Friday, December 04, 2009

Blue Class unit 6 vocab

Choose any four words from unit 6 and write four sentences using those words correctly in context.

Your vocab quiz will be made up from these sentences.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous JM Blue said...

1. Ever since the star baseball player was beaned in the head with a ball that brisk fall afternoon, he baseball skills have been anomalous ever since.

2. The pretty girl cajoled the desperate boy that she would give him a kiss if he gave her 100 dollers, the girl though had no intention of giving him a kiss.

3. When the boy asked him mom if he could get a car, he got a brusque response.

4. Over the summer, i had a very sinecure job.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous P.G. Blue said...

Being covetous of his new lunchbox, I quickly contrived a plan to obtain it for myself.

Few things in our society are immutable, as we are perpetually evolving and advancing.

Perhaps the most infamous casualty of megalomania is Adolf Hitler, who's delusion of power and greatness would terrorize millions.

The youths were castigated mercilessly for their vicious offense.

Nothing is more offensive to me when someone is brusque and dismissive to me for no discernible reason.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous a.r blue said...

It always made me uncomfortable to look in the eyes of my bizarre neighbor even though he never did or said anything out of the ordinary.

His brusque attitude always seemed to get him in trouble with every friend he made.

Girls can usually cajole their fathers into buying them whatever they want.

When the boy I babysit did something wrong and I told his parents, they seemed to castigate him more than I expected and afterwards I felt bad.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous DC blue said...

Although your birthday may be on a different day of the week each year, the date will always be immutable.

After Chris castigated Sarah, it was obviously that it was time to break up.

Some places in the world get snow in July and September, where here it would be called bizarre.

After spending many hours at the recording studio the director called practice to a brusque stop.

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous nrblue said...

The seventy degree weather during December is very bizarre in Delaware.

Some parents castigate their children for even the smallest things.

The fetter on his ankles left him with cuts and bruises when he was released from jail.

A teenagers first job should be a sinecure one because the important lesson is that they are learning to earn for themselves.

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous jth blue said...

1. The hyenas in the movie the Lion King were evil, even their laughs were heinous.

2.The man proved to be a bad witness as his statements were not consistent and immutable.

3. After surreptitiously looking at them throughout the dance they were able to approach the group of movie stars.

4. The classes Theology teacher attempted to transmute his classes views on religion.

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous HO BLUE said...

1. To fit into her busy schedule of school and practice, Anna applied for a sinecure job of scooping ice cream.

2. After living in a rural area his whole life, the fast paced life of New York city seemed completely bizarre to him

3. Teenagers always contrive the most complicate plans, that always go wrong because the of the many loopholes in them.

4. His friends always stated that his girlfriend could cajole him into doing anything for her.

5. The brusque stop in their conversation made the girl wonder if she said anything offensive.

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous EB blue said...

She cajoled him into going to the Live Nativity at a church and he then accepted Christ as his savior.

We thought the woman was dressed in bizzare clothes for halloween, but then quickly remembered it was already November.

The jews were castigated in the consentration camps.

Being a nurse, I quickly contrived a plan when I saw a man lying on the floor in the mall.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous TuckerH. Blue said...

1. They contrived how to get past the security guards unnoticed.

2. My ennui with the art class was caused by my lack of interest; consequently, I received a lower grade than I had hoped for.

3. The mother tried to cajole her unwilling baby into eating.

4. Deep in the rainforests of Brazil you can find many bizarre animal species.

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anna S. Blue said...

Though I appreciate Christmas lights too many of them can create a bizarre scene.

After many years of toiling away at the company the man had finally earned himself a sinecure.

With precise planning, the criminals contrived a plan to rob the bank.

Even though I felt as if I couldn’t eat any more I cajoled myself in eating a piece of pumpkin pie.

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous KM Blue said...

Many wanted the criminals to get the death penalty for their heinous crimes.

She realized that her job was sinecure when she got paid for the day she missed.

Her decorations were most bizarre, easily making her house stand out.

The group started to contrive a plan to get into the house, somehow overlooking the unlocked front door.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous KA blue said...

1.No one at the meeting could take the lady seriously because of the bizarre christmas sweater she was wearing.

2. All daddy's girls can easily cajole their dads into anything by just giving them a big hug and smile.

3. The whole neighborhood was suspicious of the new heinous neighbor, who hated children and was bitter to everyone who passed by.

4. After the rain and the light snow had fallen, the wet ground quickly transmuted to ice overnight.

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous JP blue said...

We begged the principal to shorten our detention time but his decision was immutable.

Many teenagers get sinecure jobs since they didnt want to work hard.

"I want to go to dinner right now!" asked the husband of the professor, in a brusque manner.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous ERblue said...

1. During a chemical change: one chemical is transmuted into a new chemical.
2. Her sinecure job makes it easy to get up every morning.
3. He's often very brusque with his opinions and doesn't think about how they will effect people.
4. I cajoled my sister to let me take her car out for the night.

At 4:09 PM, Anonymous KS blue said...

1. My mom went to the doctor complaining of chest pains, they sent her to the hospital because she had an anomalous heartbeat.

2. My sister and I both wanted the last piece of pie, but I cajoled her into letting me have it in exchange for two dollars.

3. When Lauren snuck out friday night after her dad told her not to he became furious and castigated her.

4. When traveling to the moon, astronauts have to contrive and follow very intricate plans as to not mess up.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous JL Blue said...

The child fought for the toy in a brusque manner.

Sam I Am did not want to eat green eggs and ham, but after I tried to cajole him he was persuaded.

The laws of physics are constant and immutable.

The title of executive producer is the typification of a sinecure.

At 8:09 PM, Anonymous AK Blue said...

1. the older sibling cajoled his baby brother into giving him his cookie with over flattery and promises.
2. the evil doctors master plan was contrived one day while sitting in his dark study.
3. Once he gained back his freedom after being in prision for ten years the criminal instantly went back to performing heinous crimes.
4. The lifegaurding joke was a sinecure and paid so much that everyone was fighting for a chance interview.

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous ST blue said...

1. The long lasting fight between the teacher and the insurgent teenager seemed like it was never going to end.

2. I love when people tell classic stories about the heinous villian who quarrels with the hero while protecting citizens.

3. The variable in this experiment was immutable and remained the same the whole time.

4. When we have to do chores at home, I always choose the most sinecure so I don't have much work to do.

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous KR blue said...

At first it seemed like a sinecure job, but after I started I realized it was a lot more work then I had thought it would be.

She tried to not seem brusque, but She was tired of being asked so many questions.

They were given a detention to castigate them for being late ot class so many times.

After trying to cajole his parents for awhile, they finally gave in and gave him more money.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous LC blue said...

The boy spent days preparing for the job interview and was surprised at the brusque denial.

After racing after the run away criminal for quite a while, when the police officer caught him, he fettered him with pride.

Mary could not stand the heinous group of materialistic women that she had to work with, so she finally quit her job.

After the architect spent months finishing up the blue prints, he made sure that everyone knew that they where immutable.

The boys were surreptitious as they snuck by their sleeping mother to get the cookies from the kitchen.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous LW Blue said...

The boy cajoled his mother into buying him a toy car for christmas by helping her around the house.

One of the students is very good at contriving excuses for not doing their homework, one of these days they're going to get in a lot of trouble if they get caught.

The laws are immutable, so it is very hard to convince an officer that it isn't your fault if you have done something wrong.

The dogs were trained to stay in the front yard when they were outside, the girl was very nervous when her dogs transgressed the line and went missing.

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Dq blue said...

Have you ever wondered how a priest could contrive a new homily week after week.
On a Monday morning i look at the week ahead with ennui.
Most kids can cajole their parents into buying them anything.
If you are convicted of a heinous crime you'll be sent the big house.

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous DH Blue said...

1. Jeff was very brusque and to the point. He didn't like wasting time.

2. The convicted was sentenced with life in prison for the heinous crime of murder.

3. During the war in Vietnam, there was an insurgent group called the Vietcong, who aided American troops.

4. Adolf Hitler used the demagogue of Jews being inferior to gain power.

5. Many people who have strong faith in their religion are immutable and won't listen to new things.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous d.t.purple said...

1. Although the young adult complained about his job, it was a sinecure position.

2. In our chemistry class we learned how to transmute different liquids.

3. Watching my favorite team win a championship gave me a vicarious feeling of accomplishment.

4. America has an immutable law of freedom.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous CG Blue said...

1. The girl felt like her creative ability was being fettered in the scrict, confining school.
2. The friends contrived what was in their opinion the cleverest April Fools joke to play on their teacher.
3. Some people think being a secretary to the head of a company is a sinecure, but it is actually extremely hectic and stressful.
4. The man cajoled the child into stealing the watch, promising candy, then left him to take the blame for the crime.


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