Song of Myself

Write a "song of yourself" in the style of Walt Whitman. Write in first person. Write in free verse. Use eclectic (choosing the best from a variety of sources) words and phrases (slang, common language, foreign expressions if you dare), parallel structure, and repetition. These are all distinctive elements of a Whitman poem. MINIMUM OF 30 EXTENDED LINES or 200 words. Why limit yourself? I could go on forever about myself!
I have a way to make people happy,
I can make almost anyone smile.
My love is passionate and it burns,
For my special friends.
I have a way to make people happy,
They laugh for hours at a time.
You can't tell me that you can't see,
how i don't care for others.
I have a way to make people happy,
They never seem to cry.
When they ARE upset at all,
I try my best to help them out.
I have a way to make people happy,
I'm always there for them.
Even when times get tough.
I always lend a helping hand.
I have a way to make people happy,
I can always make a joke.
The worst situations always have an upside,
People just need to laugh it out.
I have a way to make people happy,
Even if I am not.
NO matter how I am feeling that day,
My friends feelings come first.
I have a way to make people happy,
I show them what didn't happen.
My own problems have a way,
To make there's dissapear.
I have a way to make people happy,
All i need to do is smile.
I have been told many times,
That my happiness is contagious.
I play it cool,
And dig all jive,
That's the reason,
I stay alive,
My motto as I live and learn
Dig, and be dug in return
I am me
and no one else
that my bother you
but I have my own identity
I like to play in the park
and watch the birds fly by
this alone can make me feel happy
and here is why
I do what I feel
when I feel like it
how I feel about it
and when I do
It's amazing
And some times
when i'm at home on a Friday night
i'll watch a movie-
or two, if I like
And if the mood is right
and the air is still
i'll sing a tune
of which i have composed
I wouldn't say that I'm weird
No just different
and if individuality is strange
how provincial does that seem?
Some may say
Oh she has no life
but who are you to say
that what I do isn't right?
Because I am me
and no one else
and if you like the sound of that
just try being yourself.
My talents are many,
my abilities strech far.
I am someone special,
I wouldn't want to be anyone else.
I play many sports,
but baseball is my game.
I am most content,
when on the diamond.
My photographs are astounding,
for those lucky enough to see them.
It is more than a hobby,
for me it is a lifestyle.
Humor is part of life as well,
to laugh is to live.
No one can be too funny,
I consider myself quite comical.
Some may criticize my living,
they think I'm too lax.
But I say what's the rush,
I always finnish on time.
My words are honest,
But I try to soften the truth.
I never seek to insult,
I enjoy making people feel better.
I am very bright,
but overall sharpness means more to me than bookish intelligence.
Not to be mistaken,
schooling is a necessity,
but there is more to my life.
I am someone special,
I wouldn't want to be anyone else.
I sing the song of myself,
and what I find good about me,
you too shall assume.
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume,
I enjoy putting smiles on peoples faces,
I like making them laugh,
If they are down I can pick them up,
and I love being a jokester,
Even when times get tough,
I am there to make a joke,
It cheers them up instantly,
Which is ultimately my goal,
I have many skills and talents,
Like my skills at baseball.
Stretching to get that last out at first,
Or belting that game-winning homer,
I have now discovered football,
It is such a joy to play,
I can't wait for the chance to make that goal line stand,
Beating Sallies (finally)
I also am
I live life on the edge,
and I do as I please.
Rules are more like guidlines,
and have no power over me.
I have fun with what I do,
and Ilive life to the fullest.
I never let life pass me by,
and I live life in the fast lane.
I don't like to take my time,
that really seems to bore me.
Instead I rush and get things done.
But always do them right.
Even though I live so fast,
I do set time aside.
I have a life of fun and games.
Im not just school and work.
I like to play many sports,
and have a real good time.
I play lots of sports,
but football is my fav.
Im also into family.
Its real important to me.
I really would be nothing,
without my family.
Not all my life is family, I really need my friends.
With out them life would be blue,
and school would be a drag.
That is me through and through,
what you see is what you get.
I sing the song of myself,
and am proud of who I am.
I celebrate myself,
I sing myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must also assume.
I enjoy putting smiles on peoples faces,
I like making them laugh,
If they are down I can pick them up,
And I love being a jokester.
I have many skills and talents,
Like my skills at baseball,
Stretching to get that last out at first,
Or belting that game-winning homer.
I have now discovered football,
It is such a joy to play,
I can't wait for the chance to make that goal line stand,
Beating Sallies (finally).
I am a very creative man,
My mind is always running,
And my motor never stops running,
Which gets me into trouble sometimes.
I am a very helpful youngen,
Whatever is needed,
I do it,
No matter what it is.
I am extremely friendly,
And I can get along with anyone,
People seem to gravitate to me,
Which ultimately makes me happy,
I celebrate myself,
I sing myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume.
I celebrate myself,
I sing myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must also assume.
I enjoy putting smiles on peoples faces,
I like making them laugh,
If they are down I can pick them up,
And I love being a jokester.
I have many skills and talents,
Like my skills at baseball,
Stretching to get that last out at first,
Or belting that game-winning homer.
I have now discovered football,
It is such a joy to play,
I can't wait for the chance to make that goal line stand,
Beating Sallies (finally).
I am a very creative man,
My mind is always running,
And my motor never stops running,
Which gets me into trouble sometimes.
I am a very helpful youngen,
Whatever is needed,
I do it,
No matter what it is.
I am extremely friendly,
And I can get along with anyone,
People seem to gravitate to me,
Which ultimately makes me happy,
I celebrate myself,
I sing myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume.
This is my song.
A time for me to focus on the good,
Instead of pondering the bad.
Looking at the good qualities ... that i have.
Its those qualities,
That people notice.
Those qualities,
That you should be proud to say you have.
I am very comical.
I like to make people laugh.
Although somtimes unintentional,
It just comes nautrally.
Being funny is my thing.
I cant help it.
I sometimes laugh at myself.
I am sometimes worrisome,
But very rarely.
Being tranqil i what I aim for.
I find myself calm,
Without a care in the world.
I am usually collected,
And very relaxed.
I am very dedicated.
I'll stick with it untill the end.
Through all my distractions
Im sure I'll transcend.
Overcoming about everything in my way.
I strive for the best.
I try to work hard,
In most of what i do.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
The ocean is where I like to be,
Sitting on the beach with my feet in the sand
I feel so free swimming through the waves
I jump through them as each comes by.
I am the best sea shell finder there is
Name a shell and I will find it
Sand dollars, clam shells any thing will do.
Besides collecting shells, I can do other things too.
I find joy in helping other people
It brings joy to my day.
I am in Z Club, Student Council, and Blue Gold,
To fill my love of helping other people
Volunteering can be really fun!
The people appreciate it so much,
Their joy brings a smile to my face
And fills my heart with love.
Many things bring smiles to my face
Especially young babies and puppies
I love to baby sit kids
Or play with my two puppies
I know my poem doesn’t make much sense
But either do I
Because I am me
And that is how is has to be
I am me
Not anyone else
I am not you
Nor they
Just me
I am my own person
I have my own thoughts
I have my own ideas
I usually enjoy myself
I like to dance
I like to move to music
I like dancing alone
And I like dance with others
I also like to feel the music in me
I like the un-kowns artists,
The ones who put their heart and soul into something
For only undersized respect
Graffiti is my favorite kind of art
I see it as the most beautiful model of expression
I am a musician
I love music
I love the way it makes me feel
The way it has a control over me
The way I can always find a song for any situation
I am a friend
Someone who others turn to in times of need
And someone that is there when you just want to have fun
I will listen when you need that
And try to give the best advice that I have
I am a listener
A talker
A lover
And sometimes a fighter
I am a realist
I am everything that makes up me
The Man on the Moon looked lonely,
So I sent him a letter in the mail.
He has yet to respond,
But I've got all the time in the world.
How am I to sing myself
If I know not who I am?
The trees are trees,
And the fish are surely fish.
You are yourself.
But who am I?
I once asked the sun to sing me a song.
But he knew of none.
He knew only of hydrogen gas.
If I were to look into a mirror,
Would I really see myself? Would I?
How could I be so sure it wasn't you
Staring back at me?
I went to look up myself in the dictionary,
But I forgot how to spell my name.
They say the eyes are windows to the soul,
But I don't believe it.
If I closed my eyes,
Would I shut out the world from ever looking in?
The birds are birds.
They fly and sing and again fly.
But who am I?
Sorry for putting my trash on your car, lady,
But I no longer felt like carrying it.
If yesterday was tomorrow,
And tomorrow will be today,
Then today is already gone.
At least, that's what the Glorious Leader told me.
I looked out the window and watched the rain fall.
The thunder spoke.
The lightning began.
It was then that I realized
Who I am.
The Man on the Moon finally replied.
It turns out she isn't a man....
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume,
I got the intelligence to go places
I'm here to help the world
I'm so sure of that,
My smarts may leave you speechless
I look good, I can't lie
My hair is brilliantly blonde
stunning facial features define me,
just ask my ice blue eyes
But I'm not just a pretty face
I love aiding people in need
I take great pride in this task
My lexicons are so pschological, that it makes life logical
I'm a sweet talker and I know this
I do what I can to see another beam
My mission is to make someone smile everyday,
And I adore everyone, this i promise
I'm an athlete to the core
Basically the paramount jumper in the state
you can excpect a flawless dish though,
because I want others to succeed
This should be the end of my "yawp"
Cocky is the last thing I'd want
I make myself miraculously modest,
maybe thats a stretch but i try my best.
thank you, and goodnigbht
I am no one you need to know,
You have met me before,
or something similiar,
but it is not quite me.
Even I can't describe myself,
For I am not like anyone else,
I have ideas some may think strange, I thrive off being different.
Some may call me immature,
but I just choose not to be consumed by the status quo mob mentality,
I think for myself unlike many I have met.
I don't believe our government is just,
most are content with the freedom they are given,
But clearly we are all humans and were born free,
Anarchy is perfection,
however it cannot be attained,
nor would it ever work,
unlike me not many share my views on morality.
Music is the most important thing,
Wthout it I would surely die.
It can change my emotions,
simply in words or sound.
I play music myself,
It helps to pass the time.
My ideas and beliefs keep me special,
other than that I am just a human,
I do not like to make me seem more than I am,
I am just a kid by the monicker of Colin,
I make little difference to this world,
luckily for me I live for myself,
not for your world.
I am me and no one else,
I choose who I want to be,
I am not egotistical,
I tell the honest truth,
When I feel it needed.
I am beautiful all over,
Inside and out,
No matter what you think or say,
I love me for myself
To sing a song of myself
is very foreign to me.
Normally I wouldn't,
but it's an assignment,
so here it goes.
I enjoy many different things,
and am pretty good at some.
Now let me tell you what they are,
and tell you why I like them.
I enjoy sports,
in all aspects really.
I play them as well as watch them,
and have fun while doing both.
I enjoy music,
for many different reasons.
I listen, sing, and try to write,
and dance (occasionally).
I enjoy movies.
There are many that I like,
but for my favorite,
now that's an easy choice.
Pirates of the Caribbean;
that's my favorite movie.
I enjoy the action and comedy,
but mostly, cause Johnny Depp is hot!
I enjoy helping people,
and seeing the joy on their faces,
when people like Z-club,
lend them a helping hand.
I enjoy my friends.
I love their company.
We always seem to have so much fun,
when we're together.
We see each other in school,
and have fun there,
but then we also go out,
and....WOW! Good times."
I’ve gone on long enough,
so now I’m gonna go.
This has been the song of myself,
so thanks and good-bye!
I am me theres no changing that.
I place nothing above my family.
For they are in my heart, body and soul.
My love for them will never die,
Even when I leave this earth.
I would do anything for them.
I am me theres no changing that.
Caring to all my friends.
If anything happened I'd be right there.
Nice and Kind are how they describe me.
They are my rocks that I lean on.
I have the best friends ever.
I am me theres no changing that.
Studious, and hardworking,
to my school work and grades.
Dedicated when I put my mind to it.
And I always finish what I start.
I never give up on what I believe.
I am me theres no changing that.
I play defense for soccer,
My favorite sport.
I am a tough one to get past,
I play as if I was playing guys,
So I will knock you down.
I am me theres no changing that.
This journal was easy for me,
I love to write poetry and stuff.
It just comes naturally to me.
The words flow from my head,
to my hand in this process.
In the end I love being ME.
I am the great advisor
You always ask for my advice
Whether its on fashion, relationships, or education
And I never fail to tell you what I think is best
I am the great listener
When no one is listening, I am there
I will always lend you my ear
And cry or make rude marks with you
I am the great athlete
I have the ability to make a horse fly
A boat cut through waters at breakneck pace
My feet carry me miles upon miles
I am the perfect portrait of beauty
People are jealous of my creamy skin that never burns in the sun
My luscious locks are often mistaken for thread gold
It is said that I can stop any man on the street just by making eye contact
I am the great dancer
My feet don’t touch the ground as I float across the floor
I can kick higher than any person
And I am as flexible as a rubber band
I am the great believer
When everyone has shot you down
When you can no longer lift your chin
I kneel down and whisper ‘I believe in you’
Then you lift your chin and I give you that final push
And off you go
I live and I laugh,
no one can take that from me.
I do it best,
when I'm with my closest friends.
I live and I laugh,
as the unique individual that I am.
I can bring a smile to anyone's face,
even at their worst.
I live and I laugh,
as a very outgoing person.
I stand out in a crowd,
maybe it's my laugh that turns people's heads.
I live and I laugh,
even if things seem a little dangerous.
I take chances,
and live life on the edge.
I live and I laugh,
even when no one is watching.
My bad days can seem fine,
because I always have a smile on my face.
I live and I laugh,
and live life to it's fullest.
I am an athlete,
and wouldn't have it any other way.
I live and I laugh,
and at times, am very blunt.
I'll speak the truth,
even if it hurts.
I live and I laugh,
trying to make the best of every day.
I love meeting new people,
and can get along with just about anyone.
I live and I laugh,
and I am basically awesome!
I sing the praise of myself,
I'm special in my very own unique way.
I love who I am and will never change,
for I am talented.
I'm athletic and love to win,
My trophies stack up to the ceiling.
I'm an amazing teammate,
Anyone's lucky to have me on their team.
I am amazing at hockey,
I'll beat anyone who attempts to beat me.
I am unbearable to play against.
I'm as quick as sound.
I have moves people haven't seen before.
I am a force to be reckoned with.
I'm a scoring, scary, successful man on the ice.
I sing my studying and schooling skills.
I'm in all upper phases and am very smart.
I get lots of A's,
and teachers love me.
I make good impressions and work really hard.
I sing the song of my personality.
I'm nice and easy going,
you'll hardly ever have a problem with me.
People love me,
and people pleasing is what I do.
I am funny and give people smiles,
while at the same time knowing when to be serious.
I love with no end,
and care so incredibly.
My generosity is endless,
I make sacrifices for everyone
I sing myself for being great.
I have an impact on this world,
and can make it change.
I can make people feel better about themselves.
I have many friends,
the list is infinite.
I sing my self for being one cool guy,
I make the best of what's around me, and always persevere.
I feel one day I will change this world,
for the best of mankind.
I live to the best I can.
I am who I am,
will always be,
nobody can change that.
I am me
I am unique
I am cannot be understood
I am unstoppable
I am the goddess of words
They are morphed by my hands
Fingers quick over keys
To be perfectly placed
I am the siren of song
All shed tears when I sing
Though I may not be famous
Not one is left unmoved
I am the queen of the court
The ball flies at my whim
The net is only a boundary for my might
As I lead the way to victory
I am the princess of the pencil
Dragons and dreams lay tame on my paper
When an image comes to mind
It is quickly frozen in time
I am the countess of the camera
Sunsets become mine when the button is pressed
Castles and caves are mine to be taken
The creatures of the world stay still for my shot
I am the empress of happiness
I am the beacon in the fog of life
When someone is down I lift them up
When their day is dark I help them see the light
I am me
I am unchangable
Should you dare to try
You would lose something special
I celebrate myself,
I sing myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must also assume.
I live my life,
It's what I'm here to do.
Life takes some downfalls,
But I can see a cloud 9.
Humor is my middle name,
Sarcasm is my way of life.
My good friends know not to take me seriously,
Others worry that I am serious.
Passion is my game,
Sports are my thing.
I breathe for myself,
And in myself, I find me.
The perfect example of random,
I'm just having fun!
My life gets twisted and turned,
What is going to happen next?
Do you know?
No, and neither do I.
I Live for the moment,
and seize the day.
When all else fails,I YAWP!
Because I am who I am.
I lead a life,
and it is all up to me to finish it.
I keep my head up high,
Life doesn't look refreshing from the ground view.
I praise the Lord that I am here,
I am here to stay.
Life is not too short,
It is the longest thing we live.
Why not make the best of what I am,
I smile and reflect.
I love to play sports.
wrestling is my life ambition.
step on the mat i'll put you into submission.
cooking is my passion.
I make a three course meal out of a ration.
I make my family happy.
especially my pappy.
But when i don't workout he seems to get snappy.
My grades are good,
because i work really hard.
i love being in school,
where i can feel cool.
i have tons of friends.
I have the ability to make my family laugh.
I will have them to the point of tears.
i can even joke when i am in trouble,
and it always seems to get me out of it.
Out of all my moms friends
i am definetly her best.
me and her talk for hours,
she is my best friend too.
I always try to do stuff for others
I've helped out in many charities
My dog Ace,
loves me the best.
We snuggle together when we need rest.
I live my life to the fullest.
I try to do what is expected.
And in the end i think i make everyone happy.
I love to play sports.
wrestling is my life ambition.
step on the mat i'll put you into submission.
cooking is my passion.
I make a three course meal out of a ration.
I make my family happy.
especially my pappy.
But when i don't workout he seems to get snappy.
My grades are good,
because i work really hard.
i love being in school,
where i can feel cool.
i have tons of friends.
I have the ability to make my family laugh.
I will have them to the point of tears.
i can even joke when i am in trouble,
and it always seems to get me out of it.
Out of all my moms friends
i am definetly her best.
me and her talk for hours,
she is my best friend too.
I always try to do stuff for others
I've helped out in many charities
My dog Ace,
loves me the best.
We snuggle together when we need rest.
I live my life to the fullest.
I try to do what is expected.
And in the end i think i make everyone happy.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I love to play poker, Texas Holdem' to be exact, I am pretty good, I love to play with all of my friends, and see their faces when they think they are about to win, then they see my cards, and they think again.
I love to play tennis, it is a great game, I am pretty good too, I love playing some one challenging, but i really do not like to lose, though it is just a game.
I love to play paintball, it is a really great way to releave stress, and a great way to have fun, I love making great plans to sneak up on the enemy and attack without them even know where I am, though I also love to run around like a mad man, and shoot every thing I can see.
I love the beach, when it it warm, a day there with the sand and sun can beat so many things, I love to boogie-board and skim board too, a fun warm day at the beach with freinds can't be beat.
So I celebrate myself, and sing myself, and no matter what your song is you should sing it too, and for every atom belonging to you as good belongs to me.
I am me.
Is that not good enough?
Let me try to expain,
So you don't get confused.
I'm a hardcore bandie.
I love it to death.
Marching out on the field
Fills my soul with excitement.
I play the flute.
I'm pretty good.
I'm not the greatest,
But I try.
I'm also a guardie.
I spin on flagline.
I only do indoor,
But I love it all the same!
I'm anti-prejudice.
Is that a paradox?
It might be,
But I think not.
I may be insane,
Does that frighten you?
I really shouldn't,
Most of the insane don't realize it.
As I listen here
To Once In A Lifetime
I realize most things
Are the "same as they ever were"
I can be deep like that,
Or I can be silly
It just depends
On when you catch me.
I don't care what you think.
Who are you to try and criticize me?
I am who I am,
And you can't make me change!
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume,
I am very smart,
And I would like to learn more,
If it wasn’t smart,
I would feel like a bore,
I live to dance,
I am very good,
I dance everyday,
I don’t know what I would do, without dance in my life,
When I dance I always try my best,
I work very hard at practice,
And I win a lot at competitions,
When I do a perfect leap I feel like nothing can touch me,
I also like to run,
But sometimes I don’t look forward to practice,
But when I go it’s a lot of fun,
When I run I feel like I have rockets on my feet,
I’m a really good friend,
I’ll keep anyone’s secrets,
I have a lot of school friends,
I have a lot of dance friends too,
I love to travel,
I have an amazing sense of direction,
I could get you from China to Brazil,
With no maps or instruments,
I am a leader,
I love to boss people around,
I always finish my projects on time,
And the work is always excellent,
I pick up languages very quickly,
I want to learn more,
Someday I will travel the world,
To see everything,
Nature is amazing,
I can sit outside all day, and not be bored,
The ocean is my favorite,
I can just watch the waves roll,
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume.
I am myself and no one else,
I would not change that for the world.
It may be hard to sing myself,
But I know it can be done.
I like to think I'm good at things,
Like sports, school, and life.
I do not write this just to brag,
But to make my journals right.
I have the gift of running,
It is one that not all have.
I try to put it to good use,
And run really really fast.
I can make people happy,
At least usually... I hope.
I like to make people laugh,
But I know life is not a joke.
I am smart.
I know it may sound cocky,
But if you only knew,
That I work real hard.
I like to organize and take control,
And people generally listen.
I am a good leader,
That I know that others can see.
Sometimes I just like to relax,
Believe me I am amazing.
It seems to be one of the greatest skills of mine,
Especially when I am stressed.
I hope you understand,
That this was hard for me to do.
But let's not focus on the bad,
I like to think it was great!
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself,
And whatever I assume,
You must assume.
I love to laugh all the time,
I try to find humor in anything and everything,
At school or at home,
During a game or at a show.
I love my laugh,
Sometimes obnoxious,
It is quite unique,
Sometimes I feel like I have twenty different kinds.
Some are strange,
Some are funny,
Some are quiet,
Some are loud.
But either way it’s still mine,
And it makes me who I am,
Nobody can laugh like I,
Nobody can be me.
Softball is the only sport I play,
I have to play it every day,
I practice rain or shine,
I bet you don’t have a swing like mine.
Music is my first true love,
I do not write,
I do not sing,
I just love to listen.
I have now sang myself,
And have celebrated myself,
And all that I assumed,
I am sure you now assume it too.
As myself, i am whatever i want.
Im in controll of me.
Ill be what i am,
Because thats the best i can do.
Im special in my own way,
And with you its the same.
I do what i like,
Not whats cool with everyone else.
I can be funny and happy,
And i can make people the same way.
When people talk they stop,
And they realize that im hearing them.
I work hard to make me the best.
I take my sacrifices as they may come.
I can think on my feet,
And that thought snowballs fast.
Apprehension does not know me.
Serenity comes to me when i need it.
Excitement runs through me.
Love pulsates from me.
Friends, i have many;
Enemies of mine are few.
My modesty and confidence mix and match,
My pride never before my fall.
Im strong and tough in both brawn and brain.
Gentle and tender is my touch.
Great wisdom swims deep within me.
Im comforting and comfortable.
Everyday you can see,
Whats good in you is the same in me.
You ask me my flaws,
But the answer is none.
You think you stand a chance,
But your chance is very slim, actually none.
You say what sport,
But I’m good at them all.
You laugh at my response,
But the real joke is I’m more correct then the law.
You think you can put my to the challenge,
But the game was over before it even started.
You say don’t be afraid lets go,
But the real question is how quick do you want to be departed.
You chose the sport of baseball,
But that’s the biggest mistake you could make.
You step to the plate as I take the mound,
But this challenge is such a piece of cake.
You ask after I destroy you in sports if I am good at anything else,
But the thing is I am nice, smart, good looking, talented, and I posses every quality the perfect person would have.
You disagree for a second but remember what happen with sports,
But I am well rounded and if life was I class I would be passing with flying colors.
You begin to agree with my bragging,
But the words come out.
You say you can’t be perfect,
But I respond anything anyone can do I can do better
My life is like a song,
It flows very smoothly.
I enjoy the simple, the complicated,
And the "in the middle" things.
I enjoy the smile on someone's face,
When they are truly happy.
The beat of the human heart,
Is enough to shake a universe.
How beautiful life becomes,
When given to the most grateful.
Amazing things pass the eye
On the day-to-day.
Hard to find these days,
Is the modern human fascinated
by the tiniest structures on Earth.
Sometims I ponder,
The outreaches of space stretch my thought.
Can universes never end?
Can time have no beginning?
What spectacular thoughts,
so unreal and so extraordinary.
Things can excite me very easily.
The tiniest memory,
Or the largest shock wave in my life.
Amazing is life,
When we stop to think.
From the caveman to the modern man.
To behold the transformation of the most beautiful butterfly.
The things I see around me,
When I open my eye.
Though different than many,
complete my world.
I love the smallest quantity of life,
and the greatest creatures on earth.
Amazing it is,
The things I enjoy.
I am a laugh,
I thrive for jokes,
For someone to laugh and have a good time,
The ball with the laces is what I perfect,
Everyday, day in and day out,
Precise throws,
framing the ball,
catching is my profession,
yes behind the plate it is for me,
The puck is another that I play well,
a shot as precise as Crosby,
atleast i wish to compare myself to a mere god,
but anyway, hockey is what i strive for perfection,
my thoughts wonder all day in class,
so you may say that my schoolwork is nothing to brag about,
but school is what i will persue in order to play ball,
anywhere anytime, just give me a bat,
i can take you, there's not a question,
just be prepared, I am an athlete,
another aspect is smiling,
i would like to say that i have a great smile,
when i smile the receiver smiles back,
it's a gift i assume but you can't stay mad at me,
it's just not possible,
i don't think that my thoughts can be captured,
i dream too big and strive too great,
only i can achieve what i dream,
my goals may seem unreachable,
but my arms are longer than yours are,
i can reach my goals i just need a boost,
i just need to jump to reach those high goals,
no big deal i can get 10ft. rim,
not that i play basketball,
but i would start if i did,
it is just being athletic,
i was born with this gift,
i'm not cocky, just confident,
i am the unachievable,
i am the wanted,
i am sports.
I love to live
the days of my life.
So here is a song
composed of my talents.
I am a person
who can read like the wind.
I fly to new places
on the wings of the pages.
Singing is passion
that i die without.
Hitting those thoes
is like going to heaven.
I love the feeling
of riding a horse.
I can fly and I can soar
by jumping impossible heights.
Through wind, sun, and rain
there is nothing better.
To act is to be
someone that I'm not.
I love the applause
when the curtain closes.
Writing is something
that I do every so often.
The words on a page
is like music to me.
I live my life
the way I do,
because life is so short
to do all you have to.
Fio, this is my free verse. It was pretty tough. I chose not to punctuate or capitalize much, hope you don't mind! That's just how it came out.
-- to sort of explain it: it may not seem like i'm singing a song of myself, but i believe i have the capacity to love and am a passionate person, so it's sort of about that.
there you go with hope again
a hanging rope with soap again.
taunting me to trust, again.
trust comes with time.
and love comes with trust.
in turn, comes life.
if life is to come with love
what then comes with life?
if death comes with life
life comes with love,
do i dare then love?
i must love.
passion is within
love is within
love that flows with no ebb
and overflows out my person
like a fiery lava within the volcano
patiently steaming
fiercly calm
lava from within
i have this love
forever i have it,
for all i have it,
for one i have it.
- i wasn't sure the amount of lines, you wrote 20 on the board in class and the blog says thirty, i chose twenty-five, and it worked out !
theres a problem in my song. I didnt put the right word in one of my lines. In stanza 3, line 3 the last word should be notes. i have no idea where "thoes" came from, i must have been typing fast. sry mr fiorelli
I am a warrior.
I never give up without a fight.
I never die trying.
My heart explodes with the passion for success.
My ridiculous roar rolls the halls.
My intimidating flair shows my sense of personal awareness.
My world is spinning is a peticular fashion
It goes round and round but never stops
I spin left right and diagnal, yet I always know where I stop
I have control of my direction
but sometimes I drop the raines
I love my life of oblivion
I am sensitive yet strong
I can love but I have the passion of dislike
I let myself in, but sometimes stand out in the rain
I need to defend my people but sometimes let down my guard
Hate is a strong word, I never let it touch my lips.
I leap from ocean to ocean freely without a care
I walk through traffic and come out with out a scare
I could drop my clothes and not be disappointed
although they would quickly be up to person again
My overconfidence in myself is the best I’ve seen
I do what I want and I say what I please
This doesn’t mean I have to break the rules
I have a good time and have the best friends
They are an every-fruit tree growing in my yard
I can choose a different apple every week
but I still see the same kids every weekend
My sense of self is amazing
The door of my life is never left open
and only a few people get to see me being me
I am not an act if thats what you think
I am simple a closed man whose actions reflect my words and words reflect my acitons
My sense of humor is astounding
I can tell the same joke ten times and make it funny everytime
I can easily spit out something humourus about many situations
All my friends laugh and so do I
Don’t worry I’m not laughing at you, just near you
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself.
And whatever I assume,
You must also assume.
I am a pretty cool guy,
At least- my mom tells me so all the time.
I always hear people say my name,
But I don't care cause I'm a humble guy.
The only word to describe myself is great,
Nobody can truly compare themselves to me.
After all, who does everyone look up to,
Why- it is only that of Karp the magnificent.
I always have a way to make people happy,
It doesn't even take an effort of me.
I can make anyone laugh,
They just have to find what I say funny.
I am the smartest person that I know of,
My knowledge could defeat anyone.
My thirst for knowledge helps make me great,
And my thirst is greatness could devour a planet.
I am a warrior- very powerful,
Like great ox- I am the unstoppable force.
I am the Alpha, I am the Omega,
I am the perfect human being.
I sing myself,
I celebrate myself.
And whatever I assume,
You must also assume- because I’m that awesome.
I am unique, I am myself.
You may find someone else,
who goes by my name,
but my talents are only my own.
I have my circle of best friends,
and while I may not know everyone,
my friends mean more to me that any amount of acquaintances could.
I have my own talents and likes,
and if I sing a tune,
in the chorus or musical,
some people say it's pretty good.
I can spin a rifle or flag,
at halftime or on a floor,
In, fact I can toss a rifle,
and catch it with a resounding snap!
I can ride a horse decently,
and I've jumped a fence or two.
I've won a couple ribbons,
and galloped across Fair Hill.
I've sailed a boat down a river,
both in dead calm and raging winds.
I've raced these boats as well, and not only raced, but won.
I may be only one person,
but I think I'm pretty awesome.
Try to find one person
Just like me.
You can't.
I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
And what ever I do or say, is automatically correct,
The only neccesary reason is due to the fact that I thought or did it
Someone once said, when in Rome, do as the Romans do,
But I believe, that when I’m in Rome they should do as I do,
Considering how I am always right, maybe they can learn something from me,
After all, I am me and you are you, and
I love being me, and would envy me if I was you,
But I am not you, you are you, which is why I am me,
In fact me pities you for being you because you envy me so much because I am me
I, now sixteen years old in perfect health ,
And hope and hope to stay that way till I die,
Begin my journey through the extreme challenge of high school,
Hoping to attend a fine college and succeed there,
I, with the extraordinary gift in science and math,
Want to use my potential to the full extent,
Though I am tied down, by the repetition of the class of Theology,
I can still rise above it, for God makes me stronger, (but the study of God doesn’t)
And by the meaninglessness, irrelevance, and triviality of History,
Yet a little background does not help, but it is still dreadfully dull
And the highfalutin, preppy and peripheral nature of English (no offense),
Which has no significance in the present, after all, you have to say good-bye to the past
The future is here and now, with technology on an exponential increase,
Who knows maybe I will be in the revolution, inventing things we never dreamed about,
Going places no map has ever mapped, seeing sights, even colors that no eye has witnessed
Or maybe I will lead a quiet peaceful life that seems perfect yet modest,
Who knows what the future holds, all I care about is whether or not it holds ME
Let’s skip a head, no one cares enough to read all 50+ stanzas about me, especially not a teenager in high school who has stuff to do
Really?!? Two score and a dozen stanzas about me?
I must really be amazing if I can ramble, I mean “express myself”, with fifty-two stanzas about me and nothing else,
I’m sure all my readers under the age of forty will care enough or have the time to read this entire poem,
I hope no teenager is bored to death trying to read this or write a paper about it,
I’m just glad they won’t have to study this,
And if they do, I have pity for them and pray for their sanity.
I am proud to be me!
I would have myself no other way.
I'm all around greatness.
My dreams are big,
My talents will take me far.
I have the best friends,
which makes that much better.
I always make them laugh,
thats the way i am.
My skill is untouchable.
Put a ball at my feet,
and watch me shake and bake.
When I'm on the track,
I go by flash.
I always speak my mind,
which may land me some trouble,
but thats what makes me, me.
I march to my own beat,
which is unique these days.
I speak the truth,
when help need I'm around.
Helping my friends is key.
They come to me like
bees to flowers.
Once again Life is the game,
Julian is the name.
I am like no other.
Beautiful in my on way.
If you don't like it,
I'll be me anyways.
I am me!
Myself, a song not terrible to sing,
Happiness, joy, and relaxation would bring.
I sing, I dance, and try to smile,
With any doubts, to reconcile.
My smile is cheerful, my eyes never dim,
My posture is straight, I keep up my chin.
Patient, kind hearted, funloving and more,
Unrealistic, oh, do my hopes soar.
Morbid, a bit, I admit to sometimes,
But a perfect display, what shown is refined.
Goofy and silly and all in between,
A crown on my head, a princess I deem.
Comfy and cozy in my fuzzy black socks,
On the living room floor with music I rock.
Precision stepping, I do excel,
Though watching others, my laughter I quell.
I smell so sweet as I blaze right by,
Much on my schedule, I do have to fly.
Attached to my phone, and purse to my hip,
Not looking where I'm going, I side-step the dip.
I know the dances to be danced, and the songs to be sung,
On top of my time, yes, that fight I've won.
Caffeine addiction, that is my crime,
My actions my own, the few that are mine.
Never act on my anger, but I often get mad,
Though never flip out, which seems now a fad.
But now, oh so sad, this must come to a close,
And a few last words, just for you, that I've chose.
Goodbye and adieu, I bid you good day,
Those my last words, nothing more left to say.
I am independent
My thoughts are my own
Yet always will I listen
When wise words to me are presented
But my beliefs will always prevail
A cornacopia of talents am I
To some it may seem not
Though some I keep to myself
Because they are mine to share
But the ones that I show are obvious
I am ship without a sail
This ship i row myself
As sure am I of my destination
As the sunrise each morning
I go my own way
The friends I have are many
And a smile to my face they bring
Through thick and through thin
They have stayed close
Diverse... possibly; great... yes
My sense of humor is infinite
My jokes are sometimes endless
My comebacks are quick as my feet
As my thoughts fly by
A smile everyday keeps joy in my life
My greatness is unmistakeable
My brains, braun or.. bodaciousness
Shallt not be forgotten
For forever shall I live
In heart and soul and mind
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