All seniors, regardless of section, should post their vocab sentences here. From your list of vocab words provided at Studywiz, use any five of them correctly in context.
You will be tested on these vocab words on Monday. I'll choose thirteen sentences from those that are posted here. I'll try to select some of the first sentences posted.
1.The conflagration in the forest caused the extinction of some animals. 2.Her credulity helped her teammates win the championship. 3.The sixth grade boys derided the new kid’s clothes because he comes from a poor family. 4.The scared teenager decried the cops on their Breathalyzer policy. 5.Upon hearing about the break-up, Amanda cast a cursory glance at her friend’s ex-boyfriend.
1. He found it nearly impossible to solve the difficult conundrum. 2. While the girl appeared demure on the outside, inside she was screaming to be noticed. 3. Because of the fact that her boss always deprecated her, she quit and went to work for someone who appreciated her contributions. 4. The market had such incredibly low quality product that all of the produce looked old and desiccated. 5. The Hollywood socialite caused quite a scandal at the event because of her diaphanous dress.
1) The flower's desiccated petals seemed to beg for any sign of rain. 2)During class, Becca dreamed of floating on a white, diaphanous cloud as she stared out the window. 3)The girls derided the silent film that the teacher showed to the uninterested class. 4)In order to gain her popular friends' approval, she dissembled her true feelings about pranking her best friend. 5)He became ebullient after his father handed him the keys to his brand new car.
1. Her persistent issues and attitudes towards me presented quite the conundrum between us. 2. The babies defiled the quiet, studious atmosphere of the library with their constant crying. 3. The desiccated leaves were scattered across the ground on a cool, brisk November morning. 4. Diaphanous clouds were the only objects keeping the sky from being crystal clear. 5. I was ebullient after last night’s game, but quickly lost the feeling upon remembering the load of homework I had to complete.
1. Being dyslexic, writing always was quite a conundrum for her. 2. Before leaving the house, I did a cursory check to make sure the doors were locked. 3. Her biggest flaw was that she spoke without a filter and decried people while they were standing right there. 4. The police caught the vandals who defiled the church and made them clean everything. 5. Due to his demure personality, he didn’t attract very many friends.
1. Raisins aren't disgusting, they are mearly desiccated grapes. 2.Although he seems demure in public, he is just as rambunctious as the rest of us at home. 3. Drugs are deleterious to one's body. 4. The students decry the dress code because there is no punishment. 5. Everyone derided at the guest speaker because his zipper was down.
1. Amanda was extremely ebullient after hearing that she won Taylor Swift concert tickets. 2.After the peppers were desiccated she crumbled them up and spread them over her spaghetti. 3.The coach decried his team and hoped they would learn from his comments. 4.After Ian peed his pants, his classmates derided him and made fun of him for a week. 5. The swine flu is a deleterious virus that has killed many people.
1.The croud cheered and screamed as the football team ran onto the field, but Martha sat quietly in her seat remaing demure. 2.The students began to deride Bridget when she pulled up to school in a yellow station wagon. 3. Eric's credulity allowed him to easily become Catholic. 4. The table cloth was defiled after the little boys put their muddy hands all over it. 5. All the seniors were ebullient on the day of the pep rally.
1. We had to solve this conundrum before it was too late. 2. Her credulity made it possible for her to fool anyone. 3. The three men defiled the streets in an angry rampage. 4. The woman was ebullient when she had found her long lost diary. 5. The conflagration was very detrimental to the forest and its wild life.
1. He defiled his little brother's innocent mind with a dirty joke. 2. He was both nervous and ebullient about the championship race. 3. The new girl in our class was very diffident today. 4. Eating french fries and pizza for lunch will have deleterious effect on your workout. 5. I personally decry the policy on water bottles in the academic wing.
1. He had no idea how to solve the conundrum that he was faced with. 2. I took a cursory look at the homeless man as I walked along. 3. She put herself in a deleterious situation as she got on the green horse. 4. The new girl in class was demure and kept to herself. 5. After hearing the news about making the team, her worried self became ebullient.
1.California has experiences many conflagrations in the past two summers. 2. The sunday paper is full of conundrums to solve. 3. Most of man's cupidities are over women or money. 4. The grafitti artists defiled the building wall. 5. The desiccated lands of africa are not homes to many creatures.
1. The conflagration consumed more than thirty percent of the wildlife and forty percent of the woods in southern California. 2. The small children were ebullient when the awoke on Christmas morning. 3. Her demure personality always seemed to bring calm to any situation. 4. When the teacher caught him defiling the school's bathroom he was quickly sent to the dean. 5. The deleterious effects of drugs and alcohol are well-known.
1.The senior derided at the sight of the freshman's book bag. 2.She made such a cursory blink with her eye that I couldn't tell if she in fact blinked or not. 3.The medicine fought off all the deleterious sicknesses that could make a person severely ill. 4.The demure child only said a few words all class period. 5.The conflagration burned down thousands of trees in the rain forest.
1. Some historians have accused Emporer Nero for starting the conflagration that consumed parts of Rome. 2. Lexi dithered for three hours about which shoes to buy. 3. While everyone was cheering wildly at the pep rally, she remained demure. 4. The look of contrite on the little girl's face made it difficult for her father to put her in time-out. 5. On mischief night, groups of teenagers walk about defiling their neighbor's houses.
1. The angered boy decried his ex girlfriend in front of the entire crowd. 2. A conflagration surrounded the old theater and tore it down section by section. 3. She was puzzled by the conundrum for several minutes as she thought over the various solutions. 4. The mother dithered about whether to allow her daughter to attend the party even though she was supposed to be in trouble. 5. The young boy became ebullient when he realized the summer months were approaching.
1.The conundrum presented before the man made it difficult to solve the case. 2.He experienced deleterious effects on his eye after insisting not to wear eye protection during the lab. 3.They all derided the boy’s voice, not knowing he had a speech impediment that he could not fix. 4.The ebullient teacher seemed to scare a lot of the freshmen with his loud and lively voice. 5.After a day in the hot sun with no sunscreen on, her skin appeared to be glowing red and desiccated.
1. The conflagration engulfed most of the forests in California. 2. With all his free time, my grandfather has become very good at conundrums. 3. The employee decried his boss in front of all of his coworkers. 4. The group of kids, defiled the rug inside the door. 5. When the teacher slipped in front of the class, the students derided him.
1. The dancers' inability to get the timing down before the competition formed a major conundrum. 2. Everyone derided the boy at school for his embarrassing behavior at the party last weekend. 3. It's very easy for teenagers to decry things because of their knack for opinion. 4. The girls left the concert feeling ebullient due to the pumped up and exciting music the band played. 5. It's better to dither over college choices because it affects your future, not over what color shirt to buy.
1. Molly deprecated Lauren’s English paper in front of the whole class. 2. The teenagers defiled the church doors with crude words and sayings. 3. Lisa’s demure behavior and fashion sense made others believe she was old-fashioned. 4. The medicine was found to be deleterious to the nervous system. 5. Daniel’s cupidity is what lead him to win the student council election and become president.
1. The diffident child quietly denied that she had learned to tie her shoes by herself. 2. The english teacher cast each paper a cursory glance and gave all the students A's. 3. The child's contrite reaction to learning that she broke the lamp made it impossible for her mother to scold her. 4. The math problem that Molly thought she had learned suddenly seemed nothing more than an unsolvable conundrum. 5. The students in the church desecrated the holy space by guffawing loudly and making obscene jokes.
1. Sally defiled the energy at her family dinner by starting an argument with her grandmother. 2. I did not eat the apple because the skin appeared desiccated to me. 3. For some students, juggling college applications, sports, a job and school can pose as a conundrum. 4. The conflagration was caused because he carelessly disposed of his cigarette in the waste basket. 5. The student became embarrassed after her teacher decried her in front of the entire class for voicing the incorrect answer.
1. He is always extremely demure during class and never speaks. 2. The conflagration of my mom's frightened all of us. 3. The teacher decried the student's essay so he could perfect it for his final copy. 4. The soccer player became desiccated from lack of rehydrating on the scorching, hot day.s 5. Because she recieved acceptance letter from two colleges, she constanty dithered upon which one to attend.
1. Finding a way to break up with his girlfriend was quite a conundrum for Julio. 2. The new bridge that had taken so long to build was immediately defiled by the litter of the drivers. 3. Little Billy was so desiccated after his soccer game that his parents rushed to the store to get him water. 4. He was very diffident at the dinner table because he wanted to wait for his girlfriend's father to speak to him first. 5. Patrick's cupidity for a woman in his life ultimately made him settle for a less suitable wife than he would have wanted.
1. After the party was over we were all stuck in a conundrum as to where we should go next. 2. He doesn't seem to have as many friends because he is demure and has a hard time opening up to people. 3. She was so sorry for what she had done to her mother she gave a contrite apology speech. 4. He is such a liar he can easily dissemble the truth about what really happened. 5. When they were on the way to the beach they were almost positive to make a right but they dithered over which way to go for a few minutes.
1. They had to find a new house because the conflagration ruined their current one. 2. We solved many conundrums in Psychology class last year. 3. Because of his cupidity, he did anything possible, whether fair or not, to win the money. 4. I am not sure if I want to get the flu shot because of the deleterious side effects. 5. No one knew who she was because of he demure behavior.
Amy’s mom was very angry because within five seconds she defiled her mom’s entire workspace. With Adam’s demure manner no one would ever know that he was in the senior class. Jill’s biggest conundrum in life was deciding whether to take Jimmy or Fred on a date. Sarah’s reputation was deprecated when she got caught cheating on a test. Leslie’s cupidity led her to lose many of her true friends in life.
1.) Her skin was desiccated from the cold winter air. 2.) My credulity was the main reason why I am always picked to play a joke on. 3.) Marie’s demure personality explains why she does not converse with many people. 4.) The conflagration of Luke’s anger made him say things he did not mean. 5.) Madison derided my effort in trying to make a light hearted joke.
1. I dithered between choosing University of Delaware and Westchester University. 2. The new girl in my physics class was very diffident. 3. Paulina's friends derided her for telling a pointless story. 4. The building dust defiled their attic. 5. The conflagration spread through the California forest.
1. My cupidity made me do whatever it would take to win the tournament. 2. He defiled the little kids minds by taking them to see the rated R movie. 3. She derided the little boy as he cried. 4. Not wanting to make my decision too quickly, i dithered about which girl to take to homecoming. 5. My effrontery towards the cop didn't help me with my plea in the long run.
1.The physics conundrum was so hard Mrs. Mattick made it extra credit. 2. When the planes hit the Twin Towers the conflagration overcame the entire building. 3. The girl cried because her mom decried her in front of her friends. 4. The boy defiled the cleanliness of the pool when he peed in it. 5. After the mile I was so desiccated I fainted. 6. The stain glass windows in the church were so diaphanous that colorful light filled the room. 7. The students derided Mrs. Christoph because she walks so slowly up the stairs. 8. The diffident new girl sat at lunch by herself. 9. Everyone was very dithered when they heard that Mike's parents will not be at the party he is throwing. 10. The ebullient cheerleader won the superlative for most school spirit.
1. I took a cursory glance at my notes before the test. 2. The mayor decried the new law on taxes. 3. The mean senior girls derided the scarred freshman when she tripped in the hallway. 4. Not wanting to seem heartless, the man dissembled his plans to ruin Christmas. 5. He became ebullient when he heard he had won best eyes.
1. The protesters openly decried their disapproval of abortion. 2. Ricky was skeptical about getting the new vaccination when he heard of the deleterious effects. 3. Her introverted behavior at the dance displayed her demure personality. 4. At the restaurant I dithered about which entrée I wanted to order. 5. Alexis’s ebullient and optimistic behavior brought everyone’s mood up.
1. The real conundrum was how I could solve the problem of getting my work done with as little effort on my part as possible. 2. The mischievous kids decided to defile the statue of David by spraying it with paint. 3. My constant failures have had a deprecating effect on my son. 4. The kids desecrated the graveyard by turfing the fields and TPing the trees. 5. Somebody informed me that raisins are just desiccated grapes.
1. No one could hear the diffident child because she spoke so softly. 2. She dithered whether to sleep in today or go to mass with her grandma for the last time. 3. Her cupidity to win this basketball game made her go to the point that she purposely injured one of the opponent's player. 4. The boss made deleterious remarks to the employee to the point where he quit his job. 5. I could see the conflagration across the hills of the California valleys.
dm red (sick tuesday and wednesday) 1. The credulity of the young girl made it easy to convince her that Santa Claus was real. 2. The substitute teacher was often derriden by her students. 3. The conflagration cause pandemonium in the city. 4. The ebullient child rejoiced after being told he would go to disney world. 5. The boy defiled the new jacket by playing football in it.
1. The conflagration caused by my fathers’ inattentiveness set our whole house ablaze. 2. For many years, the effects of breathing in dust and unknown substances in miners were overlooked but now, after many of them have experienced lung disease, the substances proved extremely deleterious to their health. 3. Most of my friends are very outgoing and flamboyant, but a few prefer to be more demure and blend in with the crowd. 4. After many years of being deprecated for her inability to fulfill expectations, Brittany lost all confidence in herself. 5. I became extremely ebullient when I found out there was only 50 days left until Christmas, my most favorite holiday.
1. The conflagration nearly destroyed half of the city. 2. Jerry got suspended for defiling school property. 3. Amy was very ebullient when she got her invitation to the big party. 4. Jim was contrite after braking his moms favorite vase. 5. One of the great medical conundrums is a cure for cancer.
1. The conflagration in California's forests destroyed many houses. 2. The woman's cursory attitude did not make her popular among her co-workers. 3. The grave robbers desecrated the Pharoh's tomb. 4. The accountant's cupidity made him a very rich man. 5. The girls credulity made her an easy target to become a member of the cult.
1. The conflagration consumed the house, destroying everything inside. 2. Sarah dithered about which college she wanted to attend. 3. Math has some very difficult conundrums. 4. The children sat in the grass for hours looking at the beautiful diaphanous clouds. 5. Rachel was ebullient about seeing New Moon at midnight!
1.The conflagration in the forest caused the extinction of some animals.
2.Her credulity helped her teammates win the championship.
3.The sixth grade boys derided the new kid’s clothes because he comes from a poor family.
4.The scared teenager decried the cops on their Breathalyzer policy.
5.Upon hearing about the break-up, Amanda cast a cursory glance at her friend’s ex-boyfriend.
1. Because she was afraid of being wrong, Tracy was demure and didn’t engage in the class discussion.
2. The deleterious problems caused by littering, and cars are the result of global warming.
3. Many of the houses in California were ruined due to spreading of conflagration in the nearby forests.
4. Once the little girl saw her favorite Disney princess at Disney world she immediately became ebullient and ran straight towards her.
5. The gamblers cupidity towards money caused him to go into debt.
1. He found it nearly impossible to solve the difficult conundrum.
2. While the girl appeared demure on the outside, inside she was screaming to be noticed.
3. Because of the fact that her boss always deprecated her, she quit and went to work for someone who appreciated her contributions.
4. The market had such incredibly low quality product that all of the produce looked old and desiccated.
5. The Hollywood socialite caused quite a scandal at the event because of her diaphanous dress.
1. London was once engulfed by a major conflagration in 1666.
2. Sanctuaries should never be defiled by the ravages of war.
3. Some critics go as far as deriding at the work of someone else to get their point across.
4. If you stay out in the sun for too long then you'll become desiccated.
5. With technology today it is impossible to dissemble a gun on your person.
1) The flower's desiccated petals seemed to beg for any sign of rain.
2)During class, Becca dreamed of floating on a white, diaphanous cloud as she stared out the window.
3)The girls derided the silent film that the teacher showed to the uninterested class.
4)In order to gain her popular friends' approval, she dissembled her true feelings about pranking her best friend.
5)He became ebullient after his father handed him the keys to his brand new car.
1. The band put on an ebullient performance and got the crowd dancing in their seats.
2. Mary dithered about which college she wanted to attend.
3. The deleterious acid burned a hole in the beaker.
4. The snake's molted skin grew desiccated after laying in the sun.
5. The bullies derided the poor boy's speech impediment.
1. Her persistent issues and attitudes towards me presented quite the conundrum between us.
2. The babies defiled the quiet, studious atmosphere of the library with their constant crying.
3. The desiccated leaves were scattered across the ground on a cool, brisk November morning.
4. Diaphanous clouds were the only objects keeping the sky from being crystal clear.
5. I was ebullient after last night’s game, but quickly lost the feeling upon remembering the load of homework I had to complete.
1. Being dyslexic, writing always was quite a conundrum for her.
2. Before leaving the house, I did a cursory check to make sure the doors were locked.
3. Her biggest flaw was that she spoke without a filter and decried people while they were standing right there.
4. The police caught the vandals who defiled the church and made them clean everything.
5. Due to his demure personality, he didn’t attract very many friends.
He fought with passion that could be described as nothing less than a conflagration.
Johnny, make up your mind! You dither more than anyone else that I know.
1. Raisins aren't disgusting, they are mearly desiccated grapes.
2.Although he seems demure in public, he is just as rambunctious as the rest of us at home.
3. Drugs are deleterious to one's body.
4. The students decry the dress code because there is no punishment.
5. Everyone derided at the guest speaker because his zipper was down.
1. The girl was very ebullient telling her mother about her straight A report card.
2. The mean girls derided the new girl's outfit.
3. The stern professor deprecated the student who did not know the answer.
4. Parents are concerned about the H1N1 vaccine for its new and they do not know if it is deleterious to people.
5. His cupidity behavior for money caused him to lose friends.
1. Amanda was extremely ebullient after hearing that she won Taylor Swift concert tickets.
2.After the peppers were desiccated she crumbled them up and spread them over her spaghetti.
3.The coach decried his team and hoped they would learn from his comments.
4.After Ian peed his pants, his classmates derided him and made fun of him for a week.
5. The swine flu is a deleterious virus that has killed many people.
1.The croud cheered and screamed as the football team ran onto the field, but Martha sat quietly in her seat remaing demure.
2.The students began to deride Bridget when she pulled up to school in a yellow station wagon.
3. Eric's credulity allowed him to easily become Catholic.
4. The table cloth was defiled after the little boys put their muddy hands all over it.
5. All the seniors were ebullient on the day of the pep rally.
The teacher decried the student’s inability to think of a good sentence.
Tired of her son’s dithering, the boy’s mother ended up choosing which shoes the boy would wear.
The little boy did not know of the deleterious fumes would make him sick.
The group’s conundrum was that none of them knew how to get to their destination.
Wanting all the praise, the girl deprecated the efforts of the rest of her group, and took all the credit for herself.
1. We had to solve this conundrum before it was too late.
2. Her credulity made it possible for her to fool anyone.
3. The three men defiled the streets in an angry rampage.
4. The woman was ebullient when she had found her long lost diary.
5. The conflagration was very detrimental to the forest and its wild life.
1. He defiled his little brother's innocent mind with a dirty joke.
2. He was both nervous and ebullient about the championship race.
3. The new girl in our class was very diffident today.
4. Eating french fries and pizza for lunch will have deleterious effect on your workout.
5. I personally decry the policy on water bottles in the academic wing.
1. He had no idea how to solve the conundrum that he was faced with.
2. I took a cursory look at the homeless man as I walked along.
3. She put herself in a deleterious situation as she got on the green horse.
4. The new girl in class was demure and kept to herself.
5. After hearing the news about making the team, her worried self became ebullient.
1.California has experiences many conflagrations in the past two summers.
2. The sunday paper is full of conundrums to solve.
3. Most of man's cupidities are over women or money.
4. The grafitti artists defiled the building wall.
5. The desiccated lands of africa are not homes to many creatures.
1. The conflagration consumed more than thirty percent of the wildlife and forty percent of the woods in southern California.
2. The small children were ebullient when the awoke on Christmas morning.
3. Her demure personality always seemed to bring calm to any situation.
4. When the teacher caught him defiling the school's bathroom he was quickly sent to the dean.
5. The deleterious effects of drugs and alcohol are well-known.
1.The senior derided at the sight of the freshman's book bag.
2.She made such a cursory blink with her eye that I couldn't tell if she in fact blinked or not.
3.The medicine fought off all the deleterious sicknesses that could make a person severely ill.
4.The demure child only said a few words all class period.
5.The conflagration burned down thousands of trees in the rain forest.
1. Some historians have accused Emporer Nero for starting the conflagration that consumed parts of Rome.
2. Lexi dithered for three hours about which shoes to buy.
3. While everyone was cheering wildly at the pep rally, she remained demure.
4. The look of contrite on the little girl's face made it difficult for her father to put her in time-out.
5. On mischief night, groups of teenagers walk about defiling their neighbor's houses.
1. Just one cigarrette match can cause a great conflagration if accidently left alone.
2. The fact that marathon runners can go so long at such a fast speed is a conundrum to me.
3. The girl's credulity is the reason she believes everything her peers say.
4.The immature teenagers derided the young girls because she was in a wheelchair.
5.Since John enjoys both chemisrty and physics, he dithered about wich one to choose at course registration.
1. The careless hikers forgot to put out the campfire that later turned into a conflagration which consumed most of the forest.
2. The beautiful home deprecated once the sloppy homeowners stopped caring about the upkeep of the house.
3. The loud angry mob that was standing outside of the church desecrated the peace inside the building.
4. Some teenagers have a diffident manner, while others are loud, obnoxious, and outgoing.
5. After recieving both of my college acceptance letters, I dithered over which of the two ideal schools to actually attend.
1. The angered boy decried his ex girlfriend in front of the entire crowd.
2. A conflagration surrounded the old theater and tore it down section by section.
3. She was puzzled by the conundrum for several minutes as she thought over the various solutions.
4. The mother dithered about whether to allow her daughter to attend the party even though she was supposed to be in trouble.
5. The young boy became ebullient when he realized the summer months were approaching.
1. The critic was known for his harsh decry of all the new movies.
2. He was tired of the constant deprecation from all the other boys.
3. The weather was so cold and dry that her lips became desiccated.
4. She dithered about whether or not to tell her parents about the broken lamp.
5. In my tired state, the ebullient young child was very annoying and unappreciated.
The conflagration wiped out the rain forest and destroyed the homes of millions of animals.
Applying to college is so confusing; it appears as a conondrum to most seniors.
The man's cupidity for wealth was so intense that his business consumed his entire life.
SEC officials decried the referees for such bad officiating on national television.
The doctor stressed that while the medicine will help his patient, he was unsure whether or not it would have deleterious effects.
1.The conundrum presented before the man made it difficult to solve the case.
2.He experienced deleterious effects on his eye after insisting not to wear eye protection during the lab.
3.They all derided the boy’s voice, not knowing he had a speech impediment that he could not fix.
4.The ebullient teacher seemed to scare a lot of the freshmen with his loud and lively voice.
5.After a day in the hot sun with no sunscreen on, her skin appeared to be glowing red and desiccated.
1. The conflagration engulfed most of the forests in California.
2. With all his free time, my grandfather has become very good at conundrums.
3. The employee decried his boss in front of all of his coworkers.
4. The group of kids, defiled the rug inside the door.
5. When the teacher slipped in front of the class, the students derided him.
1. The teaching method of their science teacher was certainly a conundrum.
2. Her loud and obnoxious attitude desecrated the funeral.
3. The effrontery of Mark's actions stunned the entire cast.
4. Jessica tends to stay demure in unfamiliar settings.
5. The cupidity of Sweeney Todd to have revenge on Judge Turpin eventually leads to his downfall.
1. The dancers' inability to get the timing down before the competition formed a major conundrum.
2. Everyone derided the boy at school for his embarrassing behavior at the party last weekend.
3. It's very easy for teenagers to decry things because of their knack for opinion.
4. The girls left the concert feeling ebullient due to the pumped up and exciting music the band played.
5. It's better to dither over college choices because it affects your future, not over what color shirt to buy.
1. Molly deprecated Lauren’s English paper in front of the whole class.
2. The teenagers defiled the church doors with crude words and sayings.
3. Lisa’s demure behavior and fashion sense made others believe she was old-fashioned.
4. The medicine was found to be deleterious to the nervous system.
5. Daniel’s cupidity is what lead him to win the student council election and become president.
1. The diffident child quietly denied that she had learned to tie her shoes by herself.
2. The english teacher cast each paper a cursory glance and gave all the students A's.
3. The child's contrite reaction to learning that she broke the lamp made it impossible for her mother to scold her.
4. The math problem that Molly thought she had learned suddenly seemed nothing more than an unsolvable conundrum.
5. The students in the church desecrated the holy space by guffawing loudly and making obscene jokes.
1. Sally defiled the energy at her family dinner by starting an argument with her grandmother.
2. I did not eat the apple because the skin appeared desiccated to me.
3. For some students, juggling college applications, sports, a job and school can pose as a conundrum.
4. The conflagration was caused because he carelessly disposed of his cigarette in the waste basket.
5. The student became embarrassed after her teacher decried her in front of the entire class for voicing the incorrect answer.
1. He is always extremely demure during class and never speaks.
2. The conflagration of my mom's frightened all of us.
3. The teacher decried the student's essay so he could perfect it for his final copy.
4. The soccer player became desiccated from lack of rehydrating on the scorching, hot day.s
5. Because she recieved acceptance letter from two colleges, she constanty dithered upon which one to attend.
1. The conflagration started after the boy tossed their lit cigarette onto the dry grass.
2. Little kids are full of credulity.
3. Even though Jen walked around and decried her openly, she was surprised to hear that Allie had her she was talking about her.
4. The kids defiled the newly painted building by tagging it with spray paint.
5. The demure child was an easy target for bullies because she never retaliated.
1. Finding a way to break up with his girlfriend was quite a conundrum for Julio.
2. The new bridge that had taken so long to build was immediately defiled by the litter of the drivers.
3. Little Billy was so desiccated after his soccer game that his parents rushed to the store to get him water.
4. He was very diffident at the dinner table because he wanted to wait for his girlfriend's father to speak to him first.
5. Patrick's cupidity for a woman in his life ultimately made him settle for a less suitable wife than he would have wanted.
1. After the party was over we were all stuck in a conundrum as to where we should go next.
2. He doesn't seem to have as many friends because he is demure and has a hard time opening up to people.
3. She was so sorry for what she had done to her mother she gave a contrite apology speech.
4. He is such a liar he can easily dissemble the truth about what really happened.
5. When they were on the way to the beach they were almost positive to make a right but they dithered over which way to go for a few minutes.
1. Frank's cupidity had him lusting for something he could not have.
2. She walked into the library with her three friends, defiling the tranquility with all their guffawing.
3. Rebecca always seemed to be a bit more demure than the rest of the girls, by not mingling with the crowd.
4. The night before they left from their camping trip, they neglected to put out their bonfire, causing a conflagration.
5. The upperclassmen derided the freshman by shoving them into lockers, throwing their books on the floor, and stuffing them in garbage cans.
1. The deleterious problems from disespecting authority is the cause of people going to jail.
2. The student thought it was impossible to answer the conundrum on her math test.
3. She was ebullient after her mother gave her a new outfit for getting good grades.
4. Lauren dithered about what she wanted to major in in college.
5. The student derided his classmate's answer to a question, leaving the classmate in tears
1. They had to find a new house because the conflagration ruined their current one.
2. We solved many conundrums in Psychology class last year.
3. Because of his cupidity, he did anything possible, whether fair or not, to win the money.
4. I am not sure if I want to get the flu shot because of the deleterious side effects.
5. No one knew who she was because of he demure behavior.
Amy’s mom was very angry because within five seconds she defiled her mom’s entire workspace.
With Adam’s demure manner no one would ever know that he was in the senior class.
Jill’s biggest conundrum in life was deciding whether to take Jimmy or Fred on a date.
Sarah’s reputation was deprecated when she got caught cheating on a test.
Leslie’s cupidity led her to lose many of her true friends in life.
1.) The protesters decry the man's three year prison sentence because they believe he is innocent.
2.) The real conundrum was how I could solve the puzzle of getting my work done with as little effort on my part as possible.
3.)Just because you are unable to sustain a discussion for more than a paragraph, it is no need to deride people who can.
4.)And they paid the price for dithering when Celtic scored the opening goal in the 34th minute.
5.)We wish her all the best and will miss her happy smile and ebullient character.
1. The conflagration ruined many of the houses in California.
2. We would tell outrageous stories to test his credulity.
3. The mischievious kids were going to defile the elementary school.
4. The high school kids derided the little boy because of his height.
5. The valedictorian was overflowing with ebullience while he was making his speech.
1. One the woman spilled cranberry juice on my carpet, it defiled the whole room.
2. Even though mike is very demure around strangers but when you get to know he's pretty talkative.
3.You think you know physics and your able to get the answer, but once you find one part of the problem, your stuck with another conundrum.
4. Last year when the Phillies won the world series, the whole city of Philadelphia became ebullient.
5.On a team, deleterious injuries could destroy team's season unless they can fight through and step-up to the challenge.
1.) Her skin was desiccated from the cold winter air.
2.) My credulity was the main reason why I am always picked to play a joke on.
3.) Marie’s demure personality explains why she does not converse with many people.
4.) The conflagration of Luke’s anger made him say things he did not mean.
5.) Madison derided my effort in trying to make a light hearted joke.
1. I dithered between choosing University of Delaware and Westchester University.
2. The new girl in my physics class was very diffident.
3. Paulina's friends derided her for telling a pointless story.
4. The building dust defiled their attic.
5. The conflagration spread through the California forest.
1. The mother was angry at her child for defiling their room right after she had spent the day cleaning it.
2. After stuttering continuously during his speech, many students derided him for it.
3. It is not uncommon to hear people decrying abortion.
4. During fall the leaves on the trees become desiccated.
5. The young boy was often decried for being diffident.
1. My cupidity made me do whatever it would take to win the tournament.
2. He defiled the little kids minds by taking them to see the rated R movie.
3. She derided the little boy as he cried.
4. Not wanting to make my decision too quickly, i dithered about which girl to take to homecoming.
5. My effrontery towards the cop didn't help me with my plea in the long run.
1.The physics conundrum was so hard Mrs. Mattick made it extra credit.
2. When the planes hit the Twin Towers the conflagration overcame the entire building.
3. The girl cried because her mom decried her in front of her friends.
4. The boy defiled the cleanliness of the pool when he peed in it.
5. After the mile I was so desiccated I fainted.
6. The stain glass windows in the church were so diaphanous that colorful light filled the room.
7. The students derided Mrs. Christoph because she walks so slowly up the stairs.
8. The diffident new girl sat at lunch by herself.
9. Everyone was very dithered when they heard that Mike's parents will not be at the party he is throwing.
10. The ebullient cheerleader won the superlative for most school spirit.
1. I took a cursory glance at my notes before the test.
2. The mayor decried the new law on taxes.
3. The mean senior girls derided the scarred freshman when she tripped in the hallway.
4. Not wanting to seem heartless, the man dissembled his plans to ruin Christmas.
5. He became ebullient when he heard he had won best eyes.
1. The protesters openly decried their disapproval of abortion.
2. Ricky was skeptical about getting the new vaccination when he heard of the deleterious effects.
3. Her introverted behavior at the dance displayed her demure personality.
4. At the restaurant I dithered about which entrée I wanted to order.
5. Alexis’s ebullient and optimistic behavior brought everyone’s mood up.
1. The real conundrum was how I could solve the problem of getting my work done with as little effort on my part as possible.
2. The mischievous kids decided to defile the statue of David by spraying it with paint.
3. My constant failures have had a deprecating effect on my son.
4. The kids desecrated the graveyard by turfing the fields and TPing the trees.
5. Somebody informed me that raisins are just desiccated grapes.
1. Hoping to receive all A's, he dithered about cheating on his test with the risk of getting caught.
2. She was very ebullient on Christmas morning to see all of the presents under the tree.
3. The teachers credulity made it easy for the student to come up with a believable excuse to why her paper was late.
4. American farmers desecrated Native American homeland to make room for farmland.
5. The teenager defiled the church with graffiti.
1. No one could hear the diffident child because she spoke so softly.
2. She dithered whether to sleep in today or go to mass with her grandma for the last time.
3. Her cupidity to win this basketball game made her go to the point that she purposely injured one of the opponent's player.
4. The boss made deleterious remarks to the employee to the point where he quit his job.
5. I could see the conflagration across the hills of the California valleys.
dm red (sick tuesday and wednesday)
1. The credulity of the young girl made it easy to convince her that Santa Claus was real.
2. The substitute teacher was often derriden by her students.
3. The conflagration cause pandemonium in the city.
4. The ebullient child rejoiced after being told he would go to disney world.
5. The boy defiled the new jacket by playing football in it.
1. The conflagration caused by my fathers’ inattentiveness set our whole house ablaze.
2. For many years, the effects of breathing in dust and unknown substances in miners were overlooked but now, after many of them have experienced lung disease, the substances proved extremely deleterious to their health.
3. Most of my friends are very outgoing and flamboyant, but a few prefer to be more demure and blend in with the crowd.
4. After many years of being deprecated for her inability to fulfill expectations, Brittany lost all confidence in herself.
5. I became extremely ebullient when I found out there was only 50 days left until Christmas, my most favorite holiday.
1. The conflagration nearly destroyed half of the city.
2. Jerry got suspended for defiling school property.
3. Amy was very ebullient when she got her invitation to the big party.
4. Jim was contrite after braking his moms favorite vase.
5. One of the great medical conundrums is a cure for cancer.
1. The conflagration in California's forests destroyed many houses.
2. The woman's cursory attitude did not make her popular among her co-workers.
3. The grave robbers desecrated the Pharoh's tomb.
4. The accountant's cupidity made him a very rich man.
5. The girls credulity made her an easy target to become a member of the cult.
1. The conflagration burned down my entire house.
2. My mother decried my little brother for his unorthodox behavior.
3. John's credulity makes him incredibly gullible.
4. The conundrum had me puzzled for weeks.
5. The desiccated orange looked rotten.
1. The conflagration consumed the house, destroying everything inside.
2. Sarah dithered about which college she wanted to attend.
3. Math has some very difficult conundrums.
4. The children sat in the grass for hours looking at the beautiful diaphanous clouds.
5. Rachel was ebullient about seeing New Moon at midnight!
1. It was a conundrum when the boys did not follow the directions of the class.
2. Amanda's cupidity started to get her in trouble with the law.
3. He deprecated her so much that she finally began to cry.
4. Lexi was desiccated after running 3 miles.
5. After hearing that he had won the thousand dollar prize, he suddenly become ebullient.
DF Red
1. The boy defiled the silence of the classroom by yelling across the room.
2. The girl is very demure and focuses on only school work.
3. The star fish was very desiccated after being washed up on the shore.
4. The mans father created a conflagration by pouring gasoline on the small char coal grill.
5. The small child does not realize how deleterious the cleaning supplies are.
1. The teenage girl's conundrums seemed like the end of the world.
2. The police caught the vandals who defiled the church and made them clean everything.
3. The woman was ebullient when she had found her long lost diamond ring.
4. She is always extremely demure during work; she never speaks to her coworkers.
5. The mean girls derided the quiet girl's new hairstyle.
1. Everyone ran from the building when they saw the huge conflagration.
2. Anna was getting so frustrated because she could not seem to find the answer to the conundrum.
3. My best friend is very diffident, which makes it hard to introduce her to people.
4. I was being very dither about my decision because I had so many options.
5. The cheerleaders did a great job of getting the crowd ebullient.
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