Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Woke Up This Morning

Same old, same old. Woke up this morning, walked out to the driveway in my robe to pick up the paper . . . nah. That's what Tony Soprano does. I woke up this morning at 10, had breakfast, and then caught actor Steve Schirripa (Uncle Junior's right hand man, Bobby Bacala, on The Sopranos) on The Tony Danza Show. I'm sure you know that Tony became a grandfather a few weeks ago. Steve, faithful to his Sopranos' character, brought the new baby "a little boost" (a cash gift) in a plain white envelope. Schirripa really plays up his goomba-ness and has even written two dumb books on the goomba lifestyle. Guess he figures that Hollywood will always have roles for chubby Italian guys who say "dis" and "dese." Check out Mobspeak page on the Sopranos website if you want to talk like real wiseguys. And one last thing, before anyone decides to give up my seat in 121, remember-- I'm "administration."


At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish we had these guys cooking at St Mark's cafeteria. Today's lunch hit a new low (greasy chicken legs and thighs). Even in prison they ate better than we do.

At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so get married and bring your lunch. or you can walk to school.


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