Blue Class Vocab from The Minister's Black Veil

Sexton—n- church official who maintains property or tolls bell
Semblance—n—an outward appearance
Clerical—adj—trained to handle official duties
Inanimate—adj—not animated or energetic
Perturbation---n—the state of being agitated or perturbed
Iniquity—n— a gross injustice
Unwonted—adj—not usual
Indecorous—adj—lacking propriety or good taste
Profane---adj—vulgar, sacrilegious ---v—to put to disgrace
Ostentatious—adj—showy display, pretentious
Sagacious---adj—acutely insightful and wise
Hoary—adj—gray and white with age
Vagary—n—an extravagant or erratic notion or action
Imbue—v- to inspire or influence thoroughly, to pervade
Averse---adj—having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion
Remonstrance---n—an expression of protest
Expedient---adj—appropriate to a purpose
Deputation—n—delegation or group of delegates
Abash—v--- to make ashamed or uneasy
Plight—n—a situation or condition, esp. bad or unfortunate
Preternatural---adj—beyond the norm or natural
Antipathy—n—feeling of opposition
Irreproachable—adj—perfect or blameless in every respect
Mitigate—v—alleviate or lessen in intensity
Comely—adj—pleasure to look at
Torpor—n—state of mental or physical inactivity
The meal they had at the restaurant was indecorous.
The students held a remonstrance against the project the teacher assigned over the break.
The inanimate object sat still as a rock without an sign of movement.
My parents put me in a plight after they made me choose which one of them I would take to the baseball game.
The old man's mind and hair grew more hoary with every passing day.
After the women entered the room, you could tell that the men thought she was comely.
On Valentine's Day Emily's boyfriend Bob got her comely flowers that she thought would look great in a vase.
They were in awe of his preternatural skill at basketball.
The inanimate object sat still as a rock without any sign of movement.
After speaking out against my plans, Mark left me with antipathy
When animals hibernate, they are in torpor.
Matt's use of profane language got him in trouble.
It was hard to pay attention to his inanimate unexciting speech.
Justin does participates well in class, especially when he asks expedient questions.
John abashed James when he called him out for peeing his pants in fifth grade.
When applying for a job, the manager asked the secretary if she had any clerical skills.
The sagacious old man told of very insightful and educational stories.
the criminals weren't convicted because the evidence was irreproachable
In the early 20th century,the book "The Jungle" shocked many readers as it described all the inequities that went on in the meat packing industries.
^ done by justin drummond
When he won his state championship, the ostentatious wrestle did a backflip on the mat.
The sexton got fired after a Sunday mass after he forgot to ring the bells.
The authorities realized too late that the deputation in their facility was corrupt.
The sexton was fired after a Sunday mass after he forgot to ring the bells.
Mitigation of the cold weather involves taking actions aimed at increasing body temperture, blocking wind, and keeping warm.
Janice said that Chandler imbues her to try her best in school.
The sexton was fired after a Sunday mass after he forgot to ring the bells.
When he won his state championship, the ostentatious wrestle did a backflip on the mat.
The boy suffered from perturbation because he was annoyed at the nickname people have been calling him and he didn't like it.
The sexton was fired after a Sunday mass after he forgot to ring the bells.
The sexton was fired after a Sunday mass after he forgot to ring the bells.
The woman's husband showers her with vagary acts of love.
The semblance of the boy was appealing to all the girls at the school.
The boy suffered from perturbation because he was annoyed at the nickname people have been calling him and he didn't like it.
A group of people stood in front of the science laboratories to show remonstrance against animal testing.
Even though we agree on most legal issues, I am averse toward your opinion regarding this new court case.
His behavior that morning was completely unwanted, he had never acted that way before.
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