Seniors #5 journal---Modern Buffalo Bars

Though no one was ever to tame the Tiger on the course, he now hides wounded in his secret lairs, one such lair being his yacht, aptly named Privacy.
Hide he may, but eventually he'll be spotted, tracked, and shot by the paparazzi hounds with their lenses and videocams. We'll see him on the cover of mags and on TMZ covering his face with a jacket or rushing to his car surrounded by bodyguards to avoid the rabid picture hunters.
Already, Vanity Fair magazine has tried to cash in on Tiger's misfortunes, using photos shot four years ago by famed photog Annie Liebovitch. The magazine's cover shows a scowling bare-chested thug-like Tiger. Before the recent revelations of his misbehaviors, we might have thought this cover a bit out of character for Woods. Today, the irony roars loud and clear.
You might say that you don't give a par or even a birdie about Tiger's problems, but there a lots of other people who do. And there are enough versions of the Buffalo Bar found on TV, the Internet, and the newsstand that pander to their interests.
The tales of Tiger Woods and Johnny Bear beg these questions:
How many of us would be willing to plunk down two bits (25 cents, that is) on the bar to hear Johnny Bear tell us the latest gossip?
How many of us really don't care to get into someone else's bizness?
How many of us think that certain people, such as traditional societal role models such as religious leaders and politicians, should be left alone when it comes to digging up the dirt in their messy lives?
I bet if you're really being honest, then you're struggling with a definite answer. Don't feel bad if you're not quite sure how you stand. The boys at the Buffalo Bar felt shame in feeding Johnny Bear whiskey, but it didn't stop them, either.
For your journal assignment, select one of the prompts below that discuss our society's insatiable "need to know," to pry, to snoop, to secretly or openly videotape, the lives of others, especially enjoying the moments when other humans act in an unsavory manner.
1. Discuss one celebrity or celebrity pair about whom you feel "enough is enough" already. You don't care to hear another single word about him or them. Explain.
2. Discuss one celebrity or celebrity pair about whom you can't get enough juicy gossip and information. Explain why.
3. Discuss one incident in which the news media "went too far" to reveal one person's hidden actions.
4. Discuss one specific person whom you hold as a role model or whom you extremely admire about whom you don't want to hear any negative news. Explain why.
5. Do you watch a reality TV show? What have you enjoyed about the show (be specific)? What about the show has made you cringe?
6. YOU are better than the rest of us in that you don't ever follow the lifestyles of the rich and famous and you don't even want to write about them. Why do YOU think that other people do care about the lifestyles of the rich and famous?
4. One celebrity in particular that I've always admired is Britney Spears. Although she has developed a bad reputation over the years, I still see her as the young innocent Britney that she was when I was little. When I was young I always listened to Britney's music, she was my favorite. I remember even dressing up as her for halloween one year. I always blasted her music in my bedroom and danced around like an idiot. Her music was innocent back then. I believe that when Britney first became popular she was a major role model for children. Even though there has been a lot of negative commentary about Britney Spears in the news, I try not to listen to it. For some reason, I still see the best in her. Britney is one of those celebrities that I don't care to hear gossip about. I have always enjoyed Britney's music and I still have respect for her lifestyle, no matter what the media says about her.
6. I am one of the few who does not follow celebrity gossip/ drama. I don not pay attention to Britney, Brad, Angelina, Jennifer, or Miley. The overall idea of it is completely dumb to me. They are celebrities yes, but why must you follow their lives? They are human beings just like everyone else. I think it's a total invasion of privacy that photographers and reporters follow their every move. They must be under constant pressure to appear flawless when in reality no one is. The reporter talking about the new scandals is not perfect; so why doesn't some one report to the world about their faults? I can't understand why people want to know so much about someone else's life. Is your life so bland that you have to follow the excitement of someone else's? If so, get out there and change it. Stop caring about who Brad is dating and worry about catching your own date. Britney shaved her head; and your hair isn't that amazing so I wouldn't be talking. Tiger Woods made a mistake and he is paying the consequences. He is losing his family and all reporters care about is catching a picture of his wife with no wedding ring. I think celebrities should be left alone to deal with their own lives and we should also be concentrated on our own lives. How would you like it if TMZ had a hot story about you? Think about it.
1. A celebrity that I feel enough is enough already would have to be Tiger Woods. Just recently the news came out about Tiger Woods' scandalous actions but already enough has been found out to basically ruin the mans life and career. I'm tired of seeing new pictures, finding out about new women, and overall just hearing about Woods in general. The man who was once idolized by millions is now no better than any other man who cheats on his wife. All this because the paparazzi can't keep their noses out of peoples business. Had Woods been an average guy who played golf no one would know or care about his actions but because he is a multimillionaire the whole world goes crazy to find out about his life. People fail to realize celebrities are people as well and I don't really understand why the paparazzi is always sticking cameras in people, like Woods, business. I could care less to hear another word about Woods or the celebrity community in general and enough is enough.
1) There is one person that I am just sick of hearing. Everyday you hear something new about him, whether it be another girl he was with or a sex tape that they just found, it's old. What started with a little accident in his driveway, turned into one of the biggest scandals of all time, and something about him has been on the news everyday ever since. I am of course talking about one of the greatest golfers of all time, Tiger Woods. Of course it was interesting at first, to hear of one of the most respected men in sports history sleeping with tons of women and cheating on his beautiful wife. It's human nature. Everyone wants to or wanted to hear more about the famous Tiger Woods at one point. His career has turned down an infamous path. But now we know. Everyone knows what happened to him, everyone knows he's not the man we once thought he was before the scandal broke out. It's old now. It's almost like we expect something new to come up about Tiger Woods and his dirty acts.
It also bugs me that he wants privacy. He hasn't tried to fight it or lie, he just wants to be alone to work things out. And still, he literally has to hide from the press and all the entertainment papers. The man wants to be alone, we all know what he did, we all don't want to hear about it. Enough is enough. I don't want to hear another thing about Tiger Woods unless he's playing golf again.
My favorite reality TV show at the current time is Jersey Shore, played on MTV. Once I had seen the previews and commercials for the show, I knew it would be popular. I never take this show seriously but I consistently watch it because it is so funny. It is a lifestyle that is so unknown to me; the tanning, muscle milk, and blow-out hair styles. I tune in every week to because I cannot resist seeing what will happen next to The Situation, Snookie, and J-Wow. The new couple of Sammi and Ronnie sparked some drama into the house but that is what makes it all better. The most scandalous part of the show is when Snookie got punched in face at the bar. Everyone was shocked but I can only imagine how many people tuned in that night or set their DVR's to Thursday's at ten o'clock. The whole show is based on partying and living at the shore but following the lives of several guidos is hard to resist. It is one of the funniest shows to watch on TV. I probably continue watching this show whether J-Wow is getting in a fight at the bar, or Vinnie and Pauly-D are 'beating up the beat' on the dance floor.
5. Do you watch a reality TV show? What have you enjoyed about the show (be specific)? What about the show has made you cringe? A reality show i like to watch is Big Brother. I like this show because the different challenges they do are different and intriuging. I always like how each year they pick a different theme like one year was fake couples or school cliques and so on. The game can be really mysterious and keeps your mind constantly going trying to figure out whats going to happen or who is going to leave the next week. Another reason why i like the show is that its a show that everyone in my family likes and gets together to watch which is rare. Also after watching a season of Big Brother you feel like you get to know each person as an individual especially when a person gets HOH and gets letters from their families and pictures. What i don't really like about the show is how it can sometimes bring the worst out of people. What I mean is sometimes in the game people choose to break alliances, or lie. But lying and breaking alliances is a huge part of the game if you want to make it to the end and win the money. It kind of has a greed mentality but sometimes there are those people who win the money and put it towards a family member in need or school not material goods. I don't really know why i like Big Brother but i find it really enjoying and suspenseful.
1. I think that "enough is enough" with Jon and Kate Plus Eight. I understand why the paparazzi and media go for big celebrity names like Brad Pitt or Tiger Woods because they have done enough in front of the camera to be considered really big celebrities. To be honest, I do not even know Jon and Kate Plus Eight's last names. Thats why I am calling them Jon and Kate Plus Eight. They have become more popular through their divorce than they have doing anything else, which really annoys me. Its probably hard enough as one of eight kids to try to fit in, so I think it was extremely stupid for Jon and Kate to exploit themselves as well as their kids on television. They needed to focus more on raising a family than getting a television contract. I ultimately think that the media was a key factor in tearing them apart because they never got any privacy. Unfortunately, it Jon and Kate's own fault for having media everywhere they go because of the dumb decisions they made. The media needs to hunt down celebrities doing good things instead of just bad things. For some reason, however, they and many others cannot get enough of Jon and Kate. Hopefully they do soon because I am tired of seeing stories about them evreywhere I look.
I’m sure that almost everyone is tired of hearing about Jon and Kate Gosselin. The television show Jon and Kate Plus Eight was a popular show where they gained their fame. They went through a divorce which the media became obsessed with. There are pictures of them on every tabloid magazine. There are pictures of Jon with other women and Kate being alone. I’m tired of seeing them get attention for saying “we’re sick of the attention.” I’m tired of seeing what Kate’s reverse mullet hair looks like now. I’m sick of them exploiting their children for fame. When will they get out of the spotlight and just start raising their kids? There isn’t anything really special about them that they should be famous. I don’t see what people enjoy from hearing about them. It’s not like we personally know them so why should I care about what they’re doing? I can’t wait for the day that the media stops caring about them and magazines leave them out.
1. I used to love the show Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and I watched most of the series. Jon and Kate Plus Eight started out as a series to show America what it was like to raise a set of twins and sextuplets. The show started out when the twins were about 2 years old, and the sextuplets were just born. Jon and Kate Gosselin welcomed cameras into their home and let them film their daily, hectic lives. America began to fall in love with the Gosselin family and their sweet children. They would take trips to many various places and had the opportunity to travel to the Oprah show and were given many perks. But as the show continued, it began to turn into a scandal. Jon and Kate began to fight and the camera captured it. Jon was accused of a scandal and cheated on his wife, Kate, with a waitress much younger than he is. The media got a hold of the information and turned it into a major scandal. Jon and Kate eventually got divorced, and shocked America by their decision. Everyone thought the perfect couple with the perfect family would always stay together. We were proven wrong. Now, Jon and Kate are all over the magazines and newspapers. Jon talks about his new girlfriend and living in New York, and Kate talks about starting over. I am fed up with hearing about Jon and Kate. I think they both shouldn't receive attention for doing wrong things. Jon should be ashamed of himself and Kate can just move on with her life. They have destroyed their kids' lives for money and fame. I do not want to hear about Jon and Kate anymore because I have heard enough. Families should stay together and work things out.
1. I never want to hear another word about Robert Pattinson. The star of the appalling "Twilight" Series has been plastered across the cover of every teen magazine made in the past two years. In fact, young girls are so desperate for pictures of him that Pattinson is stalked by paparazzi during the rote of his everyday activities, whether he is buying clothes or just walking down the sidewalk. I recently read an interview with Pattinson in an issue of GQ, he explained that he has to hide when ordering fast food and that he has started taking antidepressants since he became famous; I have to admit it was fascinating in a pathetic way. What I read in GQ is more of an autobiography than just plain gossip, but I am a little embarrassed that I read it and hope never to hear about him again.
There have been many celebrities that get stalked by the paparazzi or the news. America has this fascination in watching celebrity lives play out by reading magazines or watching shows like TMZ. People get to catch up on all the latest gossip or scandal. If you buy a magazine such as the Intouch, Star, or People you will most likely see the latest issue or problem between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. This is a celebrity pair that i have heard enough of. It all started when Brad left Jennifer Anniston for Angerlia after Brad and Angelina made the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith together. Yes it was devastating, but for it to be one of the main gossip points years later is pathetic and boring. However, America seems to be fascinated with reading which kid Pitt and Jolie have adopted now or the fact that Brad and Jen talked on the phone. The magazines are always saying how mad Angelina is at Brad and that the two have "problems". I think this is because the public ultimately wants Brad and Jen back together. At some point though, enough is enough. I think if he was gonna leave Angelina he would have done it by now. So what's the big point in following them? I'm so sick of hearing about them that I don't even buy that many magazines anymore. Especially ones with their faces on the cover. I'd rather read about actual news or fashion than hear about what the paparazzi is going to come up with next.
4. A celebrity that I really admire is Jennifer Aniston. I think that she is by far the best female actress. She was always my favorite character on the show Friends, that I began to watch when I was younger. She has been in so many movies and all though she has been very famous for so long she has remained very classy. The only kind of news that could be considered negative about her is about her break ups. The one thing I hate hearing about is how much people talk about her being single. People make a big ordeal about her not having a man in her life and do not focus on the important things, like her acting and her success. She is one of my role models and I look up to her a lot. I always say if I could be anyone else I would be her. I know she will continue to act in movies for a very long time. Hearing any negative news about her would make me very upset, but it would not change my image of her.
1. I am tired of hearing about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Their business is posted all over magazines, always about the same things: them breaking up, them getting back together, Angelina being pregnant, or her adopting another child. I think it’s great that Angelina cares so much about children, but I wouldn’t decide to adopt another without consulting with my spouse! Why doesn’t she change her name to Pitt too, usually that’s what people do when they get married? Why do they have so many problems, honestly, what could you possibly have to fight about? I think celebrity marriages are stupid because most of the time they never work out. They never want to work things out long enough to call it a marriage. Frankly, it's pathetic. There is always something on the tabloids about Brad or Angelina. If Brad were smart he would have never broke things up with Jen.
Although I do not admit to being better than everybody else, I don't really follow the lives of the rich and the famous. Although they are celebrities and the may be featured in movies, television shows, or in songs that we like, it does not mean that we must be in touch with every single detail in their lives. Every body has problems and it is unfair to those who have talent to have their personal issues splattered up on forms of media such as the Internet and television for the world to see. I believe other people enjoy following the lifestyles of the popular celebrities because they have something that most people want. Fame, fortune, attention; these are all characteristics that most people would be attracted to. We like to see the scandals because it makes the people with all of the money and the popularity seem more like everyday people who makes mistakes. This is the exact reason why I choose to not pay attention to the tabloids. EVERYBODY makes mistakes, whether they are big or small, they happen to all of us. The public highlighting the problems of celebrities just adds to the problem. The paparazzi blows situations way out of proportion just to benefit off of someone else mistake.
1. One celebrity couple I can not stand to hear about is the Jon and Kate Gosselin from the show Jon and Kate Plus 8. They are always on the news and Entertainment tonight for their continuous feud. I feel they need to go away and get their lives straighten out. They have eight young children and I feel they should go back to being parents. Every week Jon is with a new woman and Kate is always at a different vacation spot. They need to stay hidden and raise their kids so the children don't become messed up. I feel their fame encouraged the divorce. I heard recently that Kate is starting a new TV show with her children. I personally think they are pushing their story and people are going to start losing interest. Kate sometimes appear on The View putting her input in situations. It bothers me how she was chosen to guest appear. She is only famous from her once lovable show and know is now more known for her dirty divorce. While Jon's house was just broken into by one of his many ex girlfriends. I hear more about the parents than the actual children, and those children made them famous. The Gosselin family needs to disappear and fix their family troubles.
Personally I do not see why people care to follow celebrities or hear gossip about them. I find that they are people just like us and have jobs just like everyone else although we see and hear them in movies, music, and on tv more often than other jobs. I feel that almost or all of the gossip about celebrities pertains to negative information about the person or their life. We do not need to dip into their lives because some people feel it is scandalous or better than our own. In reality their lives are more stressful and more of a hassle than so called "normal people". I also do not enjoy when I hear on the news or on tv that some ridiculous accusation has been said about a celebrity that I enjoy watching on tv or listening to their music. It is just hurting the person that it is being said about, and their personal life is being seen and heard by the whole world which is humiliating. I think it is just completely cruel to exploit someones life in the way that the media seems to do to every celebrity. I personally would not want my life, my mistakes, and ridiculous rumors spread and published for the world to see and I doubt they love it too.
1. Most celebrities prefer to keep their private lives as private as possible. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, it is extremely hard for most anyone in music or television to keep their private lives out of the spotlight. The couple I’m most tired of hearing about would have to be Jon & Kate Gosselin. Hearing about their ongoing life drama makes my skin crawl. Their show was about raising a set of twins and sextuplets, and now all I hear about is their financial troubles, and infidelities. They are busy making appearances on late night television shows and going on book tours when what they should be doing is focusing on their kids. Jon and Kate probably didn’t expect to ever become rich and famous, but once their show took off it changed everything. They suddenly had a flow of money coming in and the newfound media attention must have gotten the best of them. This is the reason I think people should be careful what they wish for.
The two celebrities who I cant stand to hear another word about is Jon and Kate. We all know Jon cheated on Kate and he's a jerk. We all know that Jon and Kate are divorced. We all know that blah blah blah, I just cant stand it anymore! Has anyone stopped to think about what this is doing to the kids? They cant even go to the grocery store without seeing a magazine with a picture of there parents on the cover, its ridiculous. Both there parents are obsessed with attention, especially the dad. Whether its the soup, chelsea lately, or any morning or late night talk show there is always some mention of the Gosslin family. The line has been crossed, I now know almost every personal detail of there personal lives and I hear about these details whether I want to or not. Even my best attempts to ignore there gossip Its almost impossible with the amount of media attention there getting.
#6: I feel that people are so obsessed with the lives of celebrities because it is glamorous. They are constantly at glitzy events, out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, or on the beach somewhere taking their 7th vacation of the year. It is something that most of us have not been exposed to, and never will be, and it seems exciting. As unfortunate as it is, a lot of us want to be rich so we can lead the lives of the elite. People especially like to see what goes wrong with with celebrities because they seem "perfect". They seemingly have the perfect hair, nails, tan, cars, latest clothes and what-not. So when people see the imperfections, such as weight gain or some out of control drunken mistake, it makes them feel better about themselves. Moreover when people are focus on others lives it gives them a break from theirs. For that one hour that they watch those celebrity news shows they escape from there problems and focus on other peoples reassures them that "perfect" people have problems too.
6. I do not find the lifestyles about the rich and famous that interesting. I think there are many reasons why other people are so consumed with it. I think a lot of the people that like gossip about their friends or people they know like the gossip about famous people too. I think they like to see that although the person is so famous they are still just a regular person like you or me. They can make mistakes, they can get arrested, they are not infallible to the normal problems that us regular folk have. Another reason that people might enjoy listening to the gossip is just because they are so board with their own life. They think that their life is uninteresting so they like to listen to what happens in other peoples. Also most times when you see famous people they are all dressed up and nice looking. They almost always look perfect, but a lot of it is fake. They are always wearing make up, had their hair done, wearing designer clothes. I think a lot of people are curious to see what they look like without all that. Like when the person is just with their family or out to the store.
I am sick and tired of hearing about the up’s and down’s of Jon and Kate Gosselins’ marriage. They are not rock stars or models or any real type of famous icon. They are people just like us who are going through a rough time in their relationship. The publicity is drowning them and it’s going to end up hurting the 8 children more than anyone else. No one really cares about if a guy leaves or who is having relations with who anymore, yes it’s sad to hear that a man could do that to his wife and 8 kids, however it is none of our business. People only enjoyed the show because of the children and how interesting it was to have to juggle 8 toddlers. People do not care about any thing else. I think the media should just leave them alone, no more cheating stories or break up and make up bits. When the kids are old enough to realize what was going on they are the ones who will have to deal with the embarrassment, and it’s not fair to put them through it. Being in the public eye is stress enough.
6. I think that other people care about the lifestyles of the rich and famous so much because their lives are so boring that they have to entertain themselves some how. They do this by watching TV and reading magazines to learn about who did what with who. I do not find this entertaining in any way because I have my own life to worry about not the lives of those who are rich and famous. I do find the lives of some people to be fascinating but it has nothing to do with gossip. I just find them interesting because they are successful and are role models of what I would like to be when I grow up. Some of these people are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to name a few. I don’t think that its dumb to be interested in people but what I don’t like is when people talk about all the gossip and make a big deal about a little thing that these people did like Tiger Woods. Yes he was wrong but he is still the best golfer in the world and he is still the first and only athlete to earn one billion dollars in his career. He knows he made a mistake and when people blow issues out of proportion it doesn’t make them any better. People need to learn to worry about themselves and not what celebrities are doing.
The celebrity that I do not feel like hearing another word about is someone whose actions really shocked the public. Tiger Woods is someone who was put upon a pedestal not only for his talent, but also for being the public’s picture of a perfect gentleman. He had the perfect life, two cute children, a beautiful wife, and a serious fortune. He threw away his squeaky clean image by cheating on his wife with a large number of women. Some of Tiger’s many sponsors have dropped him because they do not agree with his actions and his newly developed reputation. The reason I am tired of hearing about him is not because I think he deserves his privacy, but for his children’s sake. Every time they hear about a new woman it must crush them that their father would do that to them and their family. Also, I feel like some of the new stories that are coming out are made up because the women want fame and money.
5. One reality show I watch very often MTV's The Real World. The Real World has been on the air for countless seasons, and it has taken place in numerous cities. A reason why I enjoy this show so much is that everyone in the house has unique personalities. The people on the show are sharing a house with seven complete strangers for months. They learn from each other and become a family. I love watching new people each season with totally different personalities. This season their is a guy who does not believe in God, and thinks anyone who believes in him is ridiculous. Rooming with him is a woman who has total belief in God and attends church every Sunday. This huge difference in character has sparked many arguments, but it has also opened each other's eyes to different view points. While living in the house for five months, the group of eight cast mates also have to sustain a job with their roommates. It teaches them to work together and feed off each other's ideas. One thing I do not like about the Real World is that many of the episodes show the cast mates drinking until they can't even stand and making mistakes for everyone to see. It does make a very dramatic episode when Sarah would get so drunk her words become moaning slurs, but she is embarrassed and ashamed after since America watched her mistake. Besides the occasional things I don't enjoy watching on this show, The Real World is one of my favorite reality shows.
6. I do not pay attention to celebrity gossip. I simply do not care. If someone offered to tell me some gossip, though, I would probably listen to the story because for any person,
some sort of sick interest is found in juicy gossip. Almost any person would want to listen in on a good story, no matter who it is about.
I think that people are interested in any gossip, no matter who it is about, and celebrities receive more attention for what they do simply because a great number of people know who they are. Gossip about an ordinary citizen would not be published in papers and magazines simply because people are interested in names they recognize.
People seem to be more interested in gossip about persons that are believed to be nearly perfect. This may be because the flaws of others make them feel better about themselves. Jealousy can play a huge role in the demand for juicy gossip. People become jealous of the rich and famous, simply for being famous. Everyone wants there "15 minutes of fame" and spreading gossip and publishing articles about these "role models" gives them that sense of knowing more about that person and filling the nation in on their dark secrets. Unfortunately, many people enjoy tearing people down to build themselves up. It is terrible, but irresistible, and every person, whether or not they would pay to hear the gossip, would enjoy a story exposing the flaws of others.
5. A reality TV show that i watch is Jersey Shore on MTV. This show is probably one of the most entertaining shows on television right now. The show is based on seven Italian-Americans living in a share house together at the Jersey shore for the summer. The characters are all guidos or "guidettes". All of the guidos are tan, muscular, and take as long the girls to do their hair and pick out an outfit. The cast members spend their time tanning, partying, going out to clubs, fist pumping, and sitting in the jacuzzi. The show is filled with new drama every week, including fights, love triangles, etc. Everyone who watches the Jersey Shore remembers when a guy punched Snookie in the face at a bar. I know the rest of the season will be just as entertaining, and I can not wait to see it!
I must start out by saying that I cannot say I am “better than everybody” because I tend to stray away from celebrity juice. I have occasionally picked up US Weekly or People to browse through the pictures as I am waiting in line at the grocery store. But honestly, it’s to look at the ensembles the celebrities decided to wear in public. And I tend to keep an eye on my favorites, because fashion is always important! But am I going to judge someone or say something rude for a fashion faux pas? Absolutely not! It’s embarrassing. We all make mistakes, get over it. My personal opinion on celebrities that try to hide their face because they don’t want the paparazzi snapping photographs is that they weren’t prepared for the lifestyle. But guess what? A smile here and there is not a big deal. Aspiring celebs, you should already be completely aware that if you are the celebrity of the week, your life will no longer be shrouded from the public eye. That was just a side note. Why do people care about the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Because they are simply insecure with their own lives and they use the public breakdowns of celebrities to make them feel better about themselves. Or, better yet, they use celebrities to help make decisions. It’s almost like peer pressure. Let’s say you love George Clooney. If George Clooney decides to take out the garbage in his underwear where he is almost completely exposed, does that make it all right for you to do it? No! Just because George Clooney does it, doesn’t mean you can too! Gossip is like a drug. Once you start following a story, you really just cannot get enough. Why get involved in someone’s life when you don’t even know the story besides what the media twists it to be? Doesn’t anyone know that they are going to come up with the most bizarre story to put on the cover of their magazine so they can make more money? It’s all a part of Hollywood, and guess what? Hollywood is a giant SCAM! We have too much going on in the real world and most people have enough problems of their own to take care of, that maybe we should all take a step back and worry about those before diving into something else.
Do you watch a reality TV show? What have you enjoyed about the show (be specific)? What about the show has made you cringe?
My new latest TV obsession is Jersey Shore. This show is about seven italian roommates who share a beach house on Sea Isle. I love watching what trouble and craziness the roommates get into. In one episode Snookie got punched in the face by a guy at a bar, because Snookie was yelling at him for taking their shots. The next show J-Woww started a fight with some girl at a club because she called Snookie fat. Also Sammie and Ronnie have started a relationship which Mike "The Situation" and Pauly D look down on. When interviewed for the show Ronnie said the only rule is to not fall in love at the shore, which he seems to be doing. I like to watch their relationship blossom. I also love their dance moves in which they "fist pump like champs," and how they "beat up the beat." One thing that makes me cringe about the show is how The Situation and Pauly D try and pick up different women every night, it can be somewhat annoying and disgusting. The night Snookie got punched The Situation was trying to creep on this random girl and get her to come back with him while Snookie was lying on the floor in pain. Every Thursday I cannot wait to watch the new episodes and see what kind of action the crazy roommates get into.
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A group of celebrities that i think should be left alone is Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian. They recently married one another and are catching a lot of attention for it. I feel as if a lot it is because of the fact that is an interracial marriage, which many haters in America may frown upon. I think that they should be left to their pursuit of happiness. I can't get enough gossip about the band Phish, but only because I love to hear how they are doing and if they will be around anytime soon so I can see them again. The media went way too far in how much they publicized was the instance of Michael Jackson's death. Since he passed, the media has been doing shows on his possible cause of death, calling it a possible suicide or overdose. I think they should just let him rest in peace, and remember him for his music rather then the reason for his demise. I don't want to hear any negative news about Jerry Garcia, even though he is no longer alive. He is a hero of mine and I consider him to be one of the greatest musicians of all time. Although he didn't always make the best decisions, he touched millions with his music and his peaceful state of mind helped keep the Grateful Dead together as a band. Jersey Shore is a hot reality television show currently, and it portrays the lives of crazy, North Jersey guidos and guidettes. These individuals are extremely into themselves, and do anything to make themselves look good. The boys tan weekly and sport"blow out" haircuts, something that looks absolutely ridiculous. I think the characters fail to realize that they are often being laughed at, or they just don't care.
I personally do not want to hear another word about the golfer Tiger Woods. I feel that although people may be famous for things that they do such as acting, singing, or even playing a specific sport, they are still people just like you and I. They enjoy having a sense of privacy in their daily lives. These so called “celebrities” should have a life of their own that the entire nation is not educated about. I am tired of turning on the news, reading magazines, and listening to the radio where all they continue to talk about is Tiger Woods and his scandalous affair. Many companies are continuing to say how they do not want to be associated with Tiger Woods anymore and feel as though he no longer represents what their company is about. I feel that although Tiger has done negative things, they are things that are his business and his business only. Who are we to judge someone when people constantly do bad things in their everyday lives as well? I wish reporters and paparazzi would begin to focus on more important things to report to the world instead of pointless news about celebrities that are just meant to degrade them.
I can never help tuning in to the show "Teen Mom" every Tuesday night on MTV. The show's subjects are not celebs, but that doesn't make it any less interesting. The show is a sequel to the series "16 and Pregnant" and shows all of the hardships that teen moms have to go through: leaving high school, fighting with parents, fighting with boyfriends, keeping a job, etc. Regardless of ones opinion of teen pregnancy, I am pretty sure that when a pregnant teenager is spotted heads are going to turn. It's just human nature. I like this show because it gets deep into the issue; it shows the good and bad. I feel like it could change some people's opinion about teen moms- that they are not just careless or lazy or whatever the common belief may be, because I do know girls who were pregnant at a young age who certainly do not fit into that category. Anyways, the show is fun to watch. There's smiles, laughs, fights, tears and yelling- a lot to keep your eyes glued to the screen for an hour.
1. A celebrity pair that I have heard way too much about is John and Kate Gosslin. If it would have been possible for their 8 children to have a normal childhood after the show, it would be impossible now. The media has followed them and their messy divorce so furiously that I honestly could not take another news headline concerning either one of them. They've taken the spotlight put on them and used it to get as much publicity as possible. John going back and forth between girlfriends before his divorce is final and Kate crying on every talk show she's been on about how hurt she is by all the public attention makes me sick. If she was really so concerned with how all of it was affecting the kids, she wouldn't be going on all these talk shows and on the news saying how bad of a husband John was. The obviousness of how badly Kate wants attention is sad. The fact that she would put that priority over trying to protect her children from the media is even more sad. While Kate is all over the media, everything said by John, even if it is not that much, is almost absentminded and half hearted. I'm tired of hearing about them and there failed marriage, why it went wrong, and who's to blame. The only thing that I think they should be focusing on is their kids and making sure they aren't so badly scarred by this.
The celebrity pair, now ex- celebrity pair I am tired of hearing about is Chris Brown and Rihanna. Chris Brown assaulted his girlfriend at the time, Rhianna, on February 8, 2009. It has almost been a year since the assault and everyone is still fascinated with the crime. Before the assault, Chris Brown had a “clean- cut” almost perfect image. He had America’s hearts and was at the height of his career. Since the incident, he has been working hard to rebuild his status but no one will ever look at him the same. Rihanna is also one of America’s top R& B singers. Her entire image has changed a lot as an artist and the every change seems to be linked back to her relationship with Chris. I am tired of hearing about the assault because although many people can learn from their mistakes, it is still a very personal and private issue about their relationship. Not only does the spotlight change every one’s perception of both artists, it makes the healing process for both of them that much harder. Everyone seems to be fascinated with celebrity scandals and crimes, but I feel the amount of celebrity gossip is overkill. No one needs to know every detail in anybody’s, even a celebrity, life. Celebrities are humans too and should be treated with some amount of dignity and receive privacy.
I feel that it is really pathetic when people follow the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I think that I have enough to worry about in my own life then worry about other people’s lives. When people continuously talk about the Hollywood celebrities peoples problems they are only giving them the attention that they seek. Also, I think that the rich and famous constantly do things to show off and get more publicity. I think that people start acting like the rich and famous because they feel it is “cool.” It really is not cool. It’s stupid. People shouldn’t try and act like other people, they should act like themselves. MTV makes tv shows off of celebrities that got caught doing drugs. That is not something I would want to watch on tv. Also, people who care about the rich and famous are not personally friends with these people. Thus, they should have no feelings toward these people who do not care about them either. Celebrity drama is pointless and I think people can find better thing to do with their time.
1. Some celebrity pairs take things out of control. The pair I am sick of hearing about John and Kate. First of all I didn't think the show was much worth watching in the beginning. What's the big deal about having eight kids? My friend has eight kids in her family and you don't see them on a show. Since the show started, Kate changed so much when she got famous, even though I don't watch the show you can tell from seeing her in magazines. They just did this show to get money. John was obviously sick of the way Kate changed since he cheated on her. She changed so much since the show started. Money shouldn't be what you base your life on. Just recently she had her 2010 makeover. She got extensions on her hair and changed her look completely. The show got cancelled and that is all she cares about. She says the kids "miss the camera crew." Your kids don't know any different it's you trying to create drama and become more popular. All she wants is popularity and money. I feel like she doesn't really care that she and John are done, but she brought it upon herself anyway. She's also trying to get her and the kids on their own show. Nobody cares about Kate plus the eight kids. It was entertaining for a little bit. Now Kate has gone too far.
A celebrity I am really tired of hearing about is Miley Cyrus. All the media talks about is everyone's obsession with this girl. From her music to her personal life, its all anyone can talk about. I don't even find her very talented and i do not think she is very interesting. Her music is not good in my opinion and I find it a waste of time to discuss things going on in her personal life. Little kids are obsessed with her, they go crazy. Her concerts sell out, but the people that listen to her really don't know what good music truly is. The latest news about her was her older boyfriend. Who really cares who she is dating and how old they are, its not important. People say she isn't a good role model for her audience but who says she has to be?
One celebrity that I’ve always admired is Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is a young country singer who is a great role model. Taylor Swift is portrays as a nice young innocent girl from Tennessee. Taylor inspires many young girls with her lyrics. She writes her own songs that girls can relate to. Taylor Swift is constantly being photographed and is talked about in almost every magazine. The editors and writers always rave about how nice and respectful she is, and it would devastate me if I ever heard anything bad about her.
I think one incident that the media went completely over-board to find out about a certain celebrity is the catastrophe with Britney Spears a few years ago. I have always been a Britney fan and even when she reached her lowest low, I was still on her side, routing for her to make a come back. I believe that the media went too far in revealing her personal business. She was suffering from a mental break down, a very personal and serious problem. The paparazzi could not just mind their own business and let her sort out her problems, problems that were caused by too much media pressure and too much limelight. It is one thing to have our love lives or recent weight gain plastered all over magazine covers but what about our medical problems and personal struggles? How would we feel if our most embarrassing moments and deep secrets were flashed across television screens and displayed on shelves for all to see? I know I would not be very comfortable with that in the right state of mind let alone during a mental breakdown. I think that the media should have backed off for Britney’s own personal well-being. Seeing herself shaving her head or hitting a car with an umbrella was definitely not what the doctor ordered. It comes down to a question of morality. Do you let someone deal with their issues in privacy and spare them the embarrassment of publicizing their every mess-up, or do you do what ever it takes to get a stupid picture just to make a little bit of money even if it means destroying someone’s life. Apparently, the paparazzi need a huge morality check.
I reality show that I always watch is American Idol. It is my favorite show. Every January I look forward to the beginning of the season. The beginning is for the audition part. It is very entertaining to see all the terrible people that audition. What blows my mind is that they actually think they are good and are shocked when the judges tell them otherwise. Although I do laugh every time. When the season finally gets good, I always make sure I do not miss a show. I love listening to the great singers. I think it is very special because these people come out of no where and are able to live their dreams. They have had no professional training so this process is very new to all of them. They sing their hearts out every week in hope for the title of American Idol.
One of my favorite reality television shows is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Hundreds of volunteers come together and remodel houses for families that are less fourtunate. The team sends the families out for a week on vacation while their house is being rebuilt. The families are periodically being updated on the latest news of their house. It is always exciting to see the families’ house being knocked down. The families get to see their house being torn to shreds through a computer. The faces on them are priceless. It is always funny to see the little kids faces. The host Ty takes on a special project that only is revealed at the end of the episode. Sometimes it’s a whole backyard setup or maybe the master bedroom. The house is then modified to fit the families’ needs. Most of the time the family has medical issues. For example, the father is in a wheelchair as a result from fighting in the war. The team makes sure the house is big enough and has all the latest technology to help that person the best way possible. My favorite part of the show is when the family comes home and the house is revealed to them. Hundreds of fans come out to support the family and see the families’ reactions. Everyone in unison screams, “Move that bus!” No matter how many times I have watched this show, somehow I always shed a tear. I think I am not the only one either. It is such a rewarding feeling seeing how that families’ lives have changed. I will never get tired of this show
#1 I could really care less about Paris Hilton and/or Nicole Richie. Every other cover of People magazine has a picture of one or both of them getting into a new scandal. All their scandals are old news by now. They either gain weight or get arrested or party too much, and it’s enough! We all know that they don’t take life seriously. And maybe they try to get into the tabloids. Who knows? But what are they famous for anyway? Paris is just the heir to a successful chain of hotels, but she didn’t do anything to earn her fame, and I don’t even know what Nicole’s famous for. Maybe being Paris’s friend, perhaps. Either way, I am absolutely tired of hearing about them. It doesn’t affect anyone anymore to see Paris’s mug shot on the cover of a magazine; it’s already out there that she has been arrested once or twice, so a third is not something to blurb about. Both Paris and Nicole are completely fake people, but they tried to show they’re worth something and should be famous for something by starring in their own TV show. That fell through when their friendship did. There are no things that those girls can keep secret in their life. The whole world knows what they’re up to, and I’m sick and tired of seeing their faces (not reading their stories) everywhere…because I don’t care about their stories; they’re all the same. Enough is enough!
There have definitely been a lot of occasions when the media has gone to ridiculous heights to reveal what celebrities are doing. But, one incident like this that sincerely disgusted me was when Chris Brown allegedly abused Rihanna. It wasn’t so bad when the media were trying to figure out what happened and were following the investigation that the police were doing. But, when the paparazzi started invading Rihanna’s privacy for snapshots of her bruises, and when they began asking for statements just days after the incident took place, that’s when it started to irk me. I get it that the paparazzi make their living by selling photos like the ones they took during this incident —although, to me, they’re just a bunch of lifeless nosey annoyances. I know that this was such a “big story” that they were practically chomping at the bit to find out every ounce of information before another big shot photographer. But they crossed the line. This wasn’t something as ordinary as a break-up or “Brangelina” adopting a new kid, this was relationship abuse, and it shouldn’t have been displayed on a pedestal for the entire country/ world to see. For occasions like this, and for occasions when celebrities die, the families should be allowed some privacy and not have to worry about stepping out of the house for fear of being run over by a camera crew. Sometimes, the media really needs to get a life.
Ever since the Deadliest Catch premiered on the Discovery Channel, I have never missed a season of crabbing on the dangerous waters of the Bering Sea. I enjoy watching the boats compete to meet their company’s quota to maximize their profits and prestige. The show quickly earned its name by being one of the most deadliest jobs in the world, but what do I find so intriguing about watching these salty seamen risks their lives to catch Alaskan gold? It’s mostly for the thrill of watching the captains and their fearless crews risk it all to do what they were born to do and to just stay alive. It is the watching a “greenhorn” attempt to make a living out at sea. It’s laughing while the crew and captain jeer at one another, resulting in some heated arguments. It is the emotion of the crew and ups and downs of a quest like no other. To witness the massive and relentless waves pound on the crew almost makes you feel cold, but when they pull a pot full of expensive sea cuisine out of the frigid water, it immediately warms your heart. The teamwork it takes to make the colossal ships function through the inclement weather is a truly amazing thing to see. Then there is always picking your favorite boat. I immediately went with the Northwestern because first of all, they are always on the leader board for highest amount of crab each season. Second, is watching the veteran, Norwegian Captain Sig, along with his first mate Hector, either yell, encourage or play jokes on their always tired crew. Lastly, is that Sig almost always makes wise decisions based on what is best for his crew and knows how far to push them, even if it’s a whole day and a half without rest. Some boats take unnecessary chances that cost people their lives. The suspense makes me cringe and is sometimes is unbearable when one of Dutch Harbor’s own is in peril. Most of the time, the rescues are unfortunately unsuccessful. Once a boat begins to sink or capsize, the harsh weather conditions and the elements quickly consume the boat; its crewman along with it. However the few miracles on the Bering Sea are extraordinary and it is very moving to hear the stories of the survivor(s). Every now and then I do get an urge to brave the worst of Alaska and be one of the deckhands on my favorite boat, the Northwestern. Then after considering me wish, I usually change my mind, asking myself if I would ever come back to share the experience of the Deadliest Catch.
6. Unlike most people I could care less about what happens in the life of a rich and famous person. What is so interesting about another person’s life that you couldn’t do is beyond me. Although not many people share my views and find the lives of others absolutely riveting beyond measures, and watch hours of the news and E! There are only a few reasons I could think of that would cause such an addiction. One being that the person’s life is so boring that they have nothing better to do but find out what others are doing, especially the rich and famous. Another reason would be that they either don’t want to or can’t live life how they dream therefore they watch and hear about others who are living their lives and dreams. Some people watch it not out of interest, but just so they can be up to date with events like those who are truly obsessed that way they can understand what everyone is talking about. The only other reason besides these that I can think of is that a person is so obsessed with a celebrity, like an I-want-to-marry-this-person crush, that they cling to every piece of the person’s life that they can get a hold of. Although these are only my views as to why someone would keep an up to date knowledge of a person they don’t even personally know or talk to on a day to day basis and because the human mind is so various and complex there are probably many other reason why people would stalk the rich and famous via news, television, magazine, etc.
1. Discuss one celebrity or celebrity pair about whom you feel "enough is enough" already. You don't care to hear another single word about him or them. Explain.
I don’t know if “enough is enough” but I am tired of the media being so tough on Kate Gosselin and her life. However, I am tired of hearing about Jon Gosselin and what he is choosing to do with his life. I am tired of hearing about the immature and ridiculous things he does. I’m glad the media has stopped reporting on the nasty divorce between these two. It was becoming annoying to constantly be hearing all the mean and rude things the media had to say about Kate, no matter what people say I believe she was the one in the situation who got most of the negative publicity. She was constantly being attacked as the “controlling wife” when really I admire her for being able to keep her family so organized and well put together, considering she has eight children, all under the age of ten. I am also tired of hearing about this family because of what it puts the children through. It is so sad to see all this slander the media it putting on public display and knowing the children have to hear all of it and they really can’t get together a whole understanding of what is really going on because they are so young. In all actuality I love Kate and her kids and loved watching their show on TLC and I am sad that it was cancelled, but I am tired of hearing all the negative things the media has to say about this family who is only trying to get by.
6.Having the lifestyle of the rich and the famous is all about pleasure and personal gain. There's not one person in the world that would want that lifestyle to give others their money. People want glamor in their lives. They want the expensive yachts and celebrities they can call their “friends”. But what they don't understand is that fame is actually a monster in a very fitting disguise. It's eventually going to consume you and have you struggling to face reality. These celebrities don't have any means of privacy. The paparazzi are constantly outside their door, waiting for them to make one small mistake in order for them to attain millions. They live off of your demise. Plus, your drama is going to be reported on every news station as a top story. I barely tell my parents any sort of information pertaining to my social life and all of the sudden my personal matters and drama would be broadcasted all over the world? Who would want that? If that lifestyle is something you desire, you're obviously living in an alternate reality. But then again, people these days are constantly seeking an enormous amount of attention with their constant chatter and loud, obnoxious laughter. It's no wonder these celebrities are getting as much attention as they hoped for but unfortunately, it's not in their favor.
Taylor Swift is definitely by inspiration and role model. First of all, I love that she sings country music. To be honest, I actually get kind of mad when I hear her songs on pop station. Like hello, she’s a country singer, not a pop singer. Anyways, I love her music. The fact that she writes all of those songs herself is amazing. Her music is so easy for girls my age to relate to, and I think that’s one of the main reasons why everyone loves her. Taylor Swift has many songs that fit different moods. If I am sad or having a bad day and I can just come home blare “Picture to Burn” and it makes me feel so much better. Or if I’m really hyper and feel like dancing and singing, I turn on “You Belong With Me”. Another things I love about Taylor Swift is her style because it’s exactly like mine. She is known for wearing cowboy boots with dresses, and her curly hair just tops it off. I have so many pairs of cowboy boots and I love to wear them with dresses in the summer or just with jeans and I also have naturally curly hair so I hear a lot that I look like Taylor Swift, which is a nice compliment. My friends and family actually call me Taylor sometimes because of my curly hair and that fact that I’m such a country girl.
Unlike many people, I do not follow the miniscule details of today’s celebrities’ lives. However I feel that one of the main reasons that makes people interested in the lifestyles of the rich and famous is their own insecurity of their own lives. When someone is feeling down or depressed about themselves and then they hear about how a famous celebrity made even more of a fool out of themselves than you, they tend to leach off of that and help bring that important celebrity down instead of themselves. Another reason that people tend to infiltrate the lives of the rich and famous is because they are jealous. Wishing and dreaming that they possessed even a few of the assets that these celebrities have, the common people often beat themselves up over their lack of this level of luxury. Often in common peoples attempts to "get rich quick" or to achieve "celebrity status" they are embarrassed and generally put into even worse financial position afterwards.
6.According to you, I must be better than everyone else because I don't have a care in the world about celebrity news or gossip. First of all it’s none of our business. I don't need, or care to know about Tiger's new affair, or Brangelina's adopted kids and I'm sure they feel the same way. I mean, who cares about Paris Hilton’s crushing breakup or Michael Jackson’s most recent nose job besides intrusive paparazzi, whose lives are dedicated to the downfall of America’s greatest idols. I know that I wouldn't want everyone and their mother to know every single aspect of my life, and I’m sure you wouldn't either. I hear so much gossip everyday around the school everyday that I have come to hate it that much more. I am tired of hearing about Jersey Shore and the horrible stereotype this atrocious show has giving Italian Americans. The show makes it appear that every Italian American is a guido, or an overly tan, fist pumping muscle head who only care about how their hair looks and what club their going to crash tonight. People wonder why there are no more famous people that people look up to and its because the media has to find something wrong with every actor and every politician, making it nearly impossible to have an role model in this type of society.
Well I admire Lady Gaga. Well more to the fact that she is such a dedicated and talented artist. When you watch her concerts and shows on T.V. you can tell she puts so much effort in what she loves to do. I heard she practices so many hours because she is a striving perfectionist and she wants to give the best to all her dedicated fans. She also sings good live! She doesn't use auto-tune and the other ways to synthesized your voice. When she sings live, it is fully her real voice. Also in her interviews her responses are so profound. She speaks what's from her heart and what she thinks. Her mind is so unique which makes her music so creative. Her concerts are out of this world because they are so artistically inventive. Although, there has been saying a lot of bad press about her, for example her sexual orientation and how crazy she is with the way she dresses it doesn't matter to me. Even with all the bad press she still sells millions no doubt. She also has plenty of adoring fans. Lady Gaga was the number one Halloween costume of 2009. She will continue being the new rising star artist of 2010.
6. Personally i do not follow the whole celebrity gossip trend. The only way i know anything about Taylor and Taylor or Angelina and Brad is if my friends start talking about it. I think that the infatuation with celebrities has to do with how they live, how much money they have, and how successful they are. Everyone in the U.S. always wants more, we always have a dream. When we see how the celebrities live and act, its who we want to be. We have grown up in a century and culture that encourages gossip, people get paid to find this stuff out. It the luxurious life of celebrites and of course were interested in there business who isn't? They make are lives more interesting by heard about the bad things they did or the great things they did. Sometimes we forget that celebrites are people too and for some reason we think there life is better to know about than our own, im personally the other way around i could careless about there lives, when i have to deal with mine right here and now. People get obbssesed with there live because there the rich and fameous and we always like to hear some juicy gossip to spice up our lives and thats why people care so much about the gossip.
One celebrity that I am sick and tired of hearing about is Tiger Woods. For the most part throughout his life he has been a good decent hardworking man with a squeaky clean record. He makes a mistake and everyone freaks out about it. I’m not condoning it but men and woman cheat on each other and get caught all the time and nobody really makes a fuss about it, but Tiger Woods does it and it is the biggest deal in the world. This has been going on for too long. Every time the drama goes down, something else is revealed and/or pictures that are three to four years old come up making him look like thug and a bad guy. I think it is about time everyone got a life and stopped caring about what celebrities are doing, or at least get a new celebrity to talk about and leave Mr. Woods alone.
Voyeurism is the act of observing the lives of others. Through this process, people gain satisfaction from viewing the lives of others instead of living their own. It’s an experience that requires no talent but that of watching. People of simplistic mental ability find the rich and famous physically attractive, talented, and usually larger than life. Their lives seem more exciting when compared to the life of average people. Some celebrities like Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Elvis Presley, and Aaliyah grow up in the public arena and some people start viewing them as close relatives and family members. They are normal people who are constantly in the spotlight – their every word and action is highlighted, praised, or decried by the media. Consequently, individuals in society begin to believe that these people lives are better than theirs, begin to fantasize about them, and are willing to go to any lengths to know them and become a part of their lives. When that is not possible they will go to any lengths to meet these individuals. This fascination tends to bewilder me because I personally feel their lives to be full of the same problems and excitements as anybody else I surmise that for the most part the only reason people watch others live is because they are scared to live life themselves.
Since I am not much of a celebrity gossiper, or a faithful reality television watcher, I've decided to respond to a prompt that disregards all the celebrity gossip and media all together. Let's change the subject to role models. I have a few role models, like most people, who have changed my life, inspired me, and challenged me to work to my full potential. Of course my parents have been there from day one, but there is just something special about the people who aren't always there day to day. Because you don't see these people everyday, its even more exciting when you do see them. For me, its a great deal of anticipation during the week days, because I know my brother will be home to visit on the weekend. You can certainly have a role model for one specific characteristic they possess, but for my brother, its everything. He is in grad school at University of Delaware for physical therapy, and continues to make the grades. We always talk about our different tasks we will soon overcome with school and everyday life, and his tasks always seem to overpower mine. He works with patients day to day, and must learn everything about them and aid them in every way possible. Not only does he have this big responsibility, but he also takes care of his new puppy Teddie. I could go on and on about the accomplishments of my big brother, simply because I am proud he is a part of my life. All that he has taught himself, he has and will continue to teach me. Just the thought of hearing negative news about my bother makes me discomforted. Sadly, I'd probably be upset even if the news was that he failed a class. Of course nobody's perfect, but as human beings we expect our role model to be perfect. If I heard my brother committed a crime, or hurt somebody else, I'd be extremely upset. I think it's because these type of people in our lives almost create and have a space in your heart, that makes you keep going in life. When you hear negative news, its almost like your source of living is deteriorating, or abandoning your soul. It really is that severe and all hope is lost. Why should we dwell on the negative news about others? It only ends up letting us down, not to mention the person who has this negative news out and about for people to criticize.
Back in the mid to late nineties, the world was obsessed with Princess Dianna. She was the most photographed woman of her time, and was no stranger to tabloids. Parades of paparazzi were constantly surrounding her to document who she was with and what she was doing. It appeared as though she would never be able to escape the paparazzi. On the night of August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was leaving the Hotel Ritz in Paris. Her driver was drunk, and was trying to escape from the paparazzi who were following behind. As a result, the driver got into a cataclysmic accident in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel, killing Princess Diana. The paparazzi surrounded the accident with their cameras and photographed, though the pictures were never published. I believe this is a prime example in the media going too far. Although Princess Diana’s death was not a direct result of the paparazzi who were following her, I believe they played a substantial role in her death. Also, it was extremely distasteful for the paparazzi to photograph Princess Dianna in the accident. The obsession over Princess Dianna in the media eventually resulted in her premature death.
1. I feel as if one celebrity couple that enough is enough already is Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Although the insatiable obsession did begin when Pitt controversially left Jennifer Aniston to be with Jolie, that was several years ago. Since then, Jolie and Pitt have been married and now have numerous children. Every little move Jolie and Pitt make is documented and scrutinized by the tabloids to look like something it is not. Every married couple has arguments. However, when Jolie and Pitt argue, it makes front-page headlines in magazines for weeks. Therefore, the personal feelings and anger of the couple become the entire world’s business as well. The media should focus on a more influential and noteworthy aspect of the lives of these stars. For example, both of the actors make donations and help out charities. Unfortunately, it is not this that makes the headlines and instead magazine after magazine simply discuss their latest argument or appearance. The couple surely does not like constantly seeing their personal business on the cover of magazines so I believe that “enough is enough” when it comes headlines about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s married life.
One show that I have recently been watching every week is MTV’s The Jersey Shore. It is very similar to the Real World, except that it is located on the Jersey Shore and consists of solely guidos. A stereotypical guido is an Italian with an overly macho attitude, blowout haircut, muscle shirt, and a fake tan. The show follows these eight housemates as they live, work, and party in Seaside Heights. I can never help but laugh while watching the show, whether it’s Snooki getting punched in the face by a gym teacher or it’s Ronnie beating a guy up on the boardwalk. Some of the things they say leave me wondering what is going through their head. According to “The Situation,” every morning, it’s G.T.L, Gym, Tanning, Laundry. He doesn’t go a day without doing it. The drama between Ronnie and Sammi is starting to get annoying, but I know I’ll keep tuning in every week to watch the guidos on Jersey Shore “beat-up-the-beat” while fist pumping in the clubs. It is truly a great show that I would recommend to anyone.
One media story about a year ago that I believe was taken too far was the death of John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son. Their son, Jett Travolta, died from a seizure-related incident at age sixteen on January 2, 2009. Jett suffered with Kawasaki syndrome, a collection of symptoms that stem from swollen arteries, seven years prior to his death. It was clear that this child had some health problems that led to his death. However, the media would not leave the Travolta family alone to mourn the death of their son. The news made speculation that the Travoltas had not properly treated Jett's diagnosis and they fabricated that perhaps Jett had killed himself. All of these false stories must have torn the Travolta apart. They had just lost their son and they had to deal with people judging their lives and making false assumptions about their private life. It broke my heart to hear people say hurtful things about this family because I truly believe that they are a loving family who did everything in their power to care for their children. This story received way too much media coverage and should have been left alone to spare the Travolta family in their time of mourning.
DF Red
Although I do not particularly care much about the lives of celebrities many people live their lives around others. Some people are constantly following and writing in blogs about the lives of celebrities. In my opinion I think that people spend too much time following others and worrying about the latest gossip with celebrities and they might not be following their own lives and responsibilities. Everyone in this world is human. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes and there is no reason to follow someone’s every move and make their lives any worse when they simply are the exact same as you. People go through hard time sin their lives and it would only make it worse if someone were following your every move. Imagine if you were going through some hard time or even made a mistake and did something that you shouldn’t have, and the paparazzi was following you and taking pictures of you and or your family. Many people like to follow the rich and the famous for many reasons. Some of which could be they like to bring other down who are going through situations because they want other people to know their problems. Other reason might be that they wish they could have their lifestyle and are thrilled to study the every move of a celebrity. Whatever their reason is sometimes it is taken way too far. That is how I feel about the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
A celebrity that I am so sick and tired of hearing about is Lindsay Lohan. Everyday its a new problem or a new scandal she has been involved in. Give it a break already! What she chooses to involve herself in is her own business and should not matter to us at all. The only thing people enjoy in learning new drama about Lindsay is so they have one more thing to make conversation with at the office. Information about her floods newspapers, TV programs, and the internet like the plague.I am personally not a fan of Lindsay Lohan and in no way am I trying to defend her, but my personal opinion is to just let her be who she is and stop involving the rest of the world. After a while it begins to become very annoying and very repetitive. Every time I hear about her on the news I either change the channel or turn off the television. The publicity she receives is ridiculous and, in most cases, the reason why she does some of the things she does. If the media would stop stalking her she would probably end her reign of foolish antics. But that may be asking too much, after all it is Hollywood.
Todays media is like a feeding frenzy of sharks. As a celebrity your just swimming around in it, and eventually your going to get bit. The way the media portrays people is the way that they can get the most publicity out of it and make the most money. This was true as always with Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps is a fourteen time gold medalist swimmer in the Olympics that has broken thirty-seven world records. In the Beijing Olympics in 2008 he had won eight gold medals and was on top of the world. You could not turn on the TV without seeing Michael Phelps face. He was praised by everyone for his athletic ability, good looks, extreme build, and overall likeability. As the news died down about him the media had to find some way to keep the hype going about him, whether it be good or bad. Then the inevitable happened. A picture of Michael Phelps smoking marijuana hit the news sights everywhere. He went from being the most loved athlete, to having people be appalled at the sight of him. People were in disbelief that he was smoking marijuana, something that millions of people have done at least once in their lifetime. This is where I feel the media crossed the line. They tore apart somebody that was a role model with one picture. I think that in this day and age it is ridiculous the things that can happen. One picture can ruin you. Michael Phelps is a 24 year old kid. He was on top of the world. He makes one bad decision one night and that is all shattered. Sometimes I feel like the media needs to leave people alone because did we really need to know that? If the people never saw a picture of him smoking would it have had any negative affect? Does it greatly change who he is or what he has achieved? Sometimes I just do not understand how people can truly care so much about other peoples personal lives....
The celebrities that I no longer want to hear about are Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, or Paris Hilton. They think they can get away with anything and do whatever they want. They are privileged people who have thrown it all away for drinking and parties. The more the paparazzi shoots them the more crazy things they do. They think the only way to be famous is to make it onto the tabloids. The thing is we are dumb enough to read the tabloids. Its pretty sad how society has stooped if their only form of entertainment is to read about other peoples lives. What ever happened to news that really matters. Who cares about the lives of celebrities what they do is private. What image are they setting for kids anyways that acting like a drunk is cool? I dont think so. Focus on your own life because believe me neither Britney,Linsey, or Paris are setting good examples on how to live. They are examples of how not to live your life. Those girls definitely need a reality check and they need to get it together.
I have always admired Anne Hathaway as my idol and role model. I first saw her in The Princess Diaries and I instantly wanted to be like her. She made geek cool. With many people falling into the whirl of drinking and doing drugs, Miss Hathaway falls into the world of charity and expressing herself. A couple of years ago, her boyfriend was found guilty of fraud and embezzlement. Even through all this, Anne remained strong and focused on her work. With all of the stress, not only does she stay away from the negative side but she remains her geeky self. If Anne were to fall in the chaotic world of Hollywood, I will still see her as a role model because everyone makes mistakes and I know that she will bounce back.
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