Yellow Class--vocab words from The Ministers Black Veil

Here is a list of vocabulary words from The Minister's Black Veil. You should print this out at home so you can study these words for a quiz next week. Write a sentence using the word that you've been assigned. As always, indicate who you are by with your initials.
Sexton—n- church official who maintains property or tolls bell
Semblance—n—an outward appearance
Clerical—adj—trained to handle official duties
Inanimate—adj—not animated or energetic
Perturbation---n—the state of being agitated or perturbed
Iniquity—n— a gross injustice
Unwonted—adj—not usual
Indecorous—adj—lacking propriety or good taste
Profane---adj—vulgar, sacrilegious ---v—to put to disgrace
Ostentatious—adj—showy display, pretentious
Sagacious---adj—acutely insightful and wise
Hoary—adj—gray and white with age
Vagary—n—an extravagant or erratic notion or action
Imbue—v- to inspire or influence thoroughly, to pervade
Averse---adj—having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion
Remonstrance---n—an expression of protest
Expedient---adj—appropriate to a purpose
Deputation—n—delegation or group of delegates
Abash—v--- to make ashamed or uneasy
Plight—n—a situation or condition, esp. bad or unfortunate
Preternatural---adj—beyond the norm or natural
Antipathy—n—feeling of opposition
Irreproachable—adj—perfect or blameless in every respect
Mitigate—v—alleviate or lessen in intensity
Comely—adj—pleasure to look at
Torpor—n—state of mental or physical inactivity
That profane language will never be aloud as long as I'm around.
The girl was being very ostentatious, trying to impress every person she met by showing off her knowledge of specific subjects.
After the fatal car accident, the medics pulled the inanimate body of a man from the shreds of his car.
The two kids screamed profane language at each other as they threw punches.
Although the young boy’s father was a professional football player, the young boy was averse to football because it was too strenuous and wore him out.
the wise old man offered sagacious stories of his youth and the lessons he learned in the military to any young boy or girl who would listen.
There was a vagary of the climate since global warming.
The sexton was excited when his new job of looking after the church was offered.
I wish you could imbue me to excell at something like your father did to you.
MR YEllow
I felt very abash after I got caught cheating on the test.
The room was much more attractive and comely after it was redecorated.
TV yellow
Because I like to work with money, I applied for the clerical job of a cashier.
The young blonde haired man appeared very comely on his prom night, wearing a tuxedo.
By looking at the stranger, the woman decided that he had a semblance of a soldier, judging by the way he was walking and the uniform he was wearing.
Some people were in disbelief of the unwonted stories of the explorers expedition.
That hoary old man is so old, he lost all of his teeth and cannot hear out of both ears.
Ingredients are expedient to baking a cake.
The athlete was in a plight after breaking her arm two days before the national competition.
The horrific crash left the victom in a torpor state, no physical movements or mental activity.
The student believed he was irreproachable due to his athleticism and high grade point average.
People talking loudly in the library when you are trying to concentrate and study or get work done can be a huge perturbation.
The girl had such a strong feeling of antipathy toward the boy that she spread a very nasty rumor about him.
My mom said that she would mitigate my punishment from two months of grounding to one.
My grandmom is so indecorous that she gives me lousy clothes for Christmas.
John had a preternatural ability to understand any language someone spook with.
The president's deputation also known as Congress helps pass our country's laws
I suffer the iniquity of my teachers harsh treatment.
A group of people stood in front of the science laboratories to show remonstrance against animal testing.
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