SENIOR yellow in class work--vocab and dialogue

1. Post five (5) sentences, using the words correctly in context, giving a clue to the meaning of the word.
2. Look over the sample student scenes/dialogues on Studywiz (there are three separate documents, then another that contains three more).
Critique (criticize gently) any one scene/dialogue, answering these questions:
For each scene/dialogue, what dialogue is the most interesting?
For each scene/dialogue, what dialogue is the most unrealistic and NOT interesting?
For each scene/dialogue, what action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way?
Due before the end of class on Friday.
1. After being caught in the rain, the man was acerbic for the rest of the day.
2. Many people consider pit-bulls to be acrimonious dogs.
3. The angry dog was in a state of acrimony.
4. The navy seal is acumen in the water.
5. The Roman generals advised their soldier to gather intelligence assiduously.
1. The acrimonious son stomped up the stairs after his mom yelled at him for his grades.
2. Bob had an acumen for business after working in his family owned grocery store his whole life.
3. The bully was an anathema to his classmates; his classmates loathed him so much they could not even stand near him.
4. Lauren quickly answered the professor's question with much alacrity.
5. My family wanted to go to the zoo, but I had antipathy towards that idea, all I wanted to do was sleep.
1. It is good to have teachers who are known for clemency on the review board.
2. Her choices were very cogent of her behavior.
3. After the buttress collapsed, the building fell to the ground.
4. The new intern was full of alacrity.
5. After the stinging insult, her expression turned acerbic.
"Parties like that are bad business in the first place, and you know it. It's like
looking for trouble. I don't want you there to begin with, and certainly not later than
The mother's dialogue in this story is most realistic. Personally, I can picture my mother saying all of this which makes it easy to relate to.
"You are holding me back socially."
This dialogue, to me, is unrealistic. The concept is realistic but a teenager would never phrase it that way.
The behavior of Tom slamming his bedroom door is character shaping. It demonstrates how he's acting immaturely and not understanding the point his mother is making.
1.a. My dad's approbation of my boyfriend made me relieved and happy.
b.My dad is assiduous about walking my dog twice a day.
c.Santa Claus is portrayed as being cheerful and boon.
d.My best friend showed clemency when she forgave me for telling her secret to everyone.
e.Their decision to elope was capricious.
2. The dialogue that is most interesting: "What's love when there's an absolute smorgasbord of men all ready prepared."
The dialogue that is mot unrealistic and interesting:"But is it really worth staying for the sole reason of that it's not hate?What about love? That used to be all you dreamed of finding?"
Action:Claire rolled her eyes as she said this, but she smiled warmly.
1. The acerbic man could not hold his temper any longer so he threw his chair across the room.
2. George spoke with acrimony when he was yelling at his wife.
3. Cats are very acumen animals.
4. When called on, Timmy answered with alacrity.
5. Of all the leaders, Hitler was anathema by all the people.
The most interesting line is, "But mom, seriously, I need an extension. There's a party tonight and it won't even get good until eleven thirty."
The most unrealistic line is, "Do I have to answer that, Tom? We both know what I'm going to say."
The action that occurs that is both interesting and character shaping is, "Parties like that are bad business in the first place, and you know it. It's like looking for trouble. I don't want you there to begin with, and certainly not later than usual."
1. The detective lectured his associates in his acumen insights about the case.
2. Bob was full of alacrity when his coach asked for a volunteer.
3. After a long lecture about responsibility, my mom gave me approbation to go to the concert.
4. The ascetic man fasted just as Jesus did.
5. My dad spent his afternoon burnishing the hood of the car.
"Mom,work with me. I'm trying to be diplomatic... " Tom whined
This is interesting because he is kind of acting like a "smart butt" in a humorous way. Kids normally don't say they are trying to be diplomatic while trying to convince their mother to go to a party.
"Do I have to answer that, Tom? We both know what I'm going to say."
I've heard this line multiple times from my parents. It's almost a little too realistic?
He began walking out of the kitchen, hoping she would have a change of heart. "I
just hope you realize how much you're holding me back! What are you going to do when
I'm off at college?" He was down the hallway now and yelling to no one in particular.
He is a typical teenager doing something that I would do, but pushed a little further. It gives you an idea of how persistent the boy is and that his mother is no push over.
1. The little boy had an acerbic expression on his face after he tasted the sour candy.
The cops questioning was assiduous and tedious.
Rachel was surprised with how brusque the walk to library was.
After the oil spill the workers burnished the ground to help save the anima.
The decision to get my cartilage pierced was capricious.
2A. "We leave. No goodbyes, no explanations. We grab our essentials, our money, and we hit the road. We'll finall deal the shackles of our lives a breaking blow."
2B. "Alright man, let's do this. I'm never going to leave this town if i don't leave today. Let's do it"
2C. The action that is interesting is when Ryan decides he is going to leave with Geoff. It shows that Ryan is bored with his own life and is ready for an adventure but is also apprehensive about the situation,
1. The candy Jane gave me was acerbic and made my eyes water.
2. An aspersion of holy water baptized the baby.
3. Madison responded to Mr. Fiorelli's question with alacrity.
4. Mark was assiduous while filling out his college applications.
5. Sally's parents showed approbation when Sally brought home her new boyfriend.
1.The acerbic teacher demanded that the students copy the dictionary by hand.
2.Health care acts as a boon toward people who cannot afford to have medical bills.
3.I burnished the metal and left it with a clean look.
4.We used buttress to build against the wall
5.The young man became an anathema once everybody found out he told a lie.
Ben Kowals Dialogue
What dialogue is most interesting?
-I find the dialogue where he talks about having a passion to leave interesting. I also found that the writing in italics on the second page to be really interesting as well.
What dialogue is most unrealistic and not interesting?
-What is unrealistic and not interesting is the way the author uses vocabulary and tone in some sentences. The tone of the characters voices is a "no care" attitude. This attitude is shown, but the author uses "big words" so to speak, that you wouldn't really expect a character to say. I also think there should be a little more to it, and where they planned on going and what they were going to do.
What action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way?
-When Ryan sits on the park bench and thinks of what his life will be like from now on. He has more of a character than what he shows his buddy. This scene lets you in on this characters inner feelings.
When he lost the game, he was acerbic for the rest of the day.
The mother spoke with acrimony while reprimanding her child.
When the usually benched player got a chance to play, he jumped off the bench with alacrity.
Siddhartha was part of an ascetic group at one point in his life.
The boy was very assiduous while filling out college applications.
Most interesting dialogue:
"It just has to be today man. I've been so caught up with the mundane at school and I just need to escape. This life of mine's like doing time for crimes that I didn't commit."
Least interesting/ unrealistic:
"We leave. No goodbyes, no explanations. We grab our essentials, our money, and we hit the road. We'll finally deal the shackles of our lives a breaking blow."
Character shaping action:
The way that Geoff never really seemed to respond to Ryan honestly and fully when he asked why makes Geoff seem unstable and in need of professional help.
1 – Vocabulary Sentences
a. Jimmy’s acrimonious remark when he broke up with Amy was unnecessary.
b. Jenna’s antipathy to drug and alcohol abuse was displayed through her development of the Students Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse Club.
c. The old fashioned family required Bobby to receive approbation before he could ask for Michelle’s hand in marriage.
d. Mark made several aspersions under his breath after the teacher told him to be quiet and pay attention.
e. Judge Judy showed a great deal of clemency towards the teenager because she realized that everyone makes mistakes when they are young.
2 - Scene/Dialogue “Mr. Antithesis”
For each scene/dialogue, what dialogue is the most interesting?
“The awkward get- to-know-you-period, the lustful get-to-know-you-period, the wild jungle animal get-to-know-you- period, the I-hate-you-so-much-because-I've-gotten-to-know-you-period…”
It is interesting because anyone who has ever had the experience of being with someone for a long time is able to relate to this dialogue. It is a perfect description of the different ways you feel in a relationship and is funny at the same time.
For each scene/dialogue, what dialogue is the most unrealistic and NOT interesting?
"Maybe I'm becoming a bit like you Claire, then. Maybe I'm not looking for love, just as much as you're looking to not have your heart broken. Maybe happiness is in not hating. And the feeling I get every time I'm around Mr. Antithesis. Maybe it's not love, maybe it is. Maybe there's not a name for what I'm feeling. I just know its not about lust or sex and its not hate.”
This dialogue is unrealistic because real people in everyday conversation do not talk like this. Also, she keeps going on and on about the same subject.
For each scene/dialogue, what action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way?
There is a lot of good dialogue , but not much action. While they are talking we are not sure of what they are doing. Adding these actions would not only add to the characterization, but also make the dialogue more realistic.
1. The old man's facial expression and acrimonious tone, scared off the little boy.
2. The teenage boy was nervous that he would not get the approbation of his new girlfriend's father.
3. The lawyers calumny caused an innocent person to go to jail.
4. The prisoner was begging for clemency as he was standing in death row.
5. Susan made a cogent speech on why he should be president.
part 2:
"It most definitely is a "thing" and it just happens to be the cutest thing ever. He's
in love with you he just doesn't know it yet. It's just like a movie. Boy meets girl, girl
and boy become great mends, boy meets other girl and forgets about girl number one..."
"You didn't let me finish...they get back together. .. Your life reeks of My Best
Friend's Wedding just not the happy ending"
>>> This is my favorite scene because I find it so real. I know when I am talking to my friends about guys, we like to joke around and make a story out of it. To me this dialogue just seems real and interesting.
I honestly cannot find dialogue that is not unrealistic, to me this is a true story and I can see my self in Jen and Audrey's situation. I have been in Jen's position trying to convince my friend a guy likes her. I also been in Audrey's position hoping the guy liked me.
In this story I can see how loyal of a friend Jen is. She is there for Audrey when: she winks and mouths back "Be honest and you're hot". Jen gives Audrey the confidence she needs.
The man decided to burnish his car for the show.
Luckily the dean of the school was filled with clemency.
The mother was embarrassed by her child's acrimonious behavior
The roller coaster was very brusque.
When the boy fell, he made a cacophony noise.
Most interesting dialogue: "Then lets do it man. Lets just get in the car and just drive. Just keep driving until we get lost."
Least interesting/ unrealistic dialogue: "This life of mine's like doing crimes that i did not commit."
1.She answered with such an acerbic tone that her mother immediately punished her.
2.The young boy’s antipathy for girls caused him to start a “No girls allowed” club.
3. My mother was brusque when I arrived late which made me apprehensive about my possible punishment.
4.The cacophony that came from the chorus room made me believe they hadn’t practiced any songs.
5.The student’s acumen remark landed him in detention.
I view most of this dialogue realistic to life situations. The first few paragraphs demonstrate this. When I am in tough situations like Audrey, my friends like Jen always seem to know, and give similar advice and visa versa. The writer’s tone and language are similar to the speech of teenagers. It’s not far-fetched or overdramatized.
The most unrealistic dialogue or part of scene is when Ian suddenly appears exactly when Jen and Audrey were having a conversation about him. It’s just a bit too contrived, although it could happen. The Cinderella movie ending of Audrey “getting the guy” is also “fantasy”. Although these situations do occur, the timing is similar to scenes we see in romantic movies. These parts of the dialogue while unrealistic are still interesting!
I feel that the actions that are character shaping and interesting are done by Jen. Jen gives Audrey the push and confidence to “reach her goal” per se. She does what Audrey was not brave enough to do, which was take action. She literally walks her through the problem, and gets her to the point of success, which was to get the guy.
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