A Man Must Find Occasions in Himself

Darn. I'm glad I don't have friends like Hawthorne. Or do I?
Anyway, please read the selection from Walden that follows and comment for your next journal assignment. This might take some thought, and some time spent sitting alone and contemplating without distractions from your IPod or cell phone.
Here's the ugly Thoreau:
I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans. Nay, I often did better than this. There were times when I could not afford to sacrifice the bloom of the present moment to any work, whether of the head or hands. I love a broad margin to my life. Sometimes, in a summer morning, having taken my accustomed bath, I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise till noon, rapt in a revery, amidst the pines and hickories and sumachs, in undisturbed solitude and stillness, while the birds sing around or flitted noiseless through the house, until by the sun falling in at my west window, or the noise of some traveller's wagon on the distant highway, I was reminded of the lapse of time. I grew in those seasons like corn in the night, and they were far better than any work of the hands would have been. They were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my usual allowance. I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of works. For the most part, I minded not how the hours went. The day advanced as if to light some work of mine; it was morning, and lo, now it is evening, and nothing memorable is accomplished. Instead of singing like the birds, I silently smiled at my incessant good fortune. As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest. My days were not days of the week, bearing the stamp of any heathen deity, nor were they minced into hours and fretted by the ticking of a clock; for I lived like the Puri Indians, of whom it is said that "for yesterday, today, and tomorrow they have only one word, and they express the variety of meaning by pointing backward for yesterday forward for tomorrow, and overhead for the passing day." This was sheer idleness to my fellow-townsmen, no doubt; but if the birds and flowers had tried me by their standard, I should not have been found wanting. A man must find his occasions in himself, it is true.
"A man must find occasions in Himself," is a true statment. There are times when people just need to be alone, I know that I do. Summer is the time when I most like to be left alone for a period of time. On a nice, warm, summer day with the sunny shining down I'll go outside in my backyard sit on the grass with a book and read. Now I can read for hours on end but in the sunlight and being warmed by the sun I could read one book after another after another, that is my time to be alone. The outdoors reading it makes like seem like it stopped for that short period of time that you are out there. Its very relaxing, calming and I feel as if I have not a care in the world. Its during these periods of time by myself that i realize how truely lucky I am to have a family that loves me, friends that support me and a roof over my head.Its these times by ourselfs that we realize who we truely are thats why we need to find oursleves on occasions.
I think that a lot of people need some alone time every once in a while. As for my self, I like to be alone only if I have been around people for a long time, like if i am with some friends for a few days. Then I would probably like to be alone, just to have some down time to my self. Also I like to be alone when i am reading, and can't stand it when people are around me when i do, so that is always some thing i can do when im alone. Finally when i have to clean something or some place, which I hate doing, I like to be alone. I think people need some time to them selves every once in a while to chill out, and have some time just to look at things, at least I do.
I completely agree. People do need time just by themselves, with no distractions. After a long day of school and basketball practice, I know I go right home, eat supper and then go to my room where no one else is. If i have to read a book, I don't like anyone else around. I'm not sure if I like to be alone all the time, but sometimes when I'm stressed out about things I do. Or if I have a lot of things to think about, I like to be alone. In the summer, I love when I'm home by myself and can just crank the radio and tan outside. It relaxes me a lot and I have plenty of time to think about everything. But usually I like to be with my friends. I like being busy and having plans, so I never really have time just by myself. When we have a break from school, such as Christmas break, I usually have plans everyday. But after a few days I like to go home and just relax by myself. I think every school should have a day off of school, like once a month, called "Relax Day!"
Spending time alone is sometimes a good way to just sit and think. I usually hate being alone because I get so bored, I like to be out with my friends having fun. But every once in awhile I need to just sit down and relax with no distractions, especially with no cell phone interruptions. The best time to be alone and relax is during the summer. My family takes a trip to South Carolina every summer and this is when relaxation is the best. I can just go down to the beach when I feel like it without anyone to bother me. I just laying out in the warm sunshine and listening to the ocean. It makes me feel relaxed and carefree and I like that feeling. I don’t have anything to do at all. No schoolwork and especially no one to bother me. Knowing that I have nothing to do and no where to be at a specific time relaxes me. I am able to just think about future plans or what I want to do with my life. It relieves all the stress that I have built up. It’s during these times that I realize how lucky and blessed I am that I have an amazing life and wonderful friends and family who care about me. I think that everyone should just take the time to sit and relax every once in awhile. It’s very relaxing and it definitely helps relieve stress, making you happy with your life.
I think most people would agree with the statement that I'm a people person. I enjoy being around a lot of people and often am. However, there are times that I normally spend alone. When I'm alone, and someone disturbs me I usually get upset with them (unless it's important). I like people, but i recognize that in order to maintian a certain amount of sanity, being alone is quite beneficial. I have recently learned the importance of rest and relaxation. In general, there are also some things that are simply more enjoyable alone. Reading is a perfect example. I love to read, but if other people are around I'm easily distracted. I also believe that in order to find one's self, you need to be away from the influence of others. Basically, I completely agree with the message of this passage from Walden.
I am in complete agreement with this passage and the words, "A man must find occasions in himself." I think that everyone needs some alone time. I know I do. I like having plans and having things to do, don't get me wrong, but every now and then I like to have some time alone and completely to myself. This is the case especially when I read. I don't like anyone really to even just be around me. I want to be alone so I can comprehend what I’m reading. I like random days when we have off of school and both of my parents have to work because I can just sit at home by myself. I can crank up the stereo as loud as I want and I can act stupid and dance around the house if I want. My alone time is just a time for me to sit and think about things that might have happened that day or things that have been on my mind for a while that I just haven't really thought about yet. Also, like those days off, it's just a time for me to let loose. Your alone time can be whatever you want it to be and I think everyone needs to take that time, at least every once in a while, to just relax.
I defineatly agree that everyone needs a little alone time. Whether it is just for a couple minutes or even a day it helps people relax especially after doing a lot of work or being extreamly busy. I like to be alone when I am doing different things. The first thing that always do while I am alone is to read. It is very difficult for me to read when others are around or while their is a lot of noise because I just can't concentrate with all of those distractions. Another thing I like to do while I am alone is to play my guitar. I like to do this when I am alone because no one can hear me and I can do what I want. I also like to play video games by myself. I like to play by myself because it just helps me relax. I agree that everyone needs some time alone to relax and these are some of the things that I like to do when I am alone.
I think Thoreau is a very wise man. I think people need to sit down and comtemplate what's going on in their lives. There are some questions that you cannot procastinate in answering, and that you cannot find the answer on your television set, or even in "God." The answers lie in yourself and yourself only. I agree with this passage in that you should take away all the distractions and really concentrate and manuflect so that we can make better decisions and ultimately make ourselves better people.
"A man must find occasions in Himself," is a very important statement for the everyday life. Everyone needs a special time to just be by themselves. I think that people would go crazy if they didn’t spend some time alone! When I get time by myself I like to go in my back yard. Since there is a lake in my neighborhood and my house is happens to be on it, I like to go out there. I like to go out on my dock and sit in one of our Adirondack chairs. It is very peaceful and calming. I like to sit out there and see all of the different birds and even the otter that lives under my dock. Occasionally, I will even see a fish jump into the air. I love to go out there and relax and just get my mind off of everything going on in my life at the moment. Another place that I like to go to relax at is my beach house in Bethany. I love going down there because everyone is just so relaxed. It is nice to go down in the summer and relax, not having to think about any schoolwork. It is very calming to go down and lay on the beach and hear the ocean. I think that it is very important for everyone to have their own space once in a while. Everyone is a lot calmer after they have had time for themselves.
I don't generally take a lot of alone time. Although alone time is good, I don't get much of it just to relax. Most of the time when I am alone I am doing homework, studying or have something to practice. I enjoy being around people and love to have company but I do enjoy the little alone I get. When I am alone I may listen to music or read something. I do something that relaxes me and takes me away from stress and work. I make sure I don't have any intruptions especially from people who will cause more stress. I believe that this alone times gives me some time to get back into my own life. I seems to help people out that I forget to take care of my own self sometimes. This time si great to help me realize that I have a lot of things to be greatful for.
Reading this makes me really wish that it was summer. I feel like in the summer I can be by happy all day without a care in the world. I don’t have to rely on other people to make me happy, I can find happiness within my self. When I’m alone I sometimes do serious thinking about the world in general. It’s very relaxing. When he talks about taking the bath on a summer morning “in undisturbed solitude and stillness” with the sun pouring in, it reminds me of my summer mornings by myself. Sometimes I even fall asleep outside so when I wake up I can have to sun pouring all over me. It’s the best feeling in the world and I know that I’m truly happy. I love when he quotes the Puri Indians. "For yesterday, today, and tomorrow they have only one word, and they express the variety of meaning by pointing backward for yesterday forward for tomorrow, and overhead for the passing day." It makes so much sense to me but I can’t even explain it. It’s simply brilliant. This truly reminds me of my favorite line of my favorite Bob Dylan song. “Let me forget about today until tomorrow.” Live life with a love of the little things and don’t dwell in the “yesterday’s”.
if there really is such thing as total conciousness, it must come to you while you are alone sometime. for me the only times i can really be alone are basically in the shower and in my bed at night. quite frankly, these two places are the most common places where people do there best thinking. the reason is because your alone. when im just lying in bed my mind wanders and i think about so many things, big and small. everyone needs to have some alone time. if not to theink, then just to get away from everything and relax for a while. of course too much lonelienes isnt a good thing. its still important to talk to people, but probably the best person you can talk to other than god is yourself.if your having a hard time with your life or something of the sort, take some time alone to find yourself, because we all need to find ourselves on occasion.
I completely agree with this entry. Everyone needs time to relax and enjoy life. Most people choose summer to do this relaxing. Summer is a time for fun because most teenagers our age have off school and most college students are off unless they are taking a summer course. During summer, it is warm and there is lots of sun so that we can go to the beach to hang out with our friends and have some "harmless" fun. Most adults need to take a break from their work and just relax.
Students in high school and college need time to relax the most because they are always studying, or working on homework. They never get any time to just relax.
Most teens can't wait till summer because there is no work! Summer is the best time to relax and read a book. It is when students can forget about everything that happened during the school year and they can just have fun. Summer days are the best to relax. There is lots of sun, people can go to the beach, and they can hang out with their friends. Teens can do pretty much anything when they are on summer break.
Everyone needs a break sometime, including adults.
Secluding yourself from the world can be a good thing sometimes. It allows you to think. You can organize or analyze your life. It seems like Thoreau may have been away for too long. I wouldn’t be able to be alone for that long. Everyone needs personal time, but escaping everyday life for too long can drive you insane. I guess it can go either way. You can either live peacefully and find out the true meaning of life, or you can be bored out of your mind. Most people can’t even survive without communicating with other people for an hour. How many people can live without computers, cell phones, and ipods? Just being able to take yourself away from electronics is a huge sacrifice. I like to just get away sometimes. I sit out on my dock and look out over the water. The wind blows, and it’s just so nice. I could sit there all day! So, I guess Thoreau is right to want to leave. Everything is so peaceful when you are alone, who wouldn’t want that.
Just like Thoreau, I need time to myself just to think and relax. I use this time in many different ways; sometimes I read, sometimes I draw or write, and other times I will lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking about whatever pops into my head. When I'm alone, I will also turn on my iPod and sing to whatever songs I feel like or play my flute. Time away from the chaos and stress of everyday life is what everyone needs to keep from going insane. Just spending time alone, even if you're busy blowing up aliens in a video game, keeps you going admid the stresses of everyday life.
Summer is my favorite time of year because I can take long walks with my dogs without having to worry about being back home to get to school or anywhere else. I can take as long as I want to exercise, contemplate the mysteries of nature and think about whatever is bothering me that day. Even though it is summer, I still have plenty of things to worry about. Over the summer assignments, the next school year, doctor's appointments... I need the alone time to work out my problems and calm myself. Despite the comfort and reassurance friends and family can offer, sometimes it's easier to work things out on your own. After I have time to myself, I feel calm, rested, and ready to face the world.
On this comment, a man must find occasions in himelf, I agree and disagree in some ways. I do feel that it is good that we spend time by ourself just to relax and forget about all the stress and agony of school and work and responsibilities once in a while. I think that it relieves you of all that stress; and I think everyone would agree when I say that summer is the best time to do it; because you dont have to worry aboutfinishing homework, studying for tests, or doing anything else. Now, a I said before I disagree with this statement as well. I believe its all fine and dandy to spend time by yourself. I mean every once in a while you need to consol not only with your family but with your peers as well. Because if you keep to much to yourself then you start to lose touch with them; and then you just become lonely and friendless.
I like this journal because it got my brain working hard, and yet enjoyabley. In that thinking I realized how peaceful I felt. Peace is a state of mind that needs to be uncovered. It can only be uncovered in your alone time. It dawned on me how much alone time is beneficial to my general outlook on my life. I need the quiet essence of a thinking enviroment to accomplish anything useful. I also think that I get most of my thinking done right before i go to sleep. The whole day and everything that has happened is fresh in your mind, and you have the quietest part of the day to do your best thinking. I am not such a big reader, but I am more into just sitting outside and experiencing the elements and the sunrise, like Thoureou said he did. On the whole I feel like I share many of Thoureou's theories on just finding quiet time in life to experience yourself and the world around you.
"A man must find occasions in Himself." I agreed and disagree with this statement. It's great to spend some time alone every once in a while. It allows you to think about anything you want and just let loose. When I spend time alone, I just turn on my ipod as loud as it goes and just belt out the first song that comes on despite my terrible singing voice. I'm totally carefree. Sometimes I also just lay in bed a think about how lucky I am to have such a great life. I tend to learn a lot about myself. I also disagree with this statement though. When I'm with my friends, I have so much fun. It also allows me to experience things that I would never have done without my friends. After a few days of being with my friends 24/7 though, I'll admit that I do need a break. Some time to lay down, relax, and just think. I think that Thoreau spent way too much time alone though. Like just sitting there doing basically nothing would get pretty boring after a while. In my opinion, I think he is sort of insane for even doing that. It's just not normal to not want to be around the people you love.
A pastime which has become a peaceful habit of mine is to listen to classical and “big band” music. Both leave me with different feelings, but usually very peaceful and self-fulfilled feelings. I know this seems like a strange mix of music, but then again I’m a very diverse person. I love to listen to classical music because it leaves me feeling very calm. I listen to “big band” music to sing along with it and get a renewal of energy.
I usually listen to classical music at night and before I go to sleep. Listening to this kind of music allows me to imagine a huge orchestra with a hundred or so people playing instruments behind a well-known conductor in a large, old theater. The music engages my mind in imagination and lets me go off into a daydream happy place. I enjoy listening to all kinds of classical music: Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Yo-Yo Ma. I love how a person’s ear has the ability to single out every instrument played in a classical piece. My favorite instrument would be anything string; I like basses, fiddles and violins (but not the screechy ones). Everything seems so together and flows so perfectly in classical music. One movement moves right into the next without the listener even realizing it.
Listening to “big band” music makes me feel joyful and excited. I love to listen to the singers like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, and Doris Day behind the horns and drums of a “big band”. “Big band” music is very lively. It encourages you to dance and feel emotion. I love to listen to the singers, because they seem real to me. Some of the more popular singers today don’t really sing, unlike the “big band” vocalists who seemed to have poured their heart and soul into every song they performed. The other reason why I enjoy listening to this kind of music so much is because I can sing along with the music, and it makes me feel like a performer from the 40s.
The way these two types of music make me feel relates very much like how Thoreau felt in Walden. When I listen to classical and “big band” music I feel inner-peace with myself, a kind of renewal of soul. Thoreau wrote of a habit which gave him inner-peace also,
“Sometimes, in a summer morning, having taken my accustomed bath, I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise till noon, rapt in a revery, amidst the pines and hickories and sumachs, in undisturbed solitude and stillness, while the birds sing around or flitted noiseless through the house, until by the sun falling in at my west window, or the noise of some traveller's wagon on the distant highway, I was reminded of the lapse of time.”
We both find by being in solitude and letting things sink into us that we find bliss and harmony.
Wow, this sounds like a Fio statement to me. " A man must find occasions in Himself". I believe that this means that everyone needs time that is theirs. It can be anytime; morning, noon, night. It can also take place anywhere: In your room, outside, or anywhere that you can clear your mind.
I personally like to have alone time in my room. The noise is less in there, and noone ever comes in. I can reflect on my day, what I did, what I could have done better, and even what I am going to do tomorrow. I also hate when people are around when I am doing homework. I can't possibly concentrate with people talking in my ear the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I love having people around, but there are certain times when you just want people to back off. I also like being alone when I'm angry. If I am in a bad mood and people are trying to talk to me, it just annoys me more. In conclusion, having people around is great, but everyone needs time to themselves.
I believe that at some point all people need to spend time by themselves. After awhile people just get irrtated with other people and need alone time. I know that my mom like the morning alone just to sepnd some time laying in bed and reading. I usually use some of the summer for time alone. Its the best time for me since the school year gets so crazy. In the summer I can lay around all day in sweats or in the sun just reading a book. I can't say that I like to spend a lot of time alone. I guess you can say im a people person and I really don't like to not be around noone. So I guess it really is a personal choice on how you like to spend your time.
"A man must find occasions in Himself," is a very true statement. I believe that people do need to have soome alone time and maybe listen to their ipods or burry yoursellf into a good book just so they cant reflect on the day's events.
In nicer weather i like to go outside with my soccer ball andjust kick it around. This helps me calm down and be peaceful, then I am able to feel as if I dont have a care in the world. I also enjoy cutting the grass. Since my lawn mower is one of the only time that no one talks to me I'm able to think and reflect on the days past.
The passage from Thoreau is really deep and pretty philosophical, and I don’t know if I could ever reach that point, even without my Ipod, which I must admit I’m listening to now. I’m sort of addicted, but it helps me concentrate a lot more actually. Anyway, I still agree with the passage. It’s sort of cool how he just picked up and moved away to a lake. That would be really chill. It reminds me a lot of my grandfather’s house on the Carolina/Virginia line that I commented on earlier(“Giving Thanks”). It’s so amazing down there. No matter where you are in the area, you’re guaranteed to have a view of something so amazing that you never get to see up here in little ol’ Delaware. Something about the place just makes me want to go back all the time. Without the T.V.(Yes, it’s true. No cable.), internet, or phone, somehow I manage. It’s relaxing. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s usually so nice we lay out in the back yard on a blanket all day and just sleep. It’s one of those vacation spots where you just lose track of time during the day and can’t remember what day it is at the end of the week. While we were there, I took over 300 pictures, a lot of which look like nothing but really mean something to me. I took pictures of the old church founded by my great-great-grandparents and I took pictures of stuff on the side of the road when driving around down there. One was of an old tractor(really, really, old) just stuck in a ditch on the side of the road and it just kind of represented the whole area to me. It’s made up of mostly farmland and people. Everyone knows everyone and it’s all sort of run-down. Back to the topic, I really enjoy just hanging out with no distractions by myself. Reading, or even just sitting listening to music does it for me. I really could just listen to my ipod for hours. I think ugly Thoreau knew what he was talking about.
Theroeau's words are honest and correct. "A man must find occasions in himself" meaning, Everyone should take the time out of their busy hectic schedules to fully enjoy the simplicity of life. Whether it is sitting in the comfort of ones home, or being one with nature,it is necessary for one to be at peace and be set a side from the rest of the world's crazy routine. Usually right after school I don't like to be bothered, for that is my time to reflect on the day and gather all my thoughts. I usually just sit in my room and listen to music for a while or practice my dance routine, which helps me to unwind.
But I don't know if I could go a whole summer, let alone a whole day with out the use of our modern day technological advances. Americans are so used to depending on their ipod, laptop or flat screen for entertainment, but say we didn't have those material objects. What then? I say everyone should get used to being comfortable with just being on their own and by themselves without our modern day distractions. It is amazing how peaceful it is to be away from massive screens that bombard you with unnecessary information.
I for one would like to take a day to be totally isolated from the technological world and spend my time planting flower beds or even watching the clouds go by.
Are you kidding? This is an easy response for me, it should hopefully just flow out of me. This is absolutely a must for any person. To be alone is a wonderful thing. I don’t like it when people say they hate being alone or when people won’t leave you alone even if you ask them politely. I always enjoy being alone, and when I’m alone I stay in complete silence unlike some people, who, I know as a fact, talk to themselves when they are alone. I don’t know, maybe it helps them, but i prefer and like absolute silence, sometimes the only thing you will hear is music but whether it be going for a run, working out, watching TV, playing a video game, reading a good book or the latest edition of Rolling Stone magazine, I always tend to do it in silence. It is just one of life’s little things I get pleasure out of. Being alone really helps to clear your thoughts and get your head straight. I enjoy it and like it very much, I don’t think I can accurately relay this message to you very easily. Sometimes in the summer time, I think I have gone hours while not saying a word and being by myself. (Not in my sleep, of course) I would wake up and just outside and chill, everyone in my family would be at work and I would mow the lawn or walk to WaWa and the only thing I would say would be thanks to the cashier. Some people may cause this behavior weird but I enjoy it.
Every once in a while people need to just relax. Take a break form all the hassles and problems they may have and just reflect on their lives. I love to be alone in the house because then there are no rules or restrictions and I can just do whatever I want, within reason. When you are just reflecing, you may notice that some thoughts pop into your head that you never knew tyou thught about and everytime you do this you change. You become more open minded and relaxed, you have more patience to deal with the world and have a safe practice to do when you are getting stressed out. Some people work so hard they barely have time to breathe and are dying to just relax. I thin we should all take advantage of any time we have to ourselves because we really are lucky to have it. Everyone needs time to themselves.
Alone time. The best time of your life I would probably have to say. If I could, I'd probably sit outside on a warm day, nor caring to whether it is raining or sunny, [prefferably raining] and watch nature all day.
Nature is beautiful, magical, and wonderious. The outside alone makes me feel different than I'm with others or in contact with any type of technology. It's a good different though. Peaceful, loving, joyus. I wish reguarl day to day activities could give me that same calm feeling becuase I really can't egt enough of it.
Listening to the waves of the oceans, the feel of the wind and rain on your skin. The sounds of thunder rolling in your head or the sounds of birds singing. The seeing of a jolt of lightening that fascinates me or just a baby doe in my own backyard. [which I do see frequently.]
Why is nature so beautiful, but so mysterious? It's different and can leave with so many questions, but soemtimes, it's better to be left without an answer.
Thoreau is right. I think people need to be alone. He is very wise for taking time off and being on his own. Everyday life can be hectic. Thoreau did his own thing. He lived on his own. Thoreau even compares himself to the Indians. Nature is beautiful. It can also be calming. The outdoors can help to forget the pressures of everyday life. He lived so close to nature, you could say this made him really down to earth, kind of literally. He lived off the earth and respected it. He was like a farmer. He lived on his own, without a lot of people around him. I think being closer to nature can make your life better. You can stop and appreciate the natural wonders the world had to offer. Sunrises, and sunsets are very beautiful, but if you are too busy you might miss them. I think people now a day should be more like Thoreau. They need to appreciate nature more. It might make them a better person. Nature changes people if they take time to appreciate it.
I believe it is true that "a man must fine occasions in himself." We need alone time to really enjoy what we have in our world. We need that time when it’s just you and Mother Nature, no one else. A time without cell phones, clocks, I pods, and television. Time alone helps one to become harmonized with themselves. One needs to let sink in all that is beautiful around us and just not have anything to worry about. You don't even need to think when you're alone with nature and God. There's no worry about time or money. Time alone with nature is not time wasted at all. But, it's a time to remember and to think back on when you're lonely and depressed. We cannot always depend on the things around us so I feel it is important to have our alone time and to be able to almost just be there and let your soul be else where.
Personally I love alone time when I can just relax and do nothing, but enjoy the world around me. But, that's very hard to come by this day and age because were all caught up in this busy mess we call our world. We all need our time just to live and become harmonized with nature and ourselves. I love to come home after a long day of school or after a tough practice and just sit outside on my deck and stare at the setting sun and look at my beautiful pond with all the creatures frolicking about. Alone time with nature is essential in my life.
I enjoyed reading that passage. It was very down to Earth and natural. It kind of relaxed me in a way. I think it is good to just sit by yourself and think about things sometimes. I enjoy sittin outside by my pond by myself sometimes. In the summer when i go to the mountains I like to walk on the trails and look at all of the animals and trees. It is good for people to be by themselves to think over problems that they have also. I do not like being alone for a very long period of time.That shows me how much i really need my friends.
I whole heartedly agree. People need time to themselves once and awhile because if they were surrounded by people all day they wouldn't have time to think about anything or reason about things that are going on. I always make time to be by myself everyday. I go up to my room, listen to music, watch television, talk or text on the phone, or just relax and think about the events of the week or day. I also think that if people didn't have time to themselves they would be cranky because they feel they have to deal with everyone and soon that person may have A LOT of alone time because no one likes to hang out with a miserable person all the time.
Every person does need time alone, time to themselves. Many people find that summer is the best time to reflect and contemplate on one's personal issues. For me, it's winter on a snowy day. There's not many things in nature that are more beautiful than good snow fall on a cold day. I like to just sit in front of a window or lay in my bed watching it come down. Like some other people, I like to read a book and just chill for awhile. Of course after this "me time" ig o outside and have funky good time.
Being alone doesn't have to necessarily have to be a bad thing like some may think. I always enjoy sitting on my deck or laying in my hammock in the summertime with just a book to read. I think being with nature and just sitting there to take it all in is a form of meditation and therapy. If you're going through a bad time or just need to feel better, communing with nature is certainly an excellent way of doing so. However I also think that as humans, we need iteraction with others and the are definate extremes to either side. Everyone needs to be alone once in a while, but on the other side everyone should have some period of interaction with others. There is, however, a way to combine the two. I believe that you can be peacefully alone with someone else, just sitting in each others company is a good way of spending your time. Some people, like Ben Franklin, believe that idle is a deadly sin but in all truthfullness it's not. However, like anything else, there are balance is the key, everyone needs some alone time.
Everyone needs alone time. Friendship is something that is very vital in everyday life. Having someone to rely on is always great, a best friend that will always be there for you. But, everyone has to be by themselves at some point. Some of a persons’ personality is built from traits that are formed with your friends, but other qualities in a person are made by who they are when they are alone.
I myself have to be alone more than once in a while. Don’t get me wrong, I feed off of other people, but sometimes I just need my space. When I am alone I really grow mentally because it just gives me time to think and reflect on my life and what’s going on currently in this world. I always get so much done in my life when I am by myself. It’s almost like every time that I go off and do something for myself it’s really just like a reality check. Sometimes I get so caught up in the everyday drama that I forget who I really am. Being by yourself really allows you to mature; you realize what isn’t funny and what isn’t really worth doing. You get a chance to look yourself in the mirror and consider where you’re going with your life and what you want to do with your life. Everyone needs alone time, if people were stuck with each other 24 hours 7 days a week I’m pretty sure there would be more fights throughout friendships and a lot of friendships would be ruined.
Life is really funny sometimes, when you are with your friends for a long weekend or something you really can’t stand to be alone and you can’t wait to just go into your room and be left alone. But at the same token, when you are alone in your house by yourself and you know all your friends at a party that you would like to be at and you can’t go, you feel terrible because you’re tired of being alone and you want to be with your friends. Life so far to me has seemed to work out like this, too much of something is bad, you get sick of it very quickly, if you have too little of something that you’re used to having, it is also bad. Everything is good in moderation. Overall, just have fun, if you need space, go home, if you’re lonely, call a friend.
Personally, I think Thoreau was a little insane. Pretending to own other people's farms? Come on now. If he lived in today's world, I imagine he would be the type of guy who builds a hut made out of scrapped sheets of tin in the woods near your house; the kind of guy who causes you to fear wooded areas long after your childhood. Insane or not, however, he was certainly correct in saying that a man must find occasions in himself. Everybody needs alone time. Everbody needs to retreat to quiet places at times to simply spend time with themselves. When I am in the mood for one of these occasions, I'll probably go for a walk. On these walks, I'll try to find some deserted street or open field, and I'll sing. It wouldn't be rediculously loud or anything; I intend for only myself to hear it. It seems pretty silly, I know, but it entertains me. Singing someone else's song may be what I fancy at the time, or maybe it's just making up rhymes that I'll be in the mood for. Whatever it be, it's usually quiet; more of a whisper than anything. An observer would probably guess that I am talking to myself. This isn't entirely incorrect, when you think about it. I sort of am just mumbling to myself; just with a melody. Who cares if people think I'm bonkers? I know I'm not. Besides, it takes a little insanity to find occasions in oneself.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a bottle of motor oil.
In this passage, the ugly Thoreau is basically talking about the value of solitude and contemplation. He spent his whole summer not reading or hoeing beans, but contemplating about life and nature. He’s basically saying that time best spent is time by yourself. Thoreau sits around from morning to evening just thinking and looking at nature. He particularly mentions how entertained he gets from watching the birds. Thoreau just sits there and lets time go by, and he doesn’t even realize how much time has past. He admires the Orientals because they revolve their lives around themselves and they like to sit down by themselves and contemplate. He likes this lifestyle the best because he doesn’t have to worry about any stress or any work. I mean, which I guess is a good way of looking at it, but it just seems lazy. He could have gotten so much more done if he just got out of his seat. Talk about a complete waste of a day. He claims that time is a single idea, not separated into days or weeks, or by a clock. I mean I do agree with Thoreau’s reasoning that everyone needs time by themselves and time to spend alone but I also don’t agree fully with his idea in some ways. I’m not a big fan of wasting time, I’m the type of person that likes to get as much done in a day as possible and do it as soon as possible. I don’t believe in sitting around all day just thinking and watching the birds and clouds, I would rather fill my day with action, and activities that keep me occupied or else I would get really bored. I do agree with that Thoreau when he wrote that everyone needs alone time to just sit and think and reflect on things. After a long week of school that is always so busy I like to at least take some time over the weekend to just relax and not be bothered. I just daze off and think about events that happened over the week and upcoming events. I’m not the biggest fan of just sitting, thinking, and doing nothing. The best time for me to relax and contemplate is when I workout. After a stressful day of school is over I go to baseball and we run and lift. The time I take to relax is when I go home each night and lift again at my house by myself. Lifting is very relaxing for me because it keeps me active, but it is stress relieving and relaxing for me. So in retrospect, I do agree on some levels with Thoreau’s idea that a man must find occasions in himself and his ideas of time. In my life though I look at it differently and I like to be active, and I find other ways to relax and to just not worry about the time.
I feel that Thoreau is saying that he did not do anything admirable or scholarly in his first summer. Instead he preferred to work the land and admire its natural beauty. Thoreau felt that time spent doing otherwise was sacrificing the precious time that he had with nature. He happily spent most of his summer in complete awe of his surroundings. Most of his time was spent in peace and solitude, and what brought back the realization of what time had passed was the occasional traveler or wagon passing. Thoreau felt that he grew and matured in the seasons where he looked and admired the life surrounding him. It seems to me that Thoreau feels that he matured better on his own admiring true and natural beauty, than he would have if he were out socializing in society. It did not matter to Thoreau how much time was spent, or in others' opinions, wasted, because it was worth it to him. Instead of harping over how nothing memorable was accomplished by him every day, he was happy at his 'good fortune' at being able to embrace the life that was around him. Thoreau did not look at time the way most people do. He looked at it as if he should be wary and grateful of the time he has, but he also needs to remember that he is not running out of time, therefore, he can take his time in doing things that he enjoys. The beauty and greatness of nature and animals satisfied Thoreau and left him content. In the end, Thoreau concludes by stating that he believes that every individual must find any aspect of themselves, by themselves. They need to find themselves by each of their own standards, and no one else’s.
Spending time with yourself is always important in life. If you are constantly around other people, you are one day going to lose complete sight in yourself. I enjoy being alone, but not all of the time. Being alone for more than a few hours can sometime make someone feel apart from the world. But being alone also helps you to gather up your thoughts and just relax. I especially like being alone when I am reading or writing. When I read, I really get into what I’m reading. You could probably talk to me and I wouldn’t even answer you if it was that good of a book. Being alone when I’m reading really sets the mood. I also cannot write unless I am alone. For example when I was writing my journals, my sisters kept walking into my room and interrupting me. I highly dislike when people walk into the room when I am writing. I literally have to stop until they leave. The best place to spend alone time would have to be outside, as described in the passage. In the summer, I sometimes just like to sit on my front porch for no reason and just watch. What I’m watching isn’t clear, but it is just really relaxing. It is also good to be alone when you are stressed out. Stress causes a lot of irritation, so if you are by yourself, who are you to get irritated at?
It is much harder to have a peace with nature today then it was in Henry David Thoreau’s time. When he lived, you could live off the bounty of the land and people in general weren’t as busy. Even today it is still possible to have a peace with nature. When I bike ride with my dad in the summer, up the New Hampshire coastline we ride to an old fort that was used during the Revolutionary War, Fort Constitution. We park our bikes and then we walk out onto the rocks by the water. Here we can sit for nearly an hour resting from our bike ride and not really thinking about anything. You can listen to the waves and see some of the lobster boats coming in, or see a kayaker rowing along on the river. I listen to the sounds of nature just like Thoreau and I think about peace and quiet, not about my everyday struggles. As we sit on the rocks you can see the tide come up and then begin to go down, but I never care because it’s so peaceful. Finally after an hour or two we ride our bikes the ten miles back to our beach cottage. But when we return I never feel like I wasted the day. I feel refreshed because I rode my bike twenty miles and I feel at peace. I agree a lot with what Thoreau said in Walden but I wish it were easier to find a quiet place. Even sitting at my house in the middle of a huge field you can hear the noise of trucks going down a highway and kids screaming in the development abutting my property. To sit quietly with your mind at rest is the most relaxing thing to do. I agree the most with Thoreau’s last line “A man must find his occasions in himself, it is true”.
Time set aside for relaxing is very neccesary. As Thoreau said "A man must find occasions in Himself" we can not be out and about all the time. With schoolwork, homework, and tons of other things, we all should be considered very busy people. During this time we can forget abot all the stress and worries of everyday life and think about other things. Things that don't cause any serious concern. This is a good time to relax and chill. Too much time set aside can be bad though. You tend to get a little lazy... trust me i know. I usually go to my room read, or listen to music when i need time by myself.
“ . . . but if the birds and flowers had tried me by their standard, I should not have been found wanting.” That pharse really struck me when I was reading this passage from Walden. Thoreau has a way of taking his words and adding touch of magic to them that makes them come alive. Its interesting to think of the birds and flowers mesuring you up on how well you can just sit and listen to nature. Thoreau really understands the human need for “undisturbed solidtude and stillness”. We can’t always be around other people because, lets face it, sometimes they’re just plain annoying. So if you go off by yourself you can calm down and really relax again. I’m all for alone time and I get a lot of it during the summer. I can power my way through so many books if you give my a quiet, comfortable place to just read. I really love reading on the beach or at the boat because its so peaceful to be near the water. The sounds of the surf or water hitting the side of the boat has always been a really comforting sound for me. When your by yourself you can take time to think about who you are and what you want to become without any discrations pulling you in a certain direction. Thoreau’s two years living on his farm was the extreme version of this. He pulled himself entirly away from the distraction of humans and learned about who he was. Even though we all can do what Thoreau did we can all time some time out of our busy lives to learn more about ourselves and what we are becoming in life.
After reading that passage... I can honestly say that I'm glad that I don't live like Thoreau did. Not to say that I don't like the idea of just spending time to myself. Nay, thinking by myself is what I find actually consumes a lot of my time. No, actually what I don't like about Thoreau's life is his idea of just living a simple, natural life. I just don't think I could live like that. I'll be the first to admit-- I like modern technology. I helps out with everyday like and makes it so much easier. I don't understand the reason for trying to push technology out of your life, it's a great thing. I know this may be a corny example, but just look at Star Trek. The whole idea behind the show is that technology is what's going to lead us to a better tomorrow.
As for the other part of the passage, the part describing just sitting alone and listening to your own thoughts-- well, yeah that's actually pretty neat. Like I wrote beforehand; thinking by myself is what actually occupies a lot of my time. It's what I do every night before I go to sleep, I'll just sort of relax and let lot's of thoughts occupy my mind. It's very relaxing, although I do find that it keeps me up pretty late most nights.
So overall I guess I'm 1-1 with Thoreau. I only partially agree with what he believes in. Not that there's anything wrong with that. After all the world is made up of all different people.
I think it's important to be alone every now and then. I love hanging out with my friends at the mall or at their houses. I like to talk to them on the phone or on the internet. But evey once in a while, I'll go in my room, lock the door, and just sit and think. What I think about is always different, but it's important to take that time out and just think. It helps me clear my mind and keep things staight. Having a lot of things on my mind, I find this to be a good way to keep everything in order. After I'm done sorting things out, I find that my mind is clearer and that I can remember things easier. I think everyone needs to take that time out, just to clear their heads.
I think Thoreau was a bit of a nut but he made some god points during his stay at Walden. Sometimes, it seems, man does revert back to his most basic nature when in the wild for long periods of time. There is also something to be said for being alone once in a while. As Thoreau clerely expresses, his stay at Walden was quite fulfulling. Perhaps I might do something similar one day. Maybe not go live in a cabin in the woods, but rather take a journey to an unfamilar place to find myself in nature.
It must be a wonderful feeling to discover the basic roots of human nature and thought as Thoreau did in his excursion. I suppose only some people are cut out for the challenge though. Most people these days wouldn't be comfortable leaving the couch let alone their home.
Overall, Thoreau may be considered a little strange but he is a briliant person. He took initiative in his life and found himself on a journey that many others wouldn't even dare to go on.
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