This Sitting Around is for the Birds

. . . or staying inside, for that matter. But later I am planning on venturing outdoors hoping to see some raptors in migration. It's a nice clear sky and the advancing cool front might encourage the big birds to ride the thermals down my way. Who knows, maybe if one is hungry enough, it might snatch one of the little chihuahas who live next door to me? Even if I don't have any luck birding, I'll certainly check out the Hawk Mountain Bird Sanctuary site. Did you ID the bird in the picture? Hint, he's one of the smaller birds of prey, one not ashamed to visit winter songbird feeders to catch a quick meal. Adults only grow to about a foot, smaller than the Cooper's Hawk, which it most resembles. More than 11,000 were seen one day in Cape May, NJ. You were correct if you guessed the sharp-shinned hawk.
Would it be possible for us to come over and help drag that big recliner out onto the deck for better viewing? Give us a call at 1-302-HELP121. No American Express please.
You mean you wouldn't do this for free? Are you taking advantage of my infirmity?
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