Sophs #2 journal---Life in the Fast Lane

Then comes the inevitable question from the backseat driver, who actually occupies the other seat in the front.
"Are you using cruise control?"
"No," I answer curtly.
"Why not? Doesn't your foot get tired?" the passenger harps.
I then begin my rant on the dangers of cruise control.
Clicking on the cruise control does prevent tired, cramping feet. However, it has its problems, too. For one, it lulls you into a false sense of security, and the feet usually get further and further away for both the gas AND the brake pedals. At that point, how much control do I really have?
Like my car, my life isn't often in cruise control. I hope I'm the one in charge as much as I can be (and without being a "control freak"). I realize I'm driving on a path that's been traveled on before, but as long as I'm the one making the decisions, I'll take that route, common as it might be.
How are you navigating through life? Do you have the "petal to the metal" or "both hands on the wheel at 10 before 2?" Are you darting in and out of traffic, or do you stay in the right lane, only getting in the left lane to occasionally pass? Do you prefer I-95 or would you rather take the more scenic route? Do you stop completely at stop signs and look in all four directions, or are you a "Hollywood Stop" guy or gal (you know, a quick pump on the brake and you're gone--NOT recommended by your St. Mark's driving teacher, of course)? Are you easily distracted by the billboards and other advertising signs outside of commercial business, or can you get from point A to point B without making a single stop?
Here's your assignment:
Choose between these two assignments:
1. Tell me, in some elaborate, extended metaphor (conceit), what your life is like.
2. Make any far-fetched, comparison (conceit) like the ones I read in class: going to a family reunion is like channel surfing cable television; love is like white water rafting; my father is a toaster.
For some good examples, check the September 2008 archives and read the comments for "The Dangers of Cruise Control."
From my perspective, life is like the current in the ocean. Sometimes it’s rough and unforgiving. It can pull you in even though you know that’s not the way you’re supposed to go, and it’s often difficult to get out. In life you make decisions you get caught up into things you know you’re not supposed to be, and you’re just going to have to face the consequences. You know when you’ve lost, and you shouldn’t force yourself against it, just give in and wait to be rescued; to redeem yourself. Other times its light and you just unwillingly drift along. You know you’re going the right way because of how nature intended it to be. If you’re doing the right thing life let’s you go with the flow and not run into trouble. Sometimes you can’t control the current, but you can control how far out you go so you don’t get stuck. When the storm comes you shouldn’t even be in the water at all, and that pertains to those decisions you should just flat out avoid. On a sunny day the current goes in a straight path. You should always try to stay on the right path in order to be successful. If you’re a surfer in that ocean you need the current to give you waves. Sometimes in life you need that extra push to get you where you need to go. Life’s current is never ending, and you should always strive to go with the flow.
Do you know how when you here a amazing song you feel your whole attitude lift up well that is how I am so I feel as if my life is like music. When I hear a pop/rock song my whole life seems to shine a little bit more. It feels like nothing can stop you until my mother tells me it is time for dinner and to put my ipod away. Yet when the tune of a screamo song comes on I feel like junk because that is when the younger of my two older brothers starts singing and or talking. When I here rap I feel like I have been hit with idiots attempting poetry a.k.a my brothers it not something I want to here especially not by any of my family members. Nevertheless when an electro song comes on I feel like dancing to the not understandable lyrics for example when my mom is lecturing me and I hear a great song in the background she sounds just like a techno lyrics. At any rate when I hear any song from the musical theatre genre I feel as though I have escaped my life of lies, tears, and agony for a something where everything and everyone was perfect, where when you did something wrong you didn’t get a twenty minute lecture, yet you got a five minute song instead with bright colors and amazing dancing. Rather when the words of a hard rock song come on I feel like I am in a fight with one of my family members and how they let out all of there feelings in three to four minutes. When a song comes on I feel the world escape from me and show me how my life really is in one way or another, but I will always know that I have a song to help me get through what ever is going on.
Life is a long hike. There are many paths to choose while hiking, just like the many paths there are to take in life. There are some good paths, and some bad ones that slow you down in your journey. This resembles the good and bad choices we face in life. There is the winding, scenic route, which is long and sometimes tedious, but leaves you successful in the end. This path is like making a right choice, it’s hard to do, but will reward you in the end. Then there is the detour. This path may be easier, and quicker, but there is no satisfaction at the end. This is like making a bad choice in life. It’s easy to do, but it is hard to get back to the right path. The main reason why life is like a long hike, is because no matter which bad path you take, you can always turn around, and go back.
One way my life could be compared to is like a marathon. It requires exerting energy, using determination to achieve your goal, and the use of stamina. Sometimes my life moves at a quicker pace, much like the people in the marathon running fast. Also my life can move slowly to, which would compare to the slower people in the race. Throughout life I need determination and stamina to get through tired and hard times, just like marathon racers need to finish even if their tired. Also the crowds at the marathon are like your peers and friends who are rooting for you and helping you to get through the race and life. Some of the racers don’t quite make it to the finish without getting hurt. This compares to how sometimes I get injured in my life, or face problems. But if I keep my determination up, I can finish the marathon of life successfully.
A cross country race is many things, but there is one thing that they are most like, life. The way I would train and race the 3.1 miles definitely reflects my life. There are the good days like the regular runs and the day after a race. Then there are the bad days like the tempo runs and the time before a major race. All of these things are different and all necessary to life in order to accomplish my goals. For example I have to run every day this weak so I don’t lose any stamina, this is just like how I need to study for tomorrows history exam so I don’t end up getting a bad grade. That may sound bad but it is nothing compared to the heart pounding lung wheezing workout that coach puts us through every Wednesday afternoon. This can also be compared to that pop quiz in math class that no one saw coming, and that definitely get your heart pumping because you know if you flunk this test you’re probably going to be grounded until next Tuesday. That always leaves me drenched in sweat. And you can’t forget the day before a major race, I become extremely nervous and psyched for the race but I am also conscious about how I will do during the race. Like the others I can compare this to something like the homecoming dance and who I am going to dance with or what I am going to do that night. As you can see running is very similar to everyday life. I can even get sidelined from my sport just like I can get sidelined from school because of a cold. But at the end of day when I’ve completed a run and school life seems to unfold perfectly unless I have a ton of homework or a really bad cramp then I need some time working it out. Either way my life is pretty good.
Life could be compared to a buffet. As you wait in line, you might not like what‘s in front of you at that time, so you’ll have to wait and see what else there is. A buffet is full of great selections but also bad ones. Every serving of food we place on our platter is a decision we make in life. We are in control of our own choices, but we cannot predict the outcome. For example, you might choose to eat a cherry pie when you are already full and later on get a stomachache. It was a poor choice, but you learn from your mistakes. Sometimes buffets have “specials” that are rarely featured. I would consider those dishes as opportunities in life and to take them while they are there. Trying new food can be described as taking a risk in life. You don’t know what will happen but it’s worth taking a shot. We also can’t be greedy; we need to discipline ourselves and realize when enough is enough. There might not be enough Chicken Parmesan for everyone, so you’ll have to learn to share. Like is like a buffet, and everyone’s plate is different.
My life is like a football game. It goes up and down. I will get 15 yards forward, and another 10 back. Sometimes I'm better than other teams whether it be in academics or sports, but there are always a few teams better than mine. Everyone is just waiting for you to make a mistake, to judge you. Many people will hate you on your worst day, but as soon as you get a touchdown they are your best friend. There are those moments when you win a game, and you are full of joy, surrounded by your teammates, or friends. Life, like a football game, is dangerous, but you always have your padding, or friends and family in life, to protect you.
After thinking for a long time, I have decided that my life is most like a schedule at school. What I mean by this is that my life is very busy. There is always some place I need to be, or something i have to do. Like my life, a school schedule is busy and frantic (especially for a freshman at st. marks.) But it's only somewhat easier as a sophomore. I still find myself reading and re-reading my schedule during the day and being late to a class on rare occasions even though i tried very hard. Life has uncontrollable factors; such as weather, traffic or even family problems. School days have uncontrollable factors also. Things like other people clogging the hallway talking and trying to get to their lockers or being held up by a teacher after class. Life and school days are hard to predict, but that's sometimes a lot of fun. "you never know what you're going to get (Forrest Gump)" I enjoy the busy lifestyle and I hope it never changes.
My life is like a mystery flavored lollipop. You never know what kind of flavor your going to get. Sometimes it’s a good flavor and sometimes you get the nastiest flavor that they make. This relates to my life in the way that I never know how my day is going to be or turn out. Will it be a good day, a just OK day or a terrible day. Some days my day is like a butter popcorn flavored lollipop. it’s a gross and miserable day where nothing goes my way. I won’t be in a good mood and a lot of the time get frustrated. Other days I’ll get a blue raspberry. Everything will go great that day and I’ll be in a great mood. No matter what happens. These are the best kind of days. The normal days are like root beer flavored lollipop. They’re pretty good days. I nothing really goes wrong but it might have been boring or something little might have happened like a bad grade. There are the alright days also. These days are boring, unproductive, not fun and just dumb. I think the flavor of these days would be butterscotch. Butterscotch isn’t the worst flavor but its not very good. You never know how your day will turn out, that’s how I can compare my life to a mystery flavored lollipop.
Life is like a favorite toy, the way life is like a favorite toy is that went you first get said toy all you want to do is play with it. Just like a young child who loves life and wants to play and learn, and who is all new to this world. Then as you get older you play less and less with it and the toy gets older and more worn. Its like as a child gets older they stop playing, or enjoying the world in the moment, they also grow and age. Then the toy is put away in a box and forgotten, like went a teenager or young adult forgets that there are more important things than getting ahead. Years later you open that box and you see the toy, you smile fondly and then put somewhere safe for later. Which is like an adult who looks back and remembers how much fun it is to be a little kid, but does have the time to act like one. Lastly you find your favorite toy and you look at and then finally give it away. Like a grandparent giving advice and telling stories about his/her life. That’s how life is like a favorite toy.
I would most compare myself to the ocean, but not just any ocean. The kind of ocean that’s a really pretty blue and is clear when you’re swimming in it. I consider myself most like the ocean because whenever you first look at the ocean you only see it’s beauty but when you start to swim in it, you discover that it holds so many different amazing things. When people first look at me they immediately make their first impression but when they actually dig down and get to know me they begin to discover the real me. They will uncover that I have a really fun and interesting personality. Some days the ocean brews up a bad storm or even a hurricane comes along. For me that would be the days when I’m in a terrible mood and I don’t feel like being the nicest person I could be. Also, there are so many unexplored parts of the ocean that many marine biologists want to explore but things just prevent them from doing so. The ocean also holds it’s own secrets that no one will ever discover. Compared to me my deep dark secrets would be the things that everyone would want to know but never will. It’s like the ocean and I are teaming up and keeping a big secret together. The best beach days are the ones when it’s the most sunny and they waves are big and perfect. The ocean just seems to be in a good mood and everything seems to be going well. When I have those days that everything just seems to go precisely it’s like the perfect beach day. When you take a look around and see all the varieties of people swimming in the ocean you just begin to think of all the people who have come and swam in the ocean over the past 100 years. For me all the people who have come into my life and made an impact or left some memories would be like the people swimming in the ocean. Some left and some decided to just stick around and those people mean a lot to me. The people who come back each year to the ocean hold a special place with the ocean also. The ocean and I are alike in many ways, and whenever I go to the beach I feel like I’m in heaven. Nothing can be more calming and enjoyable than when I get to just lay on the beach and gaze at the beauty of the deep blue sea.
Life is like spending everyday on the beach. Some days could be bad while other days could be really good. Kind of like the weather at the beach. Some days could be stormy and windy and other days could be sunny and warm. It just depends on what's going on in your life. You could be really happy one day and the next your depressed and angry. The waves at the beach represent the ups and downs in life. Waves can pull you in either direction. The crash pulls you in the wrong direction and the actual wave steers you in the right direction. One day could be really productive and just makes you feel good about yourself. While the next day could be really rough and nothing seems to go your way. Spending everyday at the beach is just like life. Its completely unpredictable ,but thats what makes life fun and exciting at times. You never know what your going to do next.
I would have to say my life is like climbing a mountain. There are times when climbing a mountain is easy, but there are times when it gets difficult. For example, when I started marching band I didn’t know how to march and I didn’t know anyone. This would be a difficult time when climbing a mountain. As the week went on during band camp I figured out how to march and play the clarinet at the same time and I made new friends. So “the climb“ got easier. If you climb a mountain, there may be a different path to take. You can choose an easy way or more difficult way. This can represent a time when I need to make an important decision in life. When you get to the top of the mountain you accomplished a goal in life. When you get down you start to find the next mountain and a new goal to set for yourself. The way people handle things in life is different that’s why my life is like climbing mountain. It may not turn out the way I want it but I have to live with the choices I make in life and hope I made the right choice. Knowing that there will be many decisions for me to make I will be able to live with a full challenging life ahead.
When I think of life, I think of many things, like trial and error, hard work, and that feeling when you know you’ve done something right. I think that this is like a field hockey game. In this sport, you have to learn the skill’s and try your hardest to succeed, which is similar to life. When you get the chance to shoot and score, sometimes you don’t make it, like when you try and don’t succeed in the different trials of life. Some times you can wait to long and loose the opportunity, or you could take a shot and miss the goal. To me, this is like when you shoot for your goals in life but don’t quite make it. If you practice and try again, you will eventually score and achieve the goal you worked to achieve. To score and win, everyone has to work together, because one person can not do it alone, which is the same in life. One person can not succeed if they have no one to help them, or even just cheer them on. Sometimes, you try as hard as you can, but you still don’t win, just like in field hockey, but you’ve learned from this experience and can do better next time. On the other hand, sometimes you win, and the hard work pays off. In life, sometimes you work hard for a long time and try and finally succeed, which is the best feeling. When you win a game, it is an amazing feeling to know that you worked for this and made it happen. To me, life is like this too, because when you finally achieve the goal, everything is better and you feel amazing, just like the whistle blows and victory is yours.
Life is like skiing. There are many different slopes to choose from. There are the green circles, which represent the easy slopes. There are blue squares, the medium slopes. Finally there are the black diamonds, the hard slopes. The green circles represent the simple decisions in life. The blue squares represent the harder decisions we are faced with, and the black diamonds represent the extremely difficult choices and obstacles we must conquer. When you first learn to ski you start on the green circles but as you practice and improve you begin to tackle the more difficult slopes. Sometimes we go down slopes that we think we are ready for but realize we weren’t prepared. As I get older I start to make my own decisions, but every once in a while I make a choice with out my parents consent and discover that some advice and guidance would have been helpful. There are also times where you go down a slope that you actually are prepared for but there are factors like bad weather, outside of your control, that throw you off guard. An example of this is when a family member passes away. That is completely out of your control and there is no way to prepare for it, but you still have to overcome and deal with it. No matter which slope you ski down there are good and bad consequences, in life every decision you make has a consequence so make the best decision.
Life is an odyssey. It is immense in length and vast in possibilities and endeavors. It is a long journey where an individual can determine their own path, and experience their own adventures. However, some events are unforeseen and treacherous. We may experience this journey with one’s we love and respect, and may lose those close to us along the way. In life, we experience great triumphs, and great defeats, and we succeed and we fail in what we pursue. On an odyssey, we have innumerable choices that we make, and as with life, many are small and determine little, but some are crucial to our success and happiness. In life, we all have aspirations and goals, and when on an odyssey, we are on a mission, whether it be spiritual or objective. Whatever our goals in this journey may be, we do our best to enjoy life along the way.
My life is like a four course meal. The meal I am referring to is one where there is an appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert. I think my life could relate to the progression of a meal because as I grow older I grow wiser and I look at my mistakes and the fun I have had and I can feel a meal could explain it best. First I begin with the appetizer for me this is every first day of school, first sports game and so on. The appetizer begins the meal and gives you a taste of what is to come. It is important to begin with a good appetizer just as it is important to begin everything in life with a good first impression. The next course the salad course in my opinion is a very dull course. This course can be interesting when done right but is mostly boring. It symbolizes all the homework, history classes and family road trips that are included in a lifetime. One cannot escape these various parts of life but without them we wouldn’t truly experience life. The next course is one that most have been anticipating all meal long, the main course. The main course is the good report cards and the bad ones, the joy of winning a sports game and losing one, and all the other deciding moments in life. The main course is when I see the outcome of what I worked so hard for or what I have not tried hard enough for. It is also a time of realizing what I need to do in the future to better myself. The next course is the dessert course it is my favorite part of the entire meal. To me the dessert course is all the fun times in my life. These can range anywhere from a funny moment in class to a school football game to nice day at the beach. These moments are what make life worth living and make a meal worth eating.
Say one day your playing a board game, and as you play your getting all the good cards and opportunities, but then out of no where you get a card that says “move back ten spaces” or maybe “skip the next turn”. That statement, I believe, sums up life. Life is like a board game. I say this because if you think about it, when you play a game your actually acting out a game piece’s life by playing it. Everything that happens to that game piece could happen to you in life (well not EVERYthing but you get the point). As you navigate your way through life or the board you can either take chances or stick to the directed way. There are many opportunities that can help or hurt your chances in life or the game. Bad days are when you’re playing and every time it’s your turn, you get a bad card or something totally unexpected happens. However, one day you could be completely on your game and actually win with the best scores by far, of course those days are really good days. In life you go through periods of good and bad but you just have to be tough and deal with what the card may give you. Just like a board game, life is also full twists and turns. You never know, nor will know what may be on the back or your “life” card. You just have to be able to play and survive to the best of your abilities. Life can be hard but if you get the right cards everything might just fall into place. So basically, life is a board game and we’re all just playing.
We try so hard to be cool, yet we’re not. We walk around in our tuxedos, flirting with the girls, trying to impress, but we end up empty handed. We blare our music, sky high, for the world to hear singing like there is no tomorrow. We jump around, dancing, to our music and singing along to the beat. We throw our hands in the air, we wave them around, trying to be cool, trying to get down. We roll in our cars, windows rolled down, blaring classic. We sing in the car looking like fools, trying to be cool. This is the choir, a gang if you may. We stand, breath, sing, we sing our hearts out for the world to hear. We roam in groups whipping out our players, turning them on, starting the music. We get in a circle, we sing in rounds, around a person in the middle with their dancing hands. We spy another group, we yell and jeer, we berate them saying, “We have better tenors!” We stand in lines, facing one another, unmoving. We sing first we do well, they sing second they do better. It’s an all our brawl! We are on our hands and feet. In the end everybody’s a winner, we take our bows, shake hands, and say, “Good job!”
I feel that life is comparable to a forest. Inside a forest there is so much going on, which makes it easy for everyone to find something to relate to. Sometimes a forest is beautiful, like after it rains or in the spring time, but sometimes it can be horribly cruel or a victim of abuse, like a forest fire. And even though a forest is beautiful in the spring, it does not just suddenly become that way. Like in life, it takes time and patience for it to grow and develop into what its goal was. Humans have to do that also, but the end result is usually always worth it. And despite almost being burned to the ground, something good almost always manages to rise from the ashes. Even though many animals lost their homes and lives, a forest always comes back from the remains and makes the best of the situation. Like a forest catching ablaze, in life there is death and disease. Death is just a part of life and there is nothing you can do to avoid it, but as long as there is death there will be life and that is something that makes it easier, like when a forest grows back after a wild fire. A forest is what you make of it, for someone who hates the outdoors and nature, it can be hell. But for someone who appreciates life and takes joy in spending time outdoors, life can be a wonderful journey.
“You only live once”, is a quote that some people live their life by. It’s true that life is taken for granted and misused. Most would describe their life as being like a roller-coaster, with all the ups and downs, twists and turns. I’d rather compare mine to an All Time Low concert. The biggest thrill I’ve ever experienced in my life has been witnessing the most amazing band in the world perform right before my eyes. Just as in life, there are moments that you wish you could put on repeat and live forever; like when the band enters the stage for the first time, starting the opening song to an audience of screaming and adoring fans. The anticipation for the next song; what will it be? How will your life turn out? Who will you be when you’re out of college, out on your own? The slower songs, when you throw up your cell phone and let it create a beautiful sight as it blends with the other lit-up phones in the crowd – when you’re struggling with your life, and you need those around you to be there for you and help you through it. So wait for the roaring applause, the encores, the times you’ll never forget. Life's like an All Time Low cocert that never ends.
In my opinion life is like a football game. It is a hard, fun, but not always as glorious as somoe would like it to be. When the game starts out the offesnsive team starts generally around the 20 yard line. This is when we start as infants, the team runs the ball for a short gain here and there, these are our baby steps. As the team gets father and farther down the field we get older. Next the team starts to throw the ball, this results in bigger gains. In our lives the passing represents bigger chances that we take, that can result in good favor (completion), in bad favor (interception), or in a neutral favor (incompletion). As we continue to move down the field we have hard plays and some easy plays just like the good and bad time in our lives. When we get older, we get closer to the end zone. When we score, this represents us completing the challenge of highschool. Then we have to kick the ball off to the other team and start on the defense. In other words we need to pack up our things move on to and get used to a bigger and newer challenge. All throughout our lives we will have good plays and bad plays. We will always be in the endzone after we complete some task big or small. All we can do is keep playing the game of life until, like football, the time runs out.
Sometimes, I guess I would find my life is like a bookshelf. Like many of the other life metaphors, this is mainly based on the variety and choice. Personally, I chose this because I usually have all options open. I'm never really forced into dealing with circumstances because my choices aren't so out of the ordinary. They can be, but those are mostly promising. I feel like I can directly relate events in my live to different types of books. When I want to explore and go on an adventure, as easily as choosing a great, daring, adventurous novel, I could call up my friends who are always ready for anything. When I feel like relaxing and just hanging out for the day, just like a simple, just-for-fun, calm story, I could sit in my room and possibly read one of those simple, calm stories. I could always find stressful days in there, though. In every collection, there's always stories and poems with a lot more angst than others. And being not exactly one of the toughest, most outgoing people, there's definitely some fear in my life. A good horror story or mystery novel can't be avoided in the ideal bookshelf. Even then, I'm glad I can compare my life to a bookshelf because overall, the good and the bad, the horror and the entertaining, it'll still all be a great collection of memories.
While it may seem a bit of a stretch, I think it’s possible to say that life is very much like a vinyl record album. When you first put a record down on a turntable and place the needle neatly on the grooves of the first song, that’s the beginning of the record, the beginning of life. As each song transitions to the next, you can often see large differences in tone and message, mimicking the different emotions and moments that occur as we grow. However, these transitions are not always perfect. Records are delicate, and when they are accidently scratched, they can cause skipping in between songs, or, mistakes and the consequences of the choices that led to them. Over time, records decay, making the quality of their sound deteriorate. This does not change, though, the music itself. While it may get older, it is still the same record that holds just as much value as it ever will. Humans will get older and possibly less functional over time, as well, but that does not mean they aren’t who they are. With each listen to a record, you can see how fragile life can be, but it does not change your opinion on what’s inside, and that is what is truly important.
Two things that are always going to be in your life are the weather and friendship. If you think about it these things are actually a lot alike. Sometimes you have your sunny days, the days that are bright and happy, and always leave you feeling good about yourself. These are the days where everyone gets along; there are no disturbances or arguments, or even anger. Sunny days are the days you look forward to, these are the days that you want. But on the flip side there are the hurricane days, these days are when there is thunder, lightning, and 90 mile winds. The days where you walk away feeling the worst you’ve ever felt and even though you hate them they usually last for more than just one day, and leave catastrophic damage to your life. Then you can also have your thunderstorms, they are not as bad as the hurricane days but still are not as good as the bright, sunny days. This is when you walk away knowing that tomorrow won’t be as bad, but you still can’t help but feel awful. And sometimes you have the days where it drizzles all day, this is like when you have those little insignificant fights all day long that you know in the long run don’t really mean anything but they still leave you feeling upset. And sometimes you even have the hot days where you feel lethargic and cramped, the days where you just want to sit around and do nothing and not be around anyone. Then there are the cold days where you want to be close to your friends just to stay warm and comfortable. Both things will always be there and you learn to deal with whatever may come your way, and you even learn to look forward to what comes next.
After a few moments of thinking, I decided that my life is like a department store. I say this because just like a department store, in my life there are so many things I can take advantage of “ or buy” that will benefit me or may or may not harm me. Just like in a department store you make choices of what to buy, in life you make choices about what you can or cannot do. There are some things in the store that you need to live, like food and clothes, there are many different kinds of foods and clothing just like the different paths you can take in life. You can choose to be healthy and productive or you an chose to chose an unhealthy path that may harm you. Like in a store, you decide what u want to buy, just like in life you decide to take risks or not too. There are many things in store that are tempting to buy, I often have to pass them up. This also goes hand and hand with life. You decide what is the most important to you. In a department store, many things can be found. My life is the same. I have many opportunities, I just have to make the correct choice and what is best for me.
I think love can be compared to the horizon in many ways. When I look at the horizon I notice that the closer you get, the farther away it moves. This is similar to love because the harder you try to find it, the farther away it seems to go. They are both unattainable yet we can experience their beauty. Love is an overwhelming feeling and really makes you think about life just like the horizon. A puzzling question between these two is how mysterious they are. Love is very unpredictable and you never know where you will find it. The mystery about the horizon is its unkown location which makes it so special. It can be seen everywhere from the Grand Canyon to the beautiful beaches in the east coast. The horizon is enjoyable to watch because of its unique pleasant vibe it releases. The beauty of love can be seen from a cute old couple strolling in a park or the bond between a mother and her child playing on the swing set. But all good things come to and end eventually. When dusk begins to take over, the horizon starts to disappear. This is not the same for love in most cases, love has an infinite bond between each other forever. Last but not least, the greatest comparasion the horizon and love has is the variety of colors and characteristics. When you look in the sky it comes in many colors like baby blue, vivid purple, or a dark magenta. This is similar to love because it has tons of excellent traits which makes it special. Love is always patient and kind and never jealous, boastful or conceited. It can be shared with everyone at any time. No matter how hard you try the horizon will bring you joy just like love. Each one compliments the other and can always be found close to your heart.
When i need to compare my life to something i think of something that is always changing, sort of like the ocean. In many ways my life is like the ocean, flowing along to the different conditions that it constantly has to face. The ocean is mostly calm, but can become rough at any given time. When the ocean is flat and everyone’s relaxing that my life is moving along smoothly and that I am enjoying my life. The breeze and the sun always remind me that everything is always going to be okay. On a windy day my mood may sway depending on others attitudes with each changing how I may feel. If the weather conditions are horrible my life may be on the rocks, crashing fiercely, pulling everything with it. Whipping from side to side, changing the way i feel about something. Another factor of my life are my visitors like the seagulls and dolphins appearing just above the water. These animals represent my friends visiting me. Sometimes unwanted but mostly always enjoying their company. The different movements of the ocean go with the motions I make throughout the course of my day.
After much thought about an interesting metaphor for life, I have decided that life is like a game of golf, each hole in golf would be about five years of your life. I would compare the first few holes of that golf game to the first few years of your life where you are just finishing up school. The first few holes are usually easy and you usually get through them without too much trouble, only having one or two bad shots. But sometimes you might get in trouble on the first few holes and that could throw off the rest of your game. In life, getting through school is usually the easier part, but if you make a bad choice it could affect the rest of your life. Then for the next few holes you usually get in the groove of things and start making some good shots. You might get a birdie and that will bring down your score and make you feel happy, but then you might get a bogey on the next hole and you will be right back where you started. In life, when you get out of college and start working full time, you might get a great job and be happy for a while, but then five years later you might lose that job and be right back where you were five years ago looking for a great job. The last few holes of your golf game are usually the hardest where you may choke and make some bad shots. Then, when you are all finished, you may go rest in the 19th hole, and look back at your game and realize your mistakes, but mainly focus on all of the great shots you had and how much fun it was. In life, when you retire, you may look back on your life and think about all the good times you’ve had.
My life is like a blender. Everyday is full of choices make a smoothie or a shake, go to school or stay home. Pushing on is like waking up in the morning. The noise it makes is like my alarm. When I awake the blender is on the low setting. Then I go to grate. I'm not a morning person. The different choices on the blender are like the decisions I make throughout the day. When one of my friends tells me something bad, how do i react? Bad or well; grind or easy clean. Or the buttons could represent how well my day is going. Puree, amazingly smooth, nothing goes wrong throughout the day. Or the opposite chop, worst day ever, or at least it may seem that way, I mean this is high school. Once the day gets going I change the blender to the high setting. That's when I hit ice crush, taking tests. Once I get home I am on liquefy. The easy part of my day when everything is calm. Once i get tired I'm on the pulse setting waiting to be turned off and do it all over again the next morning. In many ways my life is like a blender. But the most important is that I'm the one chosing the settings, making the descions. Only I get to chose how to make my smoothie or shake.
My dog, Mia is like the ocean. Usually I wouldn’t compare my dog and the ocean, but in many ways they have similarities. When the waters are calm and the waves are small it represents Mia when she is sleepy, relaxing, or just resting. Mia gets sick sometimes or she isn’t feeling well. When Mia is feeling that way, it resembles the ocean when it’s stormy, when the waves are big, and the waters are rough. The ocean can be beautiful when it’s a nice day and the sun glistens against the water. It reminds me of Mia when she is being herself, playful, hyper, and energetic. My dog is just as beautiful as the waters and I can almost see a resemblance of the glistening sun against the water in her eyes. People and creatures come and go in both the ocean and Mia’s life. The ones that cherish and adore the ocean will always stay by its side and likewise with my dog. For example, there are fisherman, boaters, and sailors that sail the ocean everyday. Those who love the ocean will stay and have the ocean as a part of its life. Also, owners and people who have a connection with Mia will always remain in her life. My dog and the ocean have many emotions they both go through and ways they portrayed that have similar traits.
For me, life is like a ceiling fan. There are four different speeds; low, medium, medium high, and high. These speeds can be compared to the different seasons of the year, and how fast life is during those seasons. Low represents summer. Over the summer, life slows down and people are relaxing. School is out and many adults are also off from work, or they work less than the rest of the year. When autumn starts, things pick back up again; this is the medium setting on the fan. School begins, and people start to get much busier with sports, clubs, jobs, and so on. The next season is winter, medium high. The weather is getting much colder, and everyone is moving around doing busy work trying to keep warm. When winter comes, the year seems like it has sped by, and spring is obviously just around the corner. The highest setting of the fan is spring. Things are quickly thawing out from the winter, and everything is growing rapidly. In school, finals are coming up, and all of the teachers are preparing their students for the swiftly arriving exams. Ceiling fans are in constant motion, just like life is.
My life is most like a lacrosse game. It is thrilling at times but when the second half has minutes left and your team is losing, it can become difficult and stressful. Like this game, life has ups and downs like the tides of an ocean. When you think you know exactly what your life should be like, something always seems to change everything. At the beginning of a game you line up for a stick check. After that the coach tells the team the lineup. The anticipation of this reminds me of when I sit in class waiting for a major math test to be returned. Some girls sit on the bench. They dream of being one of those athletes on the field, and seem to always try the hardest of all. The “starters” walk out, confidence higher than ever, ready to crush the other team with no effort. The whistle blows like the bell starting school and the madness begins. The start of a new school day brings good and bad grades, friends, and drama. Like the start of a game and life, anything is possible.
Life is like a day at the beach. The day starts with getting everything you need for the beach, the necessities like a bathing suit and a towel, protection in the form of sunscreen and an umbrella, and comforts like a chair or a book. Your life starts with your parents getting everything ready for your arrival, diapers and blankets are a must, hats and socks will keep you warm, and stuffed animals will entertain you.
When you arrive at the beach, it is bright and you see the wide expanse of the ocean. This is paralleled to birth, where the world seems so new and big. The trek across the sand is a toddler’s struggle to walk across a room, and the sun shining down is the parent’s encouraging face.
Once you make it to an empty patch of sand where you feel comfortable to stay or are forced to by friends or parents, you lie out all your things and settle down. This can be compared to the starting of school, knowing you will have to be surrounded by the same people for a long time to come. As with everywhere, there are some obnoxious people playing their music too loud or kicking up sand, just like the annoying kids in school who act up in class and upset the other kids. But hopefully you’ll find some friends nearby who you can hang out with and as you get accustomed to life and the beach, you branch out and find friends all over.
You are jarred out of the usual when you leave the security of your beach towel and home and go into the ocean and the real world. The anxiety felt when you are about to jump in the cold rushing water is equivalent to the starting of a job, fast and different from the warm spot of sand you were used to. A crashing wave pulls you under, and you are in the dark, frantically trying to breathe again. But soon you get back to the surface and continue on with your swimming. The waves are bad times that bring you down, and you have to struggle to overcome them and get on with your life. After a while you warm up to the water, and to your job and life as an adult, and you learn the current and flow of things.
After a long time it becomes old and tiresome, and you leave the water with wrinkled fingers, back to your quiet life on your towel. In life this corresponds to retirement and growing old. You stay as long as you can, but soon it gets too dark and the beach is closing. As you walk back across the sand, you see the beauty of the night, and remember the beginning of the day, when you walked these same steps as a toddler.
To me life is like a diamond. At times they shine, and other times they are dull. Life usually shines, but every now and then you will have dull moments. There are people who obsess over it and want to cherish every aspect of it or there are people who just think it’s like anything other thing and it’s no big deal. Also people consider diamonds to be precious, just like life, you have times that you just want to put on replay or never forget. On the other hand, some people think of a diamond like it’s the same old thing as before, like life there are days that are plain and ordinary. When going to pick out a diamond you have things to consider. You have to consider the shape and color of the diamond. Like in life, you have to make many choices about things.
If I were to compare my life to anything in the world, it would have to be a Channel. Not the channels on television or anything in the entertainment business, but the channels for rivers and waterways that carry boats and ships to ports. I would choose that ideal place for the basis of my life because like water, I change constantly and am always there when someone needs me to be. Water doesn’t move that far away from anyone or anything in its path, showing that I would never leave anyone alone. The boats and ships are symbols of friends and family, or even special events of my life that come and go by quickly. Being the water itself, shows that I am inviting to others, and won’t be a big grudge or pain on the people in my life. I also realize that there are bad situations in water channels, and I’m not here to object that I have bad times in my life as well. Seeing as how water is never perfect, the same goes for me. One of the main reasons I choose to be a water channel was because, ships and boats never lose power against water itself. They always take a fight and never give up, ending in them successfully making it to port safe. I, like the ships also am very determined and won’t let anything stand in my way if I’m all for it. I feel as though whenever I’m happy and great, the waters plain and simple. When I’m having a bad day, expect storms and tidal waves coming your way.
My life is an adventure, both good and bad. I believe that my life could most be compared to a concert. It's exciting and something new is always happening. Like a concert, my life is constantly moving at a fast pace, and there is never a dull moment. Something unexpected always seems to pop up around the corner. The day the tickets go on sale for the concert, you're sitting at your computer anxiously awaiting your chance at getting the best seats. This is similar to my life because at times I get very impatient. However, eventually I get through it and there is no need to continue worrying. When it comes to the set list for the concert, my life could be compared because there is always basic structure to my life. Just as the set lists for a concert may change, there are also changes in my life that may occur. The opening song of a concert is what gets the crowd off of their feet and clapping their hands. Like the excitement of the opening song, my life has very upbeat moments. These are the times when I am smiling bigger than ever and extremely happy. Then, you slow it down with a very meaningful song. This could describe the times when I am feeling down or upset. Lastly, the concert ends with the encore, getting everyone up on their feet again. On the way home from the concert you're filled with joy from the wonderful night you had. You can't stop thinking about the concert, just as I can't stop thinking about all the great things in my life. Finally, as I lay in my bed thinking about how great the concert was, I like to conclude my day in a happy way, being thankful for all that I have.
I believe that life is like the game of baseball. There are many ups and downs of the game, just like the ups and downs of life. There are also teams in life, such as teachers and students, parents and kids, males and females, and many more, just as there are teams in baseball. Whichever side you're on, defense or offense, you are working hard. I think that in life, we also work hard in everything we do, no matter if it’s for a big company, or just around the house. I think that the ball in baseball is also like the challenges in our lives. Some challenges in life we can overcome, or knock out of the park, but other challenges we cant get a hold of, and fail. When players run the bases, its like moving forward in life, going from grade school to high school to college and finally to go get a job. Some people don't always make it all the way, but you can always try again. Also, in the game of baseball there always seems to be a star player of the game, or MVP. In life, there is always going to be someone who is better than you at something, but just like baseball needs the entire team to win, the world needs everyone's talents to survive.
After thinking about it for awhile I realized that life can sometimes be like riding a horse on a trail in the forest. When you're riding a horse on a trail, there's a lot of things that you need to be careful of, like rocks and steep, slippery hills. If you don't pay attention and make the right decision, you might just end up leading your horse into something dangerous, like a rocky section of the path, where it could slip, fall and hurt you and itself. This is like life because if you aren't paying much attention, or you just don't care, you could make the wrong decision and hurt yourself, or even others, just like how you could hurt the horse by not paying attention if it slipped on a rocky path. Horses are also unpredictable, everything could be going fine when all of a sudden the horse sees something that scares it, and takes off. You have to be ready for when things like this happen and not freak out, so you can stop the horse and calm it down before someone gets hurt. This is also like life because sometimes things happen that you weren't expecting, and you have to be ready to handle them. Also just like in life, it's better to go slow when you're riding a horse, so you can avoid slipping more easily, instead of just galloping through life making stupid decisions and without paying attention to what's happening around you.
Life is like the game of paddleball. When you first pick up this funny contraption with a ball and a string attached, you don’t know what to do. This is much like life. When you are first starting out you do not quite understand what your purpose or what the right thing to do is. With paddleball, you usually need someone who already knows how to play to show you how. In life, you look up to people who have been around longer. These are the people that set examples for you and teach you right from wrong. In most instances this roll in life would be taken by your mom or dad. Then on your first try to hit it you think you are going to be amazing because the person who taught you made it look so easy, but the ball always seems to come back too fast and unfortunately you miss it. In life you almost never get things right on your first try. It is like learning how to walk. You stand up, take one step, and fall back down on your butt. After a few more attempts to become a master at paddleball, and maybe a few angry swats, miraculously you get the hang of it. In life it is always tough when you start out, but once you get going it becomes second nature. Paddleball is a fun game and so is life and you will never run out of surprises from either.
I’m riding down a steep hill on my skateboard, picking up incredible speed and I feel great. It’s getting dark and I see a little black spot in front of me, “it’s probably just a tiny pot hole” I think. A loud skid screams underneath of me and I fly forward straight into the road in front of me. That little hole was actually a rock and an obstacle I didn’t avoid. I get up and assess the damages, my shirt is ripped, my knee is cut, and I have a headache.. I should probably wear a helmet next time. Skateboarding is like my life I also fall and have to get back up. I hit unforeseen obstacles and my mood is launched off course. I might have failed a test or missed a goal in sports. I don’t always feel like getting up and riding “life” right away but I have to get back home. Some times skateboarding is like my average day. Long boarding and smoothly turning and winding like a regular mundane day. Other days there’s excitement and you try to impress your friends by landing a new trick at the skate park.
Sometimes when I ride I always want to go fast but on some roads you just can’t. When you see a rocky old hill its better to go slow or walk down the hill. In my life I often don’t just glide through tests and decisions at a hundred miles and hour. I think and act cautiously sometimes so that I don’t fall. Taking risks is a necessary part of life when you’re ready for them. It’s is what skating is all about when doing tricks. You have to kick hard get enough speed so that when you kick flip that gap you don’t gap you don’t land in the grass below it. Like tricks life is also about getting better, smarter, and stronger when you’re young and at the end of the day if you practice you might land a new trick.
My life is like a Dell Computer. In the morning I wake up with a sleepy head and heavy eyelids. I go to turn on the computer and gear begin to spin and electricity flows through the machine as it wakes up slowly. The computer starts to make noises as if it wishes you never turned it on. I walk slowly to the shower wishing that I never had to go to school. I go to school and begin to take notes and listen intently to Mr.Fiorelli’s speech on how scoolsville is Coolville. I open up a word document and there is a blank page just asking for someone to strike the keyboard and leave a story on its white canvass. I go to the lobby and begin to talk to my friends conversing about how well or not our day is going. We talk about useless items and topic just for the sake of speaking. The computer has the Internet to talk to. Looking at crazy pictures or reading forums that have no purpose. At the end of the day I shut down and go to bed. When I’m done with the computer it goes to sleep.
Life is like a guitar. There are its high notes, and there are its low notes. Sometimes if you play two cords together it sounds so bad it makes you wince and other times it is beautiful. Maybe these are like times in our lives, sometimes you have a bad day or you didn’t get along with someone and then you have the great days when everything goes your way. Sometimes you have your wailing solos and then when you think your going awesome you hit a bad note or one string’s out of tune. You have your long mellow songs, and your short, hard, fast songs. Sometimes life seems to be going to slow then it picks up or when you feel on top there is a let down at the end. Pretty much every situation in life can be related to what you can do on a guitar.
Life is like a guitar. There are its high notes, and there are its low notes. Sometimes if you play two cords together it sounds so bad it makes you wince and other times it is beautiful. Maybe these are like times in our lives, sometimes you have a bad day or you didn’t get along with someone and then you have the great days when everything goes your way. Sometimes you have your wailing solos and then when you think your going awesome you hit a bad note or one string’s out of tune. You have your long mellow songs, and your short, hard, fast songs. Sometimes life seems to be going to slow then it picks up or when you feel on top there is a let down at the end. Pretty much every situation in life can be related to what you can do on a guitar.
Life is kind of like a pencil. Some days it might be dull but you can always sharpen it back up again and keep on writing. The whole pencil represents my life, the tip is how my life goes whether I keep it sharp or if its dull once and awhile, the eraser represents how if I make a mistake that I can always try to correct it and try it again a different way. The pencil sharpener represents all the good things in life and all the great things that can happen in the future that all ways makes you happy or sharpens you. When the pencil finally wears out all the way to the other end represents the end of life but until then all I can do is just keep my pencil sharp and on days when its dull just try to sharpen it back up. This is how I believe that life could be compared to a pencil.
My life is like a game of paintball. Before the game you have to prepare your marker before playing like refilling paintball pods your air tank and you hopper(gizmo that feeds paintballs into the marker so you don't have to). Just like in life you must get ready for the business world by going to school. The beginning of your career I could refer to as the breakout of a paintball game. It is the first thirty seconds of a game that lasts about two minutes or the years of getting into the business world. The breakout is also when most people get eliminated which could refer to getting fired or quitting from a job. The important thing to remember is that more games will come. In other words more job opportunities will come where you will find a spot that you fit in. The halfway point of a game could refer to the middle of your life where you found a fit in a job or in where you are working. The twenty second time reminder could represent the end of life when you retire and eventually die. It represents that if you want to do something you have very little time to do it and its time to start. In paintball it means that its time to go get that elimination point or get the flag and bring it back to your box but in life it means don't stop with things you want to do but start to do the things you weren't able to do.
My life is like the streets of New York city. The streets of New York city are always so busy just like my day to day schedule. There are many paths to take in life, some good and some bad. New York city's streets remind me of those paths because of all the ways you can chose to go. Sometimes when I'm in a bad or "sticky" situation I think of all the gum on the streets of New York because it too is hard to get rid of and sometimes appears when you least expect it. In New York there are so many sounds of hustle and bustle around town, this is like my life because there are many things in life that distract me but after a while I get used to it. Life is such a beautiful thing, all the different people and animals. Grand Central park is the closest thing I can think of as beautiful as life itself in New York City. The yellow taxi cabs remind me of the many thoughts I have of where to go next or what I should do. In life, you should have role models to look up to and show you the way you can live your life. Some celebrities that are in New York remind me of my role models in life, they may be hard to find but once you have found one you know you can always look up to them. Even though New York may seem too busy for some people I love all the excitement. I like my life filled with excitement because it seems better then the same routine day after day. Life in the fast lane can be fun and exciting just like New York City.
posted thursday 9 p.m.
My life is like an ocean wave. There are many ups and downs in life, as there are in the ocean. Sometimes it can feel like everything is going great, but suddenly it all comes crashing down. Although, another wave of happiness is always on its way to lift you up again. Also, waves vary in size, like every once in a while you will feel totally amazing. As if you are above everything and sometimes you might feel just a little bit sad if you are in a bad mood. Storms and hurricanes are like the drama that can enter your life. The make huge waves that always have rough drops. When the ocean is calm, though, it is as if everything in your life is staying constant and under control. This is how life is like an ocean and you never know what's going to come next.
In life, there are many times of happiness but there are also times of dread. This is also true about weather. Weather is sunny most of the time but once, and a while you get an awful day of rain. How you deal with these rainy, stormy days is kinda of like how you deal with the horrible times in your life. Even though you still may be sad there is always a rainbow and another sunny day coming. You sometimes have to remain positive and try to be happy because there is always another stormy day coming as well. There can also be cold bitter days when you have anger and despair in your life but there is also those perfect warm days that represent love and friendship. You can never really predict the weather. You can only prepare for it when it comes.
After a long process of thought I have realized that my life is like a flight to California. First there is the arrival at the airport, which of course is my arrival, my birth. Then there is the baggage check in which I am "checked in" at my house and I am taken where I need to go After that there was the security check i which before I did anything I had to check with security, my mom, to make sure wha I am doing was okay. The fourth prcess is just waiting for the plane where I am just seeming to just wait for what needs to happen to happen. Then there is boarding which I am getting to where I hope to be. After take off its seeems like I am finally getting somwewhere. Finally is the destination arrival in where I finally get to where I want to be.
My life is like an Amazing Race. Since the day I was born, I came into the world running like I was in a race. I came so fast that my parents could not make it to the hospital, and I was born in my house. I still am running fast today. My life is constantly moving. I wake up each morning to go to school, come home in the afternoon to do my homework, and then go to bed and wake up to do it all over again. Sometimes I may “run” fast, or other days I may go slowly. Like in any race you come to the obstacles, or the hard situations you must overcome in order to finish. Everyday I reach the hills and valleys of the course. One day I may feel as if I am below everyone else, or feel like quitting. Other days I could feel invincible, or on top of the world. Many times I feel exhausted and unable to continue. Sometimes I feel like someone else will finish before me and leave me falling short of my goals. However in the end I always seem to exceed my expectations, and come out on top. I have my struggles and I have my triumphs, but through everything I am still striving and racing toward my goal, the prize. Right now I’m not sure what that is. Certainly college first, but after that who knows where the race will take me.
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