Senior journal #3--One Scene With Extra Cheese, Please

My plebeian, if not bad, taste, does not begin and end with food. Quote Shakespeare if you want to impress the OTHER English teachers 'round here; I'm a sucker for a cheesy movie line. The cheesy movie line, like its Velveeta metaphorical counterpart, isn't REAL, but boy is it GOOOOOOD.
Come on. Admit it. When you're watching a movie for the umpteeth time, you patiently wait for your favorite cheesy bits of dialogue just so you can smile, or roll on the floor, pump your fist, or grow sad, or even emote a real, truly heartful "awwwww." It doesn't matter that the lines seem so unrealistic, so contrived, so Hollywood. They still work.
So you say you need some examples?
"You had me at hello." (Renee Zelwegger, said to Tom Cruise, in Jerry Maguire) How did this girl so easily forgive the caddy Tom Cruise? Maybe it was his equally cheese-worthy profession of love to her, "You complete me."
"No one puts Baby in the corner!" (Patrick Swayze to Baby's dad in Dirty Dancing) Wow, man. Chill. OK, we'll find a better seat for Baby. No, you're not going up on stage to dance, too. You're a wild man. Swayze continues to heap on the sauce: "I do the last dance every year, and I'm going to do it again this year. Except I'm going to do it my way." I'm writing this one in my journal to prove to myself that I can do ANYTHING.
"I'm the King of the World." (Leonardo DiC in The Titanic) Dream on, Leo. Tomorrow morning you'll still be down below with the rest of the hired help. Or going down with a sinking ship.
Even so-called "real" mobster movies aren't exempt. In The Godfather, for example, a chubby hit man by the name of Clemenza blows out someone's brains and instructs his gang: "Leave the gun, take the cannolis." This man has a cast iron heart and a stomach to match.
And my favorite, which some day I'll show you in class, goes like this: "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her." Playing the role of a world famous movie star in Notting Hill, world famous movie star Julia Roberts (shoulder length red hair, baby blue cardigan sweater, OK I've seen this more than once) lays this line on a simple British bookshop owner, Hugh Grant, who then turns HER down. Double unrealistic.
Dialogue in movies, drama, and prose, for that matter, isn't always very realistic. That's the great illusion. No one we know would ever talk like this, but we also know that we want our characters to talk EXACTLY like this. Good dialogue may sometimes get a little cheesy, but at least it is NOT ordinary. To me, the trick is to write extraordinary, fascinating, or at least, interesting dialogue, and make it SEEM entirely natural for the situation. The pros, in any profession, make the difficult look easy: Ryan Howard hits a home run. Pavarotti hits the high notes.
When you read, watch drama, film, or TV, listen carefully to the dialogue and then think about its purpose within its scene. It creates character, conflict, dramatic tension, moves the plot along, or makes us laugh, cry, and get angry. It sounds real although we know it's completed fabricated. F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that all fiction is about character, but to me, it's dialogue that makes or breaks a good story.
Assignment: Tell me your favorite movie lines, their cinematic origins, their speakers, and why you love them so much in 25 blog lines or 200 words or more. Your writing can be heavy on the cheesy lines and light on the explanation or vice-versa, but I don't want mere lists.
When it comes to movie lines, it's tough to pick just one. There's the romantic lines that all girls live by, the comical lines that never stop being funny and just those plain unforgettable lines that "make a movie." One of my favorite romantic lines is from the movie "The Notebook"..."They didn’t agree on much. In fact, they didn’t agree on anything. They fought all the time and challenged each other ever day. But dispite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other." This line was said by the character Duke. He is referring to the relationship between him and his wife when they were young. Honestly, the quote speaks for its self and it's hard to describe the love between those two characters in any other way. A line with more humor would have to be when Gretchen Weiners yells "you can't sit with us!!!" at the top of her lungs when her popular friend Regina George breaks a dress code rule for their posy. Trust me if you've seen the movie Mean Girls, you know what I'm talking about.I don't know why but I memorized this quote by heart from the movie Sandlot..."Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong." A dream image of Babe Ruth said this to a young baseball stud Benny Rodrigue. I love baseball and if this quote doesn't want to make you do something amazing, I don't know what will.
There are so many movie lines I could recite right now it is very hard to choose. What makes a good movie line is its ability to make you laugh, wince, cheer, or maybe even cry. There is always that one movie you can watch over and over again and it will still be equally hilarious each time. For me, that movie is She’s the Man. The line “lady terradactyl” spoken by Amanda Bynes to Emily Perkins just gets me cracking up every time. I have seen this movie so many times I can probably quote the entire thing. Amanda Bynes always makes me laugh. Sometimes it is not the line that is being delivered but the way she says it. This line was spoken by her to the nerdy girl in the movie who wore head gear along with her braces. It was said so subtlety that you almost couldn’t hear. To me this makes the line that much more hilarious. Harry Potter is my favorite series of movies, if you know me then you know I have somewhat of an unhealthy obsession. This series delivers in my opinion one of the cheesiest lines: “Scared Potter?” “You wish!” (Tom Felton to Daniel Radcliffe) It cracks me up each time and I can not wait to say it along with the actors. Harry and Draco, arch enemies, are about to have a wizards duel. Draco is trying to rile harry up and make him have second thoughts about this. The context in which it is said is humorous to me. Heavyweights is another movie I enjoy very much. It may not be widely known, but it should be recognized for its comedic genius. My favorite lines of the movie are “I saw the nurse and she is very attractive!” “This pleases me!” spoken by Robert Zalkind to Shaun Weiss. I find it hilarious, the boys and their personalities are just so funny! They act grown up, inferior, and all-knowing. This is just a silly line one of the boys says to the leader of the pack about the new and ‘attractive’ nurse. There are those lines that have so much meaning and enlightenment they just seem to fit perfectly into the story line. My all time favorite movie is Rent. It depicts the life of struggling artists living in New York city. The line “zoom in on my empty wallet” spoken by Adam Pascal to Anthony Rapp is the epitome of the characters lifestyles. They live very simply, or hardly at all I guess you could say.
We all have our favorite movie quotes whether it be a comedy, a romantic, an old movie, or a new movie. Honestly in this day and age many rather watch a movie than read a book so why not get something memorable out of it? One of my favorite romantic lines of all time is from the movie “A Walk to Remember” its when Landon the bad kid who made fun of a geeky girl who turns into loving her talks about his love Jamie he says “Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it.” He merely is saying that he loved Jamie and how she helped transform him into a better person and better life. He says that even though she has passed on I still feel her love even though she isn’t here physically. However a great comedic line has to be from the movie Talledega nights when Ricky Bobby was at the dinner table he said “Dear lord baby Jesus.. “ this line makes me laugh all the time. Then there is a more girly Disney line; which has a lot of meaning. For instance, “The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake.” This is a quote from the Little Mermaid when Sebastian and friends are singing “Under the Sea”. And for those who love the old classic movies a popular line is from the Wizard of Oz "Toto, I've (got) a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." This is stated when Dorothy’s house gets taken by the tornado in her dream and she lands in Munchkinland. But no matter what movies you like there are always those memorable quotes that stand out. Some movie quotes teach you a lesson while others somehow end up in our vernacular however movie quotes are meaningful and can have impact on our lives or even the way we can view things.
Movie quotes have become somewhat of a language in my household. When my brother and sisters come over, we usually communicate through certain quotes. As strange as it may sound, it brings us together. Plus, it's brought to my attention all the great movies that are out there. My personal favorite movie quotes are from the movie “Shawshank Redemption.” Though Shawshank isn't a cheesy, romantic comedy, it has those lines that have really stuck with me ever since I first watched it. When Andy Dufresne turns to Red and tells him, “Get busy living, or get busy dying.” I was dumbly nodding my head in agreement. Even though I could spit out a mouthful of cheesy movie quotes, I don't think I'd ever have the gull to use that one. Another one of my favorite lines from that movie was from Red, after Andy had left prison. Red was going through a tough time after Andy had left because Andy was a very good friend of his while they served time. Red narrates towards the end stating, “I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.”
I have seen too many movies to even count. Then to pick some of my favorite lines is somewhat impossible. There are the funny quotes that have us “slapping our knee” in laughter, the romantic one which makes us, mostly us girls, awe and get teary eyed, and the serious ones that create an atmosphere of thought provoking attitude. I can however say my favorite movie would have to be The Replacements. This comical sports movie is one I could watch every day and it would not get old. Keanu Reeves stars as the quarterback as he gives a comical yet inspiration speech to his teammates. “Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory…last forever.” It may not seem so inspirational if you have not seen the movie. I enjoy this line so much because of its simplicity, not only is it easy to remember but it stirs my thoughts. My next favorite quote is a romantic one. “I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick — it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh — even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you’re not around and the fact that you don’t call. But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you — not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” This quote is from the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, based on Shakespeare’s play, The Taming of the Strew. This line always brings tears to my eyes. It’s such an emotional poem and I can relate to it which makes it special. To end my favorite movie quotes off with a bang, I’ve selected one of my favorite comical quotes. One of my favorite comedy movies of all time: Ace Ventura: When Nature calls. There are so many lines from this movie that crack me up. It difficult but I’m going to name only one of my favorites. The quote is, “and you must be the monopoly guy,” this is where Ace, Jim Carey, starts to make fun of a short bald man that resembles the monopoly guy. He doesn’t stop there he goes on to use items in the game to insult him and it makes me die of laughter every time. Not only can I not wait to laugh but I love saying the lines along with the Ace, makes me laugh even more.
Just tell me where to sit and we could talk about movie quotes all day! Everything from the classics to the newer releases, movie quotes stick like glue. As much as the new, fun-filled chick flick movies spark my interest, I love a good old classic or two. One of my favorite classic movies is Fast Times at Ridgemont High, simply because of the movie quotes. If you've seen the movie before, you know it's about teenagers who face the everyday high school drama. One of the characters in the movie, Jeff Spicoli, is the average "class clown" in the school. Mr. Hand, the english teacher, realizes that Spicoli isn't in class and gets another student to track him down and bring him back to class. When they come back, Spicoli says, "Hey, wait a minute, theres no birthday party for me here!". From hearing this line, we can figure out that the other student told a lie to get Spicoli back in the classroom. It doesn't get more classic than this. Another one of my favorite movies with some great movie quotes is the movie Cast Away. Starring Tom Hanks, this movie is about a man named Chuck Noland who finds himself stranded on the shores of a tropical island. For four years he is alone on the island trying to survive with his friend, well, companion, Wilson. Wilson, being a rugged, worn-down volleyball, is the only thing that Chuck Noland has to talk to, so he often makes comments or statements to Wilson through out the movie. "Well what’s your point exactly? Well, we might just make it, did that ever cross your brain? Well regardless, I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean than to stay here and die on this craphole island, spending the rest of my life talking to a GOSH DARN VOLLEYBALL!" I changed a few words in the quote to make it acceptable, but you get my point.Im not sure if I can actually explain why I really love these quotes. Ofcourse they are not exactly meaningful or present a significant aspect in life, but they sure can get a good laugh out of me everytime I rewatch the movies on occasion. Sometimes that's all we really need !
When you say the words "favorite movie quotes" a list of lines immediately jump to my mind. I think of humor, power, and originality when I think of the lines I love most. Most of my favorite movie quotes come from my favorite movie, Home Alone 2. A particularly funny line in the movie that really makes me laugh every time occurs when Kevin McCallister is making reservations for the Plaza hotel. Kevin calls into the hotel and impersonates his father to try by using a machine to slow down his voice and make it much deeper. The counter worker answers the phone and Kevin makes his reservation by saying, “Howdy do. This is Peter McCallister, the father. I'd like a hotel room please, with an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit card? You got it.” Every time I hear this line, I laugh because it is so creative and funny. I love how Kevin always has an idea to solve his problems and is able to outsmart the adults around him. When Kevin arrives at the Plaza hotel, the lady at the counter questions him by asking if the reservation he is asking about is for him. Kevin responds by saying, “Ma'am, my feet are hardly touching the ground. I'm barely able to look over the counter. How can I make a reservation for a hotel room? Think about it. A kid coming into a hotel, making a reservation? I don't think so.” This goes on to show how Kevin is able to manipulate the minds of the people around him and make them believe that he is an innocent, unintelligent, little child. I think it is important to make movies with clever scenes that people can laugh at or relate to so it makes movies more memorable to us and impact them more on our lives.
My all time favorite movie quote has to come from my favorite movie of all time, Happy Gilmore. This is a comedy about a crazy hockey player that never made it in hockey and becomes a pro hockey player. In the movie the main character, Happy Gilmore, has to play in a golf tournament with a celebrity guest partner for charity. His partner is Bob Barker from The Price is Right. Happy doesn’t too well in this tournament and Bob isn’t happy about it. Bob starts to lay into Happy and comment on his golf skills. Happy of course doesn’t like this and starts to fight Bob Barker. After knocking Bob to the ground Happy tells him, “The price is wrong bitch!” For me, that made the whole scene. Hearing him tell Bob that in victory after this young hockey player/pro golfer beats up an old game show host was hilarious for me. Bob of course ends up getting up and actually beating Happy to the ground worse. This makes the quote even more funny because than it is an over confident remark that Happy pays the price for making. That is my favorite movie quote of all time.
“Why didn’t you write me? I waited for you for seven years. And now it’s too late,” Allison confronts old summer lover Noah. “I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year. It wasn’t over. It still isn’t over” is what Noah has to say. These lines are from none other than The Notebook in the famous scene in the rain. I simply love these lines because they show how Allison and Noah obviously aren’t over each other after seven years of moving on, during which time Allison gets herself a fiancé. These lines start bringing in all the emotional past these two carry and rekindle the lost spark that has been hidden. The plot really gets moving here and it’s where I start to get emotional in the movie, though the scene where Allison shows up at Noah’s front door after dumping her fiancé is what really makes me cry. The whole movie shakes me up after Allison asks Noah about the letters. They finally realize, after so much time, that they were meant for each other, regardless of social class. These lines show that true love conquers all (cheesy, I know) and that the one who you love dearly will always find a way back to you.
There are so many great movie quotes that it is hard to pick just a few favorites. There are the hilarious comedies that you can watch over and over again, and there are the unforgettable romantics that always seem to make you cry. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Forrest Gump. Forrest said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” This quote is something that I think is very true to life. Another favorite is one from The Wizard of Oz that almost every person has heard. “Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” This was said by Dorothy after being struck unconscious during a tornado and was transported to the Land of Oz. My favorite romantic movie line is from A Walk to Remember. Landon, who has a bad reputation, ends up falling in love with a geeky girl from his school. She gets leukemia and dies, but he still loves her and says the line, “Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it.” She had a great impact on him and helped make him become a better person. My all-time favorite movie is Mean Girls. Like most girls my age, I can quote almost the entire movie. My favorite line from the movie was said by Karen a popular, dimwitted girl to Kady, the new girl in school who moved there from Africa. When Kady told her where she was from Karen said, “If you’re from Africa, why are you white?” No matter how many times I watch that movie I never stop laughing when I hear that.
To AMS red:
Your movie line proves my point. Very creative. Funny. Realistic? Probably not, but we accept it. Kevin in Home Alone is the stereotypical bratty, precocious kid who devices outlandish schemes and machines to foil his adult pursuers.
“Howdy do. This is Peter McCallister, the father. I'd like a hotel room please, with an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit card? You got it.”
Over the years I have seen hundreds of movies, most of which were comedies, however, there are only a few quotes that I think are worthy of being published on Schoolsville. Most of the following quotes are from funny movies because that is the genre of movies that I enjoy. The first quote was said by, my favorite actor, the hilarious Adam Sandler. The quote is taken from the movie Billy Madison and the scene consists of Billy and another student in third grade. The other student is having difficulty reading and is constantly stuttering so Billy (Adam Sandler) impatiently says “... ta ta ta todaaaaaaay, junior....” I chose this quote because I love all of the Adam Sandler movies and Billy Madison is my favorite. Another one of my favorite movies of all time is Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. The main reason I love this movie so much is because of how well Sacha Baron Cohen played the role of Borat. The quote that I find most memorable, and most quoted from this movie is probably “Hi, my name a Borat!” The way that Sacha Cohen portrays Borat is phenomenal. The way he is able to act without any script and be as hilarious as he is in, to me, mind-boggling. These quotes are so memorable to me because I believe that comedy is the best medicine.
When I watch movies I remember multiple lines from each film usually. The ones I remember most are actually the ones I say the least or never say. The reason is because those lines that I hold dear are usually more philosophical and meaningful to me. There are two lines that I remember the most. The first is a something Dietrich said in the movie V for Vendetta and he said that "You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it." He says this to Eve while showing her his private room filled with all sorts of forbidden texts and pictures. The reason I remember and hold this quote so dear is because it is so true especially with how I view the world already. I see people everyday who gave up something they loved so much for something they don't really enjoy. This quote helps me to stay myself instead of trying to blend in and leave all I love behind. The second line goes along the same lines as the first quote I chose. Except this one was said in an action movie that most people wouldn't look at for philosophical reference, which is The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. The line I prize most from that movie was spoken by the character Han to Shawn while they talk looking out from a balcony. Han says "Who you choose to be around you lets you know who you are." and he goes on about that subject. He tells that money and cars are nice, but trust, friendship, and character are nicer and more valued. I prize this line because it taught me that it's what people are that matters and not what people own. I look for messages and moments like these in movies because they are, to me, the heart of the story and can teach so much. I've watch more movies for parts like these then I have for the actually action parts. Its lines like these that have somewhat helped shape me and make me able to do what I am able to.
One of my favorite quotes is from Forrest Gump, when Forrest Gump says, “Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” I like this line so much because it’s funny how Forrest says it but it is also very true. In life you really don’t know what you are going to get until it happens. Another one of my favorite quotes is again from Forrest Gump, when Forrest says, “Stupid is, as stupid does.” I like this quote because it shows what kind of character Forrest will be. Another one of my favorite quotes is from The Field of Dreams, when they are standing on the field and a voice says, “If you build it, he will come.” I like this quote because it starts the building of the field and shows that determination and hard work pay off. The last of my favorite quotes is from Fight Club, when Tyler Durden says, “The first rule of Fight Club is - you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is - you DO NOT talk about Fight Club.” I like this line because it shows the kind of character that Tyler is and that he means what he says.
As I sit here trying to think of timeless movie quotes, I find it nearly impossible just to only pick a few. When it comes to movies, I enjoy watching just about every genre there is: comedy, romance, tragedy, action, adventure, horror and sci-fi. There are movies that I can literally laugh until my sides hurt (Anchorman), shed a tear (Titanic), or get goose bumps (The Guardian). I have seen these movies so many times that I can literally quote them word for word. In my all-time favorite movie, Titanic, a character named Rose says this about Jack. “A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson and that he saved me... in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now... only in my memory.” Rose says this line at the end of the movie when she’s finished telling the crew about her thrilling story aboard the Titanic. This line describes her deep love for him and the fact that he is no longer with her. Titanic is a movie that contains a beautiful love story that’s intertwined with grave tragedy. It may be cheesy, but for people that enjoy Titanic as much as I do the movie is breathtaking and is worth watching over and over again.
Movie quotes have become part of some people’s daily speech. I would make a bet that with any topic one would like to talk about there is a movie quote that goes along with it. The amateurs use the clichéd, worn-out quotes that every one who has turned on a television has heard. On the other hand, those who really know their stuff will sneak a clever quote in right at that perfect moment. It usually takes a while to catch on and sometimes we miss it completely. One of my favorite movie quotes is from The Little Rascals when Alfalfa writes a letter to Darla and it goes like this. “Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes. Love Alfalfa.” A movie that I love to quote is called Stick It. Although it is not a popular movie it is one of my favorites. This movie is about a retired gymnast, Haley, who is given an ultimatum of returning to the sport or going to a juvenile detention center. Haley is an extremely witty character with a strong attitude who does not like being told what to do. “Gymnastics tells you no. All day long. It mocks you over and over again. Telling you- you're an idiot. If you like pulling pieces of skin the size of quarters of your hands- bars is for you. Because the only thing more fun then rips, is when your rips get rips. It's super sexy. And floor, are you serious, who doesn't want to parade around in a leotard getting wedgies and doing dorky choreography. If you like falling, then gymnastics is the sport for you! You get to fall on your face, your ass, your back, your knees, and you're pride! It's a good thing I didn't like falling- I LOVED IT!” I like this quote because I did gymnastics for five years and I have unfortunately experienced every one of the incidents she has listed. I would like to end with my favorite movie of all time, She’s the Man. I could watch this movie over and over again and never stop finding each line as side-splitting as the first I heard them. Amanda Bynes plays a girl, Viola, who impersonates her twin brother, Sebastian, in order to prove that she can make the boy’s soccer team. What makes this movie hilarious is how each character is so stereotypical but exaggerated to the extreme. There is the jock, the nerd, the popular girl, the mean girl and the list goes on. In this line Viola is impersonating her brother but starts to talk like her female self. “Oh my god you’re hurt…[clears throat] I mean suck it up, be a man and rub some dirt on it.” This is definitely something a stereotypical guy would say when he is trying to act tough. Movie quotes can make a person feel many different things but as you can see, my favorites are the ones that make me laugh!
one of my favorite movies is Erin Brockovich. she is also one of my favorite characters because she is who she is and always says whats on her mind. in the scene with the negociation with PG&E she says this:
"So before you come back here with another lame ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker. Or what you might expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your calculator and you multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time."
i just love that line because she just hands it to those stuffy lawyers, they are stunned, and speechless. Every time i watch that scene I'm like "yeah go erin!!!"
no more xc at this point
Well, there are so many movies, and so many movie lines to choose from i could pick from. "The Matrix" When Morpheus says," you can choose the blue pill or the red pill." This one of the most powerful lines in the whole movie becuase, this a turning point in the movie. Its a cross roads for Neo he can live his boring "normal" life in the matrix or he can live real life and become "the one" working with Morpheus and can save the "real world". The next movie that was very inspirational in so many ways is "We Are Marshall" In the scene when the main character goes into the board room to talk about still having a football team and he says take a look out the window. All of the students are standing out the window and Jack Lengyel says, "We are." and the Young thundering herd says," Marshall!". Even though the school is going through rough times and the students are taking it the worst that half of there senior class and the football team was killed in a plane crash. This scene speaks to me because it shows faith, unity and integrity. Shows the whole schools support for the football team and shows respect for the team who just died trying shows the schools dignity. The most inspirational scene in the movie it shows that even when your down and everything is against you, you can still fight back to the top. Then the last quotes ill be talking about is from the movie "Eagle Eye". Rachel Holloman says, "Do you think they could derail a train?" Then Jerry Shaw says,"She could probably derail a train, she could probably turn a train into a talking duck." The reason i like this scene and qoute because before all this they go through crazy obstacles for the people they love. and they get dropped into this garbage bin thing. The quotes i chose show the level of trouble that there in running away from this thing chasing them and trying to kill them. It sums up there struggles throughout the movie and just forshadows whats going to happen later. A qoute and speaking lines from characters forms them in so many ways and helps makes the story line that much better.
I love to watch movies and picking a favorite lines is a tough thing to do. I have to say that maybe one of my all time favorite movies is Gladiator staring Russell Crowe. In this movie Maximus goes through trials a tribulations and ends up a gladiator in the Collesimum. Ceasor had once tried to kill Maximus and now was in attendance at one of his battels. After Maximus was once again victorious ceasor comes to congradulate him and asks for his name. At first Maximus refuses but then says ""My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." I love this line because it sums up the anger and pain Maximus feels after his family was killed. It also shows that he will not give up until he has his revenge. This line always makes me think about what i would do in his situation and it's truly inspiring.
My favorite movie of all time is "Knocked Up", a movie about a girl named Alison who kind of falls in love with a guy named Ben (and the title is pretty self-explanitory). It's chock full of quotes that are there just for humor, but nevertheless, they definatley serve their purpose. My first favorite quote occurs when Ben and Alison are having breakfast at her sister Debbie's house and Debbie's daughter asks "Where do babies come from?" Debbie answers,"Where do you think babies come from?" Her daughter, excited, answers back, "Well. I think a stork, he umm, he drops it down and then, and then, a hole goes in your body and there's blood everywhere, coming out of your head and then you push your belly button and then your butt falls off and then you hold your butt and you have to dig and you find the little baby." Debbie looks at her daughter, smiles, and says, "Thats exactly right." Another one of my favorite scenes in this movie takes place in the park. Debbie's wife, Pete, is watching his kids at the park while sitting on a bench with Ben, the apprehensive and confused father-to-be. After staring at his kids, Ben says "I wish I liked anything as much as my kids like bubbles." Ben looks at him and says, "That's sad." Pete looks back at Ben and just says "Totally sad.Their smiling faces just point out your inability to enjoy anything." This scene makes me feel sad, in a way, but I like it because even in a funny movie it shows how hard life can be sometimes. I think this movie is awesome and hilarious- a feel good movie made out of an unexpected plot.
I was scrolling through the blog and saw the sophomore assignment for Jimmy Valvano's speech at the 1993 Espy's. Valvano presented this speech after receiving the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. This speech has always emotionally touched me, especially the first time I heard it doing the assignment sophomore year. Jimmy V's greatest line from this speech is his statement about thinking laughing, and crying, going a little something like this: "To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special." This man was able to present such a moving speech amidst his battle against cancer, knowing his days were numbered. Jimmy Valvano reflected on his life, picked out the greatest parts of it, and summarized them in three simple, yet meaningful words: Think, Laugh, and Cry. After hearing this speech, I considered how amazing it feels to think intellectually, laugh uncontrollabley, and cry compassionately. Accomplishing these things in a day, every day, would be the greatest thing a person could ask for, especially if they are done with those closest to us, our family or friends. Such an incredible speech has made me think, laugh, and nearly cry all in a period of about eleven minutes. Jimmy V opened my mind and the mind of millions with the speech, making me think about how dramatic it must be to know your days on this earth are very short. Jimmy Valvano's words that night were the most touching of all I have heard.
When thinking of my favorite movie lines, it is hard to think of just one. Great lines are in comedies, action, dramatic, and romantic movies. When we watch our favorite movies, we sit and wait for the moment the line comes out that we can recite along with the characters. In one of my favorite movies, "The Notebook", a young boy named Noah is professing his love to a girl named Allie. They came from totally different backgrounds, and her parents did not approve of him, but they were desperately in love..."So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day." Another one of my favorite quotes comes from the movie "RENT." The six friends go through many troubling times, but whatever they go through, they always stay true to each other. In this scene they are out on New Years Eve and they're telling each other what friendship means to them. "Let's make a resolution. I'll drink to that. Let's always stay friends. Friendship is thicker than blood...That depends...Depents on trust. Depends on true devotion. Depends on love. Depends on not denying emotion.." These are just two of my favorite movie lines.
In my 18 years of life, I have seen so many movies that have made lasting impressions on me. As I sit here and think about movies quotes just about 50 flash through my mind. If you have ever seen the movie The Little Rascals you would know that about every line in that movie is quite humorous. My favorite quote of the whole movie is when Stymie addresses the member of the He-man Women Hater’s club with this line. “I… Stymie... Member in good standing of the He-Man Woman Haters Club... Do solemnly swear to be a he-man and hate women and not play with them or talk to them unless I have to. And especially: never fall in love, and if I do may I die slowly and painfully and suffer for hours - or until I scream bloody murder.” I tend to laugh for hours over this simple line. Throughout the whole movie the boys cannot stand to be around the girls except for Alfalfa. Another line that I just cannot get enough of is when Buckwheat reads Alfalfa’s letter to Darla. “Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Alfalfa.” Buckwheat lost the actual note in which Alfalfa professed his love for Darla. Alfalfa did not want the boys to know he wrote this so he told them to say the stinking guts line instead and that is what Buckwheat read. The look on Darla’s face was priceless. Along with the Little Rascals, the Sandlot is also another one of my favorite movies. One line that I tend to always repeat is when Ham said, “Your killing me smalls.” That line for me can never get old in my book.
I have seen many movies over the years and they continue to produce more and more memorable quotes as time goes on. his makes it difficult to select a favorite movie quote because there are so many, but I think one of my favorite cheesy lines is from A Few Good Men. After Tom Cruise tells Jack Nicholson "All I want is the truth!" The famous response "You can't handle the truth!" comes immediately after. It's kind of cheesy because nobody would straight up say that while they are in the middle of trial. He might as well have yelled I'm guilty. But when it was said in the movie it sounded really cool to say, but in reality it is very unrealistic. Another cheesy quote that comes to mind is from Terminator 2. Arnold says “Hasta la vista baby!” right before he shoots he bad guy. It sounds like an awesome thing if that happened. He gets to say something like that right before a serious action. It is so unrealistic it is funny. Almost nobody ever really says something smart before they shoot at somebody. I doubt the cops would do anything like that. Once again, it was cool when it was done in the movie, but in real life it would never happen.
Cheesy and funny movie lines always get me! Whether it is how the character says the certain quote, who they are saying it to, or just the content I can never get enough. One of my favorite lines is from Rush hour. This particular scene is between Carter and Jackie Chan when they first meet. Carter asks Chan once he sees him if he can speak English, with no answer he yells “Do you undastand the words comin outta my mouth.” The slang he uses and tone are absolutely hilarious. Every time I watch this movie my friends and I are constantly repeating this line to one another. Tucker’s (Carter) comedic timing is great in this scene. Another famous line I just can’t get enough of is from Grease. Danny says to Sandy “That’s cool baby, you know how it is, rockin’ and rollin’ and what not.” This line is overdramatized and unrealistic; no guy would state something like this even in that time period, that’s what I love about it. Another famous line from Grease is “this car could be systematic, hydromatic, ultramatic, why its greased lightning!” This is also by Danny, and is right before he burst into song. I as well find myself bursting into song when I hear this line. It’s a perfect beginning that gets everyone “revved up” for this classic song. Steve Martin has always been known to pull out a comedic line or two in his movies. One of my favorites is from Cheaper by the Dozen. This is when he is reprimanding his children for doing a prank on someone. He states, “You soaked his underwear in meat? That is so wrong. Funny, but wrong!” This quote is comedic because of when and how it is said. First of all he is contradicting himself, which makes this quote even funnier. His facial expressions and tone also add to its hilarious content. My last and final movie quote is from the God father. Big Paulie says after killing someone, “Leave the gun, take the canoli’s.” This is ironic because he just killed someone and now wants to steal their food, instead of taking their gun.
All movies have those moments where you almost feel embarrassed for the actor. When the actors have those overdramatic moments where you cringe at the cheesiness. One example would be the final line of Moulin Rouge! starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. *spoiler alert* Satine dies and Christian is beyond heart broken. But, he always repeats the phrase that he and Satine would always say to each other. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." Another example would be one of my favorite movies: Truly, Madly, Deeply. In the movie, Jamie(Alan Rickman) comes back from the dead to help his lover, Nina(Juliet Stevenson) cope with his death. When they first kiss, Nina complains that his lips are too cold. Later in the scene, Jamie can be seen breathing on his hand and then kissing his hand. Nina asks what he is doing and he stares at her and says, "Warming my lips." Some movie lines just make me want to cry because they are so cute and heartfelt. In one of my all-time favorite movies, Stranger Than Fiction, Harold(Will Ferrell) falls in love with a baker, Ana(Maggie Gyllenhaal). Late one night, Harold shows up to Ana's shop with 10 bags. When asked, Harold tells Ana they are flours that he picked for her. Everytime I see this film, my heart melts at this scene. One final movie that pulls at my heartstrings would be in The Other Boleyn Girl. Anne(Natalie Portman) has been seducing King Henry(Eric Bana) into making her queen. Anne still refuses to give herself to the King and he screams, "I HAVE TORN THIS COUNRTY APART FOR YOU!" It's such a cheesy line but, it fits so well.
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