Green Class Vocab--The Devil and Tom Walker

Tom is not the least bit upset about his wife's undoing. In fact, he almost feels as if he owes the Devil a bit of gratitude for the "kindness" he has done for him, the "kindness" of killing his wife. Tom may not be free from the Devil's bargain, but now he IS free from his wife's incessant nagging.
Oh well.
Post your five vocab sentences here.
1. Our enemies found our fort to be impregnable, which stopped them from fighting.
2. I tried to change her mind about the situation, but she was obstinate.
3.My friend sent me flowers as a propitiatory gesture towards our fight.
4. The senior citizen was a very termagant woman.
5. When she laughed it reminded him of the cackle of witches in many children's stories.
My friend looked at the food i had made her with askance because she thought i had put something gross in it.
The usurer had such a high rate the woman couldn't pay off her debt to the man.
The morass behind the development holds many adventures for the young boys.
The witches incantation turned banks into a cat in the movie "Hocus Pocus".
I gained the propitiate of my teacher after i had turned in all my homework, and done well on all of my tests.
This artifact has no intrinsic value, in fact it is little more than a trifle.
Some religious factions thought it was important for them to propitiate their god(s) with gifts.
Don't give such a doleful look on such a happy day!
Please don't perplex us with your multitude of vocabulary words!
The governments coffers are most likely to be found empty.
The stagnant water from the hose wasn’t working properly because the water was only dripping out.
The lady, taking her time, sauntered through the park on a beautiful spring day.
He took some rhino from his wife to buy some new clothes, but never even paid her back.
He propitiated his coach by always arriving on time for practice and trying his best everyday.
1.Nuns are often very termagnant people.
2. Anyone who has a starbucks large coffee knows that it tend to make you a little surly.
3. The runner showed great prowess crossing the finish line at the race on saturday.
4.Whenever my borther loans me he becomes parismony untill I repay my debt.
5. my last surmise on the teat proved to be wrong when the teacher returned the test.
1. The man failed to pay the usurer his debt.
2. Many women can be extremely termagant when they are in a bad mood.
3. Her face was doleful for weeks after her father's death.
4. He looked askance at his dog, who he suspected of eating the cat's food.
5. No matter how much the boy tried, his father was resolute in not raising his allowance.
1.)The school produced a superfluous amount of canned goods for the food drive.
2.)Her usurer charged her a steep interest rate on her loan.
3.)She tried to propitiate her teacher's interest by relating the subject of her project to her.
4.)His parents were obstinate on his harsh punishment.
5.)She was frustrated and perplexed by the confusing plot of the movie.
He found himself utterly perplexed after realizing he had taken a wrong turn many miles away.
I had worked for hours making sure my room was impregnable, only to realize I forgot to lock the door.
If there's one thing that turns my mood completely doleful, it's the terrible feeling of being woken up early in the morning.
The statue appeared to be worth a lot of money, but after it was appraised by a profesional, it was revealed to be only a trifle.
Offerings of money and various valuable goods was not enough to propitiate the greedy ruler.
1. The stunt man lived a precarious life.
2. I got a new lawyer because of my old one's avarice.
3. They spent hours haggling over the price of meat.
4. The boy's prowess led to his death in war.
5. The child put flowers on his mother's grave and walked away dolefully.
The termagent mother did not let her children misbehave.
It was difficult to build the house on the morass land.
After my mother grounded me, I tried to propitiate her by baking her favorite cookies.
Since Joe is very strong, I surmise that he works out a lot.
During mass, the priest consecrates the Eucharist.
To us his ways of worship were weird but in his country it is prevalent and widely accepted.
This situation was a quagmire because we couldnt think of any way to get out of it.
She had to be let go because of her precarious ways and never being able to pull the trigger on the deals
The incantation she recited scared the children away and they never bothered her again.
Because she was so melancholy we decided to cheer her up
1. Those who honor God’s rules will go zionward unlike Tom Walker who made a deal with the devil.
2. I borrowed some rhino from my parents and said I would pay them back even though I most likely won’t.
3. My dog’s constant clapperclawing at the door annoyed me so I let her in.
4. The lady hated the usurer so much for taking all her money that she started a riot in front of his home that drove off all the rest of his customers.
5. Land Jobbers make lots of money because there is always a demand for more undeveloped land.
Not being able to pay off his debt on his own he went to a usurer hoping things would later pick up.
On the plane ride to Hong Kong i sat next to a very termagant women on the plane, making it even longer.
Sometimes when people talk to you and you zone out your are perplexed later as to what they are talking about.
In the morning the water was so stagnant you could see your reflection.
The losing team sauntered off the field.
1 People who go to an usurer shouldn'tbe trusted with money.
2 I don't kno where there is any morass.
3 My music teacher heard witches chanting an incantation one night in the woods.
4 Every sunday the priest conscrate the bread and wine.
5 When I was younger i used to feel forlorn.
Our pathway led us to a morass, so we ended up with muddy shoes.
Be careful because that book on the high shelf is in a very precarious position and may fall on your head.
She looked at the man with askance seeing as he had been the last person in the room in which her purse was stolen.
The stench of carrion eventually led to the uncovering of a murder victim.
The old witch muttered an incantation to curse the entire town as she was burned at the stake.
We knew that once they brought out the battering rams that our impregnable walls would be knocked down.
When I ordered fried snails I had an askance premonition that it would not be good.
That old tarnished ring had no value to me, it was basically a trifle object.
It is nearly impossible to be so doleful on a Friday!
Nuns are not perfect educators because of her termagant personality.
1) Not many people can pay the usurer because of his high interest.
2) His team had won but he still looked very doleful.
3) He was very surly this morning after all of that candy.
4) The fundraiser had raised a superfluos amount of money.
5) My brother and sister always haggle over the smallest things.
1. She regrets her decision to borrow money from the usurer because she now has more interest to pay back then she normally would have.
2. The kids came across an old house that was located on morass grounds.
3. Her new 2010 Camaro seemed to be an ostentation of her wealth.
4. At mass, the priest always consecrates the eucharist before anyone consumes it.
5. In old stories, witches are portrayed as termagant women.
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