Soph Research Paper Help
Research Paper Help--The Owl and

Here is a link to the site, which offers, among MANY other things, a detailed and step-by-step approach to the entire research paper process. Once there, the links in the upper left hand corner will be most useful. Click on the link for grades 7-12 instructors and students (there's plenty of good stuff here) Then scroll down to Different Kinds of Essay Genres and click on writing a research paper.
OK, if you're ONLY interested in research paper help, just click on the final link. But it might be useful and interesting to familiarize yourself with the entire site, if not for this assignment, but for later in your education (like college) where you'll be asked to write many papers.
Would you like to read a good 6-8 page research paper? Then click on this sample MLA paper from It includes a works cited page, too.
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