Seniors Journal #4---A & P ---An Additional Scene

Anytime I teach Updike's story A&P, I usually get this one question--"So what do you think happened to Sammy?" As in, did he go back to the store the next day to beg forgiveness, perhaps dragged by his mom and dad?
Maybe "you" can answer this question, and provide the scene for A&P, The Next Day.
Hopefully, in class on Wednesday you played around with some scenarios. These were the ones suggested:
Based on the characters in A&P, make up an imaginary dialogue, choosing one of the four:
1. Between Sammy and his parents when he returns home to tell them he's quit his job
2. Among Queenie, Plaid, and Big Tall Goonie Goonie after they leave the A&P
3. Between Sammy and Lengel when he comes back to the A&P the next day to plead for his job back
4. any other A & P inspired scene (e.g. Sammy meets Queenie at a dance or something like that)
Well, post your dialogue/scene here for all to see what you think. Make sure your characters are "true" to the story. Don't have them change too unexpectedly.
Scene: Sammy walking into his house right after he quit his job
"Sammy, is that you?" Sam's mother asked nervously as she was very surprised someone was coming home at this time.
"Yes mother it's me," he replied.
"What are you doing home so early? Did something happen at work?"
"Well, if I tell you, you promise you won't get mad at me?"
"What is this I hear about your work?"Sammy's dad overheard from the kitchen and slowly appeared at the doorway, "You know you need to maintain that job to pay for school next year."
"I know Dad, It's just today Lenny..." Sammy tried to explain before getting cut off.
"Sam whatever you're going to say I don't want to hear it. If there is a problem with your job go back to that store and talk to Lenny. I got you that job as a favor and you better not be messing it up."
"Dad you don't understand," Sammy muttered.
"Honey at least let him explain!" Sammy's mother stepped in for him.
"Alright you have two minutes to explain." Sammy's dad finally caved to let him explain what happened.
"Okay, finally. Today at work three completely harmless girls came in just looking for one thing. They came to my register when Lenny came in and made a scene about how they were dressed. Like really who cares how someone's dressed when they come to the A&P?! We're only five miles from the beach! Lenny yelled at them for no reason so I decided to quit."
"Sammy, you quit because Lenny yelled at people you didn't even know?" his mother inquired.
"The way you put it it sounds like I didn't even have a reason!"
"You didn't have a reason!" his father bellowed "Go get your job back!"
"Alright Dad," Sammy forcefully said as he walked out of the room.
scene: Queenie, Plaid, and Big Tall Goonie after leaving A&P.
Queenie: “Oh My God, I can’t believe he said that to me!”
Plaid: “We should totally write a letter to the owner. He can’t talk to you like that.”
Big Tall Goonie: “There is no way your dad will ever let this slide.”
Queenie; “I could like buy A&P if I wanted to! I’m allowed to wear whatever I want!”
Queenie and her followers walked back to her house. Queenie thrustfully opened the front door.
Queenie: “DADDYYY!”
Dad: “What’s wrong sweetie?!”
Queenie: “ Well, see what happen was, we were minding our own business, just doing what mommy told me to, and the manager at A&P completely made a fool of me!”
Dad: “I’m sure he didn’t mean to.”
Plaid: “Oh no, he defiantly meant to.”
Big Tall Goonie: “yeah, he was screaming at her in front of the entire store!”
Dad: “Ok, tell me exactly what happen.”
Queenie: “So I was at check out, right. And this pervert of a manager, comes over to me said that I looked like a total slut. I just came back from the beach and I told him that. He embarrassed me so much daddy.”
Plaid: “He said we’re never allowed back into the store. Cause apparently his store is better than us!”
Big Tall Goonie: “The way he was looking at us up and down, he is a total creep!”
Queenie: “Daddy, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I promise. He made me want to cry. You’re going to do something about it, right?”
Dad: “Don’t worry sweetie. He is going to get a mouth full.”
Scene: Big tall Goonie Goonie, Queenie, chunky Plaid are in the A & P store
Queenie: "Okay girls stand tall were wearing bathing suits and are looking good."
Plaid: "I'm hungry, buy me these cookies! Then Plaid clutched her pale stomach.
Queenie: "Do you want to look like a pig?"
Goonie: " Oh my gosh Charlotte, those cookies have like 150 grams of fat in them! I thought you were on a diet"
Plaid: "Well.... guys look! Those guys are staring at us." Plaid uses the distraction to her advantage as she sneakily shoves a cookie in her mouth.
Queenie: "Ewww those creep. They're not even cute... they're so OLD!!!
Goonie: "Does anyone have a mirror?"
Plaid: "The bathroom does!"
All: All three girls frantically raced to the mirror to check their makeup.
Queenie:" Okay girls, we need a plan."
Plaid: "But i though you said they were old?"
Queenie: " But, that doesn't mean we can't show off."
Goonie: "YEah, and Plaid.... I saw you sneak that cookie."
Sammy walked in the door that evening after quitting his job, finding his parents at the dinner table.
“How was your day dear?” asked Sammy’s Mother. Sammy sat down at the table and was hesitant to respond.
“My day was alright, a little interesting I guess…” replied Sammy refusing to make eye contact with either of his parents.
“Oh really? What was so interesting about today?” bellowed his father.
“Nothing for the most part, just an incident between customers, and I quit my job” said Sammy mumbling the last part.
“What was that last part?” asked his father lift his brow.
“I…I quit my job” replied Sammy in a guilty tone still staring down at the steak on his plate.
“YOU DID WHAT?!!!” exclaimed his father “How are going to move on in your life without a job?”
“Honey calm down, give him a chance to explain himself” interrupted his mother.
Sammy’s father calmed himself diminishing his anger. “Ok boy, explain yourself now” demanded his father.
“You promise not to get angry again?” asked Sammy now scared to tell his parents.
“I promise son, I won’t get angry” said his father relaxing his body
“Could you put your knife down too?” asked Sammy “You know as a safety precaution”
“Fine son” said his father putting down his steak knife “Now what happened?”
Sammy took a deep breath and began his story.
“Well today at work these three girls came into the store to shop in swimsuits. During their checkout my manager Lengel came in and embarrassed them in front of the entire store.” said Sammy “He completely degraded them because of their appearance. I can’t work at a place with such a judgmental manager”
“BOY!” shouted his father “Sammy are kidding me? That is absolutely no excuse to quit your job. I don’t care what kind of morals you have, when you need money you work no matter what kind of boss you have understand me?”
“But dad how am I suppose to work there? I hate Lengel, he is so rude and stuck up” said Sammy dreading the thought of going back.
“You just work, you forget or ignore your manager and you just work” said his father half infuriated “That’s how the real world works. You do what you have to do whether you like it or not. Tomorrow you’re either going to go back and see if they’ll rehire you or get another job. Personally I don’t care all I care about is you having a job.”
“Yes father, I’ll go back tomorrow and get my job back” said Sammy sulking in his chair “I think I’m going to go to my room now”
Sammy stood, pushed in his chair and headed to his room that night without touching his food. He stopped down the hall to listen in on his parents.
“Damn boy is a fool” he heard his father saying
“Well honey at least we know we raised his right. I mean he at least quit for a good reason, morals.” His mother said trying to defend him
“I don’t care, the boy needs to grow up and learn about life. He’s eighteen going on nineteen. He needs to be able to take care of himself.” Replied his father
“But honey…..” started his mother, but was cut off.
“No more buts, I’m done with this conversation I’m going to finish my meal now” declared his father.
Sammy went off to his room, thinking of the misery yet to come when returning to work.
Scene: Sammy comes home after quitting his job.
"Sammy?" Mom questioned as she looked up from cooking dinner.
"Yeah, I'm home," Sammy quietly replied.
"Why are you home so early? I thought you were working?
"Um, well, actually..." Sammy attempted to speak the words he was dreading to tell his mother.
"What happened, Sammy?" Mom inquired.
"Um I quit today." Sammy finally got the words out. "But really it was for a good reason. Lenny is so rude!"
"Sammy I can't even believe you!" Mom barked. "How could you just quit your job espicially without talking to your father and me first! You just wait until your father get's home and we'll see what he has to say about this."
Sammy regretfully looked away and waited for his dad to come home.
Sammy tiptoed into his house and quietly shut the door behind him, hoping to avoid his parents for as long as possible. He should have known, with his current luck for the day, that his parents would be sitting down eating dinner when he got home.
"Sammy, you're home early from work! Come sit down and eat with us!"
Sammy sat down nervously, knowing the excitment his mom had from her son being home for dinner would quickly fade when she found out why. "Hi guys, how was your day?" Sammy asked, trying to keep the conversation away from himself. His dad looked at him suspiciously.
"Fine son, how was yours? Why are you home so early?"
The dreaded question had come. As quietly and quickly as he could Sammy said, "I quit my job."
Of course his parents heard him. "Why would you ever do such a thing?" His mother asked in an exasperated tone. His father just glared at him with anger.
"My boss was being a real jerk to the customers. He yelled at these three girls for no reason" Sammy said, trying to keep the details as short as possible.
"That is no reason for you to quit your job" Sammy's mom said.
His dad added, "You will go back tomorrow and get your job back."
"No, I do not want to work for that jerk of a boss anymore."
"I don"t care what you want!" Sammy's dad exploded. You will go get your job back tomorrow and that's it."
"Fine!" Sammy yelled, and stormed out of the room.
I almost turned around and went back. I can not believe I acted so impulsively. My father is going to lose his mind when he hears about this, as I rounded the corner to my street. I can see my dad sitting out on the porch reading the newspaper. He looks up and smiles as I approach. However, his smiles fades as he sees the look on my face. It must be pretty obvious that I'm upset and guilt-ridden.
“Afternoon Dad,” I mumble as I walk up the steps to the front porch.
“Son? What's going on? Shouldn't you be at the A&P?” my father asks as he stands up from his rocking chair.
“Well, there was an incident with some customers, I got upset and the next thing I knew I had resigned,” I confessed.
“What kind of 'incident'?” my father inquired, his face contorting with anger.
“Three girls were in bathing suits trying to purchase one small thing and Lengel gave them a hard time about their outfits. They were only in the store for about five minutes, Lengel was so uptight about the whole thing,” I explained.
“And this was worth quitting your job over?” my father asked trying to keep his cool.
“Probably not but I acted on impulse and at the time it made sense”
“Listen son, no young honeys in tiny bikinis are worth making stupid mistakes over. It may seem that anything is worth giving up if they give you a sweet smile and wink, but in the long run you'll regret it. You've got a good thing going at the A&P and you'd be a fool to give it up. You have to go back and beg Lengel to give you your job back,” my father lectured, his face finally relaxing.
I nodded, said thank you, and turned around to go back to the A&P. My father was right about everything and besides, how am I gonna take Queenie out on a date if I don't have any money?
“Mom, Dad! I’m home!” Sammy exclaimed as he tossed his car keys on the table.
“Hi Hun, I’m in the kitchen.” She calls back. “How was your shift at the old A&P?”
Sammy’s eyes begin to dart back and forth, “Mmm that pie smells really good, mom.”
“Don’t change the subject on me young man. Did you have a bad day?”
“Um well… same old same old.” He answered abruptly.
Mom looked suspicious. “Was Lengel not nice to you, sweetie?”
“Well..the thing is..I quit.”
“What?! Harry get in here! Your son has something to tell you.”
“What is it son?” Hi dad says with tired eyes.
“I quit my job at the A&P today.”
“Come on, champ. You’re putting us in a tough position. Why couldn’t you tough it out like your old man?” Dad says.
“Well all I’m saying is that you better find a new job and find it fast!” Mom yelled.
“I know. I know. I was sick of working at that old place every day. I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
“Well it’s time for dinner. We’ll talk about your oh so wise decision later.”
“Good. Suddenly I’m starved.” Sammy let out a loud sigh and began to eat his pizza.
Scene:Between Sammy and his parents when he returns home to tell them he's quit his job.
"Sammy, is that you?" Sam's mother asked nervously as she was very surprised someone was coming home at this time.
"Yes mother it's me," he replied.
"What are you doing home so early? Did something happen at work?"
"Well, if I tell you, you promise you won't get mad at me?"
"What is this I hear about your work?"Sammy's dad overheard from the kitchen and slowly appeared at the doorway, "You know you need to maintain that job to pay for school next year."
"I know Dad, It's just today Lenny..." Sammy tried to explain before getting cut off.
"Sam whatever you're going to say I don't want to hear it. If there is a problem with your job go back to that store and talk to Lenny. I got you that job as a favor and you better not be messing it up."
"Dad you don't understand," Sammy muttered.
"Honey at least let him explain!" Sammy's mother stepped in for him.
"Alright you have two minutes to explain." Sammy's dad finally caved to let him explain what happened.
"Okay, finally. Today at work three completely harmless girls came in just looking for one thing. They came to my register when Lenny came in and made a scene about how they were dressed. Like really who cares how someone's dressed when they come to the A&P?! We're only five miles from the beach! Lenny yelled at them for no reason so I decided to quit."
"Sammy, you quit because Lenny yelled at people you didn't even know?" his mother inquired.
"The way you put it it sounds like I didn't even have a reason!"
"You didn't have a reason!" his father bellowed "Go get your job back!"
"Alright Dad," Sammy forcefully said as he walked out of the room.
Sammy paced back and forth outside with his hands in his pockets. “I should probably tell them right away and get it over with...” Sammy pushed the front door open to be greeted by his mother.
“Sammy! You're home early.” She smiled brightly and Sammy's hands dug deeper into his pockets as he built up the courage to tell his mother his current predicament.
“Mom, I quit my job.” He blurted out and his mother's face fell from happiness to complete shock.
As his father stepped into the room, Sammy's mother grabbed hold of his arm. “Did you hear what your son just said?” Sammy's father hesitantly shook his head. “He just said he quit his job.” His mother whispered and his father's eyes widened as quickly turned his head to glare at Sammy.
“And why exactly is that, son? You know that having that job was to teach you some responsibility.” His father scolded and Sammy inwardly flinched as his father's index finger neared his face.
“Lengel harassed these girls at work today and I decided that it was unnecessary so, I quit.”
If Sammy thought his father's face was red before, he was terribly wrong. “You have a lot to learn, boy! You better head back to A&P and apologize. I'm sure Lengel will reconsider if you are sincere about it. You do regret quitting, don't you, boy? You are going back, aren't you?” His father pressured, hoping to break Sammy's streak of confidence, but the teenage boy slowly shook his head.
“No, I'll find another job somewhere else.” Sammy mumbled as he headed out the front door, hearing the beginning of his father's angry lecture before the door fully shut.
Scene: Queenie, Plaid, and Big Tall Goonie in the A&P.
Plaid: “Guys come on I’m not comfortable walking in here like this! I really wish I had a cover up on!
Goonie: “Yeah I know how you feel, I don’t even have any makeup on! You can totally see the sunburn under my eyes.”
Queenie: “Oh relax you two, do you really think anyone is looking at you anyways. I mean really, how could they when they have me to look at?”
Plaid: “Yeahhhh…”
Goonie and Plaid follow behind, all the while whispering about how cocky Queenie is being.
Goonie: “I know I mean really, who is she to be acting so vain? Do you see how pale she is? “
Plaid: “Haha look at how she is walking, she is so full of herself. Like who died and made her queen?”
Goonie and Plaid catch up to Queenie and pretend like everything is normal.
Queenie: “Look girls, let me show you how to be noticed, incase you ever do feel like being seen! Watch. Just stand tall, shoulders straight – now if you’re looking for a guys attention you might try this. [Queenie lowered the straps of her bathing suit] – This really gets their attention!”
Plaid: “Oh my god! That guy is totally checking us out!”
Queenie: “Us….? Hahaha anyways let’s have a little fun with him!”
Queenie begins walking seductively and glancing over toward him occasionally. She flips her hair in slow motion and does anything she can think of to make him pay even more attention to her.
The girls huddle up over near the frozen food and plot to make the boy nervous.
Goonie: “Let’s make him sweat! Slowly move along and pretend we don’t know whose line we are going to go to.”
Queenie: “Ewhhh! Would you look at this guy? Don’t give us that look. Like you’re the A & P manager, get over yourself!”
The girls leave the store after a brutal embarrassment from Lennie.
Scene: Sammy and his Father when he returns home
Sammy goes home and sees his dad and tells him what happened at the store today, “Dad you will not believe what happened today at work! These 3 beautiful girls walked into the store wearing nothing but their bathing suits!” His Dads eyes widened in surprise. “ And after I watched them walk all around the store the boss started to yell at them for being there dressed like that”
“Why would he bother some pretty girls for walking around like that?” said his dad
“I know those were my thoughts!” “I was outraged ! “ “I wanted to just hit my boss in the face! “ said Sammy
His dad replied “Please tell me you didn’t actually do that right?”
“No, of course not but it made me very angry.” Muttered Sammy
“I know son but when you are running a business you need to follow a set of rules,” his dad tried to tell him.
“I think he could have made an exception for those pretty girls,” replied Sammy.
His dad told him, “I agree but obviously he doesn’t make exceptions .”
“Well now I know that you’ll understand my reasoning when I tell you that I quit!”
“what!” exclaimed his dad.
“I know but it was the heat of the moment I had to do it!”
“Have you told your mother yet?”
“No” replied Sammy.
“Well you have fun breaking the news on her” said his dad.
“Oh I’m sure I well” responded Sammy
Scene: The 3 girls walking down the street after exiting the A&P
"Oh my God, did anyone else notice how creepy that cashier was?" Queenie asked, as the trio sauntered down the sidewalk.
"I didn't really noticed him, but those cookies looked really good!" Plaid panted, her large legs chafing more and more with every step.
"Um, like, he and his stupid friend were like, staring at us the whole time," added Big Tall Goonie Goonie.
A smirk spread across Queenie's face as she replied, "Yeah, did you guys even see him stare at my chest when I pulled the money out?"
They slowly crossed the roadway, their feet melting with each step, and continued on Clam Chowder Street toward their condo. Suddenly they heard the pattering of someone running behind them. Plaid turned around to see Sammy running up behind them with the goofiest smile she had ever seen. "Look who's back..." She muttered just loud enough for her companions to hear.
"Hey guys! Wait up!" Sammy yelled desperately. Once he finally caught up to the girls, he said as casually and cooly as he could while still out of breath from running, "So... did you see me in there standing up for you three beautiful women?" Just as he said this, Plaid let out an enormous belch, leaving Sammy with the aroma of something he couldn't quite make out.
"Here's the thing kid," Queenie replied, "you seem like a nice guy and all, but we don't live around here and you're kind of weird."
The girls snickered and grinned about how easy it was to shoot him down.
"But please!" Sammy begged, as the girls continued on their way. "I can take you out to dinner!"
Plaid turned around slightly, taking interest in his offer, but was pushed along buy Big Tall Goonie Goonie. As they walked away, Sammy began to feel like his stomach was thrown off a 10-story building. He started walking back to the A&P, head hung low wondering what he was in for when he returned. As he entered the parking lot, he saw Lengel standing in front of the door, holding Sammy's bow tie in one hand and his apron in the other. Sammy let out a long sigh as he took the items from Lengel and pushed open the door.
Scene: All three girls are driving back to the beach, discussing their experience at the A&P.
Characters: Queenie, Plaid, Goony
“Can you believe how weird that guy was back there?” Goony said with a little disgust.
“Yeah, I know. I thought he was going to kick us out of there. Do you know what that could do to your reps?” said Plaid in a serious tone.
“Girl, you worry too much about what other people think. Who cares if the cookies aren’t part of your diet? We’re on vacation!” explained Goony.
“Well, I didn’t want that cute boy at the cash register to think I was fat.” She replied sheepishly while turning to the window to hide her face which she knew was burning up.
“Oh please Plaid, boys don’t even notice…”
“Seriously, Goony Plaid, that kid was like 14 and kept staring. Hello? Can you say no like?” Queenie rudely interjected, “Forget about that loser, we’ll meet better guys tonight.”
“But what if they don’t like me? Or think I’m fat?” said Plaid readjusting her bathing suit.
Queenie roller her eyes and said, “If you guys are with me you have nothing to worry about.”
Goony and Plaid looked at each other and knew what they had to say next: “You’re so pretty Queenie. I know you’ll help us meet cute guys tonight.” They said in unison.
Queenie smiled and turned off the engine while saying, “Exactly, now lets give the groceries to my mom and start getting ready for tonight.”
Sammy slipped into the door and was quietly making his way up the stairs on tip-toe when his mother’s voice caught him off guard from behind.
“Hi honey, what are you doing home so early?”
He backed down the stairs and followed her cautiously into the kitchen where his father was reading the newspaper at the table.
“Well, I might have kind of quit my job.”
“Good one. But really, what happened?” Sammy’s father chimed in.
Beads of sweat began to form on Sammy’s forehead. “I’m serious. I quit. But there is a really good reason, I swear!”
“Well, let’s hear it then.”
Sammy swallowed hard. “Ya see there were these three girls and they walked right into the store wearing nothing but two piece bathing suits and…”
Sammy was cut off mid-sentence by his mother’s outburst.
“You quit your job because of some girls in bathing suits!”
Sammy’s father readjusted himself in his chair. “Well, were they…good looking?”
His mother spun around. “Excuse me!”
Sammy saw the furious glare on her face and decided to move on with his story. “Anyway, anyway they were about to check out at my register when Lengel butts in and starts hassling these girls about dressing indecently and what not.”
“And he darn well should have,” his mother interrupted again, “Walking into a public place like that. Can you believe it?”
“Ma’, Lengel has no right to go embarrassing them like that. I felt compelled to step in.” said Sammy with a heroic look.
“That’s my boy, just how I raised you.”
Sammy’s mother was starting to become restless. “Still, you quit your job over a bunch of trashy little girls?”
“Just listen. I simply told Lengel to back off but he just wasn’t having it. He took a swing at me and, being so athletic and all, I ducked in time and, in self-defense, gave him a round house kick to the face.”
Fury flashed across his mother’s face. “What have I told you about fighting?”
While his father replied, “Nice one son, I never really liked that Lengel.”
Sammy was shocked that his parents had actually bought his tall tale and decided to keep the story going. “Yeah, well everyone was cheering and I walked right out of there. And the best part is I have three dates next weekend!”
And his father replied with a sigh, “All’s well that ends well, now go get a job!”
BOOM! The front door slams shut.
“Is that you, Sammy?” his mom yell from upstairs.
“Yes, mother its me and you will not believe what happened to me today?”
“This better not be bad news because every time I turn around you’re telling me another story of how something happened to you.” Susan replies as she walks down the stairs to meet him at the door.
“Mom you didn’t even let me-” Sammy begins to whine.
“Billy come here! Something else has happened to YOUR son,” Susan yells up the stairs.
“But the Philles game isn’t over yet!” his father whines back.
“I don’t care! Sammy has another problem and we need to handle it as a family.” Susan’s tone elicited an immediate response. Billy walked downstairs mumbling under his breath.
“What happened now boy?” Billy asks his son.
“Ok well as soon as I walked in the door my boss just started yelling at me for no reason. I tried to stay calm with him and act polite. But just like always nothing pleases -” Sammy begins his web of lies before his mother cuts him off.
“Ughh this story again about the evil boss and innocent Sammy who never does anything wrong. I’m tired of it! You are about to go to college next year and you need to grow up and take responsibilities for your actions. Right Billy?”
Billy nods.
“I am mom, but this time its not my fault, these innocent girls came into the store and he embarrassed them. I was trying to defend-”
“I don’t want to hear it!” his mom explodes. She has reached her peak. “We had this talk before. We told you the next time you mess up you’re out of here. Get your things. We’re sending you to your Aunt’s in Kansas.”
“But mom , you don’t understand..”
“I don’t care. We’ll handle this tomorrow because I’m too angry to look at you right now.”
“Ok mom,” he begins walking upstairs, “I should of never tried to be Queenie’s hero.” Sammy mumbles under his breath walking upstairs.
“What was that?” Susan snapped.
“Oh nothing, mother, nothing at all,” Sammy responds.
“Now can I finish watching the Phillies game?” Billy asks.
Scene: Sammy just walked into his house after he had quit his job. He is about to tell his parents what happened while his mom is cooking in the kitchen.
"Welcome home hunnny. How was your day" said Sammmy's mother as he walked into the kicthen.
"My dad was interesting to say the least but whatever your cooking is making my mouth water." said Sammy with a twinkle in his eye.
"I am making your favorite Samson."
"Ooooh I love chicken elaine." he said hungerly.
"Samson you still have not answered my question very well. Is there something you need to tell me." said his mom with concern.
"Well there is something I need to get off my chest."
As I was about to tell her what happened, we were interrupted by my father. "Honey im home."
When my dad came into the kitchen, I spilled my guts. "Parents something happened today that you might not be proud off"
They said simultaneously. "What."
"I quit A+P today."
"Why would you do such a thing." said his father.
As I was coming up with excuses of why I left A+P, I realized I could not come up with a reason to satisfy my father. "I...I.....I dont know why."
As my father stood there annoyed he said. "That is not a very good reason Samson."
"I knew I was going to regret this decision but I did not realize it would come so soon." said sammy embarrassed.
"Well I think you should reconsider your decision." His father finally told him.
"Alright I will." Sammy said as he sulked upstairs to his room.
Qeenie and the rest of her pack walked out into the hot sun, made a sharp right and began their way home.
Emily (chunky, green bathing suit girl) turns to her friend and exclaims, “Can you believe the nerve of that manager?”
Jessica (girl in pink bathing suit) squeaks, “I know! We were just minding our own business, buying stuff.”
Emily nods, “What were we supposed to do, we were sunbathing and our moms didn’t give us much time to change before we left.”
“True, plus its summer, and hot out!” Jessica states.
In a harsh tone of agreement Emily says “Yah, we were decent, what was his deal?”
Emily sneaks a look at Queenie’s expressionless face, and curiously wonders why she hasn’t said anything and asks, “Ava, you agree right?”
Startled Ava mutters “Huh, what, oh yeah of course.”
Used to having her be more outspoken Jessica asks, “What’s wrong?”
Ignoring this comment Ava blurts out, “Do you think that dorky cashier quit?”
“Maybe, I didn’t hear,” Jessica says.
Ava continues, “Oh, I thought I heard the manager arguing with him, he said he quit, twice!”
Emily flinches, “Did he do that because of us?”
Jessica smirks, “I think he did it for Ava, did you see the way he looked at her?”
Ava turning her head blushes, “Ha, I hope not, that would be stupid.”
Jessica seeing her blush states, “Ha, I knew you liked him, you always blush when you’re interested in someone.”
Shoving Jessica playfully Ava blushes again and denies it.
Emily’s eyes glow when she sees a familiar face turn the corner, and yelps, “Ava here’s your chance!”
Sammy approaches them with his head slumped, mumbling, “What did I do?”
The girls exchange quick glances at each other and begin to laugh.
Scene: Sammy in the kitchen with his mom and dad
Sammy walked into the kitchen.
"So why are you home so early?" his mom asked, standing at the sink peeling potatoes.
"I don't know, I got let off early."
"Lengel let you off early? He never does that."
"It's really slow on Thursdays and there was practically no one there, just some dumb girls, so he let me and Stokesie go." Sammy's dad ambled into the kitchen.
"Why are you home so early?" Sammy rolled his eyes.
"He said Lengel let him off early, can you believe that Harold?" his mom asked.
"Old Lengel let you off early? I always knew he'd be manager of that store some day. I can't believe he'd let you off early. He wouldn't even let us leave when I worked there!" Sammy shrugged his shoulders.
"Well I guess he was just having a good day today, Dad.”
“How about you Sammy, are you having a good day?” his dad asked with a mischievous tone.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“Because most people usually don’t feel to good after quitting their job.” Sammy froze.
“We know. Lengel called us after you quit because of those girls,” answered his dad. Sammy felt the heat creep up his neck as he blushed a deep crimson.
“Well you see it just-it just wasn’t fair,” stuttered Sammy.
“What’s not fair is quitting your job after we got it for you. You’re going back tomorrow and pleading for your job until you get it back.” Sammy nodded his head and slowly made his way out of the kitchen.
Scenario: 1. between Samy and his parents when he returns home to tell them he quit his job.
“Samuel? You’re home from work awfully early.” Sammy’s mother said in a confused tone.
“I know. Goddam Lengel fired me!”
“Don’t use that language in this house boy!” she exclaimed as her finger nearly touched Sammy’s nose.
“Sorry, but it wasn’t my fault, I swear.” Sammy pleaded.
“Well you must have done something to get yourself fired”
“What’s this I hear about my boy gettin fired?” Sammy’s dad questioned as he quickly popped his head out from behind the kitchen door. “Did Stokesie do this? I swear that boy is always getting you into trouble.”
“No, Dad.” Sammy said as he slightly shakes his head. “All I did was stick up for these girls who were being harassed by Lengel.”
“There’s obviously more to it Samuel.” His mother says with her hands locked on her hips.
“Well these three innocent looking teenage girls walked in wearing nothing but bikinis and…” Sammy reluctantly says only to be interrupted by his immature brother’s incongruous chuckle.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, right Sammy?” Sammy’s father jokingly said as he nudged him with his elbow.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Charles! Everything is wrong with that! Girls that age should not be strutting their…their…junk around a supermarket like that!”
“Well that’s exactly what Lengel thought”
“Go on.”
“Well they walked up to my register to purchase the one item they grabbed just as Lengel walked though the door. He said that they had better not come in there again without some “decent” clothes on and I said I quit and…”
“Wait! I thought you said you got fired?” Sammy’s mother retorted.
“He shouldn’t have embarrassed them like that.”
“They didn’t do anything wrong.”
“SAMMY! Answer your mother!” barked his father. “Did you or did you not get fired?”
“Alright! I quit.” Sammy confessed as his head dropped.
With his finger pointed in Sammy’s face Charles demanded, “You better go down to there right now and hope to God Lengel gives you your job back.”
“What was that?”
"Ugh... here we go," muttered Sammy as he walked up his front steps.
"Why are you home so early?" Sam's mother asks as he closes the door.
"Funny story about that," replies Sam.
"What did you do Samuel?" asks his mother in her strict tone.
"I quit my job," Sam mumbles.
"You what!?" screams his mother.
"After all we did to get you that job! Now Lengel might never talk to us again! What could have possibly made you quit your job?"
"Well I kind of lost my cool after Lengel yelled at these three girls for wearing their bathing suits in the store. I lost my cool and just told him on the spot that I quit. It probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done, but once those words left my mouth I couldn't turn back," explained Sam.
"Not the smartest thing you've ever done? That sounds more like the dumbest thing you've ever done," scolds his mother.
"You are going to march yourself back in their and apologize to Lengel. Hopefully he will give you your job back."
"But..." starts Sam, but he's cut off.
"No buts, your going to clean up this mess tomorrow and that's final. Do you understand?" says his mother.
"Yes ma'am," utters Sam.
Sammy walking into his house after he quit his job:
"Hello? Mom, Dad are you home?" Sammy says as he slowly walks in the door.
"Sammy, is that you?" Sammy's mother asked with a concerned voice.
"Yeah mom, it's me," he replies.
"What are you doing home so early, honey? You're never home this early from work. Is everything okay?"
"Well no, mom. Everything is not okay as a matter of fact!" Sammy says sternly with a sigh.
Samuel, what in the world could be the matter this time?"
Dad's loud thumping enters the kitchen.
"SAM! What's going on? What did you do?" Sam's dad chimes in.
"Oh, nice to see you too Dad," Sam responds sarcastically.
"Don't be smart, Sammy!" Tell me what's wrong," Sam's dad exclaims.
"Well, it all started at work today when Lengel and I had a little disagreement, and I quit."
"Samuel, why are you getting in any disagreement with Lengel? That's disrespectful! You're lucky to have such a good job for a kid your age!" Sam's dad points out.
"Dad, can't I at least tell you the rest of the story before you make any assumptions?"
"Hun, I think we should let him tell his side of the story," Sam's mom cuts in.
"Alright fine. Make it quick." Sam's dad finally gave in.
"Okay, today at work three girls came in just shopping for one particular item. Lengel came in just as the three girls were approaching my register. He started complaining about how they were dressed. I didn't really think it mattered that much because they were only coming in and out for one thing! Who cares, right?"
"Wait, what exactly were they wearing?" Sammy's parents asked.
"Bathing suits. Anyways, Lengel started making a scene about them wearing bathing suits, which I thought was completely stupid. We're 5 miles away from the beach! Honestly, what do you expect?" Sammy argued.
"I expect you not to quit your job over girls in bathing suits!" Sammy's dad said.
"But Dad, Lengel kept telling the girls that A&P isn't a beach! He clearly was embarrassing them, so much so that they left in a hurry!
I thought I was doing the right thing by sticking up for them! Since when is it a crime to express an opinion anymore!"
"It's not wrong, Sammy. Haven't you ever heard the expression; there's a time and place for everything?" Sammy's mom says while shaking her head.
"Yes mom!" Sammy says with tone.
"Samuel, I want you to go back to A&P and apologize to Lengel for being disrespectful." Sam's dad commands.
"Fine, but I still stand by my opinion!" Sam exclaims.
"Sammy, I really don't care as long as you stand by your opinion with your mouth shut at the register!" Sam's dad smartly says.
"Whatever." Sammy sighs while stormimg out of the house.
"Sammy, is that you?" Mother asks as I close the front door.
"Yeah Mom, it's just me."
She was surprised to see me home at this time. "Well, you're home early. Is everything okay?"
"Well actually, today at work..."
I couldn't quite find the words to tell her that I quit my job.
“Yes?” Mother asks, growing impatient.
Before I could spit out the words, my father walks in the room.
“Hello, Son. How was your day?”
“Umm, it was okay I guess…” I say, leaving out the details.
“Oh, really? Well do you know who I just got off the phone with?”
“No,” I answer, but I have an idea.
“It was my good pal Lengel, who is also your manger,” he says; clearly aware of what happened.
“Oh,” is all I can say.
“What is going on here?” Mother asks, feeling out of place.
“Samuel, fill your mother in on this,” my father demands.
Just say it now and get it over with. “I quit my job.” There. Done.
“Samuel, what were you thinking?” Mother shouts.
“Well, today Lengel completely embarrassed these three girls in front of everyone. You should have seen it, mother. It was terrible and I just can’t work with someone like that.”
“Yes, you can. And you will,” Father orders, “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Tomorrow you are going back there and begging for your job back. Lucky for you, Lengel has been a family friend for years and on the phone it sounded like he was going to give you a second chance.”
“Great,” I say, sarcastically of course.
“Helping Hands: The senior citizen taxi service”
Staring at the big plastic sign she had hanging from the rear windows of her ’53 Chevy Bel Air advertising the business she’d had since she was 25 as she walked back from the A & P only added to the typically and expectedly vile mood of 51-year old Beatrice’s day.
“Here’s your damn HiHo Crackers...they were the only item I had, the store was empty aside from a handful of young half-naked teenaged broads and that adolescent greaseball behind the counter STILL managed to screw it up! Who knows what was distracting him but I sure reamed in to him, I tell ya.” said 51-year old as she plopped back onto the driver’s seat of the car.
“Ya’ know, I feel as if the blood that pumps to the cashiers’ face when I catch them slipping up actually pumps quickly first through the valves of my own heart, sending it racing quite quickly.” reflected the self proclaimed cash-register-watcher, proudly.
She had just picked up an incredibly elderly man who requested she drive him all the way across town just to pick up a pack of crackers. This would have normally not fallen under her services but business had been slow lately and she secretly admired his determination for and satisfaction with such a simple pleasure.
“Thank you kindly, dear. I’m sure it is not my place to be saying this, but I’m sure many would find it lovely if you could just be a hair more pleasant.” said the elderly man, barely audible.
“I find myself walking down the aisle leading to register 6 with my friends of food on either side cheering me on every couple days as if to remind myself of my “marriage” to this sad place, it being the only grocery in this town i’ve spent my whole life in. By the time I get to the register I’m ready to snap at anyone in my path. Everyday I drive to and from what is to come in my future whilst doing nothing to live in my present.” explained Hilda, defensively.
The old man sighed and showed a crack of a formerly scintillating smile, “I had meant it in more a general sense, ma’am. Life gets worse everyday and Life gets better everyday, so why not bear it all with a smile on your face? I’ll walk the rest of the way back. Enjoy life while you still can, G’day...Thanks again for the crackers, buh-bye now.”
Beatrice drove the rest of the day with a smile on her face that made it look like she was driving straight in to the sun...This way of life she hadn’t lived in years would take some getting used to.
When Sammy Goes Home to Tell His Parents
As Sammy is in the driveway of his house after he quits his job, he gets a call from his friend John who he works with. “Dude, I heard you quit during work today,” said John. “Yea, I did quit. So,” replied Sammy as he walked in the house. His mom happened to be walking pass the door as he said it. “Why,” said John quizzically through the phone. “Because..,” said Sammy a little peeved,”The manager was being a huge jerk.”And how was he being a jerk,” blurted Sammy’s mother from the hallway. “Hold on, I’ll call you right back,” whispered Sammy, simultaneously hanging up his phone. Sammy’s mom walked into the room. “You were saying,” she said, her voice raising an octave for every word she uttered. “I….uhhh…quit,” muttered Sammy a little scared of how she would react. “And why was that,” shouted his mother. “Well, today at work, these young beautiful girls walked into the store and were minding their own businesses, when the manager walks up to them. He tells them their attire is in appropriate and essentially kicked them out.” “What were they wearing?” interrupted his mother. “Only a couple of modest bathing suits,” replied Sammy. “Anyway, I was so outraged at this blatant attempt to suppress their god given rights, I decided that at that moment I didn’t want to work there……so I quit.” “Ok so let me get this straight, you quit your job because a couple of half naked girls you don’t know were thrown out of a family grocer,” fired his mother. “I guess you could put it that way,” said Sammy. “What do you plan on doing for money now?” “Well I was going to ask you and dad to help me until I find another job.” “That is not going to happen. I seriously advise you to go back to tomorrow and beg for your job back and apologize for you being such an idiot,” his mothers face turning extremely cold. “Is there another option,” asked Sammy. “Of course, you could always find another place to live,” snapped Sammy’s mother as she walked out the room.
Scene: Sammy walking into his house after he quits his job
Sammy: "Hey mom."
Mom: "Hi Sammy. Why are you home so early from work?"
Sammy (sighing): "It's a long story."
Mom: "I have time. What happened?"
Dad (sitting in room nearby): "What's this I hear about a long story?"
Sammy: "Lengel and I got into a little argument during work today."
Mom (with a stern face): "An argument about what?"
Sammy: "There were these girls that walked in today who were just wearing bathing suits and Lengel told them to get out of the store. All they wanted was one thing."
Dad: "This sounds bad."
Mom: "Please continue Sammy."
Sammy: "Well I felt bad that Lengel embarrassed them like that, so I told him he was wrong and I quit."
Mom (extremely surprised): "YOU QUIT?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?"
Dad: "Why would you quit your only job?"
Sammy: "I'm sorry, I was just so mad."
Dad (disappointed): "Sammy, you'll face many battles in your lifetime. This was not one to fight."
Mom (still upset): "You're dads right, Sammy. You are going to go back right now and apologize to Lengel and get your job back."
Sammy: "That would be so embarrassing!"
Dad (laughing): "You're the one who quit your job over 3 girls you'll most likely never see again. I'd say that’s more embarrassing than asking for your job back."
Mom: "Go right now. I don't want you back in this house without that job."
Sammy (shouting as he slams the door behind him): "ALRIGHT! IM GOING!"
Mom: "You better be!”
Scene: Sammy confronting his parents at his house after he got home.
Sammy: "Hey mom, Hey dad."
Mom: "Hello Sammy. How was your day?"
Sammy: "It was okay, but I got in an argument with Lengel."
Mom: "What kind of argument?"
Sammy: "Well, he was being a jerk to three younger girls in the store."
Mom (upset): "He probably had a good reason for it. Your generation has no respect nowadays."
Sammy (angry): "Why am I always wrong? Can't you just accept what I say to be true?"
Mom: "I do honey, but you shouldn't argue with your boss. I want you to go back to work tomorrow and apologize to Lengel."
Sammy: "Well, that's the thing."
Mom: "What?"
Sammy: "After the argument, I was so angry that I quit."
Dad (furious): "You What!"
Sammy (hesitant): "I had no choice. I..."
Dad (furious): "No! No excuses! You go back tomorrow and beg for your job back."
Sammy: "Why bother. It won't work. Besides, I hated it there."
Dad: "I don't care. Kids as old as you need a job. It builds character."
Mom: "Now sweetie, I think he is old enough to make his own decisions."
Dad: "If he is under my roof, then I tell him what to do."
Sammy (angry): "You're so controlling! Just let me do what I want! Let me live my life!"
Dad: "Don't you dare walk away from me boy."
Sammy: "I'll be in my room. Just leave me alone."
Mom: "Do you think we were too hard on him?"
Dad: "No, he has to learn the importance of a job."
Mom: "Maybe we can go to Lengel tomorrow and see if we can get him his job back."
Dad: "He better hope we can, or else hes gonna start paying rent."
Sammy stormed through the exit of the A&P, and never looked back. He couldn’t bare to see all of the familiar faces of loyal customers and coworkers he had known for years staring at him through the glass store front window. Feelings of resentment, anger, frustration, loss, and regret were swimming around frantically in his head. All he wanted was to see Queenie, who was nowhere to be found. Sammy slammed the door of his but up truck shut, and pressed the pedal to the floor the whole way home. As he raced up the driveway, he swerved to miss hitting his mother who was watering the flowers.
His mother, who appeared extremely frightened, exclaimed, “Oh my gosh Sammy! You almost hit me! Why are you driving so fast!? What happened?! What’s wrong!”
Sammy, still sitting in his truck, simply replied, “ I’m so stupid.”
“Tell me what happened?! Are you okay! Aren’t you supposed to be at work?!”
“I quit.”
The look on his mother’s face froze as she questioned in shock, “….You what?”
“I said, I quit.”
“I can’t believe it Sammy, why would you ever quit that job! It was a nice, steady job close to home with a decent income. How are you going to make money now?! How are you going to get another job?!”
Sammy, at this moment, had reached his boiling point. First the girls, then his boss, now his mom. He couldn’t hold it in any longer, he was a bomb ready to explode. And his mom had just set it off. “Mom! You don’t understand! There was this girl, and her friends, and they were walking around, and the bathing suits, and I rang them up, and then the manager came, and then-“
Sammy’s mother interrupted him, and the hard look on her face suddenly softened and revealed a more sensitive expression. She took a deep breath and with a reassuring smile she calmly said, “Sammy, it’s okay. Let’s just calm down and go inside. I’ll make you something to eat and we can sit down and discuss what happened.”
And as soon as Sammy stepped out of that truck and into his mother’s arm, he could feel the weight of the world being lifted off of his shoulders.
When Sam gets home and his parents find out that he quit...
Mom- “How was work, Sammy?”
Sam- “Well, I quit.”
Mom- “What?!”
Sam- “I said I quit, mom, I quit working at the A & P.”
Mom- “And why is that? You know you need that money for a car! Things are tight right now.”
Sam- “Yeah, I know. I put my time in there, besides, I was tired of putting up with Lengel’s crap.”
Mom- “Frank! Get in here! Your son quit his job because he can’t deal with crap!”
Dad- *Walking in from den, rubbing face* ... “You quit, huh, Sam? Whats the problem?”
Sam- “There is no problem, dad, it was just...”
Dad- “Sam, look, you’re nineteen- I’m not gonna beat this stuff into your head...”
Sam- “Yeah, dad, I know, I need to save for a car.”
Dad- “Alright, son.”
Mom- “This is not alright! Sam, you need to go back there and talk to Lengel!”
Dad- “Flo, the boy said it himself- he knows what he needs to do. *Looks up at son* “And he will find a way to do it, won’t you, Sam?”
Sam- “Yeah dad, yeah, I will.”
4. Sammy nervously walked through the door of his front house after the catastrophe at A&P. He wished to himself that maybe his parents would not be home, giving him more time to think about approaching the subject of being fired. However, as soon as he shut the wooden door, he heard his dad from the kitchen table.
“Sammy! What are you doing home so early? Did they let you go because you are such an excellent employee?” his dad chuckled.
“Uhm dad,” Sammy nervously muttered, “I quit today.”
“What? How could you do such a thing! You had a great job there!”
“Lengel is the worst boss ever. I couldn’t deal with him anymore,” Sammy said.
“Lengel is a family friend who would do anything for us. He’s one of the best bosses you will ever have. Are you out of your mind quitting?”
“No dad, today Lengel took it too far. A nice group of young girls came into the store to buy one thing. It’s not their fault all they had to wear was their bathing suits. Lengel had a huge hissy fit, embarrassing the girls in front of everyone, and angering me.” Sammy said in a stern voice to his father.
“Sammy. You did not quit your job because girls in bikinis came in and your boss was upset. Little girls in little bathing suits is no worth your job! Tell me now son, did these girls talk to you and influence you that Lengel’s actions were unjust and that quitting was the only thing for you to do?”
“No. They didn’t talk to me dad.” Sammy’s head began to drop and he realized he made a big mistake.
“Tomorrow you are marching your way into A&P and begging for your job back, unless you want to come and work in the factory with me everyday,” threatened Sammy’s dad.
“Okay dad, Okay. I promise tomorrow I am getting my job back no matter what.” Sammy left and walked up the stairs, still thinking about those three girls.
scene: Sammy eating dinner with family after he quit his job
"Sammy, why arent you getting your chicken, lemon chickens your favorite" Sam's mother asked curiously as she popped another peice of chicken into her mouth.
"It just was'nt the best day, that's all, you wouldnt understand."
"Did something happen at work son?"
"Maybe" Sam muttered "If Lenny wasnt such a jerk i wouldnt of had to quit."
"YOU QUIT YOUR JOB" Sam's dad fumed "This is the real world Samuel, your boss isnt going to be the freaking lolly pop man he's going to be hard on you".
"What are you going to do now sammy, what are you going to do? You're never going to find another job, no one wants to hire a quitter!"
"Mom, chill, I already did it, it's over and done with"
"Over and done with?" Sam's father bellowed.
"Yeah dad, over and done with."
"Yeah well you'll be over and done with unless you get that job back, you better walk your ass back to the A&P tommorow and beg for that job back."
"Yeah, alright dad" Sam said sarcastically.
Scene: Sammy asking Lengel for his job back the next day
Sammy cautiously approached the door and knocked quietly. Nothing. When he knocked the second time, he heard Lengel say his normal response, "Yeaahhhhhh?"
"It's Sam."
"Oh, well c'mon in."
As Sammy swung the door open into a room he had been in countless times, Lengel let out a disgusted "Oh, you."
"Who else did you think it was? Is there another Sammy that works here?" Sammy snapped back without even remembering the reason for him being there.
"Actually, SAMUEL, I hired a new checkout worker, Samantha.She checks out groceries; not people."
"You-you hired someone already? I've only been gone one day."
Not looking up, the boss responds, " A day is money, Sam. That's a lesson you never learned."
Sammy jumped as he heard a knock on the door.
"Are you going to open it or just stand there gaping like you were yesterday?"
Sammy opened the door and there stood Big Tall an A&P uniform.
"SHE'S Sam?", the other Sammy screamed.
"She told me that she would clean up her attitude and she actually dumped those trashy friends of her to work here, didn't you? She said she has always wanted to work here and this was her chance."
Big Tall Goonie just smiled and nodded proudly. "I just wanted to thank you again Mr. Lengel for giving me this amazing opportunity to work at such an establishment. I will report to my duties that you have bestowed upon me."
Sammy had never been so confused in his life. How did she get this job? Why does she want this job? Where were the other two girls? And who talks like that?
As Big Tall Goonie left, Lengel turned to Sammmy with a knowing look. "Where was your enthusiasm?"
Glaring, Sammy gives one last parting gesture to Lengel and leaves.
Immediately out the manager door was Big Tall Goonie. Irritatied, Sammy snaps. "What could you possibly want?" Grinning, Big Tall Goonie nods to the front store door. Standing there is the lovely Queenie and Plaid holding several A&P bags. Big Tall Goonie shoves a carton of eggs and a spray can into Sammy's chest. Still grinning, she whispers "Fun."
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