally getting to the dance is like a big weight lifted off your shoulders. The time has finally come to let loose and have a great time! In life, getting to the dance could be like overcoming a big obstacle in your life, such as a death or problem that has been nagging at you. The problem is finally solved! The dance is just having a great time. In life, there will always be those special, fun times that will always be remembered, such as birthdays or vacations, or just times with friends. After the dance is over, you’re worn out from all that dancing and ready to go home. Like in life, all good things must come to an end. An example could be graduating from high school. It’s a great time, but you’re ready to move on to the next chapter in life. Homecoming is always a fun time, and I think life is a great thing to compare it to.
After giving it a lot of thought, I think that my life is like making cookies. When making cookies, the different ingredients come together to make something good to eat. In my life, a combination of ingredients come together to make me who I am. Sometimes, when you look at the cookie ingredients separately, they might not seem to belong together but when they are mixed together and baked, they come out terrific. While the cookies are baking in the oven, the aroma and anticipation make it hard to wait for the cookies to finish baking. You are eager to try one before they are completely ready. The ingredients in my life include my family, friends, past experiences and future expectations. Like the ingredients in cookies, sometimes, when you look at those ingredients separately, they might not seem to be a good mix. It might seem like a past experience that did not go very well should not have a place in the recipe; however, with life, just like with cookies, it is the combination of ingredients that make the outcome worthwhile.
After many days of putting this assignment off, unable to find a proper comparison, I finally decided. School is just like work. I go to St. Mark's and work at Acme. Punching in to Acme is like walking into homeroom. Going into school, I am tired, not ready for the day. It is the same with work. I'm not ready for customers to ask me ridiculous questions about which sugar is on sale or if I know where the tofu is. Memorizing facts in school is like memorizing the 4-digit produce codes at Acme. Every fruit or vegetable has a code, just like every fact has important information. My boss is equal to Mr. Freund. Math class at Acme is adding or subtracting coupons on an order. Literature is reading a receipt back to a customer who forgot their eyeglasses. Physical Education is running a forgotten bag of groceries out to the car of a customer. It's lunchtime at school. I think I'll get some milk from the cafeteria. Many times at Acme, I work back at the dairy, and with all the milk. A free period at St. Mark's is equivalent to my break at Acme. Getting paid at Acme is like getting a hard earned A at school. Finally, it's time to punch out. This is similar to when I leave school.
When you assigned us to write a conceit, I had many ideas running through my mind. The one that I feel is best fitting is ‘life is like a NASCAR race.’ Life is like a NASCAR race because in a race they have to start out slowly to warm up the engine and tires. I feel this relates to the youthful part of life. Youth start out slowly and gradually learn and grow. Youth usually do not let things worry them. During the warm up in a NASCAR race, the cars follow a pace car. The pace car of life is usually parents, teachers, or anyone who has influenced you and helped mold you. In a NASCAR race, the checkered flag is then brought out and the race is begun. To me, the starting of the race represents children ‘leaving the nest’ and making a living for themselves. Usually people feel thrown into the fast pace of life, similar to the fast pace of the races. In a NASCAR race, there are occasional crashes. These crashes symbolize the failures or unexpected events that occur in life. Usually when a crash occurs in a NASCAR race, the ‘caution flag’ is put out. In life, when we fail or have been blindsided by an unexpected event, we put out our ‘caution flags’ and take it easy, so that life around us can get back to normal. Also, we take occasional pit stops in our life, very much like the pit stops in a NASCAR race. Sometimes life can be fast paced and very tiring, so we take pit stops to ensure that we have enough energy to fulfill our journey. Lastly, the finish line in a NASCAR race is comparable to the finish line in our life. In a NASCAR race, when you cross the finish line it means you have completed the race successfully. In life, when you cross the a finish line, even if the journey before it was rough and full of bumps, you feel accomplished and ready for the next journey presented ahead of you, whatever it may bring.
The Sea
The sea has many emotions. It has many purposes and affects many things in life. I feel that I, myself, am very much like the never-resting ocean. At times, I can be calm and just roll along with the wind. Of Course, I have my ups and downs, but naturally I flow on. I meet a lot of people because of how open I am. Some, I treat with good fishing and others return to the harbor with nothing. Every once and a while, a storm will come. This storm could be: not getting what I want, bad grades, having to do chores, whatever. The high winds cause me to become angry. I will thrash and crash, no matter who tries to stop me. But, there is always good weather after bad. The sun will shine and the wind will blow softly again. Some waters of the ocean are murky, deep, and mysterious. Then again some seas are clear and shallow. I can possess both of these qualities. The sea and I have many traits in common. In the same way, we will roll on with the wind.
For me, dancing is like hiking up a mountain. There are many obstacles on the way and you might sometimes get discouraged but when you finally get to the top and you have a performance or a final show, you feel really good and you feel like you accomplished something important. Both take along time to get used to and it gets easier as you get more experience and time goes on. Sometimes you might trip and fall or you pull a muscle and sometimes you get to a point where you have a good view of something or you finally got that second turn. I also know that people might think hiking up a mountain is so simple and anyone can do it like the same way people think dance is easy or its too feminine. But I know that both take strenuous hard work and its not as easy as it looks. Plus for some people, its even harder because they were not built to climb up steep hills or have the feet to support their body enough. Sometimes, when I dance, I get really frustrated because I cant a certain step or something. In mountain climbing, I know that there are times when you keep slipping or you cant seem to find the next step and how exasperating it can be. So that is why mountain climbing is a good metaphor for dancing-when its finally done, you feel like you just did a triathlon but it makes you feel very proud and exuberant at what you have accomplished.
My life is like a bicycle ride. The speed and direction is completely up to me. How far I want to travel and where I want to venture is my decision. When I switch gears on my bicycle, I use my God-given talents to help myself, for example, up a steep hill. Pedaling up this steep hill is when life gets particularly difficult. Although, unlike some, I will not give up, but instead pedal my bicycle the entire journey up this steep hill. Sometimes, there is help along the way, such as the wind beating hard on my back, almost lifting me up this mountain. Life gets even more extreme when I begin to pedal downhill, the pedals moving faster and faster until the need to pedal myself is completely gone. When life comes at me this quickly, I begin to brake, so that I do not fall off of my bicycle. After deciding that this course is not challenging enough, I decide to change paths, using my handlebars to guide my way. My life, being as unexpected as a tire falling off or a chain coming loose, can also become very challenging at times. Before I know it, I am careening down a hilly terrain, dodging trees and other obstacles in my path. My life is as unexpected as a tire falling off of a bicycle, or a chain coming loose, but when I think about it, this journey is always satisfying and enjoyable.
After thinking long and hard I've decided that my life is most like a computer. A computer does so many different things at one time, like myself. All the windows open on the desktop represent anyother activity I'm involved in. The windows could represent school, basketball, hanging out with my friends, doing homework, and doing chores. I have to find a way to do all of these things in the course of one day, just as the computer runs all the windows. I am also like a computer becauseof all the different parts that are inside it. The hard-drive is like my braine, where all the information is stored. The circut board is like my nervous system, telling each part what to do. Spyware is like my i mmune system, fighting to keep virouses out. The case of the computer is like my body, keeping everything inside safe.
After lots and lots of thought I have come to the conclusion that my life is like the weather. My life is constantly changing and very unpredictable. I have no control over what the weather is going to be each day. I do not know why the weather is the way it is or how long it is going to be that way. I listen to the weather men and try to plan according to what they say the weather is going to be like. However, they are not one hundred percent trustworthy. In the end, all you can do is live with the way the weather is and try to stay out of the bad weather. One day it can be bright and the sun shining without a cloud in the sky. There are no worries and everything seems to be going your way. There are also cloudy days. On these days you can feel that the bad is coming. Other days it can be raining slightly, just enough to dampen the day but not enough to ruin it. Those days are the days that make you appreciate the sunny days. Then there are thunder storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes that completely ruin your life. Not only do they ruin your life they ruin the lives of everyone around you. They leave devastating damage that last for day, weeks, even months. These days make you feel like there is to much damage to even try to fix it because no matter how hard you it will never get better. Then there are the rainbows after the horrible days. You never really expect so see the rainbows but they come, eventually. When you see the rainbow you see hope. You see the promise that God made to his people long ago. You see that the sun will be shining again.
I have been debating which topic I should write my conceit on. After talking with my parents I realized that I should use the metaphor of comparing my parents to a Magellan navigation system. I thought of this topic because my dad just bought a navigation system and I was playing with it on the car ride home. The navigation system guides your destination. This is like when your parents help direct you to your destination in life which is a great life and a well paying career. When using the navigation system you often how to re route because of traffic. This is similar to when you have a bump in life like when a relative passes or you have a tough project in school. You eventually by pass the traffic and keep on heading in the direction you were going. Which in life you get through the hard times and strive on to greater things. Along the way to your destined location you must make many stops to eat and fill up on gas. With life you must stop at school to fill up on education. Arriving at your destination is achieving you goal in life, which might be to start a family or pursue a great career. The navigation system guides you to where you need to go. Life is the road that leads to your destination.
You can compare a day in my shoes to a day at the plate. Every day starts with a coin toss deciding whether you’re home or away. Home standing for you kind of have an advantage to the day, maybe getting a hearty breakfast in the morning. Away would stand for having to run out the door late for school with a pop tart in your hand. Every at bat you have is a choice in the day. You can either hit for self satisfaction or bunt to help others around you. A foul tip would mean you get another chance. Striking out would mean that maybe you messed up a little with a decision or didn’t do the right thing. The umpires are basically your elders or teachers pending where you are. When you’re pitching your in control of your life. Throwing a strike might mean you ‘get points’ with the girl you like. A ball might mean you stuttered while talking to her. Striking out someone might mean you got a kiss goodbye. In the outfield you have friends that you know always have your back. They might be far away from you, but you know that if you dive or fall they’ll come and pick the ball up for you. When it comes to the later innings and you’re tired and beat your relievers come in to help you out. These are not always your best friends, but might be someone who puts a smile on your face during 7th period after you hear bad news. Winning a game means that at the end of your day you feel accomplished and self confident. Losing a tight game might not always be bad because you learned something from the game.
Learning to play an instrument is like growing up. When you are born, your mind is a blank slate as is your knowledge of the instrument as a beginner. You are curious and optimistic, and you often are found involved with the simpler things in life. When you start learning an instrument, you start out with the fundamentals including chords, scales, fingerings, and possibly reading simple music. In a little bit of time a baby becomes a toddler. This point in life resembles the point in playing in which you are starting to understand a little more about the instrument. A toddler makes friends, as a musician at this point is able to start to relate to others regarding what they have learned so far. A few more years go by and the child is about eight years old. By this time, a musician has started to make friends with other musicians. They may get together to jam or write simple music. Around this time in a person’s life, they have the capability of recognizing their own abilities and their superiors. Several years later, the child is a teenager. For a musician, this would be the point in his or her career when he is able to realize his strengths and weaknesses. He is now capable of ranking himself in experience compared to other musicians. Once a musician reaches this point, he is more familiar with the instrument, just as a teenager begins to comprehend life a little bit more. He is now able to play more complicated riffs, and cooperate with others in playing together. As the teenager’s amount of knowledge develops, he becomes an adult. The musician at this stage is looked up to and admired. He is the role model and inspiration for other players. At this point in one’s musical career, a wide range of understanding has been acquired. The musician now is acquainted with a broad range of theory, chords, chord progressions, and various genres of music. He has friends who share the same style as he does, but he also has friends that have their own style. He is able to admire the differences in the ways of his peers and possibly learn from these differences. Last but not least, there are the elderly adults. In terms of musicianship, this late stage in life would compare to highly experienced musicians. Few people stick with an instrument for such an extended period of time, but those who do have achieved an enormous amount. In both learning an instrument and growing up, one becomes more and more familiar and comfortable with his or her surroundings. As time goes by, experiences come along and lead one to become more informed. Generally speaking, with much time comes much progress.
My life is definitively like a football game. In football you need coaches who provide guidance on the best game plan ever. Sometimes, football players disagree with their coaches and dislike their opinions. My coaches are my parents and teachers and I do not necessarily agree with their ideas. The referee in the football game dictates the game rules and decides whether or not a player has violated any of those rules. In my life, once again my parents are acting as referees, they dictate the rules of the house, and penalize any “violations”. The yellow flag used by the referee, is like when my parents warn me that I am doing something wrong. In football the players have opportunities to get the “touch down”. First down in football is like my first try on the long road to my goal. If I fail on my first try I still have more chances. Those chances are like second and third down. For a football player getting a field goal gives the opportunity to gain points for their team even though they are not reaching their ultimate goal (touchdown). I also get field goals in life when I learn something new or got something good out any situation. The sidelines in the field are like barriers that keep me on track to achieve my goal. Getting sacked or tackled for lost yardage is like taking a step back from my goal. My friends are like the teammates, people that can assist me to win/achieve my goal. Losing the game is like completely losing your chance to achieve my main goal. The offensive linemen are like my best friends, they protect me from being tacked or sacked (things that could ruin my chances of achieving my goal). My goal is to win the game; therefore, I will need to get several touchdowns. A touchdown is like accomplishing small tasks needed to achieve my goal. If I get enough touchdowns it will be easier to win. Winning the game is like achieving my ultimate goal.
A Bowl of Pudding
After thinking about it for a very long time, I’ve decided that my life is simply the same as a bowl of pudding. A bowl of pudding, chocolate pudding to be exact (because that is my favorite flavor) is similar to my life in every way.
The three components to the bowl of pudding are the pudding, the bowl, and the spoon. The pudding represents me. It is always around if you need it and is very sweet. The bowl represents all the people around me. The bowl holds me back from unintelligent decisions and protects me. It tells me where to go and keeps my life right on track. Unfortunately, the bowl has one major weakness; it is open at the top. The only thing that can make it to the pudding through the top is the spoon. The spoon represents all that are against my success and obstacles that I face in life. The spoon initially stirs the pudding up and causes many little problems. Then, the spoon starts to take the pudding out of the bowl almost as if it wants to destroy the pudding. The bowl can only watch helplessly as the spoon takes away more and more. At times the pudding feels as if there is barely any of it left in the bowl. It seems as if there is almost no hope left for the pudding; however, the bowl has always been around to remind the pudding that it is a big bowl and there is still plenty of pudding left. It tells the pudding that the
spoon could never take all of it. While the spoon remains persistent in taking all the pudding, the bowl is always there to help the pudding whether it is dealing with a teaspoon, or a tablespoon.
It took me forever to come up with a good conceit topic. Finally, I think I have found one that suits me well. I believe that my life is like an iPod. Yes, the little sliver of a machine that seems to weigh a gram. My iPod, much like my life, is one of my most prized possesions. When I wake up, I feel that my battery has been re-charged and ready to start a new day. As the day dies down, so does my battery. Late at night, i always feel that I could use a good re-charging. An iPod is colorful and bright, much like my personality. It is a great little thing to escape to when you're feeling down. The music on your iPod can make you feel better. I always try to help out and be there for my friends when they need me. You can pack your iPod with music, pictures, and videos. The music on your iPod describes your life. Most of mine is very up-beat and happy. Six out of the seven days of the week and twenty-three of the twenty-four hours of the day, you can find me in a good mood. That is why the music on my iPod is perfect for me. However, I occaisonally like the change in my music, or mood, so I do have some variety of tunes on my iPod. The few times that I do need someone to talk to, I can always count on my friends to come over and give me a listen. They hear what I am saying, or playing, at the time and can help me with anything. The pictures that you upload are perfect reminders of the great inside jokes and memories you have with your friends. I love to laugh about old times and funny memories. Many kids, including me, pack their iPods with all of the above. This represents my busy schedule. I am always on-the-go and always have something to do. There are no empty megabytes in my life. However crazy it may seem, I believe that an iPod best describes my life.
After thinking things through for a while I realized that my life is like a world cup soccer game. The referee blows his or her whistle, the crowd cheers, and the game begins. Like my alrm clock sounds at 5:45 in the morning to start my day. The cheers of the crowd are like the music playing from my iHome, lifting my spirits so slightly as to give me enough energy to get up out of bed. The ball is passed from one player to another, almost in a ryhthmic pattern; very similar to the way my day runs, from getting into the car with my carpool, visiting my friends in the morning, switching classes whenever the bell sounds and even my afterschool activities! But, everynow and then, when you least expect it, a player from the opposing team intercepts the ball; setting the passing game to a new level and pattern. Perhaps this is how I think of the 'day changes' from A-F throughout the week of school. Deep inside the penalty box the opposing team, the player with the ball is fouled, and the dreaded, yet lovely sound of the ref's whistle is heard. A penalty kick is given, and the crowd is waiting to see the results. This is like a sudden event that ahppens throughout the day, when u leawst expect it. The rest is left up to the players of each team, because at any moment the result of the game could change. Just like my life, the smallest decision could change, and that is why you look to your teammates(friends & family) to help you get through anything that is thrown your way, no matter the result of the game.
After a lot of thought, I have realized that growing up is like a flower. In the beginning, the flower is only a seed. In life, the "seed" would be a baby. The seed begins to grow one day at a time. Just as my life, a flower needs love and nourishment to reach its fullest potential. If it does not get the love and nourishment it deserves, the flower can become weak and fragile. Flowers also need to grow in a good environment. This environment should be in a place where it will be looked after all the time and cared for. Flowers can also be a compared as a metaphor to life because they are all different in one way or another. Flowers can be different colors, sizes, and types. A flowers life spam mirrors our own in similar ways. A flower will go through many stages in its development. Just as my life will go down many roads on its way to adulthood.
After a while of wondering of what to use as a metaphor, I have come to the conclusion that my life is best represented by running water that goes through a sink. A sink has two handles. One is for the hot water, and the other is for the cold water. Both of the different temperature waters represent two different types of terrible, bad, or awful days. The hot water portrays the days when I am angry and wish to be left alone for any of numerous reasons; however, the cold water represents the days in which I am sad. Those are the days that I wish to unload some of the burdens that I, as person, as a human being, must carry around, unto someone else for a short time. Although I must not forget the warm water that a person gets when hot and cold water are correctly mixed together. Those warm water days are the days in which I am happy. It is a perfect mixture of hot and cold water. Those days are good days.
On the days when the water (either hot or cold, but normally hot) is spurting out of the sink faucet, then on those days an individual, a group of people or individuals are continuously yelling at me about one thing or another. The days in which warm water gently, but thoroughly goes through the faucet are the best days. Those are the most pleasurable and enjoyable days. They normally fall on the days when there is an event or a great number of people are excited and joyous. There are days when a small stream of warm water passes through the faucet. Those days of the small warm stream of water are okay days. Nothing eventful or really exciting happens on days like those. The small warm stream is the basic day. When there is a twinkle of water (hot or cold, normally cold), then I am extremely nervous. I would talk to no one and speak of nothing on days such as those. Those are the days when I am basically terrified of my own shadow.
After hours of trying to come up with a metaphor for my life, it finally hit me on the way back from Olive Garden what my life was like. I decided that my life was just like a sailboat floating on the ocean. At times the sailboat flows smoothly along with the current, going wherever the wind blows it just relaxing in the sun. This is whats my lifestyle is like except for an occasional storm that comes to toss things around a little bit. Although the storm creates many difficulties, the boat always seems to pull through with minor damage that is easily fixed. Each wave in the ocean represents an obstacle that i must overcome in life. Smaller waves being the more trivial matters and bigger waves being tough challenges in which i must make a decision, just as the captain of the boat would have to make a decision whether to take the wave head on, or possibly even to jump ship.Most people, such as me, try to avoid the bigger waves in the first placeso that life is smooth sailing. this is why i think my life is like a sailboat on the ocean.
Life is most like a perfect wave. In the beginning the wave is barely a ripple in the ocean, like a person. It start very small just floating around heading towards the rest of their life. Then the ripple hits the break and become a spectacular mix of wild energy and fluid movement. This mirrors the form of a rebellious teenager. After the wave builds and crashes it goes into a low point. People too go into a low point; they must now go out into the world and meet a dreaded thing called reality and the aging process. Some waves still have the energy to go through a reform which means they temporarily build back up the wild energy they had when they first broke as a wave. When this happens to people it is called a mid-life-crisis. This is when mild aged men and women find the need to act like they did when they were 18 years old, because in their mind it makes them feel young again. When all this is said and done the wave slowly and silently creeps up onto the beach then dissipates into the sea. People to at the end of there life have less energy and slowly and silently reach then end. This is why I think a wave and human life greatly resemble each other.
High school is like a garden. There are many different types of flowers coming together to form one giant garden. In the beginning of a garden you start by planting seeds of all different kinds of flowers. They all get along because they are not fully grown yet. The beginning of the garden is just like freshmen year of high school. Many people come together from many diverse schools to form one big freshmen class. Also, everyone gets along with each other because people need to make friends. There are many different flowers in a garden, such as the rose, which represents the popular kids. A rose is very pretty and is well-liked by many, but it does have thorns which can hurt people. The popular kids are admired by many but can also really hurt people. Dandelions represent the “nerdy” kids that the popular kids do not really like. But even though they are unpopular they still become a big part of the world. Dandelions become a large part of someone’s garden because they spread very easily. The weeds of the garden represent the kids who get into drugs and alcohol. Not many people like them, but if they get picked out of the garden they can still find a new place to grow. Tulips represent all the other people in high school. They are not as admired as much as the rose but are not as hated as the dandelions and weeds; they are right in the middle. Even though all the flowers start together happily, as they grow they break away from each other because they need their own space to grow with their own type of flower. But everyone knows that you need all different flowers to make a perfect garden.
After taking a different perspective oft my life, I have realized that certain aspects of it are very similar to receiving presents. An awkward comparison, yes, but the connections are very surprising. Most of the time, we receive gifts from those we love (family, friends, etc.), and every time we always look forward to opening them up, but are not always as thrilled with what’s underneath the ribbons and wrapping. There are the presents involving surprise trips, for instance, a cruise. These trips represent our much-needed breaks from life’s challenges. Without these, our troubles would seem to never disappear, and life would be so hard to enjoy. There are also those gifts of clothing, representing life’s difficulties. Some open up their present to see the outfit and find that they just don’t like it, so they throw on a fake smile and toss the outfit into their closet for a soon to be hand-me-down. People like this are the procrastinators, those who try to avoid their problems and wait them out until the last possible moment. But those who face the same situation but handle it differently, like returning it or exchanging it, are examples of the more sensible people, dealing with their problems head on. Lastly, there are the clothes that don’t fit, ones that we must grow into. This type represents any changes in the world that we must learn to cope with, like the schedule change and mixed lunches in school. Some find the change easier to deal with, but those who don’t hopefully will, some day.
My life is like my DVD rack…
First off I’m quite tall so is it,
It holds a lot of information.
One of the most exciting parts of my day is being put into use.
Many people just don't understand the depth of my DVD rack.
It is reliable,
It is full of Drama,
It has Romance,
It has the occasional tear,
It has the very popular laugh,
It has all kinds of sports,
It’s got action but not to much,
You can’t use its contents so much because they can only take so much,
It doesn’t hold anything that is to serious,
You can’t just pick one thing that u like about it because there is just way too much to love,
Many things are comparible to me in my daily life but the best thing I can think of is a DVD rack.
Kyle Podgajny the human DVD holder.
Considering I am quite fond of electronics and computers of any sort my life can easily be compared to that of the multitude of wires and chords bellow any desk. In the beginning, there were only three or so wires running behind the desk each easy to follow an see; just as in the early stages of my life, things were much simpler and less complicated. Later on, around age six or seven, I began elementary school to learn new subjects and meet new people and with that came a little more complication just as with the wires the more new things that were added to the desk to give it new abilities and actions that could be preformed the more the wires grew and became more entangled. The wires steadily increased slowly they became complicated, tangled and disorderly which can be compared to how I felt entering middle school, tangled and disorderly. now I am in the part of my life where I have entered high school which, after middle school and freshman year, I have been able to straighten out and put in order, just as the wires bellow the desk have been organized and put in order.
Two things that are very prominent in my life are St. Marks High School and Cheerleading. It turns out that they are also very alike. At St. Marks, there are a lot of wonderful teachers and then there are a few that aren’t on the student’s list of favorites. Just like school has teachers, cheerleading has coaches. There are some coaches everyone loves and some that they don’t but they all have the same goal in mind. That is to push us to reach our goals and show us our true potential. Whether they are your favorite teacher or not, they always give homework at least a few times a week. In cheerleading, at least a few nights a week there is practice where the routine is drilled over and over until it is flawless. With homework come tests. This is where all the hard work that was put in comes out to show. A test in cheerleading would be a competition. After practicing the routine for hours and hours on end, it is finally time to show that your hard work paid off. Just like there are many tests throughout the year, there are many competitions throughout the season. If you bomb one, there will always be another one following close behind. The biggest and most important of all the tests is the final exams. In cheerleading, the final exam would be nationals. Nationals are your last chance to prove how amazing your team really is. There aren’t any redoes or make ups. You only get one shot, until next year of course. Final exams still are not the ultimate test in the educational world, SATs are. It is the same for both school and cheerleading. Everyone is competing for the same thing; a bid to Worlds or to be accepted into the best colleges in the world. Worlds are where you compete against the best of the best from around the world but only a few teams can earn the title World Champion. Just like only a few people can earn full scholarships.
i have decided that my life is like a bike. to start off, a bike has two wheels.. this represents the two parts of my life, considering that my parents are divorced and i have two homes. this may sound common, but it is trying to balance separate lives and is actually very hard to adjust and get used to. the handle bars represent the way i can " steer, " or decide what paths to go on in life and which direction to go in. the handle bars is the part that i can somewhat control in my life, while at times it may seem like the wheels are going every which way, going off the road, or getting stuck in something. then i have to fix the situation that i am put in. also the bike goes on a constant path which represents life in general. maybe you get stuck in a rainstorm, it's a really hot day and its a struggle to keep pedaling, or having to bike up a big hill.. this represents the obstacles that come up in life. the happy times in life are represented when you coast down a hill- you feel happy and carefree.
After thinking about what I could do for this blog, I finally decided that my life is like a basketball game. The coaches act like my parents where they are there to help me fix my mistakes and make me better to play in a game. The referees act as a more disciplinary object in my life, such as a teacher or a dean. The boundary lines on the court are the limit of how far I can go in life without getting in trouble. Scoring a basket is equal to achieving a goal I have set to accomplish. A foul would be a set back from attaining my goal. My teammates are like my friends in real life, even though most of them are. They are there to help me when I am struggling. The other team is a hardship that I have to overcome, but my coaches and teammates will be there to help me through it. I believe that the basketball represents the opportunities in life that are shown to me, but it is up to me to go after them and decide what to with them from that point. The audience characterizes the people in life that I encounter everyday at school but I never talk to. Finally, the basketball court represents life itself, and everything that happens on the court is a part of life.
After thinking long and hard, it just hit me. I do this almost every day and when i think about it i realized that my life is like a softball game. It consists of wins and losses, team members and competitors, and having fun and working hard. In my life I try my best to succeed in school and sports. If I work hard I know I can accomplish something. This is like studying for a test, if I study then I will get a good grade, just like if I practice on my game for softball, my team has a better chance of winning. But in life there is always failure. This is true in the game of softball, sometimes you loose even though you gave it your best shot. You can’t always win in life or win every game. There is always room for improvement whether it be in a game or in the classroom. I have many team members in my life. My family is always supporting me and has always been there for me. With out them my life wouldn’t be complete. A team isn’t a whole with out all its players; the flow of the game would be out of sync. My friends help me with all my problems and always have my back. My softball teammates have a great way of picking each other up after a bad play or even supporting and giving confidence to a player who may be having an off game. In life you always have to have fun, then again if you don’t work hard you won’t be able to accomplish your dreams. In softball fun is the key, have fun play, hard and don’t let the fear of striking out (failing) keep you from playing the game. Come up to the plate with confidence and don’t let the ball play you; you should be the one playing the ball.
Life is like walking a dog. While on a walk, dogs like to pee often, on many objects to mark their territory. Although people do not urinate on their surroundings, they want to be noticed and remembered by making a mark on society and their community. Sometimes life is extremely enjoyable like taking your canine companion for a walk on a gorgeous day. Nothing can beat a refreshing stroll on a beautiful day with flawless blue skies and the sun shining on your face. Walking Fido on these kinds of days is similar to enjoying the happiest moments in life. Unfortunately, some days are filled with rain clouds, muddy grounds, torrential storms or snowy, frigidness. Even on these days, the dog must be walked. In life, there are times when things are not going well, but we have to hold our heads high and plod through the turbulent times. Sometimes when we walk our dogs, they spot a squirrel or furry creature and immediately dart towards it with such determination. Just like our dogs, when a spark of inspiration hits us, we chase after our dreams and goals. Besides chasing squirrels, dogs love to interact with other various sized dogs and breeds of dogs they pass on walks. Some dogs are more aggressive while others are gentler and cuter. The people we meet in life are very different from each other and we enjoy making new friends along the way. Of course there are those times when the dog must relieve itself in a messy way that we despise and we have to pick up its crap. This is like doing some of the dirty work in life or cleaning up a mistake that we have made. Life has its share of boring tasks that are not much fun. Fortunately, for most of us, life is a walk in the park with our dog.
Communities are made of a variety of people. I related a community of people to a pencil case. In a pencil case there are a variety of pencils. There are many different types of pencils such as short ones, and long ones. Short pencils are worn out and old, this is like an elder who is worn out and almost to the end of their days on earth. The long pencils are new and have just been produced; they have a long life ahead, just like a little child. Although, some pencils aren’t so lucky, some become broken and tattered by the conclusion of their life, some don’t even make it to the end of their lead. This is like one being injured or dying fairly young ad not living a full life. Also, when you look into a pencil case you also may find mechanical pencils, wooden pencils, and also all different colored pencils. These pencils are all like different people in the world today. Mechanical pencils are like the shy people in a community. Shy people may want to do things and make new friends but have to be some what pushed or expostulated from their shell by others to help them. This is like mechanical pencils; they have to be pushed for the lead to come out of their shell. Wooden pencils symbolize most of our community today. The different colors symbolize different personalities. Black pencils might symbolize people who are into more rocker type music and are kept to themselves and their group. Pink pencils may symbolize the more hyped up people who maybe very social able. The green pencils symbolize the sports players in our society who are always outside working out or out playing a sport getting grass stained and muddy. However, even though all pencils may look different or even write different, they are equal parts of the pencil case just as people in a community.
After thinking very hard about this conceit, I have decided that my life is like swimming. My life actually really can relate to this sport. Some days I feel like there will be no end, like I have to keep going on forever. This is like swimming a 500 free. Twenty laps of nonstop swimming, long, and usually more on the slower side. Other times of my life I feel like I'm speeding through things, and some things are moving too quick for me. This is like swimming sprints, you're in, and then you're done. Sometimes I feel like all the pressure is on me, and that is like how during some races you know that it is up to you to take first in order to win the points. In swimming, there is something called a false start, which is when you dive off the blocks too soon. That is like how sometimes I feel like I am ready to take something on, but then realize how I actually was not ready at all, and how I get in trouble for it. Also I know that my relay members, represent my friends. They go through the hard times with me. If there is a fast team to swim, we're all in it together. It's like how my friends will always be there to help me fight through anything.
When I think about my school life, it reminds me of a constantly repeating video game. Sometimes before you begin you can do something to make the game easier or more fun this is called a cheat code. A cheat code could be like using a cell phone during school to talk to people it helps ease the boredom. Every level or stage starts of easy. Small obstacles get in your way and you bypass them with little effort. This could be compared to somebody reprimanding you for not having you tie up all the way. Then for the more complex problems you have to strategize and figure which possible solution would be the best. These problems are like whether or not you should get in a fight in school or skip class. Sometimes your hit by a surprise attack or ambush, these moments are like pop quizzes and the only way to get by is to be prepared a head of time. Eventually you come across the end of the stage and go up against the boss or largest obstacle on that stage. This would be a test, a very annoying class, or an evil teacher. Of course sometimes the bosses are easy while others are much harder. Meaning that maybe a particular test is easier than another one is. When it comes to these bosses you might lose a couple of lives, get shot up, and or beaten to a pulp, which stand for failing the test, getting a demerit, or being sent to the deans office. After trying one strategy after another you will eventually win and go on to the next level. This is like transferring to another class or period. Then depending on how the game goes you either go up against a lot of stages or a few of stages until you get to the big boss. The Big Boss test how well you can think under the most difficult situations. They also test you tolerance, because if you lose enough time you will probably want to quit. The Big Boss stands for a problem that while it might not be difficult take a lot of thought or time, this my refer to a midterm, a quarter exam, a fight, an evil teacher or being somewhere you hate a lot this may even describe going up against the school board. Eventually the game comes to the end, you win and you can quit, until the next time you play. In other words the school day is over and when ever you have school again the “game” start over.
jrd blue
a normal school day is like a basketball season for me. i think my best friends as my starting 5, and my other classmates as my other team mates. my coaches would be my teachers of course. our homework would be when we go over plays and such. and practice and things. other teams would be tests, that i have to do good on or in that case against. pen and supllies would be the ball and hoop, while my uniform would be my uniform for my team as well. the new pair of in style shoes would be my in style back pack for school. a foul would be a demerit and a techincal would be a suspension. an ejection would be expellation and the dean would be the refferee. the stands would be my grades, the numbers of fans at every game would go up and down in size according to how well we perform.
In comparing my life it can best compared to swimming. Swimming is my favorite sport that I enjoy the most. As always practice is very important. Practice in my life is going to school learning new things to help me later in the future. In swimming the more you practice the better you will be and your timings will continue to improve. On the other hand missing practice is like missing school when you miss school you have a lot of work to make up. By doing so you are hurting chances of improving. In practice you have coaches there to help you improve your time and quality of your strokes. They are the ones that motivate you to go faster and faster at swim meets. In life coaches are my parents and teachers who give me advice about life to help me be a better person. They also motivate me to give it all I have! After practice all week there is always that big competing awaiting. This is where you show how well you have become since the last meet and how hard you practiced. Competitions relate very closely to taking tests and quizzes in school. Tests and quizzes determine if you paid attention in class and how well you understood the material. Lastly, swimming has four strokes-backstrokes, breaststroke, freestyle, and butterfly. Each of these strokes relate to a part of my life. Backstroke is where you lay on your back and swim; it’s hard yet also easy if you practice. In life backstroke is like school, it can be hard but also easy if do everything that I am supposed to do. Breaststroke is more relaxed type of swimming. This relates to my home life which is very relaxing and comfortable. Butterfly is a complex and complicated stroke. It takes a long time to develop the proper techniques. Butterfly relates to my personal life. As a teenager there is a lot of problems and drama so you can say my personal life is very complicated. Lastly, freestyle is fast swift stroke. I like to play sports and very competitive and always try to get more faster, so freestyle is closely related to my athletic life.
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