# 4 Seniors--Point of View RED CLASS

In the movie, The Dead Poets Society, English teacher John Keating (played by Robin Williams) stands on his desk, and invites his students to do the same, in order to see the world from a different point of view. When Keating is fired at the end of film, his students stand on their desks in tribute to their "captain." You'll just have to watch the film to understand all of this, but you don't need to in order to complete this journal assignment.
For this fourth and final journal exercise of the second marking period, you'll learn how point of view effects a story.
Here's the scene that you will write about--- It's lunchtime at a large diocesan Catholic school in Delaware with these three characters: Joe, Tom, and Susan. Tom and Susan are high school seniors and have been dating for a while. Joe is Tom's best friend, but he and Susan don't get along too well. Tomorrow all three have a big Calculus test, but tonight, the football team is playing in the state finals (it's a Sunday night football game--it could happen). Win or lose, a big victory party is planned afterwards, and "everyone" is invited.
Tom is torn—to study or not to study, that is the question.
Susan is very certain of her position. Knowing that Tom needs a good Calc grade this semester to get into Virginia Tech (to which she has already been accepted), Susan feels the need to get together with him to study; to her, the football game is not an option.
Joe, on the other hand, will definitely attend the game and the party, and hopefully with his friend, Tom. Whether Susan joins them is up to her.
The three are in the middle of a conversation at lunch. Tom and Susan are the major characters, while Joe observes and participates as much as you want him to.
Choose one of the following points of view to tell your story of what takes place:
Interior monologue—the reader gets to tune in to somebody's train of thought or stream of consciousness. Choose either Tom,
Dramatic monologue--another first person point of view. The reader gets to overhear someone speaking aloud to another person. The "other person" does not respond. See "Straight Pool" in Points of View for an example.
First person observer narration (minor character)—narrated by Joe, a minor character, who focuses his storytelling on the couple, frequently giving his personal insights. "Johnny Bear" is an example of observer narration.
First person subjective narration—told by Tom or
First person detached autobiography—told by Tom or Susan some weeks later, like "The Lucid Eye in Silver Town."
My assignment is in the first person observer point of view.
Oh, crappers and milk. Tom and Susan are fighting. Again. Not that I blamed Tom at all, since Susan isn’t the nicest person around, though you’d be hard pressed to convince him of that. Whenever she’s around, he gets those sappy puppy eyes that make me want to puke and hangs on her every word. What would it take for him to figure out that she’s just not right for him?
I leaned over my lunch tray to listen in, nearly putting my elbow in Tom’s mashed potatoes. They were really going at it now.
“For the last time, Tom, you need to stay home and study! You know Mrs. Jansen’s tests are difficult and you need to do well to bring your grade up, otherwise, you’ll NEVER get into Virginia Tech!” Susan was nearly at a shout, but she was still in control, which was good for the rest of the cafeteria. Once she started shouting, then screeching, no one’s ears would be safe.
“But this is the party of the year!” Tom protested, nearly flinging his own mashed potatoes in my face. “I mean, it’s going to be a lot of fun, and the football game is sure to be good. It’s the finals for goodness sake!”
Susan merely snorted and put on what I like to call her ‘I’m not getting my way’ face. That was when she scrunched up her nose and frowned most unattractively, though she wasn’t all that good looking to begin with. At this point, I knew it was about to get ugly, so I wisely scooted downwind a bit.
“Football is stupid and pointless. This is your once chance to get into a good college with me and you’re ready to blow it on a stupid party and a football game!”
Tom looked at me helplessly, then turned back to Susan. “I get the material fine and I can study before I leave for the game.” Now Tom was doing it, too, though when he doesn’t get his way with Susan, he goes into placating mode. It’s REALLY funny to watch. “I promise that I’ll study like a maniac before and after the game and get PLENTY of sleep.”
“What about the party? It’s bound to end late!” Susan snapped, arms crossed over her chest. She reminded me of an angry lioness. An angry, unattractive lioness. Scary. At this point, I decided to take one for the team and jump in to help out my buddy Tom.
“It’s supposed to end at two, for your information.” I told her like it was none of her business. It wasn’t even like she was even thinking of coming, unlike myself. I was determined to be the last person to leave, though I probably wouldn’t wake up the next morning. Oh well, it was only one school day.
“TWO IN THE MORNING?!” Yup, she’d hit the screech. I wonder if she’d broken any eardrums… “You’ll never pass at this rate!”
“Why’d you tell her, man?” Tom whined(That’s the best way I could explain it) in my ear.
I shrugged. “Just being an honest citizen.” That was a load of bull. That had probably been the first time today I hadn’t lied. I usually only lied about homework and stuff, but still…
“In that case, you’re definitely not going.” Susan huffed as she set to finishing her lunch. Funnily enough, she reminded me a lot of Tom’s mom at that point. It was a great impression. His mother would have been proud. “I bet your mom doesn’t even know you’re going.”
“Of course she does!” Tom retorted, knowing full well that he hadn’t. I’d been right next to him when his mom had asked if he had anything to do tonight. He had finally joined the Dark side. “Please don’t do this to me, Susan, I really want to go to this party and hang out with my friends.”
Susan gave him a dark glare. “Tom, your grades are more important than hanging out with your friends. Much more important. This is your FUTURE we’re talking about!”
“Life can’t be all work and no play, though!” Tom was getting frustrated now. I could tell by the way his left eyelid was twitching that he’d nearly had enough. Was it a bad thing that I was enjoying watching this?
“That’s it!” Susan stood up and slammed her books on the table. “If you’re not at my house tonight by the time the game starts, I will consider us over!” With that, she picked up her books and stormed out of the cafeteria with a look of fury on her face that would have scared Godzilla.
“Dude, that’s harsh.” I commented as I slid into Susan’s now vacant seat and popped a French fry into my mouth. “What’re you going to do?”
“I don’t know.” Tom admitted as he stared into his lunch for an answer. Yeah, he was coming to the game. This was going to be a BLAST.
“Come on man, your soooo whipped!” Joe shouted at me as I walked down the hallway to seventh period. I don’t know what to do. UGhhhh, I mean basically I am stuck in the middle of a very sticky situation here. I have to choose between school and fun, AND girlfriend and friends. I don’t want Susan to freak out but it’s coming down to the end of my senior year and I just want to have fun!... Yeah that’s what I’ll do. I’m gonna go to the game, like what Susan is saying is whatever, its not like she is my mom or anything! But I can’t mess this up, she is right, it is my future! Then again that means this is MY choice and right now I’m thinkin future-schmoocher, no matter what happens with just this one test I’m still going to college and my life will be fine. Yea! I’m sure I’m not gonna have to live on the streets, sleep with the rats, and eat stale frozen pizza out of a garbage can for the rest of my life if I fail this test. Yeaaaa who cares! Plus I would remember this game forever, and were gonna be talking about that party that follows until we are at least forty, I’m sure!!! Maybe Susan is right though? I mean she seems realllly concerned about this. I don’t know, I think it should be fine. Does she really think this test is gonna ruin our future together? Although, it is worth A LOT of points and could possibly drop my grade a lot. Ughh I don’t know what to do. Yeah I’m gonna go to the game and party. I mean its my choice and I know I’ll regret it so much if I don’t go! Plus Joe has been on my case about it forever and I don’t want him walking down the halls screaming that I’m whipped by Susan for the rest of my life!!! Oh well I’m sure Susan will understand…. Oh no what am I thinking!??! Susan would never, ever, ever, ever, ever understand! She would pull the same crap she always does. At first she will say she is concerned about me getting into college and our future in college together, then the tears will start to slowly trickle out of the corners of her eyes, then she will say she doesn’t care what I do at all, and then add that I should never ask her for her advice ever again, (even though I never even asked in the first place). Then she’ll start saying how I don’t care about her because I want to go out and have fun with my friends. She could come if she wants though, I’m not stopping her! Ughhhh we just got over the fight we had last week and I really don’t feel like going through that ever again. She is so annoying when we fight. Maybe I should just stay home and study with her so that everything is good between us, and I really do need that good grade. But ughhhhhhh this is the STATE FINALS! I’m a man. Susan just doesn’t understand. I live, breathe, sleep, and eat for watching football! I would die for football! Oh wait too extreme, but still! Ughh I really don’t feel like dealing with this anymore! -AH perfect! I’ll start studying early in the day with Susan, then stay with her and study for a while, and then leave her house so I have enough time to make it for the fourth quarter of the game. Then I’ll go out after too cause there is no way I’m gonna miss the party of the year! I’ll come home at a reasonable time though so that I won’t be too tired for tomorrow. If I’m home by like 12:30 I should be alright. I know that Susan is gonna get pissed that I’m going out, and Joe is gonna be mad at me for missing most of the game, but I don’t care anymore. I’m a man, I make my own decisions, and this plan sounds good to me! Final answer.
“Tom, Sweetheart, you know how much I care about you, you know I just want you to come to Virginia Tech with me. Its not that I don’t want you to go to this super fun party tonight that I will be going to, oh yeah because I already got in.” Susan said in a snotty voice.
She knew she was being really annoying, and if she was him, she would just tell her to get over it, but she wasn’t, luckily. She really needed him to not go to this party tonight, for reasons she obviously couldn’t tell him. Bernard, the star quarterback, had asked her to go to the game to cheer him on, and to meet up with her afterward. Not that she was going to cheat on Tom, but come on, Bernard had a full ride to Penn State and was already in line to start next year as a freshman. Now that was a kind of smart she liked. If Tom couldn’t even get into Tech, why would she be with him beyond this year anyway? She then realized she had that goofy grin on her face, she only got thinking about Bernard, straightened up, and got back to work.
“Tom, Baby, I just want us to be together next year, what is so wrong with that? Am I not worth giving up one little party? Because if that is the case, we are so over.”
Wow, this really would work out, because if Tom went to the game, they were over so she could still go for Bernard, but if he didn’t he would never have to know. She knew that Joe wouldn’t say anything because while he might still be bitter with her for not leaving Tom when he had made advances on her last year, he might get the chance tonight to chat her up a bit. Oh how this was all working out in her favor. She saw the exasperated look on Tom’s face, and knew she had her victory. She listened to him agree to stay home and study with a sympathetic smile.
“Aww, Sweetie, I know you made the right decision, you’re going to appreciate this when we are going to all those fun football games at Vtech next year!”
Interior Monologue- Susan
Wow. I can’t even believe Tom right now. I mean he has heard me stress over and over again about him not getting into Virginia Tech. If he ends up somewhere else, I don’t know how I will be able to survive. He is my life. I can’t imagine not seeing him everyday. Shouldn’t he be thinking about his future and potential life with me? Why does he act like he doesn’t even care? Does he care? What am I saying? Of course he cares about me. But he has to get a good grade on this test. He just has to. Oh my god, I wish Joe would just shut up! No matter how many dirty looks I shoot the jerk he just keeps blabbing on and on about this party. What’s gonna be so great about it anyway? It’s just gonna be a bunch of dumb jocks and preppy cheerleaders. Ugh I just don’t understand. How can somebody be so stupid and even think about just throwing away their future like this? Like if he doesn’t pass this test, he will fail for the quarter. There is no way he will get accepted into Virginia Tech with an F on his transcript! I can’t believe he isn’t listening to me. Why can’t he see what is blatantly obvious! Studying for one night equals college with me for four years. That’s whats important, not some football game and a party. Psh, well if he’s the great guy I know he is, he’ll take my advice and we’ll spend all of college together. And if he doesn't then I don't know what will happen to us...
How can Tom be so stupid! That dumb girlfriend he’s got is preventing him from having any fun anymore. I mean it’s the State Champ football game and a huge wild party. Who can say no to that?
“Please Tom, think about our future” pleaded Susan.
Does he even realize how disgusting she is? Our future. Who even knows if they will stay together in college? Plus he already got into Virginia Tech. This test isn’t that big of a deal. I mean I will get by fine just reviewing a little the period before.
“Susan, wouldn’t you want to come to the game?” asked Tom.
Who cares if she comes? He can never do anything alone anymore. She is always tagging along. It’s like if he does he will get in trouble or something. I just want my old friend back.
“Uh Joe, I think I am gonna skip the party and go over to Susan’s to study” Tom said apologetically, while Susan smiled from ear to ear.
Of course he is! I should have known. The argument was lost the minute Susan made up her mind. He is so whipped. This happens all the time. He is never allowed to hang with the guys anymore. Susan thinks it’s childish and a waist of time. I don’t get it. She hangs out with her girlfriends all the time. Tom said it’s because girls need their support groups. Well, what do guys need? Nothing. I’ve basically lost my best friend to this girl. She sits at our lunch table, walks him to every class, and usually he has to pick her up before school so they can have more quality time together. I will never let a girl take over my life like that.
“Oh whatever!” I said as I left the lunch table. He doesn’t realize what he is missing. I can’t wait to see the look on his face Monday morning, when he realizes he should have come. Maybe then he will realize the freak is controlling his LIFE!
First Person Detached Autobiography - Tom
“There’s no question… we have to go,” shouted Joe across the table as he stood up and threw his arms in the air. Everyone else in the cafeteria started to stare.
“Sit back down Joe, calm down… calm down. It’s not that big of-a deal,” I said, as my face started to get red from all of the people staring.
“Not that big of-a deal?” Joe shouted again.
“Joe, come on. People are starting to stare,” Susan whispered. Joe sat back down with a disgruntled look on his face.
“This is THE most important game of the year. It’s also goin’ to be THE biggest party of the year,” Joe said slowly, emphasizing every word. He made sure he didn’t shout this time though. I turned to Susan; I could tell by the look on her face that I was going to get a lecture.
“Don’t listen to him, Tom,” Susan told me. “You have that calc test tomorrow. V-Tech is out if you fail it. Listen to me. This is how I see it,” she took a deep breath, “You can hang out with Joe tonight and fail. Or you can study, do well on your test, and get into Virginia Tech.” She stared at me; I don’t even think she blinked for a whole 5 minutes. She wanted an answer right now.
The table was silent for about a minute until I asked, “You want me to decide right this second?” still having no idea what I was going to do.
“It’s an easy decision, Tom. Have a good time tonight or get into a great school and have a great 4 years.” She then got up and said, “I’m going to the bathroom. You can tell me your decision when I get back.” She then picked up her bag and left.
The second she turned around Joe started to laugh. Joe asked me, “Why is she so serious all the time?”
“That’s just the way she is. Let’s not talk about it.”
“Okay man, but you’re going to come right?”
“I don’t know Joe, just think of how mad Susan would be.” When I said this Joe started to laugh again. “It’s not funny, this is serious.” The grin slowly went away from his face. “I think I’m goin’ to pass. Cause really… think about it. Sure the party will probably be pretty cool, but if it keeps me outta V-Tech it wouldn’t be worth it.”
“This one test isn’t going to keep you out. You’ve worked your tail off for 3 years already. You deserve some relaxin’ time.”
Now I started laughing. If you knew Joe you would know that all his time was relaxing time. “Joe, I’ll take some time to relax, but just not tonight. I’m goin’ to stay home and study with Susan. Me and you’ll still hang sometime. This test is just too important to me. Go ahead try to change my mind, but it’s not going to work. I am not going to go.”
“Okay Tom.”
So that’s how it ended. Joe tried to convince me to go a couple more times later that day, but I didn’t change my mind. I knew that part of the reason Joe was so pushy was that he was realizing that Susan and I would be leaving for Virginia Tech, if I got in, and he would be left here all alone.
I made the right decision though, the next day I did awesome on the test; and the letter I got from Virginia Tech a few weeks later was a good one. I know the party would have been fun, but I wouldn’t change my decision for anything.
“Well I don’t know what you want us to do, we will be a million miles away. You act likes it’s my fault you failed!” snapped Susan at Tom.
“It was a big game! What did you expect! Everyone was there and you wanted me to miss it? You can’t be serious!” said Tom.
“If you can’t take serious something as important in college, then I can’t imagine you even caring about this relationship! Seems to me you’ve lost site of everything and everyone important to you!” screamed Susan at the top of her voice.
“Must you yell? You’re going to wake my mom! And don’t pull that, like I don’t care! Your breaking up with me! You think that’s what I want?”
“Well I thought you would have thought of all this as you failed your exams and didn’t get into the college we wanted! You ruined it! Everything!” she continued to get louder.
“Your absolutely insane, Susan! You’re talking from your butt. I made a mistake. Don’t be like this!”
“I just can’t deal anymore Tom, it’s done. We’re done. And that is that. Have fun at whatever college you may or may not get into. All because of a damn game!” screamed Susan as the door slammed behind her.
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