Sophomore Essay Assignment

Assignment: Write a three to four page, five-paragraph analytical essay on The Catcher in the
Format: MLA style (heading, title, double-spaced, numbered pages)
Special instructions: Circle your central idea. Underline your thesis statement in your first paragraph. Underline your topic sentences in your body paragraphs.
Due date: February 3
What is an analytical essay?
An analytical essay "analyzes" some method or writing technique of the author that YOU have noticed (or that we have discussed). That method might be some motif (like materialism) or theme (like Holden's desire to save childhood innocence). That method might be the use of characters to reveal some theme (like the use of Ackley, Stradlater, and Sally Hayes to show "phony" adolescents). That method might analyze settings, objects, symbols, etc.
Here is a review of the many motifs and themes that we have covered from which you might come up with a central idea: religious hypocrisy, corruptive nature of money, phonyness of the adult world, phonyness of the adolescent world, falling imagery, catching imagery, Catcher in the Rye symbols, etc.
The manner in which you present your analysis might be through analyzing characters, their actions, their descriptions, or their dialogue. You might want to analyze by looking at objects, specific scenes, or settings in the book. This is up to you. This decision becomes your thesis statement.
You are pointing out what you've noticed through your analysis. After I read your analytical paper, when I re-read the novel, I will do so with an understanding that I did not have before.
You are NOT to use any outside sources at all! Doing so will result in a grade of zero for plagiarism.
To be handed in on Monday, January 26, write a central idea and thesis statement for your essay. Circle your central idea and underline your thesis statement.
Central idea (this is a clear statement of the point that you wish to make by
your analysis of the novel)
Holden's heroes are idealized innocent children, a notion that contributes to
his problem of not wanting to grow up.
Thesis statement (this is a sentence or sentences that include how you wish
to prove the central idea)
Without an adult role model, Holden looks to three inspirations to remain in his state of arrested development: his dead brother Allie, his childhood friend Jane Gallagher, and his beloved younger sister Phoebe.
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