Senior purple class: vocab and dialogue

1. Post five (5) sentences, using the words correctly in context, giving a clue to the meaning of the word.
2. Look over the sample student scenes/dialogues on Studywiz (there are three separate documents, then another that contains three more).
Critique (criticize gently) any one scene/dialogue, answering these questions:
For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most interesting?
For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most unrealistic and NOT interesting?
For each scene/dialogue, what action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way?
Due before the end of class on Friday.
1. The candy was so acerbic that it made my cheeks pucker.
2. Before he asked her to marry him, the groom-to-be sought her father's approbation.
3. The housekeeper burnished the old coffee table till it shined like new.
4. The birds call was not beautiful, but rather a complete cacophony.
5. The assiduous ticking of the clock almost drove me insane.
My parents gave me an acerbic punishment after she found out that I skipped school for the third time.
I felt a sense of antipathy when we moved for the fourth time.
The aspersion really upset the actor.
The brusque wind was not fun to play football in.
Mom burnished the glasses before the guests came over.
My parents gave me an acerbic punishment after she found out that I skipped school for the third time.
I felt a sense of antipathy when we moved for the fourth time.
The aspersion really upset the actor.
The brusque wind was not fun to play football in.
Mom burnished the glasses before the guests came over.
1. The skunk spray had left an acrimonious smell in the air.
2. The school band was a cacophony of instruments and sounds.
3. What the newspaper tabloid had printed was a calumny, they were forced to make a retraction.
4. Many religious cults encourage the members to engage in ascetic behavior.
5. Lord Voldemort was an anethema in all of the Harry Potter books.
It was game Dialogue
1. “Mom,work with me. I'm trying to be diplomatic... " Tom whined. "Weren't you
ever a kid?" This is interesting because the kid was trying to get something from his mom but in a way combating/insulting her.
2. "Maybe you should just stay in tonight and think about that. Putting you through college is going to be a burden on us, and you just sit around and complain." I don’t think this is realistic because most parents wouldn’t say something like this to their kids in a heated argument.
3. Tom slammed his bedroom door and locked it. "I hate this house..." he sulked,
slipping out the window. This action is interesting because even after his mother told him not to leave he still snuck out that makes him seem childish after arguing about how he should get more responsibility.
1. The newspaper made many aspersions about the player.
2. Th cacophony came from the newly formed garage band.
3. The rumor was a mere calumny made up by the girl's ex boyfriend.
4. The girl's capricious behavior was getting her parents very concerned.
5. The lawyer used a very cogent argument against the defendant in an attempt to win the case.
I think it's interesting how Aub's friend calls her by a nickname and not her actual name. This is very realistic because good friends do that. Also, it was interesting how Jen could tell something was wrong with Aub because that's also a common experience between two good friends. Jen trying to make Aub feel better about Ian by calling the girl he is with a "short fat chick", is also something that sadly enough is realistic in this dialogue.
I think everything in this dialogue is realistic. The situation and the way the girls spoke to each other are both very realistic.
When Ian comes along on the trail and Jen says it's fine if Aub goes with him, it's very character shaping. It shows that Jen is a good friend who cares about Aub because even though they were supposed to keep running she let Aub go with Ian. Also when Jen keeps the focus on Aub's relationship problems instead of talking about her own it shows she's a caring friend.
1. The candy was so acerbic that it made my cheeks pucker.
2. Before he asked her to marry him, the groom-to-be sought her father's approbation.
3. The housekeeper burnished the old coffee table till it shined like new.
4. The birds call was not beautiful, but rather a complete cacophony.
5. The assiduous ticking of the clock almost drove me insane.
Kowal Dialogue
Most Interesting- "Getting a little poetic on me, are you now?" This is something one of my friends would say to me if I sounded the way Geoff does.
Unrealistic- "I've been so caught up with the mundane at school.." No one says mundane.
Actions- Ryan decides to leave everything and go with Geoff. This shows that he's not only loyal but also a live in the moment type of person.
Sample Scene 2
1. "Do I have to answer that Tom? We both know what we're going to say." This is interesting because this is something word for word what my Mom would say. This is very realistic.
2. "I just hope you realize how much you are holding me back! What are you going to do when I'm off at college?" This is unrealistic because this is the last thing you would say to your Mother if you want a later time. This gives her the impression you may be doing something wrong, and now there is no chance of her letting you out.
3. Him slipping out the window at the end of the story. This is interesting because he is disobeying his Mom. This is character shaping because it shows he is fearless and rebellious. He is not afraid to not listen to his Mom and sneak out of the house.
1. She puckered her mouth after tasting the acerbic lemon.
2. The hands of the clock move assiduously.
3. The powerpoint was cogent to what we were learning that week.
4. My grandmother burnished the old wardrobe until it shone like new.
5. The calumny made by the candidate cause the senator to lose the election.
Amas Dialogue
1. "It's just like a movie. Boy meets girl, girl and boy become great friends, boy meets other girl and forgets about girl number one..." I like this line because it sounds like something an actual girl would say. The dialogue is true and to the point.
2. I think that all of the dialogue is pretty realistic. It sounds like a typical girl conversation about a boy. They each bicker back and forth about certain things and interrupt each other, much like how girls would talk to each other.
3. You can tell from Jen's dialogue that she is somewhat catty and arrogant. She calls the girl with Ian "the short fat chick" and Audrey corrects her with "heavyset". Jen also says, "be honest you're hot," boosting Audrey's attitude. Audrey is a little quieter and nicer. She blushes as Ian calls her name and is uncertain about what to do about her love life. She turns to Jen for advice.
1. Mr. Smith has been a mean, acrimonious old man for as long as I’ve known him.
2. Even Victor Frankenstein abhorred his creation and thought of it only as an anathema.
3. Laws can’t be put into work until they have approbation from Congress.
4. A Critic’s entire job is to provide their aspersion of a work.
5. Cruise control on cars helps the vehicle maintain an assiduous speed for a length of time.
Most Interesting lines:
"I knew you'd say something like that, but I've been thinking about it. You are holding me back socially, Mom, and it's unfair. Everyone else can stay out 'til whenever they want, and their parents don't even ask where they're going"
Most unrealistic:
"Yes, and I wanted to do the same things you do, but my parents didn't let me and you know what? I'm damn glad they didn't"
Most interesting action:
When the mother started "ripping at the chicken with a passion"
1) Although such aspersions were made from the family, Julian remained collected no matter what crude remarks they said.
2) To get all the dirt stains out, they had to furnish the wooden floor.
3. He later realized that his anger came at such a brusque manner that he paused after he was on the ground bleeding from his mouth.
4) After years of soul searching and reconciliation he believed his life was a boon given by God.
5) Whenever he was in their presence, they "accidentally" trip him, ignore him,and display more antipathetic behavior.
1) "We leave." "Getting a little poetic on me, are you now?" "I know that look! You're in!...""...This life of mine's likes doing time for crimes that I didn't commit" "Let me get another drink"
2)"You're serious about this?"
"We leave?" "I just need someone to come with me." "How are we gonna do this now?"
3) The action that occurs is that both Ryan and Geoff agreed that they would leave the town immediately without fully thinking it out. Explains that the character Geoff has some unresolved issues because he suppresses by escaping out of town. It tells that the character Ryan and is maybe a push-over or a good friend. Also Ryan and Geoff's decisions making skills are impaired. This is because they were consuming alcohol.
1. In Salem many people were seen as anathemas.
2. The lawyer had an approbation to set his client free.
3. The monks were ascetic by not eating anything for forty days.
4. You receive an aspersion during Baptism.
5. He accepted my invitation to the party with alacrity.
Ben Kowal
The spoken words that are most interesting are when Geoff said, “We’ll finally deal he shackles of our lives a breaking blow,” and “Remember man, road signs always look better looking over your shoulder.”
I didn’t think anything was unrealistic and not interesting.
Ryan shuddered at the thought of the rest of his life in that town. This shapes his character by showing that he really disliked his town and that he was going to just leave with his friend Geoff.
1. When I bit into the acerbic lemon my eyes began to water.
2. The acrimony in the dean's voice reduced the girl to tears.
3. I have a natural antipathy to onions due to their repugnant smell.
4. Over time, the aspersions from her father made her become very self-conscious.
5. The cacophony of her son's band made her want to scream.
Ben Kowal's dialogue
1. "The look in Geoff's eyes was that of pure passion. A passion to get out on the open and experience life."
2. "This life of mine's like doing time for crimes I didn't commit."
Unrealistic/not interesting:
1. "Let me get another drink."
character shaping:
1. "Let's just get in the car and just drive." Geoff wants a change in his life.
1. During history class we had a acrimonious debate about Roe vs. Wade.
2. Because we followed all the requirements, my lab partner and i received approbation for our hard work.
3. As we were sitting quietly at the dinner table my cousin brusquely threw mashed potatoes across the room because he didn't like them.
4. The freshly burnished table looked as new as a shiny penny.
5. The child was furious that her ice cream fell on the ground but, once she received a new one she was capricious.
A Run with love:
1. Most interesting words are when Audrey and Jen are talking. Being a girl myself it helps me to connect to the character because lets face it all girls talk about boys. "Your life reeks of My Best
Friend's Wedding just not the happy ending" " was a good use of a metaphor comparing her life to my best friends weeeding. Another interesting part of the story is when she
says"1 don't know what 1 feel...No actually 1 lied. 1 do know what 1 feel. 1 feel like 1
signed up for the rug to be yanked from under me..." this was a great metaphor because its hard to say what your feeling are and sometimes it does feel like a rug being yanked because you kinda feel like your not happy and you want him but he liked that other girl.
2. Honestly i believe that there isn't one realistic thing. This story appeals to me because it is just like my girlfriends and I. We all as girls talk about boys and vent to our friends. Also sometimes its hard to express your feelings. Every girl wants a guy to love and sometimes it turns out to be that he likes you too. This story is very realistic and relates to young love and teenage life.
4. An action that is both interesting and character shaping is how the story starts out with
Jen asking Audrey what is wrong because she says "I can read you like a book." Its interesting because that is how real friends are. It shapes Jen being a little insecure about something. Another good part is when Audrey falls when the boy calls her name. Its interesting because its something that kind of happened uexpectedly. It shapes Jen by showing that no one is perfect and that as human beings we sometimes get embarrassed. It also shows that the boy isn't just interested in her looks but he likes her for who she is.
Vocab sentences :
1. Rachel Ray is very acumen to everything incorporated with food or cooking.
2. The valedictorian's speech was followed by applause and approbation from her peers and teachers.
3. She was often so brusque when she stated her opinion that she hurt her friend's feelings.
4. A cacophony of sound came from the boy's room and she knew that they were up to no good.
5. Teenagers are often so caprcious that they forget to think of the consequences of their actions.
I think that the most interesting parts of this dialogue are the parts that take part between Audrey and Jen because its typical, realistic, girly banter. Some of my favorite lines are the following because they are things you could actually picture girls saying and the slip of the tongue sounds exactly like something I would do...have done... :
"Don't lie to me, I'm your best friend, I can read you like a book."
"Your life reeks of "My Best Friend's Wedding" without the happy ending."
& "I love runners... I mean running."
I think all of the dialogue in this scene is realistic, all of it could be something that you see daily, but it's still interesting.
When Ian comes up and runs into Audrey and then picks her up and brings her back to her car, I think it kind of shapes his character into a knight in shining armor figure. We hear about him hanging out with another girl and get one idea about him, but when he comes and helps Audrey up, it changes our perspective of him completely. Also, the way Jen gets Audrey to talk to her and the way she leaves Ian and Audrey alone once Ian shows up defines her as the Best Friend character.
1. Because of he evil works that tobacco executives have been doing by trying to influence kids to smoke, they are marked as anathemas in my book.
2. The assiduous beeping coming from my alarm clock in the morning, is the most annoying sound I have ever heard.
3. Sometimes when I listen to my mom talk, I feel as if the only things she has to say are aspersions.
4. I show antipathy to the kid who just quits on the team and does not go the long hull because he is selfish.
5. As the football team makes there brusque entrance on to the field, the fans watch in amazement.
ben kowal's dialouge
1. This God forsaken town, "just keep driving until we get lost" "this life of mine's like doing time for crimes that i didn't commit". "Getting a little poetic on me, are you now?"
2. "Let me get another drink", " i just gotta get out of this place" "We leave?" questioned Ryan " i've never been so serious in my life"
3.Ryan was alone on the park bench thinking and wondering about what was about to become of his life. He closed his eyes as he imagined the world he was about to enter into. Here's to life, he thought this is it.
To open up the window of life and let in the fresh spring air that life has to offer.
Five vocabulary sentences:
1. The guest speaker spoke with such acrimony that I soon began to dislike his once inspirational speech.
2. The service club arrived to the event with much alacrity even though the cold, rainy weather did not clear up.
3. No matter how hard she tried, she could not sway her antipathy for her roommate.
4. Her sarcastic answer to my simple question was very brusque and caught me off-guard.
5. The band director was thankful that it was only the second day of practice since his band sounded simply like a cacophony.
Dialogue: A Run in With Love
Words most interesting: "You don't go from you to a short, fat chick...' - makes the characters realistic and intersting.
"Dude shut up." - again, this is a realistic response and draws you into the story.
Most unrealistic and NOT interesting:
"I've been wanting to talk to you about us for awhile now." - not so interesting, maybe could have been said in another way.
Action that is interesting: Audrey falling when her foot hits a rut. It is a realistic reaction and creates an even more interesting situation.
Her letting out a big girly sigh and saying "I love runners...I mean running." This action provides for a great conclusion and perfectly describes how a typical girl could react.
1. Jim's acumen towards the game of football makes him a great coach.
2. The capricious baseball player quit and played lacrosse the next day.
3. The king's clemency proved to be the decider of the mans fate.
4. Great antipathy overcame me when my best friend betrayed me.
5. The acerbic tone of my parents indicated I was in trouble.
Sample Scene Number 2
1. "What are you going to do when I'm off at college?" I find this quote by Tom to be interesting because I have said the exact same thing to my own parents.
2. "Mom, work with me. I'm trying to be diplomatic..." I find this sentence to be unrealistic because what kid do you know that goes up to his mom and uses he's trying to be diplomatic as a way of getting out of the house.
3. The action that occurs that is most interesting and character shaping to me is when Tom walks in his room slams and locks the door and then slips out the window. This shows me that Tom is like any other teenager and he acts out against his parents in a way that they don't know about it.
Five best vocab sent...
1. When I reached into the fridge for a cold drink of lemonade, I took a sip of the drink and found it was too acerbic.
2. I finally received the approbation of my father to go out on a date with a boy from my school.
3. The brusque movement of my friend caused to me scream and jump.
4. Carpenters prepare the wood by first burnishing it to make it feel smooth before they begin to saw it.
5. When she responded to my statement in an acrimonious manner, I could tell her words were meant to hurt me.
Dialogue from A Run with Love..
Most interesting.
"I'm your best friend and can read you like a book.."
"Jen, It's not all about looks, it can't be. Look at you and Jack."
"this run is deidicated to your problems not mine.."
Most unrealistic.
"I mean it's not really a thing per say.."
"Boy meets girl. Girl and boy become great frineds.."
"Your life reeks of My Best Friends Wedding, just not the happy ending"
The action that occurs is her falling and also talking about there boy problems and saying what they really think to each other.
1. Ascetic- Siddartha became known as an ascetic through the process of starvation and self denial.
2. Cogent-MY cogent friend convinced me to take the job at the restaurant rather than at the supermarket.
3. Assiduous- Almost all women believe that childbirth is the most painful and assiduous experience someone can possibly go through.
4. Boon- After a long stressful day at work, a nice relaxing nap is usually perfect boon for most people.
5.I accepted the invitation to the president's party with great alacrity.
1. For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most interesting? "I just need someone to come with me someone with me." "Someone with a car." I can vividly image this.
2.For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most unrealistic and NOT interesting?
"It just has to be today man. I've been caught up with the mundane at school and i just need to escape. This life of mine's like doing time for crimes that I didn't commit." Teenagers who are planning a rebellion do not talk like this
3.For each scene/dialogue, what action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way? The fact that Geoff all the sudden wanted to drive until he got lost shows me that he is capricious and impulsive and that fact that it didn't take much to convince ryan shows that he is very gullible and needs approval from others.
1. I hatefully spit out the acerbic lemon the instant it touched my tongue.
2. The aspersion that came from the rude boy made the young girl self conscious and upset.
3. He burnished his own shoes in preparation for his wedding the following day.
4. The cogent presentation clearly showed where the business needed help and where they were successful.
5. The brusque waiter scored no points with the dining family and in turn received a lousy tip.
Most Interesting scene/dialogue
He closed his eyes as he imagined the world he was about to enter into. Here’s to life, he thought. This is it.
Most unrealistic dialogue
"We leave. No goodbyes, no explanations. We grab our essentials, our money, and we hit the road. We'll finally deal the shackles of our lives a breaking blow."
Most interesting and character shaping in some way
“Then let’s just do it man. Let’s just get in a car and just drive. Just keep driving until we get lost.” This shows how Geoff is one who is trying to escape from the reality of life and one that just needs to relax.
1.) I was in an acerbic mood when I found out that I had to write twenty sentences for english class.
2.) She was acrimonious when she didn't win first place at the science fair.
3.)He had the acumen to solve the answer that nobody else got right.
4.)The cheerleaders were filled with alacrity before the homecoming game began.
5.)Winning the lottery has become an anathema recently since the last few people to have won it have suffered horrible consequences.,
1.) “Parties like that are bad business in the first place, and you know it”
2.) “Fine I’ll just stay home tonight, is that what you want?”
3.) She was ripping at the chicken with a passion now
1. Siddhartha became an ascetic forest man where he practiced much fasting.
2. She only had words of acrimony for her mother when she found out she was grounded.
3. Every time we have company, my mother takes time to burnish her spoons.
4. The friends were jealous of Jaclyn so they spent their time uttering calumnies about her.
5. The test being moved back a day was a boon to the unprepared students.
Most Interesting Spoken Words:
"1 don't know what 1 feel...No actually 1 lied. 1 do know what 1 feel. 1 feel like 1
signed up for the rug to be yanked from under me..."
"You didn't let me finish...they get back together. .. Your life reeks of My Best
Friend's Wedding just not the happy ending"
"Audrey, he's not happy with her. How could he be? You don't go from you to a
short fat chick. . ."
I thought everything in this dialogue was very realistic. I could see myself having this exact same conversation with one of my friends while we run or walk in the hall way or just while we’re hanging out.
I think the action where Audrey looks back over her should to Jen as Ian assists her to the car is both interesting and character shaping. The fact that she looks over her shoulder to catch Jen’s eye shows how excited and overwhelmed she is that her crush not only has his arms wrapped around her but she is also going on a date with him later that night. What Jen says in return makes the action even more interesting. Jen gets in that last bit of advice and adds a funny “your hot” to the moment.
1. He let out a verbal lash of vicious and vulgar acrimony.
2. The sound produced by the young musicians was more a cacophony than a symphony.
3. The gothic church had built with buttresses as it's main support system.
4. Though the aspersions had been proven false, they had already dealt damage to the candidate.
5. The vatican often grants clemency and asylum to those who seek repentance
1. For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most interesting?
"Good we can have tea in the Degas exhibit" i liked this sentence because it was very relatable, i know people who would love to drink tea in the Degas exhibit
2. For each scene/dialogue, what spoken words are the most unrealistic and NOT interesting?
"I've already told you eight times, we're going to the art museum." This sentence is a cliche
3. For each scene/dialogue, what action occurs that is both interesting and character shaping in some way?
"A tone Michael? Now who sounds like your mother?" this helps to shape both the characters because of how they interact so well
1. When Rachel started dating Nick, the aspersions started spreading around the school.
2. While the others were depressed and miserable, Kate looked at finals week with alacrity.
3. Before Dr. Chilton could come into the room, Hannibal requested that Clarice give him her acumen on the case.
4. Is your question cogent with what my lecture is on?
5. The dancers were all very talented but, Laura was by far the most capricious.
Gears of the truck dialouge
I think that the part that is most interesting is when Chuck begins to speed and Chuck and Tyler get into an arguement about Chuck's driving. The use of dialouge builds tension and it shows the two different personalities. It seems that Chuck is more of a risk taker while Tyler is more of a nervous person.
In my opinion, the dialouge is very realistic and it has two strong characters. I can't really find unrealistic or non-interesting dialouge. Each sentence that the characters say either shape their character or carry the story.
An action that occurs that is interesting and character shaping would be when Chuck is speeding up and Tyler freaks out. It shows how Chuck may have suicidal thoughts since he doesn't seem to care what happens to him and when Tyler freaks out it shows that he doesn't realize what has gotten into but, he is intimidated by Chuck.
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