Sophs---Sound Your Barbaric Yawp! (extra credit)

For EXTRA CREDIT, write a "song of yourself" in the style of Walt Whitman. This is a fourth quarter assignment, and it must be posted before Wednesday night, 9:59 p.m. It will get you four extra credit points.
That's right! You get EXTRA CREDIT for bragging about yourself.
It's just this easy.
Write in first person.
Write in free verse.
Use eclectic (choosing the best from a variety of sources) words and phrases (slang, common language, foreign expressions if you dare).
Use parallel structure and repetition.
Make lists to create a rhythm (since Whitman doesn't use meter)
These are all distinctive elements of a Whitman poem.
Why limit yourself? I could go on forever about myself!
The first four posts are pretty good examples from last year's sophomores.
Example #1
I am a warrior.
I never give up without a fight.
I never die trying.
My heart explodes with the passion for success.
My ridiculous roar rolls the halls.
My intimidating flair shows my sense of personal awareness.
My world is spinning is a peticular fashion
It goes round and round but never stops
I spin left right and diagnal, yet I always know where I stop
I have control of my direction
but sometimes I drop the raines
I love my life of oblivion
I am sensitive yet strong
I can love but I have the passion of dislike
I let myself in, but sometimes stand out in the rain
I need to defend my people but sometimes let down my guard
Hate is a strong word, I never let it touch my lips.
I leap from ocean to ocean freely without a care
I walk through traffic and come out with out a scare
I could drop my clothes and not be disappointed
although they would quickly be up to person again
My overconfidence in myself is the best I’ve seen
I do what I want and I say what I please
This doesn’t mean I have to break the rules
I have a good time and have the best friends
They are an every-fruit tree growing in my yard
I can choose a different apple every week
but I still see the same kids every weekend
My sense of self is amazing
The door of my life is never left open
and only a few people get to see me being me
I am not an act if thats what you think
I am simple a closed man whose actions reflect my words and words reflect my acitons
My sense of humor is astounding
I can tell the same joke ten times and make it funny everytime
I can easily spit out something humourus about many situations
All my friends laugh and so do I
Don’t worry I’m not laughing at you, just near you
Example #2
I am the greatest of the greatest
Anything you can do I can do better
You can’t bring me down no matter how hard you try
I am the king of all kings
The best of the best
Take me on in any sport and you shall go down
I am the athlete
Lacrosse is my sport
My shots are like arrows whizzing through the air
My hits are life trains ramming into cars
I am resilient
I shall never be put down
I am the genius
Any question that comes my way
You will receive an answer
I am witty
Tough circumstances are easy for me
I am the sun
I brighten everyone’s day
Through the good and the bad
I am the motivator
I encourage all to be their best
I am the worker
My work ethic is perfection
I never give up, even if the going gets tough
I am the wind on a scorching hot day
I am the light when it is dark
I am the heat when it is frigid
I am the optimist
Everything is for a reason
I am the greatest
Example #3
This is my song
And I shall sing it strong
I am me
I am free
There is more to me then meets the eye
I let my mind fly to the past the sky
My heart reaches worldwide
I’m always filled with pride
I hold the world in my hand
And though I might be hard to understand
I will stay the same way
Until my dieing day
Arms like wrecking balls
Strong enough to crumble walls
Legs like think trees
With metal knees
My will has risen about all
No mere human can make me fall
Creativity of a god
Able to withstand a firing squad
I am an artist
Also considered smartest
I write poems, stories, and tales
My mind constantly sails
I am athletic
I am poetic
I am strong
I rise out amongst the throng
I have strength and pride
I have both a dark and light side
Don’t mess with me
Or I’ll let you see
This is my song
I’ll keep singing it strong
I am me
And I’ll always be free
Example #4
I am me
I am unique
I am cannot be understood
I am unstoppable
I am the goddess of words
They are morphed by my hands
Fingers quick over keys
To be perfectly placed
I am the siren of song
All shed tears when I sing
Though I may not be famous
Not one is left unmoved
I am the queen of the court
The ball flies at my whim
The net is only a boundary for my might
As I lead the way to victory
I am the princess of the pencil
Dragons and dreams lay tame on my paper
When an image comes to mind
It is quickly frozen in time
I am the countess of the camera
Sunsets become mine when the button is pressed
Castles and caves are mine to be taken
The creatures of the world stay still for my shot
I am the empress of happiness
I am the beacon in the fog of life
When someone is down I lift them up
When their day is dark I help them see the light
I am me
I am unchangable
Should you dare to try
You would lose something special
I am a nice person.
I make people laugh.
I give really good advice.
I will never let you down.
You could put something in the coin slot each time and never be disappointed in what you get.
My world consists of family and friends.
My world consists of people who aren't so nice as I would like.
I love the life that I live.
I wouldnt change my life for the world.
There are bad seeds and good seeds.
Some make beautiful creations.
Others beautiful disasters.
I cheer for success.
I get down on myself for my faults and mistakes.
I like to take chances and leap to the next lilypad.
My croak is the loudest.
My legs will create a greater distance than what you could achieve.
My live is full of surprises.
Good or bad they come in a fashion.
I love the next big thing but im not a follower.
I ponder on every word.
I think before I say.
I never want to be wrong but if I must I will accept with dignity.
I like to walk the way I walk.
No one tells me how I should be.
I take words hard at times.
But no one will make me change me.
I can fall down but Ill find my way through the patchy ground.
My home is forever easy to find.
My eyes are glued to the paper.
I reach for the pencil finding the words to say.
I am thoughtful yet I will express when need be.
I will get angry if you push me to the core.
I will make you think how wrong you were and I will forgive.
Fear creeps it way up my alley.
It lingers upon my finger tips.
I could conquer this fight.
Or I will let it get the best of me.
Never do I absorb this friend or should I say stranger.
I never know what I will keep close to my heart or scare away from memory.
My feelings are true.
Love me.
Stay away from me.
Admire me.
Shy away from me.
Ill be here.
Always I will stand tall.
Never will I shrink.
My song is blaring in your mind.
My song is blaring through your ears.
I will help you find your way.
Just hear my song.
I am me
I am man
I am stong
I am brave
I have faith
I am trustworthy
Im some-what of an athlete
I play football
I run track
Ill do whatever it takes to get better
My heart is strong
Im filled with passion and love
My desire is to be the best
I want to be the best that I can
I strive to be better than everyone else
I believe in myself more than anything I know
I am honest
I am forgiving
I have many good qualities
Im sure I have some bad
I try my best to put forth my best efforts at all costs.
I am smart
I am powerful
I am funny
I am strong
I am man
I am Evan
i play football
and i run track
i only catch the ball
im not a quarterback
i play basketball
im number 23
you wanna challenge me
bring your nikes
when i run track
i dont run the long race
i run the short ones
so i dont have to pace
i like to be with friends
and we just hang out
we like to go outside
we play some knock-out
i kinda like school
i get pretty good grades
i do my homework
i get a lot of A's
im very competetive
i hate to loose
so if you play me
you better tie your shoes
i have two brothers
they are both pretty fun
we getin fights a lot
im usually number one
i have one sister
shes usually pretty quiet
but not when were at home
she's likely to cause a riot
This is real,
This is me.
I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be.
There's no changing me,
I have my mind set.
I know what I was,
I know what I am,
and what I will become.
My determination will lead to success,
My perseverance too.
I have the world at my feet,
The sky in my hands.
All those people who told me I never could,
I'm going to prove them wrong one day.
I'll be shining in the spotlights,
Looking down on them.
Yeah, one day I'm gonna prove them wrong.
I'm going far with my life,
I'm not quitting now.
This life is all I'll get,
There aren't any second chances.
I've gotta get it right this time.
I'm going to get there one day,
I'll be honest and fair.
I'm not gonna push people down
Just so I can get up.
It doesn't work that way.
This is real,
This is me.
I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be.
This is my life,
This is my path.
There's no turning back now.
"This is real. This is me. I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be."- Demi Levato; Camp Rock
I am me
I am clever
You will see
I will change never
Brown is my hair
and brown are my eyes
I'm sixteen years old
I'm just the right size
There is more to me then people see
I am intelligent, loving, and a madam
If you were me, then you would see
What I magnificent person I really am
My grades are terrific
I give my best effort in school
I plan on going to college
So I’ll never become a fool
The beach is my oasis
I love the sand and the ocean
The warmth of the sun’s rays
Watching the surfers in motion
I am me
I am clever
You will see
I will change never
I know what I want
I am almighty and strong
Get in my way
And you will regret it long
Field hockey is my sport
I could play forever
Other girls think their good
But they will beat me never
I laugh all the time
I joke and I smile
Put me in an empty room
And I will still talk for a while
I have an amazing family
A loving brother and two parents
They are always nice to me
Even when I do not make much sense
I am me
I am clever
You will see
I will change never
My song is acoustic
My song is rock and roll
My song is techno
My song is country
My song is different than any other song
My lips sing songs that my mind doesn’t recognize
Tunes flow from me unconsciously
My blood pulses in the only beat it knows
That beat is my beat
Quirky. Caring. Corrosive.
I dance to the rhythm of the wind
My heart is located prominently on my sleeve
I am destructive beyond my own belief
My true escape lies between pages
I am an immigrant
My mind never stays in one place for long
My words are pillows
But my screams are daggers
I lack in the quality of forgiveness
My native language is spoken through eyes
Dakota the dog
Dakota, my life preserver
Her bark is unforgettable
Her howl is inescapable
We are one
She knows my deepest secrets
But we do not speak
I’ve majored in tears and smiles
I shy away from silence, it yells at me through my own thoughts
Loneliness scares me
My walls are breakable
Only knocked down by persistence and faith
I don’t know what I have
Until it is gone
I am immortal
At least that’s all I can grasp.
I am me
Unique and wonderful through all my faults
I bring joy to those who love me
I am me
I am unstoppable
I can do anything I want
No one can stop me
Anything I want to do
I can do it
I am a relentless force
I am a dreamer
I am filled with imagination
The ideas in my head will one day change the world
I am a success
I am filled with the ability to accomplish anything
I am a success
I will meet any challenge brought to me
I am funny
Through my wit and sarcasm
I brighten anyone’s day
I am the optimistic pessimist
A personality contradiction
I am undecipherable
I am unchangeable
I am source of brilliance
The knower of all trivia
I shine my brightest among those who do not pressure me
I am intelligent
I am honest
I have integrity
I do what I do not for the recognition
I do what I do not to gain anything
I do what I do because I know what is right
I am shy
I am the shadow in the night
I go through the day unnoticed
I release my ultimate energy with my true friends
I am me
Take it or leave it
This is me
And this is all I need to be
My spirit is filled with optimism
I persevere to find the best
And when I do, I go for it
Trying to beat out the rest.
My mind is undefeatable
I am indestructible
Others cannot take me
Others cannot break me.
My heart floods with passion
Every beat, stronger than the last
I stride to succeed and overachieve
Because of my past.
My hands ache with talent
Waiting to be released
I have great potential
That others cannot decrease.
My eyes tell my story
They say more than I can
Look into them and you will see
What a luminous person I truly am
I am a student
I am a musician
I am happy
And I am myself.
Barbaric Yawp! #1
I am Allie.
Always there for people
Loveable and loud
Loyal to everyone
I am fun
Excellent at everything!
I am the best friend.
My friends know I am always there.
Through thick and thin, forever and always.
I would take a bullet for any of my girls.
I am the best girlfriend.
I buy random, phenomenal gifts.
I go to every single sport even (even preseason).
I show him a care about everything he does and I’m always there.
I am Allie the Brave.
I take crazy risks.
I create adventure like ones never seen before.
I live in the moment.
I live in the fast lane.
I am the over achiever.
I strive to outdo everyone.
I strive to be the best.
I strive to beat impossible goals.
I strive to get amazing grades, not good ones.
I strive to win and show what I have.
I am the dreamer.
I go for my dreams and goals.
I will be what I want to be.
I will go over and beyond all the requirements to make my dreams come true.
I will be the best lawyer in the U.S.
I am my own Person.
I am true to myself and others.
I never make myself who someone else wants me to be.
I would never fall into peer pressure because I’m stronger then that.
I like who I am and I don't want to be anyone else.
I am simply me and no one else.
Barbaric Yawp! #2 (this is just for fun. Anna and I will sing it for you in class! It goes to Mrs. Mary Mack song.)
1.My Name is Allie Allie Allie.
2.All dressed in white white white.
3.I hate to fight fight fight.
4.I only like to laugh laugh laugh
5.With all of my friends friends friends.
6.I care for others others others.
7.I have two brothers brothers brothers.
8.My eyes are brown brown brown.
9.I never frown frown frown.
10.I love to sing sing sing.
11.I love to draw draw draw.
12.I am very fun fun fun.
13.I go to St. Mark’s Mark’s Mark’s.
14.I’m in 10th grade grade grade.
15.I’m a good student student student.
16.Worst class is math math math.
17.Best class is English English English.
18.My teacher is awesome awesome awesome.
19.I have good grades grades grades.
20.I am very bright bright bright.
21.I do like school school school.
22.I really hate homework homework homework.
23.I am a cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader.
24.I do extra activities activities activities.
25.I am very funny funny funny.
26.I make alota jokes jokes jokes.
27.I’m an amazing friend friend friend.
28.I make smart decisions decisions decisions.
29.I only write songs songs songs.
30.To get extra credit credit credit.
Barbaric Yawp! #1
I am Allie.
Always there for people
Loveable and loud
Loyal to everyone
I am fun
Excellent at everything!
I am the best friend.
My friends know I am always there.
Through thick and thin, forever and always.
I would take a bullet for any of my girls.
I am the best girlfriend.
I buy random, phenomenal gifts.
I go to every single sport even (even preseason).
I show him a care about everything he does and I’m always there.
I am Allie the Brave.
I take crazy risks.
I create adventure like ones never seen before.
I live in the moment.
I live in the fast lane.
I am the over achiever.
I strive to outdo everyone.
I strive to be the best.
I strive to beat impossible goals.
I strive to get amazing grades, not good ones.
I strive to win and show what I have.
I am the dreamer.
I go for my dreams and goals.
I will be what I want to be.
I will go over and beyond all the requirements to make my dreams come true.
I will be the best lawyer in the U.S.
I am my own Person.
I am true to myself and others.
I never make myself who someone else wants me to be.
I would never fall into peer pressure because I’m stronger then that.
I like who I am and I don't want to be anyone else.
I am simply me and no one else.
Barbaric Yawp! #2 (this is just for fun. Anna and I will sing it for you in class! It goes to Mrs. Mary Mack song.)
1.My Name is Allie Allie Allie.
2.All dressed in white white white.
3.I hate to fight fight fight.
4.I only like to laugh laugh laugh
5.With all of my friends friends friends.
6.I care for others others others.
7.I have two brothers brothers brothers.
8.My eyes are brown brown brown.
9.I never frown frown frown.
10.I love to sing sing sing.
11.I love to draw draw draw.
12.I am very fun fun fun.
13.I go to St. Mark’s Mark’s Mark’s.
14.I’m in 10th grade grade grade.
15.I’m a good student student student.
16.Worst class is math math math.
17.Best class is English English English.
18.My teacher is awesome awesome awesome.
19.I have good grades grades grades.
20.I am very bright bright bright.
21.I do like school school school.
22.I really hate homework homework homework.
23.I am a cheerleader cheerleader cheerleader.
24.I do extra activities activities activities.
25.I am very funny funny funny.
26.I make alota jokes jokes jokes.
27.I’m an amazing friend friend friend.
28.I make smart decisions decisions decisions.
29.I only write songs songs songs.
30.To get extra credit credit credit.
I am special
It is what makes me me
It is what gives me elation
The fact that I am special
Makes me ecstatic to show the world.
I am all-in-one
Me, myself and I are one party
We rejoice, cry, and laugh together
No one else is invited unless requested
I am the weather
I get cold and hot
I shine and rain
i am the light and darkness
I am unpredictable
I am life
I breathe, speak and live
I cry, laugh, and shall die
I am, will be and I was
I rejoice, suffer, and regret
I enjoy the stage before death
I am the 21st century
Technology should be my name
IPods, itouch, iphone, everything
I am the era of time
I am like a clock
I rush by sometimes uncaring
Other times I am slow
people say I am acrimonious
But altogether I am gallant
I am a library
I own a collection of the best books
From literature to math books
To biology and history books
From fiction to non fiction
to romance and even death
They all belong to me.
I am special
It is what makes me me
It is what gives me elation
the fact i am special
makes me ecstatic to show the world
I am here.
You are there.
Where is here?
I don’t even know this place.
However, it has a familiar atmosphere.
I am trapped here.
In bondage of chains and shackles, here.
Away from everyone else, here.
I am alone, here.
And you are there.
Like the moon, visible, but never attainable.
Not From here.
I crawl to get to you,
But fall exasperated every time.
The air is hazy and thick, here.
I sit on slate in a corner,
Bound by chains, tying down my extremities.
The rock floor and walls, along with the air, are all damp and cold.
My hands are numb, here.
They seem so distant and foreign now, as if they weren’t even mine.
They are suspended in air by the limp wrists on my arms, rested upon my knees,
Which are tucked close to my body, for warmth.
My hands are dangling like puppets that once were playful and comical.
They used to engage in much activity.
They used to engage in the creation of something more than themselves.
But not here.
The puppeteer is dying.
I am dying.
All I ever wanted was to reach you.
Maybe others would understand and follow me to you.
But they refused to follow a crazy man.
But they refused to open up.
So they locked me up to rot, here.
You can see me, trapped far below, dying in failure.
You pour down tears on the earth, weeping of the sorrow you see, here.
My sorrow, here.
You are LOVE.
You are too good for me.
That is what you are, there.
I don’t deserve you.
So I sit here dying,
Because I am also them, who locked me up.
I seal my own fate, here.
What a sad story.
That is what I am, here.
I am small and insignificant in the eyes of the world,
I am brave and I am curious,
I fall and I get up.
I see the world around me filled with filth and despair,
I am a vigilante saving the helpless,
I break down this shallow place and stare at its insides,
I know my place in the world.
I am a teenage wasteland, a toxic vat of sludge,
Waiting to be molded to societies design.
I will not be held down, I will not conform,
I will become an artist, painting peoples skin,
I will listen to my music, as fast and rough as it may be,
I will go to my hero’s shows and enjoy the sound reverberations.
I will smile and I will laugh,
I will kiss and I will hug.
Surrounded by the fakeness of my peers and their ridiculous trends,
I see through people like glass, and I am surrounded by similar friends,
I will not fall for your tricks, society,
I will not be led astray,
I know my aspirations and dreams.
I enjoy the warmth of the sun, the sound of innocent melodies coming through my window,
I am pained by the cold earth, the unavailability of the outdoors.
I am a vigilante,
I am strong and significant in the eyes of the world.
Sometimes I walk
More often I stand
I want to be kind
I intend to be kind
Swept away are often those whims
I mourn others misfortune
More often I am lucky, bathing in my fortune
The Pensive ghost, an ever welcome guest in my soul;
The world is a memorial.
We built it.
We'll murder it.
I long to sing with the birds, but long ago we forgot the words to their songs
but we wrote our own songs, and stole some others.
I never understood why people dress up, to make themselves "better", for the world.
The World is blind to them.
Diese Wörter bedeuten nichts zu euch, genau wie ihr nichts zu der Welt bedeutet.
I mean something to myself.
With luck and skill I've carved out myself I life I like.
Friends betray and family hurts more when it betrays.
People are good on the inside, but not so much on the outside. Seldom occasions bring kind souls to the feast, though mostly they are lacking.
I have good friends, I kept them close
I laugh and smile each day.
I am as I am, so what else should I be?
I lay in the fields, in my paradise of sweet smoke, and the murmurings of the woods.
I am strong in every sense
I am indestructible
I am fast like a cheetah
I never give up my goals
I always find a way no matter what
I am like Jason Statham in the transporter
My ambitions are high
I have no limits to my success
I strive for excellence in everything I do
I am a perfectionist in all ways
I despise failure and will not accept it
I am a motivated person who will not be stopped
I like singing
I like singing when people don’t want me to sing
I like speaking my voice
I don’t care if people hear what I have to think
My voice is unique
My voice is like lil Wayne’s
I am not afraid
I will not back down from any challenge
I thrive under pressure
I love competition
I want to be the best at what I do
I am like all successful people
My imagination is wild
I love the color green
My mind is capable of many things
I can complete the rubix cube
I am like a genius
I write poems about myself
I am always smiling
I have a happy personality
I get over things quick
No one can ruin my day
I am known to the world as Brandon,
A dynasty is what I am,
I am the greatest to ever walk this earth,
Not even Jesus Himself could amount to my worth.
I am known to the world as Brandune,
A man among boys is what I am,
Anything I do ends up in domination,
I am definitely God's best creation.
I am known to the world as a warrior,
My work ethic is fierce and unrelenting,
I am one of the few who never stop,
Nothing will ever slow me- not until I reach the top.
I am known to the world as an intellect,
Omniscient knowledge is what I have,
I know of all things,
And that is why I am the greatest of all kings.
I am known to the world as an athlete,
Football is what I play,
My hits are that of collisions from a commercial truck,
I dare you to go against me- you're going to need a lot of luck.
The sport is my love,
Running back is my position,
I score when I please, I score on will,
Don't hate, just appreciate- because we all know I'm ILL.
I am a brilliant mind, high above humanity,
I am the best at everything I do,
This is the only thing on earth that is absolutely clear,
My greatness is a fact-please no need to shed a tear.
A hero is what I am,
An unforgettable legend is what I will be,
I will leave a lasting impression- call it a legacy,
Some will hate it, name it as heresy,
I call it the fulfillment of the prophecy.
I am known to the world as Brandon,
A force to be reckoned with is what I am,
A great to be looked for,
And this is my BARBARIC YAWP!
I am mysterious.
I can not be figured.
I never give a hint of what I am doing.
I am as sneaky as a cat.
As soft as dog.
In my world the possibilities may be endless, but it requires hard work and focus.
Nothing can be just handed, it must be earned.
I frolic down the street and am watched by all.
No one goes unnoticed.
I can be dependent on myself rather than those around me.
I am greater then the mighty Zeus whom amazes me.
I can control the environment around me.
Some people may embrace or deny me.
Denial is a powerful word in which must be used so carefully.
I can care yet show no emotion.
Be strong and weak.
Be fast and slow.
Be loved and hated.
I can be wild yet calm.
I weave through taffic and sore over the clouds in which no one has ever attempted to do ever before. Through this I juke through the deep depths of the jungle.
I skate off roof tops and climb tall towers of which no man has ever done before.
I am Hazel
I am smart and nice
I am a ray of sunshine about to explode
I am good in school and in sports
And I can do anything I set my mind to
I am an athlete
Competition runs in my blood
Swimming is what I am great at
I swim like a shark all fast and strong
If you challenge me I will take you down
I have many medals and I keep winning them all
Reading and playing is what I love to do
The Twilight series are what I enjoy the most
And playing outside with my friends
When it comes to school I am the best
I come in top of my class
My mind is like an open book
Yearning to learn more
I am an optimist
Always making the bad look good
I bring sunshine into a depressing room
I am a hard worker
I give everything a 110%
No matter what I never give up
Even when the odds are against me
I am me
I love myself
I am an amazing person
With many talents and abilities
I am Hazel
I am tall
I am skinny
My fear of an english test is mini.
Besides many other things the outfield is what I know.
I so fast out there, just wind me up and watch me go.
Also not to brag
my arm is really far from a drag.
Just load it with a ball
and boom! it seems as if it'll never fall.
I really like art.
I always like to contribute my part.
My creativity is off the wall.
My thinking seems to always be on the ball.
With me around it's always sunny.
There isn't anything I can't make funny.
No matter what situation comes my way.
I always have a plan to get out of the fray.
I am very nice and sweet.
I am about the nicest person you'll ever meet.
I may not look it but, I'm strong
On the inside I've got the eye of the tiger.
Some folks may confuse it with a liger.
I have a positive outlook on most stuff.
My personality is the definition of tough.
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