Your Favorite Work of Art
For your first journal response, I want you write about your favorite work of art here at Schoolsville. Just be briefer than you will be in your essay-- 25 blog lines or 200 words (your essay should be 3-4 pages).
Consider this a pre-writing exercise, if that helps.
You might want answer these three questions:
What is your favorite work of art?
Tell me about it.
Why is your favorite work (does it make you "think" or make you "feel" or both)?
HERE are the instructions for the final essay, if this helps you.
What story do you never tire of reading (for me, it's The Gift of the Magi)? . . . Movie that you could watch over and over again? . . . poem that you have memorized and sometimes still recite just for the fun of it (I like Jabberwocky, for the fun times—I'll read Ulysses in more thoughtful moments)? . . . painting that blows your mind (we've already discussed Starry Night)? . . . song melody that always brightens your face (it's Springsteen's
The image that you're viewing is of Van Gogh's Sunflowers.
Art Personafies who you are. It can make you feel like the artist if it is done well. My favorite piece of artwork is the photograph on the July 20 issue of Sports Illustrated. The photograph shows Reggie Bush of the New Orleans Saints getting Hit by Lito Sheppherd of the Phillidelphia Eagles. This picture makes me feel happy, because i remember watching the game with my uncles and my father. Big hits in football electrify people, some go to the games just to see a big hit, and this photo graph brings back the memory of that game. In the picture you can see the two men flying through the air interlocked in a painfull voyage on its way to the ground. You can see the surprise and fear on Reggie Bush's face as Lito smashes full force into him. As an Eagles fan i reveld in the moment of such a hit, and love it anytime one occurs, but the photo also makes me worry about the person being hit. Is he ok? Luckily in this case, he was.
I like the sunflower paintings by Van Gogh because it gives a sense of power and happiness. The colors are bright and sunflowers are most beautiful in the summer time which is a fun time of year.Also, there are alot of flowers in the vase which shows that it is very plentiful and it's filled to the brim with its natural beauty. However, the petals and colors do not look perfect. The sizes aren't symmetrical and some look almost withered. Plus, a few of the flowers are falling to the side and they're not all standing straight up. I feel like this is a good example of life. Even though there are parts in life where things are great and you are happy, everything is not perfect. Sometimes, life isn't always going to look good and you have to be happy with what you already have. There is always going to be natural beauty.
I am a huge fan of classic movies form the forties, fifties, and sixties. I also strongly admire Audrey Hepburn, she is one of my favorite actresses. My favorite work of art is the 1961 movie Breakfast At Tiffany's. This movie portrays the interesting journey of Miss Holly Golightly, a woman so unbelievably fake, but also seemingly real. She was of upperclass and rubbed elbows with many millionaires of her day. She becomes friends with an up and coming journalist, Paul Varjak, who eventually falls for her. He has great admiration for her because she is such a bewitching woman. She is also somewhat peculiar; she chose not to name her cat because she stated that he didn’t belong to her, and she didn’t belong to him. She acted so far beyond her years, but also in a childish manor. Holly was one paradox after another. When asked what her favorite place was, she replies Tiffany’s, which is where the movie gets its title. When she almost loses Paul, she sees the error of her ways and love is once again overpowers hate. This is one of my favorite movies because of the character that Audrey Hepburn plays. It is a role of great confusion, but also of much conviction. It was a classic in its day, and will be forever.
My favorite work of art is a television show. It actually might be considered a month-long miniseries. It is the Tour de France, or as the French say, Le Tour de Francais. I started watching Le Tour when I was eight years old, in 1999. My dad had been cycling for a number of years, and wanted me to check out the most prestigious race in cycling. I was taken in by the athleticism of these athletes, especially Lance Armstrong, one of the greatest cyclists ever. I watched him battle it out with the powerful German rider, Jan Ullrich. This was the first of seven straight Tour de France victories for Armstrong, the most ever won by a man. Armstrong retired from the Tour in 2005. For the next two years, I watched Floyd Landis and Alberto Contador celebrate Tour victories. The Tour has become one of the most anticipated summer events for me, as I make predictions and arguments months before the race actually begins (I've got Andreas Kloden winning the Tour next July). Le Tour de France is my favorite work of art because it is the one thing I know too much about, and the one show I look forward to all year long. Even with all the doping scandals circulating (like the one that got Michael Rasmussen kicked out this past race), I still love this show and the sport of cycling.
Fine art can mean a lot of things to many. First, fine art to me, is something that moves me or inspires me. Fine art to me is a good song with meaningful lyrics, that I can relate to. Music is a big inspiration to me, weather its getting pumped before a big game or a way to release my emotions. There is one band that can always get me excited to hear their melody. Fall Out Boy is a band that has been around for not too long. I, myself, think of them as an amazing band while others, such as my father, consider them "noise". When I've had a rough day, coming home and popping in their CD seems to make my troubles go away. One of my favorite songs of theirs would have to be, "Hum Hallelujah". I have memorized the lyrics to that song and constantly sing them over and over; I could never get tired with hearing this song. They have sold 4 records and I love them all. Their lyrics are so meaningful to me, that is probably why I love them so much. Fine art is a great thing without it our world would be dull and boring.
My favorite work of art is the Harry Potter series. It starts with Harry as a young 11-year-old, and through the years, he takes on more responsibility to defeat the all-powerful Voldemort. These books always have thrilling adventures and always keep you guessing, which makes them so interesting. There are fight scenes, shocking scenes, and even boring scenes (every book has to have at least one), but there are very few. Just when you think you've got everything figured out, something changes and throws you completely by surprise. Sadly, the corresponding movies to these books get less and less accurate to the stories the deeper into the series they go. But that doesn't stop me from putting down the books. Actually, it makes me want to keep reading. The last installment of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is probably the most surprising of all seven books. With all the rumors going around, I just have to say that maybe the majority of them are wrong. I think J.K Rowling is incredibly talented and creative. It's hard to believe the series has ended.
My favorite work of art is the movie The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. The movie is about two young lovers, Allie and Noah, who were from completely different social classes. Despite what others said they fell in love, untill they were forced appart for seven long years. During that time period their lives changed and they moved on but never forgot about eachother. Finally when they reunited they found that their love had never died and Allie and Noah grew old together helping eachother to never forget their love story. This movie kept me thinking because just when you thought there was no more hope left for the two, something changed and cought you by surprise. When I was watching this movie I always tried to guess the ending, and my thoughts changed every minuite. The deep never ending love and compassion the two characters had was so unreal i couldn't pick one perfect ending. It's like Nicholas Sparks took what would hope to be a dream and made it into one of my favorite movies. I don't believe that there was a dull moment in the movie. The movie helped me believe that true love can conquer any seperation. Noah and Allie's story showed trust, compassion, and true dependancy through young love that grew into a power that could take them anywhere.
Art is a significant part of life. In some cases art is all we have to remember of old civilizations. One example of that is the mayan's of ancient mexico, a civilization that vanished without a trace. My favorite work of art is the book Cheating Death, Stealing Life
My favorite piece of art is the book cheating death stealing life the Eddie Gurrero story. This is a book about a man who battled through drug addictions, scandal, and divorce to reach his goal. Which was to be the World Wrestling Entertainmet champion. He was a champion in real life too. He live through a head on car crash, and battled drugs and alchohol throughout most of his life. In this book, realeasd after his death in 2005 exemplifies courage and heart. In the book he describes his stays in rehab, life after the crash and his memories of the Wrestling buisness. Eddie Gurrero's legacy lives on today through his nephew Cavito Gurrero who still Wrestles today. This book is my favorite work of art for more personal reasons also. One of my best friends and I uesd to watch him on tv every thursday, then friday nights. He was a hero to me as a you kid, and a role model as i grew older, i have good memories of wathcing him on tv with my friends, that is why i jumped at the chance to read his book. Eddie Gurrero died in 2005 at the age of 37.
My favorite work of art is a television show. It actually might be considered a month-long miniseries. It is the Tour de France, or as the French say, Le Tour de Francais. I started watching Le Tour when I was eight years old, in 1999. My dad had been cycling for a number of years, and wanted me to check out the most prestigious race in cycling. I was taken in by the athleticism of these athletes, especially Lance Armstrong, one of the greatest cyclists ever. I watched him battle it out with the powerful German rider, Jan Ullrich. This was the first of seven straight Tour de France victories for Armstrong, the most ever won by a man. Armstrong retired from the Tour in 2005. For the next two years, I watched Floyd Landis and Alberto Contador celebrate Tour victories. The Tour has become one of the most anticipated summer events for me, as I make predictions and arguments months before the race actually begins (I've got Andreas Kloden winning the Tour next July). Le Tour de France is my favorite work of art because it is the one thing I know too much about, and the one show I look forward to all year long. Even with all the doping scandals circulating (like the one that got Michael Rasmussen kicked out this past race), I still love this show and the sport of cycling.
My favorite work of art is the film, The Pursuit of Happiness. The movie which was directed by Garbiele Muccino and written by Steven Conrad, was released on December 15th, 2006. Will Smith and his son, Jaden Smith are the stars of this movie which is based on the true life story of a man named Chris Gardner. Chris begins the movie by buying tons of medical machines he thinks will by worth lots of money and be easy to sell. At first, business is going good and some of the machines sell, however, as time goes on he can not find customers willing to purchase his equipment. Chris’s wife, who works long shifts at a hospital to keep her family going, eventually becomes fed up with Chris and leaves taking their son, Christopher, along with her. Chris takes Christopher back from his mother and applies for a job at a work firm. The movie goes on to show the struggles of life for Chris and his young boy Christopher. The two argue at some points, spend some time in a homeless shelter, take a night in a subway restroom, but in the end, are the best of friends. The movie finishes with Chris getting a job at the firm where he earns a great deal of money and enjoys the rest of his life.
I really liked The Pursuit of Happiness and thought it was a truly moving film. It teaches each and everyone one of us a valuable life lesson which is, that we should be thankful for all the things that we have. We may not realize it, but there are many people in today’s society who do not have or experience many of the things that we do. Even having a home to come back to at night is something we should really appreciate.
The movie I Am Sam is my favorite work of art. This movie is about an autistic man named Sam who has a child. This child’s name is Lucy, when she was born her mother ran away and left Sam with Lucy. Despite Sam’s disability he keeps the child. This means drastic changes in his life style. As any autistic man, he does not like change in his life at all. Although Sam does not cope very well with this he does it anyway. This shows the strong love he has for his daughter. Some of the changes and sacrifices he makes are as important as getting to sleep at night and as simple as not going to his favorite restaurant anymore. Regardless of the sacrifices he has made, bigger problems come up when Lucy is in third grade. Lucy has homework she needs help with and reading she has trouble with. This is a problem for Sam; because of his disability he has the mind of a second grader. Lucy does not want to hurt her father’s feelings so she holds herself back. But Lucy’s school is noticing a change in her and thinks it is in her best interest to call social services and have her taken away from Sam. This is so Lucy can excel in school work. When Lucy is taken away Sam goes to extremes to get her back. He fights for her day after day and never gives up. He does not end up with Lucy in his custody but he is still her father and see’s her every day because he never gave up.
Fine art can mean a lot of things to many. First, fine art to me, is something that moves me or inspires me. Fine art to me is a good song with meaningful lyrics, that I can relate to. Music is a big inspiration to me, weather its getting pumped before a big game or a way to release my emotions. There is one band that can always get me excited to hear their melody. Fall Out Boy is a band that has been around for not too long. I, myself, think of them as an amazing band while others, such as my father, consider them "noise". When I've had a rough day, coming home and popping in their CD seems to make my troubles go away. One of my favorite songs of theirs would have to be, "Hum Hallelujah". I have memorized the lyrics to that song and constantly sing them over and over; I could never get tired with hearing this song. They have sold 4 records and I love them all. Their lyrics are so meaningful to me, that is probably why I love them so much. Fine art is a great thing without it our world would be dull and boring.
Art has been a large aspect in my life for a very long time. Almost everyone in my family is related with art in the sense that they all are musically talented. I myself play guitar so can relate deeply to the art of music. I also enjoy listening to others play guitar as well. my favorite piece on guitar; however, is The Star Spangled Banner by Jimi Hendrix. This song has been redone by countless artists but Hendrix did it in a way that none else have. It is all instrumental and halfway through the song he describes what the bombs were like during the war. the way he composed this part of the song was just so raw and realistic that it made you feel as though you were there watching the war happen. At the conclusion of the song, he slows it down some to capture the true passion the song withholds. This version of the song, to me, expresses every last bit of emotion intended when it was first written by Francis Scott Key on the battlefield.
My favorite work of art would have to be the song "Dancin' In The Moonlight" by Toploader. This ditty was originally written by the pop rock band King Harvest and it was their only hit song. I prefer the version by Toploader because it is more up beat and groovin. I guess I first enjoyed listening to this song because it is from my favorite movie, "A Walk to Remember," which is the average teenybopper (excuse my slang) romance movie. ( boy meets girl, girl makes boy a better person, they fall in love, girl has leukemia, etc.) Anyway, this song expresses complete and utter joy to the point of dancing. It is about everyone taking a break from the normal crazy lifestyle and letting loose. Whenever I am going through some rough times, I just turn on this song and my whole mood turns completely around. This song is one of the few things that can take my pain away instantaneously (besides a tub of Ben and Jerry's). "Dancin' In The Moonlight has a bubbly melody with some catchy keyboard licks. Most people don't appreciate this song because they see it as a trivial pop song. I can understand that because I normally prefer classic rock over the new stuff kids listen to these days. Here are some of my favorite lines of the song, "..everybody's feeling warm and bright...they don't bark and they don't bite....we like our fun and we never fight, you can't dance and stay uptight.." My lungs still hurt from belting out the repetitious lyrics. This song is definitely my favorite work of art. (It's my "Hakuna Matata" :] )
EM Red
My favorite piece of Art is a painting by Jack Kebisani. He is a local artist that draws pictures of amazing things. His pictures are filled with detail and many hidden pictures. I'm not completely sure if the painting I'm talking about even has a name, but it is a piece that you could look at for hours. To start the picture has six major areas: The forest and waterfall area, the cave area, the fire and moon area, the winter area, and volcano area. The forest area is filled with trees and birds.The waterfall comes from the cave area and makes a pond. In the pond there is a island with Moai statues on it. The Cave has a beaten down tree in it with a ray of light shining in it. Also, the walls have hieroglyphics on them. Over to the right, there is a huge bonfire in darkness and above, a cresent moon. The winter area is covered in snow and the yeti is there standing. Finally, the volcano area is a volcano with lava spilling out onto ancient relics. This picture is very different and "trippy" you might say. It is so well drawn and mezmorizing. Its hard to look away.
My favorite piece of Art is a painting by Jack Kebisani. He is a local artist that draws pictures of amazing things. His pictures are filled with detail and many hidden pictures. I'm not completely sure if the painting I'm talking about even has a name, but it is a piece that you could look at for hours. To start the picture has six major areas: The forest and waterfall area, the cave area, the fire and moon area, the winter area, and volcano area. The forest area is filled with trees and birds.The waterfall comes from the cave area and makes a pond. In the pond there is a island with Moai statues on it. The Cave has a beaten down tree in it with a ray of light shining in it. Also, the walls have hieroglyphics on them. Over to the right, there is a huge bonfire in darkness and above, a cresent moon. The winter area is covered in snow and the yeti is there standing. There is an ice bridge going over a ice river that eventually melts. Finally, the volcano area is a volcano with lava spilling out onto ancient relics. All the areas are connected by rope bridges and flowing streams. The sun also shines all throughout the picture, beside the fire and moon area. This picture is very different and "trippy" you might say. It is so well drawn and mezmorizing. Its hard to look away.
My favorite work of art is the book A million little pieces by James Frey. This book is about a man who fights drug addiction and alcoholism. He starts out not knowing where he is, and he then goes to a drug rehab center. He eventually ends up helping himself and never goes back to using drugs (after some painful experiences, like having a root canal without being able to use any pain relievers), and in the process he ends up helping some other people, if only for a little while. This book may be partially fabricated, but there are probably people with lives similar to what he wrote in the book. This is my favorite work of art, because it reminds me that there are many people in the world with lives that aren’t amazing, and that those of us fortunate to have a decent life should be happy with what we are given and make of it what we can (basically if you are given lemons you should make lemonade).
My favorite work of art is "The Guardian", a fairly new movie starring Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner. This film follows the life of Ben Randall, a legendary Coast Guard rescue swimmer who is sent to teach at a Coast Guard training school after a traumatic accident involving his best friend. At the Coast Guard training school, Ben meets Jake Fischer, an arrogant student who is driven to be number one in the class. Ben confuses everyone with his bizarre teaching methods and pushes his students to the limit. As the movie proceeds, Ben and Jake form a close relationship, even after Jake graduates. After graduation, Jake is assigned to a station in Kodiak, Alaska. When Ben and Jake are sent on a mission to save two kayakers, the traumatic memories from Ben's past enter his mind and in the end Jake has to save the victim and Ben. When the helicopter rope to bring the two men up breaks, Ben realizes that he can not go on and risks his life for Jake. This is my favorite work of art because even though it has a sad ending, it really makes you think about how strong the people in the Coast Guard are and how amazing it is that they would risk their lives for someone they do not even know.
Art to me is something that very inspiring. Art is something that you personally can connect to on a deeper level. Something that has a personal message that many other people may not see. I chose to write about the song “Way Away” by Yellowcard. This song is song I can listen to over and over again without getting tired of it. The song triggers a deeper emotion for me because I can relate to the lyrics. Besides its catchy melody, I love this song because I believe the lyrics are extremely inspiring. The song mainly talks about not letting other people control your life. To follow your passions no matter what anyone thinks or says. Not to follow the crowd, and to be your own person. Not to let anyone stop you from achieving your goals. Not to be afraid to speak your mind, because it does not matter what other people think. It is only about what you think and how you feel about something as long as it makes you happy. I think that these lyrics are extremely important morals to live by. I believe Yellowcard did a great job on this song, both musically and poetically.
My favoirte work of art is the song, "Here I am Lord". This song is about someone speaking out to God and saying I heard your calling and I want to do your will. It talks about how much God has done for us and how we should aprreciate him and all of his works of art. This song means so much to me because it was the communion song at my Grandfathers funeral. He died when I was 9 and I still remember walking up for communion listening to the words of the song and knowing that everything will be okay. When he died I was mad and upset but the lyrics of the same made me realize that God does so much for us and my grandfather is in a better place now.
My favorite work of art is the movie Friday Night Lights, which is based on H.G. Bissinger's book. This movie is about a town in Odessa, Texas that is racially divided, and very into their high school football teams. The movie follows the season of the Permian Panthers, and the lives of each player. Their season starts of great, but when their star player Boobie Miles gets injured, the Panthers seasons goes downhill. The team must learn to work together to get back on track. This movie makes me realize the importance of teamwork, family, and friends. It also shows how hard work really pays off. My favorite quote from the movie is "Perfection is being able to look your friends in the eye and know you did everything you could not to let them down." I agree strongly with this quote, and it is something i live by.
One of my favorite works of art would have to be an album by the band Brand New titled “Your Favorite Weapon.” The reason why I enjoy the album so much is because the band wrote the album when they were still in high school. Whenever I listen to it, I get the feeling that it’s depicting my life somehow with all the relationships and events that I am experiencing in high school. For example, one of their songs on the album, Seventy Times Seven, was written about the lead singer of Brand New and his best friend in high school. It describes their friendship and how it fell apart over a girl. High school is a time when we establish friendships that sometimes are life long. However, they could be torn apart by new relationships. The funny thing is that a couple years later Jesse Lacey’s (the lead singer of Brand New) former best friend, John Nolan, formed a band, Taking Back Sunday, and wrote a song telling his half of the story. Basically, Jesse Lacey’s song expressed hate and anger while John Nolan’s song expressed sorrow, forgiveness, and how he longed to be friends with Lacey again like they were in high school.
My favorite work of art would have to be the novel “The Notebook,” written by Nicholas Sparks. This novel also became a film and is my favorite movie. The book is about a young girl, Allie Hamilton, who is staying in Seabrook, North Carolina for an entire summer. During her time spent there she met, and eventually fell in love, with a boy named Noah Calhoun, who she met at a Carnival. At first, Allie did not want to be near Noah, but after he continued to pursue her she finally agreed to date him and they fell in love. They came from different social circles which ultimately caused them to break up at the end of the summer. It had been seven years since they last say each other. Allie had a fiancé and was about to get married when she saw Noah’s picture in the paper. Something inside her made her go back to Seabrook to see Noah. Noah on the other hand was a war veteran and just lived alone. While Allie was visiting Noah in Seabrook they fell in love again and spent the rest of their lives together. When I first read the book I feel in love with it. The characters were young when they met, which makes them very easy to relate too. Also, I’m a girl so I really enjoyed reading about a boy and girl falling in love. I really liked how Noah treated Allie; he was the perfect gentleman and always loved her. It’s hard to see, in today’s society, love in most relationships. When I read about two people falling in love and being together forever it makes me happy, even though it is just a book.
(computer won't let me choose "other") JK Blue said:
My favorite work of art is the movie Titanic. I think it is a fantastic way of showing the true horrors that happened on April 2, 1912. My reaction to the movie when I saw it for the first time was so emotional that I almost cried. I usually don't tear up over movies. That is also how I felt after the movie was over. I felt melancholy, but it quickly ended. That is why I like watching the movie whenever I am in the mood for it. I like the movie Titanic for all the emotions it evokes.
This movie was not necessarily made to teach a moral lesson, even though a moral lesson can be found in it. The lesson that I was reminded of from watching Titanic is to brag about your day after sunset. What that means is that you don’t want to talk about something in a way that you end up jinxing it. When news reporters got word from the guy that built a new ship called the RMS Titanic, they immediately claimed it was unsinkable. After the headlines that read "This Ship Can Not Sink!" got out, the Titanic was on the bottom of the Atlantic. No matter how positive the people were of the ships durability before it set sail, it was still possible for the ship to sink. The people could have jinxed the ship! That was the only moral lesson that i got from the movie, but that is not the only reason it's my favorite work of art.
“Do you believe in miracles?” After watching the movie “Miracle”, I certainly do. No matter how many times I watch that movie, I always feel inspired by the accomplishments of Herb Brooks and the 1980 United States Hockey team. The fact that the movie is based on a true life event makes it a great sports movie about the underdog winning through teamwork and dedication. If someone in my family puts the movie on, it doesn’t take long before we’re all together watching. Besides the great story of the United States hockey team winning the gold medal, the movie has a lot of scenes and dialogue that stick in my mind. “Miracle” evokes an emotional response in me because I can relate parts of the move to my own life. As I listen to Herb Brooks yelling “Again” as his players skate back and forth along the ice, I think about coaches I have had ordering my teammates and I to do one more set of sit-ups or run another sprint when we barely have the energy to move. My favorite part of “Miracle” is when Herb Brooks talks to his team before their semi-final game against the Russian team. When Herb Brooks tells his team that “Tonight is your night”, it inspires me to work through tough training and practices, because when you’re prepared to compete, anything can happen.
My favorite work of art is the movie The Devil Wears Prada, starring Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep. The main character Andy (Hathaway) recently graduated college and is searching for her first job. Although she is not interested in the fashion industry and has no sense of style, Andy decides to try and land a job as an assistant to an editor at a well known fashion magazine. She gets the job, and soon realizes that the world of fashion is more important to people than she thought. Her boss constantly underestimated her, but after much perseverance and help from her co-workers, she starts to greatly excel at her job. After working for the magazine for a few months she gets caught up with her job, and forgets about her family, friends and boyfriend. It seems that the better she does at work the more her social life unravels. Eventually she realizes that this is not what she wants to do, and that she has changed into someone she's not. She ends up quitting the job, and becomes a writer for a newspaper. This movie is inspiring to me because it shows that you shouldn't change yourself for others. Andy changed because her boss and co-workers were pressuring her to be like them. This movie teaches a great life lesson, to always stay true to who you are, and never change for anyone but yourself.
The End of Evangelion is one of my favorite animated movies. This movie is based on a television series called Neon Genesis Evangelion. When I first saw this movie, I had difficulty believing it was made ten to fifteen years ago. It is so brilliantly detailed, that when I first watched it, I had fallen in love with its illustrations. The ocean, which is very important in the movie and show, is so marvelously drawn that for a moment anyone would think it was real. However, the plot was just as terrific as the illustrations. It took place in the future and was based upon the Judeo-Christian religion. The people in the movie are truly genuine that the can reminder a person of people they know or see walking around. There is so much symbolism and double meaning words within both the movie and series that it can get a person to think what the writers and directors meant. Because of all so many things going on at once, peoples should watch this movie more than once to understand a bit more; but, a person only needs to watch it once to get hooked. When I first saw it, I was hypnotized by it. So much was going on. It was tremendously interesting, and the people felt so real. I have seen lots of movies, but very few even skim the surface of The End of Evangelion.
If asked what my favorite piece of art is I would have to say the movie The Breakfast Club. The movie is about a group of high school students that have a Saturday morning detention. The group is made up of a diverse bunch or kids; there is the jock, the popular girl, the nerd, the loner, and the burnout. At the beginning of the movie no one will talk to each other because they all think that the other is weird, or mean, or they are just scared of being judged. As the story line unfolds they kids start to come out of their shell and reveal why they are in detention. By the end of the story the students actually become friends and share their innermost feeling with one another. Throughout the movie I was always trying to guess what would happen next and every time the next scene came it always caught me by surprise. To me this story shows what high school is really about and how people can just assume things about others that aren’t even true. The movie not only taught me but also showed me to not judge a book by its cover. I know that may sound corny but I really believe this story demonstrates this old cliché well. This is why The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite movies.
my favorite work of art is the song "Across the Universe" either By Rufus Wainwright or The Beatles. I first heard this song in the movie I Am Sam, which is one of my favorite movies. The movie I Am Sam is about a mentally challenged man that has to overcome many challenging obstacles in his life, such as trying to support his daughter and win her back. He loves his daughter which gives him strength to overcome these obstacles. And his love, courage and deterination passes through everyone in the whole movie and changes them, especially his lawyer. The song ties in with this movie very well. The song basically says that if the message of love and peace pass around, then we can all overcome the bad in the word and live in harmony. The movie I Am Sam gave me a lot of new insights and meaning. So, the song reminds me of this movie whenever listen to it. This song goes along with any type of mood i'm in and i can listen to it on repeat without getting sick of it. It also makes me think about a lot of different things in my life and the world. The lyrics are meaningful to me, especially the phrase "jai guru deva om".
My favorite work of art is the song "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. I first heard this song in the movie Shaun of the Dead, which is my favorite movie. Shaun of the Dead is about a man who leads a boring repeatative life until a virus turns everyone into zombies and Shaun the main character has to protect his friends and family. I liked the way the beat was soft and slow at the beginning and after that it got faster and the words to the song fit perfectly with the beat. This is my favorite song because it show not to stop what your doing and to keep going and you will overcome what ever is in your way. It helps me to keep going and i will be the best i can be. This song also makes you feel good and when i think about it I can here the song playing in my head. And i just think its a great song and everyone should like it
There are many works of art i enjoy and admire. One of those works of art is the movie, Grease. The movie Grease is my favorite work of art because its not just a movie, but a musical that has been around since 1978. The movie is about two people who fall in love over the summer and unexpectedly discover they are now in the same highschool. The two both realize this and end up in love once again. This movie really stands out from alot of very well-written movies. The music from the movie is what really makes this movie unforgettable. One of my favorite songs from the movie Grease is "Hopelessly Devoted to You". The song is about loving someone even if they dont love you back.The song makes me think about my own life and things that have happened in the past. There are also some other songs such as "We Go Together" that are just fun to sing along to. The movie also shows the life of highschool students and everday issues they go through. These are just some of the reasons Grease is my favorite work of art.
One of my favorite works of art is the movie The Guardian. This movie is about two Coast Guard rescue swimmers, Jake and Ben, played by actors Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner. Costner plays the role of Ben Randall, the famous rescue swimmer who was sent to this training camp to help train young men and women who want to become a coast guard rescue swimmer. In one of his classes he meets a student, Jake Fischer, who has a strong determination to be the best in everything he does. As the time goes on the two men become closer towards eachother and remain good friends after Jake's graduation. As the movie goes on Jake and Ben are stationed together at a base in Alaska, where they are later sent on a mission to save two stranded kayakers. Jake's determination to never fail keeps him going when things begin to go wrong, and Ben makes a life saving decision that makes me cry every time. I like this movie because it is filled with adventure and hardships that people go through every day. The determination and courage that is seen in this movie is amazing. And every time i see this film i can't helpl but think how brave the coast guard rescue swimmers really are, and how their life is affected by simple decisions.
My favortie work of art is the movie Brue Almighty. It's main character played by Jim Carrey is selfish and only cares about his life and his job. His girlfriend who is played by Jennifer Aniston leaves him because he is selfish and only cares about himself. At one point he is so helpless and wants to change his ways he lays down in the street and gets hit by a truck. At this point he talks with God and gets his life straighted out when he gets his powers. In the end he realizes he has done wrong and changed his ways. The moral of this movie is to not take your life for granted, don't be selfish, and to be yourself.
My favorite work of art is the book “The Andromeda Strain” by Michael Crichton. When I first started reading “The Andromeda Strain” it was hard for me to stop reading it. I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to know what would happen until the very end. One of the reasons it is my favorite work of art is because it is very descriptive and almost makes me feel like what’s going on in the story is actually happening. This story is a mix of suspense and science fiction. It is an amazing novel based on real scientific knowledge. Five scientists are searching to discover and classify an alien life form that was brought from the upper atmosphere, of space, down to Earth by a satellite. The alien turns out to be a virus that starts to spread and kill in mass numbers. This is a story of scientists who must deal with a heart-stopping crisis. This story carefully shows the scientists' mistakes as well as their breakthroughs. As the pressure builds and they begin to be short on time, I was left in restless suspense over how these incredible men at the end, would prevent total disaster.
My favorite work of art is the LP album, Eldorado by the Electric Light Orchestra, also known as ELO. ELO is my favorite band because some aspects of the band are very different than most other bands. For example, during their early years, Jeff Lynne, Roy Wood and Bev Bevan, wanted to make music that was different from music of the time. They had the idea that if they used their electric instruments, like an electric guitar, with a small orchestra, they would create a new hybrid of music and the Electric Light Orchestra was born. One particular album that sets them apart is Eldorado; it features a larger orchestra than what ELO usually had, and it relied less on the electric instruments, giving it an almost classical sound. This is why it is unique, because Eldorado features violins, cellos and other instruments of the string family. Jeff Lynne, the leader of the band, composed various symphonies for the orchestra to play for the album. The electric instruments and light orchestra fusion was a hit when the album was released in 1974 and Jeff Lynne went on to create other ELO albums using the successful string instrument family arrangements.
My favorite type of art is music. Music plays a big part in my life. I play the guitar, which is also a very big part of my life. My favorite work of art would have to be the album, "Nocturne" by the band The Human Abstract. This album isn't really my favorite work of art because I can necesarily relate to the lyrics or anything like that. It is my favorite work of art because of the band's skilled musicianship, technical guitar playing and songwriting abilities. I look up to the guitarists as role models for my own playing and songwriting. All of their songs stick in my head and I could never get sick of listening to them.
My favorite work of art is the painting by Van Gogh, Starry night. It is an oil painting that done by the artist in 1889 while he was living in France and one of painting that he did of night time.
Starry night shows a night of many stars, and a wide river. Simply it is a lot of dark blue, which makes up most of the painting. Also, in the painting there is a little town that stretches all the way along the river and in the foreground there are a couple little sail boats, and a couple walking away from the river. The only lights that you see are the stars in the sky, lights of the town, and the reflection on the river.
The reason why Starry night by Van Gogh is my favorite piece of art is because I was surprised by the way he painted the night time. But the biggest reason is that lights you see in the painting are a very small part of the composition and still the light draw my eyes whenever I see it and make me feel so warm. Besides the reflection on the river shows the movement of river which makes me feel the freshness of the river.
One of my favorite movies of all time is “Moulin Rouge.” It is such a good story and it has singing, dancing which is what I like. I think that anyone who is mature enough could enjoy this movie. It also sends a good message about freedom, beauty, truth, and love. The story is about a poor young poet named Christian who meets a beautiful courtesan called Satine at the Moulin Rouge. However they cant be seen together or the Duke would get jealous and could either kill Christian or loose Satine’s chances of becoming a great actress. In the end, Satine tragically dies from a horrible illness. One of the reasons I like this film is the way they used the music and dancing. Even though this was set to be in the early 1900’s it had a lot of more modern pop songs like the Beatles, and Elton John. Also the dancing was very subtle and there is a great tango scene with dramatic music which I loved. Plus the lyrics to the songs were very true which spoke about love and jealousy or sadness. I think that anyone would be able to relate the songs in some way. That is why I love the movie “Moulin Rouge.”
Zkred My favorite work of art is the Indiana Jones series which combines action with actaul historical myths. It is interesting and thrilling to watch what situations "Indy" gets into during his daring adventures. My favorite movie out of the series is "The Last Crusade" which is a heart-stopping quest to find the Holy Grail in which Jesus Christ drank out of in the Last Supper. In the movie there are several exihlerating challenges that Jones has to conquere which begins with his childhood as a boyscout, when he recovered a stolen artifact. He also had to find his father, save a women from a Nazi base, sneak through the dangerous Nazi-infested Austria, and then finally beat a whole German army to recover the Holy Grail which promises eternal youth, besides it's signifigance. This movie has action-packed fights, an interesting story, great acting, and a lesson of trust and spirituality. The Last Crusade also was directed by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg who also directed my other favorite series, Star Wars. They both have incredible imaginations and talent to produce such great movies.
Art is expression of the soul. Art is using something, whether it be colors, instruments, or your body, to let go or bring about emotions. My favorite kind of art is music. Music is indescribable. I believe humans could not live with out music. Music doesn’t just effect people’s ear drums, it touches people’s souls. Music can make you happy, sad, relaxed, energized, angry, grateful, or even many feelings at the same time. Music goes beyond just beats and lyrics. It can be as simple as the sound of wind blowing through leaves in the fall. One of my favorite pieces of music is a song called “Can’t Take That Away” by Mariah Carey. This song is so inspirational. The message of the song is no one and nothing can break your spirit. In the song, Mariah Carey repeatedly sings about a light that she had inside that no one can take away. In my opinion, the light she is speaking of is Jesus Christ. As long as the Lord is with you all things are possible. Whenever Im sad or am going through a hard time I listen to the song and it brings my spirits up. I feel inspired and hopeful of a better day.
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My favorite work of art is the movie Fight Club. The un-named main character (Edward Norton) who is a stressed, overworked, undervalued recall coordinator who eventually finds himself living with his new friend Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). They start an illegal underground boxing club known as "Fight Club". Tyler Durden becomes the ringleader and teaches the members to leave all their possessions and belongings because they eventually end up owning us. The club quickly turns into an army of terrorist distroying things from local coffee franchises to setting fires to buildings. They eventually try to blow up multiple credit card companies in order to ultimately "erase the dept record and we all go back to zero. It'll create total chaos." This is my favorite work of art because it has some pretty deep sayings like, "You have to know, not fear, that someday your are going to die. Until your know that and embrace that, you are useless.", and has things that make me think. There are alot of twists in the movie that are sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Besides that, I just think its a real interesting movie and Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors.
I consider my favorite work of art to be dance. I enjoy dance because it involves emotion and acting. My two favorite types of dance are Contemporary and Hip-hop. The reason why Contemporary is one of my choices is for a many reasons. Contemporary involves a great deal of emotion and challenges dancers to interpret the music by showing emotion in the correct way. Another reason why I enjoy this style of dance is because most of the routines act out a story. The chemistry between the partners in a Contemporary routine is very important. Physical strength and control play a big role in this type of dance due to the lifts and many other physically demanding movements. Another type of dance which I enjoy is Hip-hop. This style of dance requires a very high amount of energy. One reason why I enjoy Hip-hop is because it energizes me and makes me feel in an up-beat mood. Also, I like the movements in the Hip-hop routines which require total control and strength. Hip-hop, just as contemporary, along with the music, can act-out a story. These two styles of dance are truly inspiring and have led me to return to the dance world.
My favorite work of art is the movie 300. THis movie is about the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartan army was not given permission to go to war with the Persians, although King Leonidas, the King of Sparta. takes 300 soldiers anyway. THe Spartans must stand up against the enormous number of the Persian army. They very intelligently back them into a narrow path so that the Persians could not use their numbers to surround them. I love this movie because it shows great courage in the fact that 300 Spartans, fought the ten thousands of the Persians and were sucessful until the Persians disvored a route into the moutain pass behind them. I can watch this movie over and over, and I pretty much did during the summmer. I like it because a lot of my friends like it too and we can quote lines from it.This movie makes me proud our school's mascot is a Spartan.
My favorite work of art is the Broadway musical Wicked directed by Joe Mantello. It is loosely based on the book Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire. This musical is about the events that took place before Dorothy arrived from Kansas in the movie The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. What is unique about this musical is that it is taken from the point of view of the witches. The reason I chose Wicked as my favorite work of art is because it was the first musical I have ever seen on Broadway and it gave me a more emotional response than any book, movie, or song that I have ever seen in my life. The actresses and actors were phenomenal. They had amazing voices that really connected with the audience and kept my attention throughout the whole musical. The two main characters were Elphaba Thropp and Galinda Upland. Another thing that made this musical so fantastic was the songs. They ranged from fun and upbeat to heartrending. No matter what, every song made me want to sing along and keep singing them for days. I highly recommend that everyone go see this musical. You won’t be disappointed.
My favorite work of art is the movie Naked Gun, starring Leslie Neilson. This movie followed up on a TV series called Police Squad. This film is important to me in several ways. First, I shared the laughter with my Uncle Vince, who is my role model. Second, this movie somewhat defines my behavior around my friends and family. Its stupid yet clever dialogs keeps you laughing throughout the entire movie. Third, Leslie Neilson is almost the funniest man alive, besides Charlie Sheen. He plays his role so well; he captures the essence of a stupid cop who always is successful in the end. His charm is so appealing that you want to watch the movie over and over again. I came to be aware of this movie after I watched the TV series with my uncle. Without this film in my memory I don't think my life would be complete. This movie has taught me stupidity isn't always a bad thing. With this new found knowledge, I have learned I don't always have to be right, to take criticism as help not an insult, and to just be an all round nicer person. I know this movie isn't a four star, Emmy winning title, but it has touched me in more ways than one.
My favorite work of art is the movie Saving Private Ryan. This movie is set in World War II and is about a squad of eight men, led by Captain Miller (Tom Hanks), whose mission it is to find and bring home Private James Ryan after the death of his three brothers. The mission takes them through German-occupied France to try to locate Private Ryan, who was missing in action from his unit in the 101st Airborne Division. One by one Capt. Miller’s men are being killed and the rescue is becoming worse and worse as the movie goes on because the area that they are looking for Private Ryan in is very dangerous and it is actually highly unlikely that he survived at all. But eventually they find him and they fight their way back to headquarters and only a ¼ of the squad is still left standing. I love this movie because it showed the courage of the eight men who really didn’t want to go and risk their lives to find one man but they did it anyway and came out victorious.
My favorite work of art is the movie, Rudy. This movie is about Rudy trying to accomplish his lifelong dream of playing football for Notre Dame while everyone in his life told him that he could not achieve this accomplishment. Even with all of this discouragement, Rudy made it to Notre Dame and made the football team. The main reason why this is my favorite work of art is because this is a true story and it is a great story about how you should never give up on your dreams. This movie also has another great sports message. That message is that you do not have to be the biggest or strongest to be great. The thing that is most important is whether you want it more than the other person does. The acting in this movie is also very good, unlike many other sports movies and it is very realistic. This movie takes you through all the stages of Rudy's life. The scenery in this movie is just astounding. It is a very beautiful movie and some of the places where they film are great. This movie is great and it gives me goose bumps every time I watch it. That is why Rudy is my favorite work of art.
My favorite work of art are the Harry Potter books. THis is my favorite work of art because it's very creative and no one has ever written a series of books like this. Harry Potter is a mixture of qualities that makes it like no other books.Also, Harry potter is a book that allows you to relate to it someway in almost any o fthe seven books. Also, you can never predict what is going to happen next. J. K. Rowling also has Harry's adnetures start out at school then slowly his adventures start to leve the school grounds until finally he doesn't return to Hogwarts (the school) and completely ventures outside of school. Finally, Harry has two best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley and they stick with thruogh all his adventures which shows great friendship and adds to my likeness of the books. Thats why Harry Potter is my favorite work of art.
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There are many works of art that are very special to me, but one that especially stands out to me is a song by Phish entitled "The Divided Sky." This song is off Phish's first album named "Junta." It is an 11 minute 56 second instrumental besides for the loud chant that comes in about one minute into the song. The chant consists of the band members yelling "Divided Sky the wind blows high!" several times. This song is very important to me because it has very many mixed feelings within it. The song begins with an acoustic guitar riff, and is then accompanied by bass, and drums. It is for the most part, a very upbeat, cheery jam, but at about 4 minutes into the song, the tempo is slowed and a tiring, mellow jam is ensued. Listening to the slow, melodic jam makes me very tired, no matter where I am or what I am doing. I love this song not because I can relate to the lyrics, because there arent any that make much sense, but because of this song is a prime example of Phish's virtuosity in improvisation. This song will remain on my computer on my ipod and in my heart for many years to come.
My favorite work of art is a song by Bob Marley called "Three Little Birds". Bob Marley is known throughout the world as being one of the originators of reggae music, and also for his catchy tune paired with meaningful lyrics. Bob Marley made the effort to compose of song lyrics that could relate to anyone. I especially enjoy listening to this song because it places you in a certain state of mind. It has the ability to make you feel happy and even hopeful. The lyrics that make me feel this way are as follows: "Singin' don't worry, about a thing, cause' every little thing is gonna be alright."
The music has a relaxing rhythm, and the lyrics usually make me feel better about any sort of bad time I may be going through.
My favorite work of art is the song "Legacy of Love," sung by David Phelps. This song describes the life of a hardworking man. The man described in the song, although working two jobs and very tired, always found time to be with his children and to do the work of God. In the refrain it asks the listener what is going to be remembered of the man's life. Will it be how many friends he had or how much money he made? No, this man's legacy will be about the love he showed towards his friends and family. This song relates to my own life because sometimes I get caught up in the moment and I forget in the end people will not remember me by what clothes I own or how popular I am-people will remember the love that I have shown towards them. "Legacy of Love" is my favorite work of art because every time I listen to it it makes me realize that nothing is more important than the love you show towards yourself and others.
One of my favorite pieces of art would be the 1993 film, Rudy. This movie, based on a true story, portrayed Daniel E. 'Rudy' Ruettiger. Rudy was raised in a town of steel mill workers, but working in the steel mill was not his dream. Rudy's aspired to play football for The University of Notre Dame. Unfortunately, his dream seemed unattainable because of his grades and athleticism. Although Rudy did have a special characteristic that many other players did not have: love of the game. Rudy, so driven by this dream, gave up his life at the steel mill and went to college. After attending a community college, Rudy was accepted into Notre Dame in his last year of eligibility. He spent his first year at Notre Dame as a walk-on player on the practice team. He proved his tenacity as he constantly tackled by the starting varsity team. After an inspiring scene in which Rudy’s teammates offer to renounce their jerseys for him to play in their place, Rudy dresses and plays in the last game of his college career. I feel inspired when I watch this film. Rudy’s hard work is returned with his teammates loyalty in my favorite scene when the entire team offers their positions so that Rudy can dress in the last game. I also love seeing his father beaming with pride at the football game. One tagline to this movie was, “Sometimes a winner is a dreamer who just won’t quit.”
My favorite work of art is the movie 300. This movie is a recreation of the battle of Thermopylae with a few added special effects. The actual battle pitted 300 Spartans against an estimate of 1 million Persians sent by king Xerxes to conquer Greece. This movie is definately my favorite movie and it also informs you about the past. The amount of work done bye the actors in this movie was tremendous each of the Spartan soldiers had to undergo six months of navy seal training 6 hours a day and if continued physical trainer said their muscles would tear from their bones. The way that the movie was filmed was amazing some of the sketches made before the movie were exactly matching the scenes in the film. The director’s use of lighting in 300 was great also at some points it almost seemed cartoon like. The main reason this is my favorite work of art is because of the emphasis on respect, honor, and loyalty. Every Spartan in those movies was willing and ultimately wanted to die for Sparta which they called a beautiful death which is strange because if they did die for Sparta then it would most likely be in battle and would be rather ugly. This movie is definately my favorite work of art.
Art is not defined by just the paintings,drawings, and classical music pieces that have been around for centuries. Although those pieces are a big part of the art we experience, there's more to it than that. The contemporary arts, such as music, film, poetry, stories and other kinds of these arts all should be acknowledged as art as well. For me, the art that appeals to me the most are the pieces that bring about emotion in me. My favorite piece of artwork is the story "A Walk to Remember." This is about Landon Carter, a so-called "bad boy" who has known Jamie Sullivan for practically all his life, and doesn't see anything to Jamie other than a religious, self-reserved girl who smiles at everybody. Which is why, when he signs up for the art class and ultimately gets a leading part in the Christmas play that Jamie Sullivan is starring in, he expects nothing more than an "easy" grade. But Landon begins to see more in Jamie than the "quiet" one. He starts to see how insightful she is. He promises her that he "won't fall in love with her." but his promise is broken soon after he hears her sing in the first showing o f the play. BUt he soon finds out why she doesn't want him to fall in love with her. Her secret. She has leukemia. Their love strengthens and he fulfills her wish to get married before she dies of her disease. This movie is so much mroe than a romance movie/book to me. It also proves to me that everyone can change for the better. It just takes that one person to change them.Love can be superior to any hardship and can get you through anything. Its also important to me, because I have had experience with cancer. I saw my grandfather go from a lively man that loved the beach and visiting with his family, to a man that was restrainted to bed and couldn't stand even the slightest of loud noises.So I can both find a relationship between my life and this book and also it shows me the power of Love. This movie/book is contemporary art at its best.
My Favorite work of art is an album by the band The Used. It is their self-titled release which is also their first release. This album is an amazing work of art in my eyes because the lyrics and emotion and dedicaton put into this album have helped me get through so many hard times in my life, it helps me cope and deal with problems, its just puts me in a different state of mind. The lead singer Bert McCraken is one of the best vocalists/lyricists ever, and he is my hero to this day. His lyrics are the most emotional and somplex lyrics i have ever heard. It is just one of those albums that you can listen to over and over again and never get sick of it. All the members of the band are great muscians and have their own unique style of writting. This album has played a major roll in my life because i am a muscian myself and it has inspired me in so many different ways.
One of my favorite works of art is Blow Me Away by the band Breaking Benjamin. It was written and performed specifically for the video game Halo 2, and I am a big fan of the Halo series. This song is also the song that turned me onto the band Breaking Benjamin, which is now my favorite band. I heard a snippet of it while playing through the game and then one of my good friends showed me the full song and it blew me away. It starts out with a brief intro of ominous classical music composed by the great composer Martin O’Donnel, but quickly breaks into a fast, hard hitting rock song. The lyrics are very good, as is the music. It is a great song to get you pumped up, the chorus is “Only the strongest will survive, lead me to heaven when we die, I have a shadow on the wall, I’ll be the one to save us all” gives you the general mood of the song. The song is about winning a overwhelming fight and going in for the kill to win. Overall it is just an excellent song that can get you extremely pumped up, and is also undoubtedly one of my favorite works of art.
My favorite work of art is the Broadway musical/movie Rent. This movie is about a group of seven friends who are living troubled, yet carefree, lives in New York City. Every person of this rough group of friends has a problem that ranges from addictions to having to live with HIV Aids to being out of work. These seven friends, Mark Cohen, Roger Davis, Mimi Marquez, Tom Collins, Angel Schunard, Joanne Jefferson, and Maureen Johnson, struggle to live their lives every day. The first song sung in the movie is called “Rent” and it talks about “everything being rent”, meaning they don’t have enough money to pay their rent. This also means rent as in everything is destroyed or broken. But they do manage to have fun with their difficult lives. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when the song “La Vie Boheme”(meaning Bohemian Life) is sung. They all dance around the restaurant and have a good time, amid their stressful lives. During the course of the movie, the addiction of drugs tears the group apart. Then, the death of one friend brings them together again, and they realize what they have all been through together and reunite. This movie is one of my favorites because it displays themes of hardship, unity, and friendship that I think many people can relate to.
I consider my favorite work of art to be a musical artist named Paolo Nutini. He is a nine-teen year old singer from Paisley, Scottland, but now resides in London. I love his music because it is so different from everything played on the radio these days. He has slower songs when he plays aucustic guitar, then more up-beat, fun songs. His voice is so soul-ful and unlike any voice I have ever heard. You cannot help but feel relaxed when you hear it. Not only are the songs catchy, but they have amazing lyrics. My favorite song, titled 'These Streets' is about his move from his home in Paisley to London. It is evident from his lyrics in this song that it was an important time to him. He sings alot of love and what has occured in his past. He is able to put a smile on my face every time I listen to him. Whenever I need a good cheer-up song, I always play Paolo's CD. You can hear some of his Scottish folk music incorporated into his songs. His music really makes me want to go visit Scottland. To me, his music is the defintion of art and it is something I feel strongly about. I hope he continues to write great songs that continuously put a smile on my face.
I am a huge fan of classic movies form the forties, fifties, and sixties. I also strongly admire Audrey Hepburn, she is one of my favorite actresses. My favorite work of art is the 1961 movie Breakfast At Tiffany's. This movie portrays the interesting journey of Miss Holly Golightly, a woman so unbelievably fake, but also seemingly real. She was of upperclass and rubbed elbows with many millionaires of her day. She becomes friends with an up and coming journalist, Paul Varjak, who eventually falls for her. He has great admiration for her because she is such a bewitching woman. She is also somewhat peculiar; she chose not to name her cat because she stated that he didn’t belong to her, and she didn’t belong to him. She acted so far beyond her years, but also in a childish manor. Holly was one paradox after another. When asked what her favorite place was, she replies Tiffany’s, which is where the movie gets its title. When she almost loses Paul, she sees the error of her ways and love is once again overpowered by hate. This is one of my favorite movies because of the character that Audrey Hepburn plays. It is a role of great confusion, but also of much conviction. It was a classic in its day, and will be forever.
My favorite piece of artwork is the movie 300 directed by Zach Snyder who also directed the stupendous movie Dawn of the Dead. This movie was based on the book 300 written by Frank Miller. The movie is about the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. The main reason I love this movie is because of how the special effects supervisor, Louis Craig, created such a realistic setting that it felt like you were actually part the film. If you have ever seen the movie you would know what I mean. The movie is about the battle between the Persians, lead by King Xerxes, and the 300 Spartans lead by King Leonidas. The most astounding part of this movie is the fact that a mere 300 Spartans killed a countless number of Persians allowing King Leonidas to build larger army and eventually defeated King Xexes. This movie came out at the same time that I was learning about the Battle of Thermopylae in World History so when I saw the movie I really felt like I could relate to it. When I heard this movie was coming out I knew that I would have to see it, not because of the gore, but because I like learning about miraculous stories like this one. I saw the movie the day it came out because I absolutely love Zach Snyder’s movies. I have much respect for the actual Spartans in 480 B.C who put their lives on the line to help protect their family and fellow Spartans. If you have ever seen this movie you would know how amazing the entire cast and all the people who contributed to this absolutely remarkable movie.
My favorite work of art is "Blow", the movie. In this movie Johnny Depp plays a drug dealer that dealt with the biggest supplier of cocaine in the 80's, Pablo Escobar. It started with a small boy from Boston named George, who's parents had financial troubles. So one day he vowed that he would be rich. he didn't know exactly how but that came to him when he moved to California and made some quick cash dealing Marijuana until he was arrested to smuggling. While in prison he met his future business partner Diego who introduced him to Escobar. The movie then fallows his life as a cocaine dealer. I like this movie because its a very good movie with a good plot and it was also a true story based off of "Boston George".
My favorite work of art is M.C. Escher's "Relativity". "Relativity" is a painting drawn by M.C. Escher that shows a world where the normal laws of gravity do not exist. The people that inhabit the painting stay grounded on the stair that they are walking on. They go about as if the gravity is normal to them. If someone were to look at only a small fraction the the painting then it would probably seem as though it ware just a regular paint, but it when you look at the entire paint that it really becomes interesting. I chose M.C. Escher's "Relativity" as my favorite work of art because he was and still is my favorite artist. "Relativity" showcases a very odd look at gravity and plays a trick on the viewers perception of the paint. The painting makes me wonder how someone would come up with that and can help me come up with ideas of my own. Mostly though, M.C. Escher's "Relativity is just fun to look at and study.
My favorite work of art is the movie "Black Hawk Down." It all starts out with the Army Rangers and Delta Special forces being deployed to Somalia to take down a warlord, Mohammed Farrah Aidid. About 160 soldiers were deployed to arrest senior members of Aidid's cabinet. The plan was to infiltrate the target building through the means of deploying soldiers by helicopter. After two Black Hawk helicopters were shot down, it becomes a fight to protect the wounded while the whole militia in the capitol was coming down on top of them. This movie shows the true willingness to sacrifice your own life to save the life of another. I appreciate their story because it allows me to understand a situation that the world knows little about. Everytime I hear their story, it sends shivers down my spine. I truly know in my heart that I will rise to the challenge of becoming a Special Forces Operator. Delta Operator "Hoot" Gibson hits home when he stated, "when I go home, people ask me, 'Hey Hoot, why do you do it man, what are you some kind of war junkie?' I won't say a godd*** word. Why? They won't understand. they don't understand why we do it. It's about the men next to you, and that's all it is."
My favorite work of art is the television show, American Dreams. It is about a Philadelphian catholic family, the Pryor's, during the 1960s. This family has to overcome many difficult decisions. Jack Pryor, the head of the Pryor family owns a television and radio store and had a colored man employed. Helen Pryor, Jack's wife, is employed at a travel agency. JJ Pryor, the oldest son, enlisted is in the marines and fights in the Vietnam War. Meg Pryor, one of the main characters, is a young girl in high school who likes to have fun but sometimes makes decisions without thinking. She also dances on the television show American Bandstand with her best friend Roxanne. Patty and Will Pryor are the younger siblings. Patty is very intelligent, and Will has a cripple leg caused from polio. This is my favorite piece of art because it let me get a chance to see what it was like back in the 1960s. My favorite character was Meg because I could relate to her about some of the problems she faces with friends, boys, alcohol and drugs. American Dreams would always end in suspense that I look forward to it coming on again the following week.
One of my favorite works of art is the song "Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO. I think that this song has the power to raise anyone's mood, no matter how badly he or she is feeling. The lyrics are positive and cheery, and the upbeat drums and stacatto strings add even more to this tune. The simple, but expressive guitar solo mimics the part of the vocal line from earlier in the song. One of my favorite lines from the song is, "Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race!" I think these words do a lot to reveal the true meaning of the song, which is that the simple things in life are wonderful. The lyrics depict a town where people are celebrating something as common as a blue sky and a sunny day. "Welcome to the human race" is basically saying that this (blue skies and joyful people) is what life is (or should be), and it's wonderful. The synth voice also adds an interesting flair to the song. Finally, there is a major transition towards the end of the song; the feel goes from an upbeat rock sound to sort of a classical feel with the drum beat remaining for the most part. "Mr. Blue Sky" is a great song for me to listen to whether I'm upset or not, and that is why it is one of my favorites.
My favorite work of art is the song "Lose Yourslef," by Eminem. This song speaks to me on so many different levels. I can really relate that song to my own life. It describes what you could do with the oppertunity of your life. In Eminem's case it was his first rap battle at an underground Detroit club. He stunned the crowd and went on to stun the world. He is in my opinion the best lyrisist on the plant. Most of his songs really send a message about a hardship he expierenced in his own life and how he delt with it. I believe that you might only get one chance in your life to prove yourself and that you have to take advantage of it. I don't believe that time has come in my life yet, but when it does i plan to take advantage of it, nad hopefully make the most of it.
My favorite work of art is Happy Gilmore. I know that it is just a regular comedy to most people, but to me it is much more than that. When I was little, my older brothers and I would watch it at least once a week because we bought it on VHS. It might sound wierd, but it was our way of bonding when we were younger just by watching that movie and laughing constantly. We continue to watch Happy Gilmore about once a year together if it is randomly on TV. Even now, the atmosphere remains the same because we get to talk about how each of our lives are going becuse unfortunately we don't get the oppurtunity to see each other as often. Happy Gilmore is much more than just a comedy to me because it makes me think back to when I was very young just watching it with my brothers. It meant a lot to me to be with my brothers because I really looked up to them when I was little.
I have a lot of ideas about what I think my favorite work of art is, but I would have to say it is the song Over the Hills and Far Away. It is a song written by Led Zeppelin, and is featured on there album Houses of the Holy. The reason why I really enjoy this song is the strong lyrics. It talks about the good things and bad things in his life. For example, a part of the song says, "Many times I've lied - Many times I've listened. Many times I've wondered how much there is to know." He's stating how many times he's lied,or in other words has done something wrong or that he regrets. He also says how many times hes listened, or in other words has done somthing or said something that he was happy with. The song also has a light and calming rhythem to it, which can really relax or lift my spirits up a little bit when I'm tense.
My favorite work of art is the movie Titanic, which came out in 1997 and was directed and written by James Cameron. This movie is not only about the love shared between Jack and Rose, but is also based on a trajic, historical event. I remember my first time watching this movie, when I was only six years old. At that time in my life I didn't completely understand the movie, but I still enjoyed watching it. The movie is narrorated by Rose, the main character who falls in love with Jack. Jack was a poor man and Rose came from a rich, elite family. Within days, these young passengers of the Titanic fell in love. Jack later sacrificed his life, so Rose could live. This award wining movie, that has won eleven oscars, is one that I can enjoy anytime.
My favorite work of art is the movie Click, directed by Frank Coraci, starring Adam Sandler. This is my favorite movie, and work of art, because it's funny, but at the same time very dramatic. Click is about a man named Michael Newman, an average guy, father, husband, and buisness man, under alot of stress to satisfy his boss, family, and parents. One day he goes to the store and buys a universal remote that can supposidly help make his life alot better. He finds himself fastwarding through most of his life. Eventually the remote takes over his life and makes his decisions for him. In the end he realizes he has missed most of the great things in his life, like his family. This movie makes you think not to rush your life or take anything for granted because in a matter of a few minutes or seconds you can miss out on somethings, or people that are really great.
My favorite work of art is Happy Gilmore. I know that it is just a regular comedy to most people, but to me it is much more than that. When I was little, my older brothers and I would watch it atleast once a week because we bought it on VHS. It might sound wierd, but it was our way of bonding when we were younger just by watching that movie and laughing constantly. We continue to watch Happy Gilmore about once a year together if it is randomly on TV. Even now, the atmosphere remains the same because we get to talk about how each of our lives are going becuse unfortunately we don't get the oppurtunity to see each other as often. Happy Gilmore is much more than just a comedy to me because it makes me think back to when I was very young just watching it with my brothers. It meant a lot to me to be with my brothers because I really looked up to them when I was little. It meant a lot to me that my brothers would take the time to hang out with me on a consistant basis. they showed me that they cared about me by doing this every week with me. I purposely did not talk too much about the actual movie in detail because I think what made this movie special to me was the fact that it gave me an oppurtunity to hang out with my brothers because I really looked up to my brothers and I still do and I always will.
My favorite work of art is the movie “Saving Private Ryan,” which was directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie opens with the very graphic invasion of Normandy Beach. The wet and cold American troops arrive hearing German machine gun bullets ricocheting off of the ramp that they are all huddled behind. Once the ramp opens, the German machine gunner takes them down row by row. The men that manage to escape hide behind whatever they can on the shore of the beach. They then clear each bunker one by one until this strip of the beach quiets down. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., three brothers of the Ryan family were killed in a different battle that took place at around the same time. Their mother, Mrs. Ryan, receives the horrible news that three of her sons have been killed in battle. The last of the Ryan brothers, James Francis Ryan, is with the 101st airborne division in Normandy. An order is sent to find him and get him back home with his mother. I have never been affected by a movie the way Saving Private Ryan affected me. While watching it I felt as if I was actually in the movie, not just watching it. It made me think about how terrible war is and how hard it must have been for the soldiers that have fought. It shows these men’s dedication and perseverance to risk their lives to find Private Ryan and their dedication to bring him home.
Ever since I was a little kid I have been attracted to art and its creative ways. Be it music or the common television, art has always been a part of my life. I’d have to say that the Ocean’s Movies (11, 12, and 13) and the ongoing storyline has to be my favorite modern art. The movie has an unbelievable cast, including George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Bernie Mac, and Julia Roberts naming just a few. The plot consists of an interesting group of eleven guys (Ocean’s Eleven) that all come together in a heist to rob 3 casinos in one night. The main character Danny Ocean had spent a couple of years in jail after robbing a bank and once he gets out he goes looking for his crew to get back into the old business. The movie then turns into multiple plot turns while always having a funny sense of humor. I think that’s a big reason why I favor the movie so high, because of the quality humor. I really could watch Ocean’s Eleven countless times. To me it’s a classic.
My favorite work of art is extremely personal. It means so much to me that I have it on my back for the rest of my life. It is my tattoo. Before I got it I wanted to make sure it was personally and said a lot about. Unlike most people my tattoo is not one I saw on the wall of a shop; I drew it with my own hands. It is a Celtic cross which shows my Irish heritage. Even more so to show that I bleed green, and now gold also, I drew a shamrock in the center of the cross. I also wanted to incorporate something about my friend, Ricky Wilcox, who tragically died in a car accident the night before his graduation. I was going to get a tattoo that said “140 FOREVER RICKY”. Then I thought that was too flashy. I wanted something extremely personal, so when I drew the cross I made the edging look like ancient stone. It drew cracks all through out it then I hide the words “140” and his initials “RW” amongst the cracks. Unless you know it is there u can not even tell. MY friend may be gone but he will forever be on my mind, soul, and heart. Some people say I was way too young to get a tattoo and that my parents were crazy, but when they saw my design and knew how much it meant to me they couldn’t say no. This is why my tattoo is my favorite work of art.
My favorite work of art would be the song MMMBop by Hanson. One reason this song is my favorite is beacause of the amazing lyrics in it, "You have so many relationships in this life only one or two will last you go through all the pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast...So hold on the ones who really care in the end they'll be the only ones there
and when you get old and start losing your hair tell me who will still care." These lyrics are so moving and beautiful. This song is very important to me, which leads to my second reason. My other reason for this being my favorite song is because of the memories I have from this song. This song came out in 1997, when I was five years old. I can remember singing this song all the time with my dad. We would dance around to this song, listen to it in the car, or listen to it anywhere else we were. You may think that is a nice memory but it means more to me than being just a memory. It brings me back to a time when my dad wasn't sick and when he could just be with me. It makes me think of the fun times we had when I was little.
One of my favorite works of art would have to be the movie Blood Diamond. This movie is about two African men,one black and one white, Solomon Vandy and Danny Archer,who were in Sierra Leone in South Africa during the time of a civil war. Vandy's son was captured during a raid on their village and Vandy was sent to dig for diamonds in a field. While digging, he came across an incredibly rare and precious pink diamond. He hid the diamond, just before being captured again and sent to jail. While in the jail he meets Archer, who hears about the diamond and sees this as a second chance, a way to stay alive. Neither man has anything to lose so they set out together risking their lives time and time again until they reach Vandy's son,and eventualy the diamond. I could watch this movie over and over again because it showed me how two people who could not be more different can build a bond strong enough to risk their life for the other just to keep a promise. It also taught me about the situation the was really going on in Sierra Leone in the 1990's.
My favorite work of art is the movie 300. It is an extremely popular movie about an extraordinary ancient war that took place around the year 400. The war was fought between the greatly outnumbered 300 spartans of Greece, and the vast army of the Persians led by King Xerves. It is my favorite work of art because of the story behind the movie and the content inside the movie. The story has alot of meaning to me because the spartans expresse many strong and passionate characteristics to almost defeat an army of more then 100 times the size of them. They all work courageously side by side to almost defeat the Persians. Although the Spartans do not win the war, they fight until the end and never surrender. All in all, this is a great work of art which enspires me each and every time I see it and that is why it is my favorite work of art.
My favorite works of art are the Artemis Fowl books. These books are about a child prodigy who controls every aspect of his life. In the series Artemis Fowl is a ten year old boy who is a criminal mastermind, a child genius, and an only child. Artemis fowl has made money and built him a criminal empire at the age of ten. The interesting part to the series is even though he is a smart kid Artemis never realizes until coming across a magical item that magical creatures exist. In this series Artemis teams up with the equivalent of an F.B.I agent in the magical world. Each story depicts them in different trials that test Artemis mentally and physically, but eventually help him in the long run. One reason why these books are my favorite works of art are because, the book shows that a kid has the ability to be more intelligent than adults and criminally superior to the most dangerous people. Another reason is because even though there are magical creatures the book is full of action and there isn’t a stupid simple answer nor are there resolutions like the magical beings shoot magic and everything is better. Even though this is one of my favorite works of art there is a drawback, it still has a cliché ending where he turns to good and him and the magic beast get along like most cheesy books, if it would have ended with him still being a criminal mastermind it would have been better but it is still a great work of art.
My favorite work of art is the movie Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I love this movie because I think that Pee-Wee, the main charcter of the movie who is trying to find his stolen bike, is nice, funny, and someone who has a somewhat crazy personality. I also like this movie because I think that it speak to the fact that if you love something that much that your willing to do anything to do anthing to get it back then it means to me that your are very committed to it. Another reason I think this is a great movie is because I like the type of mindset the Pee-Wee has. He is so determined that whatever kind of odd obstacles he faces he still keeps going until he finds it his bike big red bike. This is my favorite work of art because of the qualities that the charter in this movie has (love and determination).
My favorite work of art is the movie Forest Gump. Although this movie may seem just like many others, with different happy and tear jerking moments scattered throughout it, this movie has much deeper meaning to me than most other viewers. My family has always been a big fan of the Forest Gump movie and all of us would always gather around the tv and watch this movie close to every night. When i was younger, the movie did not mean as much to me because i just thought it was another regular movie with some goofy guy who talks funny. But now that i am much older, i truly appreciate the real struggles that the character of forest gump goes through. Although he has so much bad luck throughout his life, he never stops believing and he never gives up. Forest is always extremely optimistic and always looks on the better side of things. Since this is what i aim for in life, i feel an extreme connection to the character of Forest Gump. Although he is portrayed as being border line mentally challenged, i believe that Forest could be one of the most intelligent people in the movie, which can be seem through the choices he makes out of love, bravery, loyalty, and many other qualities that a good man should have. This is why Forest Gump is one of my favorite movies.
My favorite work of art is the movie "Rudy". The story is about a determined young man's successful attempt to be accepted into the college of his dreams, the University of Notre Dame. His entire life, Rudy was told over and over again that he wasnt big enough, wasnt fast enough, and wasnt smart enough to be a good football player. His dream was to play football as a member of the Fighting Irish, but was laughed at by everyone whenever he had mentioned his plan. His best friend had stood with him, giving him the strength to persist and follow his dream, eventually being accepted into Notre Dame and playing on "America's football team". Given the opportunity to play fulfilled his lifelong dream, and the story is one that no one could ever be forgot, even if they were a USC fan.
When asked to pick a favorite work of art, many things ran through my mind. From the controversial novel To Kill A Mockingbird, to the ever-popular movie “The Wizard of Oz”. But the one that stood out the most the a classic song written by The Beatles entitled “With A Little Help From My Friends”. This upbeat song can always get me in a good mood no matter what kind of day I’ve had. The optimistic nature and charming lyrics about the importance of friendship reflect my own views on being a good friend.
“What would you think if I sang out a tune, would you stand up and walk out on me?”. This intro reveals the artists insecurities when it comes to being vulnerable. He’s asking his friends if they would 100% stand by him and back him up even if he made a fool of himself. And when it comes down to it, that’s one of the important qualities to have in a friend. To know that even if you mess up, act out, stand up for your beliefs, or put yourself out there in any way, you will always have your friends to come back to and to believe in you.
My favorite work of art is the sitcom show Seinfeld. Seinfeld is no longer airing on television these days, and hasn't since the late 90's, but I believe it is truly one of the greatest television programs of all time. The show stars Jerry Seinfeld, as the main character Jerry, a middle aged working man, living an ordinary life. Jason Alexander, starring as George, a unachieved middle aged man, who's struggling with jobs but trying to make his life the best he can. Julia Louis Dryefous who is the only steady woman character in this show. She is a beautiful woman and finds herself getting in and out of different natural adventures. Michael Richards, as Kramer, maybe one of the most substantial characters in the shows history, who is a loony,funny,odd but genuine guy. All of these characters are the best of friends throughout all 9 historical seasons. This show does not have a story line, a catch or anything like that, its simply about the normal life of a working human being, and teaches you about friendship, and good relationships. It shows you how things can happen in the real world, and shows you ways to better yourself. It is a comedy which makes the show give a happy feel. Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander are both comedians in real life outside of the show itself, as well as Michael Richards, so it is an extremely funny show. Besides the fact the show always makes me laugh,makes me realize how good it is to have friends, and teaches me things about having a job, it also brings back an early childhood memory of mine that will forever remember. Ba ck when I was younger, after coming home from basketball practice or school itself, I would do my homework eat dinner, and then sit down and watch an episode of Seinfeld with my mom. The re-runs air every night at 7, so I would always catch one with my mom next to me. We would always find ourselves laughing together, even though she had been a big fan of the show while it was originally on television so she had remembered every episode. Just the way the show had brought us together before bed was a lot of fun for me when I was younger, and the fact the show has always made me laugh is the reason why it is my favorite work of "art".
One of my favorite works of art is the television show Project runway. It is a reality show on the Bravo network. On the show clothing designers from all over the country compete for prizes that would greatly further their career in the fashion industry. The designers are put through demanding challenges in which they design garments within a certain criteria. You get to see the designers form concepts and construct their ideas. Their final product is sent down a mini runway and judged. Throughout the three seasons there have been numerous judges but some of the people you are most likely to see on the panel include Nina Garcia, Michael Khors, and Hiedi Klum. The judging criteria includes originality, execution, workmanship, and consistency with the theme. Finally after the judging the person with the lowest score is sent home. I like to watch this show because I think it is interesting to see how clothes are made. I also like to see how the designers express their own person styles though the clothes they design. The characters on that show always make it so interesting. I think Tim Gun is hilarious and is always very truthful but polite in his critiques. I am inspired by the designers on this show because it shows how you can express you self though what you wear and what you do.
My favorite work of art is the song "Pressure" by Paramore. The song starts out by saying, "Tell me where our time went, and if it was time well spent. Just don't let me fall asleep, feeling empty again." It talks about how two teenagers never have time for eachother because of everything else going on in their lives. This is true with all teenagers in one way or another. For example, teenegers are pressured with the work they are given for school and to keep their grades up. Teachers and parents are alwyas pressuring them to do well, and they even pressure themselves. Image also pressures teens. They always feel that they need to look their best and they need to be perfect. "I can feel the pressure, its getting closer now, we're better off without you." Teens always feel pressured to be skinny and gorgeous and do not realize that no one is perfect. They are better off without the magazines and other people telling them they aren't good enough. The song refers to any type of pressure people deal with that causes pain or stress in their life. Everyone is better off without pressure.
My favorite work of art is a movie. I've seen hundreds of them but the one of the most realistic and best movies ever made, and my favorite work of art, is Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction is divided up into multiple stories and told out of cronological order. This is the best movie by director Quentin Tarantino who also directed Kill Bill and Grindhouse. This movie has dozens of classic moments including the 5$ shake, the twist contest, the miracle, the gimp, the wolf, the golden watch, the robery, shooting Marvin, and my favorite part, the conversation between Bret and Jules. Recently the American Film Institute voted Pulp Fiction the 95th best movie of all time. The best part of the movie would have to be the dialogue, it's vulgar, funny, and intelligent all at the same time, It's full of memorable quotes, one of which is my favorite line of all time.
I'vecome to realize that at this moment in my life The Wind-up Bird Chronicle is my favorite work of art. I heard the Wind-Up Bird today, that ephermeral creak of winding springs. Yet, after reading Murakami's prose twice already, I can't figure out the true essence of the wind-up bird. It isn't a bad omen, yet something that's always been there that we finally are able to hear. What do you hear when you turn off the annoying dance and interplay of sights upon eyelids?
My favorite work of art is the movie Click, starring Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler plays Michael Newman. Michael, an architech working hard to get a promotion, barely ever has time for his wife and two kids. One night when he is really frustrated with the television remote, he drives to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get a new remote. He finds a universal remote in "Beyond." The remote not only controls his electronics, but also everything around him! Michael uses the remote to fast forward to the good parts of his life. Soon, the remote programs itself to Michael's life and starts to fast-forward by months and years at a time. Michael finds himself missing significant things in his life. He realizes that the remote has messed up his life, and he is missing important things, like his family. This movie taught me not to take things for granted, and that good things will come if you work for them.
My favorite piece of art is the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It’s about the love that Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy discover. They don’t see it right away it takes along time till they finally realize they were meant for each other. They both are stubborn and pig headed Elizabeth voices her opinion no matter the circumstances. Mr. Darcy worries about the social class and looks down on many people. This is why they start off on the wrong foot. In the end Mr. Darcy realizes that social status doesn’t matter it’s a persons character he learns this from Elizabeth. When Elizabeth realizes that Mr. Darcy is a kind person after all, they realize that they were meant for each other. Elizabeth is not on the same level of the social scale as Mr. Darcy but it doesn’t bother them they end up marrying each other and don’t care what people say. I’ve come to deeply love this book it shows you that love can come in all different sorts. Elizabeth never thought that she could love a man like Mr. Darcy. It just goes to show that not everyone is who he or she seems. You have to get to know a person. In this book you come to understand that love is effortless, once you have love you protect and care for it as long as you have it. No matter what people say as long as you have love life is complete. Its shows you how loves grows and surprises you when you least expect it.
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