Senior Journal #5--Rock Riffs

There are no hard and fast rules. Choose a song that you really enjoy and use it to write a description, scene, dialogue, character sketch, or story (or film?) treatment.
I've included lyrics from a song that you might know by Billy Joel called Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. It's a story song already that involves two fairly well-defined characters, Brenda and Eddie. Read over the lyrics below:
Brenda and Eddie were the popular steadies /And the king and the queen of the prom /Riding around with the car top down and the radio on / Nobody looked any finer /Or was more of a hit at the Parkway Diner / We never knew we could want more than that out of life / Surely Brenda and Eddie would always know how to survive. / Brenda and Eddie were still going steady in the summer of '75 / when they decided the marriage would be at the end of July / Everyone said they were crazy / "Brenda you know that you're much too lazy/ and Eddie could never afford to live that kind of life." / Oh, but there we were wavin' Brenda and Eddie goodbye. / Well they got an apartment with deep pile carpets / And a couple of paintings from Sears / A big waterbed that they bought with the bread /They had saved for a couple of years / They started to fight when the money got tight /And they just didn't count on the tears.
OK. if YOU had chosen this song, your creative opportunities would be endless.
Describe your favorite Italian restaurant, from soup to nuts. Or describe, in even more detail, their Brenda & Eddie's humble abode.
Or write a scene at Brenda & Eddie's wedding, perhaps, that foreshadows their eventual breakup. Or a scene where Brenda & Eddie really rule the roost hanging out at the local diner.
Maybe compose a dialogue in which Eddie proposes to Brenda. Maybe have Brenda proposing to Eddie, which might explain how Eddie wasn't ready to get married in the first place.
Character sketch Eddie. Dress him appropriately, have him talk, act, react, etc. the way he should. Do the same with Brenda.
Maybe take the point of view of one of their high school "friends" who tells us in a brief dramatic monologue that she knew their marriage would "never last." [dramatic monologue is when one character talks continuously to another, who never is heard responding].
If you're really ambitious, come up with a story or movie treatment. I would define a treatment as a basic plot road map with some interesting explanatory comments sprinkled in. If you're casting the movie, who would be your first choices to play the roles of Brenda and Eddie? Mine might be Marisa Tomei and Nicholas Cage.
Hopefully, reading my "riff" ideas on this Billy Joel song will encourage you to be just as creative with your own choice.
By the way, the photo is of Caffe Napoli on Mulberry Street in New York's Little Italy.
Song: Escape by Jimmy Buffet
Characters: Jimmy and Sarah
Scene: Sarah and Jimmy sitting down in the bar O’Malley’s discussing the situation they have landed themselves in.
Sarah was just looking at Jimmy with amusement and adoration in her eyes and eventually said, “How could we have not known? We live together for Heaven’s sake!”
Jimmy laughed and replied, “I guess after being with someone for so long you forget that you still don’t know everything about them. If people heard about this they would think we were crazy.”
“Yeah, talk about irony. I never knew that you liked Pina Coladas. We will have to start making them at home,” said Sarah after she ordered a coke to the bartender.
Jimmy looked at her with much admiration and seriously said, “We need to plan a vacation to get to know one another better.”
“I agree. I mean we wouldn’t want this to happen again,” Sarah said jokingly, “But what do you say to taking a trip up to the Cape?”
“I couldn’t agree more. This will be a story to tell the grandchildren,” he said while standing up and walking toward Sarah and leaned in for a kiss.
Song: Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
Character: I made her up and named her Mel I wanted it to be someone different than Miley
Scene: Flashback to the beginning of her career
“Wake up Mel, your plane leaves in a half an hour from LA to Tennessee! “Okay Dad.” “And good morning Rufus,” she says to her dog. “I still can’t believe, it seems just like yesterday, I left Tennessee to come here to LA and become a huge star.” “I miss all my friends but I love it here too.” Mel gets in her classy black stretched limo to go to LAX airport. Couple hours later she boarded her private jet with pink leather seats. “I’m tired dad so I’m gonna take a nap.” “Okay sweetie.” Mel falls asleep and starts dreaming about how her career all started…
“Hey mom don’t forget to pick up extra sodas for the party.” “I won’t sweetie.” “R E SPECT find out what it means to me…” Mel sings. “Excuse me,” a stranger says. “I would love if your daughter would come to an audition we are holding here in Tennessee, she has a wonderful voice and I think that she would be perfect for a part in our new TV show.” “I don’t know she is only ten and where would your new TV show be and why did you come to Tennessee?” “Well Miss we are from LA and we wanted to look for someone for our new TV show.” “Well okay we will think about it..” “Please mommy please let me audition…” “We will talk about it when we get home.” Weeks went by and the day of the audition came the “stranger” skimmed the room to look for all prospective people for the new show. He looked around until finally he stopped and looked at Mel. It was her turn to audition. Mel went in and auditioned and then came out trembling. “Mom I gave it my best I was so nervous!” I’m sure you did wonderful.” Months passed by when finally the moment of truth came. The mailman is here. “Hi Me; I got a letter for you” the mailman said. “Thank you,” she said as she ran like a cheetah into the house. She slowly opened the letter closing her eyes. Then she looked at the letter skimming over it. She started crying. “Honey what’s it say?” her mom said anticipating. “I GOT IT!” “I can t believe it!!! YES!” “It says they want me to come to LA and meet with them and the other cast for a week. They said I might want to live there so maybe we can scope some houses." Finally the day came when I got to go to LA. When we arrived in LA with my dream was brewing in my head and we got in a cab with my favorite song playing on the radio. Then those feelings of being there for the first time rushed through her head. “Wake up Mel were in Tennessee!”
Song:All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood
Lyrics for scene:Sixteen short years later/She was falling for the senior football star/Before you knew it he was dropping passes/Skipping practice just to spend more time with her/The coach said, hey son whats your problem/Tell me have you lost your mind/Daddy said you'll lose your free ride to college/Boy, you better tell her goodbye/But now, he's wrapped around her finger/She's the center of his whole world/And his heart belongs to that sweet, little, beautiful, wonderful, perfect All American Girl
Scene: Boy(George Daniels) talking to coach about the love of his life.
Coach Peters walked into the locker room after yet another disappointing loss. "Boys we need to get our heads into the game, you all better take this weekend to get your priorities straight. You're dismissed." The team started to chatter and exit when coach added, "Daniels can I have a word."
George approached his coach in the empty locker room.
"Yeah Coach, you wanted to speak with me?"
"Yes, I wanted to see what was going on with you, lately you've been in your own world, you're not going to play division one football with that kind of performance. And even missing scheduled practices...So, tell me, what's the deal?"
"I'm just not sure that footballs the most important thing anymore.."
"George! You're captain of this team and football's been your dream ever since I recruited you as a freshman." His face beginning to turn a shade of red and looking as if he was about to erupt like a volcano he blurted, "Where's your heart son?!"
George hesitated and looked up and said, "She has it."
Coach Peters' eyes widened and replied, "So your telling me, your going to throw all your dreams away on some fling?! This foolishness must end, it's either her or your team."
George set down his helmet and casually walked to the locker doors. Right before he walked out he turned to Coach Peters and said, "Her." with a smile painted across his face. Because he knew that his time with her, unlike a football game, doesn't have a time limit.
Song: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset/She's going off about something that you said/
She doesn't get your humor like I do/I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night/I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like/And she'll never know your story like I do/But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts/She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers/Dreaming about the day when you'll wake up and find/That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time/If you could see that I'm the one who understands you/Been here all along so why can't you see?/You belong with me/You belong with me
Scene: Taylor and Jake(made up name) are neighbors. They hold conversations by writing notes on paper and showing them through the window. While Taylor is writing Jake notes saying "I Love You", she sings to him about how they belong together. He catches her dancing in her room and singing with a hair brush in her hand.
Taylor is head over heels for Jake, but he can't seem to open his eyes and realize that he should be with her. On a Tuesday night, Taylor spies on Jake from across the window as he paces back and forth talking on the phone. She thinks to herself, "Hmm, I wonder who he's talking to? It's probably that stupid girlfriend of his! He should be talking with me!" Taylor slowly gets up from the edge of her bed and pretends like she is leaving the room. She walks over to the door and turns the lights off. Jake won't be able to see her as she attempts to eavesdrop on his conversation. She presses her ear against the glass and listens closely. "Kimmy, why are you always assuming that I talk to other girls? Why do you listen to these ridiculous rumors people spread around school? No, I am not flirting with Taylor! We're just friends," Jake argues to his girlfriend Kimmy as he glances over at Taylor's window. Taylor scurried away from the window and sat in the dark corner of her room. She starts crying. "Is there something wrong with me? Am I not good enough for him? Am I not pretty enough for him? What will it take for him to actually see me?" Taylor whispers to herself. "Why can't he see me the way he sees Kimmy? If I were with Jake, I would treat him so much better than she treats him!" Taylor reassures. Taylor lifts up off the floor and turns her lights back on. Jake, no longer on the phone, notices the light and watches Taylor walk around her room. He picks up his notepad and writes, "You Okay?" Taylor responds on her notepad, "Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay?" Jake quickly answers, "Not really. I'm just tired of drama!" Taylor says, "I'm sorry." Jake shrugs his shoulders and walks away, while Taylor is writing, "I love you." After she finishes writing it, she looks up and realizes that he was no longer there. Taylor gets bored, and she begins to sing and dance around her room, " If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along so why can't you see? You belong with me. You belong with me." As Taylor is singing, Jake hears her and spies on her from across the window. He catches her in some pretty embarrassing dance moves and laughs at her with a huge smile on his face. He thinks to himself, "Hmm, I wonder who her song is about? That would be so cool if it was about me. Wait, what am I saying? I'm with Kimmy! It would be kind of nice to be with Taylor. I can imagine it now." The next night, Taylor spies on Jake's phone conversation again. It's obvious that Jake and Kimmy are fighting, which she secretly enjoys. Jake hangs up the phone in anger and plops on his bed. Taylor reaches for her notepad, "You okay?" Jake writes back, "No." "What's wrong?" Taylor asks. "It's Kimmy again," Jake exclaims as he rolls his eyes. Taylor finally gets the courage to write, "Jake, you belong with me." Jake pauses for a moment just staring at her paper. He finally gets the courage to say, "Taylor, I love you!" Taylor starts laughing and races outside, while Jake races outside too. When she approaches him, she whispers in his ear, "I love you too."
Song: The Approaching Curve by Rise Against
Characters: Tim McIlrath and Erin McIlrath
Tim and Erin were out driving at midnight. During the car ride Tim and Erin had gotten into an argument and now all was silenced. Erin drove on with Tim in the passenger’s seat. The radio was playing music loud enough to drown out everything and neither one of them spoke. Tim lay with his cheek against the cold window staring at the fingerprints and the snow drizzling down the glass. Slowly they could see that the sun was going to rise soon and it would become dawn. Erin sped down the straight road, barely turning the wheel and remaining silent just staring ahead. Finally Erin broke out above the music shouting at Tim.
“Why are you doing?!” she asked so suddenly it startled Tim a bit.
“I’m not doing anything” Tim declared to Erin “This is what’s best, for me, for you, for us…” Tim stopped seeing Erin shed a tear while driving. She looked down from the wheel and closed her eyes just a little longer then a blink. When her eyes opened again Erin was crying out and shouting.
“Is that truly what you think?!” Erin shouted above the cadence. No longer able to control himself Tim began to shout as well.
“Yes that is what I think and you know what I don’t give a damn whether you like it or not. I’m tired of this same game every time” shouted Tim staring at Erin watching her cry. All the words, the shouting, the screaming, and the music on the radio became incomprehensive. It all swirled together almost as if in harmony. They spoke with the verses of the song and the rise of the instruments. Neither one could hear the other clearly, but they didn’t care they were too busy releasing their rage. They continued to shout until Erin final stopped and returned to the road. Tim continued until he realized that the car was pushing faster and faster.
“What are you doing?” Tim shouted but there was no response. “Erin, what are you doing?” Erin still refused to answer. Silence regained control of the atmosphere for a few moments until Tim finally looked forward. There was a curve ahead and Erin made no signs of slowing.
“Erin, slow down.” Tim cried seeing the bend in the road. “Erin, we’ll never make it you have to slow down.” Erin made no response and made no action or indication as to slowing down. Finally she spoke right before the curve.
“I love you…” she said “but I can’t live this way anymore…I love you” The car burst through the guard rail and over the cliff. It was discovered two days later by police investigating the rail.
Song: You're Gonna Miss This by Trace Adkins
Characters: 16 year old Katie and her mother
Scene: Katie's mother driving her to school
Lyrics: She was staring out that window of that SUV/Complaining, saying I can't wait to turn 18/She said I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules/Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school/Then she kissed her head and said I was just like you/You're gonna miss this/You're gonna want this back/You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast/These Are Some Good Times/So take a good look around/You may not know it now/But you're gonna miss this
I’m not talking to her; I’m not talking to her. Just stare out the window. I’ll be at school soon and then I can get out of this car. I can’t believe her. What am I…5?!
“Mom, why can’t I go to this party?” I yell. Well, so much for not talking.
“Honey, I already told you why,” she replies softly.
Ugh, don’t call me honey.
“But I don’t understand! All my friends’ parents are totally cool with them going. Can I please go?” I complain.
“Well I’m not your friends’ parents. And I told you, I don’t feel comfortable with you going. I don’t know this girl throwing the party and more importantly, I don’t know her parents. Who knows what might me going on at this party. Now, I am done talking about this. No means no. End of discussion,” she says firmly.
Now I’m really mad. This is just ridiculous.
“I can’t wait to get out of here. I hate this right now. Once I turn 18 I’ll be able to do whatever I want and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” I shout.
We pulled up to the front of the school. Mom put the car in park and chuckled.
“You know, you sound exactly like me when I was your age.”
“Yes. When I was 16 I just wanted to fast forward to when I was out of high school and out of my parents’ house. But Katie, dear, these next few years will go by so fast and you’re going to wonder where they went. These are some of the best times of your life and you’ll have even more to come. Later you are going to look back on all of this and smile. You may not know it now, but you’re going to miss this.”
We sat there in silence and I took in everything she had to say. I really thought about it and realized she’s right. This isn’t the end of the world. I have so much ahead of me and I know I will always remember these days.
“Mom, you’re right. I’m sorry for yelling like that and complaining.”
“It’s alright, dear. I just don’t want you to get too ahead of yourself.”
“I know now. Thank you and I love you,” I say as get out of the car and close the door to start another day of high school.
Song: Travelin’ Soldier by Dixie Chicks
Characters: Brandon and Samantha
Lyrics: “Two days past eighteen/ He was waiting for the bus in his army green/ Sat down in a booth in a cafe there/ Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair/ He's a little shy so she gives him a smile/ And he said would you mind sittin' down for a while/ And talking to me,/ I'm feeling a little low…”
The bells on the door ring as he walks into the diner. This could be the last time I hear those bells, he thinks to himself as he takes a seat in his usual booth. Everything looks different to him now that he’s leaving.
A pretty young waitress with a bow in her hair walks up to the table and says, “Hey there, what can I get for you?”
“I’ll just take the special,” Brandon sighs.
“What’s got you down today?” Samantha asks.
“Got drafted. I’m leaving today,” he tells her, “Could I talk to you for a while? I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“Sure I’m off in five, I’ll be back,” she says.
“Okay thanks,” he replies.
She finishes her shift and slides into the booth across from him.
“So what’s on your mind,” she asks.
“All my life I’ve been wanting to grow up and get out of this town, but now all I wanna do is stay here and keep everything the same,” he explains.
“Are you scared?” she asks.
“Of course I am, I don’t know if I’ll ever make it back here,” he tells her.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine. There’ll be guys just like you there you can talk to, and you’ll be back here before you know it,” she reassures him.
“I sure hope so,” he says.
“Here’s my address,” she says as she writes it on her tablet and hands him the paper, “if you ever have anything on your mind, just send me a letter.”
They finish their conversation and he heads off to the bus stop. He doesn’t know it now, but that will be the last time he ever sees her.
They collide.
“Opps my bad,” she apologizes.
“Oh it’s fine …Monica, is that you!?” he replies.
“Oh my god Chris!” She embraces his presence with a hug, “Wow I haven’t seen you in years.”
“Yea I know it’s been a really long time….you look…good,” he replies looking into her eyes, taken aback by her beauty.
“Thanks,“ she responds immediately breaking eye contact. She begins to fidget with the clothes hanging on the rack in front of her. There was an long silence, neither one knowing what to say. It’s quite ironic that two people who use to find millions of things to talk about forever, couldn’t find one thing to talk about for this one moment in time. Memories of their love, laughs, fights, and the pain of their break up came flooding into Monica’s mind.
Chris interrupts her trance, “Maybe we should catch up-” but before he could finish she steps back, the joy suddenly drained from her face. He could tell she was uncomfortable by his request, “Thanks, but I‘m really busy…well I have to….nice seeing you again,” she apologetically replies. As she turns away, Chris just stands there, watching her speedily walk to the other side of the store. A few weeks pass.
Chris just couldn’t understand how one minute with Monica left him thinking about her weeks later. He was the one who broke up with her, yet he couldn’t help but wonder if she was thinking of him too. During those weeks, he took the time to ask mutual friends about her. He was astounded to find out that she had just given birth to a baby and was engaged to get married next year. He wondered why she hadn’t told him this when they ran into each other. His thoughts began to be too much of a burden on his heart. He had to call her.
“Hello?” Monica answers.
“Hey, its Chris. Are you busy?” he replies.
“ Oh hey Chris. Umm a little bit. What’s up?”
“First off let me say congratulations because I just heard you had a baby girl,” he said genuinely.
“Thanks. Her name is Jayla and she is so beautiful.”
“If she looks anything like her mother then she’s the prettiest thing in the world,” Chris said.
“Thanks but you probably heard I’m getting married too and I don’t know if this is a good idea,” she hesitantly replied.
He sighs, “ Just listen, I swear that I’m not trying to start any trouble…I don’t know, maybe this decision was a mistake and you probably don’t care what I have to say, but its been heavy on my mind for months now…” he pauses gaining the courage to continue, “I know what we had is dead and gone. There where too many times I made you cry and I don’t mean to interrupt your life. I’ll leave alone for good, I promise, if you answer this one question for me. Do you ever think about me any more? Do you ever think about us and how good we were together? ”
There was silence.
Chris could hear her crying now.
Click. Monica hung up the phone.
Song: "Do You" by Neyo.
Characters: Monica and Chris
Scene: Chris and Monica are old flames and run into each other at the mall.
They collide.
“Opps my bad,” she apologizes.
“Oh it’s fine …Monica, is that you!?” he replies.
“Oh my god Chris!” She embraces his presence with a hug, “Wow I haven’t seen you in years.”
“Yea I know it’s been a really long time….you look…good,” he replies looking into her eyes, taken aback by her beauty.
“Thanks,“ she responds immediately breaking eye contact. She begins to fidget with the clothes hanging on the rack in front of her. There was an long silence, neither one knowing what to say. It’s quite ironic that two people who use to find millions of things to talk about forever, couldn’t find one thing to talk about for this one moment in time. Memories of their love, laughs, fights, and the pain of their break up came flooding into Monica’s mind.
Chris interrupts her trance, “Maybe we should catch up-” but before he could finish she steps back, the joy suddenly drained from her face. He could tell she was uncomfortable by his request, “Thanks, but I‘m really busy…well I have to….nice seeing you again,” she apologetically replies. As she turns away, Chris just stands there, watching her speedily walk to the other side of the store. A few weeks pass.
Chris just couldn’t understand how one minute with Monica left him thinking about her weeks later. He was the one who broke up with her, yet he couldn’t help but wonder if she was thinking of him too. During those weeks, he took the time to ask mutual friends about her. He was astounded to find out that she had just given birth to a baby and was engaged to get married next year. He wondered why she hadn’t told him this when they ran into each other. His thoughts began to be too much of a burden on his heart. He had to call her.
“Hello?” Monica answers.
“Hey, its Chris. Are you busy?” he replies.
“ Oh hey Chris. Umm a little bit. What’s up?”
“First off let me say congratulations because I just heard you had a baby girl,” he said genuinely.
“Thanks. Her name is Jayla and she is so beautiful.”
“If she looks anything like her mother then she’s the prettiest thing in the world,” Chris said.
“Thanks but you probably heard I’m getting married too and I don’t know if this is a good idea,” she hesitantly replied.
He sighs, “ Just listen, I swear that I’m not trying to start any trouble…I don’t know, maybe this decision was a mistake and you probably don’t care what I have to say, but its been heavy on my mind for months now…” he pauses gaining the courage to continue, “I know what we had is dead and gone. There where too many times I made you cry and I don’t mean to interrupt your life. I’ll leave alone for good, I promise, if you answer this one question for me. Do you ever think about me any more? Do you ever think about us and how good we were together? ”
There was silence.
Chris could hear her crying now.
Click. Monica hung up the phone.
Sarabeth closes her eyes/and she dreams she's dancing/Around and around without any cares/And her very first love is holding her close/And the soft wind is blowing her hair/Sarabeth is scared to death/As she sits holding her mom/Cause it would be a mistake/ For someone to take A girl with no hair to the prom/For, just this morning right there on her pillow/Was the cruelest of any surprise/and she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny
Its quarter to seven/That boys at the door/And her daddy ushers him in/And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry/Cause this mornin where his hair had been/Softly she touches just skin
Song: Skin by Rascal Flatts
Characters: Sarah Beth, her mother, and her prom date "Andrew"
Scene: Sarah Beth, who suffers from Leukemia, is getting ready for the prom.
Sarah Beth was sitting on her bed as her mom put on her makeup.
"Mom, I don't think its a good idea that Andrew is taking me to the Prom," said Sarah Beth. Her mother placed the mascara down and looked Sarah Beth in the eyes and said, "You are a beautiful and wonderful girl, anyone would be honored to take you to the prom. Why would you think such a thing?" Sarah looked down, she could not bear to look into her mother's worrying eyes. "Mom, it's just..I don't fit in. All the girls are going to come in with their hair in curls and frills and I can't do that. It's not fair."
"Honey, it's not about your hair and your dress," her mother exclaimed,"it's about having fun and being with your friends." There was then a knock at the door. "Andrew's here," said Sarah Beth. She put on her finishing touches of makeup and walked down the stairs. Her jaw dropped as soon as she saw Andrew. "Your-your hair," she stuttered, almost in tears. Andrew had shaven off his hair for that night. "I did it because I want you to know that you'll never be alone," Andrew said. The walked to his holding hands, and Sarah Beth had never been that happy.
Song: Mambo number 5 by Lou Bega
Characters: Lou, Monica, Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary, and Jessica.
Scene: The girls are at a dance, each supposedly with Lou as their date, watching him dance with other girls and talking to each other about his promiscuous ways.
Monica looks at Tina with innocent eyes, but the possessiveness she has over Lou can‘t help but take over her emotions. She decides to confront Tina about her feelings by asking in a pretty rude tone, “What do you have that I don’t?”
“Excuse me?” Tina replied as she sat there stunned by Monica’s forward manner. “Maybe it’s your abrasive personality that makes him want someone like me.”
Tina sunk into her chair feeling even worse about herself than before.. Erica and Lou swing off the dance floor with some pep in their step. All the girls were swooning.
“You look dashing,” Rita said.
“Yea Lou and you’re such a good dancer!” Sandra exclaimed.
The girls were looking desperate as ever. It’s a wonder how Lou could stand these girls. Lou, not caring at all about how the girls might be feeling asked, who wants the next dance?
You might have thought there were springs in Mary’s shoes, she jumped up so fast.
“Mary, I could dance with you all night long!” Lou exclaimed.
“All night long?” Jessica asked. “He has to be kidding!”
Erica, fresh off the floor adds, “I don’t understand why he’s dancing with her, she’s got flat feet!” The girls are all starting to wonder what Lou has to offer them. They were so fixated on degrading each other that they didn’t ever notice the piece of scum Lou really was to them.
Sandra saw Tina looking pretty rough. Obviously she was still down from Monica’s less than zealous reaction to her question.
She said, “Come on girl, we don’t need a guy like Lou.”
“Yea, he’s not even good enough for us,” Jessica added.
The girls all decided to dance together and Lou went home all by his lonesome that night. He only wanted a “little bit” of each girl and ended up with no girl at all.
Song: Summer Girls by LFO
Characters: Rich and Jessica
Scene: Rich calls Jessica asking to see if she still remembers him.
Listening to the ringing in his phones earpiece continue, Rich's stomach also continued to tie itself in knots. "What am I going to say?" He thought to himself, "It's been a whole year since we last saw eachother and we only were together a day at that. A girl like that probably meets five guys like me in a single day, how can I expect her to remember.." "Hello?" the phone suddently spoke into Rich's ear. "Yeah, hi is this Jessica?" "Yeah, why?" The voice on the other end said with a hint of caution. "I don't know if you remember me at all, but my name is Rich, I think that we met last year at the beach in Miami." "I met a lot of people there believe it or not, I think that you'll need to be a bit more specific for me to have a chance at remembering you." As Rich heard this a world of doubt washed over him and he felt as if this was a lost cause. However he decided to give it one last shot and list off everything he could remember from that memorable day last year. "Alright, here it goes. When I met you I said my name was Rich, you look like a girl from Abercrombie and Fitch. We talked about how chinese food makes me sick, how when you take a sip you buzz like a hornet, that you come from Georgia where the peaches grow, you drink lemonade and you speak real slow, you love hip hop and rock and roll, your dad took off when you were four years old, and that you love fun dip and cherry coke." After a long pause, Jessica finally spoke, "Yeah, I don't remember you at all and honestly I think it's a little creepy that you know all that about me and I don't even remember you. Sorry, bye." "Wait!" Rich exclaimed, but it was too late, she had hung up. After a couple minutes passed just taking everything that had just happened in, Rich murmurred, "Well that didn't exactly go according to plan."
I decided I wanted to do my “rock riff writing” on one my most favorite heart-touching songs called, Who Wants to Live Forever, by Sarah Brightman. The lyrics are pretty simple, and are as follows: There's no time for us/ There's no place for us/ What is this thing that builds our dreams/Yet slips away from us/ Who wants to live forever?/ Who wants to live forever?/ There's no chance for us/ It's all decided for us/ This world has only one sweet moment/ Set aside for us/ Who wants to live forever?/ Who wants to live forever?/ Now touch my tears with your lips/ Touch my world with your fingertips/ And we can have forever/ And we can love forever/ Forever is our today/ Who wants to live forever?/ Who wants to live forever?/ Who waits forever anyway?
Every moment that I happen to listen to this song, one episodic flash penetrates through my mind. Instead of making up characters and dialogue to go with the song, I figured I would describe the mental picture, and talk about one particular famous scene in literature. As I listen to the lyrics, it makes much more sense to me; Romeo and Juliet are perfect characters for the song. There’s no time for them, and their fate was decided for them. Was there then a point for them to live forever? They had dreams, ambitions, plans to spend the rest of their life in love and matrimony. Happiness is all they wanted, and freedom is all they asked for. Romeo and Juliet, lying on the ground together, dead, is the picture that lingers in the deep thoughts of my mind. Maybe one day, perhaps, Romeo and Juliet got their courage up to talk to their parents about the undying love they felt towards each other. Maybe Romeo and Juliet went to speak with Montague and Lady Montague one night. I bet it would sound something like this; “I have something to tell both of you”, says Romeo to his parents. “I am in love with Juliet, daughter of Capulet and Lady Capulet.” Romeo’s parents then might have thought up of a punishment for Romeo, and forbid him to go near Juliet again. Romeo then may have went to Juliet and told her the terrible news. Juliet says, “Romeo, as long as we love each other, we can have forever.” I feel that this song correlates to the story perfectly. This song could illustrate another meaning to somebody else, with other characters and dialogue. I’m not sure what Sarah Brightman had in mind, but for me, Romeo and Juliet come to mind.
Song: Mr. Jones by Counting Crows
Lyrics for scene: I was down at the New Amsterdam staring at this yellow-haired girl/Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-haired flamenco dancer/She dances while his father plays guitar/She's suddenly beautiful/We all want something beautiful/I wish I was beautiful/So come dance this silence down through the morning/Cut Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances/Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones/Believe in me/Help me believe in anything/I want to be someone who believes..
Scene: Mr. Jones caught a glimpse of Maria who is dancing at the local block party and goes to talk to her.
“Who is that girl?” Mr. Jones said to his friend.
“Forget about her. She’ll never give you a second glance.” Mike answered back.
“Oh we’ll see about that.”
“May I join you?” Mr. Jones asks.
“If you can keep up.” Maria smiled. The two begin to glide across the dance floor.
“You’re a pretty good dancer.. Mister?..”
“Jones.” He said. “Are you new in this area of town because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before?”
“No, I just moved here to study dance… and maybe fall in love.” She added.
“Oh, so you don’t have a boyfriend around here somewhere?”
“Nope, haven’t found the right man.” Mr. Jones began to twirl her around.
“Well, how about I take you out for a nice dinner and show you what this place has to offer.” Mr. Jones smiled.
“Uhm… Well I guess I could. Actually yes, that would be lovely!” She exclaimed.
“So I’ll pick you up at seven on Friday night?”
“It’s a date. I’ll see you then,” as the song ended, she began to walk away.
“Wait. Do you have a name?”
“Yes It’s Maria.. Mr. Jones”
“Maria. That’s a beautiful name. Call me Joe. Oh and bring your dancing shoes.”
“Good night Joe.” Maria gave one last smile and disappeared into the crowd. Joe had nothing to do but to stare and smile back.
Song: Good Directions by Billy Currington
Characters: Mrs. Bell and the girl
Scene: The girl who asked for directions from Billy on how to get to the interstate stops at the little country store to get some sweet tea from Mrs. Bell.
The bells on the door jingle as the girl walks into the store. Seeing as there is only one woman in the store she walks over to her.
"Excuse me mam are you Mrs. Bell?"
"Why yes I am, what can I do for you darlin?"
"Well I stopped and asked this extremely handsom man for directions, back a lil ways on the road, on how to get to the interstate and he insisted that I should stop and try some of your sweet tea."
"Oh really?" she said with a smile, "And did this man happen to be selling turnips off a flat bed?"
"Yes!" The girls eyes lit up," How did you know?"
"Well, darlin, he's my son. Goes to that spot every other day to sell vegitables for me. Bless his heart, I can't do it anymore with this old age settlin in." Mrs. Bell got up and walked to grab a pitcher of tea and two glasses from a nearby table.
"So, your son, does he happen to be seeing anyone?"
Not looking up from pooring the glasses of tea Mrs. Bell chuckles, "Girl that boy has had worse luck with women than most men could think of. He could use a good woman in his life though." She hands a glass to the girl.
"Thank you." Says the girl and she takes a sip. "Mmmm, this is the best tea I've ever had!"
After a short conversation about the girls life and her own problems with men, they finish their glasses of tea the girl gets up to leave. Mrs. Bell then curiously asks, "So what are you plannin to do now?"
With a smile, the same smile a kid gets when their mom tels them they can get some candy, the girl replies, "Well, Mrs. Bell, if I can recall your son had told me earlier that to go back to him I would have to take a right, so I'm going to go back."
"Aw, darlin thats some of the best news I've herd in a while! Hurry on now he probably has givin up hope by now."
Laughing as she turned to leave she said, "Bye Mrs. Bell." and left. She got in her car, started the engine, put the car in drive, and turned right, heading back to the man of her dreams.
Song: Concrete Angel by Martina McBride
Character: Ms. Smith, a young and inexperienced school teacher, and Molly, a young student.
Scene: The elementary school cafeteria
lyrics for the scene: She walks to school with the lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holding back
Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with the linen and lace, oh
The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask
Bearing the burden of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was never born
"I wonder what's keeping Molly from sitting with the other kids," thought Ms. Smith. "Maybe she's just shy...but I don't think that's it. Something just feels off about her. Maybe it's poverty? She only seems to have about three dresses and she probably feels out of place with the other kids. But that still doesn't explain those bruises on her arms. I'd hate to start throwing around false accusations but those bruises just don't look like she fell. I wish I knew her parents. If only they had shown up to the parent-teacher conference, that way I would have a better read on what kind of people they are. But what if I accuse them of battering poor Molly and it turns out to be untrue? My good word would be ruined. But she just looks so scared and timid. Her body language just isn't natural for a little kid. She should be laughing and playing with the other kids, but instead she just sits there. Would it be worse to wrongfully accuse her parents of abuse, or to just let it go when something terrible might be happening? It would probably be worse to let it go if something was happening. I would just hate to have the principal upset with me for a wrongful accusation, especially because I'm new. Is it even my place to go making huge decisions like that? I think this kind of decision is more for the people who have been teaching longer. Maybe I can just wait and see if anyone else notices anything. That way, we can make the decision together and I won't have to deal with all this responsibility. I mean after all, if I’m the only one who’s thinking anything, then it probably isn’t that big of a deal. Yeah, everything is probably fine."
Song: Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park
Characters: Ryan and Chelsea
Scene: Ryan’s moving away and he’s trying to cushion the blow for Chelsea while being straight forward.
As soon as his head hit the pillow, the image flooded Ryan’s mind:
“I can’t go on like this anymore. I’ve hurt you too much and you’re better off without me.”
“I don’t believe that at all! You’ve never hurt me before in my life! Ryan? Ryan, where did you go? Ryan?!”
He woke gasping and sweating.
“I can’t just leave her here. She means too much to me.”
“Ryan, get dressed or you’ll be late for school. And you still have a lot of packing to do so come straight home” his mom warns him.
Before the homeroom bell, Chelsea asks Ryan for the thousandth time why he has to move away, a conversation that isn’t a new one.
“I told you when I met you that I’d only be here for 2 years. My dad’s always getting relocated.”
“This sucks.” Chelsea repeats. “Seeing you is the only reason I get up in the morning, with the exception of the last few months.”
“Look, Chels, when I leave, I want you to forget everything wrong that I’ve done because if you don’t, I’ll feel like there’s no reason for you to miss me. Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be fine.” Ryan comforts her after she gives her I’m-scared-everything-is-going-to-change look. “Just don’t resent me for what I’ve done and just keep thinking of me. Leave out all the rest.”
After school on Friday, moving day, Chelsea’s coping very well. Right before Ryan climbs into the SUV, he approaches her.
“I know you’re hurting, but you’re not hiding it from me. I’m hurting, too, and I can’t hide it ‘cause it’s not me. I can’t be who you are. Just remember, think of all the good times we had. I love you, baby. I’ll call you every day.”
When the truck turned the corner, Chelsea melted into tears.
song: you belong with me
Artist: Taylor swift
characters are Taylor swift as Amanda and the guy as chris.
Scene: these too have been secretly in love with each other since they were young but neither of them can find the courage to tell one another until...
Amanda sees chris go outside his house so she walks out side and calls him over.
"hey", amanda says abruptly
Chris says "hey" back in a calm tone.
Chris says , I've kinda wanted to tell you something for a long while".
Amanda says "me too, but you can go first if you really want too."
Chris says "yeah i will, well lately I've been seeing you around a lot and my girlfriend has been really getting on me about stupid things and I broke up with her."
Amanda in shock says," oh my gosh, why?"
Chris looks deep into her eyes and say," because the one i really love is you."
Amanda tries to Deny all of this and saying," you broke up with her for me? But I wear sneakers, and she wears high heels, i just come to the games I am not the head cheerleader or anything are you sure about this?"
Chris says "Amanda I have never been more sure about anything in my life, all of that drama and all the childish things I had to put up with are over. Your a different kind of girl and I just do not think i would have to put up with all that with you."
Amanda says, " aww, looks like things do turn out like a love story."
Amanda then says," I knew we belonged together ever since I laid eyes on you in the 1st grade."
Chris says," same, I was blinded by the truth, and that i hope nothing bad comes out of this, meaning with my ex-girlfriend and all."
Amanda says, "never mind her, we do not need to ever speak of or hear that name ever again, because now were together."
Chris says, "yeah" in an exhausted tone."
They live happily ever after and get married and stay together for the rest of there lives.
Song: These Days
Artist: Rascal Flatts
Lyrics: Someone told me after college/You ran off to Vegas/You married a rodeo cowboy/Wow, that ain't the girl I knew/Me I've been a few places/Mostly here and there once or twice/Still sortin' out life, but I'm doing alright/Yeah, it's good to see you too/Hey girl, you're late/And those planes, they don't wait/But if you ever come back around/To this sleepy old town/Promise me you'll stop in/To see an old friend/And until then...
Scene: Flashback to Jim and Sarah's (made up names) break up at the end of high school
“I can't believe we just graduated from Jefferson High, it seems like yesterday we were both timid freshmen trying to open our lockers,” Jim says with a smile, walking with Sarah from the graduation ceremony on the football field back to one of the many graduation parties.
“Tell me about it. We have had so many crazy times together. Remember sophomore year when you skipped Chemistry and Mr. Fisher caught you in cafeteria kitchen with the lunch ladies having pizza?!” Sarah says while starting to laugh.
“Oh yeah! It was someone's birthday and the lunch ladies were having a little party! Mr. Fisher's face turned purple when he saw me in there instead of in his class!” Jim recalls.
“I'm going to miss those times. Sneaking out after curfew, hanging out at the diner after school, road trips to the city, were the best times of my life, ” Sarah admits, with her voice shaking, sadly, “Everything is going to change now.”
“Not everything is going to change. I'm going to University of Tennessee and you'll be at Tampa University, it's not that far. I can drive down every weekend if you want.” Jim proposes hopefully.
“I don't know Jim. You and I have been best friends since third grade and we have been inseparable since you asked me to the homecoming dance sophomore year but I think we need to find out who we really are on our own,” Sarah whispers with tears staring to stream down her face.
Jim grabs onto Sarah, his voice frantic and pleads, “Please don't do this Sarah. We belong together! We can get married if you want! Let's just run away together! Please!”
Sarah pulls herself out of Jim's tight grip,“I'm sorry Jim. I need to find out who I really am and see the world. I love you and I will always love you but I need to do this.”
Sarah walks off in the opposite direction, leaving Jim alone and hurt.
"Young Forever" by Jay Z
(feat. Mr Hudson)
Characters: Jay Z
Let’s dance in style,
Let’s dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst,
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?
Let us die young or let us live forever,
We don’t have the power but we never say never,
Sitting in a sandpit,
Life is a short trip,
The music’s for the sad man,
Forever young,
I wanna be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever and ever
Forever young I wanna be
Forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever
So we live a life like a video
When the sun is always out and you never get old
And the champagne’s always cold
And the music is always good
And the pretty girls just happen to stop by in the hood
And they hop their pretty butt up on the hood of that pretty car
Without a wrinkle in today
Cause there is no tomorrow
Just some picture perfect day
To last a whole lifetime
And it never ends
Cause all we have to do is hit rewind
So lets just stay in the moment,
Drink some wine,
Reminisce talk some stuff forever young is in your mind
Leave a mark that can’t erase neither space nor time
So when the director yells cut,
I’ll be fine,
I’m forever young…
Fear not when, fear not why,
Fear not much while were alive,
Life is for living not living up tight,
See ya somewhere up in the sky,
Fear not die, I'll be alive for a million years, bye bye,
So not for legends, I'm forever young
My name shall survive
Through the darkest blocks, over kitchen stoves,
My name shall be passed down to generations
While debating up in barber shops, young slung, hung here,
Shorty, the brotha from here
With a little ambition just what we can become here,
And as the father passed his story down to his sons ears,
Younger kid, younger every year, yeah
So if you love me baby this is how you let me know.
Don’t ever let me go, thats how you let me know, baby,
Jay Z is experiencing the best time of his life, being young. He enjoys himself, takes advantage of being young and wonders why others are not doing the same. Although he knows all are going to die one day, he stays positive, and never says never. Jay Z describes life as a movie, perfect in every way. This movie consists of perfect weather, perfect drinks, perfect music, perfect girls. No one grows old, and everyone lives life like it's their last day on earth, with no worries. Jay Z hopes to build his legacy while he is still young and hopes it is passed onto the younger generations. He preaches living each and every day like it is our last. Through this song, Jay Z reveals over and over again that being young is the best thing that will ever happen to us, and we must take advantage of the opportunity while it is still in front of us.
Tomorrow she'll be rolling down I-10
Baton Rouge, LSU
18 years in her rearview
He's got a Friday paycheck lined up down the block
At daddy's shop
It ain't much but its a job
They've been dreading this moment all summer long
The night before
Life goes on
Song: Night Before (Life goes on) by Carrie Underwood
Scene: Austin and Sophie are sitting on the top of her roof the night before she leaves for college.
Tears are running down Sophie’s cheeks as she is spilling her guts out to her boyfriend Austin. “I can’t believe tomorrow I will be going to college and I won’t be seeing you everyday”
“Awh baby, don’t cry. I know this is hard but we will get through it.”
“What if we can’t? What...what if this long-distance relationship does not work.” Sophie stammered.
“If we want it to work then it will work.” Austin said calmly.
Sophie started to get a little angry. “Why are you being so calm about this? Don’t you care about me?”
Austin was taken aback by this statement. “Of course I care about you. You know that more than anyone else.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This whole thing is making me crazy.”
Austin took off this flannel and draped it around her shoulders. “I know it is making me crazy too. I don’t know what I’m gonna do in this town without you Soph.”
“Don’t worry you’ll have plenty to do at daddy’s shop.” Sophia snickered.
“There’s that laugh.” Austin said as the mood began to lighten.
“Remember I’ll call and text you every day Austin.”
“You better.” Said Austin with a laugh.
Sophie couldn’t think of a reason why she would not. “Duh, you’re probably get sick of how much we talk.” Jokingly said Sophie.
Austin couldn’t help but smile. “Ha ha. How could I ever get sick of you?”
“You wouldn’t.” Sophie said as she playfully punched Austin in the arm.
Austin started getting up. “Come on let’s get down. It’s getting cold up here.”
As he pulled Sophie up to her feet they hugged each other and climbed back into her room through the window.
Rascal Flatts- “Here comes goodbye”
Lyrics- I can hear the truck tires coming up the gravel road
And its not like her to drive that slow, nothin's on the radio
Footsteps on the front porch, I hear my doorbell
She usually comes right in, now I can tell
Here comes goodbye
Here comes the last time
Here comes the start of every sleepless night
The first of every tear I'm gonna cry
Here comes the pain
Here comes me wishing things had never changed
And she was right here in my arms tonight, but here comes goodbye
I can hear her say I love you like it was yesterday
And I can see it written on her face that she had never felt this way
One day I thought I'd see her with her daddy by her side
And violins would play here comes the bride
Why does it have to go from good to gone?
Before the lights turn on, yeah and youre left alone
All alone, but here comes goodbye
John nervously awaits for Jessica’s arrival. His stomach has been turning in knots ever since they ended their phone call with a fight.
His mind is racing, “Is it over, and is the girl I love leaving forever?”
He hears the truck tires coming up the gravel road, and her slowly approach the porch. She usually comes right in, instead Jessica rings the door bell. John thinks to himself, “Here comes goodbye.” He approaches the door and opens it.
Jessica looks up at his saddened face and states, “Hey, can I come in?” “We need to talk.”
“Um, yeah, sure, come in,” John murmurs.
Jessica sits down on the couch and redirects her glance from John to some pictures on the table. With her head turned she says, “Um listen, things have been really stressful lately and...”
Again John thinks to himself “Here comes goodbye, here comes the pain.”
Reluctant to continue the conversation John quietly whispers, “Yeah…”
Unable to look him in the eye Jessica stares at the floor and continues, “I think, I think we need to take a break for a while.”
John’s stomach cringes and he releases with a sigh, “Is that really what you want?”
“Yes, it’s what’s best.” “I need to go.”
She turns for the door, stops, and looks at him, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for things to end this way.”
“I know,” says John. John shuts the door and miserably returns to the couch.
Song: Suddenly by Ashley Tisdale
Main Character: Serafina Donahue
Slowly, Serafina slips around the corner and sees the chaotic group jumping for joy. Her bright red mouth lets out a small sigh as she wonders if she will ever feel that way. Her feet glide toward the cast list while everyone gets silent. Knowing that’s not a lucky sign, she takes a deep breath. Head lifting, she glances at her fate. The shock hits her and she feels an overwhelming happiness that she has never felt before. The group cheers and dances for her. Serafina realizes that people know who she is, that people know her name. She is……Juliet. Her dreams are coming true.
Weeks later, Sera is leaving the theater with her bag and script. She hears the director call her name. Mr. Patch calls her into his office and tells her that the DuPont Theatre is looking for someone to play Juliet in The National Tour of ‘Romeo & Juliet’. Knowing she cannot make that kind of audition, she shakes her head and smiles. Her wise director returns the smile and hands her two letters. One, from John Gardner: the Head Manager of the DuPont and one from Jeff Santoro: the world-famous director who happens to direct ‘Romeo & Juliet’. Both letters told her she had already received the role. Head lifting, Serafina is puzzled as she stares at Dave Patch. He just grins proudly and hands her a letter he wrote to Mr. Gardner and Mr. Santoro. Shaking, Serafina hugs him and runs out the door reciting her monologue from Act II: Scene II.
This was a whole new world. Elaborate costumes, dramatic lighting, expensive sets, faster-than-light changes, and dressing rooms were just part of the wonder and magic of this universe. Serafina was most nervous about meeting such a professional cast. Would she be outcast for being so young? Would they even respect for lack of experience? Can she fit in? But, it didn’t matter. She hit her mark on the stage at the final dress rehearsal like she had done it all her life. As her beautiful, flowing voice became stronger, her white satin gown flowed beautifully across the stage. In this heavenly moment, she began to have visions of herself at the cast list shaking with no confidence. This. This was living. Head lifting, Serafina flung her arms out and spun around the ethereal stage. Suddenly, the seats were filled, the stage lights were up, the ushers were in, and the house candles were flickering. They were here to see her, they came back to see her and they told people to see the performance. To see her. People know who she is. One person in particular: Ang Lee, who took a train from New York to see Serafina’s performance. Speechless, Mr. Lee approached the breath-taking Miss Donahue afterwards and requested that she perform in his latest film.
Suddenly by Ashley Tisdale
Cameras flash as she walks down the red carpet, waving to fans. Interviews and ice sculptures, limos and lights, gowns and gloves, actors and actresses all filled her wide eyes. Finally, her eyes fix on the envelope. She takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes. Seeing herself at the cast list, she can’t help but feel this sense of joy. Serafina feels her husband’s hand on hers and she wakes herself to wave at the camera placed near her seat when listing the nominees. The music swells and she starts for the center stage. The applause is overwhelming while her white gown glides up the majestic stairs. Receiving it from Mr. Lee, nonetheless, she begins to cry. Head rising, she gazes into the light as if it was heaven’s glory shining on her face.
Suddenly, Serafina is in front of the cast list. Her name is nowhere on it. The tears she was just fantasizing are now real as she turns and trudges away, head drooping.
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