Sophs #2 journal--NATURE-teacher, soother, healer

What has been your experience with Mother Nature? Choose to write about one of these four topics.
1. I learned a lesson from this incident with or observing nature
2. This natural experienced solaced me
3. This natural experience exhilarated me
4. I have no such natural story. I prefer the indoors, and I'll tell you why
Need some brainstorming help? Think about your experience with animals, maybe your pets. The animals around your house. Your vacations at the beach, camping in the mountains, or just hiking through the woods. Nothing is too insignificant to write about. Remember, William Wordsworth wrote about viewing a field a daffodils (see link) how can still dance with the daffodils.
One lesson that I have learned from nature is never to underestimate it. When I was at the beach with my cousin and a few of his friends we rented a boat to go fishing to see if we could catch anything. We were out in the bay and it was kind of stormy weather really foggy and we caught an undersized fish which you have to throw back or you will be fined, Unfortunately we decided to keep it. Later we noticed the Coast guard were boarding boats to check fich which we never expected so Brett decided to quickly leave the bay and go into the ocean. At first it was alright but then we started flying through the air over the waves and almost going under them for about 10 minutes until we got back and we were all okay. That is how I learned this lesson.
Two years ago I went to northern Minnesota and canoed into through the boundary waters in Canada and came back. The whole trip was about 90 miles and it showed me a lot about life, nature, and everything. Everyday I woke up and went to the water and nothing was moving and nothing was making a sound. You could see your reflection in the water like it was a mirror and when you got out in to it you could see the bottom of a 40foot deep lake, quite and experience when you can only see about a foot in the water at Rehobeth. None of the lake we went to were alike, in one day you could go through a river get to another like that looks like a swamp and the next has a beach and went on as far as you could see. I’d say this experience taught me, exhilarated me and solaced me and gave me a new appreciation for everything around us.
I have no such natural story because I prefer the indoors over nature, and I'll tell you why. I'm not saying that I hate nature; I do think that nature is beautiful. Although, I can’t say that I have learned a lesson or had an exhilarating experience with nature. The one reason I like the indoors over nature is because I hate being outside, unless it is perfect and warm weather. I hate being outside especially when it is scorching hot in the summer and freezing in the winter because it is so uncomfortable. I like being indoors because you can always control the temperature in your house. I also always know that I am safe when I am at home. I would much rather look outside my window at nature than actually be outside. I love indoor pets because they are almost always friendly and playful, unlike outdoor or wild animals. Overall, I think being indoors is a lot better because it's more comfortable and safe, and I would choose it any day over being outside.
The natural experience that exhilarated me is when my family first got our boat, and we went for a short ride in the bay when the sun was about to set. On our way back from our ride, the sun was setting, the water was rippling from the wind, and there were little to no clouds. The clouds that were there, were pink, and you could see the sun and cloud's reflection in the water. It was a warm, but not too hot evening, and there were birds in the sky. This experience exhilarated me because it was so pretty i had never noticed how beautiful nature could be, until that one evening. Now, every summer i like to go on a ride in our boat when the sun is about to set, and sit back and relax to watch the beautiful sunset.
Most people enjoy the outdoors or something dealing with nature, but for me personally I hate the outdoors and everything dealing with nature. Ever since I was little my famous line has always been “I hate nature”. Whenever I see a bug whether it being a tiny spider or some other type of creepy-crawly, I freak out. No matter how old I get I will always need my mom or dad to kill the bugs in my room. I’ll always use that classic line “Daddy, can you come kill the bug PLEASE!?” I will never forget the time when I went camping with my sister, godfather and his wife. We were down at a state park and my sister and I were heading out to go get our showers. As we were standing in the bathhouse trying to get our bath things situated my sister looked down and saw this enormous bug on my leg. She began to freak out and once I noticed the bug I too screamed at the top of my lungs. I kicked the bug off ran into the nearest shower and was scarred for life. The entire time that I was taking a shower I was so paranoid that the bug was either on my leg or going to come into the shower. This creature was at least 6 inches long! After no sight of the bug for a while I calmed down but only to our surprise on our way out, there was the bug sitting on the floor right in front of the door. All I could do was close my eyes and run for my life out the door and back to our campsite. It goes without saying that I never went camping again. On top of everything else when summertime comes I swear I’m the only person in the state that mosquitoes bite! Sitting outside for one minute will get me about twenty bites and I’m not exaggerating. Nature and myself don’t mix. I stay inside as much as I can. “I hate nature” will always be my famous words. I love the indoors and I always will no matter how beautiful nature may look sometimes and I will always be looking at through a two inches of glass.
My unusual experiences with nature definitely solaced me. Due to the fact that when my family and I were going camping in the middle of Alaska picking up fire wood like any other normal family. Yet when my brother Alex found a stick in a bush that was smooth he tried to get it out but it would budge. Then all of a sudden the stick moved and a mother moose stood up it did some crazy call and started charging for us. After running for a couple of minutes I started to cry. Then out of nowhere the moose stopped looked around then started running back into the woods. We never found out what really happened to the moose but I always like to think I saved the day! So even though it is sort of a traumatic story it makes feel proud of myself that I scarred away a mother moose. Another solaced experience with nature that I had was when my mom made my brothers and I go night kayaking in killens pond. Now all of us were fine with this idea since it sound like fun, but when I got in the boat everything was okay until we went under all of these trees that were hanging down over the water. I was sharing a kayak with my oldest brother Simon and he wanted to get to my brothers speed.So when we went around everyone else then all of a sudden I screamed at the top of my lungs when a spider that was about four inches big landed on my head. Now that does not sound too bad but I had a experience with spiders in the first grade that has scared me for life. So I ended up falling out of the kayak and almost freezing to death (lucky me). Both of these story have very much impacted my life yet even though there are some good ones the bad ones will always take the place of the good.
Two years ago me and my family went to Wyoming to see the Grand Teton Mountains and to see the spectacular geysers in Yellowstone national park. I remember staying up late the night before with excitement packing my belongs for the week and half long trip. I woke up in the morning, around five a.m. I was really tired from staying up late. I remember gathering my belongs, checking to make sure I had everything. I got in the car thinking I was going to sleep, but I couldn’t, there was to much anticipation. I remember getting out of the car at the BWI airport with sleep still in my eyes. It was a very exhausting morning. I thought I would get some sleep on the plane as I hadn’t got any sleep in the car. Alas to no avail was I getting any sleep on the plane. So trying to entertain my sleepy body I looked out the window of the plane. I looked on the landscape blankly for a while until I realized what I was looking at. It was beautiful. I remember that we were just crossing the Mississippi and the river wound away in the distance, but I could still see miles and miles of it. It was gently rolling across the landscape like a giant snake. The colors on the ground were perfect and enticing I just wanted to fall and touch them. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. So to the sound of the plane and the sights of the beautiful landscape I fell asleep.
I have and always will enjoy the many great attributes of nature, whether it be solace or excitement, but when I went camping in Algonquin Park, Ontario for three weeks I found that nature affected me most notably through its almost inscrutable consolation. Such a beautiful, serene place entices deep, relaxing thoughts in me, and the uniqueness of nature can therefore allure unique thoughts and ideas. The calmness of nature can truly help a person discover many things mentally and spiritually, and can change how a person looks at society or their life. When I am in nature, I don’t just see and recognize its beauty, I try my best to interact and realize that I am a part of it. Experiencing nature in its purest form somehow induces my mind and body to free itself of all extraneous worries and burdens. I never realized how truly beautiful nature could be, and as such I had never felt so much repose while in the presence of anything else.
Nature is one of the few things in life that you can enjoy for free. It can be exhilarating, relaxing, and fast changing. My favorite experience with nature happens every year. I love the feeling of the first time at the beach in a new summer. I don’t like the cold, and after dragging through what seems like an endless winter, the only thing I want to do is go to the beach. Life at the beach seems so much more relaxed than anywhere else. It amazes me how the warm weather, and the sound of crashing waves can mellow everyone’s mood. Luckily living in Delaware you don’t have to travel too far to get there, and during the summer I’m there almost every weekend. Myrtle Beach South Carolina is the one place where my entire family gets together once a year, and the aspect of everyone together at my favorite place makes me love the beach even more. The beach has created so many of my best memories throughout the years and there are still many more to come. It is my favorite place to be and I’m constantly counting down the days until that first nice weekend of summer.
Nature is something that should be appreciated in this world. It has been here much longer than us, and is beautiful to watch as it changes throughout the year. I enjoy the outdoors a lot, especially when the weather is perfect. I like when it’s sunny and warm because I can spend the whole day outside without a care in the world. There are many experiences I have had with nature. They range from camping trips with my family to exciting vacations at the beach. The most exhilarating landscape I have seen is the stunning mountains of Tennessee. I went there this year during the best season of all, autumn. Since I was away from home this nature experience solaced me during my trip. The mountains were very soothing, I could sit there and gaze at them all day as they cast a shadow on the ground. I also loved the bright blue river that flowed along the curves of the mountains. Nature is everywhere and can be seen from every corner of the world. I like when I get time to think about how interesting the outdoors is. My favorite part of the day is when the sun is setting in the multicolored sky. That’s when nature is most beautiful. Mother Nature really knows how to impress people and bring so much beauty to the world. I adore my surroundings a lot and would never trade it for anything.
When I think of nature at its finest I think of a place that is special to me, that place is the Florida Keys. To me the natural beauty of this place can consume me so that I forget everything about home and can clear my head of inhabitances and fears. One of my favorite experiences there was when my family and I were swimming in shallow ocean water. There a small Hammerhead Shark swam right through my group of family members. It was so magical to me that an animal with such a violent reputation was so docile as it swam by us as if we weren’t even there. Just like the man in To A Waterfowl I wanted to reach out and ask this shark questions about where it had been, what kind of fish had it seen, and if sharks were really as mean as they say on TV. And when my young cousin tried to reach out and give the shark a hug I somehow understood him because he just wanted to be closer to such an amazing world under the sea. Through relating this poem to a personal experience I can see exactly how the author of To A Waterfowl could question the enigmas of nature. In fact the romantic writers seem as if they would accept nature and its beauty as a mystery and not as just things.
What I learned from nature when hurricane katrina and my friend was there, Ulearned that youshold make every momentount and treat the one you love as best as you can because you neverknow when something unpredictable mght come alog an sweep them away. I now think this everday and do make eery moment count qith my friends, family, and other people I now alwaystreat them how I woud want tem toremember me b if something were to ever happen to me or them unpredictably and without notice. This lifestyle has led me to have great relationships with people I care about and even hough I'm nt glad the hurricane happene, I am glad about the lesson I learned from it.
What I learned from nature when hurricane katrina and my friend was there, Ulearned that youshold make every momentount and treat the one you love as best as you can because you neverknow when something unpredictable mght come alog an sweep them away. I now think this everday and do make eery moment count qith my friends, family, and other people I now alwaystreat them how I woud want tem toremember me b if something were to ever happen to me or them unpredictably and without notice. This lifestyle has led me to have great relationships with people I care about and even hough I'm nt glad the hurricane happene, I am glad about the lesson I learned from it.
Nature is beautiful in many ways, but I have never had an experience with nature that has exhilarated me in such ways. I would much rather be inside where you can control the happenings around you. When your outside, nothing is ever perfect. Some days could be extremely hot while other days are freezing cold. Inside my house, I can control the temperature everyday. Some days it could be raining, snowing, or other types of percipitation. My house keeps me away from all of that. Being outside has many flaws, but being inside in my eyes is so much better. My house gives me everything I need to survive everyday. The outside gives be nothing. The inside keeps me safe while the outside can't always guarantee that. These are just a few of the reasons I'd rather be inside than outside. I don't hate nature, but I prefer the inside and i'll go outside when the temperature is perfect. Around the summer time when it's 65 or 75 degrees. I love the summer, but hate the winter.
One time about three years ago, I was sitting on our porch bench one Sunday in spring, trying to right a journal about my weekend for my English class. I wasn't quite expecting what happened next and it really spiced up my journal. so, all of a sudden I here a loud rustling coming from the tree to the left that was fairly far away. I thought it may have been a bird so I looked to see if I could see what kind it was. In the spring we get many unique looking birds that live in the trees towards that area of our house. I looked and looked, but there was no bright colored bird, or any bird for that matter. As I was sitting there, I thought to myself what in the world could have possibly made that noise! So then I decide to take a second glance and low and behold holding on to the trunk of the tree for dear life is my snow white cat, Blizard. She hops down and trots over and says high, loudly purring like she always does. At first I was thinking how could I have missed her, but it was easily explained considering it is an incredibly tall tree with lots of leaves. I then thought to myself how did she get up there! She is your typical fat lazy cat so climbing up a ten foot tree for fun is not exactly something I would have expected from her! It was so exciting, and it really made me see nature in a hole new light because it showed me just how much she loved it and that maybe I should love nature a little more too!
One interesting incident that first came to mind after reading this blog happened over the summer with my sister. I finally had convinced her to go to take our two dogs on a walk in the woods. It was gorgeous day and not to hot but just right. After we got deeper into the woods and she stopped complaining, she actually began to appreciate the scenery and comment on its beauty without sarcasm. This of course was nice since she finally understood why I walk my dog down there so much. Once we got to a clearing in the woods with a few creeks and streams she was really enjoying herself which was nice. But after awhile I showed her where this huge tree and fallen and landed in between the branches of another tree creating a makeshift bridge. I told her that I climbed it all the time (and I did) that it was perfectly safe and I had never fallen. After much persuasion she finally agrees to go up on and it amazed at the view. Shortly after she falls 12 feet to the forest floor screaming her head off, I shouted down to her and asked if she was okay all the while climbing down to help her. She, shockingly, says she is okay and is actually laughing. At this point I start laughing and help her out. She hasn’t been in the woods since but I think the trek into the woods definitely opened my sister’s eyes and she enjoyed it.
One experience in nature that exhilerated me was when my family drove 10 hours north to Saranac Lake, New York. Saranac Lake is a small town near Lake Placid where Olympics can be held. Saranac has quaint stores and little diners to eat in. But the most famous things around, are the giant mountains. In fact, one of them is named Giant. There are 46 High peaks and my dad has climed around 24 of them! Including Giant and he has climbed several of them twice. Mount Marcy is the tallest. He has also climbed ones smaller and my mom and I have too. But we mainly do walks that are flat near lakes and ponds. The cabin we stay in is right on Lake Flower and our friends next door have a boat we take out. Being around all the beauty of the nature and the quiteness of it all really puts me in a nice please. It helps me focus on whats important - God and family and friends. Not all the hustle and bustle. Its nice to be around God's gorgeous creation and breathe in clean air for once. I love Saranac Lake and the food up there (And the local Highschool football team - Red Storm - shirts) but I hate the long drive up.
I’ve always found the woods to be an interesting and exciting place to explore, and most of the positive experiences I’ve with nature have come from walking through them. When I was younger, I used to go with my friends to a woods right near the edge of my neighborhood. There were multiple ways to get there from our neighborhood, but our usual path was to crawl through the trees behind our houses, end up in a field for the school next door, and follow a path made by that school to enter. One day, as we were following this path, we took note of all of the small puddles that had formed as a result heavy rains from many days prior to this one. One puddle stuck out from the rest of them, and we were instantly humbled by what we saw in it: thousands of tiny tadpoles swimming around. As far as my experiences with nature go, I would have to say this one was the most exhilarating. There were four of us there, staring at this swarm of tadpoles, amazed with how many there were, their location, and how exciting it was to watch them swim around the puddle. While to some people, it may not seem too interesting, when you’re maybe ten years old, it’s quite a sight to behold. It’s been a long time since I’ve visited that path, and from what I remember, it’s become very overgrown and is probably unusable in its current state. Still, the memory of traveling it that one day I’ll likely never forget.
This summer, i went to the Pocono's. Before I went i thought that i would hate it, because i am more of a city and beach guy, where a lot of people were. The beginning of the trip was like what i expected, cold rainy, and it didn't have many people because it wasn't 'summer season yet'. But there was one experience while i was there that exhilerated me and got me thinking, and that was when we went white water rafting through the Appalachain Mountains on the Lehigh River. When we first started our trip, we had to take a bus to the top of the river in a smelly boat, with smelly life jackets, carrying our paddles and lunches, and our raft. I thought to myself "todays gonna stink." When we first took off our on raft the water was freezing, almost like ice. 10 minutes in i was thinking this was easy and after we passed our first rapid I thought it wasnt going to be fun. I was wrong! The guide told us that the 2nd rapid is probably the strongest ones of all of the rapids on the Lehigh river. I laughed and didn't think much until it was right in front of me. I fell off the raft in the beginning of the rapid, and my knees and stomach got all cut up, because i didn't follow the directions of floating back on correctly. I then realized that this would be pretty tough. That exhilerated me, but the most exhilerating at all was the scenery. While on the calm parts of the river, just looking up at all of the moutains surrounding you was breath taking, also looking at the hawks and all of the birds was pretty cool too, we couldn't have gotten a better day to go the sun was shining and in the high 70's. All of the other days we were there it rained and was in the 40's and 50's.
Nature can be very exhilarating in many ways. One of the most exhilarating nature experiences I have ever seen was when I went snorkeling in the Caymans Islands. The sights I witnessed were beautiful. When you become up close and personal with a 6 foot barracuda you find out how exhilarating nature can really be. Not to mention the colorful schools of fish, beautiful coral reefs, and deadly sting rays. If you think watching about nature in the ocean on TV is exciting, then you better think again. Swimming around with the hundreds of different fish and sea creatures is relaxing, but also very breathe taking beautiful sight. The world is a gorgeous place and people need to have a personal experience with nature and all its exhilarations.
Every year my Popop rents a cabin in the upper Pocono mountains. It is right up against a big lake and we go out fishing most of the time. There are probably only 30 cabins in the are so its somewhat isolated. My cousins and i go up for a few days and its very relaxing. Except for the mosquitoes i love being outdoors. Around the cabin the deer and chipmunks aren't as afraid of people and the might come right up to you. You might even see a few wild turkeys. Also there are a ton of berry bushes around and you can just snack on some while your walking.
Once me and my cousin decided to venture away from the lake and up a hill into the woods there were some small paths and we went pretty deep. Being that far from civilization is calming and the silence is serene. We could have kept going but we decided to turn back in fear of getting lost. I hope to keep going to the cabin with my family for many more years and experiencing nature for a few days a year.
Nature is such a mystifying thing. It can both solace and exhilarate me at the same time. I have had terrifying and horrible experiences with nature, and wonderfully breathtaking experiences, and it all comes down to me being so astounded with the diversity and unity of nature. The ocean in all its glory is something to experience, for I both love and fear it. I look out at the expanse of water and marvel at how it can look so serene and fearsome at once. I love to snorkel, seeing all the colourful fish, so many species, all swimming in harmony with one another and the constant rolling of the waves. It’s so peaceful to just float along, following the activities of one interesting fish. But, at the same time, I’m petrifyed of the silence, of how fathomless it seems, and it’s unnerving to try to comprehend such a thing. Even when I’m with a group of people, it can make you seem so alone, I am prone to hypervenilating when I let thoughts get into my head. Even though the ocean makes me shake uncontrollably and terribly disturbs me, I can still find peace and beauty in it. That is the magical thing about nature, its ability to instill so many contrasting emotions into me all at the same time, and it’s why I have such a profound appreciation for it.
A few years ago I learned that although nature can be beautiful and breathtaking, it can also be very dangerous at the same time. Around four and a half years ago I was playing around at a creek with my brother and a friend of ours from school. I remember watching the water moving slowly across the banks of rocks that was in front of us, and the temperature of the water being freezing even though it was summer. The creek was in the beginning of some woods, so all you saw were trees and the water, a picture perfect memory for some rainforest magazine. To get a better look, I ran ahead of the others and tried to stand on a rock near the edge of the creek, which didn’t turn out to well. Either the rock wasn’t sturdy enough, or the water began picking up, somehow the rock turned and I slipped off falling head first into piles of rocks along the creek. The boys ended up catching up to me and seeing if I was alright, and I remember saying I was and that my head just hurt. I didn’t know that my head was bleeding terribly and that the blood was streaming down my face till my brother started running for help, screaming. The walk back to my parents was horrifying, as I recall. This incident really taught me that nature is unpredictable and even though you may have known the place back and forth, there’s always something that can go wrong. Don’t judge a book by its cover describes this lesson as well.
unique it is but what I've seen is amazing. Sunsets and sunrises are so wondrous, the way the sky turns different shades of purple and pink. Each day brings something so new it leaves me refreshed and looking forward to the opportunities that day may bring, I like when the leaves change colors to oranges and reds it reminds although some cycles are predictable each brings with it a new spin. This is kinds of like the start of a new school year. Much the same in nature but also a very different experience. Animals in nature are so captivating. A lot of things that they do come so naturally and a direct result of nature around them. Sometimes they are hiding in tall grass when nature is in full bloom and other times they are in search of food and shelter from nature when nature is hibernating for the winter. Water in nature exhilarates me, all the different places it appears, the way the tides wash up on the shore and go back out. Or how water can create a waterfall trickling in a river. All of these sights prove to me nature is so fascinating.
Nature is something that is always taken for granted and its impact on us is constantly forgotten. At first, I could not think of a natural experience that was exhilarating or made me feel different until I realized nature factors into your everyday life. When I was younger I was in Girl Scout troop 828. When we were about ten years old we went on our first camping trip. All of us were scared and had no idea what to expect because none of us had been camping before. That day and night we had to learn to work around no electricity and comfort of the indoors to make us stronger and more adventurous. I remember that night’s sleep was the worst night ever. Bugs were crawling everywhere, everyone was constantly screaming or complaining, and just going to the bathroom became a twenty-minute ordeal. Although while on the camping trip I was not having fun, afterwards I realized I understood and appreciated my everyday life much more. Because of this camping trip, I learned how much is actually done for me and realized some of the hardships that people used to face living in the outdoors.
This past summer, my family and I ventured to Alaska, “The Last Frontier”. In Delaware when we had left, it was 85 degrees. We landed in Fairbanks, AK, it was 95 degrees. It was probably one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever experienced. Isn’t Alaska supposed to be freezing? While we were there, however, we were able to take a helicopter up to the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, and walk around on it. As soon as you step on to the glacier, the cold hits you. It may have been warm on land, but the glaciers stay cold year round. They recede a few feet a year from the heat, but during the below-freezing winter, they always advance again. Walking around on this glacier was the most remarkable, breathtaking thing I’ve ever experienced. Glaciers aren’t pure white, as one may think, but more of a grey, there are deep trenches every few feet, and there are small streams of beautifully blue, clear water that you can drink straight out of – bacteria can’t survive on glaciers. To be able do something as unbelievable as walking on a glacier was amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever be able top this incredible experience, and it really made me appreciate the beauty of nature.
Nature to me is something that you can’t take for granted. I have experiences with nature every day just being at my house. No, my house isn’t in the woods or surrounded by a lake, but nature is everywhere around it. There are flowers, trees, bushes, grass, birds, and animals of all kinds. During the winter, I go outside and I can see my breath. Over the distance I see bare trees, frozen ponds, and birds flying south. During the spring, I can go outside and just enjoy myself outdoors with the beautiful weather. I love the feeling of the fresh spring air and how there’s a little breeze. There are birds chirping and flowers blossoming. During the summer, there are weeks when we have our windows open and I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining in on my face. Lastly, during the fall, the leaves are falling, people are enjoying the weather, and the birds are still out. All of the seasons have something special and different about them. Nature is the most important key in all of the seasons. There’s always something special going on that is so remarkable and it does leave me with a feeling of solace. Nature is something I enjoy very much and I never take it for granted.
For the past two years, I have been going to Farmington and Starks Maine for a part of my summer. In Maine, there is beautiful scenery everywhere you look, from the huge lakes and mountains to the small farmhouses on the side of the road. For one of the weeks, I stayed at Camp at The Eastward, in Starks. The camp is in the middle of the forrest, and all week you are surrounded by beautiful landscaping. One of the days, we went on a trip to a lake, and it was breathtaking. It was surrounded by mountains and summer lake homes, and it looked like a scene out of a movie. The fact that this was people homes was a amazing and inspiring to me. I gave me a new look on nature and appreciation for the world around us
One natural experience I had with nature was a camping trip with my family and friends. Birds and grass hoppers were chirping, the camp fire was burning, the sun was shining and the trees were blowing with a nice breeze. This was a exhilarated experience for me because before this I used to hate nature because of all the bugs and being allergic to pollen. For the first time I realized that nature is beautiful and is something we should appreciate more often. Now ever since that camping trip, we have had an annual camping trip.
The biggest lesson I learned from nature is just to enjoy it. When I was little my family and I would go camping and I was always the one who hated it. I was miserable and would complain the entire time. My parents kept telling me to try to enjoy the outdoors, and I never understood why the liked it so much. The year my family moved to Canada is when I finally understood. Canada was by far the coldest climate we had ever lived in. Temperatures would drop as low as twenty five degrees below zero, but I loved it. I had never seen so much snow in my life. It was beautiful waking up in the morning and seeing pure white everywhere! It wasn't the slushy, brownish snow we have here, it was amazing. The snow was what initially got me to go outside more, and then I realized there's so many things to do outdoors. We went ice-skating almost every weekend. Sometimes we went on the canal and others we went next door. My neighbors had a rink in their back yard. Living in Canada opened my eyes to how fun nature can be, and taught me to enjoy it.
One experience with nature that exhilarated me happened last summer. While I was at camp in the middle of nowhere, Virginia, the camp leader asked the whole camp to go outside, find a spot where your alone and think. AFter I found a spot I laid down and look up at the sky. As I laid down every light was turned off. That sky was amazing. I've never seen anything in nature that beautiful. The stars and moon were so bright that it lit the whole camp up. I've never seen anything like it. It made me think abouthow God could have made everything so beautiful. It also gave me a strong sense of peace. Seeing this sight showed me that nature is not just that terrbile force that they only show on the news but a peaceful force that calms.
One of the most important lessons nature has taught me is the ability to recognize poison ivy. Thankfully, I've only experienced poison ivy once, when I was in fifth grade. I was helping my mom with the gardening by pulling weeds. My backyard backs up to woods, and I began weeding there. Not knowing it, I had pulled out a whole plant of poison ivy. I didn't recognize poison ivy's characteristic of three leaves.It didn't really start to affect me until a few hours later, my arms were beet red and incredibly itchy.Luckily, it didn't spread much, and it went away in a couple of days. The most important lesson I learned from this experience is "Leaves of three, let them be".
I've learned the hard way, the lesson of how powerful nature can be. When I was in the Outer Banks this summer, the first day, the water was so calm you could easily walk out and just swim because of the lack of waves and current. The next day, things changed drastically, and after getting out into the water it was almost impossible to get back out, and in order to get out of the water, you'd have to be pummeled by waves and slammed to the ground. Coming back in, I thought the waves would simply push me back to my destination. Well, I was wrong, and my way back to the shore was terrifying, yet strangely exhilarating. I had learned to never second guess the power of nature.
A natural experience that exhilarated me was when I went to my grandparents house in the U.S Virgin Islands. They live on one of the smaller islands called St. Croix. Everything about the island reminds me of how beautiful nature is. My grandparents house is right on the ocean and when it is clear you can see St. Thomas in the distance. Last year my family and I went to visit them around Christmas. The night before we left we were sitting in the living room when a baby sea turtle crawled onto the rug. When baby sea turtles hatch they are supposed to follow the light of the moon into the water. However, when they saw the lights of the house they seemed to have become confused and went the wrong direction. When my sister saw it she started to scream because she did not know what it was. We discovered that the sliding door was open at one end and somehow the turtle had gotten through. We took it outside and put it on the sand and it immediately started going towards the water. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen and it although it was small it was so strong. Once the baby turtle was gone we went back to the house and found about 20 others who had also been mislead by the lights. We spent about an hour picking them all up and leading them in the right direction. This experience was probably the most memorable experience I have about nature. It made me realize how important and beautiful nature is and how harmful we are to it without even noticing.
Nature solaces me. It helps to calm me down after a stressful day. It helps me get my mind off whatever is bothering me by just going for a walk and taking everything in. I can just wind down by a relaxing bird watching expedition. Sometimes i will just sit on our back deck and just watch the world go by. Its relaxing to watch the clouds float through the air and even more relaxing taking a nice long nap outside. In the summer i love sitting on the patio and watching the golfers go by. Me and my family sits out and chats and laugh when we see a "hacker" put one in the lake. I love going into the woods and taking nature hikes. Me and my friends would go every other weekend during the summer. We would also go mountain biking through those trails. In some sections we would do little mock time trials to see who could go through the fastest in a small area. We also built a ramp one time to see who could catch the most air on our bikes.
I don’t really like nature but there is one time I was at the beach that has always made me afraid of birds. One summer I was at the beach with my little cousin and my friend. My cousin was eating french fries then decided to go into the water. My friend and I just stayed where we were and just tanned. Next thing you know all these seagulls came flying over right next to us because my cousin left her french fries out in the open. My friend and I were so scared we ran away screaming, leaving all our stuff there. After about 5 minutes we started to walk back and when we got back the people next to us told us they covered the french fries with one of our towels, and other people were just laughing at us. We were too scared to lay back down so we went down to the water with my cousin. Ever since then, I am terrified of birds even if they are flying in the sky.
My family owns a lake house in this tiny town called Ompah, in Ontario, Canada. The town is so small that the nearest grocery store is 40 minutes away. My grandparents are the main owners of the house but every summer we travel 10 hours to spend a week and a half away from the fast paced world and settle down in our pretty red lake house. We have been going since before I was born and my dad has been going since he was a little boy. Being there makes me appreciate nature so much. My lake house has no cell phone or Internet reception and no cable; however we spend our whole vacation outside enjoying the beauty of the world around us. Some people might not like the idea of not having their cell phone for about two weeks but when you have a huge lake in front of you, your day is full of opportunities. We have a boat and everyday my siblings and my cousins go tubing, wake boarding, and skiing. My grandpa and uncle also go fishing a lot too. When we’re not on the boat we are swimming all the time in the water, or hitting golf balls into the water and then going scuba diving for them. We also feed the chipmunks peanuts and try to get them to climb up our arms, and its always wonderful to see the fast hummingbirds come and drink from the feeders hanging from the porch. When you have a lake and nature all around you, and a hilarious family like mine, you don’t need cable or Internet or texting. After dinner we usually will go down on our dock and enjoy the beautiful sunset, however once the sun goes down the mosquitoes get pretty bad so were forced inside to sit on the screened porch and enjoy the rest of the night looking forward to the next beautiful day.
sorry it's late.
One thing I learned about nature is that though it may be very beautiful it can hold great fury as well. You can see this because nature is beautiful with the flowers, snow, sunsets, sunrises and it is hard to believe that something that is so beautiful can destroy a city with a hurricane or tsunami. Maybe the lesson I learned from nature was not to judge the book by it's cover because nature is a creator as well as a destroyer. Another lesson about nature I have learned is to respect it. If we don't treat nature the way it ought to be treated than terrible things will happen to it and us. For example, because of all the greenhouse gases we produce it has raised temperatures around the world. Because of this we have destroyed many animals homes but it also comes back to us because if we keep raising the temperature than the Polar ice caps could melt and that would cause mass floods. We must preserve nature because if it dies we die.
Unlike some people, I personally do not really enjoy outdoor activities such as camping. I especially do not like bugs crawling all over the place. I'd rather be inside my home than out in the wilderness with a bunch of bugs and snakes. However, one outdoor experience I do enjoy is the snow! One of my most exhilarating experiences with nature was a snow day in 4th grade. I can still remember this day because it was so much fun. I remember waking up and feeling like it was christmas because I loved snow so much. My family and I went to the local sledding hill and I spent the whole day enjoying the snow. At the time I was very little, and I flew off my sled several times, but I would keep getting back up and doing it over and over again. Nature has the ability to really brighten someones day as it did on this snow day. It put me into such a good mood just because I enjoyed the activities that come with the snowfall. Even though nature can sometimes be a pain, I think overall nature is very interesting and exciting!
One lesson that I have learned from nature is how unpredictable it is. Although this may be considered positive, I had a very scary experience because of this. Back about three years ago I went tubing on the Delaware River with my dad and brother, Lucas on what seemed like the perfect sunny day. It started out relaxing and really fun just floating down the river. Out of nowhere I heard a distant sound of thunder, and was really hoping I was imagining it. Twenty minutes passed and the once blue sky changed to the most dark, depressing gray I have ever seen. Bolts of lightening darted through the sky out of nowhere and me, my family, and many others were in the middle of the river during a severe lightening storm. It started pouring and hailing and everyone was freaking out. We had nowhere to really go and there was no one helping us. Finally we got off the river and about ten other people and I had to fit onto a rock that was only like 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. We were all freezing and scared. Nothing ended up happening and the storm quickly passed over us but the feeling of how powerful nature was and how hopeless we really are really frightened me. Ever since this experience I have been terrified of thunderstorms and refuse to ever go tubing again.
Every summer, I go to the beach. My family owns a beach house so we usually go down every weekend. The beach is my favorite place in the world. I could stay there forever and be happy. Something about the nature of it is so relaxing and healing. It makes all of my troubles go away and I don't worry about anything. I love to stay at the beach until the sun sets, that's my favorite time of day. When the sun is setting over the water it is just so beautiful and serene. I also love kayaking in the water. It makes me feel as if I am one with the ocean, and I just feel so real and down to earth when I am out there. Overall, I love the beach and nature.
My dramatic incident with nature was when I almost fell off of my roof last winter. My brother’s room has a window that is just above the roof of the porch. M brother’s window usually doesn’t have the screen in it as I often go out onto the roof to get away from some stress, but this day was different. It had snowed the night before leaving a good inch and a half of snow on the porch roof. I had some friends over and we thought it would be fun to throw snow balls at cars. I thought of the perfect spot , the porch roof. When I got up to my brother’s window I opened it as usual and pushed some snow out of the way to make room for my feet. I put my feet over the window ledge and hopped out. I knew it would be difficult to stand or crouch so I thought I would just lie on the roof. I packed the first snow ball and threw it a school bus. It barely missed the wheels. But with my hands in the air for throwing I realized that nothing was keeping me in one postion. I quickly slid lower. Franticly trying to create a mound of snow to stop moving I noticed that the entire roof had a nice covering of ice. With me getting closer to the edge of the roof I was soon out of my comfort zone. I began to yell for my friend to get me something to bring me back up. I ended up sliding all the way to the edge and having to plant my feet on the gutter. Knowing how old the gutter was I knew couldn’t stay there long . I rolled over to my stomach and began to brush away some of the snow. Finally my younger brother brought me a towel that he used to pull me back through the window with. Hearing the commotion my mother ran upstairs and scowled me for my actions I learn to not go on roofs when there’s snow out the hard way.
I have learned that from observing nature that it is very powerful and ruthless and should never be underestimated. One time when I was out golfing I learned that thunderstorms were one of nature’s worst parts. It was a beautiful summer day when my three friends and I decided to go out for a round of golf. We had a feeling the round would be a big one for all of us, but we had no idea it would be as huge as it ended up being. We were playing at Newark Country Club and got on to the 16th hole, which is all the way at the back of the golf course, when it started. All of a sudden there was this big flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder that sounded as if it were right over top of us. The siren had yet to sound to tell us to get off the course, but we knew if we didn’t get off right then we might never get off alive. We started walking for the club house when the wind and rain started. The siren was just sounding now and my dad, who happened to be at the club, came out on a golf cart to pick us up. My friends and I all jumped on and we headed in. The rain was really coming down now and the wind was making it hard to hold on to the cart. When we got into the club house, the lightning started. If we had been out on the golf course then, we surely would have been in some trouble. After being in half of the storm and watching the worst part of it, I realized how strong and unpredictable nature was. I always made sure I got off the golf course when a storm was coming after that.
sorry this is late. i thought it got posted, but apparently it didn't. hopefully i can still get half credit at least.
One thing that I learned from nature is to be patient. Nature has helped learned to be patient because it taught me that what you're waiting for will happen. And it will happen a lot faster if you're not constantly counting down the months, days, minutes and so on. I learned this because every year when I was little I would always be waiting untill the winter came because it is my favorite season. I always loved the snow so I would always be looking forwars to it. It always seemed like it would be taking forever to come. I learned to be patient because after a while I realized that eventually winter will come it hasn't let me down so far. And normally it will come a lot faster if I'm not always saying winter will come in this many days. If you don't think about it it will come faster. And there is always something to look forward to, but now i am much more patient waiting for it. So now when I am looking forward to the winter it doesn't seem like it is so far away because I'm not always counting the days. Now of course I can't wait until summer vacation. I'm trying my best not to count the days.
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