Blue Class Vocab--The Devil and Tom Walker

"Egad, Old Scratch must have had a tough time of it." So notes the observant Tom Walker after he finds cloven footprints and shocks of the Devil's hair underneath the tree in which he finds the heart and liver of his wife wrapped in the checked apron from the Walker household.
Tom is not the least bit upset about his wife's undoing. In fact, he almost feels as if he owes the Devil a bit of gratitude for the "kindness" he has done for him, the "kindness" of killing his wife. Tom may not be free from the Devil's bargain, but now he IS free from his wife's incessant nagging.
Oh well.
Post your five vocab sentences here.
1. During this time of year trees begin to loose their leaves, some of them look so forlorn.
2. The old witch murmured a incantation under her breath in an effort to make her broom fly.
3. The vultures began to feast on the carrion left by the merciless hunter.
4. We tried to make a camp fire on the morass, but it proved to be to wet.
5. Looking through my grandmothers attic, we found a coffer filled with ancient coins and the family silver ware.
I did a poor job studying for the assessment, which became evident when I found myself surmising many answers.
One can only hope in a precarious situation that things will occur in their favor.
Even after the student had assured him of the authenticity of his claim, the teacher walked away with askance.
My sister’s continued superfluous use of toothpaste had left our sink permeated with the substance.
The tenacious, resolute spirit of the boy assured that he would achieve his goal.
1. The tanker driver was a dour, surly man.
2. The Devils cloven hoof may be one of the most common articles of folk belief.
3. Joe surmised that these people don't get out very often.
4. The inside of the dome is a coffered ceiling with an opening to the sky, at the top.
5. Yet today a shout band's prowess is partly evaluated by the many ways in which trombones are used.
1. The morass made the scene in the movie a lot scarier
2. The priest consecrated the Eucharist.
3. Her prowess in the situation when telling the principal on the bully made me respect her.
4. The rain made the day dark and sullen.
5. We balked at the side of the road when a car suddenly drove by that we didnt see when we were about to cross
1. The boy became completely mercenary, hating his new job but liking the money coming in.
2. Cindy traduced the new girl's personality by saying she was boring and had no social skills.
3. Bob accidently walked onto the morass, and got his new shoes muddy and dirty.
4. The man's fortitude stayed strong through the entire battle of his cancer.
5. The new appellation fit him better then his original boring name.
1. The store employee who miserly handed me my bag had been working the entire day.
2. Her mother became increasingly termagant as the hours pasted that she did not clean her room.
3. The classic Christmas character Scrooge is avarice with all his possessions especially money.
4. One small discord ruined their friendship and hurt the people around them.
5. After the rainstorm the area around the river was turned into complete slough.
1. The neighborhood usurer was looking for the man who failed to repay the "loan" he had received 2 weeks earlier.
2. He defied The Pope by consecrating four bishops without his approval.
3. Harry Potter spoke an incantation to levitate the feather.
4. I tried convince my mother about letting me out on Saturday by telling her that i would be responsible but she was resolute in her decision not to let me go.
5. The woman's bank account stands out because of her parsimonious expenses.
1. The family’s farm went under when they weren’t able to afford the unreasonable rates of interest from the usurer.
2. The man’s avarice became his downfall when he jumped into the dangerous rapids after the sack of money.
3. She was too obstinate to change her plan to bungee jump, despite her friends’ warnings.
4. The psychopath prepared for his rampage by whetting his dull knifes until they were sharp.
5. The superfluous cans of beans were not put to waste, but used to build a gigantic fort in the yard.
1)My parents are well known usurers in the city.
2)Many crime scenes involve investigating carrion body parts.
3)The team’s parents were surly and arrogant.
4)The woman surmised the winners of the game, after spending a week in the hospital.
5)During the hurricane, the basketball stadium was used as a coffer for families.
1. Some songs have a happy and upbeat tune, others have a forlorn tune that put you in a sad mood.
2. When climbing up a latter can be a bit precarious, so be careful or you may fall.
3. When taking tests it is a good idea to surmise if you don't know and answer as long as it is logical.
4. My dad loves to clean but sometimes its superfluous and I get tired of it.
5. When I let my dog back inside I realized that she was playing in the morass in my backyard and got extremely muddy.
1. My friend Tommy always talks about this crazy story where he says he saw “The Jersey Devil” in the morass lands one day last summer.
2. My dad shows great parsimony when it comes to buying things that we don’t need.
3. That girl shows such great ostentation at sometimes just because her parents are rich.
4. You sometimes see a termagant when you walk through a grocery store if her children are acting up.
5. That kid has great prowess when it comes to basketball.
The timing for his proposal to the boss was propitious, and he was sure to get his promotion.
In stereotypical horror movies, a morass becomes a very foreboding place, more so that the rest of the forest.
She continued to play the video game in from of him, tantalizing him, knowing he was grounded.
Her yelling and arguing became to much and the roommate moved out, never understanding why she was friends with such a termagant woman.
1. Hilary Clinton was not elected because some people feel she is a termagant.
2.My mother always gives me an askance look when i tell her my plans for the weekend.
3.My dog always looks so forlorn when i leave for school.
4.I think that credit card company are evil usurer's just like Tom Walker was.
5.A persons persistent zeal for perfect grades may destroy his social life.
1. The very intense race left the audience confounded when they saw a runner lying in the middle of the track.
2. Since it had rained for the past 3 days, the ground was nothing more than a quagmire.
3. We decided to become wayfarers and begin a long journey to the middle of the country.
4. I had forbore the idea of revenge after that car flew by and knocked off my side view mirror.
5. The hard work we put into making sure our truck was nice and clean was ruined after we drove through the woods and realized it had been begrimed with dirt and soot.
1. The student added a superfluous paragraph to his essay to take up space.
2. After being yelled at by his mother, the sullen boy refused to talk to his mother.
3. The doleful family could not stop crying over the death of their loved one.
4. Even the students at the top of their class could not solve the perplexing puzzle.
5. The gardener watered the stagnant flowers hoping they would come back to life.
1. Tony was a harsh usurer, he always charged way to much interest and drove many local merchants to bankruptcy.
2. After the lumberjack was finished with the great tree all that was left were cloven blocks of wood.
3. The priest recited an old incantation that sent the vampire back to hell.
4. The greedy little man always pocketed some money from the church coffer every Sunday.
5. Hal's arrogance always got him into precarious situations, it was only a matter of time before he got hurt.
On our walk we trudged through the morass until we finally found dry land.
The man looked in askance as the clerk began to ring him up and the prices all seemed wrong.
In the Christian religion bibles are consecrated.
My dad is very parsimony when it comes to spending money.
It is customary for many present day witches to believe in incantation.
Reposting becuase I incorrectly posted this assignment on Sunday.
1. Her mother became increasingly termagant as the hours pasted that she did not clean her room.
2. The dark revolting morass that surrounded the nearby forest was a place where little life existed.
3. I surmised my mother was upset when she through the laundry basket to the floor in fury.
4. After the storm the cloven tree completely blocked the small road.
She looked askance at my offer of trading goods.
The coffers of the organization were rapidly filled by the contributions.
She gave me a forlorn glance as I handed her the papers.
The surly old man gave me a warning glance as I went in for my interview.
(correct vocab post)
1. The lonely house looked so forlorn, I wanted to buy it just so I could make its appearance somewhat appealing.
2. The haunted house had an extremely scary coffin with carrion remains in it.
3. This precarious plan seemed to have many flaws in its structure and was not reliable to follow.
4. Even though the data wasn’t completely finished, she still surmised a hypothesis that may or may not be true.
5. The lady in the supermarket was a termagant women who was in a bad mood the whole time she was there.
1. The morass was so wet we were cold cause our clothes did not stay dry for very long.
2. The witches put a incantation on us to make sure they won all the powers in the world.
3. My grandmother has a coupon parsimony, she makes sure everything she buys has a coupon to go along with it.
4. The old tower is precarious, it sways back and forth in high winds.
5. The old termagant lady made the whole town irritable when she was out and about.
In mass, the priest always consecrated the bread and wine.
The forlorn man was attending his father's funeral.
After a lot of rain the feild is morass.
Even after the long illness, the girl did not lose her fortitude.
The man had a precarious life since he was an astronaut.
She traduced her best friend so badly it made me wonder what she said about me when I was not there.
Most people who live in warm climates have a swarthy skin color.
Her extreme fortitude while speaking at her mother's funeral showed how strong and composed she is.
He somehow always acquires the most random things.
We came up with many appelations for our new clothing store.
The hypnotist put somewhat of an incantation on the volunteer from the audience.
What they thought would be a small get together ended up being an out of control party of complete morass.
The discords of the North and South over the idea of slavery led to the Civil War.
Many workers strive for a higher appellation after a certain amount of years working the same job.
Ebenezer Scrooge’s overpowering personality of avarice made him miss out on the true meanings of Christmas.
1. Bob accidently walked onto the morass, and got his new shoes muddy and dirty.
2. The priest consecrated the bread and wine during mass.
3. The forlorn puppy wondered around on the streets until the kind women took it in.
4. The captain's resolute attitude led the team to victory in the state championship.
5. The tree was cloven after the man had struck it with an ax numerous times.
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