Sophs journal #1--Your Favorite Work of Art

Complete this blog/journal response before Thursday, September 10. Remember, I recommend that you write your response in a Word document, save it, and then copy and paste it as a response. Eventually, I will collect all of your "blog/journal" responses at the end of each marking period as a graded assignment.
Be more succinct than you will be in your essay--here write a minimum of 25 blog comment lines or 200 words (your essay should be 3-4 typed pages).
At Schoolsville, you probably want to respond to these prompts:
1. What IS your favorite work of art?
2. Tell me about it. Give a brief description.
3. Why is it your favorite work? Does it make you "think" or "feel"? Briefly explain.
To get an idea of how to respond properly to this blog, check out the archives for September 2008 and read some of the 76 responses made by last year's sophomores to this blog entry.
The image that you're viewing is of Van Gogh's Starry Night, one of my personal favorite "works of art."
My personal favorite work of art has to be the movie Step Up. It combines the art of film with a story line based on the art of dance. The movie is about a man named Tyler who comes from a rough part of Maryland. He and his friends are caught breaking into the Maryland School of the Arts and as a punishment he is required to do community service at the scene of the crime. While fulfilling his duty, he meets a girl named Nora who needs a partner for the upcoming showcase. The two go through many obstacles in preparing for the show and in the end Tyler is actually asked to attend the school. The dancing in this movie was amazing and as a dancer I can easily relate to the storyline. I know what it’s like to have a goal like that and how much dedication it requires to achieve. Beneath the show is all the hard work it takes to put it together, and this movie portrays that to people that don’t know all the behind-the-scene details. It also shows a lot of the difficulties of living in a bad area. At first Tyler lived a life of dangerous partying, stealing cars, and even gun violence. The behind those dangers message portrayed is kind of inspiring. Tyler was raised with such negative examples, and even though that’s all he knew, he looked past it and found out what it was like to work hard for something he really wanted. I think this movie was an entertaining way to show people that if they really want something they can get it if they dedicate themselves with their whole heart.
Way to get the ball rolling, ER blue!
My favorite work of art would have to be the musical Wicked. People may think “oh it’s a cute, funny musical” but under the humor and singing there is a more important story that I relate to. The story is about the history of the wicked witch of the west a.k.a Elphaba. The main character Elphaba lives every day with people running away from her because she’s green. Elphaba expresses her feelings through song, one of the most powerful ways to express yourself. She is invited to see the Wizard of Oz because he thinks she can use her powers to become evil. Through casting of spells, Elphaba is considered wicked. The citizens of Oz never realized that under the green skin is a nice warm-hearted person. Like today, people judge you by the way you look without giving you a chance to get to know you. I feel like that sometimes. Sure I’m in the marching band, but that doesn’t mean I’m a “band geek” or a nerd I like to have fun. The reason I love the musical so much is that the music is different; it makes me happier when I’m down. It proves that you can do what you want to do even though some people don’t accept you.
I have many favorite works of art but if I had to choose my all time favorite I would pick the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. This movie is one of the funniest and most creative movies I have ever seen. The movie is about a boy in high school named Ferris Bueller. The main character Ferris is one of the funniest characters ever thought up by a director, he’s incredibly witty and you can’t help falling in love with him. The other main characters are his best friend Cameron, who worries about everything, and his girlfriend Sloane. One day instead of going to school like everyone else he skips and goes on an adventure with Cameron and Sloane. On this adventure they go to the city and do many crazy things like sing on a parade float, which is one of the more popular scenes from the movie. But my favorite scene from the movie is when Ferris’s parents come home to check on Ferris, who is already gone, and you get to see all the cool gadgets and creative things he does so no one will find out that he’s not actually there. How naïve his parents are makes the movie even that much better. During his escapade through the city his sister, who hates how he gets away with everything, and his principle, who just hates him, are trying to prove that Ferris isn’t actually sick, which creates many more hysterical situations. This movie never fails to make me feel better, it’s so funny and you can’t help but smile when you watch it. The movie deals with problems that kids our own age actually deal with that makes it more fun to watch and easier to enjoy. Even though it’s not a powerful important movie I think it’s still a very important part of today’s society therefore making it my favorite work of art.
My favorite work of art has to be the painting The School of Athens painted around 1510 by Raphael. This painting has to be one of my favorites partially due to the fact that I went to Italy this Summer and saw it in person, and up close it really imposes itself upon people. The School of Athens is my favorite work of art, because of all the characters that Raphael painted in to it such as, Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. The School of Athens depicts all the greatest scientists, artists, and mathematicians of Raphael’s age. One of my favorite people that Raphael painted into this painting is the founder of geometry himself, Euclid. Though why Euclid is one of my favorite people is beyond me. Perhaps I am impressed that Euclid could come up with modern Geometry circa 2000 years before I was born. One of the other cool things that I like about The School of Athens is that Raphael painted himself discreetly behind another person, basically stating that he was as good as all the other important people in his painting. Raphael also painted two portraits of Leonardo Da Vinci into his School of Athens, one of a young Da Vinci and one as an Old Da Vinci. Old Da Vinci can be seen as Plato pointing up to the heavens. The younger Da Vinci can be seen as Hypatia to the left of Permenides. Overall this painting is just a beauty to see in person, and is so big and life like that it’s awe inspiring.
Art. When this word is said most people immediately begin thinking of paintings all the famous people associated with different art works. What most people don’t realize is that this category is much broader than they think. You can add movies, music, and many different things to the mix. As my personal opinion my favorite work of art would be the movie “Grease.” I love this movie so much because the time frame is during a time when life was much simpler, and it adds in some really catchy songs that just get stuck in your head for hours. The main characters of the film are Sandy Olsson and Danny Zuko, the two meet during the summer vacation before their senior year of high school, and fall in love with each other. Unfortunately when school comes around again Sandy must return back to her home in Australia, but to all the viewers’ surprise she ends up staying in America, and attending Danny’s school without knowing it. As you can see this can make for some crazy times to occur. The movie just makes you laugh, cry, and sing all in one. I enjoy watching this movie and always look forward to being able to view it. Sometimes I catch myself just walking around my house singing the songs from the film for hours at a time driving my entire family nuts. I believe that anyone who watches this movie will enjoy it and love it just as much as I do, it will always be a classic movie and a great work of art.
My favorite work of art is the movie How The Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess. This has been my favorite movie ever since I was a little kid. I have always absolutely loved the Christmas season and I think this movie is a perfect way to celebrate it. Also, the cool thing about this movie is that it was originally a poem, so throughout the movie, everything rhymes. This movie is a Christmas movie, but I could watch it any day out of the year. It teaches people what the real meaning of Christmas is, while giving it humor and entertainment. I can quote almost every line out of this movie, even sounding like the Grinch. When I was younger, I would put on skits at family parties of the scene where Cindy Lou Who came up to the Grinch's cave to ask him to come to the Holiday Cheer-mister. Everyone would laugh and say I sounded exactly like him. I will never forget that skit, especially because sometimes I still do it for certain people. This movie always cheers me up when I am in a bad mood, and always makes me so anxious for the Christmas season. I could never pass up a chance to watch it.
Over the years, I've had many favorite works of art and in all the senses and meanings of the word 'art'. If I was asked this questions a few years back, I would have taken it literally, but now with a more keen sense on what art can really be, I'd have to say that my favorite work of art would have to be "The Notebook", both the book and movie. It’s a pretty typical response to questions like ‘what’s your favorite movie’, and ‘what’s your favorite book’, but for this question it requires more thought. The Notebook is about two teenagers who fall in love, even though they’re really not supposed to because their families are from different places and different social statuses. The main characters, Noah and Allie met during one summer while Allie was visiting. At first she doesn’t give him a chance because of the fact that he’s lower class then she is, but eventually she realizes that that doesn’t matter. Eventually they are broken apart because Allie goes off to college in New York, leaving Noah behind. She meets a different man and they become engaged, just as Noah comes back into her life. They are both obviously not over each other, and they both realize that. At the end they are together again. But in their older years, Allie get’s Alzheimer’s disease and can’t remember anyone, not even Noah. Eventually she remembers and they share their last night of living together. This is my favorite work of art because it teaches people that love can conquer anything. Even the toughest of problems. Another reason this is a great piece of art is because the acting is phenomenal, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams are extremely convincing in their roles. This movie could really give hope to anyone who is in a situation similar to Allie and Noah’s and it relates to all kinds of audiences, older people and younger at the same time. All around, the movie is extremely well done and inspiring and at the same time it’s very close to the original story that Nicolas Sparks’ created.
My favorite work of art would have to be The lion king. This movie is basically about animals that talk to each other in the wild. Its mostly about lions in a pack and there is one very bad lion that doesn't like the other lions. I think that this is a work of art because they made the animals talk and interact and it shows people a little bit of how an animals life is and possibly what they would be saying if they could really talk to each other in real life. It is also a work of art because it is animated and it takes a lot of work to make an animated movie. It takes much more time than just to hire actors and give them scripts they have to carefully specify each and every characters physical and mental characteristics in order to make the whole movie. It also has a very creative and well thought out plot as I had previously stated. I saw this movie for the first time when i was about four years old and I loved it the last time I watched the whole movie was probably when I was around seven or eight. I would really love to see it again and hopefully I will soon. The final point I would like to make on why it is a work of art is because all the animals are friends with each other which sends sort of a message to people.
I thought of many works when I thought about my favorite wok of art. I thought what is something that really affected the way I think about things and changed my point of view. I thought of my favorite lyrics in the world “Do you know what’s worth fighting for when it’s not worth dying for.” Then I realized that my favorite work of art would have to be the album “21st Century Breakdown” by “Green Day”. The reason I love this album so much is because in every song there are a line of lyrics that just stuck in my head and I will always remember. The album once you connect all the songs together tell a story about two teenagers named, Christian and Gloria, these teenagers eventually become drug addicts and lose everything even each other then the album end with the lyrics “I wanna see the light.” Meaning that in the end they regret doing all of that and wish they didn’t do any of it. The whole album has a kind of sad upbeat but also has the moral to be happy with what you have and enjoy it while you have it. That is why “21st Century Breakdown” is my favorite work of art because the moral that is taught through the sad story of Christian and Gloria.
The form of art I enjoy the most would be novels. Sarah Dessen, is an American author, who writes Novels about teen life. My favorite creation by Sarah Dessen is her novel “Someone Like You,” published in 1999. Someone Like You, is a story based on Juniors in High School who have obstacles to overcome like the peer pressure in everyday life, relationships with parents, relationships with boys, overcoming the death of a loved one, and teen pregnancy. This novel follows Halley and Scarlette, two best friends searching to find themselves, and what makes them unique. Halley, the speaker in the book, finds herself in many different situations where she has to choose between what is morally right, and what is right for herself. This novel is about self discovery, and the hardships of growing and maturing. I enjoy reading this book numerous times, because with every time I read it I learn an new lesson. Sarah Dessen creates vivid books that teen girls can relate to. Dessen understands the struggles teens have with trying to please their parents, but also live their own life. She also understands the importance of friendship, and the lengths people would go to, to be able to support their friends. “Life is an ugly place not to have a bestfriend.” – Sarah Dessen. “Somebody Like You”
The form of art I enjoy the most would be novels. Sarah Dessen, is an American author, who writes Novels about teen life. My favorite creation by Sarah Dessen is her novel “Someone Like You,” published in 1999. Someone Like You, is a story based on Juniors in High School who have obstacles to overcome like the peer pressure in everyday life, relationships with parents, relationships with boys, overcoming the death of a loved one, and teen pregnancy. This novel follows Halley and Scarlette, two best friends searching to find themselves, and what makes them unique. Halley, the speaker in the book, finds herself in many different situations where she has to choose between what is morally right, and what is right for herself. This novel is about self discovery, and the hardships of growing and maturing. I enjoy reading this book numerous times, because with every time I read it I learn an new lesson. Sarah Dessen creates vivid books that teen girls can relate to. Dessen understands the struggles teens have with trying to please their parents, but also live their own life. She also understands the importance of friendship, and the lengths people would go to, to be able to support their friends. “Life is an ugly place not to have a bestfriend.” – Sarah Dessen. “Somebody Like You”
Works of art come in many different forms such as the four thousand year old painting you see in a world famous museum, or the movie you pay ten dollars to see. My favorite work of art is the show “Glee”. It has such creative show with the singing and dancing. The show is about a group of high school students who are the social outcast of the school join a musical theatre group called New Directions. But when the director of the group convinces a football player named Finn Hudson played by Cory Monteith to join the schools social order becomes messed up. The reason I enjoy this show so much is because of this line “being great at something is going to change not being liked. Being part of something special makes you special.” Is what the character Rachel Berry says played by Lea Michele. I think that line has such a great idea about what life is if you do something you think is special then you will be special. As an actress I also understand what it feels like to not be liked because of what you love to do a lot of other people think it is stupid and weird. But this show shows that being out of the box is something that we should all try to be, and not conform to the straight narrow of modern society. We all need to stand and out and I think that is what the really tries to prove which is why this is my favorite work of art.
My favorite work of art is a musical by the name of “RENT.” In the musical, two friends, Mark and Roger (played by Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal) lived together in New York City. Mark is a film maker trying to make it big, and Roger is a song writer. They were friends with Benny, who let them move into the apartment for a “lowered” rent. But it was mostly free. Roger, Benny, Mark, Maureen (Mark’s ex girlfriend, who goes out with JoAnne, another friend), and Collins (who also lived with Mark and Roger) were all friends trying to make it through the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Roger and Collins were HIV positive and Roger was having a hard time getting over the loss of his girlfriend to the deadly disease. Then, Roger meets the girl downstairs named Mimi. They become friends and have an interest in each other. At this time Collins comes home. He also meets a gay guy who dresses as a girl named Angel and dates him. The friends are living together trying to come up with a rent and also survive with having drug addictions and AIDS. It was extremely hard for them to meet the needs. But it gets a little easier when Mark gets a deal with Buzline, a news show. He taped a protest that Maureen did and a riot developed during the protest and was put on the news. That’s how Mark was introduced to Buzline. The friends are doing well money wise, but they are starting to drift apart. Maureen and JoAnne married, but then got divorced. Roger and Mimi broke up because he found out Mimi and Benny had gotten together a while ago and she was still doing drugs. Roger didn’t want to lose her also. Angel (Collin’s boyfriend) got sick with AIDS and ended up dying. Angel’s spunk and positive outlook on everything really helped the group of friends stay positive and happy. They all had a great time being friends with Angel. Angel’s death was too much for the friends and they fought at the burial. Roger went to California for some time alone after the funeral and ended up writing Mimi a song. In the meantime, Mimi was going through withdrawl and no one could find out where she was. Roger came home just in time. JoAnne and Maureen had made up and were friends and they found Mimi in a park close to death. All the friends were gathered around Mimi as she lay almost lifeless on a table trying to apologize to Roger and he was doing the same to her. The friends are all devastated as Mimi takes her last breath. But then, she miraculously coughs and the life came back to her. She tells Collins that she was “walking towards a warm, white light. And I swore, Angel was there. And she said, ‘turn around honey, and listen to that boys song.’” Then the friends starts to sing, “There is no future, there is no past. Thank God this moments not the last. There’s only us, there’s only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today.” The musical was later turned into a movie and Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal starred in it. Along with Idina Menzel who played Maureen in the musical. I was introduced to the movie in 6th or 7th grade and went to see the broadway show in 8th. The show was staring Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp. This musical/movie is my favorite because it has sad moments and funny moments and I think it has a great message. The friends were in a horrible condition and still were able to have fun, pull together and think positively. They were there for each other in times of need and that's what I think good friends should do. They didn't care about what the people looked like or who they were on the outside, they cared about who they were on the inside.
My absolute favorite work of art would have to be the movie, “The Parent Trap.” “The Parent Trap” is a movie about identical twins that were separated when they were younger. While they were both at summer camp, they discovered they were twins. There are two main characters, Hallie, who lives with her father in California and Annie, who lives with her mother in London. During their time at camp they strategize a plan to switch places and see what their other parent is like. They came to the conclusion that once they spent enough time with their other parent, they would tell them what they had done. They realized the parents would have to switch them back and meet again. More than anything, Hallie and Annie wanted their parents to fall in love and get back together. That was their plan and they weren’t going to give up. In the end the parents fall in love again. Why I love this work of art the most is because of the message it sends out. The twins never give up or lose faith. They believed they could make it happen and they achieved it. When I watch this movie, it makes me feel like I never want to give up. At the end when the parents get back together, it makes me think that if you really put your mind to it and follow through, you can achieve anything you want to.
Romantic, bittersweet, and heartwarming are three adjectives I would use to describe one of my favorite works of art, the movie The Notebook. I watched this movie for the first time about three years ago in the car, on the way to the beach. I had no idea that by the time the ride was over, I would be crying, and in need of some tissues. One reason why I love this movie so much is because I think it’s a great adaptation of the book by Nicholas Sparks. The movie stars Rachel McAdams as Allie, a rich girl who falls in love with a poor boy named Noah,played by Ryan Gosling. They meet while Allie is spending the summer at her vacation house. It is love at first sight. Together their love is tested when many obstacles are thrown their way such as her parent’s disapproval of Noah, when she moves away, and when she is engaged to another man. However, their love keeps them together. This movie is bittersweet, because when they grow old together, Allie is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and can’t remember Noah. Noah reads her their love story he has recorded over the years in his notebook. In the end, Allie remembers everything Noah has read to her, and they die together. This movie has a sad ending, but I would consider it one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. There are many forms of art, including film, music, literature, sculpture, and paintings. My favorite form of art, is music. This is because, I love music and it calms me down and all around makes me feel good. Whenever I go somewhere, I always have to listen to music. One of my favorite artists, is Slightly Stoopid. One of my favorite works of art and songs by them is the song “Mellow Mood”. My favorite season is summer, and I love the beach, the ocean, and skateboarding. When I listen to this song it reminds me of all of them, and makes me feel better in any mood. This song also has a very good meaning, the meaning is you don’t have to have money or a lot of material things to be happy, as long as you love people that’s all you need. “ When all your moneys gone, where will u be? If your love is strong, that’s all you need.” That is the refrain part of this song. If all of the world had the same attitude as the attitude in this song our world would be a better place.
My favorite work of art would probably be a short story by an author that most people either love or hate. It would be "The Black Cat" by Edgar Allen Poe. I like this story because it has a strong sense of irony and justice. Like most main characters in Poe's short stories, he is a fairly average man if not slightly eccentric and a little less than completely sane. This particular character is described as kind-hearted, especially towards animals. He and his wife had many pets, including a large black cat that was the man's favorite. Eventually the man became more irritable in his daily life and neglected and "ill-used" his pets, all except this cat. The man became a borderline drunk and attacked his cat, for approaching him, with a pocketknife and cut out it's eye. He later feels guilty but becomes addicted to "the spirit of perverseness" and hung his cat in the backyard because it had never done anything to him. That night, his house catches on fire. The ruins had a marking on the wall of a giant cat with a noose around it's neck. He later meets a cat exactly like his previous one and his wife loves it. It even had a missing eye. One day he tries to kill the cat in fear, he misses and kills his wife. He tries to hide the body in the cellar. The police come to investigate and they hear noise from the wall. The cat was hidden behind the wall with her and the man is sentenced to the gallows. I like this story because it is interesting, even though a bit frightening at times.
My favorite singular piece of art is the song In the End by Linkin Park. I like the music works with the word to create a feeling of how disappointed the writer is with him self and with the person who he disappointed (“Things aren’t the way they were before,
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore, Not that you knew me back then”). From what I can tell the person he disappointed expected to much from the writer, and that’s what got them to ‘the end’ or point of where they just give up on trying. Although the message is sad, it dose have a good point. If you are in a situation where you can’t do anything to impress the person and it makes you feel bad about your self, then you have to end it. Also lyrics like “time is a valuable thing” shows that you can’t waste life. But other lyrics like “Watch the time go right out the window” show how sometimes time just flies by no matter what you do. All in all the song helps me went I am upset, nerves, or angry. I love this song because of how it makes me feel better went I fail, and just the supreme quality of the music.
Music is a form of art that is appreciated and treasured by cultures and ethnicities all over the world. In American culture we value music for entertainment as well as for other more emotional purposes. Amongst the categories of art, it’s my personal favorite. The song “Weightless” by All Time Low sticks out from the millions and millions of songs that have been produced to become my favorite. The song is basically an anthem for teenagers living their lives to the fullest, not sitting around and wasting time, and taking a stand for what they feel! This song never fails to lift my spirits when I’m down with its upbeat tempo and easy to relate to lyrics. For every emotion you could feel, there’s a line in the song to describe it. It gives hope to the socially awkward, feeds to the fire of the outgoing, and encourages everyone to enjoy their youth while they still can. So take a lesson from the words of the greatest song ever, “If I could just find the time, then I would never let another day go by. I’m over getting old. Maybe it’s not my weekend, but it’s gonna be my year. And I’m so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere. This is my reaction, to everything I fear. ‘Cause I’ve been going crazy, I don’t wanna waste another minute here.” It’s a good thing All Time Low released this song, I don’t know how I'd get through my days without it.
My favorite work of art would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is such a funny movie I can recite it and laugh at the same time. My favorite scene is when the Knights of the Round Table go to the French castle and they wont let them in. Then the French guy mocks them and says, “I fart in your general direction.” Then the French launch a cow at them. It is also funny when they reach another castle Sir Arthur is confronted by another man there when he asks where he got the coconuts; Sir Arthur replies birds migrate but they are not strangers. The man in the castle says, “Are you suggesting that the coconuts migrated?” It is a very funny part. I also like when the black night gets his arm cut of and he says, “Tis’ a flesh wound.” Once he has no arms or legs he says, “We’ll call it a draw.” I always laugh at that scene. One of the best scenes in the movie was the bridge of death. Everybody is afraid to go over the bridge because the bridge-keeper asks everybody three trivia questions. First Sir Lancelot goes. The bridge-keeper asks his name then his quest then his favorite color. When the other knights see the easiness of the question they all spring at the chance to cross. For the next knight the first two questions are the same but the final question is the capitol of assyria which he doesnt know and is thrown into the valley.
Though I have many favorite works of art, my favorite work of art is the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I saw this movie recently and really enjoyed it. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a movie about a man who is aging in reverse. The movie is set in 1940’s New Orleans where Benjamin begins his life in a home for the elderly. I think the movie shows a unique portrayal of life because the main character is getting younger and understanding life in a different more straight-forward way. My favorite aspect of the movie was Benjamin’s adoptive mother. To me she gave him the perfect balance of responsibly, love, and discipline. But most importantly she helped him understand that he was different from other kids but never let that effect what kind of person was. I found her strength and bravery very encouraging because she took Benjamin in and gave him a feeling of acceptance. The movie is also my favorite work of art because of the overall message you receive when watching it. That message is that it is ok to be different. I think this is the most important message a movie can give because, though the premise is unrealistic, it is important to know that every person is different and being an individual is important to society.
To me art is anything that can inspire someone. My favorite movie, Across the Universe, does exactly that. The story begins in Liverpool, England with Jude, a boy who takes a ship to New York City to look for his dad. While finding his dad as a janitor, he meets Max Carrigan. Max takes Jude home with him for Thanksgiving, where Jude meets Max’s younger sister, Lucy. Max and Jude move to New York City together and share an apartment with an aspiring singer named Sadie. Lucy and Jude begin to start a relationship. Max is drafted and sent to Vietnam, and Lucy becomes involved with the anti-war movement. Jude and Lucy have many differences on the subject of war, and Jude doesn’t like how much time Lucy spends doing it. Jude storms into Lucy’s office trying to explain his thoughts on the hypocritical actions being done by the activists causing an altercation between himself and Lucy, which results in Jude being arrested and deported. After a while, Jude legally returns to the United States, and has a concert on a roof singing “All You Need is Love.” Jude wins Lucy back. Throughout the movie Beatles songs play and the movie is based off a lot of the music from the Beatles. I really liked the music in the movie. The movie is also what introduced me to The Beatles’ music.
There are many different aspects to art that people don’t recognize. For example, movies are works of art too, and my personal favorite work of art has to be the movie/musical “Across the Universe”. It was beautifully written based on the music from The Beatles and the1960’s during the Vietnam War. All of the characters were named off The Beatle’s songs like “Hey Jude.” The cast includes Jim Sturgess as Jude and Evan Rachel Wood as Lucy. It’s a young love story that can tend to have its ups and downs due to anti-war movement. Jude is a poor artist from Liverpool and Lucy is an upper-class American girl going to high school. Jude travels to America illegally to find his father but along the way meets Lucy and falls in love. They move to New York with her brother Max and he is sent off to War which creates Lucy to get involved with all the protests. Eventually, because of it Jude is caught and must return to England. In the end, everything works out and Jude and Lucy can be together again. It’s a fantastic film and I watch it every chance I get. It’s comedy, drama, and romance all mixed in to one. I believe that anyone who watches this movie will enjoy it just as much as I do. "Across the Universe" is an amazing work of art which is why its my favorite.
Although there are many magnificent works of art, my all time favorite would have to be the movie Independence Day. In Independence Day, a strange alien race comes to earth in a massive spaceship on July 2nd. After trying and failing to make contact with the aliens, the people of earth realize that these aliens are not friendly. They discover that the aliens are planning to attack earth in a matter of days, so the President orders a counterattack. The alien ships are protected from the earth’s attacks by an invisible shield making it impossible to damage any of them. One of the few people to survive the attack is Captain Steve Hiller who volunteers to go on a mission to the alien mother ship to plant a virus into the ship’s system. The virus destroys the alien’s shields, but only for a short time. The people of earth manage to destroy all of the alien ships and Captain Steve Hiller destroys the mother ship with a nuclear bomb. The people of earth end up fighting for their freedom on July 4th, making it not only America’s Independence Day but the whole world’s. I picked this movie because the acting by Will Smith and his co-actors and actresses is amazing. Also the special effects are fantastic. This movie was really interesting to me and made me want to keep watching and see what came next.
I have many favorite works of art, but one that stands out in my mind especially is the TV series Planet Earth. This show is not only extraordinarily beautiful but also very interesting. It introduces plants, animals, and parts of the earth that many people don’t even know exist. Each episode shows different parts of the earth including from the peak of mountains to the bottoms of oceans. It took over 5 years, and $25 million to create this multi-award-winning natural history series. One of my favorite episodes of the series is the deep sea, because of the amazing colors of the fish, coral reefs, and underwater plants. To show the real beauty of the earth the show was filmed in high definition. Personally, I found it a spectacular glimpse of some of the Earth's last remaining places of wild gorgeousness. Some of my favorite parts of the show include: Nile crocodiles exploding out of the water to grab migrating wildebeest crossing their river. The terrifying tenacity of the bull crocodiles is shown when one of them, after grabbing a wildebeest's leg in its jaws, wrestles with its unlucky prey for over an hour before finally dragging the wildebeest into the water and drowning it. Another one of my favorite parts is a snow leopard, one of our planet's rarest and most elusive predators, hunting twisted-horned antelope in the Himalayas of eastern Pakistan. This was one of the first close-up images of snow leopards in the wild ever filmed. Almost anyone who watches any of these shows will be amazed by the beauty of out Planet.
My personal favorite work of art is the movie Parent Trap. Hallie and Annie, identical twins who were separated at birth when their parents divorced, meet at camp one summer. They start out as bitter rivals, Annie is a proper young lady from London, England meanwhile Hallie is free-spirited and somewhat of a rebel from Napa Valley, California. After Hallie pulls a huge prank on Annie, they are both summoned to the “isolation cabin” where they realize they are sisters and begin to form a loving friendship. Both girls desperately want to meet there other parent so they come up with a seemingly brilliant plan. They decide that once camp is over they will switch places and go home with their long lost parent. Initially their scheme is fairly successful and the girls love their new “homes.” Hallie and Annie came up with another genius scheme; they decided to try to get their parents back together. There was one problem with this plan; their dad was engaged to a young, gorgeous, gold digger who only loved him for his money. The young girls’ daring plans were successful and they managed to reunite their families. Although the girls went through many challenges their friendship, love, and desire for a family helped them accomplish their goals.
The first time I saw this movie I was eight years old and watched it with my sister and mom. I remember experiencing a full range of emotions. I thought the pranks the twins pulled on each other were hilarious, but I also thought their friendship was inspiring. One of the reasons I love this movie so much is because anyone can relate to it. I personally can relate to the strong bong between the sisters. My sister and I are extremely close and share a great friendship like Hallie and Annie. Another reason I love this movie so much is because young children and adults can watch and enjoy the fun, love, and adventure of this film. This is one of my all time favorite movies and one I consider a classic that everyone should see.
My favorite work of art is the movie “The Goonies.” This film is about a group of friends that call themselves the goonies. They’re losing their houses and only have one day before they have to move. They find a treasure map and follow it to a shack in the middle of nowhere. When they're about to go home they run into a group of criminals hiding out there. While trying to get away from the criminals the kids find an entrance leading to the treasure. After going through a series of obstacles they finally find the treasure. But one of 'the goonies' got left behind and is forced to tell the criminals about the treasure. So the criminals follow the goonies to the treasure. But the story does have a happy ending; the children eventually get out and the criminals are arrested. The kids manage to get out with enough treasure for them to keep their houses. “The Goonies” is my favorite movie because I love adventure stories like this one. I also love how funny “The Goonies” is. All of the children are hilarious and very good actors, which made the movie even more enjoyable. “The Goonies” is a very exciting movie that I love to watch over and over again.
There are many different aspects to art that people don’t recognize. For example, movies are works of art too, and my personal favorite work of art has to be the movie/musical “Across the Universe”. It was beautifully written based on the music from The Beatles and the1960’s during the Vietnam War. All of the characters were named off The Beatle’s songs like “Hey Jude.” The cast includes Jim Sturgess as Jude and Evan Rachel Wood as Lucy. It’s a young love story that can tend to have its ups and downs due to anti-war movement. Jude is a poor artist from Liverpool and Lucy is an upper-class American girl going to high school. Jude travels to America illegally to find his father but along the way meets Lucy and falls in love. They move to New York with her brother Max and he is sent off to War which creates Lucy to get involved with all the protests. Eventually, because of it Jude is caught and must return to England. In the end, everything works out and Jude and Lucy can be together again. It’s a fantastic film and I watch it every chance I get. It’s comedy, drama, and romance all mixed in to one. I believe that anyone who watches this movie will enjoy it just as much as I do. "Across the Universe" is an amazing work of art which is why its my favorite.
My favourite work of art is the Japanese movie, “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”, by Hayao Miyazaki. The first time I watched the movie I was too young to pay attention the whole way through, but then I watched it again this summer, and it is now my all time favourite movie. It is a wonderful piece of art in many ways. It is funny and serious, sad and hopeful, and an all around excellent movie. The movie is set one thousand years after “The Seven Days of Fire”, a disaster which destroyed most of the human race as well as the Earth’s land. The main character of the movie is Nausicaa, the princess of the small Valley of the Wind, one of the surviving civilizations not tainted by a jungle inhabited by giant insects and plants with deadly spores, called the Toxic Jungle. The movie follows Nausicaa and her friends through adventures in the Toxic Jungle and in battles with other kingdoms, where she gives everything to save her friends and enemies, the hated Ohmu creatures, and the planet’s dying ecosystem. Nausicaa’s bravery and overwhelming kindness and love inspire me to do all I can for those in need.
The film’s pure message relates to our world today, conveying that we have to live in harmony with our planet, and not try to destroy it for pointless human reasons. Nausicaa discovers that it is only the toxic soil that makes the entire jungle toxic, and that with clean water and soil the plants would be harmless. This film sets an example for us, showing the repercussions of what will happen if we don’t take care of our planet. If the ecosystem is destroyed, then everything – humans, animals and civilization – will be doomed along with it. Watching this film I realised just how badly we can hurt our planet, and how easy it is to help it.
“Nausicaa” is drawn so beautifully and skilfully it makes the whole story come alive. Everything from the people to the creatures and plants are unique and fantastic. The entire world Miyazaki creates is otherworldly, but the artwork and animation draws you in and suddenly you are surrounded by a herd of enraged Ohmu, or feeling the blow of the wind in the valley.
The music also adds to the beauty and mood of the film, especially the melody played during the flashback scenes to Nausicaa’s youth, which is both blissful and haunting. The music really sets the mood for the scenes and makes it so much more thrilling and enjoyable to watch.
Everything about this movie – the storyline, artwork, music, and message – combine to make “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” an amazing work of art, and my favourite.
Although a lot of people might disagree with me, my all time favorite work of art is the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. The Harry Potter series is a set of seven books. Each book is about a different adventure the teen wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends go through during their years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Whenever I mention that Harry Potter is my favorite book, I get one of two answers, either “Ew Harry Potter is so stupid” or “I love Harry Potter too!” I have come to learn that its one of those books that you either love or hate. When I was younger I always liked the movies but I was never interested in reading the extremely thick books until one day during summer going into sixth grade. I was grounded that week for some insignificant reason and I had no TV, no computer, and worst of all I was not allowed to play outside. Basically I had no life but I always liked to read and since I really couldn’t do anything that was very thrilling I decided to pick up the first Harry Potter book. After about the first 100 pages I was completely captivated by the imaginary wizarding world the books provided and I couldn’t keep my eyes off the pages. I raced through the first book and I couldn’t get enough! I was very eager for more, so I started the second and read that just about as quick, if not faster than the first. Needless to say, I was addicted to these books. Even after I wasn’t grounded anymore, I would still sit outside and read Harry Potter. As I got further in the series, the books got ticker, more interesting, and of course way more intense. When I finally finished the seventh, and final book I was very upset and disappointed, not because I didn’t like the ending but that there were no more new Harry Potter books to read. Even though I did finish the series I still enjoy reading the books over and over again. Each time it is like a new adventure and I pick up something different every time. I praise J. K. Rowling as an author because she has a way of capturing her audience in a magical way. Rowling’s writing isn’t just to entertain but it sends out a message that even though there may not be magic to the extent of witches and wizards, but that the world is full of magical things that we should not take for granted.
My favorite work of art happens to be the musical, Legally Blonde. This musical was based on the movie Legally Blonde, starring Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods. The award winning show was based to teach people not to judge each other without the knowledge or full details. The value is shown into great detail when a beach blonde female is outraged that her longtime boyfriend, Warner has broken up with her because she wasn’t serious enough. After a shattered Elle starts to speak up she’s overthrown that he didn’t take her seriously. Taking time to understand his view of things she makes one shocking announcement; she would try to enter Harvard, a highly respected lay school. As time hasn’t changed much, she hears the same remarks and this encourages her to work for her goal. Upon being admitted she’s determined to win respect, and soon becomes one of the top in her class and has a on-hand internship ahead. Tough times go on, and soon Elle sees herself working the case perfectly, while controlling the evidence correctly. In the end, Elle wins the case and becomes one of the top lawyers the school’s ever seen. This is my favorite work because it shows that if someone is determined enough to reach their goal, they’ll reach the goal soon enough. Personally, that’s what I’m striving for and I work very hard for everything I want to happen. The other reason I love this work of art, is because it shows you to not “judge a book by its cover.” With everyday life right now I see people all the time judge. Judging doesn’t help anyone cause stereo type’s aren’t real, they’re just a way of showing attitude
When I first heard about this journal entry, it was obvious to me from the very beginning what I was going to choose. Tommy, the fourth recorded album from the Who, is my personal favorite work of art, for many reasons. Released in 1969, during the height of the “love generation” in the 60s, Tommy was the first rock and roll album to be dubbed a rock opera. Although the name itself is not too accurate, the term stuck, and many future concept albums would be considered rock operas. Tommy follows the story of a deaf, dumb, and blind boy, who goes from being a social outcast, to becoming an almost messiah-like figure, only to be abandoned in the end. This kind of concept album was never attempted before Tommy was released, and it was an incredible hit for the band when it was released. I, personally, find this to be one of the most creative and daring albums of all time. From the opening chord progression in “Overture,” the stage is set for what will be an incredible listen, which I can go back to at any time and never tire of the sound. I am a huge music fan, primarily interested in rock music from around the 50s through the 70s, and I can honestly say that there has never been one album I’ve listened to in its entirety that has had the same feeling and energy that this one has achieved. I think that it could be one of the greatest accomplishments in rock’s long history.
" The last man on earth." This tabline is from my favorite work of art the movie I am Legend. I Am Legend is based on Richard Matheson's book with the same title. The movie's genre is thriller/science fiction. In the movie, this takes place in New York but in the book it takes place in San Francisco. It is about a scientists named Robert Neville (played by Will Smith) trying to find a cure to a virus that has turned the infected into raging creatures. This virus was spread across the world and Neville believes that he is the only survivor left. He sends out constant radio messages hoping that he will find other survivors. After 3 years of living in isolation, he starts resorting to talking to manikins to keep himself from losing his mind. The reason i choose this is movie was because even though Neville had nothing really to live for, he never gave up and eventually saved mankind. After being saved by a young woman named Anna. The infected followed her back to Neville's home and attack them. In the end Neville finds the cure just as the infected are about to kill them. He unselfishly gives up his life to save Anna and her son so they can get the cure out into the world. Overall, this is the greatest art that i have ever seen. It has a lot action, comedy and suspense in it but it also teaches you a valuable lesson of never quitting even when things seem hopeless.
My favorite work of art would probably be the inspiring movie "RENT". It's mainly a musical with real life drama. It starts off with a few people trying to make a living in New York City. Between a songwriter, Roger, and a film maker, Mark, there is plenty of talent to go around. Still they are stuck with little money. With the help from their friends Collins, Maureen, Mimi, Angel, and JoAnne they are able to get through some tough times. All of their friends have unique singing abilities and different personalities. Ranging from the rebel, Maureen, to the strict and orderly, JoAnne. The carefree, Angel to the tough and rugged, Collins. And last but not least the loose and wild Mimi. Unfortunately, most of them are living with AIDS/HIV, which makes this an interesting movie. It shows how hard some peoples lives can be and what they go through to survive. The rest of the storyline is filled with intense drama about relationships, drugs, and careers. As the story progresses so does their friendship. They all stay close despite the death of the funny and exciting Angel and the near death experience with Mimi. Throughout the movie several songs are introduced after eventful scenes. I loved them all because they had inspiring meanings. Especially the ending song which is sung by every major character. Its a great way to end a truely amazing work of art. All this put together in a big musical package makes it my favorite. I love the good and bad times between friends and how they support each other. It really makes me think about life in a different way. If you set out to accomplish a dream, finish it. These people did what they believed was right and had fun while doing it. Now thats what life is all about.
My favorite work of art is the Saw movie series, directed and written by James Wan and Leigh Whannell. So far, five films have been released, and two more sequels are expected. The main character is an elderly man named John Kramer, who the Press has given the name Jigsaw. He is often mistaken as a murderer, but he claims people choose their own deaths. Jigsaw kidnaps certain individuals who he feels do not deserve life, such as cheaters, drug dealers, and prostitutes. He constructs elaborate tests for the victims to complete in order to avoid death. He sometimes includes riddles or hints, but most of the time, his captives overlook them. Jigsaw takes pleasure in calling his whole conspiracy a game, and it’s easy to play as long as you follow the instructions. I would best describe this series as utterly brilliant seeing that I frequently find myself calling the writer a genius because of the complex contraptions created and how all the movies tie together in one amazing way or another. This gory, horror series has taught me to be grateful for everything and never take anything for granted. No matter how bad my situation is, I should be lucky that I’m even alive.
Art is something that inspires you, and nothing inspires me more then music does. Out of all of my favorite songs, there is one that stands out and inspires me like none of the others do. Do What You Do by Cute is What We Aim For is not necessarily my favorite song by them, but it’s the most inspirational. This song means a lot to me, because it’s all about doing your own thing, and not letting anybody tell you that what you’re doing is wrong. “No one is telling me, the speed I should be traveling so watch me take the lead” is how the song begins, and it’s a reoccurring line in this song. the entire song is about going against the grain and choosing your own path, instead of following whatever everybody else is doing. Listening to this song makes me instantly happy, it has such an upbeat tempo and Shaant Hacikyan, the lead singer has such a unique voice. “Have you ever been fake? For the sake of saving face. You can move as you make from the cradle to the grave, doesn’t matter what they say.” This song is all about not being someone your who you aren’t, just for the sake of fitting in to their mold and their expectations for how you should live you life, and to not let petty drama and the thoughts of others get to you. This song is an inspiration to live your life the way you want to, and not worry about the opinions of other people who are just trying to bring you down. People are always scared to be different, it’s refreshing that for once, someone is singing about being an individual, not the shallow music we’ve learned to live with today.
When I was in 6th grade, my best friend introduced me to my favorite work of art, the Twilight series, by Stephenie Meyer. This series includes four wonderful books, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. Each book is about an ordinary girl named Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father. While in Forks, Bella meets and falls in love with a gorgeous vampire, Edward Cullen. “About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him- and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” This may seem like another ordinary vampire story, but Stephenie Meyer’s series is an alternate universe. You don’t just read these books; you want to crawl inside and live in them. These books make you fall in love. It is a suspenseful, forbidden love story that you never want to put down. This series is my favorite work of art is because of how ordinary Stephenie Meyer makes the story seem; seeing an extraordinarily handsome boy, and falling in love. I have probably read this series a hundred times, and it gets better each time. Stephenie Meyer is truly an artist; she teaches people how deep love can be, and how far love will go.
Although art is a small word, its many meanings are anything but small. With that said, it’s hard to narrow down one specific favorite out of many. After narrowing it down to two possible favorites, I decided to go with “The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland”, the book and animated movie are captivating to me. After first watching the movie growing up, I decided one day to read the book and was immediately pulled into a Lewis Carroll’s wondrous world of chaotic fantasy. The story jumps from one unimaginable random scenario to the next. One of my favorite scenes from both the movie and book would have to be when Alice meets the Hatter and March Hare. They are two of my favorite fantasy characters to date; I mean you have to be pretty awesome to celebrate a un-birthday. As the Hatter says, you only have one birthday but there are 364 un-birthdays. It just amazes me how someone can think of that and all the whimsical and mysterious characters of this novel. I was amazed at how something filled with complete nonsense and silliness could, at the same time, make sense and cause you to relook you’re view of the world. Although it takes some time to actually realize what is going on, but once I did I came to truly appreciate Carroll’s work.
The definition of art: the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. My favorite work of art would have to be the movie “The Notebook”. This movie is one of the most famous love stories of all time. It is about two lovers named Noah and Allie. The beginning starts off in a nursing home with old Noah telling Allie, who has Alzheimer’s, stories about two young lovebirds. It shows flash backs to the 1940’s where you see young Noah and Allie falling in love. Allie is staying in Noah’s small town with her high-class wealthy family. Noah spots her at a state fair and is determined to go out with her. He climbs onto the Ferris wheel that she is riding and says that he will not get off until she agrees to go out with him. She agrees and they end up going on a date. Ever since the date they were inseparable and in love. Noah was very poor, and Allie’s parents did not approve of him. When the summer ended Allie went back home, and hadn’t heard from Noah for three years. What she didn’t know was Noah had been writing her a letter every day for a year, and her mother had been hiding them from her. They ended up back together, got married and had children. At the end of the story, the two die together in the nursing home. Many people tear up at this part of the movie, but I think it is sort of a happy ending that the two got to die together instead of her alone. This movie makes me want to find someone someday who I could share that good of a love with.
When most people heard the word art back in the day, it meant a painting or drawing made by some person who had lived 200 years ago, but now people are beginning to have a whole new perspective on the word art. It still refers to those paintings and the finer arts, but it also refers to things like fashion, music, and movies. As for me, my favorite work of art is a movie titled The Princess Diaries. The screenplay is based off of the novel written by Meg Cabot. The plot consists of a fifteen year old girl, Mia Thermopolis (played by Anne Hathaway), who happens to be incredibly socially awkward. One day her grandmother (played by Julie Andrews) visits to give her some shocking news. Her deceased father had been the crowned prince of a small country called Genovia, and Mia was to receive princess lessons in order to take her father’s place and become crowned princess. She would also need these lessons in order to one day take her rightful place as queen of Genovia. This is all a big emotional rollercoaster for a girl who never thought something like this could happen to her. At first she was a bit reluctant and angry at her mother for never telling her this, but she eventually comes around and becomes the perfect princess. This movie really makes you excited for Mia because you want her to succeed at being a princess because she was such a social underdog. This is one of my favorite movies because it just goes to show you anything can happen to anyone.
My favorite work of art would have to be the hilarious movie Hot Rod. This is my favorite more because I can watch it over and over again without being bored even though I know all the great quotes and scenes. Hot Rod is a movie that is comedic and a far-fetched movie based on revenge and the love of family members. Rod Kimble, a self-proclaimed stunt man, attempts to raise money for his stepfather Frank’s heart transplant. The only reason why Rod is raising the money is to prove himself to Frank by beating him in a fight. Rod needs some way to raise the money so he goes to his “quiet place” to think. When he returns he has the idea of doing on big jump to raise the money. Rod and his crew perform crazy, stupid, and hilarious stunts to raise the money for the jump. When they are done they get the supplies for the jump. At the end Rod does not land the jump but raises the 50 thousand dollars for Frank’s surgery. In the end, and when Frank is fully recovered and feels younger than ever, Rod finally proves himself by beating Frank in the fight that they have both been waiting for. I think that this movie is the best and funniest movies that I have seen and I highly enjoy it.
My favorite work of art would be the movie Finding Nemo. This movie has both humor and emotion in it. When I was little I used to make my sister watch it with me every weekend. Finding Nemo makes me realize that you cannot take for granted what you have. The reason Marlin (Nemo’s father) was protective of Nemo was because Nemo was all he had left. Another reason Marlin was protective is because of his fear of the sea and his realization of how dangerous it really is. Marlins fear began when his wife and all his children were killed by the barracuda. When this happened Marlin promised that he would do everything he could to protect Nemo. The part that touched me the most was when Marlin saw Nemo and thought he was dead. My favorite part in the movie was when Dori finally remembered who Nemo was and Nemo and his dad were reunited.
When asked to write about my favorite work of art, many different pieces of literature, music, plays, television shows, and movies came to my mind. One amazing piece of art that really stands out to me is the 2006 hit movie, Step Up. Many arts are displayed in this movie because the majority of Step Up takes place at the Maryland School of the Arts. However, dancing is the main art shown. The movie is about a high school senior, Tyler Gage, who comes from a rough, inner-city part of Maryland. He comes from a broken family, has foster parents, and has never had much structure in his life. Tyler often gets into trouble with his friends, but they all share one similar interest- a love for street dancing. When Tyler gets sentenced to 200 hours of community service for breaking in and vandalizing The Maryland School of the Arts, his life begins to change. He spends the 200 hours helping out at the school doing the assigned work. He happens to meet a student named Nora Clark who is a wonderful , more formal dancer at the school. When Nora’s dancing partner gets injured not long before the big showcase, she is need of a new dance partner. Nora observes Tyler’s street dancing and together they eventually decide to dance together for the showcase. They combine their different styles of dancing to create an amazing routine. Tyler has many struggles while trying to adjust to this type of structured lifestyle and his friends aren’t very enthusiastic that he is hanging with the “rich kids.” When a good friend of Tyler’s gets shot in the inner-city, he finally realizes that he needs to change his way of life, for the better. So he continues to pursue his love for dance at the Maryland School of the Arts with Nora. I believe that this movie has an inspiring message for people of all ages, especially teenagers. It teaches that if you really want something, with hard work and dedication you can achieve anything. Tyler left behind his old ways of fights, parties, stealing, and other negative activities to lead a much more positive way of life. A great tagline from this movie was, “Every second chance begins with a first step.” It shows that you can come up from nothing and make something out of yourself. This movie really touched me and personally, I think it is a very good dance movie and extremely exciting!
My favorite work of art would have to be the movie Dreamer. Ever since I was little I have always loved horses, I thought they were the most beautiful creatures on earth. Dreamer is about a dad who puts his own life on hold to save the life of a wounded racehorse, and not only save the filly’s life but bring her back to her former glory all for his daughter. Ben Crane, an earlier great horseman, now wastes his life on making other men’s fortunes. The filly that he rescues is named Soñador, meaning Dreamer in Spanish. Soñador, or Sonya was an amazing horse, with a future to look forward to, until she brakes her leg during a race. Her owners consider the horse to be done and might as well be dead but Ben takes her instead of the severance pay he was owed. It is now all up to Cale, Ben’s daughter, to bring Sonya and Ben together to work towards a common goal. Cale’s goal is to achieve what is thought to be an impossible wish, to win the Breeders’ Cup Classic. This movie means a lot to me, it shows me you should never give up even when on the surface all hope is lost. My two favorite lines illustrate the hope one can have be inspired by. “Goodnight Dreamer. Run hard tomorrow. Run hard for my dad, he deserves a good run.” -Cale Crane. “You are a great champion. When you ran, the ground shook, the sky opened and mere mortals parted. Parted the way to victory, where you'll meet me in the winner's circle, where I'll put a blanket of flowers on your back.” –Cale Crane. Movies are not the first medium that comes to mind when people think of art but this movie illustrates how inspiring a simple story can be.
I had a hard time deciding on what my favorite work of art was for this assignment, since there's so many different forms of art. I could've chosen from paintings, musicals, music, movies, TV shows, and many other things. After thinking about it for awhile I decided to write about a movie I really liked, called "The Devil Wears Prada". The movie is about a girl named Andrea who got a job as the personal assistant to the editor of a magazine named Runway, Miranda Priestly. The only reason she's working there though, is because what she really wants to do is be a journalist. At first she doesn't fit in with the rest of the people that work there, but then the art director, Nigel, helps her by giving her new clothes and advice. Soon she starts doing very well at her job, even though most of what Miranda has her do is ridiculous, even almost impossible, like getting an unpublished Harry Potter book for her daughters. Towards the end of the movie she finds out that Miranda is going to be replaced by another editor, who works for the French version of the magazine. She tells Miranda about it, but then she tells Andrea that she wasn't going to be replaced because the editor from the other magazine was going to take the job that Nigel had instead. Andrea was shocked she would do that to him, so she quit her job, even though it would have been a huge help in her getting a job as a journalist. I really like this movie because at first Andrea got caught up in trying to make it to the top, just like everyone else, but at the end she realized what was really important and made the right decision in quitting. I also liked just seeing how making a fashion magazine worked, which they showed in some scenes.
My favorite work of art would have to be the movie The Pursuit of Happiness. This movie is about a man named Chris who has a wife and a son. He doesn’t have a very good job, his job is to sell bone density scanners, and after trying to sell them for months it doesn’t work out like he planned so his wife kicked him and his son out. Chris is forced to live on the streets and struggles to provide a good life for his son. He is going to a different shelter every day to find somewhere to stay, but every place is full. While his son is at day care he tries to find a job as a stockbroker. This is my favorite movie because it is very inspiring. It’s inspiring because even though Chris had a hard life he never gave up and always stayed positive and by the end he was able to get a good job and provide an even better life for his son. He always told his son to hold on to his dreams and never give up.
One of my favorite works of art is the film "Harold and Maude". I like it because it is very unique. It's an unconventional love story between a 20 year old man/child and an eccentric 79 year old woman. I saw this movie while I was visiting San Francisco this summer. We all wanted to see a movie, the only thing we could find was a Norwegian film about Nazi zombies attacking a ski resort. I didn't really want to see it (even though it sounded awesome) so I looked some more. I found that an old movie theatre on Haight Street called The Red Vic was playing "Harold and Maude". My brother always wanted me to see it so we went. The Red Vic was a very strange movie theatre. It was sort of hippie because it was on Haight. They put yeast on the popcorn which is delicious and the seats were couches. It added to the experience. I loved this movie because it was about being free and doing what you want. In the beginning Harold is depressed. He doesn't have any friends and he isn't close with his mother. He spends his spare time watching other peoples funerals. One day while watching another funeral he sees an old woman watching the funeral too. He sees her at several different funerals and during one she starts making "psst" sounds at him. They slowly fall in love. Mean while Harold's mother sets up dates for him. The dates are really funny because during each one he pretends to commit suicide. During one date he pretends to set himself on fire, during another he pretends to chop his hand off. Harold loves Maude because she is free and eccentric. All of his life he had to live with his rich buttoned down mother. In one part Harold buys a Hearse but his mother sells it and buys him a brand new Jaguar. But then Harold converts the Jaguar into a Hearse. The movie his very funny at times but also very sad. In the end of the film Harold and Maude get married. On Maude's 80th birthday Harold surprises her by covering her house with sun flowers because she loves sun flowers. But it turns out that Maude took pills in the morning because she believes that living 80 years is enough. Maude dies in the hospital during the night, but instead of being depressed he realizes Maude wouldn't want him to be sad. The ending is very bitter sweet. That is why "Harold and Maude" is one of my favorite works of art.
Art can come in many different forms, but my favorite overall work of art is the movie Finding Nemo. This movie is both funny but has a lot of meaning to it as well. The movie starts off in the Great Barrier Reef, and is about a father fish named marlin and a son named nemo. Marlin is very protective about nemo and is always warning him about going into the open water, but one day he is with his friends and tries to show off and is captured by a scuba diver and sent off to live in a dentist's office fish tank. Once Marlin realized what had happened, he immediately ventured out to find him. On his way he finds a fish named Dory who has short term memory loss. Dory is a loving and inspirational person but Marlin is constantly annoyed by her forgetting everything. Together they encounter many different obstacles together, including sharks and streams of water. But they persevere and make it all the way to Sydney, where Nemo was taken to. He is finally reunited with nemo with the help from another friend. This is my favorite work of art because it is a perfect mix of humor and meaning. It shows that no matter what happened to you in the past, you can still achieve anything if you set your mind to it.
I am a huge music guy and i listen to allot of different genres of music. Although, my favorite work of musical art is a Sublime (a band which is cross between hip hop,Reggae,punk, and rock) album called 40oz to freedom. I have listened to this on my ipod probably one hundred times.It always puts me in a good mood especially when I'm stressed out and tired.The album tells stories of betrayal, friendship, love, addiction and even depression but all are done in an amazingly melodic way. Never does the album seem like its repetitive ,unoriginal or just dragging on even though its about and hour long. It just flows from aggressive tracks to mellow soothing ones. All the songs are unique. There are even cover songs that they make better in my opinion.One song in particular, Badfish almost makes me tear. The song tells a story of being poor and having a physiological addiction to drugs. That doesn't sound very relaxing but it's one of those things you just have to listen to. The lyrics are abstract and there are great acoustic riffs mixed with reggae beats and a perfect slow guitar solo. This song and the album make me feel very peaceful. When i listen to it I get lost in thoughts of my day or memories of when i was younger. I think if everyone sat and listened to this album twice all the way through, there would be allot less violence in the world.
For my favorite work of art I chose the classic model of the 1969 Chevrolet Camaro RS SS. This is bar none my dream car. If the swift solid line of the car than the car statistics doesn’t take anyone will definitely win you over. The model year I chose came direct from the factory with about 450 tire frying horses. But then again the car is most beautiful standing still. My personal favorite colors were the metallic blue with white rally stripes. The cars front fascia is the most apparent change from its older brother the 1967 Camaro. The billet grill reaching out beneath the hood peaking at the center and the round headlamps seated at each side of the grill. The sturdy box frame supports a steel chassis that was made to be driven hard and fast. The car’s smaller frame was unlike any of its competitors in the Trans Am classes. Going back along the frame the wheel wells are slightly raised than the ’67. This allows the driver to run much larger and wider than factory tires. This of course is followed by the rear. The tail lights are simple block style and the bumper is chromed. The beauty, though is in the car’s simplistic styling. The rear is finished off with a duck tail spoiler wrapping around the entire trunk. All of these attributes are no flaw in design. General Motors created this car from seventies era styling and would become the trend setter for many more models.
My favorite work of art would have to be the song “Defying Gravity” sung by Idina Menzel. The song is written and composed by Stephen Schwartz and is used in the Broadway show “Wicked”. I find this song to be very moving and inspiring because it shows the main character Elphaba, played by Idina, changes throughout the show. She becomes more courageous and her views also change. She has a better understanding of the wizard, also. This song really thrills the audience each time they hear it. Not only are the vocals amazing, but also the lyrics have a lot of meaning in them. It is very clear that Elphaba has changed in the song. One example is when she says, “Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game.” She becomes more confident and learns to be herself. My favorite part in the song is when she sings, “So if you care to find me Look to the Western sky! As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly. And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free. To those who ground me, take a message back from me!”. This part is very inspiring because, even though she’s all alone, she is still willing to stand up for her rights. No matter how many times I listen to “Defying Gravity”, it never fails to amaze me.
My favorite work of art would have to be the glorious song, Piano Man. It is a beautiful composition of notes and dynamics to come together and form a piece of art known as a song. The song is a story about Billy performing at Los Angles and the fine people h encountered there. Billy Joel, the composer of Piano Man, has mastered the art of playing the piano. With a flick of his wrist he can go from a C Major cord to a D minor so fast that it seems impossible. When I listen to Piano Man an imaginary keyboard is seemingly suspended in the air on which I can place my hands and play along. This song means so much to me because it was the first song out of the books that I had learned on the piano. Piano Man is a well rounded song because the bass of the piano and the melody of the harmonica combine to make a whole new song. The harmonica is a instrument that many can play and only a few know how to play, Bill being one of them. Piano Man is what inspired me to play the piano and it continually does.
My favorite form of art is music. Not particularly all music like the new stuff coming out now but I like classic rock. My whole life from my grandfather and uncles playing guitar to just sitting in front of a fish tank and having the Rolling Stones being blasted in the background it’s been there. After the initial “I like it because my dad likes it,” I began to like it for myself and really listen to it. Back then you didn’t have all the bands called “Death of God” and “Heaven’s on Fire” and all that devil worship. Back then you needed talent to be in a band and not just screaming. That’s the kind o music I like.
One of my favorite songs is “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I like this because it has meaningful lyrics and great music in it and you don’t get a lot of that. They wrote it after the death of the lead singer’s (Ronnie Van Zant) mother and lead guitarist’s (Gary Rossington’s) grandmother died. While telling stories about these women to each other they started writing. It was done in about an hour. It was about the advice that a dying mother gave her son like the advice that they had given them over the years. It has been remade dozens of times and many bands have used the name, lyrics, or music in their songs. It also has been featured numerous times in films, TV shows, and commercials. This song tells you a lot about life,“…Take you time, don’t live to fast. Troubles will come, and they will pass. Find a woman, and you’ll find love, and don’t forget, son, there is someone up above. Be a simple kind of man. Be something you love and understand. Baby, be a simple kind of man. Won’t you do this for me son if you can…” I can listen to that song again and again and I never get tired of it.
The work of art I find most intriguing is "Portrait of a Pig" , by the youngest son of N.C. Wyeth, Jamie Wyeth. I have a particular infatuation with the Wyeth family because of their bond to Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, an area very near my house and what I consider part of my community. The painting illustrates a large female pig in the center of the frame. The brush work both on the side of the pig, and on the hay in the environment, is majestic in it's complexity. I witnessed the original at the Brandywine River Museum, which is in Chadds Ford, and marveled at how the colors in the hair of the pig were those which I would never imagine, such as bright golds and all shades of red. The painting is not symbolic, and I appreciate it for the meticulous talent it encompasses, and not what it means in a deeper sense. I am amused at the absence of intellect or rationality on the pigs face, but it does however look very content with being a pig. This painting comprises of amazing artistic skill, which can be only fully realized when seeing the original. In conclusion, I see this work of art for what it is, and what I see is a pig conveyed with flawless realism and true artistic talent.
Ooops, Jamie Wyeth was the youngest son of Andrew Wyeth, the great Chadds Ford artist who was the youngest son of the legendary N.C. Wyeth. As a citizen of Chester County, I should be abashed by such an inadvertent mistake.
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