Red Class Vocabulary Sentences

Using the vocabulary word that you have been assigned, write a single, GOOD sentence using the word in context. Give a context clue to the meaning of word within the sentence. Your test will be comprised of the GOOD sentences that appear in your class's blog comments. Here is an example of a GOOD sentence:
e.g. We were surprised to see our friend John, who is normally down-to-earth, act in such a pretentious manner when he attended the formal dinner (don't worry about italicizing your word).
This ring has little intrinsic value but it means slot to my grandmother because it was hers when she was younger
When he spoke, his message was not clear, but occult and mysterious.
Although everybody esle would have broken into confusion in the event of a volcanic erruption, Jim handle the very unusual event with aplomb.
Even though his valiant effort in battle cannot be under minded, the callow general's plan will not suffice in the war.
As John peered into the knot hole in the tree, he was delighted to discover the many callow birds.
The teacher ameliorated the student's essay by making many corrections.
Although I am not the best on the team, I hope to ameliorate my skills before next season and earn playing time.
The ex officio memebers of the commitee generally don't have voting rights because their votes could favor themselves.
After an exhausting day at school I was not in the mood to come home and listen to my sister and her friends drivel on about meaningless gossip.
They told him to think about the situation before making a precipitate decision that could eventually make him lose all of his money.
The teacher interrupted the girl's random drivel during class.
I will not vote for him because his speeches are bombastic and do not even address our problems.
In the year 2000 the New Years Eve parties were better then ever, on account of the new millennium.
As i got ready to do the dishes, i watched the water permeate the sponge.
Every time I visit my prehistoric, crabby grandmother, she greets me by inveighing against the way I dress.
Mia Hamm is seen as the epitome of hard work and excellent athetticism by many young girls.
After watching him rummage through my papers without permission, I told him that I would appreciate it if he would not infringe upon my privacy.
The students waiting in the hallway began to grow quiet in fear that the teacher who was soon to arrivie would carry out his stringent rules.
Since they arrived late to the airport, I surmise that they missed their plane.
After a long and exhausitng day of school and football practice, I was in a state of lassitude
As the lecture was taken place a boisterous group of interlopers made the lector come to an abrupt halt.
Her confusion was ameliorated when her teammate explained the play.
Politicians attempt to ingratiate themselves to their many undecided constituents.
Even though she was not born in the U.S, she spoke english with aplomb and overcame her native accents.
The thought of even taking the S.A.T.s mentally overwhelmed me with a feeling of lassitude and exhaustion.
The General continued to exhort his men to hold the line.
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