Summer Reading--Sophs and Seniors

OK, so you're now officially back to school as verified by your first trip (at least this year) to Schoolsville.
In addition to a couple of "possible" upcoming "check" quizzes on summer reading, please answer these questions for your summer reading books and turn in with your writing journal.
1. Did you like reading this book? Why? Did you not like it? Why not? Be specific. You can't say it was boooooooooring. Criticize characters, plot, writing style, language, etc. , you know, some of the elements of fiction that we'll be studying this year. Of course, if you liked it, point out the parts of the book that you enjoyed.
2. If you were teaching this book to a high school class, what parts of the book would you stress or especially explain. For instance, the historical background of Gatsby or the religious background of Siddhartha.
Since you're not answering on the blog (but handing it in with your journals at the end of the quarter), write at least a single page, double-spaced typed for each of your readings.
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