Words ARE Important

One of the pleasures of reading Mark Twain is the language, specifically his narrators' and characters' use of a correct and usually comical vernacular specific to his stories' settings. No one in Wilmington, Delaware, would say something like "I don't see no points bout that frog that's better from any other frog " (really, no one would be so interested in frogs too much round here, either).
I still get a kick out of Huckleberry Finn describing his disinterest in the story of Moses in the Bible because "I don't take no stock in dead people."
Only the sarcastic and less than sartoriallly-dressed Twain could have reflected, "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.
So what is interesting about your language? If an alien somehow landed in your backyard, would he need to be given a dictionary of YOUR own special collection of words, phrases, and sayings? Probably so.
Pretend that I'm that alien. Make a list of at least 25 words, phrases, or sayings (complete with their "definitions") that would let me know exactly what you mean when you say something that isn't exactly the King's English.
One bit of advice. We're not gangstas here.
Okay, so I definetely am liking this one. I've got some unique "vocab words and phrases" for your readers out there.
"wet"- this ones a basketball term that you would probably know Mr. Fiorelli, it is when a shot swishes. This term is usually called when the ball is first released.
"Hillaugherous"- Basically this one is a hybrid form of hillarious and laugh. This noun and adjective fused together form a word to describe the utmost funny happenings in daily life.
"Feenin'"- This one i can't take credit for but it's widely used. This one is when you are wanting or desiring something, be it a girl or a soda.
"I stay...."- this phrase is use to start a sentence, meaning you keep doing something. For example, "I stay acing vocab quizes."
"Loungin'"- This word means to just be so relaxed and just hanging out as if in a lounge chair.
"fresh J's"- J's is a term used to describe a new pair of Jordan's.
"merk"- This term comes up alot when someone is angry at another person. For example, "I'm gonna merk that ninny," means that you will fight and win against that ninny (I know you like the old school word "ninny" that i tossed in there).
"Wild'n out"- This one is a tribute to the legendary Jonathon May. Jon brought this word into popularity meaning basically getting a little to insane. "Your wild'n out and need to settle down."
"werd"- Werd is widely used in the halls at the great SMH. This one has some esteemed credibility to it, usually meeaning yes to answer a question.
"Goose"- This lexicon signifies the dairy/market known as Wawa. If you must have an explination, look at the sign next time you past.
"Ya'll wantin to..."- Okay, so I picked up this idiom because my brother attempts to speak like the Southern folk these days. "Ya'll wantin to eat," means "do you want to get something to eat."
"Getting Swolen"- This phrase does still keep its original meaning, but dig deeper and let your cerebrum fill with knowledge. Getting swolen essentially means going to lift waits. Getting Swolen is basically congruent to getting strong.
"Getting jacked"- See above.
"wanksta"- This lexicon refers to those people who attempt to act like more of a gangster then they ever should.
"Clown"- No, not bozo this one goes deeper as well. A clown is someone who is basically a jokester to society, such as someone who would pull out a steak sandwich on the 17th green at Augusta.
"Shell"- In Delaware almost everyone uses this whenever they go to any gas station, whether it is a Shell or not.
"City-Wilmington"- Yes, all Delawareans put this on every form we have ever filled out and we know it. Wilmington is the whole state, I live in Mermaid, Delaware, but I can't remember the last time i did not say I lived in Wilmington.
"The Point"- Not many know of this designation. The point is a neighborhood that produces fine young men called North Pointe in Mermaid (Wilmington), Delaware.
"The Hills"- Yup, you might of guessed another neighborhood or as it seems a "city." Limestone Hills is the place to be.
"The Castle"- This is the name given to the Delcastle Golf Course the summer it was introduced to the Tiger Woods Phil Mickelson combo that is Brandon Baker and myself.
"Washboard"-No, Mr. Fiorelli its not a flashback to your mama giving you chores again, this one has to do with your abdominal region. Someone with "washboard abs" has been up in the gym workin on their fitness.
"Billiken"- This is a new lexicon not yet widely used. If you are a billiken, then your a heavy man with double chin.
"Burnin'"- I don't know if you have yet been introduced to the true wonder that is Ryan McCallin, but you will cherish the day that you do. Burnin' is his word to mean driving at a very high rate.
"Chunker"- A lexicon meaning an overweight baseball pitcher.
"heads"- This word ios usually used to describe how many people were at a specific event. FOr example, "There were 65 heads at my mom's birthday bash."
25 Basketball Terms you should know
1."J"- stands for jump shot
2."D"-obviously stands for defense
3."rock"- ball
4."handle"- the ability do dribble well, uasually flashy
5."crossover"- when you fake one way and get the defender leaning and go the other way
6."ankle breaker"- when somebody does a crossover and literally makes the person fall
8."swish","wet","cotton"- describes a shot that goes in and only hits the net
9."beast","monster"- somebody that is really good
10."bum","sorry","trash"- somebody that is really bad
11."fade"- a shot in which the shooter is leaning back in midair, usually to aboid the defender
12."iso"- short for isolation, when the team spreads out and gives the ball handler a one-on-one opportunity with the defender
13."alley","lob","toss"- when a pass is thrown towards the basket and the reciver dunks it before touching the ground
14."tap"- when a rebounder shoots before landing
15."clap"- when a person lays the ball up and taps the backboard with their hand
16."wind mill"- a dunk in which the dunker circles their arms in a full loop and then dunks, resembling a windmill. see and Vince Carter Highlight reel for an example
17."clutch"- any game-deciding situation
18."press"- when the defense puts a lot of pressure on the ball-handler in hopes of a bad pass or turnover
19."on a rope"- a pass that has little arc and is passed perfectly into the reciever's hands, seeming to be on a rope
20."downtown"- a long three point shot
21."bang"- synonym for dunk
22."on fire","hittin","hot","in the zone"- in a state of extreme confidence in one's shot, usually during a streak
23."posterize"- to dunk on somebody, derived from many famous posters in which the star was about to dunk with a defender on them
24."The Leauge"- the NBA, meaningless if not capitalized
25."finger roll"- perfected by the Ice Man, Geroge Gervin. a layup in which the ball seems to roll off one's fingers
Good start with two excellent examples.
1.aight--good, great
contraction of ALL RIGHT
2.peacin--to leave, leavin
3.bummy--to dress in a very tacky way
4.diggity-dank--quite bad, highly offensive behavior
5.ill--Something that is good, something that someone likes
6.wack--stupid or pointless, someone who is clueless
7.loose--out of control
8.son--means like a friend or homeboy
9.chillin--relaxing, laying back, calm
10.kicks--means sneakers
11.bomb--this word means really nice
12.digits--getting digits is getting someone's phone number
13.on the real--all jokes aside, I'm tellin the truth
14.peeps--very close friend
15.frontin--not being as honest as possible about something
16.c.r.e.a.m.--money: Cash Rules Everything Around Me
17.gandar--to look at
18.air head--a stupid person
19.bmboozeled--to be tricked or decieved
20.biscuits--dirty worn out shoes
21.brizoke--broke; no money
22.chillaxin--hangin' out or relaxing
23.crackalackin'--what is happening; or what is going on.
24.dillio--what's the deal or whats up
25.flossin--to show off what you got
this outta be interesting
"going out"- this is kinda funny because it doesnt make much sense. when two people are going out it means that these people are boyfriend and girlfriend, dating, ect.
"talking"- this is also pretty funny seeing how it also is just something someone made up for lack of a better word. this means that two people are not quite going out but like eachother and are rather close to it.
"wild"- i think jonmay used this in class today which is not unlike any other day. this means crazy or umbelievable and possible cool and exciting.
"jacked"- one of my more commonly used words. means pretty muscular and strong
"mad"- usually used to espress a large quantity or amount. used like "he has mad skills"
"sick"- means amazing or very good, like "he is sick at lacrosse"
"dirty"- it is a common misconception that this word has a negative connotation. on the contrary, it means the exact opposite, which is sick
"jacked up"- phrase normally used as a threat of violence
"crazy"- see wild
"chillax"- is a mix between chill and relax that means just calm down and take it easy
"fresh"- new; clean or nice looking, formally known as sharp.
"to ball"- usually refers to playing basketball but can mean any sport involving a ball basically
"cake"- relatively new that refers to money or cash.
"aight"- like a contraction for alright; ok, sure, whatever
"threads"- clothes, apparal
"spitting"- talking, saying, speaking
"shnikees"- is like a substitution for a bad word or curse word. darn it, shoot, crud ect...
"dip"- means to leave or get out
"bounce"- see dip
"dying"- laughing really hard or hysterically
"balling"- crying excessively, tearing
"knockin"- means awesome of great of cool
"sweet"- nice or cool deal, pleasing and appealing to you
"hit up"- means to call. "ill hit you up later"
"holla"- means to talk to or call
"man"- friend, buddy, person your cool with
"cool with"- means you and some other person have no problems with eachother and for the most part like each other.
i started to get on a roll and probably could have done some more but im gonna be honest i just didnt feel like it and thought this was adequate.
1. werd- i agree/ yes
2. yo- hello
3. holla at me- call me
4. perf- perfect
5. def- definitely
6. beast- someone that is really good at something
7. your mom- insult to a person
8. peace- bye
9. digits- someone's phone number
10. talking- what is happening before to people start dating
11. jacked- very muscular
12. smokin- really hott
13. chill- relaxing
14. looking fresh- looking nice
15. D- defense
16. the worst- something that is bad
17. kicks- shoes
18. banger- party
19. dude- friend
20. man- friend (boy or girl)
21. dog- friend/ person
22. bounce- to leave
23. son- friend/ person you are speaking with (no family relation necessary)
24. livin it large- rich, happy
25. hick- somone from the south who can't speak right
These be my words, foo'.
booshi- n. Something that one finds untolerably nonsensical due to its causes and effects.
cackalator- n. The term that is used most commonly by those who are too lazy to pronouce the "calc" in "calculator".
Constable Bucker- n. The United States Constitution.
cuh-rizzow- adj. Very odd, unbelievable, or crazy.
dubdubdub- 1)interj. Expresses anger or disbelief regarding an action or event that has occured. 2)n. The World Wide Web.
flip- 1)interj. Mainly used as a substitute for an expletive. (ex: Flip you!) 2)n. One who commonly partakes in unintelligent actions. (ex: Why are you always such a flip?)
fla blam a blam- interj. A string of meaningless sounds that may be used in speech when nothing intelligent can be thought of to put in its place.
groovy- adj. Light-spirited or pleasant to experience.
lickety split- adv. Describes an action that will be completed in a very short span of time.
Lindenbergery- n. A library, specifically the Rachael M. Ali Library.
Marie- n. The assumed middle name of every male and female in Western Civilization.
oh-em-gee- interj. Shows great delight, sorrow, or surprise. Comes from the pronunciation of "O.M.G." the abbrevation for "Oh my God!".
Old Man Riviera- n. A fictitious Mexican drug lord who represents all the ignorance of the world.
one-two-onetwothree- n. Any substance, idea, or presence that is displeasing to the senses. (ex: It smells like one-two-onetwothree in here.)
oot rilly- interrog. Used for the purpose of sarcastically showing interest, as a response to a statement.
rezchuchulous- adj. Unnecessary or purposeless.
ronery- adj. Pitifully alone.
rotzeeritzeeiieeiioouu- n. A display of high class.
rothmansha- n. One who believes that he or she is of higher sophistication than his or her peers.
sammich- n. A particularly tasty sandwich.
shiver me timbers- interj. Expresses frustration and/or disappointment regarding the outcome of an action or event.
since the Crimean War- adv. Refers to an action or experience that one has not taken part in for a significant span of time. (ex: I haven't had one of these since the Crimean War!)
swell- adj. Very good or pleasing. (ex: Gee whiz, that's swell!)
tomacky- 1)n. The day after today. 2)n. Swindled tobacco.
what-ev- interj. Expresses a reluctant acceptance in an action, event, truth, or statement that one finds dissatisfaction in.
1.Aight- a shortened version of the word alright; has same meaning
2.Baby girl/boy- a pet name for one’s girlfriend or boyfriend
3.Banger- a party
4.Beast- someone who is extremely good at what they do
5.Bounce- to leave
6.Chillin- relaxing or spending time with your friends
7.Dog- a word for friend
8.Fresh- word used to describe someone that looks clean or sharp; often follows a person’s name for example, Mikey Fresh
9.Frontin- the act of being dishonest
10.Hick- someone usually from the south who has poor manners and most likely will have trouble speaking clearly
11.Homie- another word for friend
12.Hot- term used to describe something or someone who is attractive
13.Jacked- very muscular
14.Kicks- shoes
15.Loose- out of control
16.Peace- form of saying goodbye
17.Sick- great or awesome, “He is sick at soccer.”
18.Smokin- males often use this word to describe something attractive
19.Son- another word to describe one’s friend
20.Sup- shortened term or the phrase “What is up?” You will often see males walking through the hallways and raising one finger and saying something like “sup baby?” to one of their friends
21.Threads- clothes
22.Wack- something that is stupid or pointless
23.Werd- another word for yes/ I agree; I think this word will be worn out within the next year because of its overuse
24.Wild- unbelievable
25.Yo- hello
1."Emo"- this term is associated with many negative connotations. It describes a type of music that involves either slow mellow songs or cookie monster screaming with death metal guitar riffs and that has replaced the underground punk rock scene. Associated with dark clothes, the wearing of women’s jeans, bowl or shaped black haircuts, and suicide.
2. "straight-edge"-movement in which one abstains from sex, drugs, and alcohol.
3. "You tryin' to..."- new sentence enhancer popularized by urban language, used such as "You tryin' to chill homie," You tryin' to ride down to the inner city to broadcast racial stereotypes?"
4. "Beat"-when something or someone becomes less then desirable ex.-"man this lunch is beat," "Dane Cook's jokes are so beat"
5."Psychadelic"-something awesome or radical in nature
6. “Splendiferous”-when something is more than just splendid
7. "Pansy"-originally a delicate flower, meaning that you are a chump and you are soft. Ex-"Colin Hartzel is such a pansy"
8. "Frat boy"-brother of a fraternity, usually rich, wears Abercrombie polo’s and backwards hats and sporting a beer belly.
9. "Oops, Pow Surprise!"-Saying used in exclamation after you just served someone.
10.”Hippies”- people that have long hair, wear Birkenstocks, use hallucinogenic drugs, and love the Grateful Dead.
11. “Ike Turner”-name of Tina Turner’s ex husband now used as a verb for a male who hits a woman.
12.”W.W.G.G.D.?”- stands for What Would G.G. Do? When something gets hard think to yourself what G.G. Allin would have done.
13.”Ayo”- a common greeting mechanism. Ex. - “AYO, what’s up?
14.”Perfection” – when something can’t be more right, such as anything by George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic.
15. “The Fuzz”- term to describe law enforcement.
16.”bangin'"- adjective to describe what a male (or female) may say about a female (or male) (or mixing and matching if thats how you roll)
17. "Shenanigans"- various acts that have been deemed silly.
18. "My phone died"- classic excuse kids use to lie to their paretns about where they were the night before.
19."Default!"- term used when stupid people at parties yell as they take pictures of themselves for the sole purpose of postng it on your myspace or facebook.
20."Rotflol"-Lite speech nerds use over the internet that stands for "rolling on the floor laughing out loud."
21. "Flakin' and Perpatratin'"- term given to perons who are "wack" and are not bein real with themselves.
22."trippin'"- to be out of one's mind, also referred to for someone who is on drugs. Ex- "You must be trippin' if you think I did that with my toaster"
23. "'Cuz Stone Cold said so"- term derived from Wrestler "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, the perfect comeback or excuse.
24. "Beak"- a rather large nose
25. "Pinnochio"-one who lies quite often.
Here's some baseball terms I thought people might need to know.
1. "homer" - ball hit outside the park
2. "short" - short-stop, position between 3rd and 2nd base
3. "battery" - pitcher and catcher
4. "rhp" - right-handed pitcher
5. "lhp" - left-handed pitcher
6. "K" - strike out
7. "BB" - base on balls
8. "era" - earned run average
9. "rbi" - run(s) batted in
10. "bp" - batting percentage
11. "pinch runner/batter" - someone running or batting in place for someone else
12. "sp" - starting pitcher
13. "cp" - closing pitcher
14. "rp" - relief pitcher
15. "one hopper" - ball thrown that takes one bounce before reaching target
16. "liner" - line drive, ball hit fast just above the ground
17. "pop" - pop-up, fly ball
18. "grounder" - ball hit that bounces or rolls on the ground in the infield
19. "bunt" - tapping the ball with bat, not swinging
20. "drag bunt" - bunting the ball while starting for first base
21. "suicide squeeze" - when runner on third steals as the pitch is thrown and the batter bunts down the first base line
22. "rubber" - rubber bar in the pitcher's mound
23. "balk" - a fake throw by the pitcher to decieve the runners while he is on the rubber, each runner gets a base as a penalty
24. "check swing" - swinging halfway but pulling back before full swing, not a strike
25. "shift" - when defensive players move to a different formation for different situations, example: moving all infielders left slightly
This is going to be interesting...
1.salty- when you are acting neagtive or mean.
2.fresh- acting like a smart alick
3.mad- awesome skills
4.chillen- hanging out with friends
5.slammed- full of something (work)
6.sacred pig- in place of holy cow!
7.whip- car
8.swarmed- too much work
9.jacked- very buff
10.dish- to distibute
11.peace out- to leave
12.grool- combination of cool + great
13.digits - #
14.banger - party
15.chuckin'- representing
16.trippin'- kidding
17.emo- someone who is emotional
18.hot- how attractive someone is
19.AYO- hello
20.talking- a period of time where people get to know each other before going out.
21.rock wit' it- dance move
22.bounce to leave
23.werd- another thing to say instead of cool
24.ballin'- doing well; make a shot in bball
25.beat- tired of; bored of
Enjoy them and please don't try to use them in everyday speech. HAH!
Squee- this is simply another word for yay.
Glomp- a very enthusiastic hug.
Meep- another word for yikes.
Ebil- yet another synonym, this time for evil.
Mary-sue- A term to describe a female character in any written work that needs to constantly be saved, is perfect, is normally a princess or the like, who has a very shallow personality and is over all pathetic.
The Floor- What Guards call the tarp/canvas they perform on.
Folding the Floor- It is not as impossible as it sounds. This is when a Guard folds their floor (definition above).
Across the Floors- series of dance exercises that the Guard performs as a warm-up
Guardie- A person in the Color Guard.
Bandie- A person in the band.
Vocal Explosion- When someone sings too loudly and garbled at the same time
Made-up- term used in roleplaying to describe a character that is not original to the genre.
Original- Term used in roleplaying to describe a character that is original to the genre being played, such as a book or a movie.
Godmodering- Term used in roleplaying to describe the actions of having your character be perfect or unstoppable
Powerplaying- Term used in roleplaying to describe the actions of someone taking control of another’s character without permission.
Ooc- short for out of character. Occasionally represented by parentheses.
Zombie- Someone who hasn’t gotten enough sleep.
Poof- another way of saying to leave.
Pirate- someone who steals another’s work.
Rofl- Rolls on the floor laughing
Literate- The roleplaying definition is someone who has wonderful grammar and spelling, who can write well and has exceptional roleplaying skills.
Semi-Literate- The roleplaying definition is someone who has good grammar and spelling, who is a good writer and has decent roleplaying skills.
Illiterate- The roleplaying definition is someone who has atrocious grammar and spelling, uses chatspeak, who can’t write at all and has horrid roleplaying skills.
Oh fudge- My way of saying darn it.
Returning from the dead- Something you say to someone when they return from a long absence online.
Well since I cant kick it freestyle and gangsta it up a bit heres some well thought out daily slang words.
"YAH"- meeaning an equivalent to yo or hey.
"What's Good"- Whats goin on, anyhting new happen to you lately.
"Yatz"- meaning a far hit in baseball or to hit a homerun.
"Feenin"- to crave soemthing very badly.
"Werd"- to agree with something
"Jacked"- big muscles, very strong
"Tight, Tight"- very cool or awesome
"Dude"- friend
"Kicks"- shoes
"Fresh"- Top of the line, very nice, expensive
"Fresh Fitted"- brand new fitted baseball hat.
"Thats sick...He's sick"- meaning a good idea or an action that takes your breathe away.... that dunk was sick (cool).
"I'm Stoked"- excited, very anxious.
"Whip game proper"- good driver, handles the car well.
"Grillin you"- To stare someone down for a long time.
"Blowin up"- your cell phone is ringing.
"Cake"- money
"Wild'n out"- going crazy, partying hard, out of control.
"The Grove" - referring to my hometown of Avon Grove, PA.
"Bumpin"- referring to someones music in their car to be loud and the bass shaking the car.
"Spittin game"- trying to make a girl you like, like you back and trying to basically hang out with her sometime.
"Let's roll bounce"- lets leave,lets get out of here.
"Gettin huge"- lifting weights and lifting as much as you can.
"Cheesin"- to smile very widely
"Dipset"- to leave without being noticed or very quickly.
jakd- being very muscular and strong.
chill-to relax and be calm.
merc- to completly dominate somebody.
cotton- when a shot is nothing but net.
sick- when something is extraordinarily good.
cuzin- this is used to describe somebody who you are good friends with.
dipsetting- this means that you are leaving.
wild n out- this means that you are acting crazy.
beast- someone that is relly good at something.
chump- someone that is terrible at something.
garbage-something that is bad or not up to par.
peeps- your close friends
clown- someone that sounds stupid or makes a fool of themselves.
poppin- to be happening or alive.
whip- refers to your car.
bunnies- this means that you can jump high.
props- to give praise.
new boy- this means that you got a new hair cut, which obviously I haven't had one in a while.
wack- not in style or cool.
light weight- refers to someone that is small and weak.
beaters- shoes that are old and worn out.
real rap- something that is true.
dog- one of your friends.
bff- your best friend forever
baggin up- laughing really hard.
There are a good bit of slang words and different words that have seemingly differentiated from the original meaning. Let’s get started strong…
“Forshizzle”- Now less commonly used but at one point just a way to agree, also widely used by Dave Chappell.
“I’m Game…”- Saying that you want to do something
“Brahh”- Once commonly used by Ryan McCallin which is just a name for a close friend.
“Feenin”- Often used by Austin Vantrease and Dave Ashby, meaning that you want something badly. (i.e. a female, or even to go outside for a “smoke.” (You always say that one in class))
“Yoooohhhhhh”- A phrase or word that is mainly used for Ryan McCallin to find where Tyler Husfelt is, it’s simply a “mating” call.
“Reason”- Meaning give me a reason not to hit you because you just said something unnecessary.
“Liftin’”- Pretty self explanatory, used by Austin Vantrease a lot in order to pursue the fact that he wants to lift weights at some point.
“Gettin’ Jacked”- Another Vantrease favorite, this is what you say when you are in the process of lifting.
“Grooving”- I am quoting the great Brandon Groux, which explains when he is feeling amazing and just is in the groove.
“Pearl”- When something is done to perfection, for example, JR’s putts are pearl.
“Possible”- This is what you say when something is completely unreasonable, you just say possible as in being sarcastic.
“Atsunny”- Slang for saying that’s funny, but it’s not what you think. You only say this when someone says that they are better than you at something and you know you are better so you say.... “Atsunnnnnnnnnyy….!!!!”
“Wildlin’ Out”- Of course JonMay, he literally says this phrase 300 times a day minimum. It means that you are going crazy. Example: “Austin Vantrease, you are wildlin’ out right now. Hahah.!”
“JonMay”- You may think this is just a kids name but, kids who don’t know Jon May just call him Jon, but they don’t realize that JonMay’s name is really JonMay and he only answers to JonMay.
“Lit”- This is another name for the sickest lax player in Delaware, his name has been changed at least 5 times within the past 5 years. This means Lit, Brandon Groux.
“Posted Up”- What you do when you wait outside of a class before the bell rings and you just relax up on the wall. JonMay, Dirk, and me do that literally everyday before class Mr. Fiorelli.
“Hit me up”- This means to just give me a call.
“Holla”- Same concept, just say what’s up.
“What’s good”- Asking someone how they are doing.
“Fresh”- That something is new, just bought.
“Fresh out the pack”- Same concept, just bought and just taken out of the package but now ironed yet.
“Werd”- What you say when you are surprised by something when someone is telling you a story.
“Cakin’”- To make money, anyway possible.
“Certified”- When something is legitimate, it is real. Also, when something is amazing, certified runs along the lines of pearl.
“Sick”- To be really amazing at something. Example- Thomas Piecuch is sick at life. Olsen is sick at being jacked. Austin is sick at feenin’.
“Literally…”- Usually only used by Austin Vantrease or myself to over emphasize how serious we are.
“Fat”- Usually only used by Dirk when he is fake mad at people like me and calls me fat, but intern means that I am skinny. I think anyway.
“Buddy”- Usually referring to a friend that doesn’t understand everything we are talking about. Example-Dave Ashby… Sorry Dave, I love you buddy.
Overall, our entire generation is entirely way to sarcastic, also, it is full of feens.
These words will appear on next years vocab list!
Doe Boy Fresh-n-The cool kid on the block who has all the fresh new gear.
Fresh and so clean-a-Looking really good after you just took a shower or bath.
Jingle Jingle-v-the hottest new dance that is sweeping the nation.
Dirty-v-this term is often thrown around on the soccer team. It means an incredible shot or trick with the ball.
Dirt-a-root word of dirty, it describes a very good athlete.
The magic man-n-a person with very magical fingers, good for massages
El diablo-n-street for fighting chicken, this person is not to be messed with.
fo'sizzle-a-in the 90's it made people sound cool now a days if this word is spoken you sound like a dork.
Myspacing-v-the act of going on myspace.
running away-v-when class is too boring and you happen to day dream and doze off.
grimy-a-this describes something that did not go in your favor.
shake N bake-v-making things happen with ease.
petey pea-n-the smallest person in a group of friends
off the hinges-v-similar to off the hook, something is outstanding, great
J/V-n-a person who isn't ready to go to the next level.
A happy birthday-n-when something good unexpectedly happens.
Bad wheel-a-used to describe a bad ankle or foot.
bag fries-n-the fries that are at the bottom of the bag.
cable-n-a really big chain.
cakehead-n-someone who is not very smart.
zanzay-a-super ugly
zebra-n-copycat,a person who copies your style.
meat on a stcik-n- a flying rat.
dipping-v-leaving a social event with all the ladies on your arm.
od-v-over doing something
1.)werd - i agree, yes
2.)jacked - muscles
3.)wildn' out - insanely crazy
4.)yo - hello
5.)cake - money
6.)dawg - friend
7.)roll-out - leave
8.)bounce - leave
9.)later dude - see you later
10.)dude - friend/guy
11.)peace - goodbye
12.)sick - awesome
13.)sweet - cool
14.)fresh - stylish/cool
15.)threads - clothes
16.)kicks - shoes
17.)garbage - bad
18.)banger - party
19.)digits - phone number
20.)smoking - goodlooking
21.)ballin' - playing basketball
22.)clownin' - messing around
23.)bumble - the middle of nowhere
24.)beast - being really good at somethin
25.)shinkes - shoot/darn
mr fio, this wasn't working for my computer so i e-mailed all my journals to your address. -taylormcgivney.
Here are 25 slang words that kids use today(and may have used some 10 years ago)!
Corny- meaning stupid, dumb a waste of time
Dunno- this word is the combination of the three words "I don't know". Lazy people often use this word.
Sup- This word means "what's up?", or "hey, how's it going".
Wack- this term means lame, or unfair or ridiculous.
Ya'll- meaning you all or you
Ballin'- meaning, sitting pretty, or riding in style
Fierce- this term refers to a girl who has a striking look(often used in the modeling industry)
fly- can refer to a guy or a girl who is dressed very nicely
Duh- this word is used when someone states the obvious or asks a stupid question ie( what's 2+2? 4, duh!)
Playin'- to kid around or joke
For real?!- honestly, are you kidding me? really
Punk- someone who is afraid or scared or chickening out
Dog- when guys use this term, they are refering to a buddy, or a friend. When girls say this, they are talking about a guy who cheated on them.
ChickFlick- this term refers to a movie that girls are more likely to enjoy then guys.
Cali- This term refers to the western state of California.
Bring it- people say this when they are getting ready to compete, It's another way of saying "show me what you got".
Trippin'- to over react, blow things out of porportion
Paper- money(cash)
Threads- expensive formal wear, such as a suit and tie
Tight- meaning, cool interesting( usually refering to a hairstyle or a new video game etc.)
Lol- normally used when Instant Messaging, but some people just say it, "laugh out loud".
Deisel- can refer to a guy or girl who has very defined muscles.
Go- in terms of dating people ask eachother " who do you go with?"
Feelin'- to like or enjoy, to be entertained by ie ( I was feelin' that perfoemance)
Dish me the dirt- another way of saying "give it to me straight", or "spit it out".
Here are 25 slang words that kids use today(and may have used some 10 years ago)!
Corny- meaning stupid, dumb a waste of time
Dunno- this word is the combination of the three words "I don't know". Lazy people often use this word.
Sup- This word means "what's up?", or "hey, how's it going".
Wack- this term means lame, or unfair or ridiculous.
Ya'll- meaning you all or you
Ballin'- meaning, sitting pretty, or riding in style
Fierce- this term refers to a girl who has a striking look(often used in the modeling industry)
fly- can refer to a guy or a girl who is dressed very nicely
Duh- this word is used when someone states the obvious or asks a stupid question ie( what's 2+2? 4, duh!)
Playin'- to kid around or joke
For real?!- honestly, are you kidding me? really
Punk- someone who is afraid or scared or chickening out
Dog- when guys use this term, they are refering to a buddy, or a friend. When girls say this, they are talking about a guy who cheated on them.
ChickFlick- this term refers to a movie that girls are more likely to enjoy then guys.
Cali- This term refers to the western state of California.
Bring it- people say this when they are getting ready to compete, It's another way of saying "show me what you got".
Trippin'- to over react, blow things out of porportion
Paper- money(cash)
Threads- expensive formal wear, such as a suit and tie
Tight- meaning, cool interesting( usually refering to a hairstyle or a new video game etc.)
Lol- normally used when Instant Messaging, but some people just say it, "laugh out loud".
Deisel- can refer to a guy or girl who has very defined muscles.
Go- in terms of dating people ask eachother " who do you go with?"
Feelin'- to like or enjoy, to be entertained by ie ( I was feelin' that perfoemance)
Dish me the dirt- another way of saying "give it to me straight", or "spit it out".
Most words depend on they’re context used
Words used by me on a daily basis
1. Nasty- an object that is nasty is good people that are nasty are just disgusting
2. Chillin’- you’re relaxed or just hanging out
3. Werd- one of the most common slang terms- it can mean cool or that you’re agreeing or saying yes to something
4. Redneck- this may not seem to be slang, but a German exchange student asked me what it means to be redneck, so we told him hillbilly, but he didn’t know that either, so after thinking hard it is just someone who lives on a farm and wears suspenders and drives a ford
5. Gat- a gun
6. D’s- refers to DUB’s or big rims on your car
7. G- Originally gansta but now everyone can be a “G”
8. Brokeback- questionable masculinity
9. Bounce- to leave “lets bounce”
10. Trippin’- acting weird
11. Ripped/jacked- huge muscles
12. Creeper- word used way too much by girls
13. What’s good- saying how are you
14. Yo / Ayo- a greeting, saying hi
15. Hoopdie- old car in bad condition or a really “pimped out” car
16. “You wanna go”- instigating a fight that’s not actually going to happen
17. Reet- someone that’s acting dumb
18. Ridin dirty- driving with a felony charge
19. Sick- another word for really good
20. Nah- no or disagreeing
21. Dude- your friend (guy or girl)
22. Bling- jewelry
23. Ice- diamonds, expensive jewelry, silver jewelry
24. Grillz- gold teeth
25. City slicker- city “folk”
Ish- stuff, unnamed things, an anonymous amount of matter, random objects, a particular situation.
Meh- I win, okay, what, whatever.
Fattie- one who eats a lot, selfish person.
Dip- stupid person, someone who made a funny mistake, annoying person.
Werd- okay, what, peace.
Shmeh- what, are you kidding.
Nahhh- no, negative, not happening.
Yuh- yes, i will, okay.
Chyeah-yes, okay, alright, affirmative.
Mhmm- I'm listening, whatever you say, okay.
Kthanks- you annoy me, end of conversation, do what i asked.
Wicked- really cool, awesome, amazing.
Sweet- very good, un believeable.
Twisted- unexpected in a good way, surprising, like the expression, "woah."
Bleh- boring, not interesting, hum dum.
Trip- something funny or a mistake
Beat- unfair, bad, not fun.
Eh- so-so, not good nor bad, indifferent.
Banging- a lot of fun, very entertaining, very cool, astonishing.
Chillin-hanging out, being with peers.
'girl/boy'- shortened girlfriend/boyfriend
Wifey- girlfriend or close friend.
Dipset- to leave without others knowing.
Fantabulous- fantastic+fabulous, very well.
Paje- play on spanish word; dumb of funny person.
that was harder than i expected!
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