Friday, December 04, 2009

Green Class unit 6 vocab

Choose any four words from unit 6 and write four sentences using those words correctly in context.

Your vocab quiz will be made up from these sentences.


At 7:59 PM, Anonymous EB GEEN. said...

The teenager's bizarre style of clothing distracted everyone at the mall as they walked by.

The boys words were so heinous it made the girl cry.

The principles decision of having school today is immutable.

The boy contrived a plan for how to sneak out of the house on the weekends.

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous CA Green said...

1. The bizarre man was sitting in a corner by himself and didn’t even say a word.
2. Her mother was very brusque with not letting her daughter go to the party and made no exceptions.
3. His parents castigated him after sneaking out of the house, shoplifting, and running from the police.
4. The immutable girl was going down the wrong path in life and refused to get help.

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous AN green said...

1. His medication seems to increase his bizarre behaviors instead of controlling them.
2. The storm was transmuted into a very light mist.
3. Parents tend to get vicarious pleasure from their children's achievements.
4. My sister's job at Rita's is considered a sinecure.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous AMD green said...

1.The notorious jewelry thief contrived an ingenious plan to steal the precious pink diamond.

2.The young boy attempted to steal the cookie in a surreptitious way, but his mother still caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

3.The principal attempted to castigate the troublesome boy, but even the harshest punishment given still didn't make him change his ways.

4.The owner attempted to cajole her frightened dog from under the bed after the thunderstorm.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous KO Green said...

The riot was led by one of the most insurgent people of the era.

I tried to find out what was wrong with her, but all she gave me was a brosque shoulder shrug.

The weather as of late has been very anomalous in regards to previous years.

I tried desperately to cajole a response from my daughter, who has been in a coma for the past few months.

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous DW Green said...

his three hour long speech caused ennui among everybody in the auditorium.

her racist comments were had so much aspersion to them it caused a riot.

after the malfunction killing 3 people the government stepped in and forced a brusque stop to the experiment

if i want something done i need to cajole my family into submission

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous AT green said...

His bizarre eating habits lead everyone else at the table to lose their appetites.

Her inappropriate question lead me to give her a very brusque answer.

The soccer team contrived a plan to sabotage the opposing team.

The woman lived vicariously through the relationship of the love birds on her favorite show.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous ML Green said...

1.)He cajoled his teacher into giving him a better grade on his term paper.
2.)The heinous crime committed sentenced the criminal to life in prison.
3.)In chemical reactions, chemicals transmute from one substance to another.
4.)Her sinecure allowed her to make her own work schedule.

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous JL Green said...

I was looking forward to reading the artists views on the subject mentioned in the interview, but his response was so quick and brusque that there was very little to learn from it.

Although the movie was harshly castigated in the reviews, I found it to be very enjoyable.

While some insurgents rebel for a valiant cause, their methods of doing so are often violent and unnecessarily destructive.

I'd been looking forward to retirement for my entire life, but I had no idea it was such an ennui.

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous AS green said...

1. The girl's bizzare behavior caused her to be looked upon as odd and different.

2. My friends acted with cajole when I was worried I was sick.

3. The boy keying his friend's brand new car was such a heinous act.

4. Because of the mother's annoyed attitude, you responded to her son's question in a brosque way.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous AM green said...

My brother's bizarre hair always catches people's attention.

She tried to cajole her cat into jumping up on her lap.

The heinous criminal did not care who he hurt as he tried to rob a bank.

The teacher castigated the boy for merely not having his shirt tucked in.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous EM Green said...

They contrived a plan to rob the bank.

In most movies there is one heinous character that always tries to ruin the main character's life in some way.

Evolution has to do with the idea that things have transmuted over time.

It is not considered anomalous in Italy to eat half a pound of bread a day.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous JC GREEN said...

Whenever I would like to go somewhere i must cajole my mother into driving me there and picking me up.
People who can't drive usually make brusque stops in the middle of the road.
Back in the early 70's the mafia or Italian mob would contrive ways to get rich quick by stealing a foreign shipment.
Prisoners of war are often forced to be fettered together with other prisoners to prevent escape from the camps.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous CM green said...

The man's brusque exit from her house and the fact that he slammed the door after left her stunned.

He castigated his dog for trying to bite every person that walked into his house.

The fetters around his feet would surely insure that he would not escape.

Even though it seems that we should be able to crush the insurgents in Iraq, we have been fighting for a very long time now.

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous km green said...

A very sinecure job in my opinion is a snow plower.

It would be quite anomalous if the Eagles won the super bowl this year.

9/11 is widely considered the most heinous act committed on american soil.

Obama is making the prisoners of guantanamo bay be released from their fetters and some have even had trials.

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous B.D green said...

1. After many trials he was finally convicted of all the heinous crimes that he had commited.

2. We had to contrive an idea of how to throw the suprise party.

3. Chemistry always caused ennui among the class.

4. I canjoled my mom into letting me attend the party.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous NL Green said...

Alchemist, who were primitive chemist and magicians, tried to transmute lead into gold.

The criminals heinous crime put the family in grief for many years.

The architect contrived many wonderful ideas about new, modern structures for future buildings.

Many dangerous insurgents plague the Afghan mountains and pose as threats to American troops.

At 10:56 PM, Anonymous J. K. Green said...

1) Your heinous will not go unpunished. 

2) Your brusque manner is why you don't have extended conversations. 

3) The virus transmuted itself into a more resilient form. 

4)I tried to cajole my teacher into giving me an A.

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous KC green said...

1. my sister cajoled me into keeping her secret by promising to finish my chores.

2. In every horror movie there is a character who's considered heinous.

3. Babysitting my ten year old cousin seemed like a sinecure job compared to babysitting his 2 year old sister.

4. People say that stage mothers live vicariously through their children.


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