Senior YELLOW class--Rage for Words

What do I mean by a rhetorical trick?
Words come to life when they're arranged in figures of speech (metaphors, similes, paradoxes, oxymorons, personification, etc), images, sound patterns (alliteration, assonance), or rhetorical questions. Writing certain sentence patterns (parallel structure) add emphasis. Using crisp action verbs can kick-start a sentence.
The Greeks called this creation of powerful language "rhetoric." It was once a studied, practiced, and revered skill of the Greek citizenry. These days, the artful language and word gets a nasty reputation because rhetoric is usually associated with unctuous politicians or ambitious advertisers who are selling themselves or their products.
When we arrived in Chicago, we could breathe the music. [music is being compared to air, a metaphor] jtf schoolsville
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world.
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track.
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms.
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages ....
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer.
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in.
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two.
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own.
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots.
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes.
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity.
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall.
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on.
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end.
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur.
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom.
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary.
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him.
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret.
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family.
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world.
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering.
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world.[metaphor-comparing ropes to lessons from brother]
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. [metaphor- detour is being compared as a hard experience]
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms.[simile- boy is being compared to an angel]
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages ....[alliteration- sneakily slip,parallel structure-listing]
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer.[parallel structure-listing]
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in.[personification- faithful clumsiness]
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two.[personification- beckoning bed]
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own.[personification- piecing a guy together]
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots.[simile-comparing applause and gunshots]
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.[personification- iron suit protecting from truth]
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes.[imagery]
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity.[metaphor- comparing sisterhood and string]
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall.[personification/hyperbole, exaggeration- mute world, pestering clock]
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on.[imagery-lights]
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end.[simile-standing as still as mannequin,alliteration-pitter-patter]
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur.[metaphor- comparing mind to a rewinding dvd/remote]
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom.[simile-comparing panic to venom]
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.[hyperbole-exaggeration]
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary.[hyperbole-exaggeration]
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him.[metaphor-comparing asking questions to gun fire]
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret.[metaphor-comparing feeling guilty to being in a cell swimming]
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family.[metaphor-comparing addiction to a wrecking ball]
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world.[siimile-pouts like a puppy]
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering.[parallel structure]
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world. [show me the ropes- metaphor for guiding]
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. [detour, right track- metaphor for life experiences]
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms. [beautiful baby boy- alliteration, like an angel- simile]
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages .... [sneakily slip some-alliteration, bread and Nutella- listing, good imagery]
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. [new…-listing, good imagery]
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. [interesting word choice]
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two. [bed that beckoned- personification]
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own. [pieced together-personification]
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. [explosion-personification, like a thousand…-simile]
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.[every,every-repetition, bounced off me-personification, as if…-metaphor for strength]
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes. [good imagery and description]
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity. [weave-personification]
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall. [like the whole…-simile, pestering-personification]
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on.[off, on- good word choice]
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. [as a mannequin-simile, pitter-patter- onomatopoeia]
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur. [pushed, flooding-personification, hyperbole]
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom. [like venom-simile]
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.[flew by-hyperbole]
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary. [good narration]
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him. [bombardment-metaphor for questions]
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret. [living-personification, cell-hyperbole, swimming up to my neck-metaphor for regret]
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family. [wrecking ball- metaphor for addiction]
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world. [like a puppy-simile, disappear-metaphor for behavior]
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering. [good repetition of verb]
When we arrived in Chicago, we could breathe the music. [music is being compared to air, a metaphor]
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world. [The ropes are seen as the way of life; personification]
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. [Experience is being compared to train tracks; metaphor]
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms. [Boy being compared to an angel; simile]
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages .... [breakfast food is being compared to money; metaphor]
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. [Power of three’s and four’s]
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. [Clumsiness can’t be faithful; oxymoron]
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two. [Personification]
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own. [Comparing a guy to a puzzle; metaphor]
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. [Comparing the explosion to gunshots; simile]
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if it bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face. [Simile and personification]
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes. [Metaphor and personification]
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity. [Metaphor; comparing sisterhood to weaving a basket]
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall. [Hyperbole; Whole world can’t be quiet]
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on. [Comparing mind to a light switch; metaphor]
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. [Simile]
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur. [Comparing the mind to rewinding a VHS; metaphor]
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom. [Panic is being compared to snake’s venom; simile]
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes. [Weeks can’t fly; personification]
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary. [Comparing life to being ordinary; metaphor]
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him. [Questions can’t be fired at him; personification]
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret. [The amount of guilt the person is feeling; metaphor]
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family. [Comparing addiction to a wrecking ball; metaphor]
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world. [Pouts like a puppy; simile; Attitude is compared to how golfer feels after a four-putt; simile.]
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering. [Turn of a phrase.]
When we arrived in Chicago, we could breathe the music. [music is being compared to air, a metaphor] jtf schoolsville
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world. - (the ropes are being compared to knowledge, a metaphor)
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. – (Life is not really a track, a metaphor)
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms. – (Babies don’t really radiate, metaphor)
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages .... - (“sneakily slip” is an example of alliteration)
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. – ( The “new” things have listing power and the new year does not actually bring anything, a metaphor))
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. – (Faithful clumsiness – personification)
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two. – (The bed beckoning is personification)
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own. – (piecing together a person is a metaphor)
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. – (Like a thousand little gunshots is a simile)
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face. – (as if I was wearing an iron suit – analogy)
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes. ( Vivid description)
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity. (sisterhood is not literally made of stings – metaphor)
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall. ( the world can’t be put on mute - metaphor)
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on. (a mindset can not be switched off – metaphor)
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. (as still as a mannequin – simile)
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur. (mind going into rewind – metaphor, weeks flooding back – metaphor)
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom. (panic spread like venom – simile)
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes. (days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes – metaphor)
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary.
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him. ( questions being fired at him – metaphor)
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret. (A cell swimming up to my neck in regret – metaphor)
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family. (addiction being a wrecking ball – metaphor)
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world. (pouts like a puppy – simile)
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering. ( drummer boy – metaphor)
When we arrived in Chicago, we could breathe the music. [music is being compared to air, a metaphor] if schools Ville ---- Metaphor
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world. ----- Metaphor
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. ---- Metaphor
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms. ---- Metaphor
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages ---- Alliteration
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. ---- Metaphor
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. --- personification
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two. ----personification
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own. ----Metaphor
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. ----simile
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.----simile /analogy
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes. ---- word description
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity. ---- personification / metaphor
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall. ---- metaphor
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on. ----metaphor
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. ----metaphor
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur. --- simile
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom. ----simile
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.---metaphor
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him.---- metaphor
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret.---- metaphor
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family.---- metaphor
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world.---simile
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering.----metaphor
1. imagery
2. simile
3. metaphor
4. alliteration and hyperbole
5. power of three’s
6. personification
7. personification
8. exaggeration
9. simile
10. simile
11. simile
12. metaphor
13. personification
14. paradox
15. simile
16. simile
17. imagery
18. metaphor
19. metaphor
20. parallel structure
21. metaphor
22. simile
23. metaphor
24. simile
25. metaphor
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world.
[the struggles of life are being compared to ropes, metaphor]
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track.[comparing a life experience to a race, metaphor]
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms.[comparing the baby to an angel, metaphor]
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages .... [sneakily slip some.. alliteration]
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer.[power of listing]
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in.[]
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two.[bed beckoned, alliteration and personification]
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own.[comparing it to a puzzle, metaphor]
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots.[comparing applause to gunshots, metaphor]
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.[every word said, every song sung, parallel structure iron suit, simile]
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes.[imagery]
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity.[comparing the closeness of sisterhood to weaving, metaphor]
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall.[imagery]
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on.[switched off, metaphor]
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end.[parallel structure]
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur.[rewind, metaphor came flooding back in a blur, imagery]
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom.[comparing the spread of panic to venom, metaphor]
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.[flew by.. before my eyes, assonance]
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary.
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him.[comparing it to a war, metaphor]
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret.[comparing the feeling of regret to a jail cell, metaphor]
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family.[comparing addiction to a wrecking ball, metaphor]
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world.[pouts like a puppy, simile]
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering.[parallel structure?]
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world. [show me the ropes is a metaphor]
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track. [simile because they are comparing life to a detour]
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms. [imagery because they are comparing the baby to an angel]
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot included bread and Nutella packages ... [alliteration because of sneakily slip]
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. [power of three because of the new being used three times]
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. [personification because they gave clumsiness act like a person]
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two. [personification because they gave the bed human qualities]
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own. [exaggeration because you can’t piece together a person]
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. [simile because they are comparing applause to gunshots]
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face. [simile because they are comparing to an iron suit]
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes. [imagery because of the cars and trees out the window]
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity. [metaphor because they are comparing sisterhood to strings intertwined]
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall. [simile because they are saying the whole world is on mute]
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on. [imagery because they are turning off their mindeset]
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. [simile because they are comparing what they are doing to a mannequin]
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur. [metaphor because they are comparing their life to a VCR]
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom. [simile because they are comparing panic to venom]
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes. [imagery because they are watching the days being crossed out]
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary. [metaphor because they are comparing their life to an ordinary life]
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him. [metaphor because they are comparing bombardment to questions]
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret. [metaphor because they are comparing to what happened to them to swimming in regret]
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family. [metaphor because they are comparing what happened to them to a wrecking ball]
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world. [simile because they are comparing their mood to a puppy pouting]
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering. [metaphor because they are comparing what they don’t want to do to a drummer boy]
As soon as I was old enough, my older brother was there to show me the ropes of this weird new world.(ropes is a metaphor of what it is like in the new world)
I like to look at this experience as a detour in my life, and I just needed some help getting back on the right track.(a detour is a simile for the experience)
She guides me into Chelsea's room, and the first thing I see is a beautiful baby boy radiating like an angel in his mother's protective arms.(the baby is being compared to an angel using a simile)
We would sneakily slip some extra food from the breakfast table. Our normal loot include bread and Nutella packages ....(vivid description)
Each year brought new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories to make this an even more unforgettable summer. (vivid description)
The first year, Amber shoved me jokingly, and the second year, my faithful clumsiness did me in. (personification)
I rose from a bed that beckoned for me to stay for just another minute or two.(personification- the bed is not a living thing)
It was if I had pieced together the perfect guy on my own.(imagery)
Once I have hit my final pose, I hear an explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots. (the crowd's applause is being compared to gunshots using a simile)
Every word said, every favorite song sung during the funeral felt as if if bounced off of me, as if I was wearing an iron suit, protecting me from the truth I did not want to face.(personification- the song "bounced off her" & a simile "iron suit")
My fingers curled into white-knuckled fists as I stared out the tinted window of my parent's SUV, watching the cars and trees blend into disfigured images before my eyes.(vivid description)
We have been able to weave together a sisterhood with the strings intertwined for eternity.(personification)
It was like the whole rest of the world was on mute, except for that pestering clock up on the wall.(personification & vivid description)
This whole carefree mindset was switched off the moment those flashing red and blue lights switched on.(personification)
She paused for a brief moment, standing as still as a mannequin, waiting for the pitter-patter of Alicia's feet to end. (simile- mannequin is being compared to her stance, & vivid description)
As we sat down, my mind was pushed into rewind mode and the past few weeks came flooding back to me in a blur.(vivid description)
When I had looked for several minutes and found no sign of her, panic spread like venom.(venom is being compared to her panic using a simile)
The weeks of the trip flew by. I could almost see the days on the calendar being crossed out right before my eyes.(personification)
I had never really considered my life much more than ordinary.(imagery)
Kevin had become accustomed to the bombardment and casually answered every question fired at him. (vivid description)
I watched cars and people outside living their everyday lives, as I was in a cell swimming up to my neck in regret.(personification & vivid description)
I wished I didn't know addiction, the wrecking ball that ruined my family.(a wrecking ball is being compared to an addiction using a metaphor)
But other times, like on the golf course after a four-putt, he pouts like a puppy and disappears from the rest of the world.( his pout is being compared to a puppy's using a simile)
I decided that what I really wanted was to be the athlete who was cheered for and not the drummer boy cheering.(vivid description)
1. "ropes of this weird new world"-metaphor
2. "look at this experience as a detour in my life"- simile
3. baby boy being compared to an angel - simile
4. "new work projects, new obstacles, and new memories" - listing
5. vivid description
6. "bed that beckoned me" - personification
7. "pieced together"- vivid description
8. "explosion of applause like a thousand little gunshots"- simile
9. "iron suit"- simile, vivid description
10. vivid description
11. "weave together a sisterhood"- vivid description
12. "world was on mute" -personification, vivid description
13. vivid description
14. "standing still as a mannequin" - simile
15. vivid description
16. "every question fired at him"- vivid description
17. "a cell swimming up to my neck in regret"- vivid descrip., metaphor
18. "the wrecking ball at ruined my family"- simile
19. "like on the golf course....pouts like a puppy" - simile
20. epiphany, vivid description
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