Dangers of Cruise Control (soph journal)

Then comes the inevitable question from the backseat driver, who actually occupies the other seat in the front.
"Are you using cruise control?"
"No," I answer curtly.
"Why not? Doesn't your foot get tired?" the passenger harps.
I then begin my rant on the dangers of cruise control.
Clicking on the cruise control does prevent tired, cramping feet. However, it has its problems. For one, it lulls you into a false sense of security, and the feet usually get further and further away for both the gas AND the brake pedals. At that point, how much control do I really have?
If you haven't guessed, my common automobile anecdote can easily relate to the story you just read and studied, "Why Don't You Look Where You're Going?" Like my car, my life isn't often in cruise control. I hope I'm the one in charge as much as I can be (and without being a "control freak"). I realize I'm driving on a path that's been travelled on before, but as long as I'm the one making the decisions, I'll take that route, common as it might be.
How are you navigating throught life? Are you riding on the ocean liner of Society,the "sainted leviathan," lazily wiling away your hours, looking to the "young men with the fine, blonde, hair" for information and direction?
Tell me, in some elaborate, extended metaphor (conceit), what your life is like. I'd prefer that you share your ideas and creativity here in Schoolsville. But if you want remain anonymous, that's OK, too. You can reveal your secret identity later. Hey, maybe your life is like some Superhero's?
Of course, sophs, you don't have to write about your life. Make any far-fetched, comparison (conceit) like the ones I read in class: going to a family reunion is like channel surfing cable television; love is like white water rafting; my father is a toaster.
Ah, that blog just brought back fun memories of soph year... way to be the individualist on the highway to life...but seriously stop driving like a granny!
Destruiré Tiger !
Caught in the crossfire? Not quite, mate.
This is a great article thing. To me my life is like a basketball game. The lines are my boundaries of how far i can go. The referees are the disiplinarians in our lives that tell us what we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do. Our teammates are your friends who will help you defeat any troubles that come around in life. The coaches are our parents who will be there to help us even if we do something wrong. The other teams are the major struggles that your coaches and teammates will help you defeat and overcome. The basket is the goals that we are trying to accomplish so that we can succeed in life. The basketball is the motivation that allows us to take on our struggles. The crowd or audience are the people in life who we try to prove to that we are good even though we don't have to prove anything to anyone. A foul is a setback in reaching your goal. A three-pointer is a major achievement. The court is the road that you choose to take in life. The point guard is the leader of the group of friends. The wings/guards are the friends who help the leader understand what is good for the group and what isnt. The post players are your closest friends because they are the ones who defend you in all awkward situations. So to me my life is like a basketball game.
After thinking about it for a while, I've realised that my life is like a Steam Engine. No, not those things that used to provide power before electricity. I mean the Steam Engines that pull cars along the track over at the Wimington and Western Railroad. Anyway, the engine itself represents me. Because of my personality, I am a rarity just as Steam Engines are becoming. When the engine breaks down and needs to be serviced, it's like any time when I become ill and have to stay home and rest. Starting the engine up in the morning is like when I get out of bed; I take a long time to actually wake up just as a Steam Engine's fire takes a couple of hours to warm up enough to boil the amount of water needed to keep it well supplied with steam. The Steam Engine's whistle is like my singing voice because it is pretty and different than all the other wistles on other engines. The coal and water that supply an engine with steam are like the food and drink I need to stay alive. The Steam Engine's tender is like my bookbag: heavy, but essential. The cars that the engine pulls represent the trials and hardships in my life. No matter how bad things seem, I always manage to pull through, just as a Steam Engine manages to pull a heavy train. The tracks stand for the path my life takes. The crossings represent my triumphs in life, things I can just cruse through without a problem. However odd you think it is, that is how my life is like a steam engine.
P.S. I wanted to put a pic of a locomotive with my post, but I guess you can't do that. I'll just go cry about it now.
A couple of pretty good conceits, here. Hope some others take the challenge and share their creativity.
My life is definatly a race car track...it just keeps coming around around and around. My life just goes on day by day each one i have some sort of rutine for. The surprises happen just like a crash on the track. My mom going to the hospital to check on her heart was one, the DMA accident another. My life seems like im always competing for my place whether in school for the grades of my sisters, or in soccer for my place to be remebered. This in turn is like the race all racing against one another for that 1st place trophy. The pit stops are a time for me to stop and take a break change my approach and head back out there again. My crew being my family who always are looking out for me. The fans my friends always there cheering for me, to just finish and do my best. The spare parts on the road from previous accidents are the bumps in life that i must beat or pass in order to finish. The trophy is the climax my major achievment in life. The finish end the end or the day saying to just get ready for tomorrow. It also means an end of me life when i race my last race around the track of my life.
After much deliberation, my life is like a football game. The 50-yard line represents the transition of the safety of my home to the real world. A run play is when I play it safe in a situation that I know could go wrong if I take a risk. The 2-minute offense is like trying my hardest for something that I want. A field goal would be like getting a job somewhere that pays, but I don't like where it is that I'm working. I would have like something better ( a touchdown) but I will settle because something is better than nothing. A turnover is like getting dumped. You think everything is going good and then things start goin backwards. A flag is like getting fired. It is a minor step back but you can recover by getting another job. A big play is like something big happening in my life. The sidelines are my bounderies. The referees are the law enforcement whose job is to keep me in line. My coach is like my boss. My teammates are like my friends. Winning the game is like acheiving my life goals. Losing a game would be dying. The quarterback is the leader of everyone. He's the CEO. His receivers are the presidents of the companies. The running back is like the vice presidents. The offensive line is the people who make things happen. Without them, the other people couldn't do anything. The defense is like muggers, sexual offenders, and any other thugs that halt your endearments.
It took me awhile to think of a good idea for this journal, but I couldn't think of anything to compare my life to. Finally decided to compare my cat to a bee. She is like a bee in several different ways. First she dosn't really bother anyone unless you bother her which is just like a bee who usually leave people alone unless you bother them. Bees normally bother people when they are trying to eat. Well my cat does the same thing when ever you are trying to eat, no matter what it is she will try to eat it. She has tryed to eat a numerous amount of things such as spagetti and she has even eaten vegetables. Also like a bee she will bite you if you really bother her or if she is in a bad mood. You may have also noticed that bees are very protective of there hives, well my cat is also very protective of our house if any other cat, squirrel, or bird is in our yard she goes nuts trying to get to it.These are reasons why I think that my cat is like a bee. Even though I have compared her to a bee she is still a nice cat and is different in some ways.
my life is like a field hockey game. Coaches are like parents, they give you advice on how to do better and help you through tough times. They encourage you to try your best and to focus on the positive. Team captains are like the oldest sibling in the family, they try to be creative and come up with fun activities to keep the bonds between the team members strong. Teammates are your friends who help you with troubles and share fun times with you, like when you score a goal. Referees are the people who enforce the rules of the game similar to the deans, enforcing the rules at school. Field hockey sticks and balls are the tools necessary to play in a game just like books are the necessary tools to help you gain knowledge essential for success. Scoring a goal is the ultimate result in a game similar to achieving a goal is the ultimate purpose in life. A penalty in life is a setback or a negative incident. A stroke in a game similarly can result in negative consequences for your team. The players on the opposite team are your opponents in life. They are the people that you strive to beat. The crowd watching the game are your family and friends that are cheering you on while you are trying to do your best. The lines on the sides of the field are your boundaries. Plays for corners are your stepping stones helping you to reach your goals in life. The plays help you get what you want to achieve. Time outs are breaks in life, when you need time to plan what you are going to do next. They can help you to charge and refocus, similar to study halls during a school day. In many ways my life is like a field hockey game.
Life is like the music business. You are the artist. Your life is your carrier, when your carrier is over, you die. God is like the label executive because only he knows when your carrier is over. Your parents are like the managers because they guide you and try to get you to stay on the right path. Your friends are like the producers because they can improve you and help you to be the best you can. Albums are like tests because they show what you have learned and what you are capable of. Teachers are like the critics because they criticize whether your work was good or bad. Your fans are the people who will appreciate you on your best days and your worst days. The guitar is the instrument that gives your life an individual and new sound, which you created. The bass is the basic rhythm of every day life. Drums are like clocks because they keep time and keep you on track. Your songs are the creativity and ideas you keep in your mind that you think everyone needs to hear. In your carrier, like life, you put everything you can into it so that when it is all said and done at least you can be happy with how it turned out.
It took me a long time to come up with something that my life is most like. I think it's like a river. Like a river I am continually moving and changing. The banks are the people and things that keep me in line or give me boundaries like my parents and teachers. When I get polluted it's when something really bad is happening in my life. The people that clean the rivers out are the people in my life that help me get through hard times. They care about me and are always there to lend me a helping hand. The people who pollute the river are obstacles and things that are trying hurt me or get me off course. When I'm having a rough time its like a river's rapids. But no matter how tough it gets it always calms down in the end. The fish in the river represent all my friends. They are continually moving and changing like I am. They are always there for me. In the winter when the river is frozen represents a slow time in my life when not much is going on. The rocks and things on the bottom of the river represent all the things I've done. The things floating on top of the water are symbols for all the things I've been through like if I've just gone through a tough time there is a lot of debris and branches. Like a river you never no when your life will make a sudden turn or dip. You don't know whats around the corner. My life is most like a river.
I have decided that my personality and actions are most like an air conditioning unit. At the start of the year, it is January and I am notused very often. I do not get much activity and I stay in reserve. I can be found charging my juices (lifting weights) to become ready for this hot summer which will be upon us. My main purpose for this getting ready is to be ready for the upcoming season so I am better and wont break down. I am drooopy and am not an avid cold-weather enthusiathist. When the weather starts to warm-up, however, I get excited and jumpy and cannot wait to be put to use almost everyday. I stay cool during the spring and summer and mostly I am the one to keep my friends and family cool, too. Whenever I breakdown and get into a bad mood, I might have to talk to someone or have somebody come over and fix me up. Once I am fixed I am better than ever and cannot wait to get back in business. Once the summer ends, I am usually happy until the end of Fall with a little use here or there. Once fall is over, I go back into my sluggish and useless state waiting for the first sign of Spring to be turned on and be happy.
For me, my life is like a hockey game. My life is very fast paced. The coaches are the most obvious, my parents. They are always there for me and always coach me through different situations that come my way. The plays are like my weeks. Every week during the school year, I follow pretty much the same routine, with different changes occurring. Sometimes I will do different things on the weekend, or there will be a break or something in the school week, which is like a change in a play. The other players are like my friends. They are always there to help me, even if it means getting beat up a little bit. The other team is like struggles in my life. Being able to get past a player is like getting past an obstacles that I have come to face. The puck, is in a sense, me. As well as a player, I am the puck, because I am what I have to keep control over. I am the main thing in my life, and sometimes I get hit. My attitude reminds me of a puck because I am down to earth, and pretty laid-back, just like a puck glides on the ice. The goalie is like a barrier in life, and try’s to keep me from making my goal. The fans are my teachers. Unlike the other players, they want me to do well, but don't necessarily give me the push I need. I know they are always there cheering for me and wanting me to do well. Lastly, I feel like the announcers are a computer and a phone. They are always there to tell other people about different moves you make in your life.
So this is one of my last journals to do, because i could not think of what i should compare my life to. I chose to compare my life to a rollercoaster ride. When your at an amusement park, everyone wants to get on the rollercoaster. It's a must! In life its like doing something that everyone else is doing, because it's cool. So you get to the rollercoaster and the line is extremely long. Most people don't have the patience for it, but others' adrenalin is rushing that they don't even care how long it takes to get on the ride. The people who operate the rides are kind of like are guardians. They make sure we are always safe and no danger is coming our way. The rollercoaster has many twist and turns and ups and downs, just like life. In life the twist and turns can be bad, or they can end up being a good change in your life. The ups and downs also happen alot in your life. Some days you can be feeling great, but you can also have an off day. You can't control how fast your life is moving, just like you not being able to control the speed of the rollercoaster. You have to make the best of life and can't take any second for granted. A rollercoaster ride only a lasts a few seconds, you can't be scared. Be confident, relax, and just let the ride take you through life.
Life is like eating cereal. Sometimes things are smooth and easy to swallow; other times things are a little more rough and crunchy. The quality of it can depend on what you choose to get or on what you let people get you. When you are younger, you want to finish things fast so you can get the prize at the bottom, but as you get older, you learn to take in things simply for the taste, and this helps you enjoy the overall experience more. Occasionally while you're eating you'll bite into something you weren't expecting, something you didn't bargain for. You can then choose to spit it out, or just down it with everything else. Things are nice by themselves, but adding something can help it taste better or fill in the gaps. Sometimes this is not what's best, however. Sometimes what you put in is rotton or spoiled, and it makes everything else in the bowl taste worse. This teaches you a lesson: always examine what you throw in before it's too late. Make sure you mix things up, too. Otherwise some parts will get too soggy, while others get too dry. You have to keep things balanced. Also, make sure you've got a handle on things. You wouldn't want to spill all that perfectly good cereal.
Think this is where they got the name for Life Cereal? Mikey is my hero.
My life is like the four seasons of the year. In the fall, we all go back to school. I become more of a work - ethic kind of a person. I may be a little more quiet and not as let go -- compared to the summer time. In the fall, there is Thanksgiving where I visit my relatives in New York. I always enjoy seeing them especially because they are all great cooks. When it becomes winter I may start to day dream about Christmas and how many days it is away or what I am going to get. I am excited because my oldest sister is in her last year of college and my brother has moved out of the house. So this Christmas will be one of the last where we are all in the same house to celebrate. Spring comes and I prepare for my favorite season of lacrosse. I become more competetive. I try to keep up with my grades and practice to play as much as I can in games! Summer. Just that word makes bells ring in my head with gladness! I am a much more relaxed person. It is the one word that keeps me going to school after Spring Break. (haha) Just think of yourself lying in a hammock in the shade drifting off to sleep. I do not know about you, but I can not wait until summer! All these four seasons explain how my personality changes a bit like how the seasons change during their cycle.
To me, life is like softball. The game itself is like the course of your life. Every inning is a new chapter in your life. Your coaches are your parents teaching you the “game” of life. The rest of your team is your family and friends cheering you on and helping to guide you through life. You are the batter. Just as you swing at the ball, you take chances in life. Sometimes you hit and sometimes you miss. Hitting a homerun gives you the same feeling as when you accomplish something tremendous and everyone is proud of you. Getting thrown out at a base is like when you try to do something, but you just don’t quite accomplish it. Running around the bases is like running through life, a lot of the time not taking or having the time to slow down and enjoy it. The first, second, and third basemen and short stop are the obstacles that try to prevent you from enjoying life and living life to the fullest. Beginning at home plate represents birth. Getting to first base is going through your younger years and school to graduation (first base). The line to second base is going to college, getting a good job, and meeting your soul mate, leading to marriage (second base). Running to third base is like being married, having a family, and growing older to the point of retirement (third base). Traveling toward home plate is growing old, watching your family grow, and heading back to your ultimate home, in heaven, with God.
It was a hard decision when thinking of something to compare my life. I had many ideas but I narrowed the choice down to one. I would say my life most resembles a baseball game. I chose baseball because I love the game of baseball and I believe that baseball is my life. When comparing baseball to my life, I would say that the baseball field, the stands, the whole ballpark is the world and is where everything happens in my life. The dugout would be my home, the place where I feel most comfortable, secure and spend most of my time. The baselines and foul poles represent a fair or foul ball, which equates to my boundaries in life. The coach of the team resembles our parents, which try to instruct, guide and teach us through life. Our teammates in baseball are our friends that try to encourage us and are always there for us. The umpires represent authority figures in life such as teachers, deans and principals because they are in charge of life and make sure you follow the rules like umpires. Each team you face in baseball represents another struggle I come across in my life. Each obstacle teaches me new lessons and experiences, as does a baseball game. Just as in a game you win or lose and a win is like overcoming an obstacle. A loss is like failing at something or like when something bad happens to you such as a bad grade. A homerun represents an accomplishment in your life or something great that has happened to you. The base paths represent the roads in life that will lead to success and a happy life. First base resembles the completion of the beginning of your young life from when you are born to middle school. Second base represents graduating from high school. Third base is like going to college, graduating and becoming an adult. Home plate represents getting a job and starting a life of your own, maybe getting married and having kids. This is how I would liken the game of baseball to my life.
As I was on my usual run a few days ago, I began to realize that my life is like running. When I go for a run, the scenery is always changing. I see new faces, places and things in nature that sometimes I don't see everyday. The scenes, people and places in my life are changing everyday as well. I meet new people, learn and experience new things everyday of my life. Nothing is ever the same, it is constantly changing. When I realized that the song playing on my ipod had come to an end and new one was beginning, I noticed that my mood changed slightly because of the song. This is exactly how my life is. Everyday my mood changes based on sudden changes in events that occur. If something good happens to me, such as a good grade my mood improves and I'm happy. But on the other hand when bad things happen, my mood declines and I'm not so happy. Another job of my ipod is to keep me motivated. The sound of the music playing keeps me running even when I feel like I want to quit and just rest. It keeps me running. The wonderful people in my life, do the same thing for me everyday. They lift my spirits up and encourage me to look on the bright side, even when I feel like I want to give up and quit. Suddenly I looked down at my sneakers and realized that they were supporting me throughout this run. They were getting me through the tough terrain of the run. They helped me complete the task of running 4 miles. The people in my life do this for me as well. They support me through everything. My parents especially help me through tough situations that I otherwise wouldn't be able to complete on my own. As I began to run faster, it reminded me of the times in my life that are fast pased and hard to keep up with. Sometimes it's easy for me run fast and complete my journey and other days, it's not so easy and I need to take the pace slower. Finally, I came to a decision that wasn't so important on my run but it is in my life. Which road to take to reach my destination. Because I know how to get home no matter which way I take, it wasn't such a big decision on my run. But in life, choosing the road to take is. I have many choices to make in life and a lot of them are big choices that I have to make on my own. Choosing which road to take in my life affects my entire life. If I pick the wrong one, I could ruin my life. Running is important to me and so is my life. Both require important decisions, but it's comforting to know that I have a way to compare my life to something I enjoy. It helps me get through everyday tasks that I sometimes don't want to complete.
My life is very much like a letter. In a letter you will most likely find an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction is my past. All the things that occurred when I was younger, like riding a bike and learning how to read. The Events like my first birthday, first day of school, and even my first tooth lost. The body is the present. It’s what’s going on right now in my life. It’s me trying to accomplish the simple yet not simple tasks of growing up. Things included in this section would be getting good grades, doing the things I like, and just simply enjoying life. The conclusion consists of my hopes and dreams for the future, like going to college, getting married, and being a successful adult. The pencil I use to write the letter represents the family, friends, and people who help me along the way. They allow me to make mistakes and learn from my mistakes. The eraser or whiteout (which ever one you prefer) represents me learning from my mistakes and getting up when I fall. The envelope symbolizes my parents. Like the envelope protects a letter when it is shipped to who knows where, my parents protect and guide me. The destination of the letter is where I would like to end up in life. Hopefully I will get there.
There are many types of people in the world today; but they can all be classified into two groups. The first of the groups is the people who like to coast through life; who take the easy way out because it gets them to where they want to be but easier and more conveniently. The second of the two groups is those people who like to work for what they accomplish; the people who know that the end reward will be greater with the more work that they put into what they do. The reference to using cruise-control on the highway was a metaphor to coasting through life by doing the least amount of work possible. I find the people who fit into the second classification annoying. Some people find it unfair that the people who slack off or take the easy way out get the same reward as the people who truly do put hard work and effort into something. It is every individual's choice on whether to put actual effort into what they do and deserve the end results, or to take the easy way out and get what they get. In taking the easy way out, a person is reassuring themselves that everything will turn out as they want it, even though they aren't doing all of the work that they should be doing. WHat people don't always think about though, is that, when they take the easy way out, things could go wrong and they'd have to work from the beginning to fix it, therefore, doing more work then they would have to have done in the first place if they'd actually worked for what they were achieving. As stated, taking the easy way out takes away from the control you have over what you're doing. You're trusting someone or something else to do what you are held accountable for. No matter who's fault, if it goes wrong, you take all blame for whatever happens. A common thought is that doing what other people have done isn't being yourself or doing your own work, therefore, you should do something completely. This is not true in all cases. If you chose to do something yourself, and the reason being that you think that is the way you should reach your goal, then that is doing your own work and being yourself. In my life, I try my hardest, or, I like to think I try my hardest, to be my self and make my own choices. But sometimes, as we all do, I fall back on doing what's easier. Different circumstances come with different options, when it really matters, I do what I think is the best way to get what I's working for.
After contemplating for quite a bit I decided I couldn't come up with anything. So I decided to do my conceit as the same one I did in class, life is like a garden. There are many different types of flowers which represent the many different types of people. The color of their skin, how tall, how short. Sun and water are like parents, they nurture you to help you grow. In a way bees are like the stork, they pollinate to help grow new flowers and the stork delivers babies(supposedly). Weeds are like diseases, they take away they nutrients from the flower causing them to die. Diseases do the same thing, attacking a part of the body not letting it to function. Dirt is like your family, always there to keep your feet on the ground (or in this case, keep your roots in the gound). When flowers get taken to the market to get sold, it's like accomplishing your life goals. As flowers wilt, people age and grow older. Eventually they both die.
After a long time of putting off this journal, I finally came up with the perfect thing to compare my life too. To me, my life is like a softball game.
The coaches act as parents or teachers who help teach you what you need to know in life. Teammates are your friends that help you through difficult times. The other team is your enemies in life. The pitcher of your team represents your sibling who is always there for you when times get tough. Bats and balls are necessary to play the game. They are the common knowledge needed to succeed. A glove would be a special quality that makes you perform better, such as being studious. The batting helmet is the protection given by your parents to keep you from making mistakes. Each base represents a different stage in life. First base is your chilhood. Second base is your teenade years. Third base is your adult life. Home plate would be the last part of life, senior citizen. An out in softball is a setback in life, such as someones death or being ill. A foul ball is a redo, like making up with a friend or family member that you had a fight with. A homerun represents a great achievement in life. This would be a graduation, marriage, or birth of a child. The dugout is like a break or vacation. A pinch runner comes into the game for just a few minutes. They represent those "friends" who are only there for the good times. Practices are like school. They sharpen your skills for when you really need to use them. Finally, the games are challenges, where you need to band together with your teammates to get through it and succeed.
Life is like a mountain range. My friends are like the neighboring mountains surrounding me. They are all different heights and have different characteristics, but together we form something that can’t be broken or changed. They stand with me through storms or hard weather, just as my friends and family support me when things are tough. The weathering that a mountain has undergone shows how I have grown and changed, just as a mountain looks different at different times. Different dents and crevices in the mountain are like my insecurities, or things that I don’t like about my physical appearance. The bottom of the mountain represents the beginning of my life, and the top is when I’ve reached my important life goals. Being a person climbing on the mountain shows how my perspective on life has changed; when I see different parts of the mountains I see things from a different view point. A warning sign where rock slides occur is like a dangerous situation that I have to avoid, just like I have to make the right choices when I am being pressured. If I were to climb the mountain, the difficult slopes or steeps represent the problems that I have to solve. Mountains could also be considered a type of social class, while other bodies of land and water represent people from different cultures. Icebergs could represent a race that is dying out, because they are melting away, while oceans could represent the majority race because they outnumber the other landforms. No matter which way you look at it, mountains represent life today.
Life is like a box of chocolates. I know I am using the age old metaphor from Forest Gump, but I really think it’s a good one. Well, at least it was a good one until the chocolate boxes got those sheets on the bottom of the box telling what each chocolate is. We will just pretend the box we are talking about didn’t come with one of the sheets. When you open up the box you think you know which ones you like and don’t like already, but the thing is you’re not sure if you remember what they look like. So, you pick one up and instead of just eating the whole thing you take a little bite out of it, even though if you don’t like it you aren’t going to like it no matter how big the bite is. This just allows you to put it back. Sometimes in life you have to take risks to see what you like. It helps if you just try something new in little portions that way if you don’t like it, it is not too late to go back. Sometimes you pick up the best one on your first or second try, but you’re caught up in all the excitement that you forget to see what it looks like. Now your back to square one, and you lost all over again. The chocolates can represent people or events in your life. You are definitely the hand picking the chocolates. You may think you are calling all the shots, but really you have no idea what your doing. Even though you may not really like all the chocolates in the box, your not going to die if you pick a bad one. You may pick a wrong path to go down, but you can always pick again and clear up your mess. The great thing about chocolate is none of it is completely horrible. Even with the cheat sheet on the bottom of the box, sometimes you can’t tell which chocolate the picture is showing. Is anything in life really picture perfect? Sometimes your better off going with what you think is the right choice rather than what a “cheat sheet” says to do. Then there are also those times when you completely screw up and pick the grossest one in the box. Oh well! Life’s full of surprises, and you just have to deal with them as they come at you. Always remember though, life is good and so is chocolate!
To me my life is like a swim meet. First of all you have to coaches who are a various group of people like my parents, teachers and other family members. The people on my team our my friends who I like to keep close in my life. The cheering people in the stands our people that i cross along the way in my journey through life. The ropes are my guidelines that keep me on the right track. The lifeguard is God looking down to make sure I am doing what is right. Competitions is the homework and the test that i have to take. The sunny weather is the weather I like to be in the most the weather that makes me happy. Winning the race is a hurdle that I have crossed and made it to the other side.
My life is like a driving on a highway. All the speeding cars are me trying so hard to be older than i am. When a car gets pulled over that is my parents telling me i did something wrong but i got lucky it didn't amont to something worse. A huge traffic jam is my life slowing down for a certain peroid of time like soccer season or track. When I get into a huge fight with my best friend it is just like a huge twenty car pile up. When I pass a car crash that is me seeing someone life fall apart. Taking a detour is like getting involed in a relationship. When a person reaches his/her destionation that is me finally getting what i want in life. My I am car pooling that is when i share an experince with someone else. When someone is giving me a ride that is someone lending out a hand to help me. Finally when someone is driving for hours or even days that is me never knowing when my journey or life will come to an end.
I would think that my life is like a box of crayons in two different ways.
The moment you open the box and pick up your first crayon is the beginning of my life until the crayon is down to it's last bit is when I die. As the crayon gets smaller, it is harder to color with and harder to keep in your hand as it is harder to move on with life as i will get older myself.
The different colors represent every emotion and every aspect of my life. For example, pick up a sky blue and it would probably represent a new day in my life. Pick up a dark red and that would probably represent my anger. Pick up a sun yellow and it would probably represent my happiest moments. Use a white crayon and it would probably represent my entire marraige and my married life. Use a black and it was represent every death in my life. Every color is something different and every emotion has a balance. If I'm sad or angry one day, I'm usually very excited or happy the next. If one day I'm bored out of my mind, the next day is usually full of adventure or something different to do. The big crayon boxes have sharpeners in back. That would probably represent a sharper or big increase in an emotion. For example, If you sharpened a dark blue, that's an example of my saddness growing stronger.
Another way that the colors in the box represent my life are all the different races and religions in the world living together as like the different colors of crayons can all live together as one in their box.
I would think that this is the best way to describe my life. The colors in a crayon box is different, as am i. I have many embarressing moments (rose pink), happy moments (sunny yellow or white), and just down right upsetting moments (dark blue) as any other person would. Let the colors show who I am and what I am feeling.
Life is just one giant basketball game. There are many quarters and time outs. There are winners and losers. How you play the game is important. But it goes much deeper than that. Some people are born to grow very tall, they will have a better chance of excelling if they choose to play basketball. They however, have to learn to use their size to their advantage. Great height alone is not enough. There are also people who are born and don’t grow tall at all. These people have to work twice as hard. Sort of like how some people are born into wealthy families, but others are born into poor families. Either way, you still have to work hard and not give up in life.
You will meet many different people in life and on a basketball court. The ones you recognize first will probably be the big men, like Shaq, who have great size and confidence. The game seems to come naturally to them. These are the people who attack life and it’s problems head on. Then, there are the shooters, like Kyle Korver and Ray Allen, who can stay beyond the arc and wait for a shot and make it. They get their shots by cutting and moving through picks. These are the people who skillfully plan life two steps ahead, and when an opportunity comes, they seize it. One of my favorite players, Allen Iverson, would be classified as an ankle breaker. These players shake their opponents to create open shots and lay-ups. In life, these are the people who deceive and use who and what they know in order to create easy ways into a good life. Then, there are players like Steve Nash, who pass the ball to the open man. They sacrifice of themselves to create opportunities for other people. They may not receive much glory (even though Nash is a two-time MVP) but they make the people around them better. Last but not least, are the coaches. Coaches have already played their game and now teach it to the best of their ability. These are the teachers and mentors. They inspire and teach the young ballers and help them mature and develop in their game.
Life, in my eyes, is like a giant basketball game. You need all kinds of people to come together in the game of life.
Hey Mr. Fiorelli, I don't know if this conceit is farfetched enough but I'll give it a shot
Popular Girls are like Celebrities
In High School, there is always one girl who is seen as a celebrity. All the girls want to be her; all the guys want to date her. It’s something we can’t escape; it’s inevitable. The popular girl is seen by everyone and can never have privacy. Her group of friends is like her posse or fan base. The Haters are the fashion critics who are always scrutinizing every item of clothing she wears. The popular girl feels she always has to look good because people are always watching.
Celebrities tend to spend a lot of many on their clothes due to the simple fact that they’re rich. Popular girls may not make the money at all, but they make it a point to hit the mall every weekend to pick up the latest clothing item just so they look The Best. Popular girls may want to look good on the outside, but it is a necessity to be attractive on the inside as well. Intelligence and personality is important especially if you want to remain on top. If you’re not a nice person internally you may be well know but not in a positive way; In fact you will be seen as infamous.
But to be popular you have to maintain a certain image, for you can’t be seen in public talking to people of a lower class. Doing charity work or fundraising is the only exception.
To be a celebrity, you also have to have very thick skin. Being able to remain strong and calm after going through a day of hearing all kinds of gossip is essential. But the one thing to remember about being popular in any way is this: Popularity is a job just like the life of a Celebrity; Work to get in, work to stay in. And that will never change no matter who you are or how you look.
I sound like a huge loser in saying this but I’ve decided to compare walking in the hallways to driving a car. As you walk down the hallway, you’re usually in some kind of lane. One side is hurrying one-way, and the other in the opposite direction. If you want to get to class on time you usually have to come up with some sort of way of passing people because we all know that when you’re in the biggest rush you always get stuck walking behind the slowest person in the school. If you walk to fast or get out of your “lane” you collide with people. If you go too fast around a corner or don’t look where you’re going, you always hit people.
I recieved some inspiration from the first post, but I think you'll like this one. My life is like a par-5. Life is a challenge, but thats expected. The long par-5 that we call life is so challenging at this age. Life has so many challenges that they are almost un countable. Sand traps are like when your mom grounds you, whereas a water hazard is like when your dad grounds you, its to the point of no return, you can't redeem yourself. Hitting a tree is like getting a demerit, a fixable, not a terrible situation, yet still a setback. "Duffing," a drive is like failing a test at the begining of a quarter. So, anyways enough with the bad, theres a lot of good that can happen out there on the lengthy par-5 of life. These are the elusive things that golfers as well as human beings may strive their whole lives to experience. Hitting the fairway is like starting the day off with bacon, eggs, and blueberry pancakes, and then driving a porshce to school. Hitting a beautiful layup shot exemplifies getting all green lights when your patience really can't take anymore reds, whereas putting it on the green is like taking a private jet to wherever it is you want to go, and impressing everyone when you get there. Any missed putts are like missing turns or getting lost. So we'll say your on the green, so heres the real deal - golf scores = days in your life. So you just hit a long putt for an eagle, you woke up to a steaming breakfast in bed with an iced tea with lemon, then your up walking around and feeling great, you head to school and all your favorite songs are on the radio, once at school a senior cheerleader asks you to take her to dinner on saturday, then in every class you watch movies (just because the teachers think you look too good to learn), after school you go home for a good power nap and then dominate in your game. A birdie is almost as good, pancakes for breakfast, sophmore cheerleader girlfriend, couple movies in school, and a solid game and a win for your team, still a pretty ausome day. a par is tough because your hearts probably broken from the putt you just missed, pop-tart for breakfast, athletic freshman girlfriend, and a squeeker victory for your team. Bogies and all scores after that are like kissing your sister, so close and yet so far. Normal boring day, game ends in a tie. So that when on for a while but i really think its accurate, My days are mostly like pars, life is good but not always amazing. But, hey take what you get right?
I think that I would have to say that my life is like a thunderstorm. The lightning is the happy times. Flashes of light to represent good things that make me happy, like time spent with my friends and having fun doing things I enjoy doing. The thunder is the bad things in my life. Loud noises to represent yelling, anger, and other things that make me miserable. Not to mention that it could also represent sicknes, headaches, and other things of the sort. The wind that blows in all directions represents how crazy my life tends to get. Things become really confusing and wild, and it becomes hard to think strait, just like wind in a storm. The actual rain is when I become calm. Rain washes away unnecesary things and helps important things to grow, like when I clear my mind of the unimportant information, and concentrate on things that really matter. the eye of the storm, when everything stops is when life seems to stop. The storm stops only for a little while but then resumes. It's like when all the crazines stops in my life annd I have a perfect day every once in a while. Everything is going great, but I know that soon enough my perfect day will end and all the insanity will start right back up again.
My life is most like the seasons of the year. Winter is marked by snow, Spring by light rains, Summer by a new warmth, and Fall by the falling leaves. Everyone knows when a new season is coming and prepares for it. I try to stay organized and plan ahead. However, sometimes things happen and my plans get messed up or don't necessarily run smoothely. This is what happens when snow starts to fall when it is technically Fall. Winter is a time for celebration and family. This season represents the importance of family in my life. We get out of school for about a week or two to celebrate, with our families, the coming of Christ. In a sense, it's a time of rest. It gets dark earlier; therefore, you want to sleep more. Spring is a time of rebirth. After a long winter, i'm rejuvinated and ready to start working again. The sun starts to stay up a little longer, and my life seems to be full of new things and a lot more energy. In the spring, I spend an equal amount of time between having fun and making sure my grades are straight and stable. I study for finals, and say "goodbye" to school for a season. Then it's time for the long awaited summer. Some people may use this time to get ahead in the upcoming school year, but it's a time set aside for relaxation. This month is to ensure my "mental health", as it's never good to overwork yourself and burn out. The fall comes and it's time to go back to school again.
My life is like a stable. The barn itself is like my home. The riding ring is ike my school. I ride my lessons down there, which is like classes, and I'm practicing for shows, which are like tests. The trainer is like my parents, offering me support and direction. The horses are like my responsibilities, requiring constant care. The horse shows are not only like my tests, they are also like the events and happenings in my life, allowing me to shine. The tack room is like my room at home, always needing to be cleaned and where me and my friends are a lot. The trail rides are like my hobbies, allowing me to have fun with friends and enjoy myself.
When describing my life in the form of a conceit, I would describe it as a wrestling match. Wrestling matches are just like life, the only last a short time (six minutes), but seem to go on forever and ever. Coaches resemble peoples parents, always looking out for their kids, making sure they do the right things, and learn from their mistakes. The other guys on the team are most like my brothers, half the time always having fun together, and the other half fighting each other. Practice is just like school, it's long hard work that you hate, but when you're done you get a feeling of satisfaction. A match is really just like a test, both show how much I've learned. Winning or losing would just be like my grade on the test, the more I win by, the more of a passing grade I have. Although, getting pinned would just be like getting a zero on a test. The team captains are really like your hero's, they're the people that you strive to be like. Winning a state championship for me would just be like getting straight A's, both show how hard I've worked. Although, being an All-American would be like getting straight A's every quarter. The end of the season is exactly like the end of the year. You're glad you have free time again, yet, you still miss all that fun you had while you were there. That describes what my life is like.
My moods are like ordering a pizza. I'm not sayin that everytime I'm angry with someone, I run out and order seven sausage pizzas. But that my ordering pizza is somewhat similar to my mood changes. Now, a cheese pizza is similar to my good mood. It's the original, basic, pizza. It's always a "crowd pleaser," and it's an essential key to a party. When in doubt, people order the regular cheese pizza because they know they will enjoy it almost everytime. I order it majority of the time, just like how I'm generally happy most of the time. Extra cheese would have to represent being excited or very happy. It's one of the few "sequels" better than its original. "More is better," which also applies to the extra cheese placed perfectly atop every pizza. Pepperoni is like being upset. I don't like pepperoni very much, and I dislike being upset as well. I end up peeling off every pepperoni, which is sort of like picking at everything I don't like about myself. Mmm, the Hawaiian stlye pizza. This would represent my spontaneous, adventurous, "can-do-anything-I-want" mood. It's pineapple and ham on a white pizza. I rarely get it, but I enjoy it very much when I get it. But, you can't have too much of it, because the ham and pineapple flavors will overwhelm your mouth after awhile, making it hard for you to eat ANY ham or pineapple for the next couple days. It's like how being adventurous and spontaneous is fun, but you can only be that way for so long before it grows old. I order sausage pizza even less frequent than Hawaiian pizza, which is why it would have to be my angry mood. Not many people like sausage on their pizza, and people don't like to be around angry people. It leaves a weird taste in my mouth and a sick feeling in my stomach. I hate being angry, which is why I try to mellow out and ignore the small stuff. But every once in awhile I will have to release my anger, like ordering a sausage pizza, no matter how much I don't enjoy it. So, no offense for my bashing and critiquing of pizza flavors, most of my moods can't really be summed up into a pizza
flavor, but each flavor has similarly close characteristics to my moods.
I think I am going to tell you about my life. Well in your question to whether my life is in Cruise control or not I would have to say that it is in cruise control the majority of the time. I seem to be traveling at the same speed on the same endless highway that is life. I can see myself taking direction and asking information from the "young man with fine, blond hair."; and your right, Mr. Fiorelli, cruise control does set you in to a false sense of security not only in the car in in life as well. Because if your just following the flow of life at the same constant, never changing speed then if someone "crashes" near you then you gonna be in trouble because your going down with them. Now as I stated before sometimes my life is out of cruise control. This all depends on my mood. But when I am out of cruise control my life tends to be more life the cars weeving in and out of traffic. This is because I am often reckless in my choices and decisions often coming so close to danger and trouble only to swerve to narrowly avoid it.
In my opinion, writing poetry is like building a very detailed sandcastle. When building a sandcastle, the builder has a very specific design and look in mind. When writing poetry the writer has an imagery in mind that he or she wishes to create for the reader. Each scoop of sand is like a grouping of words in sentence form. Any words can make a sentence for the most part, but it requires special words and special sand to give that added effect to the viewer. As production goes on the sand and words must be crafted in such a way that it doesn't seem like one big mess. The sand must be smoothed and shaped into form. Words must be chosen carefully, and any that do not fit well with the rest of the poem should be taken out. Sometimes the tide may come in to pose a threat to the builder's work. In the same way writer's block may strike the poet. Sometimes poets use words that are meant to peak a special interest in the reader. Such literary techniques may be referred to as "Razzle Dazzle" by some writers, and thus frowned upon. These words or phrases are often some of the most popular and memorable pieces of poetry. The "Razzle Dazzle" of the sandcastle world may be using either shells or other eye-catching objects to draw the viewer in and notice that section of the castle more than the others. Sandcastles require special attention to every curve and every edge. Every word in the poetry must be specially chosen and should flow with the rest of the poem.
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