Seniors Yellow Vocab

Choose two vocab words from the list you were given on Friday in class. Write sentences, using these those words correctly, giving clues to the meaning of the words without actually defining them. Of course, identify yourself according to your initials.
Here's an example sentence using the word "coalition": Finding strength in numbers, we formed a coalition to demand better food service at our college's cafeteria.
Your two words should be completely different from the two words chosen by the person sitting directly next to you on BOTH sides. Talk to him or her to make sure.
Your test will be comprised of your classmates' sentences, assuming they're good enough.
1)After homeroom the students in the school were to convene in the gym for mass.
2)The omniscient teacher could answer any question the students asked him.
By telling him the negative effects of drinking, i tried to dissuade him from having a beer that night. Philadelphia and Los Angeles are almost both equidistant from the middle of the country.
Over the weekend, my family convened for my cousins wedding.
Many political figures are accused of not directly answering a question by talking in circumlocution.
My love for the sport flashed intermittently throughout the wins and losses of the next week.
After I got a perfect score on my english test, I started to think of myself as omniscient.
The point guard counteracted the defenders by cutting to the left then driving toward the basket.
Despite having his car being a mangled piece of metal, the man walked away from the accident innocuous.
An omniscient author is able to describe not only all of the characters’ actions, but also the characters’ most inner thoughts and feelings.
Fortunately, the vaccine was able to counteract the development of Joey’s cold into a full-fledged flu.
My mother dissuaded me to clean my car but instead I ignored her and it's now a mess.
I go to a private high school because my benfactor pays for it.
1. The benefactor organized a charity event in order to raise money for the homeless.
2. The students at St. Marks will convene in the gym for the pep rally on Thursday.
1. The experienced athlete dissuaded her teammate from eating a hot dog before the big race.
2. All of the students thought the prank was innocuous and didn't understand why they were getting punished.
1. The gymnast got points taken off her performance for being asynchronous with the music.
2. The girl's mother told her to watch her language and not to speak such harsh maledictions.
1) Being old is the antithesis of being young.
2)No one could listen to Lisa's hyperbolic stories any longer so, they decided to listen to the teacher.
During spirit week on pep rally day, all the grades and faculty convene in the gym to compete for the spirit stick!
The omniscient law student was attentive to each homework assignment given by the professor.
The plot of the story took place in the south during the antebellum period.
The main benefactor of the school donated all of the books and desks for the students.
1. The boy's friend dissuaded him to ask the girl to the homecoming dance.
2. The snake the zoo keeper held was said to be innocuous, so we should not fear it.
1.) My mother took me to the doctors to get medicine for my deadly malady that eventually spread throughout my body.
2.) The scorching heat the musicians endured while marching enervated them as they played all through out the town.
1) Luckily on September 11, 2001 passengers on one of the flights were able to convene and therefore preventing the terrorist from reaching Washington, D.C.
2) Circumlocution is a necessary trait for any good lawyer or politician to have.
1. When studying God in theology, we learn that he is omniscient in all things.
2. My mom dissuaded me from driving in the thunderstorm because the roads were slippery.
1) The doctors misdiagnosed the innocuous illness as terminal.
2) I was quickly annoyed by John’s seemingly endless circumlocution on global warming.
The credo of the labor union opposed that of the harsh and unfair employer.
The intermittent ticking of the old clock helped the restless man fall asleep.
1. The restaurant is equidistant from my house and school.
2. Janessa tried to dissuade Bridget and Lexi from going to the party.
The meeting convened in the library and began with reciting of the club's constitution.
In American History, we learned that our founding fathers did not want an autocratic leader of the new country.
The benefactor gave a large amount of his yearly income to local charities.
The injured synchronized swimmer ruined the groups performance by being asynchronous with the other swimmers
I ran downstairs after hearing the screams of my younger sister, only to find an innocuous little spider crawling on the floor.
In order to dissuade my mother from grounding me for the weekend, I cleaned all the bathrooms and prepared a nice dinner.
1.) I tried to dissuade my coach from having to run five miles at practice.
2.) Madison is the antithesis of a good student.
1) The announcement ordered the senior class to convene in the auditorium for an important assembly.
2) We were finally able to dissuade our economics teacher from giving us a test on pep rally day.
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