Just Around the Corner

So while VJ and Phil and are battling it out on Sunday afternoon, you're just a likely to see Bill Murray (Caddyshack) donning a woman's bonnet, skipping across a green after a putt, or throwing a woman into a sand trap (yes, he did that one year). At this time of the year, not having swung a golf club for ages, I enjoy both the competition AND the clowning. Both lighten the winter in my soul.
Are you also starting to feel "spring fever?" Maybe spring makes you recall Emily Dickinson?
A LIGHT exists in spring | |
Not present on the year | |
At any other period. | |
When March is scarcely here |
Share your own thoughts on spring. Right here.
So Fio: Glenn Huricane Schwartz did good didnt he! Hope you enjoyed the snowday. I enjoyed walking to classes in slush, snow, and ice! See ya later!
I know you're a big Hurricane fan, but did he finally get one right? He was really wrong with his long-range winter forecast. Anyway, we've been OFF school since last Tuesday afternoon. And we don't have school tomorrow (Monday), either. I'm itching to get back to school, believe it or not. Hope all is going well.
I am rediculously jealous of all you St. Marks kids. Not a single one of my classes was cancelled... boo! And as to Hurricane... he updated his winter forcast when he realized he was guiding us astray so hes still okay in my books!
Spring is my second favorite season, to summer. This is because the weather is changing from cold to warm! Also, i love playing lacrosse. It is one of those
sports that is exiting to watch and play, unlike baseball. haha. I also enjoy running which is incorporated in lacrosse everyday! Seeing the sunny skies makes me yearn for summer. And to know that summer is that much closer is bittersweet!
Spring is a nice season also to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection. I have been going to a Catholic school since I was in kindegarden. So faith has always been in my court. And you can not forget the nice week and a half we get off! I always like that break because there is the chance I get to go somewhere warm and it is a nice reminder that the year is ending soon!
Emily Dickinson is definitely a prolific writer and knows that spring is one of the better seasons!
For me, Spring is one of the best seasons. In terms of weather, it is probably my favorite one of the year. When I used to live in Florida, spring was always a great time because it was before the weather would get too hot, and also, we used to get out at the end of spring. Now spring is a great time because I love the feeling of comming out of a cold winter into nice weather. Even though spring is not my favorite season, summer is, I enjoy spring. Spring break is a very great time because its a nice break from school.
i love and hate spring. I love how that me and my friends can finally go outside and play basketball without having cold hands and stiff knees. Also, the clocks are moved back so there is more time to play. But, i hate it because it is really hard to stay focused in school knowing that summer is so close. And in subjects such as theology, history and english(no offense), which have little meaning in my daily life or future, i find my grades in these subjects really slip. But overall spring is a good season.
I like ajelgreeen's talk about celebrating Easter
Spring is my favorite season of the year. I really like that we have off in the summer, but I like the spring weather best. The weather during the spring is perfect. It is not too hot and it is not too cold. Another great thing about spring is that it starts to get lighter at night. Also, during spring there is always Easter vacation. This is a great time to spend with family and friends to enjoy the great weather. When we get back to school after Easter vacation we know that summer is just around the corner. As ajel also said, I have gone to Catholic School since kindergarten so Easter is meaningful to me. When I was in 5th grade my Pop Pop passed away that Good Friday, which is also the same day that Jesus died. So Good Friday is significant to me, to remember my Pop Pop.
All and all spring is a great season.
As an old friend of mine used to say, "There's a spring in my step now." While she was referring to something entirely different this quote applies to me and why spring is one of my favorite seasons. First off it's girls soccer season here at SMH, so that is so much fun for me. I love playing outside in the warmer weather it is so much better than indoor and playing in the cold air.
Spring also means I begin work again at Rita's. Work isn't really a great thing to look forward to but my co-workers are hilarious and make working so much more fun. Spring being so close we have the free regular ice on the first day of spring(March 20).
Finally spring means being outside and starting on the tan for the summer. Means more kids paying less attention in certain classes like chblue said such as theology I completely agree. All in all spring is great. Some fantastic events happening and afterwards it leads to summer which is always so great.
Spring is one of my favorite seasons, first of all for Spring break, then because summer is comming up fast. Spring break is always really fun for me, because I usually go some where really cool for the break. This year I am going to the Bahamas. It is really nice there, and there is so much to do. Also after spring break everyone starts thinking about summer, and what they are doing then.
Ha! Forget the red robin. The opening of Rita's is a harbinger of spring, for sure.
I like and dislike spring at the same time. I love how summer is right around the corner. It is just something that I anticipate so much. I also like the new scenery. Everything becomes greener and more colorful. Flowers begin to bloom and birds begin to chirp. It makes going outside a whole lot nicer than in the barren wintertime. Summer is also a time for new sports. The one I play is softball. Spring is filled with tough practices and intense games. The only thing I hate about spring is all the rain. It is just so depressing to look at. The rain does have a good outcome though. After all "April showers bring May flowers."
Spring has got to be alomost everybodies favorite season. It is my favorite for many reasons. The first major reason is Spring Training and the start of the baseball season. Also the weather starts to warm up but it doesn't reach the blistering heat of the summer. Also march maddness is also usually at the begginging of spring which is also great. Spring is also the time when the flowers and the trees start to come back to life and make the world more colorful. Also when people think of spring many people also think of the springtime holiday of Easter. There is also spring break which helps eveerybody get ready for the last stretch of the school year. These are the many reasons why I love spring.
Oh wow. Spring. My favorite season of all four that exsist.
Summer is nice because of the heat and being able to swim. Autumn is nice because it turns a little cooler. Winter is nice beacuse it snows for us kids. Even after that though, summer is to hot and i get sunburnt easily. Autumn is depressing because the stress is back, no more vacations, and the trees are losing their leaves. Winter is to freezing.
Spring is the most amazing season because i love the rain and it rains uncontrollably and it's warm. You see all the cute animals come out to play and it's nice enough to play sports outside and get your excersize. All of the flowers are blooming and you see color once again in your backyard. You see your friends and the stress of school is almost over. Don't get me wrong, because i love school and seeing all of my friends, but spring vacation is soon and so is band trip and all of that happens in the summer time. The heat isn't to strong and the cold isn't to fierce.
I love spring because it's an even balnace of nature all together most years.
I love spring because the weather is finally changing. I can finally go outside without a coat and I can start wearing shorts again. Spring is also the time when my family and I begin to head down to the beach and we can also de-winterize our boat and begin using it again. When we get out of school at the end of the day, I can go outside once again, rather than staying inside and still being cold. I like spring a little better than summer because, now-a-days, summer seems to just be ridiculously hot. Spring and autumn are my two favorite seasons, but I think spring wins overall.
I love spring and I can't wait for it to arrive!
I feel like spring is a preview of what we are all looking forward to, summer. The weather starts to get a little warmer, the sun starts to shine brighter, and all of the color comes back into the world. You find yourself wanting to dress in summer clothes, even though it isn't quite time. There is no longer a need to warm up your car in the morning before you leave for work or school. A huge jacket that always gets in the way is no longer a must.
I also enjoy spring because it brings spring break. My family usually goes to Florida over spring break. Laying on the beach, in my opinion, is the most relaxing thing you can do. On Easter Sunday, my family always goes to the same church, which is located on Sanibel Island. The church gets so crowded that we usually have to stand outside and listen through and open door. This doesn't seem to bother me though because the weather is beautiful. I would have to say that spring is one of my favorite seasons.
Spring isnt my favorite season because i have some mixed feelings towards it. One positive aspect of it is that its a HUGE relief from the cold months in which people are locked up in their houses sadly peering through their windows wondering when it is going to be warm enough to go outside. When spring finally does arrive its nice to hear life outside coming from birds and children. You can go outside and just lie on the grass or go for a ride down the street with the windows down just to fully take in the "springness." Its a good experience for the first couple of weeks until the bees and allergies come along. I HATE BEES! To me they are pointless creatures. They just fly around scaring people and sometimes harm people. They join little communities and hide out in YOUR trees and rule them as if they were their own. Then you have allergies. Fortunately for me, my allergies only last one week if I get them but during that week is the worst. As if I didn't have enough problems with things finding themselves into my eyes already, allergies make them worse. My eyes itch constantly. They itch in the morning, they itch at school, they itch after school, they itch while I sleep. There is no getting away from it and to add insult to injury you come down with a runny noses adn sneeze with every breath you take. Luckily, as I said, this only happens to me for a week and then it is over. I feel sorry for those who have it for the whole season. So, spring for me has its positives and negatives and they pretty much balance each other out.
I both love and hate spring for many reasons. For one its a time when the flowers come out and the suns really starts to shine. I can start to were my shorts and take my vacation to Chincatiggue, VA. The weather is really the best part of spring time. But the reason I hate spring is because as soon as spring starts my dad runs down to the gas station and picks some up for the lawn mower. So I have to start cuttin' the grass again. It wouldn't be so bad if my grass didn't grow so fast all the time. Well those are my veiws on spring.
Spring has to be one of my favorite seasons, even though I’m busiest around this time of year. For one thing my birthday (3 days and counting!) is the day after spring starts. It’s so amazing to see the world is come to life around you. And it’s wonderful to see all the trees start to bud and all the flowers make the world colorful again. Another thing is that I love waking up to the birds chirping, it’s so peaceful. Plus in spring it rains often and the smell in the air right before a really big thunderstorm has to be one of the best in the world. Then there’s the spring musical, which always proves to be a lot of fun. Band trip is also in the spring and that is a ton of fun, even the really long bus rides. Last but not least, is Easter Break, a time of rest and relaxation before pulling through that last long stretch to the end of the year.
Even though I love spring, I can’t wait for the madness of school to stop and summer to be here already. I find myself day dreaming in class about soaking up the sun’s warmth at the beach and going to the barn to ride for hours on end. Spring is the color guard competition season so I have to say goodbye to my weekends for about 3 months. It also seems to be the time that teachers drag out projects for us to do or they decide to all give a test on the same day, because they want to give as many grades as possible before the quarter ends. I don’t know if someone plans it, but the week of my birthday it seems that everything and anything is due.
No matter how busy I get, spring is one of my favorite times of year because you get to see the world around you come alive. I don’t know how people who live in places without the four seasons manage. It’s so refreshing after a long winter without any real color in nature. Spring is my time to recharge and appreciated the wonders of the world around me
Spring is truly one of the best seasons, it's the time when everything comes out of hibernating. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's my favorite, I reserve that for winter, but it definatly provides opportunities for great pictures. There's good and bad in spring, I guess as with just about anything else. It's the beginning of beauty in nature as the amazing colors start to show and I love to just walk around parks with my camera in my hand. I would have to say the best time of year is just when spring has started and the colors are coming out and there's that one last snow. I love taking photographs with a beautiful flower covered in a light snow. Spring is also a great time to just sit back, watch the birds come, and listen to the sounds of spring. There are many rain showers during spring but they are just that, showers, nothing like the storms of summer. The rain always brings out the true color in nature.
Spring is somewhat sad for me though as it ends the snow fall and amazing black and white pictures you can only get with it. If I could live anywhere it would be up North because I could not live without snow at least a few months of the year. That said I still wouldn't give up the sheer beauty of nature in springtime.
The next best thing about spring is, of course, America's Pastime. After a long winter inside I love the first day of spring when I can get out to the baseball field and work out the cramps in my muscles. There is nothing like walking out on the diamond when there's that spring-morning dew on the grass, just thinking about it makes me want to play. Spring also marks one other thing: one more quarter to go. The end of winter to the beginning of spring is when I usually get overwhelmed with school and grades. Spring gives me new hope as it marks the last quarter and that a much needed Easter Break is soon to come. I know it's impossible to describe the colors in nature in spring, you really need to see for yourself. Springtime is truly the time to become a "contemporary Thoreau".
Unlike winter, i highly anticipate the coming of spring. One main reason is because for some reason i always feel so much more relaxed. Spring is basically a haven for me after the tough months of the winter. In spring im so relaxed. I start my less serious and more just fo the fun of it sport, lacrosse. Everything seems to loosen up during this season. I become less stessed, i hang with my friends more often, my work load seems lighter. to me it seems like spring just has this air around it that just doesnt let me pass below a certain point. its great compared to the winter months because people get a heightened sense of life; longer days, flowers blooming, color coming back, birds chirping. also a big reason spring is so awesom is because it means that summer is coming soon, which is like spricg 5 times over.
I very much enjoy spring because it is lacrosse season. I love lacrosse. However, my favorite season is winter because I love the snow. Snow is really fun, especially when you go snowboarding. So was the groundhog wrong?? We were supposed to have an early spring, maybe it’s on its way. But who knows?? I am glad we got that little extra snow last weekend. I went snowboarding for the weekend, not surprising. Now that we are a bit into the lacrosse season I would like the temperature to go up a bit, preferably the upper 60’s. The prefect temperature is no so cold that you can’t wear a short sleeve shirt outside, but not so hot that it’s so hot you just die when you step outside. So I think my prediction is accurate. In addition to ajel, baseball is NOT boring...lol. I love baseball. Baseball also marks the start of spring because it sort of controls my week. Since I have a brother who is an avid baseball player, I constantly live at the baseball field. I am there so much I decided to make it a job, so in the spring I umpire.
Spring is probably one of the most "look fowarded" seasons in the year. No more cold weather, snow, or hail. Theres no reason not to be exited. There are so many things to look foward to in the spring. Theres spring break, Easter, my birthday, and many more exciting events. Spring is a well diservered break from school and all the worries of tests and homework. Theres also Easter, which is an important holiday. For my family we all usually go to church and have dinner, (nothing very exciting) but i still look foward to it. I get to see family that i haven't seen in a long time. We all get to catch up and get to celebrate the resurection of Jesus together.
A LIGHT exists in spring
Not present on the year
At any other period.
When March is scarcely here
Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Spring is probably my favorite season if we weren't still in school wasting away all 7 periods besides Lit class. This is a brilliantly beautiful time of year, March Madness time, time to whip out the shorts, and time to start thinking of summer! Sadly I am not like my feminine friends who seem to stay "tan" (orangeish) during the winter months, so I see spring as a time to get out on the lounge chair and do my best to get this Irish skin a little color. Spring is delectable, I love when the Limestone Hills classic games of 3 on 3 start back up and when an evening rain brings utter peace to your soul. I would have to admit that summer tops any ohter season, but spring is a not so far away second. This season is the perfest time to just lounge outside. As soon as winter ends I want to be doing everything outside, golf, basketball, toss the baseball around and maybe even some pigskin. So I hope everyone enjoys the spring and keeps gracefully basking in the warm sun rays until kingdom come, or summer that is.
Spring makes me so happy. The beauty and the grandure of nature as things are freshly blooming is wonderful to look at. Weather also seems perfect. I say it "seems" perfect because I'm sure that if it were only around 65 degree's in the middle of the summer, we'd all think it was chilly outside. However, right after a cold winter 65 degree's is heavenly. I can pretty much wear whatever better fits my preference for that day as well. Long sleeves or short sleeves would be acceptable. I could wear flip flops or sneakers, either way, it wouldn't make a difference. Spring also marks the end of the school year. At this point, Spring Break is highly anticipated, and Summer Break isn't far behind. I can start to slow down and relax in the spring. The entire atmosphere during spring makes everything appear so much better. All I can say is that spring is without a doubt, my favorite season.
Fio you have no idea! I am sick in bed with spring fever! That glimpse of summer we got last week was amazing!! I am done with winter. Spring is warm and pretty and just makes everyone seem happier. Its easier to get up in the morning when you know its not 20 degrees outside. Spring means no more trying to run in a million layers to keep warm. It means shorts and T-shirts! It means the paleness of everyone ghostly colored skin will tan. But best of all.... spring means RITA'S!! The first day of spring is so easy to be excited for because who can be sad when they get free water ice. By the time spring comes I am tired of the cold weather and tired of the snow. It usually comes at the perfect time. I love spring because it is summer just not quite as hot.
See you at Rita's!
I love spring. Spring means that my mom's and my birthdays is coming. It also means that the Band Trip is coming. Spring is my symbol for insanity. No, just kidding. Still, Spring is pretty crazy. Between schoolwork, two birthdays and Easter, it gets pretty hectic. Still, I love spring. I love watching the trees bloom in my develompent, especially the Sakura trees, my all time favorites. It starts to get warmer so we can put all of the heavy winter clothes away. We don't need bundle up every time we go outside. The birds start coming back, the fish start swimming in our pond again(if a heron didn't eat them) and the frogs are jumping. Spring is my all time favorite season, but I still love the other three.
How would I describe my feelings toward spring? Hmmm…. I can’t think of any one word but I absolutely love it! There are so many joyous wonders about spring that always boggle my mind. The fact that every year with out fail, the flowers bloom and new animals are being reborn is just amazing in itself. Not to mention the way everything around me begins to come alive (especially people)! Now that the winter monster is whirling out of sight, everyone’s mood begins to be uplifted. It’s amazing how the weather can really change a person’s behavior!
But what I love most about spring is the senses it awakens. I enjoy the touch of the crisp clean air blowing past me, the smell of the sweet blossoming flowers, the sight of the sun kissing the bright green grass, the sound of the birds singing their own unique song, and the taste of ice cream from the ice cream man who always comes a month early!
Spring makes me feel energized and ready to seize the day, but it is a constant reminder that summer is getting closer and still so far away. I then begin to realize we only have a couple months left of school, and will be heading our separate ways on summer vacation and the like. But it also excites me because I know I won’t have to get up as early( even though I probably will)!
Spring is beautiful but the one thing I don’t really favor are the Bugs!
Especially buzzing bees!
spring- n. The most overrated season of the year.
"Oh gee willikers fellas! Spring is here! Now all our troubles will be replaced by sunshine! Tra la la la la. Let us go frollock in the daisies!"
Yeah, see, here's the thing. This isn't "Little House on the Prairie". I would highly doubt that because of the arrival of spring, anyone is now going to go ride Mr. Ed down to the bubbling brook and stick their feet in the water and write poetry about flowers. Besides, what the flip is wrong with winter? "OoOoOh, iT's cOlD!" Yeah, well maybe next time you won't wear a mini skirt when it's 28 degrees out. Besides, who can honestly say they don't like snow? Snow is possibly the greatest thing in the universe, with the exception of perhaps fluoride or Mr. Lannutti's hair piece. Even if snow angel's aren't really your thing, one cannot deny the beauty of new fallen snow, untouched by human hands or the urine of your neighbor's cat. So what if it makes you late for work? That's one less hour of your life spent in a cubicle.
People need to stop looking at spring so philosophically. "Winter was a time of dying, but now spring brings us new birth!" Uh...no, actually the Northern Hemisphere was just tilted away from the sun for a few months. The plants therefore shed their leaves to retain water, and the animals went into hibernation or moved. Nothing died. In spring, the Hemisphere will begin to tilt back, all the animals will wake up and resume killing each other again, and you'll all start complaining about how hot it is.
I'd have to agree with just about everyone on here, that Spring is one of the best seasons. I don't really have a favorite season because they are all amazing. But I always look forward to spring and summer. I just love the weather in the spring. It's not too hot but not cold at all. I'm not a huge fan of all the rain, but it can be nice sometimes. The best part of spring would be Spring Break, of course! I always look forward to spring break, especially now, because I can go up to Maine to visit everyone. Spring is a very muddy season up there, but still very pretty. Another thing to look forward to in the spring would be Easter! It's a great time to get together with your friends and family and of course the easter basket. Spring makes me happy. I love it!
I am not totally in love with the spring time. I suppose I will eventually when the weather gets warmer. I can only stand the cold weather for so long. I can't wait until all the beautiful flowers radiate with their magnificince all over the land. The biggest part of spring time is the flowers coming back in bloom and life shaking back into the trees with leaves. I like spring because of Spring Break and the reason for that I think every normal kid in America that doesn't like school knows the answer to. In the spring I run spring track. I am pretty mediocre and not a standout starter but i have to do something to keep active. Spring is my awakening from my winter hibernation where I finally get off my butt for at least a couple seconds. Spring time is great and all but I am really looking forward towards summer.
Spring...Thank God!!!
Spring is definetly one of my favorite seasons because all the snow and cold winter weather is gone. Spring is the one time of year when all the trees start to bloom and the grass and flowers come back to life. During this season the days are definetly brighter. Even better is that summers coming soon and no school!! All the spring sports are going on as well and its always fun to go cheer on the lacrosse team for a win without freezing to death.
Spring is my favorite season. I will never be able to get tired of it. There is nothing like the feeling of coming out of a harsh, cold winter into a warm, inviting spring. Spring also makes me happier. Feeling the warm weather while walking into school makes me want to skip a step or two. Which I do, when no one is around. The thing I live most about spring is that I start singing again, unconsciously, which means I am probably in the best mood. I also love spring because everything comes to life again! The birds start to sing their songs, trees start to turn green, and the sun wraps its arms around me. Spring is when I can enjoy taking evening runs or just sitting outside for no reason. Spring also gives me a chance to re-invent myself. All of this rebirth makes me want to shake off this old skin and make a new, better version of me that I like.
I am feeling spring fever. I always look forward to this time of year every year. I always can’t wait for the days to get longer and warmer. I love to be able to get outside in the sun and feel comfortable. I feel like I'm a happier person all of a sudden and have tons of energy. I can tell that in school I'm extremely jumpy and energetic. I love the thought of being let out of school and go out into the warm and play lacrosse. It’s just amazing how much happier I feel. Everybody's a little bit more laid back now that spring is coming and people aren't as cranky. I love it. I love seeing the colors finally coming back into the trees and I love all the flowers blooming back. Also I love the feeling that summers closer and that school is coming to an end. I feel like I've been dormant all winter long and now that spring has come, I can just let loose and go crazy. I've notice I've smiled more and have just been an overall happier person. I truly love this time of year. It's the best time of year.
Spring is my second favorite season of the year. The weather begins to get warmer and more comfortable. As the groud thaws out, the plants begin to spring to life. School begins to finally slow down, as we all prepare for summer vacation. I'm also finally able to eat because wrestling season is over. Spring also makes you think about new life. It is such a good time to celebrate the lord's resurrection. Easter is a big time of the year for my family. We all go to my grandmothers house and feast. I wish every season was like spring.
Spring is my second favorite season! As soon as winter starts, all I talk about is how I can't wait until spring. There is only one thing I don't like about the spring season. That is that it is a lot harder to concentrate in school. Most of the tiem my grades drop right at the beginning of spring because all I can concentrate on is that summer is almost here. But I really do love spring. I am able to go outside and play basketball without freezing to death. Spring usually has the most perfect weather! It's not too cold and not too hot, it's just right! Another reason I like spring is that it is the start of AAU Basketball season. My team has 10 out of 16 returning players and we have picked up eight more girls. We are one of the top picks to take nationals for the 15A division this year in Nashville, Tennessee. I am so excited. I love spring because instead of being in a hot and sweaty gym, we are able to go outside and exercise and have more fun doing it! I love spring!
Spring is definently the best season of the year. The school year is winding down, the temperature is going up, and baseball is in full "swing" ( pun intended). The smell of the fresh cut lawn, the breaks for spring and memorial day. It all combines to be one bangin' season. And dude, who can forget that Rita's opens tomorrow! Can you say free water ice? But the best part has to be baseball. Baseball is my passion and my first love. This will be my seventh year of baseball, and I could play forever. I love those clear spring days practicing with my team until 8 at night because we have so much more sunlight. I can actually go outside with shorts and a t-shirt on. Finally, I can finally take off that annoying, yet surprisingly stylish, blazer. Hope your golf season goes great Fio!
Soccer season and spring are used interchangeably(sp?) around my household. When spring begins to roll around in March(or maybe never this year!), pre-season for soccer is in full swing. Highschool games start around the very end of March, just when Mother Nature decides it's her time to shine. Not only highschool soccer, but club soccer is in full swing now as well. My Pennsylvania team, West Chester Warriors, is doing a tournament about once a month with practices two to three times a week. You can bet I'm getting my share of soccer. Even though it's so much work, I still love it. I think i can say I have a genuine love for the game. But not to get off topic, spring really is great for me because of soccer. The fall just isn't the same, I miss playing everyday. But there are some other reasons spring is cool though.
The weather is a big plus as well. Also, when spring rolls around, school is just about done! You must know from experience, every student dreams of the day! Not that I don't love school or anything, it's just nice to have a three month break. I'm sure you enjoy it as well though!
So yes, the first day of spring is great for all the RAIN, flowers, baby birds, and Easter. But, in my life [which mostly revolves around soccer!], the season opener is what I live for!
Spring. It's just a pretty awesome season. It's a symbol of change. After winter, animals come out of hibernation and so do we, to some extent. We go outside more, put away the winter coats, and become happier. Of course, the skis and snowboards get put up in the attic, but every season has its good things that only it can bring us.
And of course, spring means something else to every student at SMHS: There's only one quarter left until summer! Classes start to get harder trying to cram everything in before the end of the year, but students deal better with it when they get to go outside to a warm afternoon with their friends after the day is done. And also, for all of the musical students at St. Mark's, spring is the best season of all! We have the musical, our spring concert, and band trip! All are exciting events. Spring Break also comes, giving us a short hiatus from our classes.
Even after all of that, though, the best part about spring is the weather. It's perfect. The days are hot enough that you can wear flip-flops and shorts, but the nights are chilly enough that you can curl up in a blanket. It's great.
Man, Spring is definitely one of my four favorite seasons. Summer is just around the corner, march madness has come to an end and winter sports are closing. Who even watches Pro-winter sports anymore? Baseball is starting and so is lacrosse. It’s fun to just sit down and watch a baseball game through the whole thing and root for your favorite team.(Go Braves!) Spring is especially famous for being the season before summer. The mysterious orange tint most girls get on their skin is disappearing and girls tend to look more beautiful and natural. Spring break is an awesome thing, too because everyone tends to go somewhere or something even it’s only for one day. The feeling of warmth and security when walking outside returns and one imagines snow never coming back. Hopefully I am writing this at the proper time so the snow will actually never come back. Spring requires a more appropriate comfortable dress which includes shorts and short sleeve t-shirts. I sometimes take a brisk walk just to enjoy the climax of nature’s beauty. The birds return and give a great soundtrack, although sometimes can be little bit annoying. I am not really sure why, but people all seem a little bit more enthusiastic and happy in springtime. In my opinion spring is definitely the greatest time of year.
Spring is AWESOME!!! It may even be my favorite season, either that or summer. All other seasons are basically just terrible compared to spring in summer. Like, I bet up where Mother Nature lives (seriously, where does that woman live) there some sort of exclusive club, where like, all the best seasons celebrate how awesome they are, and spring is on the top of the list. They’re way too gloomy and bleak. But not spring! Spring has that awesome transition feeling of the weather going from cold to hot. All the ice around you house starts to melt, you can finally go outside. Your bones start feeling the warmer weather, and start to become less brittle, they get powerful again. Plus, all the best fruits start to grow in spring. I mean you have peaches, nectarines, plums, strawberries, the list just goes on and on. I think there are even a few good vegetables that grow during springtime; I just can’t remember them at the moment for some reason. There’s also that awesome feeling of how school is about the end during spring, Just imagine, it’s the fourth quarter, teachers have stopped caring about work; there’s a sort of electrifying feeling going around the whole school, and everyone is just a little bit happier (except for the kids who have to go to summer school) knowing what’s coming up soon. Plus, you have Easter vacation during Spring. As if Spring just wasn’t awesome enough, here you get this 10 day+ vacation to enjoy the outdoors. The coolest bugs even come out during spring: butterflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, other insects just can’t compare. There’s just no comparison in feeling. So yes, I do have Spring fever, but it’s not making me vomit, it’s just giving me butterflies (partial pun intended).
Personally, i love spring. It's my second favorite season. Summer is my first, of course, no school! I'd endure a bit warmer weather to be out of school. You can tell when its almost spring, the air smells different. This year, i actually made my mom come outside and told her to smell, she was confused, i told her that i wanted her to smell spring-it was a weird day, I'm sure you can tell. Spring means Ritas water ice, breaking out the shorts, buying a new bathing suit, getting new flip flops, and new sunglasses since i always lose mine. It is the start of going to the beach, when the weather is warm enough to walk around barefoot, to wash the car and throw water, and to o swimming. Spring means more fun than winter, and the start of even more fun being that summer is coming. Spring is a very uplifting season.
Being born in the winter, it's hard to let go when spring rolls around. But since this year we got with the whole snow thing Im actually excited for the spring to start. Spring means getting outdoors with pals and having a good time. Its also great because lacrosse is in full swing by this time. Like some other people I know, I too believe that spring has a different feel than winter. Other than the obvious allergies, and cold temps, spring is different because there seems to be a lighter feel in the air. Spring is also cool because it gets you pumped for the upcoming summer. Spring is the first time of the year to get out your flip flops and bathing suit and go for a swim. Some people also like to get pre-tan going before vacation. About vacation, spring also holds the first long vacation of the year. Where you 10 or more days to do whatever you want to. Though everyone has different reasons for liking spring, everyone can agree that its a great season.
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