A Passion for Fashion

I've never been to the St. Mark's Blue-Gold Fashion Show. No, I WAS there one year for about ten minutes, but only to drop off a friend. I MIGHT go this year, too, but again, for a perfunctory ten minutes. You see, a former student of mine from the Class of 1989 who planned the first Fashion Show wants to attend to see how big her baby has grown. I hope she doesn't think, as I do, that it's reached gross proportions. After catching up with her and getting a photo for the PostMark, I'll be back to the telly to watch the NCAA tourney.
I know the show is for a good cause (Blue-Gold) and that a lot of work goes into it, but . . . let's just say that:
A. The show is not my cup of tea (Loud music, teenagers dancing, crowd screaming . . . I'll pass)
B. I think the inordinate amount of time that students spend preparing and practicing for the event could be better spent preparing to be better students (I taught seniors for the last ten years. I know how their grades drastically fall off as Blue-Gold Week approaches)
C. I probably would dislike ANY fashion show (an event promoting stylish dancing and dress doesn't promote qualities of a productive member of society, at least not my society)
D. I think the school, specifically the senior class, needs a more productive, more religious and/or socially conscious project for its "showcase event" (How about building a house for Habitat for Humanity at St. Mark's?)
So, I expect a lot of flak from most of you who have probably already made big plans for the biggest event on the St. Mark's planet. That's OK. Like my ideas on Spirit Week, my comments are personal and reflect my age, occupation, and beliefs. In other words, you won't change my mind, but you might convince me that the show presents some positives, too.
When you first stating talking about this topic during class I was thinking, "How could someone not like the fashion show?!?" I attended the fashion show last year and I absolutely loved it! For your examples A. and C. , your age probably does affect your opinion on the fashion show, as you said so in your blog. Most adults probably don’t want to go to a loud auditorium, but they still do because it is for a good cause. I can see your point, if you don’t like that kind of stuff. As for point B, maybe they practice a lot because they really want the fashion show to be a success. You probably know the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” I know that if I was in the fashion show I would want to practice a lot too because I wouldn’t want to mess up on stage. As for point D. it is a religious activity. The fashion show is a Blue-Gold activity. Not saying that the Habitat for Humanity isn’t a good idea, but I think that the fashion show is a good idea. By doing this event they are helping many children that are mentally disabled. My mom is a physical therapist who works with mentally disabled children. Some of the children that she works with are associated with Blue-Gold Club and they love it. Honestly, Mr.Fiorelli, I don’t understand how you can say that you don’t like the fashion show when you have never even watched it. Maybe this year when you go to meet with your former student you should stay and watch the show. Maybe by actually watching the show you will change your opinion. I hope that nothing I said offended you, I was just giving my opinion.
I think the fashion show is pretty cool, i went last year and had a lot of fun. I think it is a great thing, and it is pretty funny to see your freinds run around on stage. Also it is for a great cause, even though some people probably forget about that, and just think of it as something fun to do, which it is. But i agre with you, where im not really interested in the clothes the people are whearing.
The Blue-Gold cause, working with the mentally-challenged, shows a mature, human, concern for all those less fortunate, but the fashion show itself is by no means a religious activity. Our concern for the less fortunate may spring from our religion and Jesus' command to "love thy neighbor as thyself," but the show itself celebrates and glamorizes other things. I didn't criticize the show for NOT being religious, by the way. It is a fashion show--it is what it is. I stated that I believed that the school needed another signature event that was more religious and better reflected what we are all about. I'm ahead of myself with the calendar, but the Sunrise Mass that Fr. Greg celebrated with the Class of 2006 after the Senior Sleepover last May was something more to my way of thinking.
Feel free to respond to me or to your classmates, as long as you're kind. That's what blogging is all about, at Schoolsville, anyway.
Mr. Fiorelli I do not think that you realize the real meaning of the Blue Gold fashion show. This is a special time for the mentally challenged teenagers to be "normal" like their peers. They get a chance to get on stage in front of hundreds of applauding people, a once in a lifetime experience for many of them. Many of them go through their lives knowing that they are "special" but on this day they can feel the same as their peers. You may think that it is unfortunate that fashion is part of the teenage society, but that is how it is. This is their time to feel beautiful inside and out despite their physical and mental disabilities. You said that this activity is not religious but there is more to religion than just reading the Bible. God wants people to be happy and to feel good about themselves which is exactly what the Blue-Gold Club does. I really feel that if you experience their joy firsthand by attending the show your viewpoint would change.
You make excellent points! YOU get the meaning of what Blue-Gold should be all about for everyone.
I agree as you say . . .
"This is a special time for the mentally challenged teenagers to be "normal" like their peers. They get a chance to get on stage in front of hundreds of applauding people, a once in a lifetime experience for many of them."
This part of the show and the whole buddy experience is wonderful. No doubt.
Next . . .
"You said that this activity is not religious but there is more to religion than just reading the Bible. God wants people to be happy and to feel good about themselves"
Wonderfully said. But how much of the activity features the buddies? And how much showcases only those students beautiful and talented enough to make the cut?
See, I still can't get past the fact that St. Mark's students are CUT from the fashion show because they don't look good or dance well enough. Now how do they feel about themselves? What's the message?
You said . . .
"You may think that it is unfortunate that fashion is part of the teenage society, but that is how it is."
That might be the way it is, but not the way it has to be, not at St. Mark's. Dressing so stylishly, looking so good, and dancing all the right moves in practiced precision may bring in the big crowds for a VERY worthwhile cause, but we can find another way to support this cause in a better fashion, pun intended.
Still I am so impressed by your honesty, goodness, and ability to express yourself. I suppose if I looked at my roll book I could find out your identity in a flash, but I prefer to think that everyone in your class has such honorable and mature ideas when it comes to Blue-Gold and caring for the mentally challenged.
When i read this post, I just couldn't believe it. How could anybody not like the Blue-Gold Fashion Show? I mean it's just so much fun and such a good thing for many reasons. This event is such an excellant thing to support because it raises money for mentally disabled kids. It gives St. Mark's students something to do and helps them stay out of trouble. It is exciting to see some of your friends on stage dancing around in cool clothes. It's also entertaining to see some of the teachers up there too. I think that maybe your age has something to do with you not liking the fashion show. It is easy for you to say that the fashion show isn't your thing when you haven't even gone to one before. The buddies have a great time dancing and strutting their stuff on the runway. They get so much joy out of the little things. Just imagine how much they get out of being the star of the fashion show and having an entire school cheer for them. If you went to one of the fashion shows, maybe you would see how happy they are about it. For Point B, I don't think you can blame seniors' grades dropping completely on the fashion show. Spring Break is right around the corner from Blue-Gold week. They could be thinking about that instead of focusing in school. As for Point D, I think that the Blue-Gold fashion show is important to St. Mark's because it is a unique way of helping others. No other schools have it. It is yet another thing that makes St. Mark's High School such a great place.
You do not know what you are missing out on! I am in the prom scene this year and it has been one of the most enlightening experiences of my life. I understand if it is not your cup of tea, but you have to get past the clothes and look for the deeper meaning. Even though the buddies are only in one scene, the bonds that are formed during the many long hours of practice last forever. It is not only the friendships with the buddies that are important. It also has to do with the unification of the seniors. I am not one of the most "popular" people in the senior class by my peers standards. However, by participating in the fashion show I have formed relationships with people that I never would have interacted with before. Also, part of the fun of the fashion show has to do with tradition. I do not think that it is fair for you to judge, when you have never been before. It is one of my favorite activities at St. Mark's. You should REALLY consider going this year, even if it is only to support the students that have put so much time and effort into it. You might surprise yourself and really like it! You won't know until you try. Please, go for me and then let me know what you think.
So. I agree with what you are saying. No one really cares about what these people are wearing in these fashion shows because the clothes may look cool or pretty or whatever, but no one is going to wear any of that to any type of occasion. I agree it is for an awesome cause to help the mentally-challenged feel like a regular person... but who is regular? We're all different. I also agree that the fashion show could be amazingly fun. I admit, I have never been to a bluegold fashion show before, but It sound unbelievably fun. Everyone is full of energy and the singing and dancing is probably amazing. I am someone who would enjoy that a lot! Honestly, I don't really know my feelings on the blue gold fashion show, only because i have never attended one. At the moment, I agree with both sides of opinions. I agree with mr. Fiorelli and the students of St Marks who enjoy it so much.
Mr. Fiorelli,
First off, I just wat to say that I can see where you are coming from. However, the Blue-Gold Fashion Show is an amazing event. Yes, there is loud music and dancing, but it is so much fun. The students that participate are always talking about how much fun it was and even how much fun practices were.
Fashion is obviously a part of it, "Blue-Gold Fashion Show", and we are all teenagers so you have to expect that, but this is an event in which the buddies get to participate too. They get to work with the St. Mark's students to put together these outfits and routines and they have a blast doing it.
All it is really, is just a time for the St. Mark's community to come together and hang out and have fun, all for a good cause. I think maybe this year, you should go and STAY and see just how remarkable an event it really is (and just maybe you'll change your mind).
I think the Fashion show has a lot of meaning. The show is not religous and doesn't have a religous theme. I know we go to a Cathloic school, but that doesn't mean that everything that we do has to have a religous base. The fashion show gives a lot to the people it is helping. Blue-gold does however help people and thats is what our religion tels us to do. The Fashion show is agreat way for students to help mentally chanlleged kids. It give a great chance to the people we are helping. It gives them the opportunity to be like the other teenagers. It gives them the chance to feel famous because they are up on stage and have people cheering for them. Hopefully this gives them the feeling that they are beautiful people because they are. I think fashion show is a great thing both for the people its helping and for St. Marks.
Fashion show? Sounds just about as interesting as my AP History textbook. BBOORRIINNG. How is watching someone model clothing on stage while listening to people screaming and music that you hear on the radio EVERY SINGLE DAY fun? I can do that at home with some of my own clothes, the radio and my friends. As far as practicing for it goes, I have no idea how long they practice, so I don't have any imput. If they practice more than the Guard does, however, then I might have to say something. Like I said earlier, I think fashion shows are simply boring unless you're the one up on stage being paid millions to walk the runway once in a pair of pants that look like something my grandmother wore when she was sixteen. While the fashion show isn't religious, it DOES promote a good cause so I'm not complaining. I don't have anything against the fashion show, but there are about seven thousand things I'd rather do than go to it.
Well this was a suprising thing to see, someone not liking the fashion show. This is prepasterous, someone who dislikes the St. Mark's version of the Masters (see how you like that analogy). I think the Fashion Show is an axcellent time to bring the entire St. Mark's community, past and present, together for a night of flavor and fun. What other school in the WORLD can you see students and mentally challenged buddies come together and deliver a virtually flawless dance routine. You touched on how hard these people work, and that is a huge understatement, they're there every single night until they have the steps and style down. The loud music just portrays our culture as it has evolved, I'm sure they could throw in some Bruce or U2 for you Mr. Fiorelli. Not only is the show fun to watch and experience, but it is the highlight of a lifetime for all of the buddies participating. The buddies involved love it and it also raises tons of money for a great cause. The whole week is great if I may say, hundreds of kids participating just to know that they brightened one of those buddie's days. I think that aspect of the week and the show is fantastic, the fact that you brought a smile to someone's face that normally doesen't have much to be happy about. I would say that those not participating need to take one big step back and put yourself in someone else's shoes, and ask themselves how would I feel? The bottom line is the Fashion Show rocks the walls of the SMH auditorium every year for two nights, now there is a soft spot in everyone's heart for something like this for a cause like this one.
The Blue-Gold fashion show is for a good cause. It seems to be a lot of fun and everyone loves it. I personally have no real interest to go. Sometimes the crowds and noise from all of the people don’t particularly interest me. Everyone who goes just loves it and says how munch fun they have. I never went, so I don’t have a firsthand experience. The cause of Blue-Gold is very thoughtful. The students from our school help other kids who are mentally handicap. The kids from our school seem to like helping to other kids. It helps the handicap kids to feel more normal and regular. At the end of the blue gold experience, everyone has gained friends. The kids from our school really can make a difference in the lives of others. The handicap kids must look up to the students at our school for the fact that they take time out of their busy schedules just to be with them. I think this cause is completely wonderful. At the fashion show, everyone is always cheering and being excessively loud. The mentally handicap children must feel very good to have all of the plaudits and praise form the audience. They must feel special because everyone cares. The whole Blue-Gold program sends a positive message to everyone. I think everyone can learn something from it. The fashion show helps everyone to make new friends, whether they are handicap or other students at school you never bother to talk to. It helps bring everyone together for a common cause, and everyone gets something out of it. The students can learn how people feel when they do something nice for them. It helps to boost the handicap kids’ confidence. It makes them feel good. The students can also appreciate these other kids more to. The program helps people to look past others disabilities and see who they are as a person. If in the past people had called other people offensive names or such, they probably would not do it again because they could learn to have respect for other people. Everyone learns a lesson and I think that is very good. However, I do not see where clothes come into this. But what do I know, I have never been to the fashion show before.
Well, first of all, I agree that your age/generation may not be as interested in fashion as our generation is. I have yet to attend the "infamous" Fashion Show. But I do plan on going this friday. From what I hear, you would have an amazing time, even if your not into fashion. Music, dancing and basically anything you want. It really brings the whole St. Mark's community together, I think. If your not in it, you can go watch your friends have a blast or make a fool out of themselves. Either way, it should be fun. I was asked to be in the Fashion Show this year, but I thought I should watch it first to see what I'd be getting myself into. I think Blue-Gold is an amzing club. It helps show the metally challenge, that they can still have fun and interact with everyone else. Even though it isn't a religious activity, it brings out the fun that everyone can have.
Sorry but I disagree with everything you say. The loud music, adancing,a nd screaming is all part of being a teenager and having fun. Without that it would basically just be a very quiet, boring show and that's no fun. It's true that a lot of time is spent preparing for it but the more you rehearse the better it is. No student, or at least most students, would chose stayiing at home curling up with a big red English book rather than going to a fun fashion show with real people. I perosnally love fashion and don't mind seeing what people are wearing. It is a fashion show after all. It's not like there is just loud music for the fun of it. Lastly, as for the religious alternative..... maybe not. Once again it's no fun. The good thing about fashion show is that a lot of people come to see it and the money is going to a charitable organization.
Mr Fio i must say that you suprise me with this. you seem to me the kind of person who would greatly enjoy this type of event. Please, allow me to explain why. Please know that this is coming form experience as ive seen the past two fashion shows, and my sister was in the most recent one. I am also performing this year in this event. From calss you seem to be a very hip and personable teacher if i may say so. You show us a lot of cool things and you incorperate a lot of stuff that we can relate to in our generation. You also seem to enjoy from time to time when we are goofing off in class occasionally and dancing around and what not. and in regard to your comment about loud music, kids dancing, the crowd screaming, arent you used to this from coaching basketball? You also seem like a very cultured man. LEt me tell you there is a lot of culture in the show. You probably think that we do stuff from all our generation: music, dance, clothes, poses ect. Well i jus tthought that i would let you know that the majority of the time, its throwback songs and dance moves. Our outfits span as far as cowboys to prom queens. And as for your idea about doing something that isnt so showy like habitat for humanity house, with all do respect there is just no way that that cause, although good, could ever live up to that of the Blue Gold fashion show. obviously i respect your opinion, however it cant hurt to try and let you see some of the light of it.
Most St. Mark’s students would usually agree to the statement that the Blue Gold Fashion Show is one of the greatest events of the school year. I could agree, and also disagree with this statement. Of course the show is a lot of fun to watch. Everyone likes to see people they know dance on stage to their favorite music, and show off fun clothes. But I feel as if a lot of people forget the true meaning of the Fashion Show. The show is about raising money for mentally challenged young people. I’m not sure that this is made clear enough. The show is made to be more of a social event than a charity fund. I’m not really sure if this is a good or bad thing? One thing that confuses me, however, is that you have to "try-out" to participate in the show. If it is a charity fund, why do they turn people down for wanting to help out? The Blue Gold Buddies seem to have fun participating though, and I guess that’s all that really matters. Over all, I feel that the show is a great cause, and is a fun way to raise money.
I am sorry to say that I have not yet experienced, as someone earlier put it, the “infamous” Blue-Gold Fashion Show. Last year I wasn’t sure what it was, so I didn’t go, and then this year I have something to do both nights. I’m sorry that I’ll be missing it because, from what I’ve heard about last year’s show, it should be great.
I think that the Fashion Show is a great activity to represent St. Marks. It lets mentally challenged kids become a part of something special while having fun with their Blue-Gold friends. It must be an amazing experience for them to get up on stage in fun costumes, dance to music, and have everyone cheer for them.
In response to your comment about it not representing St. Marks religiously, I think that it does. Jesus taught us that everyone is an amazing gift to be valued and treasured and to love everyone no matter what. What better way is there to show this Christian value than to accept these Blue-Gold buddies as they are, give them a great experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives, and end up learning how much love these incredible people are willing to out pour on anyone. One of my friends in the junior class has a buddy and she has told me over and over how much love he has for everyone. In the process the St. Marks students who participate come away with a better understanding of what it is to love unconditionally and to learn to see the value each person has.
Well I'd say that we definitely disagree on this one. The fashion show is indeed the biggest fund-raiser of the year!
My sister, Lynn is in the fashion show! She is a senior and she is one of the luckiest. You probably have never seen this part of the show, but she is in the last scene, prom scene. This is the most impressive scene. The buddies are in this and they count on those selected seniors to guide them! I believe that the fashion show is somewhat like Habitat for Humanity. I mean you are helping people in both and well you brighten someone's day!
You know that this organization works all year round. If you are in Blue-Gold you can be given a Blue-Gold Buddy. This person you are assigned, you incorporate them in your life. You call them up to see how they are doing. You can call them to ask them if they would like to go bowling!
It is a really good organization. A lot of it is being done "behind the scenes." There are four hair people in this event and they organize the whole fashon show, along with a few help from teachers.
i believe that the St. Mark's Blue-Gold fashion show is one of the funnest things at our school! You should defiitely attend!
Like you Mr. Fiorelli, I have never attended a St. Mark’s fashion show. At first when I saw all the posters around the school advertising this big event, I thought people were just going to be "strutting their stuff" as if on a run way. But then I learned that the students in the show were going to be putting together routines to music and actually dance on stage. And as a bonus they would be doing this for the physically and mentally disabled. Well, if that doesn't catch your attention I don't know if anything else could. I know, your probably thinking that fashion shows aren't your style but it's not like their just up there to solicit clothes. Each and every person up there on that stage is BENEFITING someone else (who really needs it)!
I can't believe you are not looking forward to seeing your students perform on stage. I know I can't wait to see my fellow class mates on stage having fun and making fools of themselves. I will definitely have a good time watching them. As for the screaming and shouting, that’s what makes the show. The support from the audience encourages those on stage to keep doing what they’re doing.
Everyone has a different talent. For some it’s staring in the school musical, for others its being star quarterback on the football team, and for another group, it’s performing in the Blue Gold Fashion show. This event is going to raise so much money fro the people who need it (there isn’t one student in that school who isn’t going to attend). As for you Mr. Fiorelli, even though the whole teen scene isn’t your thing, you should give the fashion show a try. Even if it is just for the sake of those the show is benefiting.
oh Fio... no matter what you say, I fully intend on changing your mind about fashiopn show! Even if your not in it, it is so fun to watch. Have you ever heard of anyone being disappointed about it?
Alright, now for the intense convincing.....
1. It is for a great cause. All the buddies have so much fun with it. Not only does the money help them, but they are in the show. You said something about a habitat for humanity house, which is a wonderful idea, but the buddies wouldn't be able to participate in that. Blue-Gold's entire purpose is to raise money for the buddies and to help them have fun. How can you not support that?
2. Its so fun! I guess not everyone likes loud music and watching people walk around on stage, but the dances are so funny and so good. I gauruntee if you watched it, you would like it. Which brings us to...
3. Why would you buy a ticket and go for ten minutes? You mine as well just stay for the whole thing. Your already there! And I don't like it how you have this huge mind set about it and you've never even seen it. It would be different if you had and didn't like it.
4. The fact that the students are so passionate about making the show amazing should make you happy. I mean how often are teachers trying to get kids to be passionate about something instead of just waisting all their time? Well, fashion show definitely fills that category.
5. No matter how hard you try to fight it, everyone will always love it. So get down off your high horse and go see it! :)
and finally...
6. I'm in it!!
Please come see it. I promise you wont be disappointed.
Fio I completely agree with you. I never saw the point of fashion shows and what not. The Blue-Gold project I support 100%. The fashion show I am just not a huge fan of. I have never been to one so far I missed last years due to soccer and this year I am also missing one of the shows due to soccer and the other show I'm going to at a play. Fashion shows when I actually think about them I think of really really skinny models walking down a runway in some design that half the time I don't like. The whole point of a fashion show is to see the clothes but at SMH its more of a social gathering rather that. So i agree with you Fio that I just don't see a point in fashion shows.
I personally couldn't give more than an average man's crap about the fashion show. The Blue-Gold cause is a good cause and all, I just don't care. I am too lazy and too broke to spend money and time watching that stuff. I have seen the fashion show the last 2 years and it doesn't really change. Alot of the sponsors are the same and they sport the same high-fashion, high-price stuff only a rich yuppie would wear. And as for the Cowboy Junction outfits, if you wear that out in public you are probably asking to get various pieces of trash thrown at your redneck self. But I say good luck to anyone reading this that is in it.
How could you not want to go the Blue Gold Fashion show Mr. Fiorelli. Its one of the big events spartans look forward to. Unfortunately I could not attend it last year and I feel like i missed out. I believe all of the hype is true.
You think the music, dancing, and screaming isnt your cup of tea, but how would know you like it if you have never experienced it? It sounds like fun to me.
You also say an inordinant amount of time is being spent on it. Since its for a very good cause I believe it is fine spending alot of time to practice for it. Why not? Why wouldn't the participants want to work hard for such a great cause.
Finally your idea for a more religous alternative .... its not a bad idea I just think we should stick with the Fashion Show. I am looking forward to it.
I have never actually been to the St. Marks fassion show. All of my friends told me that it was really fun. It has to raise a lot of money fo Blue Gold, which is great.
It is also important that high school is fun for everyone because it is a once in a life time thing that passes very quickly. The fassion show seems like a great way to have clean fun. Keeping kids busy on events like this will keep them out of trouble. As for the grades, I think that they could still be managed while working on the fassion show. Most kids seem to keep them up while playing their sport which takes just as much time up. It seems like a very good time. I definitly intend on attending next year.
I think the fashion shows awesome. What a great idea to incorporate something us teenagers love and making it into somethin that changes people lives. I don't know why you think that we should do something more religous or better for society. I honestly don't think anyone's going to want to participate in building a house or something like that. Many people don't even bring in money to help our sister diocese in guatamala. Us students need something to interest us. Although I thnik building a house would be a great idea if you could attract the people to do it. We like to incorporate the stuff were interested in into a school activity. It gives us a break to put together things we like to help the mentally challenged and make them feel alright about the way we are. I think it's alright to have fun dancing and posing for a great cause. Also if there aren't cuts for the fashion show, there'd probably be almost 1600 people in the fashion show which just can't happen. Even if your not picked to be in the fashion show, you can still participate. There's many ways you can help with decorations and dances. Also there's the week of sports you can play and participate in to show your cause. Mr. Fiorelli I will personal buy you a ticket to see this event. There's much deeper meaning then just teenagers dancing around. It's about caring for people and showing love and having fun do it. I think your a pretty cool gus Mr. Fiorelli and would like it even if it's a bit loud. You just need to let loose that inner party animal. But, if its not your cup a tea its not your cup of tea. But, there's nothing wrong with trying something new.
I don't think your ideas on fashion show are that outrageous. They're expected. But you still have to let me give you my reasons for applauding the show, even though I won't be attending this year[soccer tournament as you could expect! VA Beach though!]. The show, as you said,is probably one of the biggest events on the St. Marks planet. I know all of my friends have already planned out the night almost down to every minute. To me, the show just sort of represents SMH as a whole. The whole thing is for a good cause and revolves around the Blue-Gold Club and the buddies[which i think some people often forget!]. But we as a school find a way to make it one of the most anticipated events. It raises tons of money and promotes school spirit[like we need more!]. However, I do understand your point about seniors getting a little, or a lot, distracted. But at the same time, I think that's inevitable no mattter if there was a show or not. C'mon, they have about 36 days of school left right now; how focused can they possibly be?
Anyway, to me the fashion show is a big deal. I think it's a good possibility this is just because of my sister too. My sister, Sarah, graduated from SMH in '03. As you can imagine, she was my IDOL throughout most of my younger life, and still inspires me today. But, yes, I was the nagging, tag-a-long little sister who played copy cat all the time. And in 5th or 6th grade when I came to the show and watched Sarah, I thought it was the greatest thing ever. I can remember her senior year she was in the prom scene with her buddy and all I wanted to do when I got to SMH was be in the fashion show like her! [hahah] Now, I still think the show is great with all that they put into it and am regretting missing it this weekend. But, I guess there's always next year!
Come on Fio, the Fashion Show is on of the greatest events that’s takes place at St. Mark's High School. Not only is it a fun night and a chance to see all your friends, whether in the show or at the show the Fashion Show benefits a great cause. The Fashion show at St. Marks is one of the events that make St. Marks, St. Marks. What other schools or where else do you see students and mentally challenged teens working together to create a dance and fashion routine. That's right Mr. Fiorelli no one else does this which is why everyone should not only attend for the fun and thrill of the show but also to raise money for a great cause.
Honestly, "ahh come on chuck." I am agreeing with mcd greeeeen, who i am assuming is Dirk becuase of the constant U2 and golf references, oh, and because dirk doesn't know how to spell excellent."Axcellent" I agree with Dirk, if you don't like the Fashion Show you are borderline sinner. But it's cool, I guess. Mr. Fiorelli I guess i could semi-consider not going if I were at your age, (haha)it has to be hard all day yelling at Jeanne and trying to teach Vantrease/Dirk how to drive the ball. Anyway, if you are a Spartan Student and you don't like the Fashion Show i would just say that you are semi-sacreligious. I mean think about it, what St. Mark's kid isn't loud and obnoxious like Dirk and myself, and what spartan doesn't love to yell obscene things while still cheering along your fellow Green and Golder's. The Fashion Show is not only fun for yelling and getting your ears blasted, it is a social event. You see everyone in there "fresh" threads. You get to see people and it is a way for kids to hang out and talk in the auditorium without any teacher giving you "the look." On top of all of this, it is a way for us to raise money and give money to Blue Gold and also give all the Blue Gold Buddies a hell of a night. The Fashion Show is all in good fun, but if your not interested that's cool, pansy. Just remember Mr. Fiorelli, if you don't like the Fashion Show because of some runway job you blew during the younger days of Fio, it's time to let go. "Hey, you're lookin' good, huh, huh, you're lookin' good buddy." I tell you that everyday, ok, so just go to the Fashion Show. Hey, if your lucky, you could score a seat with the Dirkinator and myself, if you play your cards right that is. Peace out.
I don’t plan to disagree or argue with any of the comments you have said in this current discussion. I can understand how you don’t like loud music and teenagers dancing wildly around the stage and ‘flaunting’ themselves as some would say. Just incase you forgot, the name is not “St. Mark’s Fashion Show” it is “Blue Gold Fashion Show.” Even though this is the biggest event in the the St. Mark’s universe, (yes, not planet, universe!) don’t ever let yourself think you are too old for it. I am not trying to brag, but this year, you should definitely come to the fashion show. Me and a couple of students you currently have are in the fashion show and it will be a blowout this year. But I have digressed from my point, the show is about the buddies. The show raises about $14,000 on ticket sales, which is pretty impressive. In fact, so impressive that the Blue Gold committee of Delaware has awarded St. Mark’s an award for excellence in fund-raising for the past ten years. You may think it is teenagers jumping around the stage but the practices get intense and everybody gets into the dancing. There is even a teachers group with teachers, whose age may be older than yours? So don’t try and play the age card with me, Fio, I know your tricks. Besides, if all else fails my sister is the executive chair of BLue Gold for St. Mark’s this year, so there is no possible way that I could actually argue against it. Oh, and when you attend the show, make sure you cheer for me. (I’m in Bunny Junction-the western store)
Personally, I have never been to the Fashion Show, due to some reason or another, and this year, I won't because of a color guard competition, but it sounds like a great time, and if Iever get the chance to go, I will. Don't get me wrong, I have always supported Blue-Gold and Blue-Gold week just because it is a great cause. I'm glad that the students put so much time an effort into a cause like this one.
I really have to agree with on this Mr. Fiorelli, the fashion show is just dumb, it's right up there with Spirit Week as being one of the worst things at this school. I think the basic mindset for the entire event is just "Yep, we can do good raising money for the mentally challenged, and we should do by making a fool of ourselves." First off, I think fashion shows are just dumb. If it were up to me then we'd all be wearing the same clothes. And if professional fashion show are dumb, then just imagine how high in regards I hold our fashion show. Honestly, what's so great about. Fashion shows are very shallow, there's no actual meaning. There's no lasting effect. You see a friend in some dumb piece of clothing, they walk on the stage, then they walk off. That's all there is to it, nothing more. I wouldn't be able to stand the loud music either, mostly because they would probably be playing pop-music, which is the worst. Teens screaming- again absolutely awful since teens only say dumb things. The only thing I have to disagree with you here is the amount of time spend on the project. Their grades may suffer during fashion show week because of planning, but I think they'd also suffer no matter what project is done. It's just a matter of spending an adequate amount of time on it. Besides, most seniors don't care about their grades anyway, I guess now they just have an excuse why they didn't study for that trig test. But overall, I do agree with, St. Marks can do without the fashion show, and instead have something that will change the world.
The Blue Gold Fashion Show I think is a great way to show the love of your school and people who are "mentally" challenged. I have never been to the talent show but i have already bought my tickets for this years show. One of my good friends participates in the fashion show and told me it was so much fun. I am actually thinking about trying out for next year. How could something that is so much fun and so caring be bad?? I dont know. Yes maybe the grades go down but they do at Christmas too and that doesn't mean we don't like Christmas. I think the fashion show is great entertain meant for a great cause.
The fashion show is a lot like our pep rally Mr.Fio. It is a time when us students can forget about the pressures of school and other activities. We can enjoy the music and watching our fellow class mates making a fool of them. For example wouldn't you love to see Cory Olsen on stage shaking his groove thing.
I think the crowd screaming their brains out is necessary for all the dancers and more importantly the buddies. The crowd is their for that little bit of support that keeps all the models motivated and self-confidence.
Fashion show is so much more than just another good cause that St.Marks does. We get to see first hand how the buddies feel about. When you see them dancing they have the biggest smiles on their faces. So i tell you that the fashion show is so much more than loud music and students dancing.
In a way, i agree with you. I don't much enjoy the fashion show either. I do think that its a very nifty idea to raise money, it sure works, but i'd rather be at something like the variety show. The fashion show is about clothes..which in itself is pretty static if you ask me. If i wanted to see fashion i'd open a magazine. The variety show at least shows more diversity, so that there's most-likely something to catch everyone's eye. It entertains me moreso than the fashion show. But then again, that's just me.
As always, i see where your coming from Mr. Fiorelli, how everything seems to be commercialized and loses the original message it supposed to send. However, having two sisters be part of the blue- gold fashion show scene and both also having baving buddies, i see how important this experience can be for both a student and a buddy. For starters the people who are assigned buddies early on get to know them on a personal level. My sisters even took their buddies out to lunch often. So its not all materialistic snobs wanting to look like they care, they actualy do care. Yes, i do at 8 dollars a piece the tickets are a little pricey but for the cause it goes to and the people it benefits i couldnt see any reason not to go. Also, like many others students of yours i think you are a "happening" teacher. You know how to make a boring subject interesting and incorperate it into our lives. So naturally I thought you would like this event. Though you may not fancy the loud music, I think you should come Friday, TIVO your dang basketball and come watch a bunch of hip kids get their groove on.
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