Soph Blue Class Vocab Unit 2

Post your sentences using your vocabulary word correctly, giving a clue to the meaning of the word within your sentence.
Of course, identify yourself according to your initials.
e.g. Finding strength in numbers, we formed a coalition to demand better food service at our college's cafeteria.
By 1950 Americans had recovered from the Great Depression, beginning a new millennium.
Uncle Tom's Cabin was written to inveigh against slavery.
After the storm, the water permeated through our basement like a sponge.
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The new transfer student ingratiated themselves in multiple clubs in hopes of making new friends.
Make sure to stir the food coloring into the water so it permeates equally throughout.
The students drifted off to sleep as the teacher driveled on about the boring topic.
Mary exhorted her friend to come to church with her so often her friend finally caved in.
My surmise that the new movie would be popular because of its famous actors was correct.
The student thought he has won his fellow classmates votes for Homeroom Rep with such a dramatic and bombastic speech.
The marathon runner felt great lassitude after the long race.
The tall glass of milk ameliorated the double chocolate cake my grandmother made, by washing it down and quenching my thirst.
The young girl was very nervous at her first job interview, but didn't show it and handled it was aplomb
After performing the spectacular magic trick, the young audience seemed to have thought the magician had occult powers.
The dancer felt as if she were the epitome of grace and poise when she was dancing.
By the end of the day students at St. Marks feel overcome by lassitude
Many people were predicting the end of the world would happen when we reached the new millenium.
The bombastic teenager likes to talk a lot about himself.
The highly respected manager hired three new callow assistants to take orders, and respond to all phone calls that they receive.
After a long day at school the student was overcome with lassitude and could not finish his homework.
My sister recieved the coolest clothes when she was younger, but hand-me-downs have little intristic value to me.
Instead of making more stringent rules, they decided to just better enforce the rules they already had.
Lotion permeates through your pores to help your skin.
I surmised that he wouldnt let me retake the chemistry test after a week in advance notice, that the test would be Tuesday.
The angry workers inveighed against the company because of their large cut in employee salaries.
We should not rely on occult knowledge to try to understand God.
Because Darron was the vice president he was an ex officio member on the board.
He hoped that he could better improve his relationship status with the woman if he ingratiated himself with her protective father.
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