Seniors-- Friday lab exercise on The Portable Phonograph

Consider today's exercise a curious mixture of themes presented in the somber short story, The Portable Phonograph, and a movie called The Bucket List, a recent film in which two older men make a list of things they want to do before they die or "kick the bucket."
I'd like to know what you consider important, so here's the exercise.
Before you meet your maker, you will be granted all of these last wishes.
Make your choices, and briefly explain in a sentence or two.
Think. Have some fun. Without the threat of a thermonuclear war or even a test hanging over your head. Post before the end of the weekend if you don't finish in class today.
1. final thing to read (OK, so even if you don't like to read, this is your final reading of anything, so with that in mind, seriously consider your decision)
2. final song that you'll hear played
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time
4. final website you'll visit (, of course)
5. final meal (some Duck a l'Orange, perhaps?)
6. place you'd like to visit (The Masters Golf Tournament)
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers (make this humorous, like why do people think The Office is funny?)
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life
1. final thing to read- Catcher in the Rye because it is my favorite story that I have ever read.
2. final song that you'll hear played- Hopeless by Breaking Benjamin because I could listen to it over and over again without getting tired of hearing it.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- Modern Family because if I was about to die, I'd want to go out with a laugh.
4. final website you'll visit- Yahoo so I can update my fantasy football team one last time.
5. final meal- General Tso's chicken from Katie's Grandma because I could eat the entire supply and still want more.
6. place you'd like to visit- Ireland because I've always wanted to visit it because the scenery is amazing.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries- Is the Loch Ness Monster real?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers- Why do girls thrive on gossip?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do- I would like to play a game of football one last time because it is my favorite sport.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life- My Charzard Pokemon card because I plan to sell it for a lot of money to a dumb collector and make a fortune.
1. The Harry Potter Series has been one of my favorites things to read ever since I began book one. I would love to read this series one last night.
2. Dave Matthews Band has some really great music that I enjoy listening to. I have been to a couple of their concerts, which has increased my love for them, and I can’t imagine listening to anything else before my death. I would listen to their song Grace is Gone.
3. I would want to watch one last funny movie before I passed on. This movie would definitely have to be Home Alone 2, which has been one of my favorite movies since I was a little kid.
4. I would visit facebook to comment all of my friends and family.
5. I would enjoy a delcious dinner of poppyseed chicken and rice. Then for dessert I would have my favorite thing, chocolate covered pretzels.
poppyseed chicken with chocolte covered pretzels for desert
6. I have always wanted to visit the Bahamas. I would travel there and spend a vacation there.
7. I would love to know if there are aliens or not. People have always tried to prove weather or not there is, so I would love to know.
8. I have always wondered why the Eagles can never win a superbowl.
9. I would spend my final time scuba diving in the coral reef.
10. I would guard my dog with my life.
1. final thing to read—Harry Potter because I grew up reading Harry Potter and I would want to die reading it.
2. final song that you'll hear played—Hear you Me- Jimmy Eat World. This song is so good and will be played at my funeral.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time—Friends. This show is so funny and will make me happy in my final days.
4. final website you'll visit – facebook. I’m so used to checking it everyday I would probably just do it out of habit.
5. final meal—my mom’s spaghetti and meatballs. Life would not be the same without my mom’s spaghetti and meatballs.
6. place you'd like to visit—Scotland. I’ve been reading a book that takes place in Scotland and it sounds so pretty and I want to
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries
--What happened to Amelia Earhart. I am so intrigued by that mystery, and I really want to know the answer.
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers
--who would buy a snuggie? Those things are so stupid and unnecessary they should all be burned.
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
--learn to play piano. I’ve always wanted to learn and I feel that if I knew I didn’t have that much time I would finally do it.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life
--I would guard my cell phone so I could keep in touch with all my friends and famly.
1. Harry Potter series. These books are my favorite; they take you to a place of your own.
2. Crush is my favorite song sung by the Dave Matthews Band.
3. Rent is my favorite movie so that will probably be the last thing I watch. If it were to be a t.v. show, it would be a toss up between The Office, Scrubs and Friends.
4. Facebook, it would give me once last chance to talk to all my friends.
5. Chicken with mashed potatoes and corn.
6. Ireland
7. How did the world come to be?
8. Why do people wear bumpits?
9. Sky diving out of a plane.
10. My family.
1. the final thing i would read is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a classic that i grew up with so it would comforting to have that be the last thing i read.
2. The final song i want to hear played is any kind of christmas music. It's my favorite time of year and it always makes me happier.
3. I would watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as my last show. I think it's the funniest show and i watch it every thursday night.
4. The final website i will visit is facebook. most of my life is spent on facebook is it is only fitting that it would be my last website.
5. A "you-pick-two" with grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup from Panera Bread. Panera is my favorite place to eat and i go there at least twice a week.
6. I would like to visit Ireland. I am 100% Irish in heritage and i always hear about how beautiful it is so i would like to actually be able to see it before i die.
7. I would like to know when the world is going to end. With the new 2012 movie coming out and all the talk about predictions of the end of the world, i would like to know when it's actually going to be over. If i'm going to be dead anyways, i would be O.K knowing.
8. I would want to know why people actually like the Jonas Brothers. I find them incredibly annoying and talentless.
9. I would like to go skydiving. i think it's the most radical thing i could do and a good way to let go of my fear of heights.
10. I would guard my computer with my life. It has all my important documents saved on it and i spend so much of my time on it. If i didn't have my computer, i don't know what i would do with all my time.
1. The final thing I want to read is 1984, buy George Orwell. I am reading it now, but I can never find time to read it. I would love to finish it before I die.
2. The final song I would want to hear is something by Pink Floyd, maybe Comfortably Numb or Wish You Were Here, which are two of my favorite songs by them. I want to hear them as my final song because I think most of their music is really relaxing.
3. My final movie would have to be either the Exorcist, because it freaks me out all the time, or Old School, because I think that's one of the funniest movies that I've ever seen.
4. My final website I would want to visit would maybe be Facebook, because I really don't go on the internet for too much other than that and I would probably want to say goodbye to my friends.
5. For my final meal, I would want the Little Anthony Special from Little Anthony's Pizza Shop (it's basically an everything pizza), because it is the most delicious thing you could ever eat.
6. One place I would want to visit before I die would be California. I have never been there before, and I have heard nothing but good things.
7. If I could gain knowledge of any one of life's great mysteries is why do people die? With technology as advanced as it is, one would think you wouldn't even have to go through the whole process, yet we still do.
8. If I could get instant knowledge of anything, it would have to be why people think Dane Cook is funny. I think that he isn't funny at all, yet people still love him. I would like to figure out why.
9. One last activity I would want to do is to meet Jessica Alba. I am in love with her, and if i met her, I would be okay with dying the moment after.
10. Something I would guard with my life would be my Washburn acoustic guitar, because it has to be one of my favorite possessions and I would be really upset if something happened to it.
1. The final thing I would read is Newspaper so I would know what would be happening before I left.
2. The final thing I would like to listen to is Christmas music. It is so cheerful and can always put me in a good mood.
3. I would watch
4. The final website I would visit is facebook, because much of my free time is spent on that wonderful website.
5. The meal I would eat would be an Asian salad and a frontega chicken panini from Panera Bread. Much of my time is spent there.
6. I would visit as many of the 7 wonders of the world as possible.
7. I would like to get instant knowledge of whether or not there is life on other planets, and where.
8. I would like to know why there is such an obsession with vampires in pop culture. I just don’t understand.
9. One last activity I would like to do is go base-jumping of a canyon. This seems like a thrilling experience.
10. I would guard my macbook. This is probably my most prized possession that I spend much of my time on.
1. My final thing to read would be a book called Lovely Bones, a story about a young girl who has been murdered and still looks down on and follows her family and friends from heaven.
2. My final song would be "My Life" by the Beatles.
3. My final movie would be The Wizard of Oz.
4. Honestly, it would probably be powerschool to see how I did on my last test.
5. The last meal I would have would definitely be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a really good cup of coffee.
6. The last place I'd want to visit would be my grade school. I can pretty much go where ever I want once I'm dead right?
7. I would want to know why people really care so much what others think about them
8. Well I really don't know why people think The Office is funny so I would like to know that
9. Last activity I'd do is take my dog for a walk
10. My grandpop's St. Sebastian medal. He passed a couple of years ago and my grandmother gave it to my brother to wear before he was deployed to Afghanistan but he forgot it, so I found it and wear it now. So, to me, it has a sort of "double importance."
Dm Red
My final thing to read would be Martin Luther King Jr's. "I Have a Dream" speech, it is my favorite work of literature.
The final song I would want to hear would be "The Divided Sky" by Phish, it is my favorite song ever and is very relaxing.
The final movie I would want to see would be The Big Lebowski because it is by far my favorite movie and is very funny.
Final Website would be phantasytour to see the set list that the disco biscuits played the night before.
Final meal would be Chicken Cordon Bleu because it is delicious.
I'd like to visit Camp Bisco the Disco Biscuits festival.
I would like to see what the key is to extreme happiness.
Why do they put braille dots on the keypad of the drive up atm?
I would like to play some music with my friends one last time and i would guard my bass with my life.
Dm Red
My final thing to read would be Martin Luther King Jr's. "I Have a Dream" speech, it is my favorite work of literature.
The final song I would want to hear would be "The Divided Sky" by Phish, it is my favorite song ever and is very relaxing.
The final movie I would want to see would be The Big Lebowski because it is by far my favorite movie and is very funny.
Final Website would be phantasytour to see the set list that the disco biscuits played the night before.
Final meal would be Chicken Cordon Bleu because it is delicious.
I'd like to visit Camp Bisco the Disco Biscuits festival.
I would like to see what the key is to extreme happiness.
Why do they put braille dots on the keypad of the drive up atm?
I would like to play some music with my friends one last time and i would guard my bass with my life.
1. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. This is my favorite book, it kept me in suspense the whole time i read it and it had a twist at the end.
2. I'm not sure what i would listen to, but it would be something acoustic and relaxing.
3. The last movie i would want to watch is My Sister's Keeper. It makes you feel more comfortable about death and it's really inspiring.
4. Last website i would want to visit is because it's my favorite website in the whole world.
5. I would want my final meal to be from Taco Bell. I'd want to eat something really bad for me so i don't have any guilt eating it.
6. I'd like to visit somewhere really warm, like the Bahamas. This is because i love laying out in the sun and the beach is the most relaxing place in the world.
7. I would want to know what happens what happens when you die, so i can be prepared for where i'm going next.
8. Why aren't there any nice guys?
9. Swimming with sharks. I think it would be interesting to see life from a different perspective underwater.
10. I don't think i have a possession i would guard with my life. I don't really own anything that means that much to me. I would guard my family and friends though.
1. The Twilight Book would be the last book i would want to read before i die because it is the only book i enjoyed reading.
2. The last song i would want to listen to would be anything upbeat and puts me in a good mood.
3. The final movie i would want to watch before i die is The Notebook and the final tv show i would want to watch is Desperate Houswives.
4. would be the final website i would visit. I am addicted to facebook.
5. I would want my final meal to be from taco bell.
6. The final place i want to visit would be Cape May, NJ.
7. I would want to know where i was going to go after i die.
8. I would want to know why there can't be one nice guy, and if there is, where is he?
9. I would want to go on a roller coaster because I've always been to scared to go on one.
10. There is no object i would gaurd with my life, but i would gaurd my family and friends.
DF Red
1. The final thing that i would like to read would be
2. The final song i would like to listen to would be Forever
3. Final TV show would be Sports Center.
4. Facebook
5. My final meal would have to be Taco Bell.
6. The place i would like to visit would be Disney World.
7. Where will i be going after i die.
8. If any great sporting event was rigged or set up to make money.
9. One final activity i would like to do would be go sky diving.
10. I would not guard any sort of physical object besides my family and anyone close in my life.
1. The final book I would read would be one of Nicholas Spark’s books. He is my favorite author and his stories always evoke a variety of emotions.
2. The final song I would want to hear played is whatever my favorite song is at that time. I am very passionate about music yet my favorite song changes on a daily basis.
3. The final TV show would be the series finale of “90210” because it is my favorite show in the world. I would want to see the series finale because the show is very suspenseful and I want to know how it would end.
4. The final website I would visit is facebook because I’m absolutely obsessed with it. I also can say my final goodbyes to all my friends and let them know I love them on that website.
5. My final meal would be filled with all of my favorite guilty pleasures such as spaghetti, BBQ ribs, french fries, pizza, ice cream and brownies. I would eat the meal guilt free because I would not have to worry about weight gain or health problems.
6. I would want to visit Italy. I have wanted to travel to Italy since I was little and fulfilling that dream would definitely make me happy.
7. If I could gain insight on one of life’s great mysteries, I would want to know if there is life anywhere other then earth and if so where the life is located.
8. Interestingly enough I would want to know why everyone is/was obsessed with Paris Hilton. She is famous for no reason at all.
9. If I could engage in any other activity I would want to just spend time with the people I love the most. Quality time with my loved ones is very important t me and would leave a positive mark on all of their lives.
10. My phone and my iPod are my prize possessions. I can take them everywhere I go and they can make me feel like I’m home. I love to communicate with my friends and listen to music.
1. final thing to read- i would re-read a Single Shard by Linda Sue Park. It was one of my favorite books growing up as a kid.
2. final song that you'll hear played- you cant always get what you want by the rolling stones.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- my favorite episode of House Md.
4. final website you'll visit- so i can get a few laughs.
5. final meal- I would get Philly cheese stake from Geno's.
6. place you'd like to visit- One place i would visit is Hawaii. I always wanted to go there and i would like to spend my last times on the beach.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries- why are we here?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers- why are people, even as adults, caught up in cliques?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do- i would like go zorbing because it is something i always wanted to do even as a little kid.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life- i would guard my journal just because i would not want anyone to read it.
1.The final thing I read would be “Twilight”. It is my favorite book and I’ve already read it about 5 times. I could definitely read it one more time.
2.The final song I hear would be “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw. This is one of mine and my dad’s favorite songs. The lyrics are really touching and I love the message of the song.
3.The final movie I would watch would be “Austin Powers”. This is mine and my cousin’s favorite movie. We have so many inside jokes from here and watching it makes us crack up every time.
4.I hate to say it, but the last website I visit would probably be Facebook. I don’t really go on many websites; Facebook is my most visited. Well, maybe it would be to catch up on all the country gossip.
5.My final meal would definitely have to be crab legs, shrimp, and clams. Every now and then my dad gets all of these things and it is such a treat. Seafood is the besttttt.
6.The final place I’d like to visit would be Nashville, Tennessee. I’ve been in love with it ever since I went there to look at colleges. Everyone there is so nice and it is such a beautiful and fun place.
7.I would want to know if there really is life on other planets. It such a big mystery and finding out the real answer would be crazy.
8.What came first, the chicken or the egg? I have no idea. It could go either way.
9.One last activity I would like to do would be horseback riding, without a doubt. I love my horse and riding him makes me forget every stressful situation I might have going on.
10.My horse is my most prized possession. He is he best horse ever and one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
1. I would read the latest addition of my American Hunter and Running Times magazines because it's relaxing reading at night.
2. The final song I would like to hear would be Freebird because it's my favorite song to play on the drums. Also, when I listen to the lyrics it makes feel free and happy.
3. The last movie I would watch would be our family videos to remember our good times together.
4. The final website I would go on would be our team's website ( to see Coach McCartan's latest posting and to bid a final farewell to the boys.
5. My final meal would be Alaskan crab legs, venison chip steak, prime rib, and of course Cup of Noodles.
6. I would visit the Eastern Shore of VA so that I could go hunting, fishing, and relax! I would also go to the beach and get a fish sandwich from Metompkin Seafood.
7. Is there a "city of gold" and if so, where is it? I would then discover it and my family would be insured a good life.
8. Why are people annoyed by the little things others do?
9. I would go on a run with all my best friends on the team. The weather would be perfect and we would go at a nice conversation pace.
10. I would protect with my life my drum set , the house that my grand pop, dad, and uncles built, and my firearms.
1. final thing to read: The Picture of Dorian Gray
2. final song that you'll hear played: Iris
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time: Across the Universe
4. final website you'll visit: Facebook
5. final meal: chicken parmesan
6. place you'd like to visit: Egypt
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries: the point of life
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers: Why are some people so annoying?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do: bungee jump
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life: my cell phone!
1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
2. Crash - DMB
3. That 70's Show
5. full rack of baby back ribs, cheddar bacon mashed potatoes and corn on the cob
6. Dubai
7. is there a God?
8. Why are guys so stupid?
9. Skydiving
10. my ring
1. final thing to read: Twilight
2. final song that you'll hear played: any miley cyrus songs
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time: the proposal or a walk to remember
4. final website you'll visit: facebook
5. final meal: fettucini alfredo with meatballs
6. place you'd like to visit: Europe
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries: why are we living
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers: why people are so dumb
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do: meet miley cyrus
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life: my new car
1.Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer-
This is my favorite book, and it has a happy ending. Reading it makes me happy, so I would die happy.
2.Where Are You Going by Dave Matthews Band- It is one of my favorite songs and it reminds me of someone I love.
3.One Tree Hill- It has been my favorite show since grade school. I would want to see what is going on with other people.
5.Chinese: chicken and broccoli- My mom and I eat it together whenever it is just us at home, and it is both of our favorite meal.
6.Italy- I am half Italian, and I have family there. It always has been my dream to go there.
7. What happens after you die? Is there a heaven and a hell?
8.Why do boys always say the dumbest stuff ever?
9.Skydiving- I always thought it would be so fun, but I have always been scared to do it.
10.My ring- I received it as a birthday present from someone that I really care about.
1. The Sunday Comics. They are always so funny!
2. ABC 123. It’s such a happy song.
3. I would watch all of the Harry Potter movies because I like them. ☺
4. I would go to google and look up pictures of baby animals because they’re adorable.
5. I would eat a Five Guy’s cheeseburger with fries and a strawberry milkshake from Charcoal Pit.
6. I would like to go to Disney world because I really believe that it is the happiest place on earth.
7. The cure for cancer. I think that would be something useful that I could tell other people.
8. Why do people scratch their head when they don’t know something.
9. I would like to go snorkeling because I think that would be so cool.
10. My family. They are my most prized possession.
1. I would read some Edgar Allan Poe for something interesting.
2. The final song would be Drive by Incubus
3. The final show I would watch would be Sons of Anarchy.
4. The final website I would look at would be
5. My final meal would be Steak, sweet potato, broccoli, cake, and water.
6. California, Venice Beach.
7. I would want knowledge to know if God even really existed.
8. Why cant people drive?!
9. One last activity I would like to do would be to play a live concert.
10. My family crest necklace.
1. I would read a Gossip Girl book because those are my favorite books and they are very entertaining.
2. I feel like dying - Lil wayne, because that song is amazing and it would be appropriate since I was going to die.
3. True Blood because its my favorite show ever.
4. so i could look at everyone's pictures and statuses and update my profile.
5. Steak because it's delicious.
6. Italy because I've always wanted to go there and I love Italian food.
7. Do you have another life after you die?
8. Why are boys so dumb?
9. Skydiving because I've always wanted to do it.
10. My kitten because I love her and she's the cutest thing ever.
1. The Giver by Lois Lowry because it was the only book that I read in school that I actually liked.
2. Bright Lights by Matchbox Twenty because its a relaxing song.
3. Friends because it would make me laugh and no matter how many times I see the episodes I still enjoy them.
4. Facebook because I'll never be able to use it again.
5. All of my favorite things in one meal (Sweet Potato, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Crabs, & Salad.)
6. Greece because I've already been to Italy and that's next on my list.
7. Why do people have to die painfully?
8. Why do boys think so differently than girls?
9. Go skydiving because the only reason I would be scared is the possibility of dying. But, if I knew I was going to die anyway, then i would get over the fear.
10.My north face because it always keeps me warm.
1. The final thing that I would read would probably be
2. The final song that I’ll hear play is Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd.
3. The final TV show that I would watch would be Prison Break.
4. The final website that I would visit would be
5. My final meal would be a nice slab of Filet Mignon with mashed potatoes and gravy on the side.
6. The final place I would like to visit would be Australia.
7. A mystery that I would like to get instant knowledge on would be is Tupac dead?
8. A head-scratcher that I would like to get instant knowledge about would be why are people ignorant?
9. One last activity I would like to do would be go to the great beaches in Australia.
10. A prized possession that I would guard with my life would be my car.
1. I would read the Bible, I know that it seems a little corny but its holds so many valuable lessons all wrapped in one book and I think that it would be a nice read before I pass on.
2. Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky. I always thought that this song would be a good song to reflect to. Like a song in a movie when someone is looking back on past events. It doesn’t have any words but it is very peaceful.
3. I would watch the movie Boondock Saints because it is my absolute favorite movie of all time and I would want to see it one more time before I go.
4. I would visit Facebook maybe to say goodbye to all of my friends and check my farm on Farmville. I would probably write some inspirational status.
5. I would have Tequila Lime Chicken with crushed tortilla chips along with twice baked potatoes and an ice cream sundae bar for desert.
6. I want to go to Switzerland and ski down the Swiss Alps. I have always been a huge fan of winter sports and my Dad went to Switzerland once and always talks about how beautiful and awesome it is there.
7. I would want to know what the cure for cancer was so that on my way out I could help save more lives and allow people to live longer and happier lives.
8. I would want to know why people are so fascinated with sports and entertainment. Why are they so exciting to us as humans.
9. Go sky diving, Although I want to go sky diving anyway, if I had not gotten the chance I would definitely want to do something that involved a little bit of danger.
10. I would protect my bunny that I have had ever since I was born. I loved sleeping with it and even though it doesn’t get much use anymore I loved that thing so much and still do because it reminds me of all the goods times back from when I was little.
1. Cosmopolitan Magazine because it provides helpful information towards life situations.
2. Tik Tok by Keisha. This song is upbeat and describes my personality. I would want to be happy before I go.
3. Titanic. This is my favorite movie and it really speaks to me about the value of love and life. I would also watch my favorite TV show, Sex and the City, because it teaches typical life experiences and the importance of friends.
4. or I am constantly on this website other than schoolsville, of course, but I would be able to tell everyone I’m dying so more people would come to my funeral. I also like the other website because it’s funny and true comments, however some are inappropriate.
5. Chicken fingers and French fries and carrot cake. This is my favorite food and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I go to fancy restaurants, I still get chicken fingers and French fries.
6. Greece or Italy again
7. I would cure cancer because many of my family members and friends have passed from this disease. I would want nothing more than to kill this disease for good.
8. Rubik’s Cube because I would feel very accomplished.
9. I would like to go skydiving, and get to experience what it would be like to be famous.
10. I would guard my photo albums with my life because it holds all my memories I share with my family and friends.
1. The Notebook. I would like to see it the book really is better than the movie. Most people have said that and I’ve been wondering if it was true.
2. Crash into me- Dave Matthews Band. Because I love the song and it reminds me of a lot of special times with my friends.
3. The TV series Friends. Because it is a funny show that will make me feel good before I die and cannot experience laughter anymore.
4. so that I can update my status to let everyone know that I will be dying. Maybe more people would attend my funeral?
5. Fillet Mignon from the best cow and from the finest restaurant. Along with Alaskan king crab legs and mashed potatoes. With a chocolate thunder of a dessert!
6. Somewhere warm with a beautiful beach and clear water where I can get tan and swim with dolphins. Like Hawaii or Bermuda or the Bahamas.
7. The cure for diabetes and cancer. So that people won’t have to suffer all their lives.
8. You know the question always dropped…Where’s Waldo? Well I’d find him.
9. I would like to go skydiving. I think it would be a crazy experience.
10. My cell phone because it is how I keep in contact with everyone that I can’t live without. Or I would guard my ring that was given to me by someone very special.
1. If I could read one final book, it would most likely be The Alchemist. The reason why I’d choose that is because I’ve always promised myself that would be the next book I’d read, but have never gotten around to it. It would provide me with self-fulfillment.
2. The final song I’d want to hear played would be Let Go by Frou Frou or Soul Meets Body by Death Cab For Cutie, which are both in the top spots for my favorite song. Each time either or these songs are in rotation in my car, they have the power to make me things about things, whether it’s thoughts, memories, regrets, etc.
3. The movie that I would want to watch before I die would be Donnie Darko because every time I watch that movie, I tend to pick up on a detail or two that I missed out on last time. A television show would be an episode of Scrubs, because Turk can always make me laugh!
4. The final website I’d visit would be Twitter because I typically find some very interesting quotes when I’m checking people’s updates.
5. A final meal would be whole-wheat pasta, topped with a creamy vodka sauce and delicious grilled chicken, served with warm ciabatta bread on the side and a thirst quenching glass of iced tea! Preferably overlooking the San Francisco Bay area or on a New York City rooftop.
6. A place I’d like to visit is either Greece or Amsterdam because I’ve always wanted to visit both places. Any country where I could experience a culture shock and be completely captivated by is my main goal.
7. Is there life on another planet?
8. How do words become official enough to be in the dictionary? Can I make up a word?
9. A last activity I’d like to do would be sailing to Catalina with 6 of my best friends. (Or attempting to sail there and see where we end up)
10. A prized possession that I would guard with my life is nothing because all of my possessions can be replaced and don’t compare to the prized people in my life.
1. Twilight, because its my favorite book and I can read it a million times.
2. The final song I would play would probably be Love Story by Taylor Swift. It is my favorite song so I would like to hear it again before I pass away.
3. The Office is the show that can always make me laugh every time I watch it, its my favorite show.
4. Facebook because I spend most of my time on that website any way.
5. Buffalo Chicken Pizza from Giordanos and a cold glass of Pepsi is my favorite meal because it is delicious.
6. I have always wanted to visit Barcelona, Spain. I hear its beautiful and I would love to spend my remaining days there with my family.
7. What happens after death? If I knew I was going to die I would probably be very scared so I would want to know what will happen to me after I die. Will I go to Heaven?
8. Why do guys act the way they do? This is a universal question that I don’t think anyone could answer, so this is what I would like to know!
9. Celebrate Christmas morning! Christmas always brings back great memories and I would love to be opening presents for the last time.
10. I do not have a material object to guard with my life. But I would guard my family and friends if I could.
1. I’d like my final reading to be the Twilight series. It’s a sweet love series that keeps begging to be read more than once.
2. Definitely SKYWAY AVENUE by We The Kings. Ever since I’ve first heard this song, it has been my favorite. Why not listen to it last?
3. I would say Titanic, but I can’t even sit through the whole thing without at least walking around the house because it’s so long. But a movie is a bit challenging. My last TV show would be Friends because it’s one of my favorites, along with Seinfeld.
4. My last website would be because I’m on there enough as it is checking for updates.
5. Thanksgiving dinner with the Tabaskos. There’s noting like it and we all agree that diets don’t exist this day.
6. I’d like to take a European tour. I’ve always wanted to go to England again and Italy and France, also with countries of my heritage, like Poland, Germany, and, of course, Ireland.
7. Why are men and women so different? Why are girls so frilly and pink and guys so macho? Just a thought.
8. Who comes up with Spanish words? Mr. Eichinger always teaches us connections between Spanish and English words and I always wonder who comes up with the Spanish words. For some reason I think Spanish came first.
9. Skydiving!!! Skydiving will freak me out when I’m about to jump, but I want to feel the thrill of free falling, and I hear it’s good for you to scare yourself a little.
10. There are many people and things that matter so much to me and that I care so much about, but I never really found myself wanting to guard them with my life. I would defend them to whatever degree, sure, but I wouldn’t really die for them.
1) old literature. because i think that people who read things like romeo and juliet for the first time and actually understand it completely are so smart.
2)capri by Colbie Callat. because its slow but upbeat. and calming at the same time every time i listen to it it puts me in a good mood.
3)before i die i need to see all of the movies to the twilight series. the books were the best things ever. i have never read so many books in such a short period of time.
4)facebook. because its entertaining to creep people in a non creepy way.
5)spinach lasagna from Ninos! it is the best thing you have ever eaten. when they took it off the menu i was so sad!
6)italy. because i hear it beautiful and im half italian so i would like to see where my grandparents came from.
7)whether or not god is a boy or girl! because no one knows that!
8)in scary movies when they are being chased by a killer and trip..i want to know why it takes them a half an hour to get up off the floor!!!
9)i want to jump off something really high! im so afraid of heights that i would just completely surprise myself
10) my sheets!!! they are so warm and comfortable its like sleeping on clouds.
1. All of Jodi Picoult’s books. Jodi Picoult is my favorite author and I find her books exciting and interesting.
2. “Everyday” by Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews’s songs are great songs with lyrics that make me think about my life.
3. The O.C. I have loved this show since the first season. I constantly re-watch episode after episode.
4. Facebook. I am always on facebook, either updating my status or downloading pictures. I also learn about what others are currently doing.
5. Pasta with olive Oil and fresh Parmesan cheese. I first had this meal in Italy and every time I eat it I enjoy it more and more and it reminds me of the two weeks I spent in Italy
6. Lake Tahoe, California. In the winter, Lake Tahoe is breathtaking. Standing on the top of the mountain right before I snowboard down is picturesque.
7. Is there a Heaven? I’ve been going to Catholic school since Kindergarten and I have never gotten a straight answer. All my theology teachers have informed me that we are unsure. I am just very curious.
8. In scary movies, why do people go looking for trouble? If I were in that situation I would run the opposite way. I am not looking to die.
9. Heliski. I’ve been trying to convince my parents to take my family. I want to enjoy the adrenaline rush.
10. I would save my journal. I want to remember the fun times I had when I was in high school
1. The last thing I would read would be
2. That last song I would hear would be Ready to Die by Notorious B.I.G.
3. I would watch Happy Gilmore and laugh one last time.
4. Final website I would visit would be and I would tell about how I wasted my life on this website.
5. Final meal I would eat would be crab cakes, Alaskan king crab legs, steak, and root beer.
6. The place I would like to visit would be Cozumel, Mexico again.
7. Life’s greatest mystery I would like to have answered is what do women really think.
8. The head scratcher I would like to have answered is how does auntie anne’s make those pretzels so perfect?
9. The last activity I would like to do is go snorkeling in Cozumel, Mexico again in the clear blue water and see all the fish and corol.
10. The prized possession I would guard with my life would be my gold necklace my parents gave me when I got my conformation.
1. My dad is one of the most influential people in my life. He earned his doctorate in chemistry a while back and I’ve always wanted to read his book. I don’t know why I have such an urge to read his book considering, at this point, even the title is beyond my comprehension, but for some reason it’s something I’ve always wanted to read.
2. It would be extremely hard to choose just one final song to listen to before I die considering I love so many songs. I love Elton John, Jimmy Buffet, Billy Joel, and all the soft rock musicians. I know, I’m a little behind in my time but what can I say, I like what I like. So I guess I’d just listen to whatever plays last on B101 or WJBR.
3. My all time favorite show has to be Desperate Housewives. I’m pretty much obsessed with it. Without a doubt that would be the last show I would want to watch before I die. Before I die, I really don’t like talking about this.
4. This one is also a no brainer. Facebook is my homepage I check it daily, sometimes more than once. I’m an extremely nosey person so I have to know everything about everyone, at all times.
5. My final meal would have to be a nice big rack of ribs, mmm. I love whenever we have a nice big hearty meal of ribs, mash, and green beans with garlic and olive oil. If that were my “last supper,” I would surely die a happy woman.
6. My most favorite childhood memory comes from feeding stale bread to the ducks with Grandpa. We would go to the pond close to his house and sit there for hours throwing old crusty bread to the ducks. After he died I couldn’t go back. I hope someday when I have grandkids of my own, I’ll be able to go back and feed the ducks with them. That would be my perfect last place to visit.
7. I always think about why we were created and who created God. If I could gain knowledge on any serious mystery, it would be who created God. Or if God always was, how come that seems so impossible.
8. The instant head scratcher kind of goes with who created God. I’d like to know what really came first, the chicken or the egg.
9. This most likely, won’t happen right before I die, and possibly not happen at all but I’d like to meet my biological father. I know it shouldn’t really matter because I have the best dad in the world and a family that loves me more than anything but there’s just something inside of me that wants to know what he looks like, what his personality is like, and what his side of my family is like.
10. The one thing I would guard with my life would be “Ted,” my childhood best friend and teddy bear. My birth mom gave him to me when I was born and I don’t care how ratty or disgusting he gets, I’m sure I’ll still have him with me when I die.
1) I would read the newspaper just to check to see what's going on around me.
2)The final song I would hear would be Tuesday Afternoon by the Moody Blues since my mom used to sing that to me when I was little.
3)The last show I would watch would be the Simpsons. My brother and I are constantly quoting that show.
4)Yahoo, just to make sure that I've checked my e-mails.
5) My final meal would be a big bowl of macaroni and cheese.
6) I would love to visit Italy because when my aunt went there she sent back an awesome postcard.
7) If there are such things as ghosts and why?
8) Why do people insist on dressing their dogs in obnoxious sweaters?
9)I would enjoy running away from the waves at the beach while dodging couples taking a relaxing stroll.
10)A necklace that my mom gave to me.
1. The last thing I would read would be whatever book I'm currently reading on my own choice. i.e. right now I would read Kiss me like a Stranger by Gene Wilder.
2. I would like to hear either The Parting Glass by The High Kings or Four Rusted Horses by Marilyn Manson.
3.The last movie I would watch would be either V for Vendetta or The Life of Brian
4. I doubt I would care to to get online but probably facebook.
5. My final meal would consist of hamburgers, steaks and lobster.
6. I would like to visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
7. I would like to know all about man's true nature and the answers I seek about man.
8. How come people can't take the truth straight out but when a comedian says it it's okay?
9. I would like to skydive.
10. The only object I would protect with my life is whatever is currently holding all my music.
1. final thing to read- Where the Wild Things Are because it was my favorite book when I was a little boy.
2. final song that you'll hear played- Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin because the lyrics would soothe me before I died.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because I would like to have a laugh before I died.
4. final website you'll visit- I would get on facebook and harvest my crops on Farmville because I would not want to die knowing that my crops would wither.
5. final meal- I would go to an all you can eat and try and beat death by eating forever.
6. place you'd like to visit- California because it looks really nice and I have never left the Eastern part of the U.S.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries- What is the purpose of death and is there really a heaven and hell? These would be my questions but I guess I would find out rather quickly seeing as I will be dead.
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers- How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Its been bugging me for years.
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do- Discover the Fountain of Youth so I wouldn't have to die.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life- I would guard my cat with my life because she is the only animal ut of the three that I own that likes me.
1. Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility would be the last book the I would read because I adore the characters and even though it all goes badly for each character, it always turns for the better.
2. The last song I would listen to would be 'You Only Get What You Give' by New Radicals. This song always gets me pumped for a good day and always puts a smile on my face.
3. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows because I am not leaving this world without seeing that movie.
4. The last website I would visit would be because it’s my favorite website and I visit it everyday.
5. My final meal would be a bacon cheeseburger from Cheeseburger in Paradise because they are heavenly. (no pun intended)
6. The last place I would want to go to would be Disney World. Every year I go there with my family and there have been so many memories. Also, I feel so happy there, a feeling I never get elsewhere.
7. One of the world’s mysteries I would want to know would be whether to know if the Holy Grail was a cup or if it really was Mary Magdalene. This is just something I’ve always wondered and studied and it would be interesting to find out which side of Dan Brown’s novel was correct.
8. One of the questions that have always baffled me is how they make the actors fly in the Quidditch games in Harry Potter movies. The actors are sworn to secrecy and I always thought that it would be neat to know.
9. The last activity that I would do would be to have a rehearsal or a performance for St. Mark’s with the Drama Gang. I love all those people and they are my family. Whenever I see them and work with them, there is never any drama and it is home for me.
10. A prized possession that I would guard with my life would be all the home videos of my friends and family. When I’m sad, I watch my videos and look back on my family and realize what’s important to me. My family has a bond that no event nor person can break.
1) The last thing I'd read is Green Eggs and Ham, because it would remind me of all the good times I had in my youth.
2) The final song I'd listen to is five years time by Noah and the Whale, because I'd probably be in a crappy mood and this song would lift my spirits.
3) I'd watch superbad, because I'd like a good laugh before I die.
4) I'd visit Last FM so I can listen to some good music.
5) The Macaroni and Cheese Oprah voted the best in America, because I've never had it, and it looks so good.
6) I'd visit the Grand Canyon, so I can jump off it before thermonuclear war begins. And visit it of course, I always wanted to go there.
7) Does God exist? I'd wanna know if everything I ever believed in is true.
8) The Chicken or the Egg? What came first?
9) I'd like to watch the New York Jets win the super bowl.
10) My autograph picture of Johnny Unitas that my Grandpa gave me. It's something really valuable that reminds me of him.
1. The final book i would read would be Eragon because the series for this story is probably one of the best I have read.
2. The final song that I wanna hear played would be Must Be Doing Something Right by Billy Currington. It's a great song about love and passion and always been a favorite.
3. The last movie I would watch would have to be The Waterboy. It's a classic Adam Sandler movie and I die laughing every time.
4. The last website I would visit would be Quadratec to see if there are any new specials on parts for my jeep.
5. The last meal I would have would be all I can eat crab legs. I always eat them on special occasions and to be my last meal would make total sense.
6. The final place I would visit would be the Bronx because I have never been there and it sounds pretty scary, and I'm about to die anyway so why not.
7. The knowledge that I would want to find out is how everything came to be and what religion is true and what really happens when you die?
8. The head scratcher I would want to know would be Where do babies really come from?
9. One last thing I would like to do would be going on a weekend hunt of one of the best known areas to hunt trophy bucks.
10. Something that I would guard with my life would be my car keys because no one will ever take my soul possession..... My jeep.
1. final thing to read- A Dr.Seuss book because I would read his books when I was young and they would remind me about my childhood.
2. final song that you'll hear played- Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel because I am a big fan of his and the song is so upbeat. It will make me happy to hear it one last time.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- Ferris Bueller's Day Off. This movie is hilarious and I have always loved watching it.
4. final website you'll visit- I would visit Facebook for one final time so that I can comment all of my friends and family.
5. final meal- My mom's chicken pasta that she has been making for me since I was born.
6. place you'd like to visit- I would visit Australia because I have always wanted to go there and see the wild life.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries- What came first, the chicken or the egg?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers- Why do they put a magnet on the back of chip clips? Why would you want to hang your Doritos on the refrigerator?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do- I would spend the day a person I love the most whether it is my family or someone else.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life- I would guard my family and friends if I could.
1. final thing to read - I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell because it's one book that I think is actually funny.
2. final song that you'll hear played - Probably something by Dave Matthews or Jack's Mannequin
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It doesn't matter how many times I watch an episode, it's still hilarious.
4. final website you'll visit - More than likely because I check it multiple times a day.
5. final meal - Something cooked by my mom so I'd feel at home.
6. place you'd like to visit - I've always wanted to go to Italy. Hopefully someday I'll get there.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries - Are aliens real?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers - How many prank calls does QVC get per day?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do - Play piano.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life - I don't have any possessions I would give my life up for, but I would for my family.
1. Probably "Holes" because it was the first real book i read and why not make it my last.
2. Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald because it is a very inspirational song about Jesus and its good preparation for what happens next
3.Borat because that is the funniest movie ever made and If im about to die im not going to watch a love story or a sad story it will definitely be a funny one.
4. Definitely Youtbe because im on there on the time and even if i weren't about to die id still probably be there.
5. New York Strip steak from Outback, Schimmel Macs, Garlic Mashed potatoes, Crabs, Corn on the Cob, and a cold glass of milk because obviously theyre are delicious
6. Italy because I have always wanted to go there and I have taken that language all of high school and its so pretty.
7. Is there life anywhere other than earth or are ghosts real.
8. Why do people feel the need to wear clothes. Who said hey we should wear clothes and who said it was wrong not to.
9. Swim with sharks without a cage since im gonna die anyway.
10. My family especially my baby nephew because family is the most important thing.
1. Probably "Holes" because it was the first real book i read and why not make it my last.
2. Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald because it is a very inspirational song about Jesus and its good preparation for what happens next
3.Borat because that is the funniest movie ever made and If im about to die im not going to watch a love story or a sad story it will definitely be a funny one.
4. Definitely Youtbe because im on there on the time and even if i weren't about to die id still probably be there.
5. New York Strip steak from Outback, Schimmel Macs, Garlic Mashed potatoes, Crabs, Corn on the Cob, and a cold glass of milk because obviously theyre are delicious
6. Italy because I have always wanted to go there and I have taken that language all of high school and its so pretty.
7. Is there life anywhere other than earth or are ghosts real.
8. Why do people feel the need to wear clothes. Who said hey we should wear clothes and who said it was wrong not to.
9. Swim with sharks without a cage since im gonna die anyway.
10. My family especially my baby nephew because family is the most important thing.
1. final thing to read-My diary
2. final song that you'll hear played-I would play my ultimate playlist. But anything by The Dream would suffice.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time
4. final website you'll visit-Facebook. Yeah, I'll admit it.
5. final meal- Peach Ice tea, peach cobbler, blueberry cheesecake, and sesame chicken with noodles.
6. place you'd like to visit
Philippines. Back to my home country
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries-
I would like to know how guys really think. Girls all admit their confusing.
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers
Why do you guys wear REALLY tight pants? (a.k.a. Jonas Bros) Tighter than girl pants?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
I would like to sky dive and make a dictionary for all the crazy lingo I hear these days.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life
My diary and cellphone.
If you want people, everyone in my life. :)
1. The final thing that I would read would be the bible.
2. The final song that I would like to hear before my passing would be my favorite song, Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Greenday.
3. A movie I would enjoy watching one last time would be Walk The Line. This is one of my favorite movies and watching it never gets old.
4. The final website I would visit would be facebook, because it is basically the website I use the most. I would use facebook to say goodbye to all of my friends.
5. My final meal of choice would be a huge sushi platter with all different kinds of sushi rolls. Sushi is my absolute favorite food, and it would be the best meal to have before I die.
6. The last place I would love to visit would be Paris, France. I think it would be an amazing experience to tour and shop all of Paris.
7. I would be interested in knowing the truth about aliens. I would be curious to know if there was life out there on other planets.
8. I would want to know how guys are so entertained by football. I would want to be in their shoes and understand how they are so interested in this sport, because it has never made any sense to me.
9. One last activity I would like to do would be going to a family reunion. I have only been to two family reunions in my life, and I would love to enjoy one more before I pass away so that I have a chance to say goodbye to all my family members, even ones that I am not close with.
10. A prized possession that I would guard with my life would be my locket that I got from my grandmother when I was little. This necklace means so much to me and I would do anything to protect it.
1. The last book I would read before I die would be The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Sparks is an excellent writer and the story is also one of my favorite movies.
2. Drops of Jupiter by Train has always been considered one of my favorite songs of all time and/or anything by DMB.
3.The final TV show that I would watch before my death would be Desperate Housewives because I love and watch the show every week. I find the show extremely addicting. I would also watch Titanic.
4. The final website I would go on would be When I go on the web it's usually for facebook or school.
5. My final meal would be a big huge salad made by my mother and some spaghetti to go with it.
6. I would go back to visit St. John's in the US Virgin Islands. It's my favorite place in the whole world, so far.
7. I would want knowledge about the cures of all fatal diseases.
8. Why do people hurt the ones who love them?
9. One of the last things I would like to do would be going to the Caribbean with all my friends and family.
10. I would literally guard with my life the ones I love.
1. Seventeen magazine traumarama because their hilarious embarrassing stories
2. A little bit longer by nick jonas because its really inspirational or a back street boy song to relive my childhood.
3.A walk to remember because its my favorite movie.
4. because im able to keep in touch with friends.
5. corn on the cob, a burger off the grill and macaroni salad :)
6. Disney World because its such a happy place or somewhere in Europe because i have never been there.
7. why do we become old and childlike again?
8. Why do furbies still talk when u take the batteries out of them?
9. Go parasailing or white water rafting
10. My pets, family, my photo album because they are all part of my life and memories
1. Read - I would read a fashion magazine because they are my favorite thing to read.
2. Song - Forever by Chris Brown because it is my favorite song and I never get tired of it.
3. Movie - Mean Girls because it is my favorite movie and I would want to go out with a laugh.
4. Website - Facebook because it's my favorite website and I could see all of my friend's pages.
5. Meal - A buffet with every kind of food.
6. Place to visit - The caribbean because I love warm weather and the ocean.
7. Knowledge of the world - What came first the chicken or the egg?
8. Knowledge of head scratcher - Why am I dyslexic
9. Last activity - Playing volleyball because it's my favorite sport.
10. Prized possession - My guitar.
1. final thing to read- Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult. This book kept me in suspense the entire time and taught the valuable lesson that there are two sides to every story.
2. final song you'll hear played- "Your Song" by Ewan McGregor from Moulin Rouge. His voice is so good and powerful and I love listening to it.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- Moulin Rouge. This movie is my favorite because it is funny, musical, and a story of love.
4. final website you'll visit- Facebook. I go on Facebook every day to check up on friends or meet new ones.
5. final meal- My mom's homemade pizza. I would want this because it's homemade and reminds me of the comforts of home.
6. place you'd like to visit- Scotland. My heritage is part Scottish and my grandmother has visited there. She says the scenery is beautiful and that everyone should see it.
7. instant knowledge on life's great mysteries- I would want to know if there is life other than on Earth. It seems hard to believe that in this vast universe, Earth is the only one with life. Also, if there is life, what would other living beings look like?
8. instant knowledge on life's great head-scratchers- why are girls so catty?
9. last activity to do- probably skydive. I think it would be awesome to just jump out of a plane and free fall.
10. prized possession- A ring given to me as a gift. I wear it every day and it is important to me.
1. Final thing to read- Sports Illustarted because it's the only thing I ever read anyway.
2. Final song- Fear by Drake. I listen to that song over and over and i never get tired of it.
3. Final TV show- The Office, simply because contrary to what was said in number 8; it's the funniest show ever made.
4. Final website- facebook; it's just a habit.
5. Final meal- Steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli with melted cheese. With a glass of Turkey Hill Orange Ice Tea.
6. Place to visit- Probably New Zealand. The scenery seems amazing and there's so many wild thing to do.
7. Instant knowledge- What's the deal with Stone Hedge?
8. One of life's great head scratchers- Why do girls always get to be right? Guys never get to be right, and it's not fair.
9. One last activity- Parkour. If you look it up you will understand.
1. I would read the Bible so I could be closer to God.
2. I'm on a boat, because it's wicked funny.
3. The Office, because it's hilarious.
4. Facebook, so I could comment everyone telling people I'm dying.
5. Fillet Mignon, Alaskan King Crab legs, Lobster, because they're all amazing.
6. New Zealand, because I've always wanted to go there.
7. Did the aliens help out with Stonehenge.
8. I would like to know why New England always wins in sports?
9. Travel around the world, because I've always wanted to.
10.I would protect my family with my life.
1. Final story: probably a book from the twilight saga, I absolutely love all those books, even if they are a little corny.
2. Final song: Vegas by The Cab. I love the lyrics. I love everything about it. I listen to it at least a few times a day.
3. I'd most definitely watch the movie Keith. It is my all time favorite movie. It's so inspiring and combines so many awesome topics. I could watch it about 504854 times a day, if possible.
4. I'm not going to lie, I’d probably go on Facebook and check my notifications, send a couple messages... change my status to something like "SEE YA!"
5. My final meal would definitely be the biggest vat of spaghetti you have ever seen…with tomato alfredo sauce and garlic bread!
6. I want to go to Europe. Just an entire European excursion. I'm absolutely determined to do that before I die. I would honestly be a stow away in the cargo part of the plane.
7. The cure for cancer. Definitely. I would tell a great scientist how to make the vaccine and then… no more cancer :)
8. I would like to know why people lie. Why does everyone care so much about what everyone thinks? Enough to lie about it?!
9. Spend all the time I possibly can with my family and friends and go to a concert! And learn how to play guitar and piano, and get something of mine legitimately published! ---maybe the last week of my life.
10. My doggy Toby for sure!
1. I would read “The Five People You Meet in Heaven”. This is one of my favorite books and it reminds you of all the important things in life.
2. I would like to hear “Just stand up” by Beyonce, Mariah Carey, and several other women. It’s a song about hope and love and it always puts me in a positive mood.
3. I would watch “The Rainy Day Woman” episode of the OC. The OC has been my favorite TV show for years now, even though it was cancelled. “The Rainy Day Woman” episode is my favorite so I would love to watch it one more time.
4. I would visit Facebook so I would have a way of saying goodbye to my friends and family.
5. My final meal would be Filet Mignon with a side of penne in vodka sauce and mashed potatoes. For dessert I’d have warm chocolate chip cookies.
6. I would visit a Safari in Africa. I would love to see all the wild animals and a country people very rarely get to see.
7. I would like to know if there’s another planet just like Earth with different civilizations.
8. I would like to know why everyone is obsessed with celebrity’s lives if they don’t even know the people.
9. I would like to go zip lining above the jungle. I’ve seen people doing this on TV and it looks amazing.
10. I would guard my froggy blanket with my life. I’ve had it since I was little and would never want to lose it.
1.The final thing I would want to read is The Giver because this book has had a huge impact on me and it is about how we are all born for a reason and we all have a purpose.
2. I would listen to any upbeat and happy Taylor Swift song as the last song to ever hear because I know all the words and could sing really loud.
3. The last movie I would want to see is a funny movie like She’s the Man.
4. I would visit facebook because I would want to say goodbye to my friends and family.
5. The final thing I would want to eat is the best filet mignon ever with snap peas and mashed potatoes and a huge piece of chocolate cake with ice cream.
6. Since I have already been to Europe I would like to go to Hawaii and lay on the beach and swim in the clear blue water.
7. I would want to know if aliens or some other being exists because we can’t be the only ones in the entire universe!
8. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
9. The last thing I would want to do would be to compete at The Cheerleading World’s one last time and do a perfect routine and come in first place!
10. Although it isn’t really a possession I would have to say my family or my friends.
1. Since I really don’t like to read if I had one final thing to read is a playboy from March 1992. I would want to read this because I like the articles and cartoons, and I would like to know what people thought in the month I was born.
2. I would like to hear the song, “Misunderstood” by Lil’ Wayne. I would want to listen to this song, because it always makes me think, and he relates to the way I feel.
3. If could see one movie for the last time it would be, Boyz in the Hood. This is my favorite movie, its one of the realest movies I have ever seen, I could watch this movie until I die.
4. I think the last website I would go to if I was going to die would be I would visit this because so I could say goodbye to all my friends.
5. For my final meal, I would want a buffet, included filet mignon, lobster, crab, mac and cheese, and stuffing and for desert red velvet cake with vodka Jell-O in side. This is by dream feast in life.
6. If I haven’t been to France before I die, I want to go France, just to experience French women, wine, and culture.
7. I would want to know if God exist. I think that I would like to know whether or all the people who have organized religion are wasting their time.
8. I would want to know why people think Seinfeld is funny. I think that, that show is the dumbest most pointless show in the world.
9. I would want to go partying with Lil Wayne, Nas, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, and Andre 3000. I would want to do this because these are my most favorite artist who are still alive, and I know that the last night of my life would be fun.
10. I would guard both of my rings, because of all the things I have these mean the most to me.
1.) ESPN the magazine because I would keep up with my sports till I die.
2.) Pop Lock and Drop it, because they are going to pop me into the casket, lock me in, and drop it into the grave.
3.)Family Guy because I would like to die on a happy note.
4.) My final website I would visit would be facebook so i could update my status to say goodbye to all my friends.
5.) I would Alaskan crab legs because apparently it is awesome, and I would like to eat something that's fancy and good.
6.)Spain because I'm Spanish and I would like to see my roots to my heritage before I die.
7.) What is the meaning of life?
8.)Why do people feel that being mean to people is funny?
9.) I would go party my butt off and have fun.
10.) I don't exactly have a prized possession, bit I would guard my family with my life.
1. the last thing i would like to read before i die would be the mice of the men it is only book i truly ever liked and understood at the same time.
2.fireflies by owl city. because its so bad that it makes me laugh. it would brighten up my mood.
3. transformers the movie and bones is the tv show
4. The Final website i would go on is facebook, it is basically the the majority of the reason i go online.
5.Suki-Hana's teriyaki Chicken and sushi would totally be my last meal.
6. The place have always wanted to visit and would visit before i die is Europe more around the Manchester area so i could watch my favorite soccer team Manchester city play before i die.i
7.If i was going to die i would want to have instant knowledge on Aliens and about all those abductions.
8. head-scratchers...Why every time i tell my mom that i have someone coming over no matter who it is a priest or my friend Dom who's like my brother, she always insists on cleaning the house? its gonna get dirty again anyway and they really don't care.
9. Well the last thing i would want to do would have to be flying a jet plane.
10. That i would guard with my life is my Prized possession would be the rosary i got from my grandfathers funeral.
1. final thing to read- The Sandman: The Wake. I've just recently gotten into the Sandman series and it deals with the most mysterious aspects of life including Death, Dream, and Desire
2. final song that you'll hear played- Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd. This song was sung with death in mind. I first heard it the day that the Pink Floyd keyboard player, who wrote the song, died.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time- V for Vendetta, it would be a good way to go out, and V dies in the end.
4. final website you'll visit- Facebook, I'd say goodbye in my status update, Schoolsville needs a Facebook page
5. Final meal- a huge BBQ chicken pizza from Peace a Pizza with soda and a chocolate bar afterwards.
6. place you'd like to visit- England or Denmark I'm not sure which
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries- Is there life on other planets and if so what does it look like and what will it look like in 1 million years.
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head scratchers- Why do people wear Croc's, are they really that comfortable?
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do- I would like to visit other forms of life on other planets, if they exist.
10. There's nothing I would defend with my life other than my family
1. If I had to pick one book to read last, I'd definitely have to go with Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. My church, as a whole, read the book and then talked about each chapter. The book was so inspiring and taught me a lot about who I was, and what my purpose was. I wouldn't mind reading it again and definitely recommend the book to everyone.
2. Last song I would be able to listen to...I'm going to have to go with some Van Halen. Any one of his songs is fine with me! Human's Being, or the song Dreams. His music is still very popular today in society after all these years.
3. Titanic for the last movie, most definitely. It maybe ridiculously long, or even a bit boring at a few places, but it is still a great movie. Although I have watched it over a hundred times, the ending still makes me shed a tear, or two.
4. Believe it or not, I'd might actually go to schoolsville as my last web site. I always have fun writing on the blogs and wouldn't mind writing a little something on the site.
5. A home-cooked meal made by my dad would be fine with me. Either that or a Sunday Spaghetti dinner at my grand mom's. Outrageous and funny stories gathered around the old wooden dinner table with the family isn't a bad idea at all.
6. This may sound a bit deranged, but out of any place I could visit last, I would pick my grand mom's house. Paris, Germany, Italy, or even Spain(to practice my amazing Spanish speaking skills) doesn't have any special meaning to me. Sure, her house isn't a mansion, or even a two story house. It's a tiny ranch home filled with tons of memories and tons of love.
7. One of lives greatest secrets? Here's one: Why is the grass green? Is there a significance in the color? Pink grass would've been more appealing, or even purple!
8.Why in the world does the best singer in every season of American Idol never win, and why do people continue to watch it?! Here's a simple question: Why do people always seem to love candy corn? It has absolutely no flavor! In fact, it kind of tastes a bit nasty in my opinion. It's even funny and random looking. What is it supposed to look like?
9. One last activity I would like to do is to decorate a Christmas tree with my family. Crank the stereo up and put in the Chip Munks Christmas CD on full blast. That's what I'm talking about!
10. I would probably guard my ring that my parents gave me on my 16th birthday. It means a lot to me and losing it would feel like a part of me was lost. Wherever I go, my ring goes. It fits perfectly on my left hand on my ring finger.
1. The Rainbow Stories by William Vollmann because it is my favorite book
2. Some Kind of Cadwallader by Algernon Cadwallader because of all the memories I have associated with it
3. Lost in Translation because it is incredible to watch/listen to
5. Tony's frozen cheese pizza, orange soda and apple cider donuts from Milburn Orchards because it is the meal I will forever associate with my childhood
6. Uncharted depths of the ocean
7. The final truths on the Theory of Everything
8. Why do girls fake tan in the winter/ever?
9. Play music with all of my friends and family whether it be on a stage or in a basement
10. My 1950's Italian air organ
(I was not in class Friday)
1. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyers, my favorite book of the Twilight Series very well written provokes many emotions.
2. Slow Motion by Third Eye Blind it has execellent lyrics and it a slow song and somber song to make me think.
3. The Replacements and Fringe my favorite movie and favorite tv series.
4. Facebook to farm my crops on farmville, feed my fish, and comment all my friends.
5. King crab legs, favorite food and brings back many memories when eating them
6.I'd like to visit my beach house in Long Beach Island NJ and walk the streets that I've had many memories on and just sit on the beach for awhile.
7. Are there any aliens out there?
8. Just how did we come up with our words, like why do we call a lamp a lamp why not something different?
9. Probably just visit all of my family expecially the ones I havent seen in awhile.
10. Well this isnt really a possesion but my dog because I love him so much but an actual possession would probably be my bear snuffles, I've had him since I was a baby.
1. Final thing to read- “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes”- It was the first “big book” I read when I was young. It was an inspirational story about a Japanese girl struggling with leukemia. This was one of my favorite books. Reading this one last time might help me cope with death.
2. Final song – “Say” by John Mayer, because it touches upon saying what you need to, to your loved ones before it’s too late.
3. Movie or TV show –“What I like about you”. Each character especially Amanda Bynes always puts a smile on my face. I can easily relate to each situation she goes through, and learn from them. Before I die I want to learn my last lesson from this show.
4. Final website - Google! I use this site to search anything; people, clothes, research etc… Maybe I’ll type my name to see what comes up right before I die.
5. Final meal- My grandmother’s homemade spaghetti with pasta sauce, and of course her braciole and lamb! I can never get enough. Her meals make me feel like I’m eating in Italy.
6. Place to visit –Europe. I’ve always wanted to see Italy’s beautiful cathedrals, and scenery, Austria’s hills and mountains, Paris’ Eiffel Tower, and of course the grand shopping district etc…
7. Knowledge of life's great serious mysteries- Is there life beyond our universe?
8. Knowledge of life's great head-scratchers- Why does everything always have to be a competition or “Dog- eat -dog.”
9. One last activity you'd like to do- Sing! I’ve spent my whole life singing, I couldn’t see any moment where I wasn’t, even when I am on my death bed.
10. Prized possession- My scrapbook. It contains all of my great memories and achievements.
1. final thing to read - I know it's corny, but any of the Twilight Books. I thought it was so stupid, a book about vampires. Then last year my friend told me I HAD to read it and I immediatly fell in love. Edward is the perfect boy, he always says the right things at the right times. Why can't guys today do that?!
2. final song that you'll hear played - American Pie by Don McLean. This is my favorite song, hands down. My dad always had a fun mix of songs when I was growing up and this was always my favorite! I've known all the words ever since I was a little kid.
3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time - NCIS. This is my favorite show. Even though they have such a serious job they always seem to be joking around and having a good time. Plus, I would love to see Gibbs slap Tony one last time!
4. final website you'll visit - Hate to say it, but facebook. I'm so used to checking it everyday.
5. final meal - Filet Mignon and new england clam chowder soup! Random mix but those are my two favorite foods. I could eat clam chowder every single day! And Filet is a little more pricey so i only have it on special occasions!
6. place you'd like to visit - Maine. All my memories from growing up are from Maine. I would love to go stand in Camden Harbor and watch the boats sail in one last time.
7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries - Is there really a God? Throughout my education everyone stresses about praying to God and how God will always help you. But I just don't get it because if there is a God then how can he let such terrible things happen to people who don't deserve that?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers - Why can't guys just say how they feel? I mean seriously life would be so much easier if they didn't think they were so cool and tried to play games.
9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do - I'd like to go skiing. I've been able to ski ever since I can remember, I was on the ski team at my school in Maine when I was in second grade! I love standing at the top of the mountain just as your about to go down the slopes and looking out at everything you can see, its beautiful.
10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life - I would guard my photo albums. I love looking back on the great times I've had with my friends.
1. The final thing I would read before I died would Breaking Dawn. This novel is the final book in the series, Twilight, and it is one of my favorite books.
2. The final song I would like to hear is The Remedy by Jason Mraz. I love this song and it always puts me in a good mood.
3. The final thing I would watch is the show Joan of Arcadia. This is my favorite show ever and it is about seeing God in different people, and I think it would be the perfect thing to watch before I die.
4. The final website I would visit would probably be because I'm always on it and I would like everyone to know I was dying.
5. The final meal I would eat would be Thanksgiving Dinner because it's all of my favorite foods in one meal.
6. The place I would like to visit before I die would be Italy. I've always wanted to go there because it's supposed to be beautiful.
7. If I could get instant knowledge to life's mysterious it would be if there is a God, and what will happen to me when I die. I've done through Catholic School my whole life and I still do not know for a fact if Heaven or God
8. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
9. The last activity I would do would be to ski in the Alps. I've only gone skiing once, and I'm not very good at all, but I'm going to die anyways so why not?
10. I could not choose a material prize possession that I would like to keep, I would have to say my greatest values are my family and friends.
1. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell because a number of my friends have the book and say it is the most amusing thing they have ever read.
2. I Feel Like a Woman by Shania Twain because everyone I went to middle school with would tease me for listening to this song all the time, but I loved it.
3. Remember the Titans because it is the greatest and most inspirational movie of all time.
4. Facebook so I can update my status one last time.
5. Homemade Perogies because I could eat 100 of them and go out with a full stomach.
6. The Pentagon because my father works there and says it is one of the most incredible buildings he has ever stepped foot in.
7. The cure to cancer, so I could save future generations from the disease.
8. Why would someone associated with a professional sport destroy the integrity of the game by gambling on it?
9. Go to a Ravens Vs. Steelers game in Pittsburgh so I could root my favorite team on one last time.
10. A signed pictue of Jerome "The Bus" Bettis. It was given to me by my Uncle for Christmas and Jerome is my all time favorite football player.
1.The final thing I would like to read is Marley & Me by John Grogan. This book literally made me laugh out loud and I felt like I was living his life while reading it.
2.The final song I would like to hear played is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen because I don't care how loud I play it in my car or how awful I sing to it, I will not be embarrassed listening to it because it's awesome.
3.I would watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off one last time because it's a classic.
4.Facebook because I would have to check my farm on farmville.
5.Barbeque chicken nachos, snowbird chicken, and warm chocolate chip cookie in a skillet from Bugaboo Creek.
6.Ireland, it's where my family is from and I would like to go there and learn more about my heritage.
7.Is there a heaven and hell? Since I would be dying, I would like to know where I'm going next.
8.Why does my dog act like a human? I think he's a human trapped in a dog body. He sits like a human, stands like a human, and when you talk to him he looks as if he's going to open his mouth and speak English. It's weird.
9.Have an all-out shopping spree in Los Angeles. I would just buy and do whatever I wanted without thinking about money or consequences.
10.I would guard my human dog, Bantry, with my life. He's the best, even when he eats and steals my stuff.
1.)The final thing that I would want to read is the book I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. I’d want to read this because it would be a book that would make me laugh and I would know that I was a better person than at least one person in the world.
2.)Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw because it talks about living life to the fullest and imminent death.
3.)The final movie I would want to watch would either be The Boondock Saints or Shawshank Redemption. Both great movies.
4.)Facebook so I can change my status to I’m about to die. Its been good.
5.)My final meal would definitely be breakfast. This meal would consist of pancakes, waffles, bacon, breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs, toast, and Canadian bacon. With an apple pie on the side.
6.)I would like to go skiing in the Swiss Alps.
7.)I would want to know if Jesus was real.
8.)Whos idea was it to put an “S” is the word “lisp”?
9.)Ride a bull or go ski diving.
10.) I would never guard any possession with my life. It just stuff, it doesn't mean anything. But if I had to choose, I would say my truck.
1) My final book I would read would be any book by Jodi Picoult. In every one of her books the ending is something that you never would have suspected.
2)There are so many songs to choose from but I would have to listen to Dont Stop Believing by Journey.
3) The last movie I would want to see would have to be either Mean Girls or Shes the Man.
4) The final wbsite that I would go on is Facebook.
5) Steak and baked potatoes.
6) I always have wanted to go to Hawaii.
7)The mystery that I have always wanted to know is if there really is a heaven or hell.
8) Why are people so over dramatic.
9) Sky diving. I think it would be so much fun.
10) I would gaurd my diamond earrings that my Grandpa got me for my birthday.
1. Final Thing To Read- The Secret Garden, I've read this book countless times and it never gets old.
2. Final Song-
3. Final Movie- Pretty in Pink, its my favorite movie of all time.
4. Final Website- Of course Facebook, to talk to all my friends one last time.
5. Final Meal- Anything my Mommom Louise would make for me, she's the best cook.
6. Place to Visit- London again, to see more things and explore on my own. Because last time i went with my family and I didn't get to see everything I wanted to.
7. Instant Knowledge- What came first, the chicken or the egg ?
8. Head Scratcher- Why do people play farmville ? It's so unbelievably pointless.
9. One last activity- Go snorkling. It's just something I've always wanted to do.
10. There is no object that I would guard with my life. I would try & protect my friends and family though.
1. The final thing I would like to read ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. This is the book would I would want to read as my final thing because I started it in the spring time and I’ve been slowly reading it but if I were to die soon I would like to finally finish it.
2. The final song that I will hear played would be #41 by Dave Matthews. I chose this song because it’s my favorite song.
3. The movie I would watch one last time would be Role Models because I would want to watch a funny movie and the show I would watch would be It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia because I find that show hilarious.
4. The final website I would visit would be Facebook because it’s pretty much the only website I go on.
5. My final meal would be my mom’s Thanksgiving dinner. It is turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, gravy, and a bunch of other delicious items. I said my mom’s Thanksgiving dinner because for the past couple years we’ve been going to my aunt’s house and it just isn’t as good.
6. The place I would like to visit would be Jamaica. I chose Jamaica because I’ve been over most of Europe and would like to go somewhere tropical.
7. The great mystery I would want to know is, if God created everything then who created God. I want to know this because everyone says God created himself but I don’t think that’s possible.
8. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is near to hear it, does it make a sound.
9. One last activity I would like to do is go skydiving because it looks like a lot of fun.
10. The prized possession that I would guard with my life is my bracelet because it is the last one I have and it is a good thing that reminds me of my sister.
1. Tuesdays with Morrie, because it gives me a good perspective on the things that really are important in life.
2. Anything upbeat and happy, something like techno music.
3. Catch and Release, because its my favorite movie and I never get sick of watching it over and over.
4. facebook, so I could talk to my friends one last time.
5. steak, mashed potatoes, rice, and chocolate cake
6. somewhere famous, and somewhere I've never been, Paris or an island probably.
7. How was the world made and why are we here. I would love to find that out because I always wonder.
8. Why do people obsess over stupid shows like American Idol? Why don't they get bored of it after they've had so many seasons.
9. Ride the biggest, fasted, roller coaster in the world. I love the thrill of rides.
10. my friends and family, I would want to keep them over any certain possession.
1. Every girl probably said this but Twilight you literally cant put it down each page makes you want to keep reading. I dont read a lot of books but I couldnt put this on down. One of the best books I have ever read.
2. Viva la Vida by Coldplay its a great song its upbeat and makes you just want to dance. Plus Coldplay is one of my favorite bands they put their heart into their songs.
3. Sleepless in Seattle I could watch that more everyday it is my favorite movie of all time. Its such a feel good movie it makes you laugh and cry. Not a sad cry though a happy cry. I have watched that movie since I was a kid.
4. Facebook so I can write on my family and freidns walls so I can tell them how much they mean to me one last time.
5. Hairy Mexican Sushi its from Mikimotos I love sushi and its the best I have ever had. With some swiss vervaine melange tea. I drink tea like its nobody business and that is by far my favorite kind. For dessert I would have peppermint ice cream I absolutely love it. The sad thing is it only comes around the holiday season so I would definitely have to have it before I died.
6. Holland its were most of my mothers side of the family lives. They are such happy people they live life to the fullest. I think its a beautiful place and if I got to see my family I know it would be a great time.
7. I would want to know how to cure all diseases. So people can live their lives to the fullest.
8. Does everyone have a chance at true love? Why do people think only some lucky ones can have it? I think everyone has a chance we just dont realize it sometimes.
9. Going to be tropical beach with close friends and family.
10. My collages of my friends and family they remind of all the good times I have had through the years. When I look at them it brings me joy. To me they are the most valuable thing I own.
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