Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Yellow Class--New England test review

Yellow class, post your questions and answers here before Thursday night at 9 p.m.

Of course, indicate the initials of those people in your group.


At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.)Moby Dick --> Herman Melville

2.)The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls --> Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

3.)Minister's Black Veil --> Nathaniel Hawthorne

4.)Old Ironsides --> Oliver Wendell Holmes

5.)Im nobody! Who are you? --> Emily Dickenson

6.)Nature --> Ralph Waldo Emerson

7.) Self-Rielance --> Ralph Waldo Emerson

8.)Rappaccini's Daughter --> Nathaniel Hawthorne

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does pantheism mean?
A: Worship of nature as a religion

True or False:
Deity means deeply moved or delighted
A: False Deity means god or goddess

What does forsake mean?
To give up or Dreaming while awake
A: To give up

Fill in the blank:
BLANK means absentminded dreaming while awake
A: Reverie

What does trill mean?
A: A fluttering sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble

True or False:
Incessant means uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
A: True

What does the word rapt mean?
A: Rapt means to be deeply moved or delighted

Fill in the blank:
BLANK means one who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam
A: Heathen

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. What does pantheism mean?
A: a worship of matures as a religion

2. What literary term uses like or as?
A: simile

3. "But if we stat at home and mind our business, who will want railroads? We dont ride the railroads; it rides upon us"What literary term does this quote represent?
A: Paradox

4. What literary term compares two things not using like or as?
A: Metaphor

5. What literary term does this quote represent? " Keep your your accounts (of your life) on your thumbnail"
A: Hyperbole

6. Bitter sweet, Icy Hot,and Jumbo Shrimp are all examples of what term?
A: Oxymoron

7. Giving human like features to something that is not living is an example of?
A: Personification

8. Give one example of alliteration?
A: Sandy sells sea shells by the sea shore.

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. What were 3 factors that helped you maintain independance during the New England Reinnassance?
A: Government,Culture,Economy

2.Who were the 4 main authors of the Literary Reinnassance?
A:Emerson,Thoreau,Hawthorne and Melville

3.Where was Nathaniel Hawthorne born?
A:Salem, MA

4.What year was "Self-Reliance" written?

5.During the New England Reinnassance what was the richest city in the world,do to the whaling industry?
A:New Haven, CT

6.Who wrote "Nature" in the year 1836?

7.Was Hawthorne an anti-transcendentalist, or a transcendentalist?

8.Who wrote "The Scarlet Letter"?

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

QUOTATIONS- guess who said these:

1)"Tell the truth, but tell it slant"
Emily Dickinson

2)"I did not read books the first summer;I hoed beans"-Henry Thoreau

3)"In a tumultuous privacy of storm"-Emerson

4)"Do not desert is but a mortal veil-it is not for eternity"-Nathaniel Hawthorne

5)"call me Ishmael"-Melville

6)"The morning breaks-the steeds in their stalls"-Longfellow

7)"Her deck,once red with heroes' blood"-Oliver Holmes

8)"life is real,life is earnest and the greatest not at school"-Longfellow

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. In 1836, who wrote the poem “Nature”?
A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. Who wrote “Walden” in 1854?
A. Henry David Thoreau

3. What poet wrote “A Psalm of Life”?
A. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

4. What is the book Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote in 1850?
A. “The Scarlet Letter”

5. Who is the author of the masterpiece “Moby Dick”?
A. Herman Melville

6. What is the name of the essay written by Emerson in 1841?
A. “Self-Reliance”

7. Who wrote the poem “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls”?
A. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

8. What poet wrote “The Snow-Storm”?
A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) "Society is in a conspiracy against manhood of everyone of its its members." Emerson

2) "Call me Ishmael." Melville

3) "I am glad to the brink of fear." Emerson

4) "Dust thou art, to dust returnest." Longfellow

5) "Trust thyself, every heart vibrates to the iron string." Emerson

6) "In the woods we return to reason and faith." Emerson

7) "To be great is to be misunderstood." Emerson

8) "Things don't change, we do." Thoreau

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Emily Dickinson's poems were thought to be written by what famous transcendentalist?
Answer: Emerson

2. Name three of the seven things that make her different.
Answer: subject matter, punctuation, capitalization, diction, metaphor, meter, slant rhyme

3. She wrote over 1700 poems
True or false: true

4. Seven of her poems were published and credited to her.
True or false: false

5. Emily Dickinson was a well-known popular writer
True or false: true

6. What were subject matters of her poems, which made them so different? Name three.
Answers: death and afterlife fascination, love of nature, faith, nonconformity, and problems with society.

7. Where did Emily Dickinson live?
Answer: Amherst, Massachusetts

8. What does Emily Dickinson compare fame to in one of her poems?
Answer: bees


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