Seniors #4 journal---Your Favorite Character

1. Choose one favorite character to write about, expressing how he or she is [one of] your favorite character[s]. In doing so, explain your choice, giving detailed examples of his or her actions, words, and/or thoughts/feelings. Your job is to make me want to read the book or watch the play, film, or show in which your character appears.
2. You've been given permission to "hang out" for a full day with one of your favorite characters. Who is he or she, of course? What would you do during this day? Describe one of your conversations. What questions might you ask him or her?
1. I started watching the television series, Glee, when it aired last August. At first, I thought the show was a little odd and didn't know if I wanted to continue watching it or not. But after watching it a few more times, I became hooked. I love the cast and the content of the shows. There are always singing and dancing numbers and old songs are redone to new tunes modern melodies. The show is about a glee club, run by a teacher named Mr. Shuester. He directs a group of kids on singing and dancing, and their goal is to win sectionals. One member of the glee club is named Artie. He has an amazing voice, but sits in a wheelchair as a result of getting in a car accident when he was eight. Nothing stops Artie from enjoying life, though. He is an phenomenal singer and doesn't let anyone get him down. For one of the glee club's numbers, they performed Proud Mary. But instead of dancing on their feet, they made a routine in wheelchairs. The whole club was given an opportunity to see how hard it was to be in a wheelchair and to see from Artie's point of view. Even with Artie's disability, he still participates in clubs, goes to school, and is friends with the football jocks. He has a funny and sarcastic personality and doesn't ask to be treated differently just because of his disability.
My favorite character of all time is Forrest Gump. I believe that overall, Gump is a flat character, but the things he does makes those around him round characters. I like Forrest Gump so much because he defies the stereotype of the insignificance of those with mental or physical impairments. He was never really "school smart," but he was such a kindhearted character throughout the movie who always put others before himself. By the end of the movie, many who would have looked down to him because of who he was ended up looking up to him. They sometimes even saw him as a role. An example of this was when he started running. People began following him at first thinking he was doing it for a cause, and even when they realized he was just running for the sake of running, they continued to follow him. I also like Gump a lot because of the little things he says to people that end up meaning a lot to them. For instance, when he says, "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what your gonna get," he may not have known everything meaningful behind what he said, but you could tell that this comment was in the movie to signify that even when things do not go your way, you have to work through them. Gump was labeled "stupid" by society, but he did so much more in his life than many others did. He shows us all that no matter who you are, you can do anything you want as long as your willing to work for it.
1. One of my favorite characters of all time is June Carter from Walk the Line (played by Reese Witherspoon). I have always enjoyed watching Reese Witherspoon in movies because she is a great actress. Reese plays a young and innocent June Carter in Walk the Line. She has a great essence of dramatic character in this movie. Reese is a beautiful, interesting character. Not only does she do a great job of playing her role as June, but she also has a way of making it her own. She puts bits and pieces of her own personality into June, making her even more appealing to the audience. Overall, Reese just does a wonderful job relating her life to how June's life would have been back then. She is the reason why Walk the Line is one of my favorite movies.
If I had to choose one famous movie character to hangout with for the day it would be without a doubt, Superman. Who wouldn't want to spend a whole day with someone with super powers and could basically do whatever they want. I would ask him to take me many famous places (we would fly of course!) I’d ask him to take me to the best place with the greatest scenery so I could see it for myself and stare in amazement. Also I would want him to take me on one of his special missions so I can see how intense and serious they really are, and they best part is I would know I would be safe because when I’m with him he’d never let anything bad happen to me. I would have so many questions to ask him to. I’d ask him if he likes having super powers or if he’d rather live a normal life like everyone else. I’d also have him tell me the most dangerous closest to death experience he’s ever had. And the best part about it is that it would be just like a regular conversation, because he’s so real instead of bragging about all the lives he’s saved, and fun things he’s done, he’d be telling it to me just like any other person would.
1. One of my favorite characters from television is Derek from Grey’s Anatomy. Derek is a world-renowned brain surgeon at Seattle Grace Hospital. He is known throughout by his friends and throughout the hospital for being a fair man who strives to be the best person he can be. No matter the circumstances, Derek always tries to do the right thing. For example in an episode of the show, one of Derek’s coworkers found out he had cancer all throughout his brain and spinal cord. Doctors said that the cancer was too extensive and as a result could not be removed. When Derek’s coworker heard this news, he went to Derek and asked him to do whatever he could to remove this tumor so he could live. Derek lost night after night of sleep because he was so busy scrutinizing the tumor, looking for a way he could remove it. Finally, he performed surgery on his coworker and successfully removed the tumor. Through hard work and much dedication, Derek did something that everyone thought was impossible. This perseverance also gave Derek the opportunity to save a friend’s life. In the show, Derek makes decisions based on how they will affect other people, not himself. He is a great surgeon who is respected by all for his generosity.
Although I have never connected with a character in a book enough to call them my ‘favorite character’ (besides Edward Cullen!) I have developed a few ideas! After contemplating about this incredible fictional character, I have decided that Travis Wayne from Jason Myers’ book Exit Here would be one of my top favorite characters. My reasoning behind this choice is due to his personality, obviously. He has a very relaxed personality and is very content with the moment. Although he has a past, and doesn’t lead a very typical life and can technically be referred to as a traumatic life, he doesn’t seem to care. He narrates this novel and describes his different instances with sex, different kinds of drugs, love, music, and friendships. You can tell that his heavy drug usage may be caused due to depression, but he never seizes to quit because of the people he surrounds himself with. Everyone that he was ever close to is involved with drugs and alcohol and some sort of problem. Now, a character like this may appear odd as my selection for a favorite character, but I admire him in some weird way. In the end, he makes a very tough and important decision to tell people, including the police about a terrible accident he was involved in. He wants to clean his act up and get back on the right track and for that, I admire him and see how hard of a decision it was to go to someone about his problem. Though I cannot connect with this character on a more personal level, I think many teenagers can and the setting and dialogue make the novel feel as if you are Travis’s friend.
One of my favorite movies is Walk the Line, commemorating on the life of Johnny Cash. Although he wasn't the best role model, getting involved with drugs and being a terrible husband to his first wife, Johnny Cash inspired many people during his career. When I saw that movie, I became fascinated with the music and even the hair styles. I was hypnotized by the deep voice that was Johnny Cash. After seeing the movie, I instantly downloaded all the songs onto my Ipod. I also loved Johnny's partner in crime, June Carter played by Reese Witherspoon. I've always loved her movies, but this one in particular blew me away with her performance. I've always had a dream to be a singer, and watching this music inspired me to pursue my dream and compose my own songs just like Johnny and June did. Listening to their songs opened my horizons to music. I've always been fascinated with the 50's decade and hearing their music and seeing how they lived sparked my interest. The music today has changed so much since then, it was nice to hear how things used to be.
The main character on the television show The O.C. is Ryan Atwood. In the first episode of the series, Ryan is a sophomore in high school and has been arrested along with his older brother for stealing a car. Ryan is released and assigned a public defender. His mother can no longer able to take care of Ryan because she is an alcoholic so she throws Ryan out of his house. Ryan lives in a rundown and dangerous town in California called Chino. He has no place to go so he calls his public defender, Sandy Cohen. Sandy picks him up and takes him to his mansion in Orange County. Sandy and his wife Kirsten allow Ryan to stay in their home for a few days. Sandy and Kirsten also have a son the same age as Ryan, Seth. Seth and Ryan become friends despite their polar-opposite backgrounds. A few days turn into a permanent arrangement and the Cohens decide to adopt Ryan. Ryan starts to attend a private high school, join the soccer, and meet the love of his life, Marissa Cooper. Ryan overcomes such tragedy and is given the chance to lead a happy life. The Cohens show remarkable generosity in giving Ryan an opportunity to change his life around. I admire the character Ryan Atwood because he has had a terrible life but he never complains or asks anything from anyone. He is a selfless person who deserves a chance and watching this show makes me believe that people in this world can be just as selfless and strong as Ryan Atwood was.
Stefan Salvator from the CW’s Vampire Diaries is one of my favorite TV characters. He is a vampire, but chooses to survive off animal blood, and so doesn’t risk killing innocent people. He’s very knowledgeable about many subjects, regardless that he has been 17 since 1864. He is reserved and mysterious, that is, doesn’t brag about how he lives his elegant lifestyle and he wants to keep his life a separate from everyone else as to maintain his secret of being a vampire. He doesn’t want to attract attention to himself, so not much is known about him from just one look. He falls for Elena Gilbert, respects her to the very end, and trusts her enough to reveal to her his unwanted fate, after she antagonizes him of what he is, of course. He keeps a journal, to help him remember the memories of his long life, but it shows that he’s sensitive. The journal does not depict memories, but more feelings. He feels very strongly and thinks very deeply, mostly about Elena, though, adding to his mysteriousness. He is a peacemaker, trying to keep the peace in Mystic Falls, Virginia, (while keeping his cover) after his brother Damon disrupts the town by feeding on the residents and causes a vampire scare. This is a ongoing battle and every episode has a new challenge for Stefan to face. Stefan speaks very formally and elegantly, and I favor this because it portrays his culture, unlike the uncaring, not cultural nature of teenagers present-day.
My favorite character of all time is Ron Weasley. He's my favorite because he's courageous, funny, and goofy. Compared to the other characters in Harry Potter Ron is the one for me that "makes" the books, not Harry. The series is amazing, it makes me want to live at Hogwarts and as crazy as it sounds it makes me want to become wizard. I admire there world they live in and the brave battles the characters fight. The reason i admire Ron is because he always has Harry's back no matter how dangerous the situation. Harry mostly gets all the credit for the success at winning the battles, the Quidditch games and the other games the wizards play but he wouldn't have succeeded without the faith and the hard work of his friends.
My favorite character of all time is Ron Weasley. He's my favorite because he's courageous, funny, and goofy. Compared to the other characters in Harry Potter Ron is the one for me that "makes" the books, not Harry. The series is amazing, it makes me want to live at Hogwarts and as crazy as it sounds it makes me want to become wizard. I admire there world they live in and the brave battles the characters fight. The reason i admire Ron is because he always has Harry's back no matter how dangerous the situation. Harry mostly gets all the credit for the success at winning the battles, the Quidditch games and the other games the wizards play but he wouldn't have succeeded without the faith and the hard work of his friends.
My favorite character of all time is Edward Cullen. He comes from the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. He is the ultimate guy. Edward Cullen is the epitome of the perfect guy. He is caring, protective, sensitive, selfless, rich, handsome, strong and has a big family that he is very close to. He is an extremely intriguing character because he is a vampire. He hunts and eats animals. He can run at the speed of light. And he sparkles in the sunlight. In the beginning of the first book he is also mysterious because he doesn't talk much and gives Bella, the major girl character, these sultry looks. he is wanted by every girl in the school but doest take a liking to any girl, he is hard to get. that hard-to-get quality about him keeps him constantly on your mind because you want to know what turns him on. he also has the ability to turn you into a vampire. With one bite from him you could live forever, become beautiful, and be in the best shape of your life. Being a member of the Cullen family is like winning the genetic lottery. Their life is so ideal you just want a piece of it. Any girl that reads this book wants to break up/divorce their partner and marry Edward Cullen. He is perfect!
1. My favorite character is Jude from movie Across the Universe. Across the Universe is a movie that uses songs written by the Beatles to tell a story. It take places in the revolutionary times of the 1960s. Jude's name was taken from the song "Hey Jude." In the movie Jude was born and raised in Liverpool England, like the Beatles, but comes to America to find his father. He ends up moving to New York and falling in love with his friend's sister. The movie is a musical, and the actor who plays Jude, Jim Sturgess, is a very good singer. Jude is very mellow and a very good artist. His girlfriend, Lucy, is a radical fighting against the Vietnam War, but Jude does not agree with her actions. At one point in the movie he sings the song "Revolution" to her, to try and show her the hypocrisy of what she is doing, and they end up breaking up. Jude lives in America without a visa and eventually gets deported back to England. The last part of the movie is what makes me love Jude so much. After talking to Lucy's brother Jude gets his visa, and goes back to New York to find Lucy. The movie ends with Jude singing "All You Need is Love" to Lucy on a rooftop. Across the Universe is one of my favorite movies. I think it is so clever because of all the portrayals to the Beatles and that time period, and I think the character of Jude is perfect for the movie. He is clever, cute, has a great personality and talent, and is an amazing boyfriend and friend.
If I had the opportunity to hang out with one of my favorite characters from a film it would definitely be Bob Harris from Lost in Translation. Played by Bill Murray, Bob Harris is a movie star and internationally recognized celebrity spending time in Tokyo to film a commercial. His lighthearted cynicism mixed with his age old wisdom and witty sense of humor make him a complex yet enjoyable character. He is always looking around and observing and picking up on things and has a very down to earth demeanor no matter who he is dealing with. After he meets
Scarlett Johansson's character, Charlotte, they end up roaming around the jungle of the Tokyo streets, meeting up with friends, singing karaoke, trying to get service in a busy hospital, making jokes with random people they meet and enjoying the beauty in these new friends and places that are so foreign yet so familiar. All the while, Mr. Harris is making the best of his experiences, big and small, and enjoying life through and through and this is exactly why I would want to spend a day with him.
1. My favorite character is Dexter Morgan from the show Dexter on Showtime. Dexter works for the Miami Police Department as a blood splatter analyst, but he also has another part of him which he likes to call his "dark passenger". When Dexter was very young, he watched someone kill his mother right in front of him, and this scarred him for life. This is the reason why Dexter is also a serial killer, he has no emotion, and he needs to kill to survive. Dexter isn't just any serial killer though, because his foster father taught him to follow a moral code. He researches his victims carefully, and he only kills other serial killers. Dexter is very slick. He knows exactly how to cover up his murders, and he is the most convincing liar. I really like the show and I think that Dexter is the perfect character for it.
My favorite character in the movie “27 Dresses” is Kevin played by James Marsden. In the movie, Kevin writes wedding columns about weddings. I like his character in the movie because he has such a cute personality when it comes to chasing after Jane played by Katherine Heigl. Kevin is doing a column on the marriage of Jane’s sister and therefore spends a lot of time with Jane. They go to her house and Jane shows him all of her bridesmaids’ dresses from all of the weddings that she has been in. They laugh and have fun and take Polaroids of all of Jane in all of the dresses. Jane always keeps a handwritten planner, so Kevin takes it and meets her at the places her planner says she should be. He buys her a new planner, but this time an electronic one. They end up spending even more time together and their car breaks down. They are by a bar so they go in, start drinking, and have the whole bar watching the two of them sing “Benny and the Jets”. He is told by his boss to get a good story so that he could get promoted. He ends up writing a column about how Jane is ‘Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride’, and his boss publishes it before he can change the column. He comes back for her in the end at Jane’s sister’s engagement party right after Jane revealed her younger sister’s real personality to her fiancé. Jane felt bad about it and Kevin made her feel better and they made up and fell in love and got married.
One of my favorite shows that I watch is the comedy/drama series Glee. It is a show about a show choir at a high school in Ohio. My favorite character on the show is Rachel. She is a sophomore with ambitious dreams of becoming a star. She may be a little overly ambitious, talking about her time ticking away and she doesn't want to leave high school with nothing to show for it. She has a rigorous schedule of glee club, dance classes, and other things to make her become a star. Although she is very talented and the star of the glee club, she is very unpopular. She gets drinks thrown in her face by the jocks on more than one occasion, but this doesn't stop her from trying so hard to become a star. She has some funny things about her, like that whenever she signs her name she puts a star next to it to represent the star she will be. She also has a strange fashion sense, or lack there of. One of the glee club members said, "Rachel somehow manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time." She makes the show one of my favorites.
If I had to pick a character to hang out with for a day it would be Peter Griffin. If I hung out with Peter for a day we would probably walk around Quahog and visit and torment the people like Peter normally does. We would visit his neighbors Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown, and the cop next door Joe. We would also probably go to his job at the Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory where he works as a safety inspector. I could also imagine that during the day Peter would make humorous remarks and act like an idiot like he usually does. The conversations throughout the day would all probably be pretty pointless but I would ask him about his son Stewie and see where that would take us. Also I would talk to him about his pet Brian and why he picked him up as a stray and about how he acts more like a human then Peter does. That it what a day with Peter Griffin would be like.
I would instantly choose Harry Potter. During our day, we would travel to Hogwarts and spend time exploring throughout the various nooks and crannies of the mysterious castle. Harry and I would enjoy a delicious lunch in the Great Hall. After that, Harry would take me onto the castle grounds for a broomstick ride to Hogsmeade where we would talk about his life over a warm glass of butterbeer in the pub called the Three Broomsticks. Our conversation would be filled with stories and tales of his adventures and fights with the evil Lord Voldemort. I would ask Harry he felt during each encounter he had with Lord Voldemort. I would ask Harry to explain to me every detail of his final battle where he conquered the bad magic of his time. After we completed our lengthy conversation of dueling wands and wonderful wizardry, we would fly back and travel to Dumbledore's secret office. Here the three of us would explore the watery pensive of forgotten memories. After I visited each time of havoc and triumph in Dumbledore's memories, Harry would challenge me to game of wizards chess. The game would be an intense one, but I would end up winning.
I would instantly choose Harry Potter. During our day, we would travel to Hogwarts and spend time exploring throughout the various nooks and crannies of the mysterious castle. Harry and I would enjoy a delicious lunch in the Great Hall. After that, Harry would take me onto the castle grounds for a broomstick ride to Hogsmeade where we would talk about his life over a warm glass of butterbeer in the pub called the Three Broomsticks. Our conversation would be filled with stories and tales of his adventures and fights with the evil Lord Voldemort. I would ask Harry he felt during each encounter he had with Lord Voldemort. I would ask Harry to explain to me every detail of his final battle where he conquered the bad magic of his time. After we completed our lengthy conversation of dueling wands and wonderful wizardry, we would fly back and travel to Dumbledore's secret office. Here the three of us would explore the watery pensive of forgotten memories. After I visited each time of havoc and triumph in Dumbledore's memories, Harry would challenge me to game of wizards chess. The game would be an intense one, but I would end up winning.
My favorite character of all time is Jacob Black the for Twilight books. He is a Native American of the Quileute tribe who lives in La Push near Forks, Washington, the home of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. In the first book Jacob has a small role. He is friends with Bella and introduces to her the idea the Edward is a vampire. That is pretty much it for Jacob in the first book. Because of his role in the first Twilight book, I did not think much of him. Once I read the second book in the series, my opinion of him changed. He became one of my favorite characters of all time. In the second book, Edward leaves Bella and she becomes depressed. She resorts to her old friend Jacob and they become inseparable. In the end Edward came back, but I love Jacob for helping Bella through her hard time. Jacob has always wanted to be more than friends with Bella and she is aware of this. She lets it known that she does not feel the same way, but asks Jacob to not give up on her. Jacob, being the amazing best friend that he is, continues to stay by Bella even though it puts him through pain.
If I had to choose a character I would pick, Nemo and Dori from Finding Nemo. I would first have to be turned into a fish in order to explore the ocean. I think I would become an Angelfish. I would first ask Nemo and Dori to take me on the adventures they had during the movie. I would want to be able to meet all of the other characters. First Nemo and Dori would take me to meet Nemo’s dad Marlin. Then, they would take me to play on the sponge beds because they are bouncy (like trampolines). After that we would swim over to meet their shark friend, Bruce. Bruce would take me to his vegetarian meetings, where their motto is, “Fish are Friends, Not Food.” After this meeting I would travel to the trench where Dori got stung by the jellyfish. Then, we would go meet their friends Crush and Squirt who are sea turtles. Crush has been around for at least one hundred years and would tell me about the history of the ocean. I would also meet the whale that helped Dori find Nemo. Also, Dori would teach me to speak whale. Lastly, Nemo would introduce me to his friends in the fish tank at the Dentist office. Luckily they now live in the ocean because they escaped so I wouldn’t need the help of their pelican friend.
If I had to choose a character I would pick, Nemo and Dori from Finding Nemo. I would first have to be turned into a fish in order to explore the ocean. I think I would become an Angelfish. I would first ask Nemo and Dori to take me on the adventures they had during the movie. I would want to be able to meet all of the other characters. First Nemo and Dori would take me to meet Nemo’s dad Marlin. Then, they would take me to play on the sponge beds because they are bouncy (like trampolines). After that we would swim over to meet their shark friend, Bruce. Bruce would take me to his vegetarian meetings, where their motto is, “Fish are Friends, Not Food.” After this meeting I would travel to the trench where Dori got stung by the jellyfish. Then, we would go meet their friends Crush and Squirt who are sea turtles. Crush has been around for at least one hundred years and would tell me about the history of the ocean. I would also meet the whale that helped Dori find Nemo. Also, Dori would teach me to speak whale. Lastly, Nemo would introduce me to his friends in the fish tank at the Dentist office. Luckily they now live in the ocean because they escaped so I wouldn’t need the help of their pelican friend.
My favorite character of any work in the entertainment industry would have to be Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye. He is such a somber, downtrodden, bleak outlook on life having character yet something about him draws you in. He is very interesting to listen to and his logic towards some of the situations in life is enough to keep you fascinated. I feel like he would talk about the F word he found inscribed on the wall at his sister's school and how upset it had caused him to become. I feel like that would be one of the first things that came to his mind when we struck a conversation because of the lasting impact it had on him. He is a character that I would be able to talk to all day because he has so many ideas and thoughts on things that I would not be able to resist to listn. Holden Caufield is by far my favorite character of all time.
If I could hang out with anyone for a day it would be Bellatrix Lestrange from the Harry Potter series. She is one of my favorite characters in this series. She is so wicked and wild. She does whatever she wants whenever she wants and she isn't worried about the consequences. If we were to hang out for a day I would join her in reeking havoc throughout the town of Hogsmeade. We would curse and hex all the 'muggles' we came across. A muggle is another name for a non-magical folk. Bella and I would discuss bringing Lord Voldemort, an evil wizard, back to power once again. Bella is a follower of Voldemort and would do anything to bring him back to rule over the wizarding world. Then we would stop in the Three Broomsticks, a local restaurant, for some warm butterbeer. Finally we would ride our firebolts over the town, a relaxing way to end our day.
I can’t say I’m an avid reader now-a-days because I don’t ever really curl up with a good book when I’m bored or read a few pages before bed, but when I was little I was obsessed with the Junie B. Jones books. It was the “it” book for girls who had just begun reading. Junie B. Jones was a girl with a lot of spunk. Some of her catch phrases include “Wowie wow wow,” and “Wait till you hear this!” She was a girl you could relate to. Junie B. dreaded homework, and almost anything having to do with school, she was afraid of clowns and monsters, and she got into arguments with her friends at school on a daily basis. She was also a bit of a troublemaker, so she never missed out on an opportunity to show off or act out in class. These books were great for rainy days, or silent reading time. The thing I liked most about reading them was that they would make me laugh literally, out loud. I read them, my friends read them, and now my little sister is even reading them. It’s a really great series for any young girl.
My favorite character is, without a doubt, Steven Spielberg's Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford. Watching Indy beat the bad guys, uncover ancient artifacts, all while still getting the ladies, never gets old. The stunts are phenominal, the exhilarating car chases are thrilling, and good always overcomes evil. I can always remember as a kid how I would try to imitate some of the action scenes to be just like my hero. If Indy and I would be paired together for a mission, it would be a dream come true! The whole fun of the adventure would be helping Jones get out of tight and tense situations, using cunning improvisation. I think it would be a blast gunning down Nazis from a military truck or evading deadly boobie traps in pursuit of a historical treasure. The conversation between me and Indiana would probably be mostly me asking him questions about his life, how to fight with a whip, and what the next mission would be. I can't get enough it! Overall, we would actually be yelling at each other while in a pit of snakes or running from a rolling boulder. In any situation, Indiana Jones will always defeat the evil forces of the Nazis, possessed tribal men, power-hungry gangsters, and aliens. So if you would, Indiana Jones and I got to catch a plane to Peru.
2. One of my favorite characters that i would love to hang out with has to be the genie from the movie Alladin. I would have a blast if i could hang out with him for a day because he could take me to places all over the world that i wanted to go and who can forget the 3 wishes. I have always wanted to go to Europe so maybe we would have breakfast in Paris then lunch in Aruba followed by dinner in Australia, then a fireworks display in Disney World. He also has a wonderful sense of humor and would keep me laughing all day. He also is very good at protecting people just like he tried to help Alladin in the movie. Im not sure what i would wish for but it definitely would be something worth while. Questions I would like to ask him are if he has had wishes that he wished would come true, what was the most outrageous wish someone has asked him to grant, Is there any wish that he regrets granting, Are there other genies in the world and What's it like to be in a lamp for so long?. Me and him could probably talk for hours about everything because he always tries to help those who are in need. Overall it would be an awesome day with the genie that i would be talking about for a long time because he is such a nice person and has the best sense of humor.
If I could hang out with one of my favorite characters for an entire day, I'd have to pick Harpo Marx. Harpo Marx is a famous actor that is usually paired with his brothers, Chico and Groucho, in their famous and hilarious old fashioned comedies. In any Marx brothers movies, there's usually some major plot diluted with tons of jokes and Harpo's hilarious pantomime routine where he consistently demonstrates his strange habits of stealing people's hats and literally chasing pretty girls that walk past him. During the day, I'd imagine Harpo and I would accomplish a lot of things including: getting caught in a puppet show, mirroring Groucho's actions since he'd broken the mirror while running down the stairs, and of course, tampering with the poor man's cart of lemonade next to Chico's peanut cart. I doubt I could converse with Harpo since he's silent in almost every one of the Marx brothers' films, but I'm sure I could ask questions and receive an answer through his actions. Though, how he would respond probably wouldn't answer the question in the first place since his actions are off the wall to begin with. The reason that Harpo Marx is still interesting even though one could never hold a conversation with him is because of his absurd personality. He proves that you don't need a voice in order to be heard.
Since 2004 I’ve been addicted to the television series Lost. There are constant twists in the show that always keep you guessing. Out of the 324 passengers aboard Oceanic Flight 815 only 71 passengers survived. The plane crashed onto this mysterious island. The passengers have to work together to stay alive. During their stay they encounter many people and other mysterious objects. The passenger Jack quickly becomes my favorite character. He takes to role as the leader and makes decisions for the group. I enjoy watching Jack because he makes the show interesting by throwing twists at the audience. You'll learn new secrets or find out answers to questions you had. Jack is a conniving character that plays sides, the good and the bad. Jack is my favorite character and he is the reason I continue to watch season after season.
I love Jack Dawson from the movie Titanic. To me, he’s kind of inspiring. He’s poor, has lost his family, and nobody treats him with dignity, but he has more life than any of the rich people on the ship do. It is weird how sometimes, the people who have lost the most and have gone through the most hardships in their lives, have so much more spirit and so much more life than those who haven’t. Jack meets Rose, a rich passenger, and immediately goes after her and wins her over. He “teaches” her how great life is if you’re not so serious all the time, and he breaks the rules and crosses the social boundaries so that he can see her…He changes Rose’s life. He teaches Rose to dance although he himself doesn’t know how to dance, and challenges her to change herself, and to go after what she wants. It literally seems like he has no fear, sadness, or worries… He’s always optimistic. One quote in particular proves how much he treasures what he has, and doesn’t take anything for granted: “I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you... to make each day count.” The fact that these kinds of words are coming from someone who honestly has nothing, is crazy. We should all live like Jack… as corny or weird as that may sound. Even when death is around the corner for Jack, he is telling Rose to live and telling her to not give up, and to not say goodbye. His faith in everything truly makes him a hero, and one of my favorite characters.
My favorite character of all time is hands down Forrest Gump. Forrest has a learning disability and also has scoliosis. In the beginning of the movie he gets braces on his legs. People of course made fun of him for both reasons stated. Forrest never takest to heart what people say about him or to him. He replies back with "stupid is as stupid does" which I think means that stupidity is defined by actions, not by a person's I.Q. Another one of his famous quotes is "life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're going to get" which means that you just have to live life. There's no sense in worrying over the future. Forrest is a kindhearted man who does things for other people. He's innocent and sweet and caring. Forrest lives by the saying about chocolate. He does what he feels he needs to do and doesnt worry. He's always giving to other people. Even though he may not understand, he does what he's told and ends up saving lives when he is in the war. Even though the movie is fictional, I am very inspired by Tom Hank's character, Forrest. I want to try to live like Forrest did and not pay attention to mean things people may say to me.
I have always enjoyed watching the television series, Friends. It is a show about six "friends" in their 20's who get through the up's and down's of everyday life with a lil help from each other. This may not seem too interesting, but the funny situations and twists of comedy keep me laughing out loud. The characters are unforgettable. First there is the neat freak chief Monica, along with her dinosaur loving older brother Ross and her beautiful ditzy friend Rachel. There is also Ross's best friend,the comedian of the show, Chandler and his roommate Joey the not so smart actor. Finally there is Phoebe the hippie out there friend. All these characters make the show, however my favorite character is Joey. He is funny, cute and would do anything for any of his friends. He may not be the smartest but he's the one that would make you feel better on your worst day. Even though Joey may not have a lot of money he doesn't let that keep him down. He never gives up on his acting career, and shows everyone that he is passionate about it. He always has a positive attitude and a smile on his face. He is truly a "friend" I would love to have in real life.
One of my favorite characters of all time is Kenshin Himura from the Rurouni Kenshin series. What I find most appealing about Kenshin is his personality and his abilities to fight. Kenshin is a former assassin of the Bakumatsu War, which is actually a real war, who is now a wonder, which is what rurouni means, who travels from town to town. He is revered throughout the entire country as the infamous Hitokiri Battousai, Man Slayer, and is feared by many. Kenshin turns out to be the unexpected hero; he has turned his blade to protect the people instead of slaughtering them. The part that of him that makes him my favorite character is that he could have anything he desires with one click of his katana leaving the sheath, but instead he is humble, kind and generous to others. He could have become the new leader of Japan but instead is content with a decent meal every now and then, helping out around towns, and sitting outside watching the sunset. The other part of Kenshin that captures me is that when it comes to mind set I can relate to him a lot. He is double sided, meaning he tries to live on the brighter side of life but knows that it’s not always that way thus he also has his dark side.
If my job in writing this blog is to make you want to watch The Office, then I know my job is nearly impossible. If I recall correctly, in the Portable Phonograph Bucket List blog you humorless response to one of the questions was, “Why do people think The Office is funny?” I say all these things because one of my favorite characters of all time is Dwight Schrute, portrayed by Rainn Wilson, from the side-splitting comedy The Office. Dwight is my favorite character because everything he does, from his random not intentionally funny quotes to his utterly outlandish actions. For example, in one of the episodes Dwight uses his beet farm as a bed and breakfast and invites two of his co-workers to stay. When Dwight is describing the farm to him he says one of his countless memorable quotes, “And as of this morning we are completely wireless here at Shrute Farm. But as soon as I find out where Mose (Dwight’s crazy brother) hid all the wires we'll get all that power back on. Another reason that Dwight is such an amazing character is his unbelievable gullibility. In almost every episode his arch nemesis and comedian of the office, Jim Halpert, plays a cruel prank on Dwight that he somehow always falls for. In one of the episodes Jim hooks a random five-hundred foot red wire up to Dwight’s computer and runs it all the way outside. Dwight comes in and asks Jim what this random red wire is; Jim tells him it’s just a wire and computers have wires. Of course Dwight has to go on a long trek in search of the source of the wire and follows it all the way up the telephone pole. Now if you still don’t think this shows is funny then here is a link to some videos of some of the funniest moments in The Office portraying Dwight’s gullibility.
2. If I could hang out with one of my favorite characters it would have to be Jacob Black, from the Twilight Sagas. Since Jacob is a werewolf I would defiantly make him take me for a ride on his back and run in the forest. After that we would hang out and he would show me all his cool werewolf tricks. I would have him hold me if I got cold because their body temperatures are higher than normal humans and causes them to be really hot. I’d also have him introduce me to his werewolf pack, including Sam’s wife, so I could talk to her and see how she deals with being around werewolves all day. In the books the group of werewolves likes to go cliff diving, I would make Jacob take me to do that. Some questions I would ask him are what is it like to be a werewolf? If he could turn back time and be human again, would he? Why does he love Bella so much, when she plays him over and over again? And Is it fun to fight with vampires? Our conversation would be a normal teenage conversation because he is still human even though he’s part werewolf now.
2. Who wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts? Harry Potter is by far my favorite character. I would love to hang out with him for a day. And of course we would have to stop at the Leaky Cauldren, since we have to go through there to get to Diagon Alley. Once we magically moved the brick wall to get into Diagon Alley we would go see Fred and George. Everyone has to stop at their joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Weezes, to buy some things. During the dark times it was the most popular place in the Alley! I think it would be pretty cool to have a Pygmy Puff just like Ginny. Next, I would love for Harry to teach me how to play quidditch. Although first he would have to show me how to fly on a broom. We could play with Ginny and Ron which would be so much fun. We would talk about all the cool classes he takes and what is is like to be a famous wizard. I would also ask what it was like fighting the Dark Lord so many times and what it felt like to finally defeat him. To finish off the day we would head into Hogsmeade. We would walk through the little town to one of the most popular places around, The Three Broomsticks. Madam Rosmerta would give us our Butterbeers and we would go enjoy our drinks at a table by the fire.
My favorite movie character of all time would have to be Buddy the Elf from the movie “Elf”. Buddy was adopted when he was little by an elf, and he was raised my elves in the North Pole. When he is older though he realizes he is not an elf and doesn’t really belong in the North Pole so he travels to New York City to find his real father. Even though this is a fictional story with fictional characters I can’t get enough of Buddy. It’s not that he is an air head or anything; he just doesn’t know any better, so he has the most carefree, fun attitude about everything. He is also a total optimist which makes all the situations he gets into that much funnier. Like when he is walking the streets of New York trying to find his dad he really believes the shop with the sign that says “World’s Best Coffee” honestly has the World’s Best Coffee. Or when he sees a dwarf at his dad’s job he calls his an “elf” because he truly believes Santa sent him from the North Pole. I also love Buddy’s attitude about Christmas, he tries so hard to get everyone into the Christmas spirit when people forget the true meaning of Christmas and needs a little help remembering. Like when he goes all out decorates the department store he works at with lights and snow and all the “trimmings” because all they have is a lame Santa display. Or when he’ll randomly break out in song when people are feeling down, just to cheer them up. If Buddy was a real life person we would probably be the best of friends.
1. When I was in middle school my parents watched a show every Friday night called “Joan of Arcadia.” They would rave about how fantastic the show was, and one Friday I decided to watch an episode with them. I became hooked. Joan of Arcadia is about a teenager named Joan who feels very out of place in school. Her dad is the town’s police chief, her younger brother is considered a geek, and her older brother was the school’s star football player until becoming paralyzed in a car accident. She seems like the only normal nonchalant person in her family; however, she is far from normal. She hears God’s words and sees his actions through other people. Strangers come up to her, introduce themselves as God, and give her specific directions to do. Joan, played by Amber Tamblin, is by far my favorite character in any show, movie, or book I have seen or read. Her awkward yet interesting personality kept me fascinated in her every move. She kept her human touches with God a secret to everyone except her artistic boyfriend Adam, who believes she is experiencing hallucinations. Although she is alone in this unbelievable connection with God, she still listens and follows the commands he gives her, which ultimately helps save others’ lives. The character of Joan was so interesting that I could not help but to sit and watch this show every Friday night.
1. Monday night at 8 on CBS the show How I Met Your Mother comes on and provides me with thirty minutes of hysterical comedy. The show itself is enough to make you laugh nonstop but one character makes the show. Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris, is hilarious. The raunchy humor, and amazing one liners that he says are enough to bring me back each week to watch the show. Barney is a single bachelor who's main goal is to sleep with as many women as possible. He does this with many different cons which he even made a book on in one of the episodes. He always wears suits and in not one episode is he seen without one. His classy dress, bachelor pad, and tons of money Barney achieves his goal regularly and brags about it to his friends in the funniest ways. No character makes me laugh like Barney does and that is what makes him my favorite character.
One of my favorite characters of all time is Bobby Boucher from the movie, The Waterboy. This is one of my favorite characters because while playing the role, he his hilarious and also inspiring. When the movie starts off, Bobby is working as the water boy for a college football team. During his time working there he is constantly harassed and tormented by his teammates. When he is eventually fired from that team and finds a new team to work for, his talent for actually playing football is finally discovered. While pretending to picture the opposing team making fun of him, Bobby is able to tackle almost anyone. However even though he is now one of the star defensive players on the team, he has to keep this a secret from his mother who despises the entire game of football. He keeps this a secret for some time until with the help of his community and friends he is able to confront his mother and admit to her that his true passion is playing football, which she grudgingly accepts.
My favorite character comes from a recently released movie called The Hangover. My favorite character from this movie was one of the main characters, Allen. I think his comic performance makes this movie such a good one. He is a strange guy that tells stories of how he has found a baby at a coffee store, used to take 3 ecstasy hits a night, and really doesn’t want to miss the next Halley’s comet because his friend said it blew his mind. In the movie, Allen carries a satchel, like which he says, Indiana Jones carried. Most people would call it a purse, but not Allen. That’s just the kind of funny, weird, guy he is. During the movie Allen seems to be a little bit slow, but is a good guy trying to fit in with his soon to be brother-in-laws’ friends. Allen creates the whole conflict in the movie. The night him and his buddies are going out to Vegas, he accidentally slips them ruffies, thinking it’s ecstasy, during a toast because he wanted them to have a good time. This causes him and his friends to completely forget what happened that night and in the process lose their friend Doug who needs to be back home for his wedding the next day.
I saw the movie iron man that came out in the past year and the character that stuck out to me was tony stark other wise know as iron man. He's my favorite character because he has the confidence to anything he wants. He makes mistakes in his line of work, but as any great man would do he try's to fix the problem he created by himself. He's a very intelligent man, I would lucky enough to have half the brains that man has. He constructs the iron man suit to protect his country and his name. In the begining of the story, Tony stark is the regular rich guy who doesnt really care about anything except for himself, until the one day he got ambushed in the desert while showing off his "merchandise". After he escapes the evil men who kill innocents with his weapons, he goes back to be the hero and save the day. The biggest reason he is one of my favorite character is he starts out as the bad guy, but ends up being the hero, the good guy always wins. He is a risk taker one of the things he says in the movie before he starts to fly for the first time is "sometimes you gotta learn to walk before you run". and then he shoots out of his house flying with the suit on. Tony stark is just one of those suave guys whos got it all and he knows what to do with what he's got and thats save the world that why hes my favorite character.
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1. The television show that pretty much sums up my childhood was called Doug. Every night promptly at Seven o'clock me, my dad and my brother Ben would sit down to watch it. Of course my favorite character from the show is Doug Funny. He's an eleven year old clumsy teen who is just beginning to feel the pangs of puberty. He has a rather large nose and little beady eyes that more closely resemble jacket buttons. His egg-shaped head consists of eight strands of thin black hair. His normal attire is that of a Librarian's, as he often sports a green sweater vest, he looks very studious for a pre-teen. Doug has a huge crush on a girl in his class named Patty Mayonnaise, but Roger Klotz, the school bully often taunts him for this. Doug has his fair share of problems, but when he is all alone, he can become Quailman, his superhero alter ego. With a pair of boxer briefs around his shorts and a belt around his head, Doug is instantly transformed into a big buff ladies man, or so he thinks. No matter how much Roger picks on him, Doug always seems to come out on top, a true underdog is what Doug is.
When I was younger I used to watch the show That's So Raven. And I would definitely hang out with Raven and the gang. The story is about a teenage psychic that goes through every life shenanigans. This is a very hilarious show that my mom and I used to watch when I was younger.Well what we would do is I would be her best friend and she would get a vision from the future and we would go on a crazy adventure to make her vision come true or not come true. Our conversations would be about changing the future,fashion, screaming excitedly , and witty fighting. It would be funny of course. I want to ask, can you tell me how to see the future too? Or can you tell your dad to cook my lunches too? Since her dad is a professional chef.
After seeing the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, I knew that Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp) was one of my favorite characters in any movie I had ever seen. Pirates of the Caribbean is not my favorite movie, but the role of Jack Sparrow, the always on top quirky pirate, made the movie. Jack brings a sense of adventure, thrill, and comic relief to this movie. Everything about him is unique. From the way he dresses to the way he carries himself in a sort of arrogant way. Althogh he has little possessions, he does carry a compass that never works, a pistol with only one shot in it, and his arrognant attitude always claiming that he is Captain of the Black Pearl. While having so little, he never settles down in one place or at one time. He is constantly finding someone new to fight and some way to get himself in trouble. However, he always finds a way out while maintaing his essentric charm and finishes an escape by saying "Gentlemen, this is the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow." Something about him always leaves me wondering what he'll spontaneouly do next. Jack never really appears to be on anyone's side but his own. This sends twists into the movie to find yet another way to make it more intersting to watch. His personality makes the other characters in the movie love him and hate him all at the same time. Other characters are willing to fight against him, yet at the end of the day they are willing to risk his life for him. That's what makes a character good.
After countless hours of thinking this through, one specific character came to mind. This protagonist starred in the movie, Con Air. For all who have seen this movie, you already know who I'm talking about. Cameron Poe is his name. Played by Nicolas Cage, Cameron Poe is a fighter, who would never leave "a fallen man behind". The story begins with Cameron Poe and his wife at a bar when a few drunk men try to hit on Tricia Poe. Cameron is convicted of manslaughter after protecting his wife in a drunken brawl. Finally, after eight years in jail, he's being paroled and going home to his wife and daughter. His ride home: the Jailbird, which is also transporting society's vicious murderers to Feltham Penitentiary, Lousiana's toughest maximum security prison. A surprising escape is made on board the plane as the cons seize control of the plane, and head it towards Las Vegas. Cameron follows in the plan, as if he is one of them. They make a stop to let off some of the convicts to a landing so it would not be suspicious. Poe could have gotten off, but he didn't because his friend was still on the plane, who did not have anymore insulin because he was diabetic. Throughout the movie, Cameron Poe makes various attempts and helps to stop the plane full of con men. The authorities learn where the convicts are headed for and manage to get there before they take off again, only with Poe's help. Not only is Poe brave and a hero, he is also warm hearted and very charming. He has a seven-year-old daughter whom he does not see until the end of the movie. He buys her a stuffed bunny for her birthday and manages to still keep it and give it to her in the end. He is an inspiring character and is noted for his strength and good judgement. I think that's why he is my favorite character. Everyone who watches the movie will most likely add Cameron Poe to their list of favorite characters, I guarantee it.
Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series is by far my favorite character. Dumbledore is the Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is known as the most powerful wizard in the world and not even Lord Voldemort, a very famous, dark wizard, tries to harm him or anyone under his protection. This, however, is not why I consider Dumbledore my favorite character. It is because of his compassion, wisdom, and wit that I admire him so much. He is someone that always knows exactly what to say, no matter what the situation. Just by reading the books, you know he has insights and an understanding of things the rest of us can’t even imagine in our wildest dreams. When in his presence, you know you are always safe and that nothing could ever happen to you. But most of all, I love that he is humble. Even though he is the world’s greatest wizard, he never acts as though he is superior to anyone. I also love his sense of humor. Even in distressing situations, he can lighten the mood with a funny comment. I wish that I had someone like Dumbledore in real life to turn to and ask advice at any moment; someone who I knew was always looking out for me, even if they were a million miles away.
One of my favorite characters is Ponyboy from the Outsiders. He’s one of my favorite characters for many reasons. One reason is that he is always loyal and there for his family and friends. He was always there to hang out with Johnny in the park when things weren't going well with him and his parents. And he was with him when they had to hideout when some Socs tried jumping them and Johnny had to kill one to save Ponys life. Ponyboy is also very couragous. While they were hiding out, their friend Dally came to take them to get some food and when they came back the abandoned church they had been staying in was up in flames with children stuck inside. Dally wanted to leave but Pony and Johnny just ran into the burning building and saved all the children inside.
Eoin Colfer has written six books about my favorite character, Artemis Fowl. The books are Artemis Fowl, Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident, Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code, Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception, Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony and Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox. Artemis Fowl is a twelve year old son of an Irish crime lord. He is pale, has blue-eyed with a horrible smile like that of a vampire. His only weakness seems to be his allergy to dust. He is a child genius and master criminal adept at illegal schemes to acquire money. We find him in book 1 trying to rebuild his family fortune after his father disappears. He determines to kidnap a fairy from the Lower Elements so that he can obtain the gold which the fairy government has stashed away to ransom their captured officers. Book 1 begins in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where Artemis plans and eventually acquires the Book of the People. He utilizes the information in the book to kidnaps Captain Holly Short, a member of the reconnaissance unit of the fairy police force, the Lower Elements Police (LEP). To me what draws the reader to the story, isn’t fairies and other mystical character, but the ability of this kid to manipulate society to his will with his extensive planning and incredible mental prowess. Even more interesting is the author’s choice to go away from the general fairy tell hero, and turn the villain into a sort of new age hero.
I don’t think I could possibly pick a favorite character of all time, but there is one character in particular who is more interesting than most. He is Benjamin Button, from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Benjamin gets the opportunity to live his life backwards. Instead of being born a baby and dying an old man, he is born an old man and died a baby. He is a very peculiar character and very entertaining at the same time. Although Benjamin’s actions in the film are different from the short story, there are similarities. When he is only a few years old, he appears to be an elderly man. He acted just as if he was actually an elderly man. As time progresses, he grows younger. Soon he is able to walk, fall in love, and get a job. Benjamin Button experiences life like anyone else would, just in a different direction. Instead of having to worry about growing old, he has to worry about getting younger. Many people wish they could grow younger rather than older, but they do not think about the consequences. Benjamin Button eventually became a child dependent on the support of others. I believe the story is incredibly captivating and that Benjamin Button is a particularly interesting character.
My new favorite show that I fell in love with this fall, is called Modern Family. I love the show's mockumentary style and unique characters. However, one character on the show is my favorite. His name is Phil and he is the father of the Dunphy family. He has a wife and three children on the show. While providing most of the laughs during the half-hour show, he truly loves his family and wants nothing more than to make them happy, and be a good dad. However, sometimes his methods of disciplining are not always so effective. In one episode close to the holidays, he and his wife found a burn mark in their couch, appearing to be from a cigarette. He told his children that if they did not fess up to who did, he was going to 'cancel Christmas'. After all three children deny it, he picks up the Christmas tree and drags it out of the house proclaiming that Christmas had been officially canceled. In the end, the burn mark came from a reflection of the sun off of an ornament. While his tactic of canceling Christmas did not work in his favor, he simply wanted to discipline his children and be a good father and husband. No matter what goofy things he comes up with, he receives unconditional love from his family, matching the love he has for them.
My favorite character of all time is Baloo from The Jungle Book. He is a fun loving and silly sloth bear. When Mowgli, a young jungle boy raised by wolves, starts to follw Baloo, Baloo decides to teach Mowgli the ways of the big bad jungle. He teaches him how to peel bananas, make fire and travel around the jungle safely. Throughout the movie, Baloo keeps Mowgli's spirits high by showing him dances and singing songs about the jungle, one of my favorite songs being "The Bare Necessities." I admire Baloo because he took in Mowgli, a human boy that the other jungle residents did not approve of, because he was alone. Athough this movie is a classic Walt Disney film and is targeting a younger audience, I think it teaches basic lessons about being a compassionate human being. After all, helping those in need is one of the most gratifying things we humans can do for one another.
My favorite character is Bella Swan from the Twilight series. Bella is a normal girl that moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad. She ends up falling in love with this boy, Edward, who just happens to be a vampire. Edward, being a unique vampire, can read everyone's thoughts but Bella's because she has a very private mind. Bella's friend, Jacob, is also in love with her but she does not feel the same way. Bella is torn between Edward, a vampire, and Jacob, a werewolf, when Edward returns after leaving her for so long but in the end Bella ends up choosing Edward. Edward and Bella get married and later becomes pregnant. Bella now has a half-human, half-vampire baby in her stomach that grows abnormally fast and starts hurting Bella. Bella is now dying because of what the child is doing to her, so Edward takes the child out after it breaks Bella's spine. Edward must bite Bella and turn her into a vampire to save her life and for her to heal. Bella, a newborn vampire, should have an extremely hard time resisting human blood but her new found vampire power allows her to ignore the scent. Since she is a unique vampire and a very private mind, she has the ability to shield herself and those around her from other vampires' mind control. AT the end of Breaking Dawn, the last book in the series, Bella is able to cast the shield away from herself, so Edward can read her mind. Bella is my favorite character because she is able to escape from a vampire after being bitten, she has had the advantage of knowing all three worlds(vampire, werewolf, and human), and she can live forever with Edward Cullen.
My favorite character of all time would be Dwight Schrute from the T.V. series "The Office." Contrary to your beliefe "The Office" is one of the funniest shows out there. Dwight is my favorite character because he's hilarious without ever intending to be. He says the most random things that he is completely serious about that end up being so awkward. Dwight is a strange individual to say the least. In one episode the company desides to start selling their paper online. Dwight is infuriated by this, even though he's not losing his job. He vows to beat the computer in a selling contest. They track sales throughout the day and Dwight end sup selling more reems of paper than the computer. Throughout all of this the office prankster, Jim, is messing aroung with Dwight. Dwight is a very gulliable person and Jim sends him messages to his computer about the sale, but has them marked from the computer. So the whole time Dwight thinks he is talking to the very computer he is facing off against. This show is hilarious and I watch it every day. Without Dwight I don't think my life would be complete.
My favorite character is John Tyree from the book Dear John. In his younger years he acted out and did not care too much about his life. He hated the fact that his dad was differnt and they did not have a good relationship. After highschool, he joined the army because he was tired of the way his life was going. During one of his summer leaves, he met and fell in love with this girl Savannah. Savannah changed his life in ways he could of never imagined. He treated her with so much love and respect. His outlook on life changed tremendously. He began to realize that his father tried the best he could to make him a good life. He learned to care and love his father for that. He is a strong indivdual and enlists himself back in the army after Sept. 11. Even though it broke his heart to not be able to begin spending his life with Savannah, he knew that the right thing to do was serve his country. This sacraficed his relationship because of the time spent apart but he knew she could not wait for forever. He finally felt blessed with his life.
My favorite character lives in a pineapple under the sea. He has a pet snail named Gary, a bitter clarinet playing squid neighbor, and a starfish for a best friend. His name is Spongebob Squarepants. Who wouldn’t like a character like that? His oversized head, big brown eyes, long pencil nose, and yellow porous body is cuter than a newborn puppy. His innocent comedic jokes and contagious giggle captures the hearts of people all over the world. From frying crabby patties at the Krusty Krab to saving lives at the local underwater beach, this sponge is never bored. To genuinely enjoy this talking sponge, you must use your imagination and set aside everything you consider “normal” and just accept that anything is possible in Bikini Bottom, his hometown. Spongebob Squarepants drives a boat underwater, feeds his pet snail cat food, and, despite his square stature, has round parents. His naïve optimistic attitude towards life enables him to see the beauty in all people, even the evil Plankton who constantly plots ruling the world. His adventures through Bikini Bottom teach him life lessons and always make me smile.
My favorite character would have to be John Coffey from The Green Mile. It took me over an hour to come to this conclusion because of how many great movies I have seen and books I have read. Trying to decide which character is your favorite is a terribly hard thing to do because they all bring something different to the story they are in and are all great in their own ways. John Coffey stood out in my mind though because he is just a great big contradiction of sorts. He is a giant of a man. Six and a half feet and three-hundred pounds of raw power, but he would never hurt a fly. Looking at him you would be scared, but he would never lay a finger on anybody. He isn't worried about fighting anyone, he is more worried about being scared of the dark when its bed time. When you talk to John, you would think that he is dumb as a stump and good for nothing. That though, is totally wrong. He may not be smart, but he just knows things. He is able to heal people of their ailments and take back the evil that has been done to people. Whether it be healing a woman of cancer, or bringing back to life a dead mouse. John Coffey knows absolutely nothing, yet absolutely everything. He is a truly complex and great character.
The character in which I would choose would have to be Ed Helms who plays Stu in the movie "The Hangover." Stu is a funny character and always something is going on with him throughout the story. After a wild night in the Las Vegas casinos, Stu wakes up to a trashed hotel room and missing his front tooth. He has no recollection of his night before but still tries to find his friend Doug. Him and his friends are trying to replay their night any way they can. Later on he finds out that he proposed and got married to an exotic dancer in a small chapel, stolen a tiger from a professional boxers house and stolen a police car, not remembering any of this the next morning. In the beginning of the movie he was always answering his fiancés calls and was worrying about her but she did not treat him nicely. Later on in the movie he decided to do what made him happy and not always be treated poorly by her. Stu then gets the idea of where his friend Doug was and went and found him. Stu is overall just a good actor and made the movie much more funny.
My favorite character is hands down Michael Scott from the show The Office. Michael Scott is played by Steve Carrell who is the manager of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Ohio. He is the epitome of what a boss should not be. Thats what makes him so funny he always says and does the wrong thing. His work day is like no ones in the real world. I think thats why people tune in or at least thats why I do. You never know what going to happen on the next episode but you know its going to make you laugh. He is full of himself and obnoxious but Steve Carrell portrays it in a great way. He does it in a way where he makes it funny. He makes people laugh about how obnoxious he is. Michael Scott is one of the many characters that make The Office such a great show.
As I flip through the channels on Monday nights, I always find the arrogant cop or the desperate housewife or the crying doctor. But, only when I hit FOX do I find a character that is so unique, so insane that I can never change the channel. This character is Dr. Gregory House. House breaks every rules, insults every person, and never ever looks back. Each one of his patients are puzzles that he would die to solve. His sarcastic comments about his cases eventually click in his genius mind and he would solve his cases. However, House is extremely complicated. Addicted to drugs and sex, House only relies on his best friend Dr. Wilson who he takes advantage of every single day. Even through all this, I am very interested and almost feel bad for him. Each week, I hang to every line that Dr. House says and can't wait until the next episode.
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