Things Are Not Quite Cricket Anymore

Some guys took their darts seriously, buying expensive tungsten shafts and outfitting them in colorful flights. Others trying to gain an edge purchased sharpeners, chalk, and even flight protectors that prevented "split ends" by deflecting the darts into the bristle board. While most games were competitive, one social studies teacher was the clearly the acknowledged "Master."
The game waned when the room became too crowded with chairs, couches, and recliners that would sound the eventual death knell of the activity. Sadly enough, there hasn't been talk of bringing back the game. For a little nostagia, check out this page of dart terminology or better yet, recall the unique terms coined by our own Spartan chuckers (like 41 Newport Gap Pike).
You guys don't throw anymore?
Do The 81 ..... Candy & the Kisses
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